UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
=== nm-rocker is now known as asac
[11:18] <lool> Cool, new mobile image; syncing the daily
[14:30] <josephus> could someone help me configuring input devices on the U560?
[14:30] <josephus> http://pastie.org/285234
[14:30] <josephus> it has a joystick mouse, a touchscreen a few extra keyboard buttons
[14:31] <josephus> the joystick is extremely slow, the touch is messed up, unable to calibrate it with evtouch
[14:42] <lool> ogra: ubuntu-mobile looks quite good on the jax10
[14:43] <lool> Plus the failsafe Xorg has been fixed in some way and I can login with vesa now; just get the confirmations which i'd like to get rid of
[14:46] <ogra> cool
[14:46] * ogra is just starting up debian gnome on the n800 for the first time
[14:47] <lool> Hey bfiller
[15:21] <lool> Weird, I can only a sda on my jax10
[15:21] <lool> I thought it had two disks
[15:22] <lool> sda is 2 GB
[16:50] <josephus> lool: is there a failsave xorg with vesa?
[16:50] <josephus> failsafe*
[19:15] <rhp> Hi again. Now that I finally can build images locally (by installing 8.04.1 in a virtual box...) I want to find out why the fpit input is scaled.
[19:16] <rhp> There seem to be some posts about the topic, but they suggest that the problem should be solved in Intrepid. ubuntu-mobile uses the regular intrepid repositories, right?
[19:24] <lool> josephus: I don't quite understand your question
[19:25] <lool> josephus: failsafe is vesa
[19:25] <josephus> umm yes, but my X keeps restarting and i cant check the logs (squashfs <3)
[19:27] <josephus> anyway i ended up installing a desktop 8.04 from usb stick, everything except the touchscreen works out of the box
=== robr_ is now known as robr
[20:54] <rhp> ok, one step further. Turns out the fpit scaling problem is fixed if TrackRandR is on...
[22:10] <ogra-n800> yay
[22:12] <stgraber> ogra-n800: gnome ? :)
[22:21] <ogra-n800> n800 ubuntu-mobile,though i"m cheating, it"s debiam, but ubuntu graphics
[22:25] <stgraber> :)
[22:30] <stgraber> ogra-n800: btw, I have ltsp and ldm UVFe bugs for you to review if you have time later. I'll then subscribe ubuntu-release to them.