UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /06 /#ubuntu-installer.txt
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=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
[10:21] <davmor2> evand: Final cracked the mail issue in vista I'm now retrying m-a and will bug on what doesn't transfer after :)
[11:18] <CIA-50> debian-installer: cjwatson * r970 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20080522ubuntu17
[11:50] <davmor2> evand: bug 279000
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
[14:02] <evand> thanks davmor2
[14:35] <superm1> xivulon, i build a live disk with that network manager patch, and there were no issues with wubi 509
[14:35] <superm1> xivulon, i put some more thought into doing a combined fe/be though - I dont believe you can preseed a bind mount can you?
[14:54] <xivulon> hi superm1, what do you mean by "preseeding a bind mount"?
[14:56] <xivulon> on my side I can preseed anything I want... It is up to partman(-auto-loop)/d-i/ubiquity to deal with what I preseed...
[14:56] <xivulon> Ah you mean preseeding the windows drive as a place to use for mythtv backend storage?
[14:57] <superm1> xivulon, yeah that's what i mean
[14:57] <xivulon> That will always be mounted as /host so I do not see any need to bindmount it, you just need to create and use directories therein
[14:58] <superm1> well the thing is that all of the myth* packages expect to find it in /var/lib/mythtv
[14:58] <xivulon> be aware that write speed to ntfs is worse though in 8.10 (10X worse) since there is no caching anymore
[14:58] <xivulon> write speed is ok for ntfs inside of ntfs
[14:58] <xivulon> since then ext3 cache is in place
[14:59] <superm1> so normally in our regular recipe we make a different partition for /var/lib/ and format that
[14:59] <superm1> but since /host is always mounted, we need to bind mount the two
[14:59] <superm1> oh well then lets not do this for 8.10
[14:59] <superm1> if performance is a problem i dont want people accounting it to different things and being set away from this project
[15:01] <xivulon> yep I do expect performance in 8.10 to be worse then 8.04 when it comes to ntfs writes
[15:12] <xivulon> superm1 you might want to simply create a /host/mythtv folder and bindmount that, if you want to try things, I do not remember if ubiquity honours the early-command hooks though
[15:12] <davmor2> evand: would it help to have a full list of what works and doesn't across the range?
[15:13] <xivulon> otherwise you could simply place that in custom-installation/hooks/early-command.sh and use that for testing purposes
[15:13] <evand> davmor2: if you have the time, otherwise I can investigate that when I have more time to look into it
[15:14] <xivulon> evand, can you use early-command in ubiquity? or equivalent?
[15:14] <superm1> xivulon, well i think 9.04 will be a better focus to determine definitively and plan for this
[15:14] <superm1> xivulon, the frontend stuff will be good for now
[15:14] <xivulon> superm1 ok for me
[15:15] <xivulon> I assume there are no changes then on my side, you might want to test though with wubi 510
[15:15] <evand> xivulon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopCDOptions
[15:16] <xivulon> well superm1 ^ that is handy if you want to play with the backend as well
[15:16] <xivulon> preseed/early_command=/path/to/script.sh
[15:17] <xivulon> For wubi preseed/early_command is set to execute custom-installation/hooks/early_command.sh (if there is one)
[15:17] <cjwatson> casper implements preseed/early_command, so yes you can use it
[15:18] <xivulon> hmm /isodevice is renamed into /host in autopartition-loop, which is run after casper, not sure how that will impact things
[15:19] <cjwatson> erm? autopartition-loop doesn't mention /isodevice
[15:20] <davmor2> evand: it's no probs I'm smoke testing anyway. I think I have your email I'll did about a bit in MM and find out where the settings are and have a look through everything else :)
[15:21] <evand> ok
[15:21] <davmor2> s/did/dig
[15:21] <xivulon> cjwatson don't think it does an explicit move, it mounts moves target to host
[15:22] <xivulon> but target is originally called isodevice in casper
[15:23] <cjwatson> xivulon: leaving it as /target would be, er, not a very good idea ;-)
[15:24] <cjwatson> anyhow, it only moves it to /target temporarily so that it can use partman's mount.d scripts
[15:24] <xivulon> I agree was just mentioning that, since if superm1 is to use early-command, /host will not be around (or better will be around with a different name)
[15:25] <cjwatson> oh, right, I see
[15:25] <cjwatson> (and yes, it's true that autopartition-loop looks around in /proc/mounts for the mount point of the partition you're using for / and moves it)
[15:26] <cjwatson> well, maybe lupin-casper should just mount it on /host instead, providing that works
[15:27] <xivulon> have yet to provide the patch for dm-loop by the way, but have managed to waste the laptop keyboard for the second time in a year
[15:27] <xivulon> this time it was beer
[15:27] <cjwatson> xivulon: preseed/early_command is no use in superm1's case; he needs something that instructs partman to act differently, not something that instructs the live CD to act differently
[15:28] <xivulon> ah true
[15:28] <superm1> eg it would need to be a patch to one of the partman apps
[15:29] <cjwatson> partman-auto-loop, surely
[15:29] <superm1> so something more worthwhile to worry about the next few months rather than now
[15:29] <cjwatson> can't it be just another loop-mount file in the Windows drive?
[15:29] <xivulon> yes, but I think the main purpose for the backend is to be able to use a LOT of space
[15:29] <superm1> the files are going to be quite large, so i dont think most people want a ~200 gig loop mount file sitting in their windows drive
[15:30] <superm1> (or more)
[15:30] <xivulon> so the idea is to use /host raw
[15:30] <xivulon> that said with syncio patch, writes onto /host should be far worse than writes in a loopfile inside of /host...
[15:32] <xivulon> in fact superm1 if you wanted to just test things you could use success commands, copy the files from /var/lib/mythtv to /host/mythtv then add a line to /etc/fstab to bindmount that
[15:33] <superm1> xivulon, the expectation would be that it's ready immediately after partitioning
[15:33] <superm1> xivulon, because later steps do depend on it
[15:33] <superm1> oh but yeah i suppose that would work to just copy them in the success command
[15:34] <xivulon> well move in fact...
[15:34] <xivulon> not for deployment, but should be ok for a quick test
[15:34] <superm1> nonetheless, i'd prefer to defer this for 9.04 for backend/frontend stuff when i've got a lot more time to dedicate to it
[15:34] <xivulon> I agree
[15:37] <cjwatson> xivulon: a target-config hook would be more appropriate than a success command
[15:37] <cjwatson> even that isn't perfect but at least it runs just after copying files
[16:02] <davmor2> evand: Should m-a work in alternate?
[16:03] <cjwatson> evand: should usb-creator be seeded somewhere?
[16:03] <xivulon> davmor2, did you check if m-a works in wubi?
[16:03] <davmor2> xivulon: no it doesn't :(
[16:04] <xivulon> could you install in verbose mode and provide the installation logs?
[16:04] <davmor2> xivulon: well nothing obvious is transferred across anyway
[16:04] <xivulon> no rush
[16:04] <davmor2> xivulon: can do
[16:27] <davmor2> xivulon: running now. This is where I select verbose from the grub line before the install starts right?
[16:41] <evand> cjwatson: indeed, I'm thinking it should go on the live CD (if we have space), but I need to make sure it handles that situation well
[16:41] <evand> (not trying to install to the device that contains the live system)
[16:42] <evand> davmor2: I don't believe we ever turned it on in the alternate CD, but there should be nothing preventing it from working there if we were to (can't this cycle given the amount of time left)
[16:42] <cjwatson> desktop seems like one obvious place for it
[16:42] <davmor2> evand: np's
[16:43] <evand> ok
[16:49] <davmor2> evand, xivulon: www.davmor2.co.uk/install/casper.log www.davmor2.co.uk/install/partman www.davmor2.co.uk/install/syslog www.davmor2.co.uk/install/version www.davmor2.co.uk/install/initial-status.gz for the contents of var/log/installer/* on the verbose wubi install
[17:01] <xivulon> davmor2, I do not see anything obvious in the logs, I can see ma-apply being launched and os-probes finding windows on sda1... evand any hint?
[17:06] <evand> xivulon: not sure without looking into it myself. I'd first check to see if anything showed up in ~ right after install, to see if it's just an issue of m-a not writing the correct data.
[17:07] <evand> But m-a is low priority for me at the moment. There are more serious bugs in the installer that I need to resolve first before I can look at m-a bugs.
[17:08] <xivulon> sure
[17:32] <CarlFK> sudo update-grub; "Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-5-server, Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done"; grep "5-server" /boot/grub/menu.lst = nothing
[17:33] <CarlFK> am I missing something, or did it not do what it should have done?
[17:35] <davmor2> evand: mail sent. How do I check for anything showing up in ~ easily is it just a case of monitoring it on another screen?
[17:36] <evand> davmor2: once the install finishes, switch to a vt and look in /target/home/whatever
[17:36] <davmor2> no probs I'll try it now and let you know
[17:36] <evand> ok
[17:37] <evand> be sure to use -a in ls
[17:37] <davmor2> np's
[18:26] <davmor2> evand: nothing only examples shows up in /target/home/tester
[18:26] <davmor2> and about 4 . files
[18:27] <evand> what are the . files?
[18:29] <davmor2> bashrc profiles I think I'll see if I can enter in through rescue before it gets chance to fire any more up
[18:31] <davmor2> evand: .bash_logout .bashrc .profile and examples link
[18:32] <davmor2> I can re-run and see if there was anything else if you want
[18:32] <evand> ah, no, that should be sufficient
[18:40] <davmor2> evand: Anything else you need?
[18:40] <evand> nope, thanks though
[18:41] <davmor2> evand: What about info on Vista MM?
[18:43] <evand> In order to support Windows Mail I'll need to know where it stores the settings (registry keys, usually). I can find that out when developing said support though.
[18:45] <davmor2> okay np's
[19:07] <kirkland> cjwatson: our HP contact sent me an email with the following... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/54727/
[19:08] <kirkland> TheMuso: ^
[19:11] <cjwatson> the problem is more likely "Apt update failed" than the dmraid bit
[19:11] <cjwatson> in order to see why we'd need the whole log
[19:13] <cjwatson> but it may well be the cluster of problems around bugs 273979 and 276349
[20:54] <CIA-52> tasksel: cjwatson * r1378 ubuntu/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
[20:54] <CIA-52> tasksel: Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds, adjusting descriptions of samba-server,
[20:54] <CIA-52> tasksel: tomcat-server, and virt-host tasks.
[20:55] <CIA-52> tasksel: cjwatson * r1379 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.73ubuntu10
[21:10] <LogicBox> hey can anyone help with this i put the install disk in it comes up to boot menu letting me choose run, install, verify, etc.. and what happens is i click on install (have tried just running it from cd) and it shows the ubuntu logo and the status loading bar and then it just goes into a screen with text about Busybox v1.1.3 with some more txt then gives me what looks like a command line with...
[21:10] <LogicBox> ...a blinking cursor
[21:11] <evand> LogicBox: if you hit f6 at the boot menu, then hit the end key and remove 'quiet splash' from the end of that string and hit enter, it should show you a more detailed error.
[21:12] <LogicBox> ok like me try that
[21:14] <LogicBox> i didnt see anyting that said Quiet splash
[21:16] <LogicBox> what pops up afte rthe gui spalsh screen is this "BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5Ubuntuv12) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. then it has (initramfs)_ on two lines below
[21:16] <LogicBox> the _ is a blinking cursor
[21:16] <cjwatson> boot CD, press Enter to dismiss language screen, press F6, then a "Boot Options" line appears with "quiet splash --" at the end
[21:16] <cjwatson> this is all before you actually boot Linux
[21:16] <LogicBox> ya
[21:16] <cjwatson> whereas the stuff you're describing is after the CD boot menu disappears
[21:17] <LogicBox> i was trying to install this on a dell dimension 2400
[21:17] <LogicBox> right after i say install
[21:17] <LogicBox> but i did restart and go into the boot menu and pressed f6
[21:17] <cjwatson> right, and what happened?
[21:17] <LogicBox> here i will write my options hold 1 sec
[21:18] <LogicBox> Other Options: acpi=off noapic nolapic edd=on free software only
[21:18] <cjwatson> dismiss that (press escape)
[21:18] <cjwatson> there should be a "Boot Options" line
[21:18] <cjwatson> (it sounds like you pressed F6 twice by mistake)
[21:20] <LogicBox> nope f6 only once
[21:20] <LogicBox> right now its sitting at the Ubuntu menu, the Try ubuntu, install, check CD, Test mem, boot from hdd
[21:20] <cjwatson> never mind, just dismiss that menu and you should see a "Boot Options" line stretching all the way across the screen just above the menu bar at the bottom
[21:21] <LogicBox> i tried this on a newer dell and it worked just fine
[21:21] <LogicBox> tried the cd
[21:21] <LogicBox> ya i saw that line
[21:21] <cjwatson> ok, at the end of it is "quiet splash --"
[21:21] <LogicBox> es
[21:21] <LogicBox> yes
[21:21] <cjwatson> delete "quiet splash" from that line
[21:22] <cjwatson> (by the way, this is almost certainly a kernel bug not an installer bug, so all we're doing here is helping you gather information that you can pass onto the kernel guys later)
[21:22] <LogicBox> ahh
[21:23] <LogicBox> ok an error poped up that well it repeated itself saying end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[21:23] <cjwatson> you can skip that error
[21:23] <LogicBox> now its just sitting at that busybox msg again
[21:23] <cjwatson> were there no other messages?
[21:24] <LogicBox> not that i can see
[21:24] <cjwatson> type "cat /casper.log"
[21:24] <LogicBox> i see ha:cache flushes supported
[21:24] <cjwatson> without the quotes of course
[21:24] <LogicBox> hda: hda1
[21:24] <cjwatson> this will be easier if you have a digital camera
[21:24] <cjwatson> transcribing into IRC is hopeless
[21:26] <LogicBox> ok i typed that and took a pic
[21:26] <LogicBox> loading it into photoshop 1 sec
[21:27] <LogicBox> cj u want me to err i will uploaded it to my photo bucket
[21:28] <LogicBox> http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr213/SilverRavage/IMG_01791.jpg
[21:28] <LogicBox> sorry the iPhone takes a shitty pic
[21:29] <cjwatson> ok, now "dmesg"
[21:30] <LogicBox> ok a bunch of crap just scrolled through the screen really fast
[21:30] <cjwatson> you can use "dmesg | more" instead to get it displayed in pages; use space to display the next screen
[21:32] <LogicBox> are u ganna want a screen cap of all of them?
[21:35] <cjwatson> the kernel guys typically ask for dmesg output, yes
[21:35] <LogicBox> is there any way to pull it like maybe to a usb key
[21:35] <LogicBox> make it to a txt
[21:35] <cjwatson> remember that they have very little to go on to start with; they don't have your machine, and just telling them the model name actually helps a whole lot less than you'd think
[21:36] <cjwatson> how much Linux experience do you have? it's possible, but it will be tricky if you haven't used the command line much
[21:36] <cjwatson> the usual facilities aren't available at this level
[21:36] <LogicBox> meh not much, ive installed ubuntu b 4 and played around with it but thats about it.
[21:37] <cjwatson> it would involve inserting the USB key, figuring out the device name and mounting it on a scratch directory, say /mnt, then 'dmesg > /mnt/filename'
[21:38] <cjwatson> if the device doesn't become available immediately you'd have to poke udev a bit
[21:38] <LogicBox> ok i will try and see what i can do
[21:39] <cjwatson> other things you'll need will be "ls /sys/block" and "cat /proc/bus/pci/devices"
[21:39] <cjwatson> oh, and "uname -a" and "cat /proc/version_signature"
[21:40] <cjwatson> (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies)
[21:40] <cjwatson> /proc/bus/pci/devices replaces the lspci command there since lspci isn't available at this point
[21:41] <cjwatson> once you've collected that information, you should file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug saying that your CD drive isn't being detected
[21:41] <cjwatson> also remember to quote the version of Ubuntu you're using ;-)
[21:44] <cjwatson> LogicBox: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingCasper may help you
[22:16] <ago_> evad, on 247461, is umenu shipped with the DVD a different version?
[22:18] <evand> ago_: umenu is the same on all CDs
[22:18] <evand> err
[22:19] <evand> yeah, it is. Wubi just isn't on the DVDs.
[22:19] <ago_> what about umenu?
[22:20] <ago_> I remember fixing umenu not to show the wubi entry so that it could be used on DVD
[22:20] <evand> It's on all the images, DVDs included.
[22:22] <ago_> evand: one possible explanation for the bug above is that we bumped the version number (checked by umenu) to .1 but that new umenu revision didn't make the DVD
[22:23] <TheMuso> kirkland: What were you pointing me to?
[22:23] <Fragadelic> hello
[22:23] <kirkland> TheMuso: dmraid not found error, possibly known apt error in the installer
[22:23] <kirkland> TheMuso: see that pastebin
[22:25] <Fragadelic> cjwatson - are you online now?
[22:31] <Fragadelic> anyone have any idea why the installer would hang at 94% trying to reconfigure popularity-contest on a remastered version of Ubuntu?
[22:35] <cjwatson> Fragadelic: run it with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer on the kernel command line, post /var/log/syslog
[22:35] <cjwatson> (or /var/log/installer/syslog if that exists)
[22:36] <kirkland> cjwatson: i'm curious... would it make sense to just keep DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer through alpha/beta, and just switch it off before rc?
[22:37] <cjwatson> no, because it logs passwords
[22:38] <Fragadelic> I'll try that - killing the reconfigure lets it move on without issues. Its only on a remaster - original is fine.
[22:38] <cjwatson> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=357118
[22:38] <cjwatson> kirkland: ^-
[22:38] <Fragadelic> its almost like the popularity-contest package is originally prepared in a certain way and after an initial install it starts with this behaviour
[22:39] <kirkland> cjwatson: gotcha
[22:40] <cjwatson> I'm not sure how much help debconf debugging will be, but at any rate I certainly need to see the log
[22:40] <cjwatson> Fragadelic: alternate installer or desktop installer?
[22:43] <Fragadelic> cjwatson: regular desktop installer - has been happening since I think 7.10 but 8.04 for sure and 8.04.1. I had to have remastersys remove the popularity contest and ubuntu-standard packages so install would work normally but I'd prefer to leave it there. I also tried many variations of removing and purging the package and installing it without configuring,etc - will have to change remastersys to
[22:43] <Fragadelic> leave popularity-contest in and test. will take a bit to remaster and test but I'll be back. you want it posted here or in the list?
[22:50] <cjwatson> Fragadelic: in a bug report on ubiquity, ideally
[22:51] <cjwatson> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug)
[22:51] <cjwatson> Fragadelic: though you could link to the bug here
[22:55] <Fragadelic> cjwatson: I'll do that but it doesn't really relate to an original ubuntu install - it only happens on remasters. Thanks for your time.
[22:55] <cjwatson> Fragadelic: I understand, but I'm keen to fix this sort of thing if it does turn out to be a bug since it means fewer questions for us to answer
[22:57] <Fragadelic> cjwatson: sounds good - up until now I've just been putting workarounds in remastersys to get around certain things in casper and ubiquity
[22:58] <cjwatson> it may turn out that we can't fix it, in which case I'll mark it invalid with advice
[22:59] <Fragadelic> is there a list of other debug options for the command line? I know about break=bottom as I stumbled upon that accidentally but it would be nice to have any others so I could help folks with their backups even more.
[23:00] <Fragadelic> i tried checking the package info for the different versions but couldn't really find a lot of info about ubiquity and casper which is why I had to spend hours going through all the differnet scripts - lol
[23:04] <Fragadelic> if only I'd know I could contact you all like this without actually being part of the team a year ago it would have made things much easier for me - I sent you an email eons ago but never got a response. I'm assuming now that it might have been due to the fact that I use a yahoo email address for portability reasons.
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson