UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== nebi is now known as nebi|away
=== nebi|away is now known as nebi
[07:38] <highvoltage> "There are currently 2222227 people registered in Launchpad"
[07:38] <highvoltage> oh no! I missed 2222222!
[07:41] <wgrant> I wonder how many of those are from ShipIt.
[08:04] <jml> wgrant: it would be good to know the # of ppl w/ non-zero karma
[08:10] <wgrant> jml: It would, and that would be a trivial query...
[08:11] <wgrant> "People who have not been wastes of database rows in the past year: X"
[08:12] <jml> wgrant: I'd rather not say that anyone is a waste of anything until I get to know them a bit.
[08:12] <wgrant> jml: True.
[08:13] <wgrant> Although that statement just fails to make *any* assertion about the wastefullness of those who don't have karma. :P
=== nebi_ is now known as nebi|away
[11:13] <etms> hi to all, there is a devs?
[11:14] <etms> i have a feature for Rosetta
[11:15] <etms> or Launchpad
[11:15] <wgrant> etms: You'd probably best file a bug, but maybe mention it here and people will respond if they can.
[11:28] <etms> yes, this feature is similar at board Vbulletin.com
[11:31] <etms> where where close to the last link to change the page there is an image with an arrow where you open a tooltip where you can decide which page to go
[11:34] <etms> this can you see into this image this feature
[11:35] <etms> http://img355.imageshack.us/my.php?image=launchpaddi6.jpg
[11:36] <etms> this feature can help the more users and validors groups for move for validate the translation without going to click on next link
[11:36] <wgrant> etms: File a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+filebug
[11:36] <wgrant> etms: Attach that image.
[11:42] <etms> why bugs
[11:43] <Hobbsee> etms: because things normally take at least 6 months to be added, and they will forget, and there aren't any launchpad developers here at the moment anyway.
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
=== nebi is now known as nebi|away
=== nebi|away is now known as nebi
[16:43] <marnanel> I have a PPA question. I was asked to put up a trunk build of metacity. But of course that replaces metacity, metacity-common, etc. I put "Replaces:" those in the debian/control file, but it doesn't replace them, and the line doesn't show in apt-cache show.
[16:57] <stdin> marnanel: you'll probably get a better response in #ubuntu-motu, it's a packaging issue rather than a PPA issue
[17:10] <marnanel> stdin: okay, cheers
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[21:37] <ryanakca> I'm trying to log into help.ubuntu.com/community/ ... it directs me to log in with Launchpad's OpenID service... I do so, it redirects me back to the wiki... As soon as I click any link in the wiki, I'm logged out... Konqueror on Intrepid ...
[21:37] <Peng_> Cookie issue maybe?
[21:38] <laga> i think that's a known issue with konqueror
[21:38] <ryanakca> Peng_: Set to accept all cookies
[21:38] <ryanakca> laga: bummer.
[21:39] <wgrant> ryanakca: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=3013
[21:39] <wgrant> (ubuntu:ubuntu)
[21:43] <wgrant> 07:39:49 < wgrant> ryanakca: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=3013
[21:43] <wgrant> 07:39:53 < wgrant> (ubuntu:ubuntu)
[21:43] * wgrant disappears
[21:43] <ryanakca> wgrant: splendid, thanks
[21:55] <mrooney> Can I not link to an upstream tracker in a non-Ubuntu bug?
[21:57] <mrooney> hm, I seem to have gotten it...nevermind :)
[22:22] <hedkandi> woo hoo
[22:22] <hedkandi> anyone here?
[22:22] <hedkandi> what's this lunchpad openid thing?
[22:24] <hedkandi> i got it.
[23:46] <mtah> Hi everyone! How long should it normally take after uploading my packages to my PPA before they become accessible?
[23:50] <mtah> never mind, got a rejection mail ^^
[23:55] <NCommander> mtah, up to 20 minutes after a packages finishes building
[23:56] <mtah> NCommander: I got a rejection mail saying "Unable to find distroseries: unstable". This is my first time building and uploading a Debian package, so bear with me :)
[23:56] <NCommander> You can't do that
[23:57] <NCommander> Well, strictly speaking, you can edit the changes files and manually set the series from unstable to hardy or intrepid
[23:57] <NCommander> But the usual method is to add a new changelog entry
[23:57] <NCommander> Add ~ppa1 to the end of the versioning string, and change the series to the one you wish to target (either intrepid, hardy, feisty, gutsy, or dapper)
[23:58] <mtah> NCommander: ok. thanks. will try that now. is it just the ./debian/changelog file I need to change?
[23:59] <NCommander> mtah, er, what are you trying to do specifically?
[23:59] <mtah> NCommander: I'm trying to build the latest version of gitosis (which isn't in the hardy repositories) and upload it to my PPA