UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /06 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <[Solaris]> question about a dhcp server, does the server need to be "inline" (eg external --dhcp server --internal) or can the dhcp server exsist anywhere in the network
[00:34] <[Solaris]> i.e. internet connected to the router (currently running dhcp) and 4 computers connected to the router... I want to mvoe the DHCP to one of the servers
[00:45] <stainer> Solaris: Thats how we have it set up at work, with a windows server handing out addresses
[00:46] <[Solaris]> which way
[00:47] <[Solaris]> the first way "inline" or the second "in the cluster"
[00:49] <stainer> in the cluster
[00:49] <stainer> I was just looking at my linksys router and I can do it that way here at home
[00:50] <stainer> just disble dhcp and the other server will hand out the addy,s
[00:50] <stainer> Keep the default, Enable, to enable the Router' DHCP server option. If you already have a DHCP server on your network or you do not want a DHCP server, then select Disable.
[00:51] <[Solaris]> I want to activate the servers DHCPd and turn off the routers
[00:51] <[Solaris]> but maintain the current dhcp settings
[00:52] <[Solaris]> but then would i have to tell the server DHCP to redirect traffic to router
[00:52] <[Solaris]> since the router will no longer be the defualt gateway
[00:52] <stainer> no, thats not the way I understand it
[00:53] <stainer> the router will still do what it does, but the dhcp service will just be handled on another box
[00:53] <stainer> its just a service like httpd or sshs
[00:53] <stainer> err sshd
[00:54] <[Solaris]> erm i don't think my router has an interal dhcp request, and it will need to be hardcoded anyways
[00:55] <[Solaris]> right now the router is .1 server is .3 other boxes are .2 .4 .5 etc
[00:55] <stainer> when a computer needs an addy it just sends out a request, and as long as you have the port open through your router it will get the dhcp server. I would put a static on the router of or simaliar and keep it as a gateway
[00:56] <[Solaris]> erm
[00:56] <[Solaris]> if that option worked that be great
[00:57] <[Solaris]> won't have to change anything really then
[00:57] <stainer> http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch08_:_Configuring_the_DHCP_Server
[00:58] <stainer> a router/switch is idependant of dhcpd, the dhcp is an added feature of a router
[01:02] <[Solaris]> stainer kewl beans
[01:04] <stainer> you could go modem/linux box/router/network and have the linux box handle the netork AND dhcp, but that is above my skill set... I think there is a distro that will do that though
[01:04] <[Solaris]> erm so i have to write my very own dhcpd.conf ... joys
[01:04] <[Solaris]> thats the way I used to do it
[01:05] <[Solaris]> but this server doesn't have two nics
[01:05] <[Solaris]> and its a internal fileserver and don't want it on the outside really
[01:05] <stainer> gotcha
[01:06] <stainer> maybe you can help me now... I have 2 cpu's in my server. How do I know if the cpu #2 is getting used?
[01:08] <[Solaris]> i use conky to monitor loads on my cpu and other stuff
[01:08] <[Solaris]> but you have to have X installed
[01:08] <stainer> I googled it
[01:08] <stainer> systat
[01:09] <stainer> mpstat -P ALL show everything
[01:09] <[Solaris]> systat doesn't exsist on ym server
[01:10] <stainer> sorry sysstat
[01:10] <stainer> extra s
[01:13] <[Solaris]> heh still don't ahve that cmd
[01:14] <[Solaris]> heh there used to be a online place to generate dhcpd.conf files
[01:15] <stainer> mpstat is the command, but the package is sysstat
[01:23] <[Solaris]> ahh
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[04:27] <KrystallKitt> How busy is it in here?
[04:28] <ScottK> This time of day, not very.
[04:28] <KrystallKitt> Okay thats good
[04:28] <ScottK> Much busier during the US/European working day.
[04:28] <KrystallKitt> heh
[04:29] <KrystallKitt> Well I kinda need help with my audio drivers i think
[04:29] <ScottK> Audio and Server don't generally go together.
[04:29] <KrystallKitt> >.<
[04:30] <KrystallKitt> Well i've been having trouble with installing a game "Frets On Fire"
[04:30] <KrystallKitt> and honestly i know I'm never going to get help in a room with 1200 people in it..
[04:32] <ScottK> I can understand that, but it doesn't make this the right place to get support.
[04:32] <ScottK> Not a huge deal this time of day, but it's also unlikely anyone here can help.
[04:33] <KrystallKitt> Ah, mmk, thanks anyhow
[04:43] <lukehasnoname> haha
[04:46] <ScottK> What?
[05:05] <lukehasnoname> The guy looking for FoF help here
[05:20] <lukehasnoname> who else here buys linux magazines monthly?
[05:23] <[Solars]> havden't for a long time
[05:25] <rebel_kid> does the ubuntu server have trouble in virtbox?
[05:31] <SteckelBud> wow--udev 117-8 is killing my system. Anytime I try to copy files it fills up to 100% and I can't do anything--ideas!?
[05:34] <[Solars]> rebel_kid dunno why you would run server inside of VBox but the people in #vbox can help
[05:36] <rebel_kid> to run the server on my desktop (lightweight development server)
[05:36] <rebel_kid> so if i f*** everything up (which i definatly will at least once) it only effects the virt box lol
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[06:37] <lukehasnoname> Why would finch require sound
[06:37] <lukehasnoname> it's a console IM client, right?
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid
[07:46] <uvirtbot> New bug: #278610 in shadow (main) "login crashed with SIGSEGV in dump_core() (dup-of: 260687)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278610
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
[08:36] <uvirtbot> New bug: #278933 in samba (main) "Guest samba share stops working when winbind is installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278933
[08:37] <ivoks> oh, i can confirm this bug
[08:46] <kraut> moin
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=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid
[09:19] <[Solars]> ivoks can you look over my dhcpd.conf to see if i miss anything i need to fix
[09:20] <[Solars]> http://pastebin.com/m411cf711
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid
[13:01] <uvirtbot> New bug: #279022 in samba (main) "Problems with trusted domains" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279022
[13:45] <bogey-> Does anyone have a problem with Ubuntu on VMware that involves not being able to log in after the server has been online for a couple of hours?
[13:47] <brousch> bogey- i have several servers running on vmware with no problems. can you be more specific about your ubuntu and vmware versions?
[13:47] <bogey-> Ubuntu 8.04.1 on Vmware 1.07
[13:48] <bogey-> I am using Squid 2 and it seems that after a few hours the server stops responding
[13:57] <bogey-> Now thats over
[13:57] <bogey-> Does anyone have a problem with Ubuntu on VMware that involves not being able to log in after the server has been online for a couple of hours? I am using Ubuntu 8.04.1 server, text only mode. I am using VMWare 1.07. I am using the server primarliy for Squid 2 from the ubuntu repo. The server seems to freeze or unable to respond to requests from any service. No logins, No squid, No www, etc.....
[13:58] <ivoks_> bogey-: i do
[13:58] <ivoks_> bogey-: but i figured out that's cause of dlink router/switch
[13:58] <bogey-> ivoks_: have you been able to figure this out?
[13:58] <bogey-> oh, nm :(
[13:58] <bogey-> it doesnt even respond through the vmware console
[13:59] <ivoks_> right
[13:59] <bogey-> Lets you put in a user/pass and just stops
[13:59] <ivoks_> but it is working
[13:59] <bogey-> ivoks_: naw, it just stops after you put in a password.
[13:59] <ivoks_> but once you plug in keyboard and log in, run some network tools (like apt-get update), it's available from network again
[14:00] <ivoks_> bogey-: server is working, but my router doesn't allow connections to it
[14:00] <ivoks_> bogey-: i guess it's puzzeld by different MAC's on same port
[14:00] <bogey-> ivoks_: thats what i was just about to say
[14:01] <bogey-> ivoks_: dont use bridged networking, use NAT and those cheap store and forwards start working right.
[14:01] <ivoks_> that's my plan, but i needed bridge at this point
[14:02] <bogey-> brb, coffee time
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[14:11] <ivoks_> zul: ping
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
[14:11] <zul> ivoks: yo
[14:11] <ivoks> he's alive! :)
[14:11] <ivoks> i've fixed that drbd thing
[14:11] <zul> yeah its monday morning but barely ;)
[14:11] <zul> yeah I saw
[14:11] <ivoks> could you review the package?
[14:11] <zul> sure
[14:12] <ivoks> you could just grab it from my ppa and remove last changelog entry
[14:12] <ivoks> it was there cause ppa doesn't accept same version upload
[14:12] <zul> was the fix in the kernel source or in drbd?
[14:12] <ivoks> drbd
[14:12] <zul> coolio
[14:12] <ivoks> one liner :)
[14:12] <zul> you serious?
[14:12] <ivoks> yes
[14:12] <ivoks> you'll see changelog :)
[14:12] <zul> meh...
[14:13] <zul> ill get an ffe for it as well
[14:13] <ivoks> zul: current status is unusable and dangerous
[14:13] <zul> huh?
[14:13] <zul> oh the one we have in the archive :)
[14:13] <ivoks> right
[14:14] <ivoks> cause it's gogin to try communicating with vesa driver, not drbd :)
[14:14] <ivoks> going ... s/vesa/some frame buffer module/
[14:14] <zul> heh
[14:17] <ivoks> i've actually sent the patch to upstream
[14:17] <ivoks> they were shocked :D
[14:18] <zul> good job!
[14:24] <bogey-> Does anyone have a problem with Ubuntu on VMware that involves not being able to log in after the server has been online for a couple of hours? I am using Ubuntu 8.04.1 server, text only mode. I am using VMWare 1.07. I am using the server primarliy for Squid 2 from the ubuntu repo. The server seems to freeze or unable to respond to requests from any service. No logins, No squid, No www, etc.....
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[15:13] <luckyone> hello everyone
[15:13] <luckyone> would someone mind talking with me about partitions and lvm
[15:17] <ivoks> shoot
[15:21] <luckyone> ivoks: I am just trying to make sure that I know what I am doing... because I run ubuntu at home, I am the 'linux expert' at work by default
[15:22] <luckyone> essentially, we have a linux server and we need to add some disk space
[15:22] <luckyone> so we had our IT staff allocate some additional space to the virtual machine
[15:22] <luckyone> I need to get that additional space added to the logical volume
[15:23] <luckyone> my thoughts are that I first need to extend the partition with something like ext2online
[15:24] <ivoks> you have to add pv first
[15:24] <ivoks> then extend volume group
[15:24] <ivoks> and then logic volume
[15:24] <ivoks> after that you can extend ext2
[15:24] <ivoks> or ext3
[15:24] <ivoks> or xfs :)
[15:24] <luckyone> I *think* the pv is already there
[15:24] <luckyone> /dev/sda
[15:25] <ivoks> you already have LVM set up, right?
[15:25] <luckyone> it is a vm, so they just said, instead of 15GB, here is 18
[15:25] <luckyone> ivoks: yes
[15:25] <ivoks> luckyone: so, it's not additional disk, but you've expanded virtual disk?
[15:26] <luckyone> ivoks: correc
[15:27] <luckyone> ivoks: still just /dev/sda
[15:27] <ivoks> luckyone: run pvdisplay
[15:27] <ivoks> luckyone: there should be only /dev/sdaX
[15:28] <ivoks> or whole /dev/sda
[15:28] <luckyone> shows /dev/sda2
[15:28] <ivoks> and it's size?
[15:28] <luckyone> 14.9GB
[15:29] <ivoks> this is not expanded size, right?
[15:29] <luckyone> correct
[15:29] <ivoks> fdisk -l /dev/sda
[15:30] <ivoks> does it show additional space at the end?
[15:30] <luckyone> no
[15:30] <ivoks> hm...
[15:30] <luckyone> maybe
[15:30] <luckyone> /dev/sda1 1 - 13
[15:30] <luckyone> /dev/sda2 14 - 1958
[15:31] <luckyone> it shows /dev/sda as being 19.3 GB though
[15:32] <ivoks> pvresize should be your friend
[15:32] <ivoks> umount partition first
[15:32] <ivoks> backup all data :D
[15:34] <luckyone> so if I unmount and pvresize, it will automatically extend the pv and add it to the lv?
[15:34] <ivoks> no
[15:34] <ivoks> it will just expand pv
[15:34] <ivoks> then you have to expand vg
[15:34] <ivoks> and after that lv
[15:34] <luckyone> I guess can you explain the process, I am opening man pages now
[15:35] <ivoks> at the end, you have to extend filesystem
[15:35] <ivoks> lv is part of vg, while vg is on top of pv
[15:36] <luckyone> pvresize says you currently see this physical volume as 15GB, it is actually 18GB
[15:36] <ivoks> then resize it to 18G
[15:36] <ivoks> backup data first!
[15:36] <luckyone> hehe, we had them take a snapshot
[15:37] <ivoks> expanding isn't that painfull... a week ago i resized 120Gb to 20GB :)
[15:37] <luckyone> yikes!
[15:37] <luckyone> I am not going to do it until 1) I understand it or 2) after 11:00 CDT, whichever is later
[15:38] <luckyone> but the process is 1) run pvresize to tell the physical volume how big it is
[15:38] <ivoks> well, which part you don't understand now?
[15:38] <luckyone> 2) add the additional space to the vg?
[15:39] <luckyone> 3) extend the partition?
[15:39] <ivoks> vgextend
[15:39] <luckyone> is that right at a high level?
[15:39] <ivoks> that's bellow logic volume
[15:39] <ivoks> and bellow volume group is physical volume
[15:40] <ivoks> on top of logic volume is filesystem
[15:40] <ivoks> so, if you are exanding:
[15:40] <ivoks> pv -> vg -> lv -> fs
[15:40] <ivoks> if you are reducing:
[15:40] <ivoks> fs -> lv -> vg -> pv
[15:42] <ivoks> filesystem can be only on one logic volume
[15:42] <ivoks> logic volume can be only from one logic group
[15:42] <ivoks> logic group can be on multiple physical volumes
[15:43] <ivoks> there can be multiple logic volumes in volume group and there can be multiple volume groups on physical volumes
[15:43] <luckyone> gotcha
[15:43] <ivoks> so, it's quite easy
[15:43] <luckyone> so, it doesn't make sense to try and run ext2online on something that doesn't even 'belong' to the pv yet
[15:45] <ivoks> correct
[15:45] <ivoks> you can't extend filesystem if lv isn't bigger
[15:45] <ivoks> you have to extend lv before that
[15:45] <luckyone> ok, resize the pv, extend the lv, extend partition
[15:46] <ivoks> and before extending lv, there needs to be room in vg
[15:46] <ivoks> to get room in vg, extend pv first, and then vg
[15:46] <ivoks> pv vg lv
[15:46] <luckyone> pvresize, vgextend, lvextend, ext2online (or fdisk)
[15:46] <ivoks> right
[15:47] <ivoks> just go for it
[15:48] <luckyone> haha, what could I possibly screw up?
[15:48] <luckyone> I have a backup!
[15:48] <ivoks> right
[15:49] <luckyone> ivoks: thanks for the help
[15:49] <ivoks> np
[15:49] <luckyone> ivoks: if you are still on when I do this in an hour or two, I may ping you...
[15:50] <luckyone> :)
[15:50] <ivoks> do it now
[15:50] <luckyone> not now, one of my associates is using that box for a demo
[15:50] <ivoks> who cares
[15:50] <ivoks> now! :D
[15:50] <luckyone> it is one of our peoplesoft demo boxes
[15:51] <ivoks> ah... marketing... kills all the fun in software
[15:51] <luckyone> lol
[16:02] <frame45> does anyone know if you can put Ubuntu on a LaCie ethernet disk, like you can the Linksys NSLU2 (slug)
[16:10] <zul> mathiaz: ping
[16:10] <mathiaz> zul: ouch
[16:11] <zul> mathiaz: slangasek refreshed the patches Ill try to work in samba-3.2.4 this week
[16:11] <mathiaz> zul: great
[16:17] <Koon> zul: about samba, any success in reproducing bug 260687 ?
[16:17] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 260687 in samba "pam_smbpass.so segfaults" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260687
[16:18] <zul> Koon: not yet
[16:21] <Koon> zul: also about bug 277447, let me know what option we should pursue : try to get rc11-1 in or prepare a fix for just the issue. My guess is that there are plenty of useful fixes for bugs we'll hit anyway... but changes in rc10 are quite extensive
[16:21] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 277447 in openvpn "script failed: could not execute external program " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277447
[16:26] <mathiaz> Koon: are there new features in rc10 ?
[16:27] <mathiaz> Koon: if they're mainly bug fixes we don't necessarly require a FFexception.
[16:27] <Koon> mathiaz: there are new configuration options
[16:27] <Koon> mostly driven as bug fix complements
[16:28] <Koon> mathiaz: check out http://openvpn.net/index.php/documentation/change-log/changelog-21.html
[17:36] <monteslu> anyone have luck with a "RAID bus controller: Dell PowerEdge Expandable RAID controller 5" ?
[17:59] <[Solars]> where should i start looking for an answer for this
[18:00] <[Solars]> Oct 6 07:45:08 hel dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of <null address> on eth0 to port 67
[18:00] <[Solars]> Oct 6 07:45:46 hel last message repeated 3 times
[18:00] <[Solars]> Oct 6 07:46:59 hel last message repeated 6 times
[18:00] <[Solars]> got a ton of entries like
[18:00] <[Solars]> lots of repeats
[18:01] <[Solars]> thats in the syslog file
[18:02] <[Solars]> i am unable to ping
[18:03] <[Solars]> nothing shows drake@hel:/srv/media$ nano /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases
[18:03] <[Solars]> for that address
[18:04] <[Solars]> i physically check each network device and find nothing
[18:05] <Fenix|work> Greetings...
[18:05] <Fenix|work> I'm having some difficulties with sarg-reports on my server
[18:05] <[Solars]> thik its a bootp device? in my dhcpd.config file i have it to deny bootp devices
[18:06] <Fenix|work> sarg-reports today works like a champ, but sarg-reports daily (or weekly and monthly) exit fine, but don't actually generate reports of any kind
[18:08] <stainer> Solars: I read something about maybe an extra step for Windows devices... something about a WINS server, or something
[18:10] <[Solars]> erm i don't have another server here
[18:11] <Fenix|work> [Solars], what's the problem? I only caught the very tail-end of your info
[18:11] <[Solars]> it has litereally fills up the entire syslog (many hours)
[18:11] <[Solars]> i got soemthing on my network thats
[18:11] <[Solars]> repeating
[18:11] <[Solars]> Oct 6 08:00:20 hel dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of <null address> on eth0 to port 67
[18:12] <[Solars]> multiple times per sec
[18:12] <[Solars]> (its not doing it right now it appears)
[18:12] <[Solars]> but no address exsist on the network
[18:12] <[Solars]> nothing in dhcpd.leases
[18:12] <[Solars]> can't ping it
[18:12] <[Solars]> and can't account for that address
[18:13] <[Solars]> but is in the dhcpd pool
[18:13] <brousch> could be a virtual machine on NAT?
[18:13] <[Solars]> NAT is taken care by the router
[18:13] <[Solars]> from the isp
[18:14] <[Solars]> and no virtual machines running
[18:14] <Fenix|work> and we're talking about dhclient.leases right?
[18:14] <[Solars]> heh yea
[18:14] <[Solars]> sorry about that
[18:14] <[Solars]> trying to find whats flooding the dhcpd
[18:15] <[Solars]> for a request
[18:15] <Fenix|work> [Solars], hehe... I believe it's a bug in DHCP3
[18:16] <[Solars]> is there a work around/fix for that
[18:16] <Fenix|work> when you see DHCPREQUEST of <null address> what you're actually seeing is a client renewing it's IP address. you only see an IP where null address when it's a new client looking for a new IP
[18:17] <Fenix|work> It's not really a bug per-se ...
[18:17] <Fenix|work> ... turn down debugging logging for dhclient
[18:18] <[Solars]> strange
[18:18] <[Solars]> i only have 4 computers online last night
[18:18] <[Solars]> and i was getting hundred if not thousands of requests
[18:18] <Fenix|work> what's the default lease time?
[18:19] <[Solars]> 12 hours and 24 hours
[18:19] <[Solars]> 12 hour min 24 hours max
[18:19] <Fenix|work> you know how dhcp renewals work?
[18:20] <[Solars]> computer sends request to network (broadcast), the server responds I am here (handshakes), etc etc
[18:20] <Fenix|work> each client trys to renew it's lease halfway through it's lease period
[18:20] <Fenix|work> so yours is 12 hours lease
[18:20] <Fenix|work> so every six hours it requests to re-lease the address
[18:21] <[Solars]> erm when i had the lease times lwoer
[18:21] <[Solars]> to like 5 mins (when i was setting up)
[18:21] <Fenix|work> if it doesn't get a response it tries again in 3 hours, then 1.5 hours, then in .75 hours, and so on and so forth... until it gets small and the lease expires.
[18:21] <[Solars]> it did not show "DHCPREQUEST of <null address>"
[18:21] <[Solars]> no lease renewed
[18:22] <[Solars]> no devices on my network as that ipaddress either
[18:22] <Fenix|work> wierd
[18:23] <[Solars]> i been tail -f the syslog all night
[18:23] <[Solars]> and i have a ton of requests
[18:24] <luckyone> i am about to attempt to add disk space to a logical volume, can anyone help me?
[18:25] <[Solars]> also have a ton of these
[18:25] <[Solars]> Oct 6 11:30:53 hel dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of <null address> on eth0 to port 67
[18:25] <[Solars]> Oct 6 11:30:53 hel dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:1a:4d:45:a6:7f via eth0
[18:25] <[Solars]> bah i need to start using pastebin
[18:25] <luckyone> the process I discussed earlier was using pvresize, vgextend, lvextend, and ext2online
[18:25] <[Solars]> raid or no raid?
[18:25] <luckyone> non-raid
[18:26] <[Solars]> can't help you on that subject, sorry
[18:33] <[Solars]> erm i think i found the problem but not sure how to fix it
[18:34] <[Solars]> in the dhcpd.conf i setup so the server itself will get a static address, when request it self for a ip address....(not sure if thats a good or soso idea)
[18:34] <[Solars]> but anyways i restarted dhcpd3
[18:34] <[Solars]> now i am getting flooded with acks and requests
[18:35] <[Solars]> from the server ip address
[18:37] <[Solars]> so i am going to try and just restart the /etc/init.d/network
[18:39] <Fenix|work> is there any way to have logrotate exclude a set of logs?
[18:39] <Fenix|work> or have a different schedule for a different set of logs?
[18:40] <[Solars]> yea
[18:40] <[Solars]> there are some examples in 'man logrotate
[18:40] <[Solars]> '
[18:40] <trashguy> YEEEEOOOW
[18:41] <[Solars]> trashguy!
[18:41] <trashguy> what up
[18:42] <Fenix|work> ok... I now know fully what's going on
[18:43] <Fenix|work> Any devs here attached to the sarg package?
[18:43] <Fenix|work> or maintainers :)
[18:44] <Fenix|work> or squid people :)
[18:49] <Fenix|work> [Solars], if I want to concatenate the log files together
[18:49] <Fenix|work> .log.2 is the oldest, followed by .log.1 then .log correct ?
[18:49] <trashguy> i dont typically do that
[18:50] <trashguy> because there is a reaosn they are broken down
[18:50] <trashguy> they get to big
[18:50] <trashguy> and searching is a pain in the ass
[18:50] <Fenix|work> trashguy, I agree, they do get big
[18:50] <luckyone> can anyone in here help me add disk space to my lvm?
[18:50] <trashguy> my webserver logs get in to the gigs
[18:50] <Fenix|work> but when logrotate runs daily and I need to generate montly reports on a set of logs, I can't get monthly reports cus a month doesn't exist :)
[18:51] <luckyone> I have a vm that our IT staff added disk space to, but i don't know how to make that usable (add it to the lvm)
[18:51] <luckyone> I tried to run pvresize to add the additional space to the physical volume, but it didn't do anything
[18:53] <[Solars]> Fenix|work then why not just do a monthly rotate?
[18:53] <Fenix|work> I am
[18:53] <[Solars]> if thats what you need
[18:53] <Fenix|work> There's a misconfiguration in the logrotate.d/squid file
[18:53] <Fenix|work> and I need to find out more how sarg-report works
[18:54] <[Solars]> erm okay dunno what to say then sorry
[18:55] <Fenix|work> more specifically sarg, since it appears sarg-reports is a kind of wrapper that simplifies running reports with sarg
[18:56] <rrittenhouse> I just updated my feisty (desktop) server last week and now i'm having problems with the networking. If i SSH and port forward I can't connect to "Remote Desktop" (VNC). Is this a known problem? It also seems that I can't VNC into it at all.
[18:56] <rrittenhouse> I was using firestarter to block connections to all but SSH before this happened but I have to start firestarter up everytime i want it
[18:57] <r00tintheb0x> hello all.
[18:57] <r00tintheb0x> Im trying to set up a BIND server... for internal use.
[18:58] <r00tintheb0x> I had to move our domain controller from our DC here to a co-lo during hurricane ike.
[18:58] <r00tintheb0x> Big pain, DHCP relay isnt working over a VPN tunnel between the two locations.
[18:58] <r00tintheb0x> So im trying to relay get dhcp to work on this new ubuntu server i put up and get all my internal names off the old win2k3 ad server.
[18:58] <r00tintheb0x> Any magic commands?
[19:23] <cyris|> hey everyone. every time i sudo apt-get install package i get the following error. sudo: unable to resolve host s142-179-206-147.ab.hsia.telus.net. this is what my /etc/hosts file looks like. Any ideas ? thanks http://rafb.net/p/Lo4foa84.html
[19:25] <ivoks> and what's your hostname?
[19:25] <cyris|> s142-179-206-147.ab.hsia.telus.net
[19:25] <ivoks> that's your hostname? :)
[19:25] <ivoks> is that dynamic or static ip?
[19:26] <cyris|> static, but my isp doesn't support hardcoding of ips so i have to use dhcp to grab it.
[19:26] <r00tintheb0x> I got it.
[19:26] <ivoks> what does this return:
[19:27] <r00tintheb0x> My problem at least.
[19:27] <ivoks> nslookup s142-179-206-147.ab.hsia.telus.net
[19:27] <ivoks> is it resolvable?
[19:27] <r00tintheb0x> Hey guys, how can I reconfigure my network via dpkg ?
[19:27] <r00tintheb0x> dpkg-reconfigure networking isnt working
[19:27] <r00tintheb0x> heh
[19:27] <ivoks> r00tintheb0x: dpkg can't configure your network
[19:28] <cyris|> ivoks: doesn't seem to :/ user@s142-179-206-147:~$ nslookup s142-179-206-147.ab.hsia.telus.net
[19:28] <cyris|> Server:
[19:28] <cyris|> Address:
[19:28] <cyris|> ** server can't find s142-179-206-147.ab.hsia.telus.net: NXDOMAIN
[19:28] <cyris|> opps
[19:28] <cyris|> my bad im sorry
[19:28] <ivoks> cyris|: no need to paste
[19:28] <cyris|> http://rafb.net/p/RfUixx31.html
[19:28] <ivoks> cyris|: well, that's your problem
[19:29] <ivoks> your DNS doesn't know anything about that hostname
[19:29] <ivoks> cyris|: why don't you use some normal names like 'mysuperserver'
[19:29] <ivoks> ?
[19:30] <cyris|> this particular box is using my ISP's dns servers
[19:30] <ivoks> cyris|: so what...
[19:31] <ivoks> cyris|: you could call your server 'twingo'
[19:31] <ivoks> cyris|: and add twingo in hosts, as an alias for
[19:32] <r00tintheb0x> Okay, ivoks should I just manually edit /etc/network* to reflect the changes I want?
[19:32] <ivoks> r00tintheb0x: after you edit it, restart networking /etc/init.d/networking restart
[19:33] <r00tintheb0x> Okay, thanks.
[19:33] <ivoks> r00tintheb0x: be sure not to make any mistakes :)
[19:33] <r00tintheb0x> hehe, yeah. the server is local so it wont be too bad.
[19:34] <ivoks> r00tintheb0x: if you fsck up, use ipmi to fix it :)
[19:34] <r00tintheb0x> ipmi?
[19:34] <ivoks> if your server supports it, of course
[19:34] <ivoks> lots of servers support ipmi, and their owners don't know that
[19:34] <ivoks> and that thing makes live so much easier :)
[19:35] <ivoks> life
[19:35] <r00tintheb0x> I see.
[19:40] <Fenix|work> How do I go about verifying a bug in launchpad?
[19:40] <ivoks> click on 'New' and select 'Confirmed'
[19:49] <webtech_m33> hello.. i am looking for a how to, to rebuild a .deb package
[19:50] <webtech_m33> i dpkg-buildpackage and created a new .deb file
[19:50] <ivoks> webtech_m33: #ubuntu-motu would be a better place for those kind of questions
[19:50] <webtech_m33> mmk
[20:11] <cyris|> ivoks: sorry i had to jet their for a sec. my only problem is that I need to use a hostname for this machine thats resolvable publicly.
[20:11] <ivoks> i don't see why you should have to do that
[20:14] <cyris|> ivoks: maybe i dont :/ zimbra is complaining that my hostname isn't resolvable with my dns servers. i'm gonna just alias a hostname like you said and see what happens
[20:15] <ivoks> cyris|: set up nice, normal hostname
[20:15] <ivoks> cyris|: add that hostname as an alias for and problem sloved
[20:15] <cyris|> so i added an entry into /etc/hosts with london and edited /etc/hostname with london.
[20:16] <cyris|> ivoks: is that correct?
[20:16] <ivoks> yes
[20:17] <[Solars]> ivoks by chance you ever get a chance to look at my dhcpd3.config file>
[20:17] <ivoks> i'm not the only one around here :D
[20:17] <[Solars]> but your the most spoken one :P
[20:18] <ivoks> [Solars]: iirc, it looked ok
[20:19] <[Solars]> erm how to restart python or kill python threads
[20:19] <[Solars]> ivoks thats good to hear
[20:20] <[Solars]> first time in years i made one of those config's
[20:20] <cyris|> ivoks: I must be setting up my /etc/hosts file incorrectly, or zimbra's installer is picky. check this out. http://rafb.net/p/X4HsNt33.html
[20:22] <ivoks> cyris|: like this:
[20:22] <ivoks> localhost.localdomain localhost london
[20:22] <ivoks> one line
[20:22] <cyris|> ivoks: err sorry!
[20:25] <[Solars]> erm whats the command to list current threads/
[20:27] <cyris|> ivoks: ah ok i gotcha. i question tho. is that 2 alias's then ? it was my impression that the order was IP,hostname,alias
[20:27] <cyris|> a question*
[20:27] <ivoks> cyris|: you can have numerus aliases
[20:27] <cyris|> ivoks: ok
[20:37] <RediXe> sudo setfacl -dm g:mygroup:rwx /mnt/common/ permission denied any idea's?
[20:39] <ivoks> mounted with acl?
[20:40] <ivoks> i would really love to see 9.04 with acl by default
[20:43] <RediXe> ivoks: sshfs#steven@ /mnt/colossus/common/ fuse,acl user 0 0 is in my fstab
[20:44] <RediXe> Not sure if the acl is supposed to be there or after user
[20:44] <ivoks> sshfs supports acl?
[20:44] <ivoks> i kind of doubt that
[20:45] <RediXe> No idea
[20:45] <ivoks> well, you'll need server supporting acl if you want to set up acl on it's directory
[20:46] <RediXe> sshfs is the way we are mounting network drive for the users and we are running into the issue of when a new file is created on the directory they permissions are wrong and we are running chown and chmod to get them working again
[20:47] <RediXe> That's getting to be a pain to do everytime
[20:47] <ivoks> i know
[20:47] <ivoks> that's why i said; ACL would be great by default
[20:47] <RediXe> ivoks: :P This is the first time I have ever used it
[20:47] <ivoks> if you want to use it now, you'll have to setup ACL on the server's filesystem, not on the client
[20:48] <RediXe> well I have ACL installed on the server I just don't have anything set up on it
[20:48] <ivoks> you are mounting server's directory, which is probably on a filesystem that isn't mounted with acl
[20:48] <ivoks> RediXe: check the mounted filesystem
[20:48] <RediXe> Ahhh
[20:49] <RediXe> ivoks: There an easy to see them or just look to see what fstab is mounting?
[20:50] <ivoks> mount [mount point] -o remount,acl
[20:50] <ivoks> ah... to see
[20:50] <ivoks> run 'mount'
[20:50] <ivoks> that will give you an answer
[20:50] <RediXe> nothing with acl
[20:51] <ivoks> there you go, that's the problem
[20:51] <RediXe> so would I set the acl on the ext3 fs?
[20:51] <RediXe> guided - entire disk
[20:51] <RediXe> no special partition done
[20:52] <ivoks> if you want, go ahead
[20:52] <RediXe> well I'm assuming the ext3 is where all the home directories are stored
[20:52] <ivoks> ext3 is filesystem
[20:53] <ivoks> partition is where your home directories are
[20:53] <ivoks> partition can be ext2, ext3, xfs, jfs, reiser...
[20:54] <RediXe> mount /dev/sda1 -o remount,acl will add the option to the list I assume?
[20:54] <ivoks> it won't add it to fstab, just to current situation
[20:54] <RediXe> Cool
[20:54] <ivoks> you'll have to edit fstab if you want preserve that during reboots
[20:55] <ivoks> not /dev/sda1
[20:55] <ivoks> mount point
[20:55] <ivoks> like - /
[20:55] <cyris|> ivoks: thank you very much for helping me with my hostname problems. everything seems to be working.
[20:55] <ivoks> cyris|: np
[21:18] <RediXe> ivoks: Thanks! It seems to be working except for the client I was testing with. It is showing d??????????? ? ? ? ? ? common and same for finance directory. These are the mount points for sshfs. Any idea's? I tried to chmod them with sudo but permission denied still
[21:19] <ivoks> i didn't understand those ?????
[21:19] <ivoks> common and finance are dirs?
[21:20] <RediXe> yes
[21:20] <RediXe> on the clients machine I do ls -l and i see "d????????? ? ? ? ? ? common" and the same for the finance
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[21:21] <ivoks> it can't read permissions for some reason
[21:21] <RediXe> I tried to run the setfacl -b /mnt/colossus/common but I get permission denied
[21:23] <ivoks> RediXe: i never used sshfs, so i don't know what could've happend
[21:24] <RediXe> ivoks: Anyway to force remove the directories and I can just recreate them? They're just mount points? ... let me try to umount them and see if that helps (not even sure if they are mounted cuz I can cd into them and forgot to check mount) :P
[21:24] <RediXe> ivoks: Yeah, they're mounted so that might be why I'm having some trouble.
[21:32] <RediXe> ivoks: Alright, I think we're good on that issue. Do you know if ACL can auto set the new files and directories to 770 and to a specific group?
[21:32] <ivoks> i think it's -R
[21:32] <ivoks> or -d
[21:32] <ivoks> default
[21:34] <RediXe> sudo setfacl -dm g:finance:rwx /home/finance ..... this is what I have ran but when they create a new directory the group is not being set to finance
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[22:16] <uvirtbot> New bug: #279316 in bind9 (main) "SRU for bind9 to 9.4.2.dfsg.P2 on hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279316
[22:26] <jdstrand> lamont: I finally did the SRU for bug #279316
[22:26] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 279316 in bind9 "SRU for bind9 to 9.4.2.dfsg.P2 on hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279316
[22:26] <jdstrand> lamont: hi btw :)
[22:27] <jdstrand> lamont: can you comment on its regression potential (the P2 part, not the sgchase or apparmor parts)
[22:27] <jdstrand> ?
[22:28] <jdstrand> lamont: also, I noticed that we went from libisc32 to libisc35, but it looks like only bind9 binaries use it-- can you mention that as well?
[22:35] <lamont> jdstrand: will do so in a bit.
[22:36] <jdstrand> lamont: thanks-- I took the liberty of subscribing you and dejeuren as well
[23:12] <[Solars]> holy cow,
[23:14] <[Solars]> now it seems i have another problem
[23:14] <uvirtbot> New bug: #279127 in debian-installer (main) "Corrupted screen in Intrepid server installer (dup-of: 277153)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279127
[23:15] <[Solars]> gettting "Connection Interrupted" while trying to surf the web
[23:16] <[Solars]> it looks up the address, then says "waiting for website.url.com"
[23:17] <[Solars]> i can ping said servers
[23:18] <[Solars]> just seems as if http is being blocked
[23:19] <[Solars]> no clue if its my server causing the problem or my isp
[23:21] <[Solars]> any idea what files/logs i should check on my server?
[23:22] <[Solars]> i can access internal http pages
[23:27] <[Solars]> nslookup works
[23:28] <trashguy> ?
[23:28] <trashguy> whats going on [Solars]
[23:28] <[Solars]> its strangs
[23:28] <[Solars]> I can't access 'outside' internet
[23:29] <[Solars]> while intranet works
[23:29] <[Solars]> i can ping the outside, i use the DNS from the outside
[23:29] <[Solars]> but when 'surfing' i get interrupt page
[23:45] <trashguy> stop hitting esc kep