UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:23] <PorkSoda> HeY all! I have probably touched on this subject several times but I would like to get some input on how ISO files work. Another words if the file is on a CDRW how does it boot up on the computer? Is it supposed to open up like a regular file?
[01:25] <PorkSoda> hey charlie I think you remember me asking?
[01:31] <Moocher> Hey guys
[01:35] <Moocher> Wow no response eh?
[01:35] <zerothis> ./configure "error: could not detect required GTK >= 2.4". how do i fix this? I think I need the gtk development libraries, how do I get those?
=== niwa is now known as Moocher
[01:42] <reyrey> does anybody have any suggestions on a multi monitor gui to install? i can't seem to connect to an external monitor and much less don't have a gui.
[01:46] <reyrey> hello?>
[01:54] <charlie-tca> !twinview
[01:54] <ubottu> twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings
[01:54] <charlie-tca> !dualhead
[01:54] <ubottu> Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama
[01:54] <charlie-tca> might get you started, reyrey
[01:55] <charlie-tca> Moocher, you just have to ask your questions, it might take us a while to answer
[01:55] <charlie-tca> PorkSoda: I don't know the answer
[01:56] <reyrey> im using an old Sharp laptop that doesn't have nvidia so a program that has generic basic drivers should be good..
[01:56] <charlie-tca> take a look at !Xinerama
[01:57] <charlie-tca> !Xinerama
[01:57] <ubottu> xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead
[01:59] <charlie-tca> PorkSoda: this might help - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CreateIsoFromCDorDVD
[02:00] <PorkSoda> charlie do you use windows?
[02:00] <charlie-tca> No, I don't even have a copy
[02:00] <PorkSoda> oh ok I was gonna ask you if you know of a good program to burn iso files
[02:00] <charlie-tca> Nere
[02:01] <charlie-tca> Nero
[02:01] <PorkSoda> I was using nero
[02:01] <PorkSoda> I have issues with the file
[02:01] <charlie-tca> Should have a selection to burn image
[02:01] <charlie-tca> What kind of issues
[02:02] <PorkSoda> well it won't open up on my drive when I put the cdrw there it doesn't do nothing
[02:02] <jo4> i was tryng to install xlockmore, but it says there's no instalation candidate, has the package been removed from the repos??
[02:02] <PorkSoda> I can't even explore through it
[02:02] <jo4> no, wait... wrong box ;D
[02:02] <PorkSoda> brb charlie
[02:03] <jo4> nvm, the ubuntu repos had it ;D *feel stupid*
[02:03] <charlie-tca> Sounds like a problem with the program, PorkSoda
[02:03] <charlie-tca> jo4: no problem, we all do it
[02:03] <jo4> ;D
[02:04] <charlie-tca> Have you got any cd-r you could try? or maybe a different brand
[02:05] <PorkSoda> it burned successfully didn't get any errors but that doesn't mean anything
[02:05] <reyrey> just to be lazy i guess.. isn't there a deb to install or a terminal command ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo
[02:06] <charlie-tca> All I know is what the wiki tells us, reyrey
[02:06] <PorkSoda> I have cdrws so I wouldn't have to waist any
[02:06] <PorkSoda> cdrs
[02:07] <charlie-tca> PorkSoda: Did the "Check this cd for defects" pass?
[02:07] <reyrey> bummer.. i would of thought somethign like this would be simple.. i mean you plug up via vga an external monitor and ubuntu should automatically work..
[02:08] <PorkSoda> u think another program might program might work
[02:08] <charlie-tca> Most of the time, plugging in the monitor does just work. sometimes it takes a little more.
[02:08] <PorkSoda> yeah
[02:09] <charlie-tca> It's possible, PorkSoda. There was a program we used to ship with Dell, back in 1999/2000
[02:09] <PorkSoda> charlie wait I am not sure if I checked that box in nero
[02:09] <charlie-tca> that worked well. Now if I could remember the name.
[02:10] <charlie-tca> Won't work if you didn't check "burn image"
[02:11] <PorkSoda> hmmm I may need to go back and check
[02:11] <PorkSoda> so you can't remember the name of the program?
[02:11] <charlie-tca> \o/
[02:11] <charlie-tca> Not at the moment, old age is catching up
[02:12] <PorkSoda> how old are you charlie
[02:12] <charlie-tca> very
[02:13] <charlie-tca> My brother said he invented rocks! and he is younger than me
[02:15] <reyrey> has anybody been able to get google chrome to work on xubuntu...i managed to install it and it runs but doesn't access the internet
[02:20] <reyrey> has anybody been able to get google chrome to work on xubuntu...i managed to install it and it runs but doesn't access the internet
[02:20] <charlie-tca> apparently not, reyrey
[02:22] <IronJan> hi guys. i use xfce 4.4.2 and got a little problem. i can't add the "volume setter" (don't know the english phrase for that, but i hope you understand) to my panel. can someone help me to fix this?
[02:22] <reyrey> bummer :-(
[02:22] <reyrey> k.. bye guys
[02:22] <Genelyk> plop
[02:23] <charlie-tca> IronJan: Which version of Xubuntu?
[02:23] <Genelyk> que version de xubuntu usas ?
[02:24] <IronJan> charlie-tca: upgraded to hardy yesterday (btw i can switch my desktops up and down now ;) we talked last night.
[02:24] <IronJan> and it's not a "pure" xubuntu. switched from gnome to xfce some time ago
[02:25] <charlie-tca> The volume control didn't install? I got a slider and speaker in 8.04
[02:26] <charlie-tca> Maybe it didn't recognize your audio card?
[02:27] <IronJan> in the xfce settings there are "sound settings" too, so i think, it was installed. sound is working properly. or short: everything works perfectly but i can'T add the volume control to my panel
[02:28] <charlie-tca> TheSheep: ping?
[02:28] <charlie-tca> Sorry, IronJan. I don't know what to do then
[02:29] <charlie-tca> Genelyk: any ideas?
[02:29] <IronJan> charlie-tca: can u tell me the package name of the panel volume controle? perhaps a re-install will help
[02:29] <Genelyk> one moment
[02:30] <charlie-tca> let me look
[02:31] <Genelyk> configured sound ? more not add applet in panel ?
[02:32] <IronJan> Genelyk: can configure sound, but can't add the applet to my panel
[02:32] <Genelyk> top panel or down panel ?
[02:33] <no> Hello, can anyone vouch for/against Xubuntu on a Pentium 3 866Mhz, 384MB RAM, Intel graphics?
[02:33] <Genelyk> I use xubuntu 8.04.1 and not have you problem ..
[02:33] <charlie-tca> gnome-alsamixer
[02:33] <charlie-tca> I think
=== no is now known as zaid-therion
[02:34] <Genelyk> my computer is Pentium 3 1ghz 384RAM and nvidia 16mb
[02:34] <charlie-tca> no: Should work fine. I run it on a P3, 1.2Ghz, 384 MB Ram and PII, 400Mhz, 256 Ram
[02:35] <charlie-tca> the P3 uses intel graphics
[02:35] <zaid-therion> I assume it runs fast enough for web browsing and office apps?
[02:35] <charlie-tca> If I don't turn them all on at once. Which office apps?
[02:36] <charlie-tca> I use OpenOffice Writer, Gnumeric, Abiword
[02:36] <Genelyk> uhmm
[02:36] <IronJan> charlie-tca: your tipp helped me to find the package (xfce-mixer); Genelyk: i got three "custom made" panels ;)
[02:37] <Genelyk> plop
[02:37] <charlie-tca> Glad we found it then
[02:38] <Genelyk> I have problems graphics with intel integrad in chipset i815
[02:38] <charlie-tca> :(
[02:39] <Genelyk> mode consola , refresh not support
[02:39] <charlie-tca> Oh?
[02:39] <charlie-tca> I didn't knwo
[02:39] <charlie-tca> know*
[02:40] <charlie-tca> zaid-therion: Is it Intel 815?
[02:40] <Genelyk> :( , change for nvidia tnt 16mb ,
[02:41] <Genelyk> and solution :D
[02:41] <charlie-tca> :)
[02:41] <zaid-omega> What is xubuntu's memory footprint on the hard drive?
[02:42] <zaid-omega> Fresh install of course
[02:43] <Genelyk> 3 gb
[02:43] <Genelyk> xD!
[03:28] <Moocher> Hey is rhythmbox lightweight ?
[03:28] <cody-somerville> I use it
[03:28] <Moocher> so it is ?
[03:29] <cody-somerville> Lightweight is a matter of opinion
[03:29] <cody-somerville> Its using 30mb of my memory
[03:29] <Moocher> lol lightweight enough for a 512mb of RAM
[03:29] <Moocher> ?
[03:30] <cody-somerville> There are lighter players out there
[03:30] <DFlame> im using amarok fine with 512
[03:33] <Moocher> ok Im just looking for a ligtweight player that can get music off my ipod... I'm running a pentium 3 wth 512 mg
[03:33] <Moocher> which would you recommend ?
[03:34] <Moocher> any takers ?
[03:40] <cody-somerville> Isn't there some program called gtkpod or something?
[03:41] <Moocher> and it pulls my mp3s from the ipod ?
[03:42] <cody-somerville> I think so
[03:42] <Moocher> k Ill try it
[03:49] <Moocher> It won't work
[03:49] <zerothis> I'm getting an odd behavior with fullscreen games. a "fullscreen" swtiches back to a window that immediately moves from centered to aligning to the upper left corner of the desktop. Xmoto in an example that does this. Other game will minimize immediately, clicking on the window list brings it up then it minimizes again Alt+Tab does the same. Armegetron is an example.
[03:49] <Moocher> gtkpod gives me this error "Template ('') does not match file type '/media/NIWA'S IPOD/iPod_Control/Music/F04/JWHP.mp3'
[03:49] <Moocher> Failed to write 'The O.C. Supertones-Blood Washed Pilgrim"
[03:49] <Moocher> any ideas why ?
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[04:27] <onemorevoice> evenin folks
[04:28] <onemorevoice> anyone around to help with a video driver problem?
[04:43] <djohngo> If I disable fuse, will I have a problem with automatically mounting external drives?
[04:58] <djohngo> peace, y'all.
[05:09] <onemorevoice> anyone awake?
[07:12] <benthebug> Hello
[07:13] <benthebug> how can i load xubuntu on my XBOX?
[10:04] <homebrewcider> hi, what I have not done correctly? on second computer, I can't log in as root
[10:05] <homebrewcider> what have I not done?
[10:10] <homebrewcider> never mind
[10:10] <homebrewcider> sorted
[10:47] <JinKazama> hi all. I can't to set skreensaver on my xubuntu. when I chose screensaver theme , set idle time and nothing hapedns. how to fix that?
[10:49] <vinnl> Which version of Xubuntu are you using?
[10:50] <JinKazama> hm... how to find version ?
[10:50] <vinnl> Applications->System->System Monitor
[10:51] <JinKazama> 8.04 (hardy)
[10:51] <JinKazama> Kernel Linux 2.6.24-19-generic
[10:52] <vinnl> I'm not sure, but I *think* you would need to add gnome-screensaver (or xscreensaver, anyone?) to your autostarted applications (Applications->Settings->Settings Manager)
[10:54] <JinKazama> ok. ill try now . thanks :)
[10:59] <JinKazama> it asks me for command in autostarted applications. I don't know where is xscreensaver. please help :)
[11:00] <vinnl> Just enter "gnome-screensaver" as the command
[11:00] <vinnl> Then logout and log back in and it might work
[11:01] <JinKazama> ok. thanks
[11:10] <JinKazama> vinnl: thank you. it works now :)
[11:10] <vinnl> JinKazama, great :)
[11:55] <homebrewcider> hi, I have aproblem, my "task bar" disappeared, and now when I get the settings manager up, and click "Panels", nothing happens
[11:56] <vinnl> homebrewcider, press Alt+F2, then run "xfce4-panel"
[11:57] <homebrewcider> ahah
[11:57] <homebrewcider> cheers
[11:57] <vinnl> :)
[11:57] <homebrewcider> thank you
[11:57] <vinnl> yw
[11:57] <homebrewcider> might have to jot that one down
[11:58] <vinnl> :)
[11:58] <homebrewcider> I was trying to look at photos on a dvd I have, and it was maxing everything out, dvd wouldn't eject
[11:58] <homebrewcider> and hadn't been the same since
[12:59] <wormsxulla> hi
[13:03] <wormsxulla> the last package for pidgin in the repository is 2.2.1 but i need 2.5.1 which solves a connection problem. can i install it from the pidgin website without breaking things? i'm a bit of a newbie with xubuntu
[13:13] <vinnl> wormsxulla, it appears to be down atm, but I think a package is available on http://www.getdeb.net/
[13:14] <wormsxulla> yes, pidgin.im is down. so it won't be a problem to install a newer version than the repo, then? (thanks for the url)
[13:15] <vinnl> Pidgin.im down? xD I was referring to GetDeb :P
[13:15] <vinnl> But installing with the package should be safe, not sure about compiling from source
[13:16] <wormsxulla> i think the whole internet is down, i can't even login to yahoo :-(
[13:16] <wormsxulla> huh, i don't know about compiling
[13:16] <vinnl> :P
[13:16] <vinnl> wormsxulla, well, mostly if you download a Linux application it's not a prepared package which you can just double-click to install
[13:17] <wormsxulla> yes :-(
[13:19] <vinnl> But since newer versions aren't automatically installed, GetDeb creates packages for the newer versions of popular applications
[13:19] <vinnl> And IIRC Pidgin was one of them
[13:21] <wormsxulla> that's cool
[13:21] <vinnl> Yeah if the website would be online it would be :P
[13:21] <wormsxulla> this is strange really... is that a conspiracy? ;-)
[13:22] <vinnl> Hehe
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[14:16] <juljka> wand doesn't work in Opera. Is there someone who has similar problem or knows the solution?
[14:26] <vinnl> wormsxulla, http://www.getdeb.net/app/Pidgin :)
[14:27] <wormsxulla> vinnl: thanks!
[14:27] <vinnl> :)
[14:54] <MamboKurt> hi
[14:54] <MamboKurt> i need some help with nm
[14:54] <MamboKurt> it doesn't work
[14:55] <MamboKurt> tried to connec to a wired peap mschapv2/md5 network
[14:55] <MamboKurt> downloaded the certificate and all this stuff
[14:55] <MamboKurt> but it wont connect
[14:55] <MamboKurt> somebody got an idea?
[18:14] <Stephane25> Hello. I tried to switch from windows to Ubuntu. I have an older version of Ubuntu (5.04) (I know it's funny) Now. I wanted to upgrade to 8.04. I burned the iso on a cd, it works. I went to the first screen. My keybord works because I can change all the options with F1, F2, F3 and F4 and change the options with the up and down arrow. I can also push enter on the Boot with first disk option. But, I cannot push enter on the Install ubuntu option. How can I
[18:16] <DFlame> you're telling the installer to use the entire hard disk (guided) right?
[18:16] <Stephane25> Yes.
[18:16] <Stephane25> I want to install Ubuntu 8.04 on my hard disk and erase everything else.
[18:17] <Stephane25> But I can't with the regular menu, well the first you see when you boot with the cd.
[18:17] <DFlame> is the drive big enough to take the install, or have you missed a check-box somewhere? (I partition manually)
[18:18] <Stephane25> Well, I have a 40GB hard disk.
[18:18] <DFlame> could walk you through a manually partitioned install if you like, and that sounds large enough for sure
[18:18] <Stephane25> Well, I could, but there is no information (well precise information) on how to install ubuntu from a 5.04 version to a 8.04.
[18:19] <Stephane25> I have a question about booting.
[18:19] <DFlame> yeah, thats a pretty old one you have there :P. If you have access to the computer now and the disc for 8.04 handy i wouldnt mind going step by step through it with you
[18:20] <Stephane25> Great
[18:20] <DFlame> can install it on a virtual machine here to keep up :)
[18:20] <Stephane25> You mean, you can dot it step by step without installing it? only explanations?
[18:21] <DFlame> its hard to explain, but i can see the installer screens here and walk you through
[18:22] <Stephane25> DFlame can I PM you?
[18:22] <DFlame> sure, be my guest
[18:27] <l337ingDisorder> hey folks, I've been put in charge of creating a firefox-only web kiosk - no ability to log out, no ability to install programs, no ability to access any system applets like the Network manager, etc - basically just turn the computer on and have it boot to firefox. I figure starting with xubuntu would be a good start, and I'm guessing the smart plan is to get the system installed and...
[18:27] <l337ingDisorder> ...configured then just use remastersys to build a distributable copy but is there any kind of documentation as to how to strip gnome down so that there isn't any kind of UI, and is there any way to make it so a user can't log out, restart, or access anything in the system -> administration or system -> profiles menus?
[18:33] <TheSheep> l337ingDisorder: google for 'xfce kiosk'
[18:33] <TheSheep> l337ingDisorder: and xubuntu doesn't use gnome
[18:56] <l337ingDisorder> hmmm it says on the xubuntu page on ubuntu.com that it uses a stripped-down gnome
[18:56] <vinnl> Where?
[18:57] <l337ingDisorder> in any case thanks for the xfce kiosk suggestion - i'll look into that :)
[18:58] <l337ingDisorder> vinnl: my mistake, misread it.. http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/xubuntu says "It is intended for users with less-powerful computers, or those that require a highly efficient desktop environment on faster systems. Xubuntu features primarily GNOME applications. "
[18:58] <l337ingDisorder> I interpreted that to mean it runs on gnome but it in fact states one phrase earlier that it runs on xfce
[18:59] <vinnl> Ah :)
[19:32] <krylyx> god i'm having so much problems using eclipse :(
[19:32] <krylyx> i think i'll just use bluefish as vinnl recommended :)
[19:33] <krylyx> eclipse was good because it has plugins to develop in any language, so i think i could use it for everything
[19:34] <vinnl> Or you could use gPhpEdit, Geany, jEdit, whatever... :P
[19:34] <TheSheep> krylyx: do you develope in any language?
[19:34] <krylyx> i develop in php, javascript and mysql. but i'm starting with java and C, C++
[19:35] <krylyx> vinnl, bluefish is good enough! the only thing is that i could use eclipse as All-in-One software, but i think there's no problem after all, i can handle 2 or 3 softwares :)
[19:35] <vinnl> Cool :)
[19:49] <yusuf_> my laptop hp nc6000 volume buttons don't work
[19:50] <maestrolinux> hola
[19:53] <maestrolinux> hola
[19:56] <TheSheep> !repeat | HK_Ping
[19:56] <ubottu> HK_Ping: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience
[19:57] <TheSheep> sorry
[19:57] <TheSheep> maestrolinux: that was for you :)
[19:58] <maestrolinux> sorry no speak english
[19:58] <maestrolinux> i happy for work xubuntu ;)
[19:58] <TheSheep> !ar
[19:58] <ubottu> La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe
[19:58] <maestrolinux> oohh!!! tks
[19:59] <TheSheep> :)
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[20:04] <niwa> Hey has anyone tried songbird
[21:54] <R1cochet> !dvd
[21:54] <ubottu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[21:54] <R1cochet> !x264
[21:54] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about x264
[21:54] <R1cochet> !h264
[21:54] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about h264
[21:54] <R1cochet> !rip dvd
[21:54] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about rip dvd
[22:02] <R1cochet> how do encode a dvd to x264?
[22:03] <R1cochet> do I*
[22:12] <favro> R1cochet: I think avidemux will do that
[22:14] <Grey_Loki> I'm trying to remember if k9copy can handle h264 or not
[22:15] <R1cochet> it can but i cant get it to deinterlace
[22:15] <R1cochet> loki: ^
[22:18] <R1cochet> grey: how do u get k9copy to deinterlace?
[22:29] <Cahan> is there an easy way to get xubuntu to use my USB headset if it is plugged in, otherwise use the integrated sound / speakers?