UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
=== RzR is now known as rZr
=== wikz_ is now known as abn
=== nm-rocker is now known as asac
[11:18] <directhex> ping, anyone awake who understands Xb-Npp-Applications?
[14:10] <asac> directhex: yes. those are the app ids that the plugin is deployed to
[14:10] <asac> (by the package)
[14:10] <directhex> asac, yeah, so i see. i thought it was plugin-specific not browser-specific
[14:11] <directhex> i have 1 more lintian error to eliminate
[15:02] <directhex> asac, i know xulrunner-addons is correct for ubuntu, but i'm a big fan of syncing rather than merging. does everything check /usr/lib/mozilla on ubuntu?
[15:40] <directhex> seems FF does
[15:40] <directhex> anyway, package is in alioth now, it can see some testing
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[17:41] <fta> hi
[17:41] * sebner winks fta
[17:41] <fta> [reed], i've cornered the font regression in ff3.1
[17:41] <fta> between r19805 and r19820
[17:42] <fta> either mozilla bug 454730 or mozilla bug 385263
[17:42] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 454730 in Startup and Profile System "Move shutdown of GTK's fontmap from gfxPlatformGtk to nsAppRunner" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=454730
[17:42] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 385263 in GFX: Thebes "[pango] we call FT_Open_Face twice per font" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385263
[17:43] <fta> well, most probably 385263
[17:43] <fta> http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/25ca781361ed
[17:43] <fta> http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/406819ca370c
[17:43] <fta> (stupid revision hashes)
[18:14] <[reed]> fta: is there a bug open on it?
[18:14] <fta> no idea
[18:14] <[reed]> doesn't look like it
[18:15] <[reed]> ok, please file it, mark it as blocking 385263, request blocking1.9.1, cc me, :karlt, :roc, :vlad
[18:15] <[reed]> and include screenshots
[18:15] <fta> it clearly regressed on ubuntu with system cairo 1.7.6 (and the lcd subpixel filter)
[18:15] <[reed]> oh
[18:15] <[reed]> what cairo is in Firefox now?
[18:16] <[reed]> might just have to either upgrade system cairo or turn cairo off
[18:16] <[reed]> turn system cairo off, I mean
[18:16] <fta> cairo (1.7.4-136-g5ea2555)
[18:16] <fta> so it's a 1.7.6pre
[18:17] <[reed]> hmm, file it then
[18:17] <[reed]> and explain that
[18:17] <[reed]> see what vlad says
[18:30] <fta> [reed], ok, will do. see by yourself: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/font-regression.png
[18:30] <[reed]> ew
[18:30] <armin76> blame asac
[19:02] <fta> [reed], which component ?
[19:04] <[reed]> fta: Core :: GFX: Thebes
[19:04] <[reed]> ?
[19:04] <[reed]> maybe
[19:04] <[reed]> if it's cairo related
[19:05] <fta> [reed], are you :reed?
[19:05] <[reed]> yes
[19:12] <fta> [reed], mozilla bug 458612
[19:12] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 458612 in GFX: Thebes "Font regression using system cairo" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458612
[19:13] <fta> hm, the attachement is not there
[19:13] <[reed]> attach it again
[19:13] <fta> 'The bug was created successfully, but attachment creation failed. Please add your attachment by clicking the "Create a New Attachment" link below. '
[19:14] <fta> description
[19:27] <directhex> who feels like build/testing http://retro.apebox.org/moon/ ?
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[23:32] <asac> omg
[23:32] <asac> i made it
[23:32] <asac> tax declaration :(
[23:32] <asac> definitly my personal nightmare ;)
[23:43] <fta> asac, i kind of know the feeling
[23:43] <fta> but for me, it's in 6 months
[23:47] <rzr> java ?
[23:48] <rzr> in france the service is based on a java applet w/ native lib
[23:49] <fta> this year was the 1st year i failed to complete my taxes on linux
[23:50] <fta> the very last step failed, the signing applet
[23:50] <fta> (in france)
[23:51] <rzr> i managed all times
[23:51] <rzr> but it took me time
[23:51] <fta> i'm always in a hurry
[23:52] <fta> last minute thing
[23:52] <rzr> http://rzr.online.fr/q/java.fr
[23:54] <fta> so it was just a problem with libnssdbm3.so ?
[23:58] <rzr> et des paths manquants
[23:59] <fta> si c'est ca, c'est à cause de debian, le /usr/lib/nss vient de là.