UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:58] <graydog> hi is anybody here? i am a person with some c,c++ expertise and i want to participate in ubuntu. one of my friends told me to join this. how do i start?
[00:59] <RAOF> !contribute
[00:59] <ubottu> To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate
[00:59] <RAOF> That's a good starting point.
[01:03] <graydog> RAOF: hmmm.. well thanks. i understand triaging should be starting point.
[01:04] <RAOF> graydog: Depends on what you want to do, really.
[01:04] <RAOF> If you'd like to triage bugs, that's great, and very useful.
[01:04] <RAOF> If you'd like to do some debugging and _fix_ bugs, that's also wonderful :)
[01:05] <graydog> RAOF: I really would love to code, ie solve bugs. does traiging help in gaining a better understanding of how the code and packages are organized?
[01:05] <graydog> or should i start somewhere else. my goal is to debug. maybe create some apps later.
[01:06] <graydog> i have read the various contributing options and traiging seems the best path to start from. :)
[01:06] <RAOF> Generally, people will often do a bit of everything. If you want to fix bugs, though, you can start with a package you care about and look at the already-triaged bugs.
[01:07] <graydog> ok raof thanks. that helps.
[01:50] <mrooney> asac: tag!
[04:01] <ziroday> What is the difference between invalid and wont fix?
[04:24] <nellery_> ziroday: that's explained here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status
[04:29] <mrooney> anyone know what to do with bug 278385?
[04:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278385 in rar "Is it possible to replace rar 3.8 beta2 with 3.8 final?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278385
[04:31] <ziroday> nellery_: thanks
[04:33] <nellery_> mrooney, looks like a simple upgrade request
[05:22] <mrooney> nellery_: I guess I don't really have experience with those, if it isn't upgraded in debian
[05:22] <mrooney> what should happen?
[05:23] <nellery_> mrooney, tag it as upgrade, and rename the description to something like "New upstream release v.xx"
[05:23] <nellery_> and generally you would confirm it and mark it as wishlist
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[09:56] <tseliot> tjaalton: we need a FFE to get latest Nvidia driver too, right?
[10:01] <tjaalton> tseliot: yes
[10:01] <tseliot> ok, I just wanted to be sure
=== m-y-t-h-o-s is now known as mythos
[10:23] <SpudULike> I am gathering info to submit a bug. For me on my laptop, suspend worked well in Ibex Alpha, but has stopped working in the beta release. The keyboard doesn't work on resume. What is the most useful information to include from both versions? I am not sure if there is a package I should submit this under either.
[10:29] <SpudULike> 'tis OK, I've found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI - I think that's where suspend problems reside.
[10:38] <mnemo> if somebody wants to learn some of basics of how to analyze bugs using gdb etc... I wrote down pretty much __all__ the steps I went though to analyze a 100% CPU spin in totem (which was using the gstreamer pulseaudio backend)... the bug has already been fixed by the gstreamer devs but for learning gdb basics check out this bug report --> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=554771
[10:38] <ubottu> Gnome bug 554771 in gst-plugins-good "totem spins CPU 100% while allocating (infinitely) because pulseaudio process is not available" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
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[11:59] <ziroday`> Hi, could some one give me some guidance on this report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd/+bug/277643
[11:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277643 in xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd "With Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 the Ati 4600 crash after play games with Wine." [Undecided,Invalid]
[11:59] <ziroday`> it very much seems the guys trolling
[12:03] <Hobbsee> ziroday`: i'd subscribe to it, but not comment on it, in the hope he goes away.
[12:03] <Hobbsee> he may well just be confused / off the planet / etc.
[12:03] <ziroday`> ziroday`: done so already
[12:03] <ziroday`> woops
[12:03] <ziroday`> Hobbsee: yeah, I couldn't work out if he was a troll or just nuts
[12:04] <ziroday`> or had an actual problem but didn't know how to describe it
[12:04] <Hobbsee> ziroday`: i'd probably go with the "nuts". He's not continually asking questions, so probably not the third option
[12:04] <ziroday`> Hobbsee: alright, thanks a load :)
[12:05] <Hobbsee> ziroday`: if he were a troll, i would have expected him to reopen it / demand it being reopened.
[12:05] <Hobbsee> s/being/be/
[12:05] <Hobbsee> ziroday`: you're welcome
[12:05] * ziroday` goes back to his 5 a day
[12:46] <mnemo> why doesn't valgrind have a dbgsym package (I got ddebs enabled and I got -dbgsym package for everything except valgrind it seems??)
[15:29] <chrisccoulson> ping kees
[15:53] <nhandler_> 5/mark
[17:13] <kees> chrisccoulson: pong. sup?
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[17:34] <niadh> Am looking at this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/70077 and the issue appears to have been uncovered, it seems such a major issue that needs solving so am looking for help as to how to deal with it
[17:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 70077 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Random hangups" [High,New]
[17:43] <mrooney> niadh: you might want to ping bdmurray as he was originally looking at it
[17:43] <niadh> ok
[17:44] <mrooney> the confirmation that it still exists in the .27 kernel plus the suse info could help
[17:51] <chrisccoulson> kees - are you still about?
[17:52] <niadh> Was also thinking that there's a work around too, which may help
[17:53] <kees> chrisccoulson: yawp, I just saw your AA bug email
[17:54] <kees> chrisccoulson: I was actually just doing an upstream re-merge with the AppArmor codebase, so I'll include that bug in my testing.
[17:54] <chrisccoulson> thats what i was going to ask you about. i wanted to get your thoughts before i reassigned it from gdm-guest-session to apparmor
[17:54] <kees> chrisccoulson: let me go read it, one sec
[17:55] <chrisccoulson> i've reassigned it now anyway. i think there's enough evidence to show that the bug is outside of gdm-guest-session
[17:56] <kees> chrisccoulson: yeah, I'd agree
[17:57] <chrisccoulson> thats good then :)
[17:57] <kees> I've milestoned it so it'll be sure to get attention. (but I'll be looking into it more closely on monday for sure)
[17:57] <chrisccoulson> thanks for that kees
[17:57] <kees> chrisccoulson: thanks for pinging me. :P kind of a bad regression. ;)
[17:58] <chrisccoulson> it is a bit. i use apparmor quite extensively on my machine, but i havent migrated any profiles from hardy yet so i didn't notice this problem until i came across that bug report
[17:58] * kees nods
[19:26] <pjbroad> hi, could someone consider convert this bug to a wishlist #278299 thanks.
[19:27] <hggdh> bug 278299
[19:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278299 in gnome-panel "Intrepid: arrows in gnome menu?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278299
[19:28] <chrisccoulson> is anyone here familiar with HAL?
[19:30] <hggdh> pjbroad, done
[19:32] <pjbroad> thanks hggdh
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[23:32] <asac> mrooney: ?