UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <[Solaris]> what does show?
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
[03:25] <micah> has anyone successfully migrated from debian etch to ubuntu-server
[03:26] <Andy__> hello
[03:27] <hads> micah: Sounds tricky
[03:27] <micah> aptitude can't just upgrade the packages with teh proper dependencies?
[03:27] <micah> ubuntu should have higher versions for everything since etch is 1.5 years old
[03:28] <Andy__> New to ubintu server. Is there a good GUI or web based admin for ubuntu server?
[03:28] <micah> webmin?
[03:28] <Andy__> How does that work?
[03:28] <hads> Andy__: Typically people wouldn't use a GUI with a Linux server.
[03:29] <hads> !webmin
[03:29] <ubottu> webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.
[03:29] <micah> Andy: http;//www.webmin.com
[03:29] <Andy__> I know but not real strong with the command line approach
[03:29] <micah> ubottu: there is a debian package for webmin and it works fine
[03:29] <ScottK> Except for when it doesn't.
[03:30] <ScottK> I've tried to help users with Postfix problems that were because webmin corrupted their config files.
[03:30] <Andy__> so command line would be better?
[03:32] <Andy__> I have the server installed. What would be my next step? Newbie question but have to start learning sonner or later
[03:34] <Andy__> Would it be good to set a static IP address?
[03:34] <hads> If you want your server to have a static IP then yes, possibly :)
[03:35] <Andy__> What's the advantage/disadvantage of a static IP address?
[03:35] <hads> It's static rather than dynamic, that's it.
[03:36] <Andy__> if I use webmin, do I need a static ip address?
[03:50] <Andy__> Where would be a good place to learn about command line ?
[03:51] <ScottK> Mostly I used Google and just started using it when I learned.
[03:52] <ScottK> Stuff will be harder and take longer at first, but eventually you'll wonder why you ever thought GUI's were efficient.
[03:54] <Andy__> What would you suggest as a starting point?
[03:58] <ScottK> Trying to do whatever it is you need to do.
[04:00] <Andy__> I have MySQL database on it. How do I access it?
[04:00] <hads> Type `mysql`
[04:00] <ScottK> I'm the wrong guy to ask about that. Ask me about Postfix.
[04:03] <Andy__> On my laptop I use SQYyog to manage my database in it. I need to know the host address. That should be the IP addrss. How do I find that on the server?
[04:03] <Andy__> exit
[04:07] <hads> ifconfig
[04:17] <FFEMTcJ> I'm setting up a server.. I'd like some guidance on how I should partition the drive.. It's a single 160gb drive... It'd going to act as a proxy server, webserver, file server, and test server.
[04:18] <FFEMTcJ> Would anyone mind helping me please?
[04:20] <ScottK> FFEMTcJ: You'll almost certainly be fine if you let the installer partition it for you.
[04:20] <FFEMTcJ> Ok.. So there's nothing special I should do then.. Thanks. :-)
[04:21] <ScottK> I wouldn't think so.
[04:21] <FFEMTcJ> Thanks ScottK
[04:21] <FFEMTcJ> :-)
[08:04] <scuser> hi all,how can I install sasl support with ldap?
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[10:06] <scuser> Hi all, I have this error now "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Local error (-2)" I'm trying to run the command " ldapsearch -b "dc=sc,dc=bibalex,dc=org" -Y "GSSAPI" -U scuser". Any idea?
[10:46] <uvirtbot> New bug: #278495 in nut (universe) "megatec_usb does'nt detect ups" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278495
[12:01] <scuser> Hi, I have this error now "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Local error (-2)" I'm trying to run the command " ldapsearch -b "dc=sc,dc=bibalex,dc=org" -Y "GSSAPI" -U scuser". Any idea?
[13:06] <crevette> hello
[13:09] <scuser> hi all, can anyone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/54219/ ?
[13:11] <crevette> I'm on intrepid trying to make works the kvm-intel module, but I've some error in messages stating there are unknown symbols
[13:11] <crevette> I see that now kvm-source depends on dkms an no more on module-assistant
[13:11] <crevette> s/an/and/
[13:12] <crevette> http://dpaste.com/82476/ here come the error message
[13:12] <crevette> I can modprobe kvm but not kvm-intel
[13:12] <crevette> ah I 'm not perhaps on the appropriate chan
[13:37] <scuser> dear all, I need help with Kerberos and LDAP authentication. It gives this error "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Invalid credentials (49)" after running the command "ldapsearch -b "dc=sc,dc=bibalex,dc=org" -Y DIGEST-MD5" I'm sure that I enter the right password any idea?
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
[15:15] <thoand> hello
[15:16] <thoand> is there some meta package like "ubuntu-desktop" so that you can debootstrap a ubuntu server?
[15:27] <sylvaing> thoand: you can use ubuntu-vm-builder maybe
[15:31] <thoand> mmhh, I would debootstrap my Dom0
[15:32] <thoand> the basic problem ist that debians xen is totaly outdatet, so I decided to use ubuntu on my root-server. but my provider only provides debian with raid1 activated
[15:33] <thoand> so I have installed ubuntu-server in a vmware (with two virtual hdds) and made a tar files of this installation
[15:34] <thoand> but for some reason the system I extracted it (and build raid before and editted etc/fstab and so on and installed grub) does not start
[15:35] <thoand> I now have tried the process in my vmware and found out, that grub is unable to access /dev/md0
[15:36] <thoand> do I have to add raid support while installing grub? I did it from the chrooted ubuntu (with raid enabled)
[15:52] <spikyjt> Hi all, I'm setting up Postfix (first go with a mail server - please be gentle!). Using a relay which works fine. Expected local mail (for domains in mydestination) to be delivered locally, but they go to relay. Any idea what I've missed, or is this correct behaviour?
[15:54] <Nafallo> not without having main.cf
[15:55] <Nafallo> probably not correctly set mydestination though
[15:55] <spikyjt> sorry I'm a noob to irc as well - can I send you my main.cf somehow?
[15:55] <Nafallo> !pastebin
[15:55] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[15:56] <spikyjt> thanks both
[15:56] <stainer> they may be able to help you better in #postfix
[15:57] <spikyjt> http://paste.ubuntu.com/54280/
[15:58] <spikyjt> thanks stainer I'll jump on there too
[16:18] <uvirtbot> New bug: #278617 in samba (main) "login crashed with SIGSEGV in dump_core()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278617
[16:34] <thoand> I found out what the problem was, in the initrd is a mdadm.conf file, there is the UUID of the source raid, you have to update it to the new one
[17:08] * johnc4510-laptop asks if someone is around who schedules the server meetings in #ubuntu-meeting?
[17:09] <johnc4510-laptop> we have a conflict in scheduled meeting times
[17:13] * johnc4510-laptop asks if mathiaz is who i should contact about that?
[17:17] <ScottK> Probably.
[17:19] <johnc4510-laptop> thx
[17:24] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, i sent mathiaz an email, and i'll stick around in here today to see if he shows up.
[18:38] <lamont> ScottK: fwiw, glib2.0 bitchslapped
[18:38] <lamont> OTOH, lots of stuff probably needs givebacks still
[18:41] <ScottK> lamont: Great. That's a start at least. Thanks.
[18:42] <lamont> OTOH, I still want to know why it does that sometimes
[18:42] <lamont> stupid nptl
[18:58] <tester-> hello channel, i need some help, i cant mount a freebsd disk under ubuntu server 8.04, is their any way to do it? i really need some data from that disk
[18:59] <ivoks> you should be able to...
[18:59] <ivoks> did you load ufs module?
[18:59] <Ali_ix> ivoks: how to determine the filesystem type of unmounted disks?
[18:59] <ivoks> Ali_ix: i have no idea :)
[19:00] <tester-> ivoks, modprobe ufs?
[19:00] <ivoks> tester-: yes
[19:01] <tester-> yes but nothing?
[19:01] <tester-> how can i verify that is ufs filesystem
[19:01] <tester-> ?
[19:02] <ivoks> if it's BSD, it's UFS
[19:03] <tester-> sudo mount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd /dev/sdb /media/bsd/
[19:03] <tester-> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,
[19:03] <ivoks> sdb?
[19:03] <ivoks> you can't mount disk, only partitions
[19:05] <tester-> it returns tha same
[19:05] <ivoks> what partition are you mounting?
[19:05] <tester-> <tester-> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1....
[19:05] <ivoks> are you sure it's sdb1?
[19:06] <ivoks> FreeBSD has diferent partition types
[19:06] <ivoks> maybe it isn't UFS
[19:06] <ivoks> try 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/bsd'
[19:06] <tester-> dev/sdb1 * 1 16368 8249440+ a5 FreeBSD
[19:07] <tester-> mount: you must specify the filesystem type
[19:07] <ivoks> which freebsd was used on that disk?
[19:07] <ivoks> what version?
[19:07] <tester-> 6.1
[19:07] <ivoks> then
[19:07] <ivoks> ufstype=ufs2
[19:08] <ivoks> not 44bsd
[19:09] <tester-> sudo mount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sdb1 /media/bsd/
[19:10] <tester-> ?
[19:10] <ivoks> should be, yes
[19:11] <tester-> nop
[19:11] <uvirtbot> New bug: #278712 in samba (main) "3.2.3 and qemu: could not init smb messaging context" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278712
[19:12] <ivoks> tester-: dmesg | grep bsd
[19:13] <tester-> [ 36.058190] sdb1: <bsd: sdb5 sdb6 >
[19:13] <ivoks> there, it's sdb5 and sdb6
[19:14] <tester-> i also tried them...
[19:14] <ivoks> sdb1 is just a slice
[19:14] <tester-> there is sdb1,5,6
[19:15] <ivoks> tester-: you tried with ufs2?
[19:15] <tester-> nothing is mounted
[19:15] <tester-> yes
[19:15] <ivoks> try with 5xbsd
[19:17] <tester-> sdb5 mounted but /media/bsd is empty
[19:17] <tester-> sdb1 and sdb6 returns the same error as before
[19:17] <ivoks> sdb6 is probably swap
[19:19] <ivoks> umount sdb5
[19:19] <ivoks> ufs2 should work
[19:19] <ivoks> mount -t ufs -o ro,ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sdb5 /media/bsd
[19:20] <tester-> well done!
[19:20] <tester-> thanks ivoks
[19:20] <ivoks> i've asked about ufs2, you said yes :)
[19:20] <tester-> bin boot cdrom compat COPYRIGHT dev dhclient.core dist entropy etc home lib libexec mnt proc rescue root sbin sys tmp usr var
[19:21] <ivoks> be careful with ufstype
[19:21] <tester-> yes when i told you sdb5 mounted but it was still empty its because i was already in /media/bsd :p
[19:21] <ivoks> if you use wrong one, you could corrupt filesystem
[19:22] <Ali_ix> weird!
[19:22] <tester-> i don't care about them now, i just want some files to copy to the ubuntu disk and then format
[19:22] <tester-> thanks a lot
[19:22] <ivoks> np
[19:23] <tester-> bye
[19:23] <ivoks> bye
[19:40] <ScottK> lamont: Any suggestions on this one? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18240816/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-hppa.openexr_1.6.1-3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[19:41] <ivoks> ScottK: testRgba.cpp:166? :)
[19:42] <[Solaris]> ivoks my server is finually working well :P
[19:42] <ivoks> [Solaris]: great
[19:42] <ScottK> ivoks: No idea. No hppa hardware here. Just trying to get KDE to build on it.
[19:42] <ScottK> NCommander is my usual go to for this, but he's offline.
[19:43] * ScottK needs to run out and drive kids around anyway ...
[19:43] <ivoks> :)
[19:43] <ivoks> ScottK: enjoy
[19:43] <[Solaris]> just need to find two good working nics, so i can put the server between the external address and the internal router.... I want to get it setup for DHCP
[19:50] <[Solaris]> but gotten everything working well
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[21:51] <uvirtbot> New bug: #278784 in openvpn (universe) "openvpn configuration with token (pkcs11 provider) blocks the boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278784