UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /06 /#ubuntu-motu.txt
Initial commit
[00:49] <ryanakca> I have an sbuild/schroot setup... I'm building a source package that provides multiple binaries, and I was wondering if it was possible to build only one of the binary packages (since I'm only testing an app included in one and I don't want to bother building the others)
[00:57] <RAOF> ryanakca: Generally, no.
[01:06] <ryanakca> RAOF: bummer, thanks
[01:06] * ryanakca does wish that there were a better way than to rebuild kdebase-runtime everytime he tries somethig
[01:09] <RAOF> Does kdebase-runtime actually _support_ only building part of it?
[01:10] <RAOF> Also, distcc and or ccache are likely to be your friend.
[01:13] <ryanakca> RAOF: I had icecc before I reinstalled Intrepid... but this time around I foolishly took amd64 while all of the other computers on my LAN are i386... but I'll look into ccache, thanks :)
[02:04] <Hobbsee> hmm.
[02:07] <ajmitch> hm?
[02:08] <Hobbsee> ajmitch: eagles ban evasion, and me being incompetent at nick banning, it seems.
[02:08] * Hobbsee usually goes for hosts
[02:08] <ajmitch> aha
[02:09] * ajmitch dodges the pointy stick
[02:09] <Hobbsee> ajmitch: do a /lastlog eagles and you'll see why.
[02:18] * Hobbsee eyes the bantracker with interest, noting that some of the mroe recent trolls have been here under other nicks.
[02:20] <slestak> i think i have spotted a problem with II breaking other releases. is a kernel dev available to discuss? I was at ubuntu+1 but no joy there
[02:22] <slestak> when i installed II on sda2, i got xorg breakage on sda3 gutsy install. nvidia driver would not load on the gutsy partition after reboot.
[02:22] <wgrant> slestak: This isn't the channel.
[02:22] <wgrant> slestak: Perhaps #ubuntu-kernel.
[02:22] <wgrant> Unlikely #ubuntu-devel.
[02:22] <wgrant> Definitely not #ubuntu-motu.
[02:22] <slestak> wgrant: tyvm
[02:23] <ajmitch> assuming it's a kernel problem at all...
[02:26] <csilk> pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libgtk2.0 which is a virtual package.
[02:26] <csilk> according to packages.ubuntu.com it is NOT a virtual package
[02:27] <csilk> any ideas whats happening here?
[02:27] <wgrant> ajmitch: #ubuntu-kernel is more likely than here, at any rate.
[02:27] <wgrant> csilk: -0
[02:27] <wgrant> You're missing the -0 from the end.
[02:28] <csilk> ahha, thats what happens you try packaging at 2:28 am.. thanks wgrant :)
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[03:20] <Elbrus> I have this package I am building (bug 172804), but it depends on bug 275688 and bug 276151
[03:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 172804 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] winff - GUI ffmpeg batch video converter" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172804
[03:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 275688 in fpc "Please sync fpc 2.2.2-3 (universe) with patch from bug #260464" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/275688
[03:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 276151 in lazarus "Please sync lazarus 0.9.24-0-12 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276151
[03:20] <Elbrus> especially the fpc sync is somewhat of an issue (newer upstream version)
[03:21] <Elbrus> anybody who can tell me how I should procede with 275688?
[03:21] <wgrant> Why do we want this for Intrepid?
[03:21] <Elbrus> all packages work and build in my ppa
[03:22] <wgrant> We are waaaay past FeatureFreeze.
[03:22] <StevenK> And "Please sync fpc 2.2.2-3 (universe) with patch from bug #260464" doesn't make sense
[03:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260464
[03:22] <Elbrus> Ok, so I should wait till after Intrepid? What can I do in the mean time?
[03:23] <wgrant> You can wait, or you can fix bugs. Ideally the latter. We need more bugfixes.
[03:23] <Elbrus> StevenK: what should I do to clarify?
[03:24] <Elbrus> wgrant: I have the fix for 260464, but I guess because of the newer upstream version it is not wanted?
[03:25] <wgrant> Bug #260464
[03:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260464
[03:25] <wgrant> Elbrus: It looks fixed to me...
[03:25] <Elbrus> wgrant: what do you mean?
[03:26] <Elbrus> The problem is that the old version has more issues.
[03:26] <wgrant> Bug #260464 appears to be fixed.
[03:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260464
[03:26] <Elbrus> wgrant: that is right, but the new version from debian had the same issue
[03:26] <Elbrus> so I had to apply the same patch
[03:27] <wgrant> * Added dpatch to fix fp-units-gtk2 undefined references (LP: #260464)
[03:27] <wgrant> - Safe to drop on next sync, Debian has a fixed version
[03:27] <wgrant> Doesn't look like it to me.
[03:27] <Elbrus> disregarding the changelog mention, that is there because my package builds on debian
[03:28] <Elbrus> I also reported bug 260464 and discussed that with jdong
[03:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260464
[03:28] <wgrant> That is the bug I'm talking about, yes.
[03:28] <Elbrus> that is how that remark arrived in the changelog
[03:29] <Elbrus> djong "gave up" on the current version and suggested I try syncing from debian
[03:29] <Elbrus> that works for me :)
[03:29] <wgrant> It looks more like he fixed it, to me.
[03:30] <Elbrus> wgrant: what I mean, after the fix of bug 260464 my winff package still did not build due to errors, djong got worried and suggested the sync
[03:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260464
[03:31] <ScottK-laptop> I don't think jdong 'gives up'. I think he gets distracted by other, shinier crack.
[03:31] <wgrant> Elbrus: You said "I have the fix for 260464", but it's already fixed.
[03:31] <Elbrus> ScottK-laptop: sorry, not given up, but he mentioned he "would regret that he was the last uploader".
[03:31] <ScottK-laptop> Yeah.
[03:32] <ScottK-laptop> I've been there.
[03:32] * wgrant too.
[03:32] <Elbrus> wgrant: I mean, I have the fix for bug 275688
[03:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 275688 in fpc "Please sync fpc 2.2.2-3 (universe) with patch from bug #260464" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/275688
[03:32] <ScottK-laptop> Remind me to never, ever sync python-numpy from Debian Experimental again.
[03:32] <Elbrus> (my .diff is attached as patch to the bug)
[03:32] <wgrant> Elbrus: We don't want a new upstream version without very good reason.
[03:33] <Elbrus> wgrant: ok. I guess I just have to wait then.
[03:34] <ScottK-laptop> Dear Launchpad: When I'm looking at the UBUNTU sponsorship bug list what posesses you to think I want to look at Debian or upstream bugs?
[03:34] * Elbrus goes to fixing other bugs :)
[03:35] <wgrant> ScottK-laptop: Launchpad has no idea that you are talking about Ubuntu. That team is a team - it has no affiliations with a distro.
[03:35] <wgrant> ScottK-laptop: You could filter /ubuntu/+bugs by subscriber.
[03:36] <ScottK-laptop> wgrant: Or I could get grumpy and kvetch some more about how Ubuntu isn't a priority for LP developers.
[03:36] <ScottK-laptop> Which would be more fun?
[03:37] <wgrant> ScottK-laptop: That one sounds good too.
[03:39] <ScottK-laptop> It's OK though, I'm currently focusing my ire on cbds.
[03:40] <ScottK-laptop> Apparently if you've only a single binary package it considers the .install optional and just installs everything into the one package.
[03:40] <ScottK-laptop> When you're trying to make an existing complex package only build one binary, that's not what I want.
[04:34] <jdong> ScottK-laptop: well I got scared with fpc when the proposed fixes started escalating to syncing the whole compiler stack from Debian....
[04:34] <jdong> at first if just a 10-line patch fixed the problem that's within my comfort zone, but I've learned when to stop over these years I've been around :)
[04:35] <ScottK-laptop> ;-)
[04:36] <ScottK-laptop> BTW, I understand backports is calling to you jdong.
[04:37] <jdong> ScottK-laptop: I've heard too; I'm trying to catch up on everything that has been bombarding me...
[04:40] <CarlFK> what is the name of the #channel for media-ubuntu ?
[04:40] <Elbrus> ScottK-laptop, jdong: it was not my intention get the name wrong, my first time remark was right. (but djong would be close to Dutch thats all ;)
[04:41] <ScottK-laptop> Elbrus: I noticed the transposition, but figured it was a simple typo. I'm just giving him grief.
[04:41] <Elbrus> jdong: so I am sorry, I hope no hard feelings...
[04:58] * ScottK-laptop decides to finish the bag of dark chocolate peanut M&M's.
[04:59] * wgrant steals them first.
[05:03] <jdong> Elbrus: ack my ping script isn't working; no hard feeling at all. Sorry I wasn't able to help you further with FPC
[05:04] <jdong> Elbrus: it's just out of my comfort zone and I'd rather not make a mistake that affects other Ubuntu users arising out of my ignorant poking around :D
[05:55] <RAOF> Hm. Anyone want to comment on a possible gnome-do FFe? Most of the diff is in adding new upstream icons, and it's now got a gconf schema which'll allow us to have it autostart without popping up on boot.
[05:57] <RAOF> There are also some cosmetic fixes, and a bugfix that I'll want to grab reardless.
[05:58] <RAOF> Gah. Being upstream's release guy and a MOTU is often cool, but not so much here :)
[06:05] <RAOF> Here's a diffstat http://paste2.org/p/82822
[06:09] <Hobbsee> RAOF: got testing packages anywhere?
[06:10] <RAOF> Hobbsee: Not yet. I can run them up easily if you'd like
[06:15] <Hobbsee> RAOF: doesn't look like much of a difference. *shrug*
[06:16] <Hobbsee> RAOF: new icons are good.
[06:16] <RAOF> I'm just cutting a tarball and building a testing package for you.
[06:23] <Hobbsee> sweet.
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[06:34] <RAOF> Hobbsee: http://www.cooperteam.net/gnome-do_0.6.1.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb
[06:34] <Hobbsee> RAOF: erm...
[06:35] <RAOF> Oh... you'd like one of (a) source package or (b) i386?
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[06:36] <RAOF> Hobbsee: http://www.cooperteam.net/gnome-do_0.6.1.0-0ubuntu1.dsc
[06:36] <Hobbsee> RAOF: i386
[06:37] <RAOF> Hobbsee: Right. I'll just update my i386 builder.
[06:37] <Hobbsee> RAOF: sorry :)
[06:38] <RAOF> No problem :)
[06:40] * NCommander feels the urge to unleash his inner geek
[06:40] <RAOF> NCommander: Review Do, then!
[06:42] <RAOF> Whoops. Need some debhelper gconf loving, apparently.
[06:44] * NCommander is debating how much he likes the Oxygen icons on revu
[06:46] <ajmitch> Hobbsee's reviewing?
[06:48] <Hobbsee> ajmitch: i'll try it out :)
[06:48] <ajmitch> shocking :)
[06:50] <StevenK> NCommander: You were after me?
[06:50] <NCommander> StevenK, I needed some help uploading things to Debian :-)
[06:50] * StevenK goes AFK
[06:50] <NCommander> crap
[06:50] <ajmitch> heh
[06:51] <NCommander> ajmitch, there's got to be something in the DPM about running away from work
[06:51] <siretart> ajmitch!! :-)
[06:51] <ajmitch> siretart!
[06:51] <ajmitch> how are you?
[06:51] <siretart> I'm doing okay, how are you?
[06:52] <didrocks> morning :)
[06:52] <NCommander> siretart, I wanted to talk to you about the ghc transition
[06:52] <ajmitch> good, busy
[06:52] <ajmitch> same as usual :)
[06:52] <siretart> NCommander: try sistpoty ;)
[06:52] <siretart> same here
[06:52] <NCommander> argh
[06:52] * NCommander fails
[06:52] <NCommander> siretart, so when is people.ubuntuwire.colm returning
[06:53] * ajmitch thought that was imbrandon's box
[06:53] <siretart> I've been working on ffmpeg lately, that package is a source of enduring joy I tell you
[06:53] * siretart thought that as well
[06:53] <siretart> you might want to ask imbrandon
[06:54] <siretart> ajmitch: I just saw a question regarding authtool on ubuntu-devel, maybe you want to reply there?
[06:54] <StevenK> NCommander: I'll upload stuff to Debian if you come to UDS.
[06:54] <StevenK> :-P
[06:54] <NCommander> StevenK, fine. Get me sponsorship
[06:54] * NCommander will fail out of an EMT class to get these things uploaded!
[06:54] <StevenK> Haha
[06:54] <ajmitch> siretart: yeah, it really should have a removal request put in
[06:54] <NCommander> StevenK, there is a chance I can make FOSSCamp if I get sponsorship
[06:55] <ajmitch> StevenK: even I uploaded something for him to debian
[06:55] <NCommander> StevenK, he got free FTBFS fixes from me, redeemable in Debian, Ubuntu, Hurd, or Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora
[06:55] * ajmitch wonders if he can redeem it with openoffice.org on debian gnu/hurd
[06:56] <NCommander> ajmitch, ooooh, that's just wrong.
[06:56] <NCommander> ajmitch, Duke Nukem Forever will be released bytime OOo finishs building on Hurd
[06:56] <ajmitch> it'd keep you busy for a bit
[06:57] * StevenK is trying to fix pacemaker
[06:57] <StevenK> I managed to fix ksimus.
[06:57] <NCommander> ajmitch, actually, we did port it for m68k ...
[06:57] <NCommander> o_o;
[06:57] <StevenK> Cacao I got working too
[06:57] <NCommander> StevenK, whats wrong with pacemaker
[06:57] <NCommander> StevenK, what my tip any help?
[06:57] <NCommander> s/what/was/g
[06:58] <StevenK> NCommander: No, since I'd managed to get it working when you re-surfaced :-P
[06:58] <NCommander> sorry ;.;
[06:58] <NCommander> pacemaker is FTBFSing, or something worse?
[06:58] <StevenK> pacemaker is just packaging stuff
[06:59] <NCommander> It's got an outstanding FTBFS bug :-)
[07:00] <NCommander> StevenK, I've got a fix for makedumpfile
[07:00] <NCommander> care to upload once I finish testbuilding
[07:01] <StevenK> To sid or Intrepid?
[07:01] <NCommander> intrepid
[07:01] <NCommander> I know not to try you for sid uploads :-)
[07:02] <NCommander> ajmitch, would you please review codeblocks for me if possible?
[07:02] <NCommander> W: makedumpfile source: ancient-standards-version (current is 3.8.0)
[07:02] <NCommander> Damn
[07:02] <NCommander> This package hasn't been touched in ages
[07:02] <StevenK> I want to upload ksimus and pacemaker, but I need to fix pacemaker first
[07:02] <NCommander> I have a debdiff ready for you
[07:03] * StevenK writes a .install file with the help of dh_install --fail-missing, grep, cut and sed
[07:03] <NCommander> That's the way to do it
[07:05] <NCommander> nice, gstreamer is broken
[07:07] <NCommander> StevenK, can you also reset the build records on some packages on ia64 for me?
[07:10] <NCommander> is there a flag to make gzip keep the original file?
[07:11] <RAOF> Bah. I was just looking in the wrong place.
[07:11] <NCommander> RAOF, for what?
[07:12] <RAOF> Hobbsee: http://www.cooperteam.net/gnome-do_0.6.1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
[07:12] <RAOF> NCommander: For the gconf schemas the new package installed.
[07:12] <StevenK> I wonder if this Do leaks like a sieve
[07:12] * StevenK hides from RAOF
[07:13] <NCommander> RAOF, you know if anyone is working on the gstream FTBFS?
[07:13] <RAOF> StevenK: No, we already fixed that gtk-sharp leak :P
[07:13] <StevenK> RAOF: I know, I'm baiting :-)
[07:14] <NCommander> How does a mono project leak?
[07:14] <NCommander> Isn't C# susposed to have GC?
[07:14] <StevenK> Like a sieve
[07:14] <RAOF> Yes. But the world is full of useful C libraries.
[07:14] <RAOF> In particular, GTK!
[07:14] <NCommander> Ew
[07:14] <NCommander> StevenK, http://pastebin.ca/1220497 - plz upload :-)
[07:15] <RAOF> This Do _also_ won't spontaneously consume a core.
[07:15] <StevenK> Haha
[07:15] <RAOF> It seems we also want to rebuild monodevelop-boo
[07:16] * NCommander needs to annouce his intent to remove gtk1.2 from the archive
[07:16] <RAOF> But how will we install xmms! :P
[07:16] <StevenK> NCommander: Why are you not calling dh_installman any more?
[07:16] <directhex> but how will we use vmware!
[07:17] <RAOF> directhex: Say _what_?
[07:17] <NCommander> StevenK, because the makefile installs the manpage into the proper place. dh_installman is more for cases when the package provides a manpage that isn't included by upstream
[07:17] <NCommander> (i.e., one you write and include in debian/*)
[07:17] <directhex> RAOF, vmware-agent is the executable you run on a vmware guest to handle things like window-resize-desktop-resize linking. and last i checked, it was linked against gtk1.2
[07:18] <NCommander> StevenK, so I'm creating a 160 task bug in Launchpad :-)
[07:18] <StevenK> NCommander: Eeeek!
[07:18] <StevenK> NCommander: Bad!
[07:18] <NCommander> StevenK, removal of gtk1.2 tracking bug
[07:18] <NCommander> I want gtk1.2 dead for jaunty
[07:19] <StevenK> steven@liquified:~% apt-cache rdepends libgtk1.2 | wc -l
[07:19] <StevenK> 198
[07:19] <NCommander> mcasadevall@blacksteel:~/src$ apt-cache rdepends libgtk1.2 | wc -l
[07:19] <NCommander> 160
[07:19] <NCommander> Hrm
[07:19] <NCommander> WTF is wrong with your setup :-)
[07:20] * StevenK haz Hardyz
[07:20] <NCommander> :-)
[07:20] <NCommander> I think its a worthwhile goal
[07:20] <NCommander> no?
[07:21] <StevenK> I think reducing what uses GTK 1.2 is worthwhile, but not removing it
[07:21] <NCommander> why not on removing it?
[07:22] <StevenK> Because 160 removals/ports is a large amount of work
[07:22] <NCommander> so have it span multiple releases
[07:22] <NCommander> And its less than 160, since there are about 20 theme packages, 5 for gtk1.2, some packages (e16menueditor for one) that probably can be removed, etc.
[07:23] <StevenK> Have you discussed this with seb128?
[07:23] <StevenK> And upstream? :-)
[07:24] <NCommander> Upstream - Debian?
[07:25] <StevenK> No, upstream being GTK upstream
[07:25] <NCommander> didn't they stop supporting 1.2 yearsago?
[07:26] <StevenK> I'm not sure
[07:28] <NCommander> I'll talk to seb128
[07:28] <NCommander> Although I would be curious to see if Launchpad could handle a 160 task bug without grinding to a halt
[07:28] <directhex> can it handle a 16 task bug without grinding to a halt?
[07:28] <StevenK> Yup
[07:29] * StevenK has played that game
[07:29] <directhex> oh, yeah, no more loki installers for commercial games! :o
[07:29] <StevenK> Nooooo
[07:29] <NCommander> er
[07:29] <NCommander> 160
[07:32] <RAOF> So... no-change rebuilds _just_ add a build1 changelog entry, right? No maintainer mangling, etc?
[07:32] <StevenK> Right
[07:32] * RAOF uploads monodevelop-boo, then.
[07:34] <RAOF> Actually, no. Check for launchpad bugs first!
[07:34] <StevenK> There's a bug?
[07:34] <RAOF> No, there isn't.
[07:34] <RAOF> I was just checking that.
[07:35] <RAOF> Obviously no one uses it, or they'd have noticed that it's not installable.
[07:38] <NCommander> RAOF, the best types of packages :-P
[07:38] <NCommander> StevenK, so makecoredump ...
[07:38] * StevenK pushes the upload time back
[07:39] * NCommander pushes StevenK a time zone forward
[07:39] <StevenK> I'm +11, there isn't much more forward
[07:39] <RAOF> Hobbsee: Having gnome-do fun?
[07:39] * StevenK refuses to move to New Zealand
[07:40] * NCommander reachs down from the sky and drops StevenK somewhere in Washington State
[07:40] <NCommander> :-)
[07:40] <StevenK> NCommander: dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field
[07:43] <NCommander> StevenK, the maintainer has an @canonical.com email ...
[07:44] <NCommander> Ok, strictly speaking the policy says ubuntu.com ...
[07:45] <NCommander> StevenK, I assume you want me to fix it
[07:49] <ajmitch> StevenK: you know you want to move to NZ...
[07:50] <NCommander> StevenK, I need to run for a few minutes, bbiab
[07:54] <StevenK> NCommander: Nah, I can deal
[08:05] <StevenK> NCommander: makedumpfile uploaded
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[08:44] <NCommander> Thank you StevenK
[08:54] <NCommander> StevenK, question; is it possible to retroactively promote something to main to resolve a bug in a released version?
[08:55] <StevenK> NCommander: Certainly
[08:56] <StevenK> NCommander: Requires an MIR and approval from ubuntu-mir
[08:56] <NCommander> StevenK, I think it was bumped in a later release to main
[08:56] <mr_pouit> NCommander: that's the contrary (xubuntu was demoted to universe)
[08:57] <NCommander> mr_pouit, but xubuntu was in main dapper/feisty/gutsy
[08:57] <mr_pouit> yep
[08:57] * NCommander beats his head on his desk
[08:58] <NCommander> can you recommend something in universe from main?
[08:58] <NCommander> (I figure thats the next best alternative since it strictly speaking isn't a depends
[08:58] <directhex> no
[08:58] <directhex> suggests only, and no build-deps
[08:58] <NCommander> Figured as much
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[10:46] <Hobbsee> RAOF: works nicely. Nice icons.
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[12:06] <AnAnt> is DKMS something like module-assistant ?
[12:07] <directhex> yes, but automagic
[12:07] <directhex> i.e. no manual m-a a-i required on kernel updates
[12:08] <AnAnt> ok, what should change in my package to support DKMS ? and is DKMS going to be used in Debian ?
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[12:10] <bigon> AnAnt, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=481590
[12:10] <ubottu> Debian bug 481590 in wnpp "ITP: dkms -- Dynamic Kernel Module Support framework" [Wishlist,Open]
[12:11] <AnAnt> that means, not yet
[12:12] <AnAnt> anyways, what should change in my package to support DKMS ?
[12:41] <liw> would anyone be willing to sponsor system-cleaner 1.10 from http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=system-cleaner ? it fixes fairly severe problems (wrong packages being removed, crashes in some circumstances)
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[14:10] <james_w> I'm looking at bug 242572, it looks like a bug fix version, but the upstream changelog is very terse
[14:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 242572 in wxsvg "Upgrade wxsvg package to b11" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242572
[14:10] <james_w> it builds fine, but there are no rdepends to test with
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[14:11] <james_w> anyone want to back me up in uploading, or suggest an alternative course of action
[14:11] <james_w> ?
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[14:31] <cody-somerville> ScottK, it may just be me but the backport of pidgin seems to disconnect MSN when people add you to their contact list :P
[14:40] <ScottK> cody-somerville: Talk to jdong. I didn't do that one (I don't think).
[14:41] <RainCT> Hi
[14:42] <RainCT> Someone is asking in my LoCo's ML if it's possible to specify a fallback mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list... Is it?
[14:47] <ScottK> RainCT: Can't you just point at two mirrors and the highest version number available will get downloaded?
[14:47] <ScottK> I think that accomplishes that use case.
[14:48] <wgrant> Won't apt fall through to any other mirrors with the same version?
[14:49] <slytherin> RainCT: What do you eman by fallback mirror?
[14:51] <slytherin> RainCT: I have IITM (IIT Madras) mirror in my sources.list as well as archive.ubuntu.com. Any package which is not available at IITM mirror is pulled from a.u.c.
[14:53] <bddebian> Heya gang
[14:54] <slytherin> superm1: are you planning to put bluez 4.11 in PPA?
[14:54] <sebner> hoi bddebian
[14:55] <slytherin> superm1: and when are we actually planning to bribe the release team to approve the exception? :-P
[14:55] <bddebian> Hello sebner
[14:59] <superm1> slytherin, it's in the ppa....
[14:59] <slytherin> superm1: Ok. I didn't check today
[15:00] <superm1> slytherin, along with bluez gnome 1.8
[15:01] <slytherin> superm1: I don't know how much difference it is going to make for me. But still I will test it. What about the plan to actually get it into intrepid?
[15:02] <superm1> slytherin, that will be up to slangasek
[15:02] <slangasek> bribe early and often
[15:02] <superm1> slytherin, i personally think the packages are in pretty good order and a significant improvement, etc.
[15:04] <slytherin> superm1: Yes, in my opinion 3.x has many blues. So upgrading to 4.x is preferred provides it doesn't create more problems.
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[15:30] <RainCT> ScottK, wgrant, slytherin: OK, thanks. I wasn't sure if just listing two would work. (I didn't answer before because I'm at school right now :P)
[15:31] <superm1> slytherin, did you get a chance over the weekend to look at a possibly tooltip patch?
[15:32] <RainCT> 15
[15:32] <slytherin> superm1: nah, I was in office on Saturday also and sleeping most of the day Sunday. :-)
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[15:50] <james_w> anyone running Intrepid have 5 minutes to test something for me?
[15:51] <sebner> james_w: /me
[15:51] <james_w> install xournal and try drawing with a mouse/trackpad
[15:51] <james_w> thanks sebner
[15:51] <james_w> ensure "Use XInput" is turned on in the menu
[15:51] <sebner> james_w: kk
[15:52] <Laney> works fine
[15:52] <sebner> james_w: yep, fine
[15:54] <james_w> just my system then it seems
[15:54] <james_w> thanks, I'll upload
[16:03] <ara> if any one is interested in testing infrastructure, cr3 is giving now a session at #ubuntu-classroom
[16:52] <sistpoty|work> hi folks
[16:57] <sebner> huhu sistpoty|work :)
[16:58] <sistpoty|work> hi sebner
[17:10] <sebner> sistpoty|work: how is life going? :)
[17:11] <sistpoty|work> sebner: quite good, and for you?
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[17:11] <sebner> sistpoty|work: now making 3 months of vacation :P
[17:11] <sistpoty|work> sebner: wow, I envy you :P
[17:12] <sebner> sistpoty|work: not if I tell you what I have to make after vacation :P
[17:12] <sistpoty|work> heh
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[17:22] * sistpoty|work heads home... cya
[17:30] <lucas> james_w: great work on xournal, thank you :)
[17:31] <james_w> lucas: no problem
[17:31] <james_w> lucas: did you get hit by the flood?
[17:31] <sebner> james_w: btw, what now about wordpress?
[17:31] <lucas> yup, I'm PTS-subscribed
[17:31] <james_w> sebner: I didn't see your updated patch
[17:32] <sebner> james_w: because there is nothing to update. the fix we were talking about is in the actual debian version we merge
[17:33] <sebner> james_w: some days I alrady told that to you. maybe you missed it
[17:33] <james_w> sebner: your merge included 2 security fixes, and one fix for a problem introduced by the first fix.
[17:34] <james_w> A different bug about the first security fix was marked "Won't Fix"
[17:34] <james_w> so either that was wrong and we want that fix, or we want to cherry-pick the second security fix
[17:34] <iulian> Hi
[17:35] <sebner> james_w: we didn't want it but as Debian now has it we get it automatically and it doesn't hurt us I think
[17:37] <james_w> sebner: yes, but in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wordpress/+bug/269301/comments/3 it is suggested that we don't want the fix anyway
[17:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 269301 in wordpress "[CVE-2008-3747] - wordpress before 2.6.1 ssl problem might allow remote attackers to gain administrative access by sniffing the network for a cookie" [Undecided,Won't fix]
[17:37] <james_w> what do you think?
[17:38] <sebner> james_w: I think we just didn't want it apply manuelly but as now debian has the fix I think it's no problem to merge it
[17:39] <james_w> sebner: that's not how I read it, and the debdiff in that bug actually references the Debian upload, suggesting it was made after the fix was uploaded to Debian
[17:40] <sebner> james_w: well as I understand we backport ssl and fix it. or we don't backport ssl and wait until wordpress 2.6 which has ssl per default and fixed
[17:47] <james_w> sebner: ok, please prepare an upload with just the latest security fix, leaving out the SSL stuff
[17:47] <james_w> sebner: and update the merge bug accordingly please
[17:47] <sebner> james_w: ai ai, Sir
[17:48] <sebner> wait
[17:48] <sebner> it's Ay Ay
[17:48] <sebner> xD
[17:58] <sebner> james_w: but for a better review I merge the acutal version und just disable the ssl fix. Seems a little bit easier and faster to me. Hope that's ok for you since you'll sponsor it
[17:59] <james_w> make sure the changelog doesn't list the versions you didn't merge, and the version number is just an ubuntuX update from the current Intrepid version
[17:59] <james_w> otherwise MoM may do the wrong thing
[18:00] <james_w> other than that I don't mind how you get to the final diff :-)
[18:00] <sebner> james_w: I'm wondering what speaks against a -8ubuntu1 version
[18:01] <james_w> it could work I guess
[18:02] <sebner> sure
[18:02] <sebner> james_w: bug #277267
[18:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277267 in wordpress "Merge wordpress 2.5.1-8 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277267
[18:02] <james_w> I'd prefer not to though
[18:02] <sebner> bah :P
[18:02] <james_w> also because merges are harder to sponsor :-)
[18:03] <RoAkSoAx> are merges still going on?
[18:03] <sebner> james_w: no excuses. you are a MOTU and I want to become one (next month) :)
[18:03] <sebner> RoAkSoAx: sure, BUGfixing :P
[18:04] <RoAkSoAx> sebner, so i can still do merges to fix bugs?
[18:04] <james_w> RoAkSoAx: sure
[18:04] <sebner> RoAkSoAx: of course
[18:04] <RoAkSoAx> why didn't i know that before... lol :P xD
[18:04] <james_w> RoAkSoAx: a merge of just about anything from Debian testing will be worthwhile
[18:04] <sebner> RoAkSoAx: but new upstream versions aren't that often bufixes :P
[18:04] <james_w> well, not just about anything, but many things
[18:05] <sebner> james_w: mind sponsoring more of my future work to be able to comment on my application?
[18:05] <james_w> sebner: stick it in the queue, and if it's good I'll sponsor it :-)
[18:05] <RoAkSoAx> so should i just look for a package that needs to be bugfixed and then see in debian and merge it?
[18:05] <james_w> sebner: anything else currently in the queue that is waiting for a sponsor?
[18:06] <sebner> james_w: unfortunately not. that's why I said "future work"
[18:06] <james_w> RoAkSoAx: you could look at MoM, and look at the changes in Debian and see if we want them
[18:06] <sebner> RoAkSoAx: qa.ubuntuwire.com/rcbugs
[18:06] <nxvl> RoAkSoAx: BUT, you need a FFe anyway
[18:06] <james_w> sebner: fix more bugs :-p
[18:06] <nxvl> RoAkSoAx: and the merge need to be a Bug fixing update
[18:07] <sebner> james_w: I will :P
[18:07] <james_w> nxvl: not for bugfix only merges
[18:07] <RoAkSoAx> oh ok cool, thnks guys :)
[18:07] <sebner> james_w: so, interested to comment?
[18:07] <nxvl> james_w: well, is there any? :P
[18:07] <james_w> sebner: I don't think I've sponsored enough yet, sorry.
[18:07] <james_w> nxvl: Debian is frozen too, so I would hope so.
[18:08] <nxvl> james_w: but lenny is freezed
[18:08] <sebner> james_w: I told about future work. so if I'll fix more stuff and you can review it and THEN you maybe want to comment?
[18:08] <nxvl> i'm still uploading to sid
[18:08] <sebner> nxvl: I don't mind about experimental too :P
[18:09] <james_w> sebner: sure, I'll comment if I sponsor enough.
[18:09] <geser> Hi *
[18:09] <sebner> james_w: cool, thx ;)
[18:09] <sebner> huhu geser :D
[18:09] <geser> Hi sebner
[18:09] <nxvl> sebner: experimental scares me
[18:10] <sebner> nxvl: I would install more software if it wouldn't be so stupid to install that stuff
[18:10] <geser> sebner: do I see it correct that you've found a new sponsor? :)
[18:10] <sebner> geser: sure. :) So he can comment on my application
[18:11] <sebner> james_w: geser is my sync ACK robot/hero :D
[18:11] <james_w> heh :-)
=== Lutin_ is now known as Lutin
[18:37] <slytherin> superm1: any idea what this error is - http://paste.ubuntu.com/54707/
[18:37] <superm1> slytherin, yeah it's from the script that doesnt come in the package
[18:37] <superm1> MAKEDEB
[18:37] <superm1> MAKEDEV
[18:37] <superm1> that is
[18:37] <superm1> it sits in /dev and does that
[18:38] <slytherin> hmm
[18:38] <slytherin> so nothing serious right?
[18:39] <superm1> slytherin, i dont think it's serious, but it's nothing new either
[18:39] <slytherin> ok
[18:49] <james_w> sebner: would you like me to sponsor the wordpress merge?
[19:11] <slytherin> geser: have some time to look at universe part of bug #260765
[19:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260765 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 "DVD playback does not work anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260765
[19:11] <slytherin> ?
[19:15] <geser> slytherin: I can try to look at but I can't promise
[19:16] <geser> slytherin: have you tried to contact slomo?
[19:17] <slytherin> geser: No. As far as I know he is on holiday (or was till yesterday).
[19:26] <sebner> james_w: I'm wondering that you ask O_o
[19:26] <james_w> sebner: I thought maybe you were providing the alternate patch, but you didn't, so I assume that you want the merge sponsoring
[19:27] <sebner> james_w: alternate patch?
[19:27] <sebner> james_w: you mean cherrypick the fix?
[19:28] <james_w> sebner: yeah
[19:28] <sebner> james_w: well, I though doing it my way is a lot faster, easier and cleaner (smaller debdiff)
[19:28] <sebner> *thought
[19:28] <sebner> james_w: so if you are fine with it, yes, please sponsor
[19:28] <james_w> but it's harder and slower for me :-)
[19:29] <sebner> james_w: everythink (also being MOTU) has a good and a bad side :P
[19:30] <sebner> *thing
[19:30] <sebner> argh
[19:30] <james_w> it's more work for me to review the changes, as the debdiff you provide is just generally showing changes we already have, rather than the new stuff, it requires a little more work to get the package to use as the base of the update, and it requires an extra argument to debuild
[19:30] <james_w> sebner: true :-)
[19:30] <james_w> it's not a criticism of you, it's true for all merges
[19:30] <james_w> it's something I'm going to fix though
[19:31] <sebner> james_w: kk, I can do it the other way too, it's really no problem if you insist
[19:31] * sebner just wants to make james_w happy :)
[19:37] <directhex> nyerk, one of the boycottnovell types has jumped onto my moonlight ITP
[19:38] <directhex> this is gonna get messy pretty quickly
[19:38] <fabrice_sp> Hi. Can somebody check bug #271630, just to see if I miss some basic data for a FFE?
[19:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 271630 in kwave "[sync Request] Kwave FTBFS in Intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/271630
[19:39] <fabrice_sp> (james_w, for example ;-))
[19:40] <directhex> he _IS_ a sexy beast
[19:40] <slytherin> fabrice_sp: can you not simply patch current source to fix FTBFS?
[19:40] <fabrice_sp> slytherin: the problem is that FTBFS is because of KDE 4
[19:40] <james_w> fabrice_sp: yeah, having a bug in the current version isn't a reason to not require a FFe
[19:41] <james_w> fabrice_sp: but if the new upstream version is the only way to fix the problem it can be a good reason to grant one
[19:41] <fabrice_sp> slytherin: so I had to get new upstream version.
[19:42] <james_w> fabrice_sp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess says you are missing a build log and an install log
[19:42] <directhex> and a donut!
[19:42] <james_w> fabrice_sp: the former could be a pointer to the log from the build in your PPA
[19:42] <james_w> oh yes, the donut, don't forget that
[19:43] <james_w> well, two, you need two motu-release ACKs for a FFe
[19:43] <fabrice_sp> A virtual donut?
[19:43] <fabrice_sp> oh: 2 virtual donuts then :-)
[19:43] <directhex> mmmmm krispy kreme!
[19:48] <fabrice_sp> james_w and directhex: Bug updated. For the donut, you can get it at http://www.krispykreme.com/images/pumpkinspice08_pop.jpg
[19:49] <james_w> mmm, thanks
[19:49] <directhex> ew, pumpkin donut? srsly? yanks are crazy!
[19:49] <james_w> unfortunately you bribed the wrong person, I'm not a member of motu-release
[19:49] <fabrice_sp> Arghh: this will be 3 donuts, then!
[19:50] <fabrice_sp> (and yes: pumpkin donuts :-) )
[19:50] <webtech_m33> hello.. i am looking for a how to, to rebuild a .deb package
[19:50] <webtech_m33> i dpkg-buildpackage and created a new .deb file
[19:50] <webtech_m33> it installs fine
[19:51] <webtech_m33> but when i do an apt-get upgrade... the system wants to reinstall the ubuntu package
[19:51] <webtech_m33> i am trying to get postfix with quote support
[19:51] <james_w> webtech_m33: you need to increment the version number
[19:51] <james_w> webtech_m33: or rather add a suffix
[19:51] <webtech_m33> the changelog?
[19:52] <ivoks> yes
[19:52] <james_w> add +webtech_m33 or similar on the end of the version number
[19:52] <webtech_m33> i added a q at the end
[19:52] <webtech_m33> and it still wants to override it
[19:53] <webtech_m33> postfix (2.5.1-2ubuntu1q) hardy; urgency=low
[19:53] <james_w> webtech_m33: have you rebuilt and installed the resulting .deb?
[19:53] <webtech_m33> yeah
[19:54] * sebner still dunno if james_w insists ^^
[19:54] <slytherin> webtech_m33: use dpkg --compare-version to actually see if your version is greater than ubuntu version
[19:54] <sebner> huhu DktrKranz
[19:54] <james_w> you installed the correct .deb? not the same one as last time from your shell history?
[19:54] <fabrice_sp> webtech_m33: actual hardy version is 2.5.1-2ubuntu1.2
[19:54] <DktrKranz> guten abend sebner
[19:54] <james_w> sebner: no, I'll sponsor it, I'm just on something else at the moment
[19:55] <sebner> james_w: ah kk, but I keep that in mind for future merges :)
[19:55] <sebner> DktrKranz: thumbs up :D
[19:57] <sebner> DktrKranz: now james_w sponsors my stuff so he can comment on my application ;)
[19:58] * cody-somerville pings motu-sru.
[20:01] <DktrKranz> sebner, so... no more sponsoring for me? \o/ \o/ \o/
[20:03] <webtech_m33> i think i have old source
[20:03] <webtech_m33> that;s why when i added a q to the end of the changelog
[20:03] <webtech_m33> it wants to over ride it
[20:07] <webtech_m33> cd ..
[20:09] <webtech_m33> poof... works now
[20:15] <sebner> DktrKranz: you haven't sponsored for months :P
[20:18] <Ayabara> devfil, any idea when the digikam-kde4 beta4 package will be in? I'm considering compiling from source if it's not in the near future
[20:19] <DktrKranz> sebner, you should have applied for months :)
[20:19] <sebner> DktrKranz: /me just didn't want to be rejected ;)
[20:20] <DktrKranz> sebner, Y.R.B.
[20:20] <sebner> DktrKranz: S! I. K. Y.
[20:20] <RainCT> o_O
[20:21] <sebner> RainCT: ^ ^
[20:22] <DktrKranz> RainCT, search "achmed" on youtube (tm)
[20:22] <RainCT> AH!
[20:23] <RainCT> but what's Y.R.B.?
[20:23] <directhex> BLEH. i need to make my ITP reply sound good, but this guy seems to have been adding soundbites as to why it's unpackagable for hours
[20:23] <sebner> RainCT: watch the video ;)
[20:23] <RainCT> sebner: I've seen it like 5 times :)
[20:23] <sebner> RainCT: then you FAILED
[20:23] <sebner> :P
[20:23] <RainCT> lol
[20:24] <RainCT> uhm.. I think I even have it on the hard disk xD but I'm busy right now, breaking REVU :P
[20:24] <DktrKranz> RainCT, hint: You Rac### Bas####"
[20:24] <sebner> RainCT: \o/
[20:24] <sebner> DktrKranz: mind !ohmygod :P
[20:25] <DktrKranz> sebner, I know ;)
[20:25] <sebner> ^^
[20:27] * RainCT blames siretart for having 3 revu directories on spooky :P
[20:29] <sebner> RainCT: what improvements can we expect? :)
[20:30] <RainCT> sebner: do you like emails?
[20:30] <DktrKranz> RainCT, -ETOOMANYEMAILS, but we like build logs :)
[20:30] <sebner> RainCT: depending on the content :P
[20:31] <RainCT> sebner: comments ^^
[20:31] <sebner> RainCT: hmm, ok mail notification isn't a bad idea :D
[20:32] <RainCT> man I've just done at least 6 or 7 successive uncommit-commit-push-pull sequences XD
[20:33] <RainCT> to fix stupid mistakes that is.. my brain seems to be frozen -.- xDD
[20:35] <sebner> RainCT: hrhr
[20:36] <siretart> RainCT: uh?
[20:36] <sebner> RainCT: btw, any news to mom, dad?
[20:36] <sebner> MoM, DaD :P
[20:36] <RainCT> sebner: ask Canonical :)
[20:37] <RainCT> they are *slow*
[20:37] <sebner> RainCT: you are my connection to them :P
[20:39] * Adri2000 asked Keybuk something like 2 days ago, no answer
[20:39] <sebner> Adri2000: ah, k
[20:39] <james_w> Adri2000: he's travelling
[20:40] <Adri2000> ok, that might explain it then
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[20:42] <RoAkSoAx> heya guys, does anyone knows when are the sponsored ppl for UDS are going to be announced?
[20:47] <cody-somerville> I think sometime today
[20:51] <stefanlsd> does anyone have an idea why bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-dev/mplayer/ubuntu just seems to hang...?
[20:52] <stefanlsd> maybe its a LP thing with big repo's?
[20:53] <slytherin> stefanlsd: may be it is bzr thing with bug repos. :-)
[20:53] <slytherin> s/bug/big
[20:55] <james_w> slytherin: your probably hitting the bug where it doesn't take in to account something it does at the start when calculating progress, when that thing can take quite some time on large remote repositories
[20:56] <james_w> err, stefanlsd sorry
[20:59] <stefanlsd> james_w: yeah. its been about 20 minutes tho and du -h says 28K
[21:04] <lukehasnoname> calc: ping
[21:11] <sharms> on intrepid beta, anyone know why 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log' and 'less /var/log/Xorg.0.log' would show the whole log, while 'more /var/log/Xorg.0.log' only shows the top of it
[21:11] <sharms> is that just a bug I should file or is that a known issue
[21:12] <cody-somerville> more should page it
[21:14] <sharms> more only returns slightly more than head
[21:14] <sharms> guess I will just send a bug
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[21:18] <RainCT> yeha, e-mail notifications are up and running
[21:18] <calc> gar
[21:18] <calc> he left right before i saw his ping
[21:18] <RainCT> (only for comments, and you've to subscription to each package individually though. notifications for new uploads and a "receive notifications about all my packages" will come soon)
[21:21] <ajmitch> hi
[21:23] <lukehasnoname> calc
[21:23] <bddebian> Heya ajmitch
[21:28] <zul> hey ajmitch
[21:31] <calc> i look away he asks for me then quits again
[21:31] <calc> this dude is annoying :\
[21:32] <calc> if he wants something he needs to ask it and not quit within 7m :\
[21:32] * calc is trying to update OOo to rc4
[21:33] <sebner> calc: \o/, so final release again pushed back?
[21:34] <calc> sebner: its set for Oct 13 i think
[21:34] <sebner> calc: I see, thx :)
[21:35] <calc> yea unless something comes up by this friday
[21:35] <calc> but its way too late to make it into intrepid at this point
[21:35] <calc> it might go into backports or something a later date but i don't know yet, still discussing it with colin
[21:36] <sebner> calc: I know, you told me some days ago ^^
[21:41] <calc> sebner: ok
[21:41] <calc> is there somewhere i can download a package that is accepted but not in the general mirror system for Debian?
[21:41] <calc> but not yet in there i mean
[21:41] <calc> or do i just have to wait a while?
[21:44] <geser> calc: did it leave already incoming.d.o?
[21:44] <calc> geser: yea
[21:45] <calc> how long after that does it show up on mirrors?
[21:46] <sebner> calc: some hours
[21:46] <geser> sorry, I don't know, but I guess the push-mirrors should have it at first
[21:50] <calc> geser: is there a list of the push mirror somewhere?
[21:51] <calc> ah i found it :)
[21:51] <calc> google seach of debian.org :)
[22:18] <james_w> anyone from motu-release around?
[22:21] <ScottK> Yes, but I already told you yes.
[22:21] <james_w> when?
[22:22] <ScottK> Mon Oct  6 12:33:29 2008 -0400
[22:22] <james_w> about launchpadlib?
[22:22] <james_w> this is a non-FFe question
[22:23] <ScottK> Ah. Sorry.
[22:23] <ScottK> What's the question then?
[22:23] <james_w> I'm looking at bug 242572, and I was interested in your thoughts on whether it should be uploaded
[22:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 242572 in wxsvg "Upgrade wxsvg package to b11" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242572
[22:24] <james_w> it looks bugfix-only to me, though upstream tries to obfuscate that with terse changelog entries, and regenerating lots of auto-generated files.
[22:24] * ScottK looks
[22:24] <james_w> so it's not an FFe approval question, but a question of whether it would be good for the release
[22:26] <james_w> it has no rdepends
[22:26] <james_w> the reporter makes it sound worthwhile, but I have reservations just from the nature of the thing, so I'm reluctant to just upload it
[22:26] <ScottK> I can understand.
[22:27] <ScottK> Do you know what the 'important bug' is that is fixed?
[22:28] <james_w> no, I don't actually, good point
[22:29] <james_w> fabrice_sp: hey, I know you're in here now, could you help us decide what to do with wxsvg?
[22:29] <james_w> the two changes explicitly named in the changelog are
[22:29] <james_w> * fixed frame accurate displaying of image from video file
[22:30] <james_w> * extended media decoder to get stream information#
[22:30] <james_w> not really sure what they mean
[22:31] <ScottK> The other question is, why do we care to fix it. It's lib with no rdepends. Is it actually useful for anything?
[22:32] <james_w> ScottK: yeah, I was also thinking that. I'd even question why we have it in the archives at all. It's from debian-multimedia, so I guess it was explicitly requested
[22:33] <wgrant> We did import a lot of stuff semi-automatically early on.
[22:33] <james_w> ah, ok
[22:33] <ScottK> From even odder places.
[22:33] <ScottK> Maybe siretart knows.
[22:33] <ScottK> He's involved in debian-multimedai.
[22:33] <james_w> the date of the original update is also a bit of a concern to me
[22:41] <james_w> ok, fabrice_sp doesn't seem to be around, I'll quiz him tomorrow, thanks ScottK
[22:41] <ScottK> No problem.
[23:16] <DktrKranz> are you aware of some tricks to fetch $distro-changes mbox archives from lists.ubuntu.com using {wget,curl}? I receive "403 forbidden" error
[23:16] <nhandler_> DktrKranz: You need to set the referer to lists.ubuntu.com
[23:16] <nhandler_> This is due to the new robots.txt file
[23:17] <DktrKranz> ah... weird
[23:18] <DktrKranz> but works, thanks nhandler_
[23:18] <nhandler_> No problem DktrKranz. I found that out while I was helping emgent get his UTU script working again.
[23:19] <DktrKranz> heh, underlying code was written by me, and now I use a variant to fetch weekly packages for our newsletter
[23:20] <DktrKranz> but I had to download it by hand :/
[23:21] <nhandler_> DktrKranz: The only issue is, now that we attach the old format of the message, you can't just search for Changed-By: _____. If you do, your count will be twice as high as it actually is.
[23:22] <DktrKranz> really?
[23:23] <DktrKranz> wasn't .changes file treated as an attachment? (and thus ignored?)
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
[23:24] <nhandler_> DktrKranz: They now have it as an attachment and in the message body. The .mbox file displays both of these. I have been trying to contact emgent to help him fix the utu script again.
[23:25] <nhandler_> For my version of the script, I have it searching for a Changed-By line following a Maintainer line. This follows the old format, which ensures that it catches all of the changes.
[23:27] <DktrKranz> sounds reasonable
[23:33] <james_w> ugh, debian/cdbs/1/...
[23:34] <james_w> at least the changes therein are docuemented