UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /05 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[04:06] <LaserJock> evening all
[04:27] <stgraber> hey LaserJock
[04:28] <LaserJock> hi stgraber
[04:28] <LaserJock> thanks for working on bugs
[04:29] <stgraber> sorry for flooding you :)
[04:29] <LaserJock> np, it's a good thing
[04:30] <stgraber> I'm trying to get a stable LTSP in before the release
[04:30] <stgraber> so I have to file/update bugs so I can link them in the changelog :)
[04:30] <stgraber> (and get a UVFe)
[04:35] <juanchi> can anyone please give me a link where I can find all the educational software included in edubuntu, thanks
[04:47] <LaserJock> juanchi: good question, I'm not sure we have a current, comprehensive list
[04:48] <juanchi> Thanks LaserJock for your answer
[04:48] <LaserJock> KDE Edu, gcompris, tuxtype, tuxpaint, tuxmath, qcad
[04:48] <juanchi> I live in the Republic of Panama and just find this distro
[04:48] <LaserJock> cool
[04:49] <LaserJock> there's also quite a bit of other packages people might find interesting
[04:49] <LaserJock> scribus, screem, gobby
[04:49] <juanchi> I will like to start a proyect down here in panama for childs that doesn't have the resources to get a computer and I think edubuntu will just great
[04:50] <juanchi> be great
[04:50] <juanchi> If I'm not wrong edubuntu is also available in spanish, right?
[04:51] <LaserJock> sure
[04:51] <LaserJock> although I'm not exactly sure about what's on the CDs
[04:51] <LaserJock> you might need a supplemental CD to get all the language files
[04:52] <juanchi> Well I will definitley give a try to edubuntu, I use ubuntu in my home and at work
[04:55] <LaserJock> juanchi: http://www.edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu is outdated but gives you a general idea
[04:56] <juanchi> Thanks LaserJock!!!
[04:57] <LaserJock> juanchi: that was written when we actually had a full install CD
[04:57] <LaserJock> juanchi: now we just are an addon to Ubuntu, so you install Ubuntu first, then put in the Edubuntu disk
[04:58] <juanchi> LaserJock: ah o.k., I didn't know that, thanks again
[04:58] <stgraber> LaserJock: hey, if you have a sec, can you have a look at bug 278399 ? Just to be sure I didn't do a big mistake before I subscribe ubuntu-release :)
[04:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278399 in ldm "[UVFe] ldm (2.0.12 -> 2.0.13)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278399
[04:59] <stgraber> LaserJock: I'm finishing the LTSP one as we speak (test building), this one is a bit more tricky but there isn't that much change in the end
[05:09] <LaserJock> stgraber: looks nice. Only thing I think people might expect is a debdiff, but you've got all the info there
[05:15] <stgraber> LaserJock: hmm, wouldn't debdiff include the upstream changes as well ? (that's why I attached a debian.diff and an upstream.diff to clearly see what's what)
[06:01] <stgraber> LaserJock: bug 278425
[06:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278425 in ltsp "[UVFe] ltsp (5.1.22 -> 5.1.25)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278425
[06:02] <stgraber> that's the same for LTSP, there is a bit more changes to this one though ...
[17:16] <monteslu> what do I have to do to have the system not use nbd at all?
[18:17] <Stephane25> Hello. I tried to switch from windows to Ubuntu. I have an older version of Ubuntu (5.04) (I know it's funny) Now. I wanted to upgrade to 8.04. I burned the iso on a cd, it works. I went to the first screen. My keybord works because I can change all the options with F1, F2, F3 and F4 and change the options with the up and down arrow. I can also push enter on the Boot with first disk option. But, I cannot push enter on the Install ubuntu option. How can I
[18:25] <stgraber> so your up and down arrows don't work ?
[18:25] <Stephane25> No they do.
[18:26] <Stephane25> I just can push enter on the install option but I can push enter on boot with the first disk (last option)
[18:26] <stgraber> does it show any error message ?
[18:27] <Stephane25> It does not.
[18:27] <Stephane25> I can install 5.04 with no problem.
[18:27] <Stephane25> But now I can't upgrade to 8.04
[18:27] <stgraber> hmm, can you try pressing ESC, that should ask you if you want to exit the "graphical" menu
[18:28] <stgraber> then once you have the prompt, simply press enter
[18:28] <stgraber> that should start the install (you may have to change your locale and keyboard layout after that though as it'll take the defaults)
[18:28] <Stephane25> I tried to push enter and I exit the graphical menu
[18:28] <Stephane25> You mean I can push esc and then enter and it will work?
[18:29] <stgraber> you exit the graphical menu then push enter
[18:29] <stgraber> that should make it load the installer
[18:29] <Stephane25> Ok, well it's simple thanks.
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