UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /06 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[12:19] <wgrant> tjaalton: Are you likely to have time in the next few days for the property stuff, or shall I attempt to give some time to it this weekend?
[12:20] <tjaalton> wgrant: I should have time, yes.. last week turned out to be quite busy
[12:20] <wgrant> tjaalton: OK, thanks. I've got a lot of assignments on the go, but I can probably find time to look at it if necessary.
[12:25] <tjaalton> it should be brown-paper-bag'ish stuff, so hopefully won't take long to find out :)
[12:26] <wgrant> Yep.
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng