UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[00:41] <Rocket2DMn> mdke, ping
[00:41] <mdke> Rocket2DMn: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)
[00:42] <Rocket2DMn> mdke, do we want to delete CategoryNeedsExpansion page, or set a redirect to the Tag page?
[20:29] <threni> good hello!
[20:30] <threni> i have a question about one of the ubuntu community pages
[20:30] <threni> is this a good place/time to discuss it?
[20:34] <nellery> threni, ask away!
[20:36] <threni> It's just that I've been following this page:
[20:36] <threni> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne
[20:36] <threni> because i've just got an Aspire One and replaced the supplied OS with Ubuntu
[20:36] <threni> it's my first taste of linux, and i like it (i'm a windows developer)
[20:37] <threni> this page seems to be changing fairly frequently, and today it says:
[20:37] <threni> NOTE: Wireless support is built in Intrepid Ibex (8.10) because the kernel is >= 2.6.27.
[20:37] <threni> (this is under step 3, nearish the top)
[20:37] <threni> but that page discusses 8.4.1
[20:38] <threni> there IS a section later on which discusses 8.10, but not at this part of the document.
[20:38] <threni> so it's confusing
[20:38] <threni> i've followed those steps and although I've got wifi working, it's not perfect
[20:38] <threni> oh great
[20:38] <threni> i'll carry on in case someone else reads this!
[20:39] <threni> the part which deals with 8.4.1 has changed a little, and i'm wondering if i should try the new (it looks different to me) instructions at the top (ie the 8.4.1 parts)
[20:40] <threni> but i'm not completely confident that it actually does deal with 8.4.1 any more - perhaps the instructions AND the description of the instructions both apply to 8.10 only
[20:41] <threni> i hope this makes sense. i think it needs someone to check it out quickly and change it back or whatever.
[20:41] <threni> it says:
[20:41] <threni> AspireOne (last edited 2008-10-03 21:30:59 by ben-crimson)
[20:41] <threni> but the link isn't working
[20:54] <Atamira> you might want to join the mailing list as well threni
[20:54] <Atamira> we're an inactive bunch in here, but very active on the mailing list
[20:54] <threni> woah - i was literally moving the mouse to clise this window!
[20:55] <threni> the docs say irc is the fastest way to get a response - perhaps that needs changing too!
[20:55] <threni> ok, i'll check that out
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