UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /06 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:44] <mrooney> asac: still around?
[00:51] <asac> mrooney: ?
[00:51] <mrooney> asac: oh okay, I just had two questions
[00:52] <asac> mrooney: dont ask to ask ;)
[00:52] <asac> o ahead
[00:52] <mrooney> do you want all bugs relating to atheros issues in Intrepid under your Master 0.7 regression
[00:52] <mrooney> ...bug?
[00:52] <asac> mrooney: depends
[00:52] <asac> mrooney: cant say without knowing details
[00:52] <asac> if its a regression then most likely
[00:52] <mrooney> let me see if I can find it, while I ask what bugs go in network-manager vs network-manager-applet
[00:53] <asac> mrooney: what is the second question?
[00:54] <mrooney> that was it ^^
[00:54] <mrooney> I am not quite sure when to put bugs in network-manager vs n-m-applet
[00:56] <asac> mrooney: shouldnt be hard ... if its visualization or the applet crashes or when a feature isnt implemented in UI, but exists in daemon, its applet
[00:57] <asac> mrooney: most likely its a matter of getting a feeling. so feel free to ask if you are unsure ,)
[00:57] <asac> about specifics
[00:57] <mrooney> asac: okay thanks.
[00:57] <asac> no need to ping ... just ask. i will answer when i am around
[00:57] <mrooney> asac: yes, that sounds smarter :)
[00:58] <mrooney> asac: so basically for the master regression bug, any report that talks about an atheros/madwifi/orinco issue which was fine in Hardy, should go in the Master?
[01:02] <asac> mrooney: most yes. if there are no reports from beta we might wanna ask if the issues still apply
[01:04] <mrooney> asac: alright, thanks!
[01:05] <asac> mrooney: i think the main focus of NM bug triage should be to go through all NEW reports and sort out issues per-chipset
[01:05] <asac> and per encryption type ... e.g. WPA-EAP, WPA-PSK
[01:05] <asac> mrooney: also 3G bugs would be nice to have somehow flagged
[01:05] <mrooney> so, would my bug 267761 belong as a duplicate of that main bug?
[01:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 267761 in linux "Wireless on Atheros 5213A drops often, is slow, and ath5k_pci consumes large amounts of CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/267761
[01:06] <asac> whats the bug of the master?
[01:06] <mrooney> bug 259157
[01:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259157 in network-manager "[MASTER 0.7 regression] atheros/madwifi and orinoco drivers not supported" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259157
[01:07] <asac> mrooney: if they are against "linux" they dont need to be merged into the NM master
[01:07] <asac> well ... would be ok too i think
[01:08] <asac> mrooney: ok added linux as target for the master
[01:08] <asac> so feel free to dupe it
[01:10] <mrooney> asac: okay, doesn't that lose a lot of information that way? as in, a lot of the bugs will be fixed in different ways, right?
[01:10] <mrooney> would a tag make more sense?
[01:12] <asac> mrooney: maybe, but posting the duped bug id into the master would be ok too
[01:12] <asac> and would reduce the need to communicate the tag to the appropriate people
[01:14] <mrooney> asac: that is true, it is already linked there as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/259157/comments/3, though I don't see it on the side, hmm
[01:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259157 in network-manager "[MASTER 0.7 regression] atheros/madwifi and orinoco drivers not supported" [High,Triaged]
[01:41] <dmoerner> if i'm the debian maintainer of a package and have uploaded a version that has fixed a lp bug to sid, but it obviously won't get into intrepid now (it's not rc), what should i set the status on lp?
[01:43] <greg-g> the bug report should be set to Triaged
[01:43] <greg-g> you can file a sync request also, dmoerner
[01:44] <greg-g> referencing the bug report as an issue the sync will fix
[01:46] <dmoerner> thanks
[01:47] <greg-g> dmoerner: no problem, and thanks for helping
[03:45] <bucket529> Could somebody please change bug 278559 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? Triaged package request
[03:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278559 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] openQRM Package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278559
[03:47] <nhandler_> Done bucket529
[03:48] <bucket529> nhandler_: Thanks
[03:48] <nhandler_> No problem bucket529
[07:40] <elmargol> bug #278029 is somehow assigned to the wrong package. and i can not change it :( can someone help please?
[07:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278029 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Xserver crashes, scrambled terminals random lines and patterns" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278029
[07:50] <ara> I remember you that today is a Ubuntu Testing Day
[07:50] <ara> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/20081006
[07:51] <ara> We will be focusing on upgrade testing
[07:51] <ara> If you are willing to upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid (beta) this is the perfect timing to do it while helping to make Ubuntu better
[07:51] <ara> Please, join us at #ubuntu-testing!
[07:58] <thekorn> good morning bugsquad!
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[08:16] <ivoks> anyone familliar with hal and stuff?
[09:00] <highvoltage> howdy bug squashers
[09:00] <highvoltage> I selected my loco team in my 5-a-day applet, but it doesn't seem to show on the stats page
[09:00] <highvoltage> how do I make my loco team 5-a-dayable?
[09:03] <kblin> hi folks
[09:09] <thekorn> highvoltage, do you have a file called "team" in ~/.5-a-day-<your lp login>
[09:10] <highvoltage> thekorn: yes I do
[09:10] <highvoltage> thekorn: it contains the text "ubuntu-za" with no new line
[09:11] <thekorn> highvoltage, what is the bzr status of this file? cd ~/.5-a-day-*; bzr status
[09:11] <thekorn> is it unknown?
[09:12] <thekorn> your lplogin is jonathan right?
[09:12] <highvoltage> thekorn: yep
[09:12] <thekorn> hmm, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jonathan/5-a-day-data/main/files does not show your team file
[09:13] <kblin> I'm trying to compile the current 8.10 kernel on my 8.04 box to test if that fixes the errors as requested by bug #187145 but following the instructions on building the kernel the ubuntu way fails on the missing makedumpfile package
[09:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 187145 in linux "[Hardy] KVM fails after upgrade" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187145
[09:13] <kblin> how do I fix that on 8.04?
[09:13] <thekorn> so this file does not seem to be versioned
[09:13] <highvoltage> thekorn: ah, so I probably just need to bzr my 5-a-day files up again?
[09:13] <highvoltage> I just assumed the applet would handle it
[09:14] <highvoltage> thekorn: thanks for the pointer
[09:14] <thekorn> highvoltage, yes the applet *should* handle it, but this seems to be broken in your case
[09:16] <highvoltage> thekorn: ok, I'll check it out and file a bug against 5-a-day, if it is a 5-a-day bug
[09:17] <thekorn> highvoltage, it is a bug in the 5-a-day applet, so 5-a-day is a good target
[09:17] <highvoltage> thekorn: I did have an intermittent connection at the time. it might be that the applet just doesn't do enough checks to see whether the commit happened successfully
[09:18] <thekorn> please subscribe me to the bug
[09:18] <highvoltage> will do
[09:18] <highvoltage> thekorn: do you have children by any chance?
[09:18] <thekorn> no
[09:18] <highvoltage> ok
[09:19] <highvoltage> pity, they would be real life children of thekorn :)
[09:20] <thekorn> :)
[09:25] <elmargol> Bug #278029 somehow I can not change the assigned package :( can someone help please?
[09:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278029 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Xserver crashes, scrambled terminals random lines and patterns" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278029
[09:29] <thekorn> elmargol, this might be restricted to certain teams
[09:29] <thekorn> elmargol, what do you think is the best target package for this bug
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[09:54] <elmargol> thekorn: nvidia-177-kernel-source maybe
[09:57] <thekorn> elmargol, you mentioned in the bug that this bug could be a duplicate of bug 109643
[09:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 109643 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 "[nvidia-glx] [amd64] Frequent lock ups with white screen with black lines when using nvidia binary driver with CPU speed scaling/Cool 'n Quiet" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109643
[09:57] <thekorn> would marking as duplicate help?
[09:57] <elmargol> thekorn: I'm not sure if this is a duplicate. I need someone who cares about closed source drivers :D
[10:00] <ziroday> for 5-a-day what "counts" as a score?
[10:02] <james_w> crimsun: hey, can I ask why you reassigned bug 106934 ?
[10:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 106934 in ov51x-jpeg "[archive removal candidate] compiling the ov511 driver fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106934
[10:03] <thekorn> elmargol, ok you managed to change the package, and I'm sure now the right people will get emailed about your issue
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[10:04] <thekorn> ziroday, it is roughly described on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
[10:05] <ziroday> thekorn: will follow that then, thanks
[10:13] <ivoks> anyone knows how to deal with hal? :)
[10:15] <james_w> ivoks: I know enough to cause myself trouble
[10:15] <james_w> ivoks: if you ask then I can give you a wrong answer posed as a correct one :-)
[10:16] <ivoks> :)
[10:16] <ivoks> james_w: i'm trying to fix toshiba hotkeys
[10:17] <ivoks> james_w: i've created an fdi for bluetooth switch, but that doesn't work as expected :)
[10:18] <james_w> hmm, I don't know enough about fdi files I'm afraid
[10:18] <james_w> I'd suggest pitti or #hal
[10:18] <ivoks> thanks
[10:24] <ziroday> Is there a debugging procedure for shutdown issues?
[10:29] <Mirv> is there anyone who could mark importance to bug 268674 or somehow otherwise put it on radar? the issue is critical for Finnish users.
[10:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 268674 in language-pack-fi-base "[intrepid] Firefox Finnish localization non-existent in the package, other locales available" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/268674
[10:32] <tjaalton> Mirv: will do
[10:32] <tjaalton> ..done
[10:51] <Mirv> tjaalton: thanks :)
=== nm-rocker is now known as asac
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[14:53] <bddebian> Boo
[15:01] <Hobbsee> !coc
[15:02] <ubottu> The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
[15:02] <afflux> morning
[15:02] <afflux> someone's offering debugging for bug 249953 right now, but I don't have the time. If anyone would like to look at it, feel free...
[15:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 249953 in language-pack-gnome-en-base "package language-pack-gnome-en-base 1:8.04+20080527 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/249953
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[15:50] <mrooney> does anyone think bug 194894 should be milestoned for Intrepid?
[15:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 194894 in firefox "Hardy's Firefox reports "version 1.9b3" in "about:"" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194894
[15:52] <hggdh> mrooney, same with abrowser on Intrepid...
[15:54] <mrooney> it is pretty trivial but yet from a QA standpoint should say the correct version
[15:56] <hggdh> there is an upstream bug on this... would we go and create our own patch?
[16:04] <ara> if any one is interested in testing infrastructure, cr3 is giving now a session at #ubuntu-classroom
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[19:17] <chrisccoulson> ping greg-g
[19:20] <greg-g> chrisccoulson: pong
[19:20] <chrisccoulson> just seen your comment on bug 271895
[19:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 271895 in f-spot "update f-spot to 0.5" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/271895
[19:21] <chrisccoulson> i'm having a go at it this evening. if it's successful, then i'll have a build in my PPA later for testing;)
[19:21] <greg-g> yeah, I just wanted to make sure it was clear that major fixes were made between releases.
[19:21] <greg-g> chrisccoulson: awesome!
[19:21] <greg-g> I'll totally help test that
[19:21] <chrisccoulson> there's quite a lot of patches to port and i don't know how well it will work
[19:21] <chrisccoulson> some are fixed upstream
[19:21] <greg-g> gotcha
[19:22] <greg-g> I didn't know we had a bunch of patches in Ubuntu (I should have looked)
[19:22] <greg-g> what types of things do our patches provide?
[19:22] <greg-g> bug fixes only?
[19:23] <chrisccoulson> some of them are bug fixes. there are also small extra features ttoo
[19:25] <greg-g> chrisccoulson: cool, if I knew mono I would help out. Testing is all I can do for you. Thanks!
[19:27] <chrisccoulson> i don't know mono at all actually. some of the bug fixes are in makefiles. for some of the others, it's fairly obvious whether the existing patch will work with the new source, and if not, it's not too difficult to see how the old patch fits in to the new source
[19:30] <greg-g> right right
[20:36] <lfaraone> Hey, did I put this in the right packjage? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/274995
[20:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274995 in ubuntu "shutdown freeze on alsa shutdown" [Undecided,New]
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[20:57] <doko> which package to use for filing a report for the rescue mode on an alternate cd?
[21:00] <mrooney> lfaraone: you didn't put it in a package, what do you mean?
[21:00] <mrooney> but thanks for announcing that bug, I had that happen too, now I can subscribe :)
[21:01] <bdmurray> doko: I think that is part of debian-installer
[21:02] <doko> ok
[21:03] <mrooney> bdmurray: any idea on lfaraone's bug 274995?
[21:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274995 in ubuntu "shutdown freeze on alsa shutdown" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274995
[21:04] <bdmurray> doko: and if not colin will most likely reassign it to the right place
[21:05] <bdmurray> mrooney: try without quiet and uspalsh to get more information, it might be a kernel bug
[21:16] <lfaraone> mrooney: oh, I thought I put it to alsa-tools...
[21:16] <lfaraone> mrooney: my browser must be borked, it said it POST'd it.
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