UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /03 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <[Solars]> don't have speakers
[00:00] <[Solars]> i think ubuntu-desktop gives you kde gnome and some other stuff
[00:00] <[Solars]> or i can build up from xorg
[00:02] <[Solars]> dunno might keep you on speed dial :)
[00:07] * [Solars] checks cd to make sure the server cd burnt well
[00:08] <trashguy> ubuntu-desktop gives u gnome
[00:08] <trashguy> kbuntu
[00:08] <trashguy> is kde
[00:08] <[Solars]> ahh
[00:08] <[Solars]> i never actually played in kde
[00:08] <trashguy> its not my preference
[00:09] <[Solars]> looks wierd
[00:09] <trashguy> i like minimalistic
[00:09] <trashguy> xfce is even smaller
[00:09] <trashguy> but i dont liek the default look
[00:09] <trashguy> and if i mess
[00:09] <trashguy> with themes or looks
[00:09] <trashguy> it will end up so ugly
[00:10] <trashguy> and un usable
[00:10] <trashguy> ill reinstall
[00:10] <[Solars]> lol
[00:10] <[Solars]> heh didn't know people still use xfce
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
[00:13] <[Solars]> for large data volumns what fs you like
[00:13] <[Solars]> ext3?
[00:17] <trashguy> ZFS ^^
[00:17] <[Solars]> zfs?
[00:17] <trashguy> how lare are you looking at?
[00:17] <[Solars]> 1TB for main area
[00:18] <[Solars]> ./boot is only 500mb. / is 1.3TB, and swap is 1.5GB
[00:18] <trashguy> ext3 would be fine
[00:19] <trashguy> ZFS is suns file system
[00:19] <trashguy> its pretty much amazing
[00:19] <trashguy> I have a file server at home tunning freebsd 7 and i have some disks with ZFS
[00:20] <[Solars]> i vaguely heard of it
[00:20] <trashguy> its quite powerfull
[00:20] <trashguy> with disk snapshots
[00:20] <trashguy> and maintiaing backsups etc
[00:23] <[Solars]> can i upgrade from ext3 to zfs if i choose to?
[00:24] <trashguy> its a migration
[00:24] <trashguy> and
[00:24] <trashguy> zfs support in linux
[00:24] <trashguy> is hight experimental
[00:24] <trashguy> right now
[00:25] <[Solars]> figured as much
[00:25] <[Solars]> documentation for it in ubuntu referres back to 7.10
[00:25] <[Solars]> so its been around for a little bit
[00:26] <[Solars]> doc also say they are working on an ext4
[00:27] <trashguy> meh
[00:28] <[Solars]> it was a interesting read to say the least
[00:28] <[Solars]> takes for ever to format ext3 on 1+TB
[00:31] <kgoetz> ext4 has been in devel for a few years
[00:31] <[Solars]> figured as much
[00:32] <kgoetz> also, zfs wont make mainline linux, as its CDDS (or whatever suns free licence is)
[00:36] <trashguy> yes
[00:36] <trashguy> Stallman is a GPL nazi
[00:36] <trashguy> BSD license >
[00:37] <trashguy> You can use our stuff just don't sue us
[00:38] <trashguy> ZFS is amazing though I am glad they are rolling it in to FreeBSD
[00:38] <trashguy> i wouldn't use it as a root system but for storage its pretty pro
[00:39] * [Solars] must now has to determine "which install package i want"
[00:39] <[Solars]> sshd and prolly samba
[00:39] <trashguy> you goign to use cifs?
[00:41] <[Solars]> common internet file system?
[00:42] <[Solars]> i mostly want to use samba as media storage
[00:44] <[Solars]> i suppose i could just install samba myself afterwords
[00:44] <trashguy> i liek doign stuff post install
[00:45] <[Solars]> is the preinstall sshd worth doing (not sure what other packages are included with that)
[00:46] <uvirtbot> New bug: #277327 in samba (main) "Installing wine makes samba shares unaccessible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277327
[00:49] <[Solars]> they need to stop wineing! heh
[00:50] <trashguy> i install base sshd
[00:51] <trashguy> pdate immediatley though
[00:53] <[Solars]> heh should pay you to ssh to my box after its done setting up and have you fix everthing lol
[00:55] <[Solars]> bah i will just install nothing at first
[00:55] <trashguy> lol
[00:55] <trashguy> its more fun to learn yourself
[00:55] <[Solars]> yea
[00:56] <[Solars]> but makes my wife measerable
[01:00] <[Solars]> woot i got a nakid system!
[01:05] <stainer> trashguy - what is pdate that you mentioned mean?
[01:05] <stainer> too late
[01:06] <[Solars]> hell be back
[01:07] <stainer> k.. thanks. I just got a server up and running too... my wife got me a 1U for our anniversary
[01:08] <Deeps> stainer: as in, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
[01:08] <Deeps> as whatever version of openssh is distributed on the install cd has already been updated
[01:08] <stainer> gotcha
[01:09] <stainer> update... I understand now... sorry... I have a North Carolina public education
[01:10] <slangasek> whereas the North Carolina private schools have apt in their curriculum? :-)
[01:10] <stainer> hahaha
[01:11] <stainer> I started with Slack 3.1, no apt with that. tar -zxvf, make, make install
[01:12] <[Solars]> heh i started with slack 2.9!
[01:13] <stainer> love ubuntu though, its the first time I could get wireless working on my laptop
[01:15] <macd> http://pastie.org/284003 <-- ideas? (package installed, binary still doesnt exist no surprise its ruby related)
[01:17] <mathiaz> macd: what does dpkg -L rubygems say É
[01:17] <mathiaz> macd: ?
[01:17] <macd> it says its installed
[01:17] <mathiaz> macd: which PPA are you using ?
[01:18] <mathiaz> macd: like /usr/bin/gems
[01:18] <mathiaz> macd: >
[01:18] <mathiaz> macd: >?
[01:18] <macd> wait, dpkg -L rubygems doesnt have a binary at all, lket me see it rubygems1.8 does
[01:18] <mathiaz> macd: gem1.8 ?
[01:18] <macd> yeah, gem1.8 @ mathiaz is the binary
[01:18] <macd> but it fails epicly at doing anything
[01:19] <macd> http://pastie.org/284005
[01:19] <macd> mathiaz, the ruby/gems from the PPA work fine, I was trying the packaged ones in intrepid.
[01:20] <mathiaz> macd: the version in intrepid is not 1.2.0+2008081901
[01:21] <macd> hardy, Im sorry.
[01:21] <mathiaz> macd: in intrepid it's 1.3.0~RC1really1.2.0-2ubuntu2
[01:21] <mathiaz> macd: hardy is 0.9.4-4 with 1.1.1 from hardy-backports
[01:22] <mathiaz> macd: where did you get 1.2.0+2008081901-0ubuntu1 from ?
[01:22] <macd> apt-get update then apt-get install rubygems
[01:22] <mathiaz> macd: what's your sources.list ?
[01:23] <macd> mathiaz, http://pastie.org/284011
[01:25] <mathiaz> macd: hm - the only place where 1.2.0+2008081901-0ubuntu1 exist is in the ubuntu-ruby-backports PPA
[01:25] <macd> and I dont use that repo
[01:25] <macd> well I do, but not on this machine...
[01:25] <macd> this is a fresh hardy install
[01:27] <mathiaz> macd: hm - I don't know then. Have you downloaded the deb from the PPA and manually installed it ?
[01:28] <macd> mathiaz, nahh, this is the second boot of the vm as well, first was to uncomment sources.list and dist-upgrade, then rebooted to install ruby+gems from the repos
[01:28] <macd> I can try purging them, and reinstalling
[01:28] <mathiaz> macd: that would help
[01:31] <macd> mathiaz, so rubygems or libgems-ruby1.8 ?
[01:31] <mathiaz> macd: try both
[01:32] <macd> they can't coexist
[01:32] <macd> one removes the other on install
[01:32] <macd> let me try a few things, and I'll stick it all in a pastie
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[01:42] <macd> mathiaz, bleh I had a entry in sources.list.d/ I must've put it in my base VM image, thanks for the help.
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=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
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[03:42] <[Solars]> so now i am getting
[03:42] <[Solars]> "sudo: unable to resolve host hel"
[03:43] <[Solars]> should the host be resolved to localhost
[03:44] <[Solars]> blah i just nuke and start over :P
[03:51] <uvirtbot> New bug: #277370 in bind9 (main) "apparmor exception missing for keytab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277370
[04:51] <espacious> as i got no response nowhere im also askin here
[04:51] <espacious> what a hell happened to ndiswrapper i was using TEW424 usb adapter for wireless
[04:51] <espacious> but since i upgraded/renstalled to new version my pc freezes when try to connect
[04:51] <espacious> to my ruter i need to hard reboot,i fonund out 128bit WEP works ok but not WPA. somebody?
[04:51] <espacious> it was workong ok on the previsious release 7.10 i think.
[05:11] <nxvl> mathiaz: ping
[05:11] <nxvl> mathiaz: just tried to install ebox and i can't
[05:11] <nxvl> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[05:11] <nxvl> libebox: Depends: libjs-scriptaculous but it is not installable
[05:11] <nxvl> Depends: libjs-prototype but it is not installable
[05:11] <mathiaz> nxvl: which package are you trying to install ?
[05:12] <nxvl> ebox
[05:12] <mathiaz> nxvl: and you've enabled the ebox ppa ?
[05:12] <nxvl> yup
[05:12] <ScottK> mathiaz: This reminds me of my mail to ubuntu-server the other day. If we aren't going to fix the packages, should we just remove them?
[05:13] <mathiaz> ScottK: I'd rather try to get them fix instead of removing the package
[05:13] <nxvl> ScottK: we are testing it
[05:13] <ScottK> nxvl and mathiaz: OK. I got the impression from the meeting minutes that we were just telling people to use the PPA.
[05:13] <mathiaz> ScottK: we've been kind of pushing people to use ebox instead of webmin - so I don't think it would be a good idea to just drop ebox from intrepid.
[05:14] <nxvl> mathiaz: the weirdest part is that that package is not on the ppa
[05:14] <nxvl> ScottK: well, it was some testing needed to grab the packages from the ppa
[05:14] <ScottK> mathiaz: I agree, but better nothing that one that's broken.
[05:14] <ScottK> OK.
[05:14] <nxvl> ScottK: and that's what we are doing
[05:14] <nxvl> :D
[05:14] <nxvl> ScottK: agreed on that
[05:14] <mathiaz> ScottK: ok. The plan is to test the version in the PPA and if it works well then we'll start to do a FFexecption request.
[05:15] <mathiaz> nxvl: I've tested the ppa on monday and it was working then.
[05:15] <ScottK> mathiaz: Did you see the mail about mailman updates today?
[05:15] <mathiaz> nxvl: do you have universe enabled ?
[05:16] <mathiaz> ScottK: yes - I haven't looked at the version in debian though.
[05:16] <nxvl> wait
[05:16] <ScottK> I don't have time to deal with an FFe, but I at least looked at their changelog (NEWS) and test built the package and it looks reasonable for an FFe to me.
[05:16] <nxvl> is a problem with my sources.list
[05:16] <nxvl> :S
[05:16] <ScottK> mathiaz: ^^
[05:16] <nxvl> or it looks like
[05:16] <mathiaz> ScottK: ok.
[05:17] <mathiaz> ScottK: is it a big new release ? or more a bug fix ?
[05:17] <nxvl> heh
[05:17] <nxvl> found the problem
[05:17] <mathiaz> ScottK: I don't remember the rationale for updating the version in the email.
[05:17] <nxvl> i was testing it in my hardy chroot
[05:17] <nxvl> :D
[05:17] <ScottK> mathiaz: A few minor features. Almost all bug fixes.
[05:17] <ScottK> It's a sync from Debian.
[05:18] <mathiaz> ScottK: oh - that makes things even simpler then.
[05:18] <ScottK> I just don't have time to deal with it ...
[05:18] <mathiaz> nxvl: yes - I'd suggest you to try on intrepid instead :D
[05:18] <mathiaz> ScottK: I'll have a look at it.
[05:19] <nxvl> mathiaz: :D
[05:19] <ScottK> Great.
[05:19] <nxvl> ScottK: if it's not done after i finish with the ebox FFe i will take care of it
[05:19] <ScottK> It's be nice to be able to answer that mail, "Because it was released after the autosync stopped. Thanks for pointing it out, it's in Intrepid."
[05:20] <nxvl> i'm looking for some quick tasks to do after hours and/or at dead times when waiting for end process to finish
[05:21] <nxvl> btw, Fedora 10 beta is more broken than Ubuntu alpha 3
[05:21] <nxvl> \o/
[05:21] <mathiaz> nxvl: make Ubuntu rock ! <- Task
[05:21] <nxvl> mathiaz: \o/
[05:22] * nxvl waves on NCommander
[05:22] * NCommander waves nxvl
[05:27] <ScottK> NCommander: How's glib on hppa going?
[05:27] <NCommander> Oh yeah, I was working on that
[05:27] <ScottK> Yeah, so your wiki page wouldn't be a lie.
[05:27] <slangasek> the wiki cake is a lie
[05:28] * NCommander rofls
[05:28] <NCommander> slangasek, Portal fan?
[05:29] <[Solars]> erm i want to make a script for managing files .. i.e. check to see if they are done download, move *.blah files to /my/dest, and rm-rf old files after x days
[05:29] <[Solars]> whats the best way to do this?
[05:29] <nxvl> the cake is a lie!
[05:30] <NCommander> ScottK, the source package is glibc2.0, right?
[05:30] <nxvl> i'm about to give up with schroot
[05:30] * NCommander pulls out a portal gun and makes slangasek's alpha disappear
[05:31] <NCommander> slangasek, do you have any experience with the Windows NT ports?
[05:31] <ScottK> NCommander: That sounds right.
[05:31] <NCommander> ScottK, its building, but it looks like sbuild is the issue, so I'm trying to rule that out first
[05:31] <ScottK> Great.
[05:32] <NCommander> I guess I should fix kde4bindings while I'm at it :-/
[05:32] <slangasek> NCommander: not a fan, just helpless in the face of memes
[05:32] <slangasek> NCommander: glib2.0, not glibc2.0...
[05:33] <NCommander> slangasek, right, typo ;-)
[05:33] <ScottK> NCommander: No point until glib is fixed.
[05:33] <NCommander> slangasek, how about All Your Bases Are Belong To Us
[05:33] <slangasek> and what kind of "experience" are you looking for? I know how to upgrade the console on an alpha so that it no longer boots NT.
[05:34] <NCommander> slangasek, well, I'm trying to remove Windows NT PowerPC, but its having some sorta death grip and is resisting all attempts to removing it
[05:34] <slangasek> mmmno.
[05:34] <slangasek> I think for that one, you need to get an old Apple designer, a young Apple designer, and some holy water
[05:35] <NCommander> Meh
[05:36] <NCommander> It's my luck that I get the only RS/6000 that doesn't come with AIX, but evil
[05:41] <slangasek> oh, there's a distinction: "not AIX, but evil"
[05:41] <NCommander> Obviously you've never been a Windows NT Server admin. Having done the former, I'll take AIX any day of the week
[05:44] <slangasek> I've done both.
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
[05:56] <NCommander> Man, HPPA is s.l.o.w.
[06:00] <NCommander> ScottK, it seems the entire configure script can crash sh :-)
[06:01] <ScottK> NCommander: Kewl. Have fun.
[06:01] <NCommander> You have no pity :-P
[06:02] <ScottK> I was nice to a senile old man today.
[06:02] <NCommander> ScottK, you were nice to slangasek ;-)
[06:02] <NCommander> ^?
[06:02] <uvirtbot> NCommander: Error: "?" is not a valid command.
[06:02] <NCommander> .....
[06:02] <ScottK> NCommander: No.
[06:02] * NCommander shrugs
[06:02] <ScottK> NCommander: He's younger than I am.
[06:03] <NCommander> How old are you ScottK ?
[06:03] <ScottK> 45.
[06:03] * ScottK is ancient.
[06:03] <NCommander> wow, you probably remember the PDP-11 and COBOL
[06:03] <ScottK> They relevant old man was in his late 70's or in his 80's.
[06:04] <ScottK> NCommander: Yep. I've dropped a COBOL card deck and had to re-sort it.
[06:04] <NCommander> I hope it was numbered
[06:04] <ScottK> That would have helped.
[06:04] <ScottK> I honestly don't recall.
[06:06] <NCommander> That's pretty
[06:06] <NCommander> It builds fine on Debian
[06:06] <vk5foss> because hppa is hateful
[06:07] <ScottK> Because you radiate negative waves that attract this kind of pain.
[06:07] <NCommander> I think its a problem with dash
[06:07] <slangasek> otherwise stated: because you're there
[06:07] <NCommander> I think I'm just not smart enough to run ;-)
[06:07] <nxvl> NCommander: the correct questions is "Why are you playing with such a weird arch" :D
[06:07] <NCommander> nxvl, blame ScottK
[06:08] <nxvl> yeah, ScottK is evil
[06:08] <nxvl> :D
[06:08] * nxvl HUGS ScottK
[06:08] <NCommander> nxvl, so you like seeing me in pain?
[06:08] <vk5foss> :o
[06:08] <nxvl> no
[06:08] <nxvl> just like hugging ScottK
[06:08] * NCommander hugs ScottK
[06:08] <nxvl> NCommander: see, it's funny
[06:08] * slangasek waves his cane menacingly at NCommander
[06:09] <NCommander> slangasek, remember, I'm an EMT. If you have a heart attack at UDS, guess who's resurrecting you ;-)
[06:09] * ScottK considers buying new glasses so he can read the new LP fonts.
[06:09] <NCommander> Be nice to the people who may potentially be saving your life :-)
[06:09] <ScottK> NCommander: He doesn't get heart attacks, he gives them.
[06:09] <nxvl> ScottK: use 800x600 :D
[06:10] <NCommander> ScottK, I'll have to use my amulet of reflection :-)
[06:10] <nxvl> NCommander: are you going to UDS?
[06:10] <NCommander> I wish ;.;
[06:10] <nxvl> UDS's are fun
[06:11] <nxvl> but don't even try to talk to slangasek, it's almost impossible
[06:11] <nxvl> on Prague i asked him to check a bug and he almost bite me
[06:11] <nxvl> :P
[06:11] <NCommander> nxvl, don't worry, I bet you have your rabbies shot ;-)
[06:11] <slangasek> ScottK: a useful reputation to have, but for all my trying I've yet to be able to stop someone's heart remotely
[06:12] <nxvl> just found why gnome-art is so shitty: ruby
[06:12] <nxvl> :D
[06:12] * nxvl dances
[06:12] <NCommander> ew
[06:12] <slangasek> nxvl: huh, seriously? did you interrupt me in the middle of a libtool rant?
[06:13] <ScottK> slangasek: Same here. I have, however, quite literally, made a grown man cry.
[06:13] <NCommander> ScottK, WTF did you do?
[06:13] <nxvl> slangasek: heh, no, you came into the server track, and you look a little hurry, then i asked and you said "probably not now i'm quite busy"
[06:13] <nxvl> (you were on mi side IIRC)
[06:13] <nxvl> my*
[06:13] <slangasek> nxvl: ah :)
[06:14] <nxvl> it was in a middle of session, so it was understudable
[06:14] <nxvl> :D
[06:14] <nxvl> all of us were really busy
[06:14] <ScottK> NCommander: It was when I was in the Navy. I was the investigating officer (regular officers do this for minor offenses in the military) of a case where a guy was charged with stealing some stuff.
[06:14] <NCommander> YOu were an officer?
[06:14] <ScottK> NCommander: He claimed the other guy had left it out and he had just picked it up for safe keeping.
[06:14] <ScottK> Yes.
[06:15] * NCommander has considered a military carrier at times
[06:15] <ScottK> I merely pointed out that he had been caught stealing before and so wasn't very credible on the topic.
[06:15] <NCommander> and he started crying?
[06:15] * NCommander guesses it was the thought of dishonorable discharge
[06:16] <ScottK> Once I got through explaining you can plead guilty and it will suck or you can not plead guilty and it will really suck and he got it, then he started crying.
[06:16] <ScottK> Yeah. Other Than Honorable actually.
[06:16] <ScottK> DD you only get from a courts martial.
[06:17] <NCommander> A general discharge isn't quite frowned upon as a dishonorable dicharge
[06:17] <nxvl> ScottK: you were in the navy?
[06:18] <ScottK> General is a step up from other-than-honorable.
[06:18] <ScottK> nxvl: Yes.
[06:18] <nxvl> wow
[06:18] <ScottK> 5 years active duty and another 4 in the reserves.
[06:18] * NCommander has thought about joining the Marine Corps
[06:18] <ScottK> I have a huge amount of respect for those guys.
[06:19] <nxvl> is there even a 20% of americans not in the army?
[06:19] <ScottK> nxvl: The military is less than 1% of the population.
[06:20] <nxvl> i mean is/was
[06:20] <ScottK> Ah.
[06:21] <ScottK> I'd guess less than 10% have ever served.
[06:21] <ScottK> Before 1972 there was a draft, so it was higher.
[06:21] <NCommander> ScottK, I haven't joined at my parents requests
[06:21] <NCommander> But its pulled strongly on my mind
[06:21] <ScottK> I can understand their position.
[06:21] <NCommander> Either coast guard, who gets shit on, but get my respect, or the marine corps
[06:22] <nxvl> i've some friend who are in the Peruvian Navy
[06:22] <ScottK> NCommander: You know why you have to be at least 6 feet tall to join the Coast Guard?
[06:22] <nxvl> and they all tell this stories from his first year in the Navy school
[06:22] <NCommander> ScottK, seriously? Damn it. I'm an inch too short
[06:22] <nxvl> of all the jokes to the "dogs" (that's how they call the newly started in the navy school)
[06:23] <ScottK> NCommander: No. It's so you can walk ashore if your ship sinks.
[06:23] <ScottK> ;-)
[06:23] * NCommander falls over
[06:23] <NCommander> The coast guard however has my respect
[06:24] <NCommander> Until '01, they were the only group that actively did their mission of guarding the US coastlines and such.
[06:24] <nxvl> there is one that they make them eat a button, which is tied to a (thread?)
[06:24] <nxvl> and they they pull that out
[06:24] <ScottK> Lovely.
[06:25] <nxvl> and as you can imagine, all your food come after the button
[06:25] <NCommander> ew
[06:25] <ScottK> There is a difference between proper indoctrination/training and hazing.
[06:25] <NCommander> ScottK, I joined the fire department for the chance to serve
[06:25] <nxvl> ScottK: not in peru
[06:25] <NCommander> It's not the military, but the experience is amazing
[06:25] <ScottK> The US military is generally pretty good about being on the right side of the line on that.
[06:26] <nxvl> or they come on the morning and fill your bread with salt (all the salt they can find) and make you eat that
[06:26] <NCommander> ScottK, same in the FD, though to less of the same extent
[06:26] * NCommander remembers he had his boots filled with shaving cream
[06:26] <ScottK> NCommander: Yeah, well the motto of the Marine Corps is that every man is a Rifleman. The motto of the Navy is that every man is a firefighter.
[06:26] <nxvl> FD?
[06:26] <ScottK> Fire Department
[06:26] <nxvl> oh
[06:26] <NCommander> ScottK, well, after WWI, fire departments became paramilitary
[06:27] <nxvl> things are way different here
[06:27] <NCommander> Our department was created by some caption from WWI,
[06:27] <ScottK> NCommander: I did have to go through fire fighting training. You can't serve on a US Navy ship without it.
[06:27] <NCommander> ScottK, welcome to the hot seat
[06:27] <NCommander> Well, fire at sea is incredibly dangerous
[06:27] <nxvl> from 80 fire stations only 20 are opened, because the other 60 doesn't have budget even to put gas on the vehicles
[06:27] <NCommander> We had a ship go up in our harbor
[06:27] <ScottK> It was one thing when I know it was a school and I was pretty confident I wasn't going to die.
[06:27] <nxvl> and the firemans are volunteers, they doesn't get paid
[06:27] <NCommander> One of the most terrorifying calls ever
[06:27] <NCommander> nxvl, I'm volunteer
[06:27] <nxvl> NCommander: here EVERYONE is volunteer
[06:28] <nxvl> there is no paid fireman at all
[06:28] <NCommander> ScottK, the people who take their job as a ship firefighter have cast iron balls
[06:28] <ScottK> We practice a lot and it's not like you've got anywhere to go if it doesn't work out.
[06:28] <NCommander> YEah, well, its our worst nightmare to get lost in a building
[06:29] <ScottK> I can imagine.
[06:29] <NCommander> Your average cruiser is freaking maze
[06:29] <ScottK> If you're assigned to it you know it though.
[06:29] <nxvl> and it's sad that they are volunteers, they make it for nothing and sometimes they need to use their own money to maintain the firestation
[06:29] <NCommander> The only thing you have over us is that collaspe risk is much lower than ours
[06:29] <ScottK> Yep.
[06:29] <NCommander> You'll be dead before that metal will melt likely
[06:29] <ScottK> Not necessarily. Some of the ships have aluminium super structures.
[06:30] <NCommander> You'll still be dead, cause the moment you go through the deck plating, you'll get roasted alive
[06:30] <ScottK> Yeah.
[06:31] <nxvl> NCommander: so, you are a full time fireman?
[06:31] <NCommander> Nope, volunteer
[06:31] <ScottK> I heard a lecture by the Damage Control Assistant on the USS Stark when it got hit. It got so hot when fighting the fires that his nylon underwear melted to his body.
[06:31] <NCommander> I get my nuts roasted for no compensation
[06:31] <nxvl> that means you whenever you want?
[06:31] <NCommander> OW
[06:31] <NCommander> fuck.
[06:31] <ScottK> Yeah.
[06:31] <ScottK> He didn't make much of it.
[06:32] <NCommander> Yeah, well, I've seen the remains of our gear when it fails
[06:32] <NCommander> Damn, guy is lucky to have anything ... still working if you catch my drift
[06:32] <ScottK> There was another guty that stood IN the missile magazine for 18 hours straight cooling a bulkhead so the missiles wouldn't get hot enough to cook off.
[06:32] <ScottK> Yep.
[06:33] <NCommander> Gun powder is amazingly stable stuff
[06:33] <NCommander> Its got to get REALLY hot being bullet starts flying
[06:34] <ScottK> Right, but these have solid fuel rocket motors.
[06:34] <NCommander> The one that always irks me is the exploding extinguishers
[06:34] <ScottK> They have the fuel and the ozixidizer all in one.
[06:34] <NCommander> Little known fact
[06:34] <NCommander> Fire extinguishers explode in fire
[06:35] <ScottK> Makes sense.
[06:35] <[Solars]> you mean co2 expands when it gets heated!?
[06:35] <NCommander> (well, CO2 ones have a release value, so they don't, but foam ones will go with the force of a few sticks of TNT at least, and water ones become ballistic missiles)
[06:35] <NCommander> [Solars], actually, CO2 extinguishers have a safety release
[06:35] <NCommander> So they *shouldn't* explode
[06:35] <NCommander> The ones that really explode are foam ones
[06:36] <NCommander> The other fun home cannister: the little old man with O2 and cigarettes
[06:36] <NCommander> Bad combination
[06:36] <[Solars]> NCommander i was being sarcastic :)
[06:36] * [Solars] is also a vff
[06:36] <NCommander> \o/!
[06:36] <NCommander> [Solars], O2 bottles scare me shitless
[06:36] <NCommander> I was a volunteer dummy for the EMT-B examination
[06:37] <NCommander> Someone in the other room dropped the bottle
[06:37] <NCommander> The regulator snapped right off
[06:37] * ScottK used to SCUBA dive, so I know what happened next.
[06:37] <NCommander> The bottle hits the ground, goes flying, and goes through two walls
[06:37] <nxvl> i used to dive :D
[06:37] <NCommander> THe regular shot through the ceiling, took out a comptuer and a desk and embedded itself in the second floor ceiling (we think, we never found it ....)
[06:38] <NCommander> I personally think the regulator shot through the roof, but we couldn't find an exit hole so ....
[06:38] <ScottK> In the Navy we didn't use compressed O2 for breathing, we had chemically generated Oxygen.
[06:38] <NCommander> Sounds slightly safer
[06:39] <ScottK> That's the theory.
[06:39] <NCommander> ScottK, we have O2 for patients, us fire junkies use regular air. Still danger, but less likely to explode
[06:39] <NCommander> *dangerous
[06:39] <ScottK> RIght.
[06:39] <ScottK> http://www.tpub.com/content/advancement/14325/css/14325_346.htm
[06:40] <NCommander> Oh, so you strap the bomb to your front ;-)
[06:40] <ScottK> Yeah. Basically.
[06:40] <ScottK> But better than scattering a bunch of compressed air bottles throughout the ship.
[06:40] <NCommander> Yeah
[06:41] <ScottK> They don't blow up though, then just get a 'little warm'.
[06:41] <NCommander> We use composites
[06:41] <NCommander> So in theory if it fails, you shouldn't have shrapnel
[06:41] * NCommander knocks on wood
[06:41] <ScottK> Or at least softer shrapnel.
[06:41] <NCommander> Given what we do to some of our packs, I'm suprised we haven't had a few rockets flying
[06:42] <nxvl> ugh i forgot how hard was to start in a new project
[06:44] <NCommander> ScottK, anyone who can be a naval firefighter has my respect, the marines say the firefighters don't know danger, but yah know, I think being shot is better then dying rather crispy
[06:44] <NCommander> ScottK, at least you didn't have to deal with pets
[06:44] <ScottK> True.
[06:45] <NCommander> Our last house fire was a farm ... with 15 or so cats, a bunch of ducks, two cows, and I think a turtle
[06:45] <NCommander> THAT was fun.
[06:45] <NCommander> Those cats were absolutely phycho, one of them tried to claw my boss into minic meat
[06:47] <ScottK> Well that's all very unpleasant, but you don't have the prospect of a 500 mile swim if you don't beat the fire. It can be very motivating.
[06:48] <NCommander> I've always been suprised at the lack of hallogen fire supression systems
[06:48] <NCommander> I would think it would be eaiser to seal the bulkheads of an advacing fire, and then beat the fire by removing the O2
[06:48] <ScottK> They do have it in the main engineering spaces.
[06:49] <NCommander> hallogen is awesome
[06:49] <NCommander> Scary
[06:49] <NCommander> But awesome
[06:49] <ScottK> Yeah.
[06:49] <NCommander> Ever get to see a hallogen system deploy?
[06:49] <ScottK> Nope.
[06:50] <ScottK> Ship I was on never had a serious fire.
[06:51] <ScottK> We did have a major fuel oil leak once that was kind of exciting, but it didn't go up.
[06:51] <NCommander> I've used a hallogen extinisher
[06:51] <NCommander> (aka, the oh shit extingisher)
[06:51] <NCommander> You get a lingering cloud of death when you use it
[06:51] <ScottK> Another advantage shipboard is a lot of firefighting stuff is installed.
[06:52] <NCommander> But do they work ;-)
[06:52] <ScottK> We had a dual firemain system that would deliver water or AFFF most anywhere on the ship.
[06:52] * NCommander can remember plenty of times when the supression system fails
[06:52] <ScottK> Yes.
[06:52] <NCommander> The worst case that I'm aware of is 1 Merdian Plazza
[06:52] <NCommander> In PA
[06:52] <ScottK> I'm thinking more of hoses and water/afff and such.
[06:53] <NCommander> ScottK, your probably old enough to remember that fire, it was one of the largest co-flaguations and LOF calls before 9/11
[06:53] <ScottK> No.
[06:54] <ScottK> I remember when the Philly police burned down an entire block of Philadelphia.
[06:54] <NCommander> It was in the 70s. A massive 8 floor fire on the 12-20th floors
[06:54] <NCommander> 300 firefighters, and three days to simply get it under control
[06:54] <ScottK> Wow.
[06:55] <NCommander> Three things happened
[06:55] <NCommander> Fire doors failed
[06:55] <NCommander> SUpression system failed
[06:55] <NCommander> Code violations caused fire spread to shoot like crazy
[06:55] <ScottK> In the Navy there were a couple of severe fires on aircraft carriers in the late 1960's that really woke people up. Then a couple more in the 1980s (including the Stark I mentioned earlier).
[06:56] <ScottK> By the time I was in, the firefighting situation was pretty good.
[06:56] <ScottK> Equipment worked, people got trained, and it was serious business.
[06:56] <NCommander> Yeah
[06:56] <NCommander> Still, things can go wrong
[06:57] <NCommander> During my recruit class, there were two serious injuries
[06:57] <NCommander> and I personally experienced a backdraft
[06:57] <NCommander> It blew up right in my face
[06:57] <NCommander> [Solars], ever see a backdraft?
[06:59] <ScottK> NCommander: One of them was this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chuiyXQKw3I - some what on topic for today is the John McCain was on one of the planes in the fire.
[06:59] <[Solars]> yea
[06:59] <[Solars]> backdrafts are poerful
[07:00] <ScottK> The guy you see charging towards the flames with a fire extinguisher around 35 - 45 seconds got the damage control school in Norfolk, VA named after him (posthumously).
[07:00] <NCommander> Damn
[07:00] <NCommander> Er
[07:00] <NCommander> I really hope they aren't using water
[07:01] <NCommander> Holy fucking crap
[07:02] <nxvl> well, have a good night!
[07:02] <nxvl> read you tomorrow!
[07:02] <NCommander> cya nxvl
[07:02] <ScottK> NCommander: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forrest_Fire seems reasonably accurate.
[07:02] <NCommander> ScottK, christ, I just got more respect for McCain that he survived this
[07:02] <NCommander> Things like this change a man
[07:02] <ScottK> He was in the plane that got hit with errant ordnance.
[07:03] <ScottK> So he wasn't just in it, he was at ground zero.
[07:03] <NCommander> Damn
[07:03] <NCommander> He just confirmed my vote
[07:03] <NCommander> Ugh, water hoses -_-;
[07:03] <NCommander> Bad combination
[07:04] <ScottK> Yeah. I've seen the full Navy training video.
[07:04] <ScottK> They had people with water hoses washing foam away because they didn't know any better.
[07:05] <NCommander> YOu don't use water to fight fuel fires :-/
[07:05] <ScottK> As I said, that was a low water mark in Navy damage control that really got people's attention.
[07:05] <NCommander> yeah
[07:05] <NCommander> no kidding
[07:05] <NCommander> The worst I ever experienced was an avoidable backdraft
[07:05] <henkjan> wow, finally an offtopic talk in #ubuntu-server :)
[07:06] <ScottK> It's not like we're drowning out real work.
[07:06] <NCommander> heh
[07:06] <NCommander> Well, to get my story, you need to know a little context
[07:06] <NCommander> Our district is great at two fires
[07:06] <NCommander> Not ventilating, and not putting up ground ladders
[07:06] <NCommander> (it just never happens, its almost a running gag in our district)
[07:06] <NCommander> s/two fires/two things/g
[07:07] <NCommander> So, good two story fire in what can be best described as concrete eggcartons
[07:07] <NCommander> We put in a ventaliation request, which has, up until that point had gone unheaded
[07:08] <NCommander> I was on search and rescue, and the fire went out without me observing it, so I entered a room while my parnther stayed at the door while I sweeped
[07:08] <NCommander> Little did I know that the room was hot (I couldn't tell, without ventilation, you simply are just melting away in your gear), and the only reason the fire went out is because it starved itself of oxygen
[07:09] <NCommander> I think you can see where this story is heading
[07:09] <ScottK> Yep.
[07:09] <ScottK> Reminds me of an interesting point from the USS STARK fire. They tried to cut holes in the aluminium superstructure for ventilation so the heat could escape and their cutting torches weren't hot enough.
[07:09] <NCommander> OUch
[07:09] <NCommander> Now, we're trained when we vent, we call command to make sure it ok to do it
[07:10] <NCommander> To prevent said backdraft
[07:10] <ScottK> But not then.
[07:10] <NCommander> As I said before, we don't normally vent due to general incompentence
[07:10] <NCommander> (its really no ones fault, but its something our training officer been working on)
[07:10] <NCommander> At that very moment, the guy on the roof finally pops a hole in it
[07:11] <ScottK> Of course.
[07:11] <NCommander> you feel air moving
[07:11] <NCommander> and FHOOMP
[07:11] <NCommander> Boom
[07:11] <ScottK> Right.
[07:11] <NCommander> I had just cleared the room when the fire relight
[07:11] <NCommander> a second earlier, and we probably won't be having this conversation
[07:12] <NCommander> Normally I complain about the lack of venting, but in this case, I think I would have perfered to melt then being blown up :-)
[07:13] <ScottK> ;-)
[07:13] <NCommander> THat's the closest brush with death I personally had
[07:14] <NCommander> (I didn't quite realize how close I came to being dead, or else would have pissed myself right then and there)
[07:14] <ScottK> I think that's generally how it works.
[07:16] <NCommander> yeah
[07:16] <NCommander> So the rule of thumb is
[07:16] <NCommander> Be careful what you wish for
[07:16] <NCommander> You might just get it
[07:17] <NCommander> So hppa hates me
[07:17] <ScottK> Well that's a given.
[07:17] <NCommander> Its getting stuck trying to use pthread() ;.;
[07:19] <NCommander> You navy guys are alright in my book ;-). I didn't know you got FF training
[07:20] <ScottK> You can't be permanently assigned to a ship without it.
[07:20] <ScottK> I remember our ship doing well in a mass conflaguration drill by emptying our combat information center of almost everyone and sending them to fight fires.
[07:20] <NCommander> WHen I think about it
[07:20] <NCommander> It makes sense
[07:24] <ScottK> This one talks about McCain on the Forrestal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxGV-eRUC_0&feature=related
[07:25] <ScottK> As I'm looking, I particularly like the blog posts that attempt to blame McCain for the fire when it actually his plane that got hit by ordnance fired from another plane.
[07:35] <[Solars]> just to keep the theme of the currect naming system of ubuntu where would be a good spot to put a samba directory called "media"
[07:36] <kgoetz> on the server or client?
[07:36] <[Solars]> server
[07:36] <[Solars]> file server none-the-less
[07:36] <kgoetz> /srv/
[07:36] <kgoetz> i'd say
[07:39] <[Solars]> erm kk now to setup samba :P
[07:39] <kgoetz> you didnt ask that :P
[07:40] <[Solars]> heh atleast i do have samba installed
[07:40] <[Solars]> i vaguely remember how to do it
[07:41] <kgoetz> i'll leave you to your pain - probably my pain this weekend, but yours for now
[07:42] <[Solars]> heh if i scroll up enough i'll find it :P
[07:42] <kgoetz> hehe
[07:44] <[Solars]> don't think it was this channel
[07:44] * [Solars] checks another
[07:45] <[Solars]> edit /etc/samba/smb.conf
[07:45] <[Solars]> set the workgroup to whatever you have
[07:45] <[Solars]> [14:32:07] <aTc> [share]
[07:45] <[Solars]> [14:32:09] <aTc> path = /mnt/share
[07:45] <[Solars]> [14:32:11] <aTc> available = yes
[07:45] <[Solars]> [14:32:13] <aTc> browsable = yes
[07:45] <[Solars]> erm errr
[07:45] <[Solars]> [14:32:15] <aTc> public = yes
[07:46] <[Solars]> [14:32:17] <aTc> writable = yes
[07:46] <[Solars]> [14:32:23] <aTc> where /mnt share is whatever dir you chose
[07:46] <[Solars]> [14:32:50] <aTc> then save it, and restart samba (/etc/init.d/samba/restart)
[07:46] <[Solars]> but thats how you do it kgoetz :)
[07:46] <kgoetz> [Solars]: :)
[07:46] <kgoetz> its logged now :)
[07:47] <espacious> which ndiswrapper was in 7.10
[07:47] * ScottK decides it's time for bed. Goodnight all.
[07:47] <kgoetz> espacious: look at packages.u.c
[07:47] <kgoetz> ScottK: night
[07:48] <espacious> kgoetz where i fount this?
[07:48] <espacious> find*
[07:51] <[Solars]> blah i hate winblows and not seeing my new smb drive
[07:53] <Adri2000> has anyone here already set up a jabber server? which one do you recommend?
[07:53] <kgoetz> !puc
[07:53] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about puc
[07:53] <kgoetz> bah
[07:53] <kgoetz> espacious: packages.ubuntu.com
[07:53] <espacious> thanks
[07:54] <kgoetz> 16:23 < Adri2000> has anyone here already set up a jabber server? which one do you recommend?
[07:54] <pschulz01> Someone say jabber server?
[07:54] <kgoetz> pschulz01: ^^
[07:54] <pschulz01> Do you think he might like some instructions?
[07:54] <Adri2000> hi pschulz01 :)
[07:55] <pschulz01> .. like the one's we;ve just written for ejabberd?
[07:55] <kgoetz> pschulz01: perhaps he would
[07:55] <kgoetz> nah, i think he wants them re-written first :P
[07:55] <pschulz01> Adri2000: Let me just retype them..
[07:55] <kgoetz> *hears keystrokes*
[07:58] <didrocks> jdstrand: FYI, I merged with the last revision of your trunk :)
[08:08] <chmac> Is there any way to make a symoblic link appear like a hard link?
[08:08] <chmac> I'm having problems because PHP's __FILE__ constant resolves the symbolic link, so you get the actual file path, not the link path.
[08:08] <chmac> I'm wondering if there's something I can do to fool PHP into thinking the file is a real file, when it's actually a symbolic link
[08:09] <chmac> I'd prefer a symbolic link so I can easy swap the destination file without changing the links
[08:25] <[Solars]> man so many different ways to have conky show infomation
[08:46] <uvirtbot> New bug: #277447 in openvpn (universe) "script failed: could not execute external program " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277447
[11:02] <uvirtbot> New bug: #277492 in likewise-open (main) "lwinet crashes when joining a windows domain with likewise" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277492
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
[12:00] <_ruben> Adri2000: we're using openfire as jabber server .. mainly because back then it was one of the very few with active directory integration
[12:36] <wo0f> hi guys
[12:36] <wo0f> how would i set up and terminal server
[12:37] <wo0f> so i can login to a remote desktop where ever i am
[12:37] <wo0f> is that edubuntu meta package any use to me?
[12:39] <wo0f> i mean remote x btw $ not just ssh lol
[12:40] <wo0f> i need x to start up a session each time i connect
[12:41] <wo0f> (ie not just reconnect an existing session)
[12:44] <_ruben> (Free)NX can be used for that
[12:54] <wo0f> do i have to install nx on the server?
[13:05] <lipsin> join #ubuntu-my
[13:33] <_ruben> wo0f: that'd be the idea yeah
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
=== CrummyGummy is now known as IEC
[14:52] <wo0f> _ruben: cheers man
[14:52] <wo0f> is it in the standard repo?
[14:53] <_ruben> wo0f: yup .. nxserver package
[15:33] <wo0f> _ruben: thanksman
[15:33] <wo0f> thanks man*
[15:53] <wo0f> _ruben: hmm, sudo apt-get install nxserver?
[15:56] <_ruben> wo0f: that worked for me
[16:10] <NikOwOw> for some reason my server installation can't fetch the settings from the DHCP server, what could be the problem?
[16:12] <_ruben> firewall/routing and anything else network connectivity related comes to mind
[16:36] <NikOwOw> at install time auto configuration of networking doesn't work :/
[16:40] <wo0f> _ruben: hmm i get:
[17:22] <[Solars]> trashguy hows things going
[17:34] <trashguy> good
[17:34] <trashguy> bit hungover
[17:35] <trashguy> but good
[17:47] <lukehasnoname> how long will the server survey go until it's done? And will the results be made public?
[17:48] <trashguy> ?
[17:48] <lukehasnoname> survey.ubuntu.com
[17:52] <[Solars]> trashguywell i almost got my server 100% setup :)
[17:53] <trashguy> nice man
[17:53] <trashguy> serve the files
[17:54] <[Solars]> its kinda a jack of all trades server
[17:54] <[Solars]> internal http, file serving via samba, thinking of having it do dhcp,
[17:55] <trashguy> yea
[17:55] <trashguy> i have a services server
[17:55] <trashguy> then i have a central file server
[17:55] <trashguy> use for my MythTV boxes
[17:55] <[Solars]> heh i tried compiling mythtv for winblows
[17:55] <[Solars]> that didn't work
[17:55] <[Solars]> i want to box for my tv to stream to
[17:56] <trashguy> i have a mster box
[17:56] <trashguy> then slaves
[17:56] <trashguy> on my 2 tvs
[17:56] <[Solars]> but upnp devices are expensive
[17:58] <[Solars]> sent ya a /msg
[18:02] <trashguy> THIS SURVEY IS SOOOO LONG
[18:03] * NCommander swears
[18:03] <NCommander> [Solars], we need an ubuntu-firefighter group ;-)
[18:04] <[Solars]> heh
[18:06] <makkro> Hey! Have tried to run a 64bit Debian etch with 6Gb RAM on Intel box but have experienced laggyness ,etc, in system. Now going to try Ubuntu server 64bit and Xen, anything I should think of or do?
[18:06] <[Solars]> bah
[18:06] <[Solars]> i hate my router
[18:07] <[Solars]> can't figure out how to make it do port fowarding
[18:07] <trashguy> run
[18:07] <trashguy> 32 bit
[18:07] <trashguy> 64bit is more grief then its worth
[18:07] <makkro> and the 2Gb above 4?
[18:07] <trashguy> the serverkernel has pae anyways
[18:08] <trashguy> it will see it
[18:08] <makkro> the kernel slows system down
[18:08] <trashguy> i run my dekstop with the server kernel
[18:08] <trashguy> ?
[18:08] <[Solars]> i run 64bit without any grief
[18:08] <trashguy> the kernel slows system down?
[18:08] <makkro> on debian etch,, it got very slow
[18:09] <trashguy> [Solars], a lto of applications dont liek 64bit and flash is screwed with firefox on 64
[18:09] <trashguy> makkro, youprobably did something
[18:09] <trashguy> things dont magically slow
[18:09] <makkro> I'm running a server,, game, mysql, web, mail
[18:10] <[Solars]> trashguy erm true i did notice that but i try not to do much flash browsing on that server
[18:10] <makkro> and no GUI
[18:10] <trashguy> [Solars], true, 64bit is just grief unles syou really need it
[18:10] <trashguy> and mostly
[18:10] <trashguy> peopel dont need 64bit
[18:13] <[Solaris]> erm
[18:13] <makkro> i need a server that can access all RAM and do it as fast as 32bit.. No 1 have experienced any slowness?
[18:13] <[Solaris]> this isn't getting fun
[18:13] <trashguy> makkro,
[18:13] <trashguy> unles syou have stupid hardware
[18:14] <trashguy> you arent going to notice speed diff on 32 or 64
[18:14] <trashguy> ubuntu server
[18:14] <trashguy> has pae
[18:14] <trashguy> whcih will detect all your ram while being 32bit
[18:14] <[Solaris]> trashguy can you check that address i gave you
[18:14] <[Solaris]> want to see if the external address works
[18:15] <trashguy> you never gave me one
[18:15] <trashguy> ^^
[18:15] <uvirtbot> trashguy: Error: "^" is not a valid command.
[18:15] <[Solaris]> heh /dns [Solaris]
[18:15] <trashguy> ^hai
[18:15] <uvirtbot> trashguy: Error: "hai" is not a valid command.
[18:15] <makkro> hmm,, I'm a newbie at this,, how? :)
[18:15] <[Solaris]> makkro just install the 32bit server
[18:15] <makkro> and then?
[18:15] <[Solaris]> do what ever you want
[18:15] <trashguy> [Solaris], its valid
[18:15] <trashguy> i get the IT Works
[18:15] <trashguy> page
[18:16] <[Solaris]> yay!
[18:16] <trashguy> makkro,
[18:16] <trashguy> then you have a server
[18:19] <[Solaris]> so why can't i view my 'http' via the external address and I have to use hostname/<page>
[18:20] <[Mitos]> hey all, someone around who knows his 4 bits of samba as pdc? running an ebox-server (which, if I understand right, is derived from ubuntu-server) but can logon the domain after joining it with an xp/vista machine
[18:20] <[Mitos]> can't*
[18:21] <makkro> <trashguy>hmm getting to know this xchat thingy,, sorry for not responding ;)
[18:21] <trashguy> :)
[18:21] <trashguy> xchat is pure win
[18:22] <makkro> aahh, thats why :D
[18:22] <[Mitos]> basically i get an error message sayin (and i have to translate form german) that a connected device is not ready..
[18:23] <makkro> I'll give it a final try and if it wont work I'll go back to 32bit with a PAE kernel
[18:25] <trashguy> ubuntu server
[18:25] <trashguy> regualr
[18:25] <trashguy> 32bit
[18:25] <trashguy> has what you need
[18:26] <[Mitos]> trashguy: you mean me?
[18:26] <trashguy> [Mitos], was talkin to makkro
[18:27] <[Mitos]> ah, k sorry :)
[18:30] <makkro> <trashguy> and what about the 6Gb ram,, have bad exp of 32bit and 6Gb ram with xen kernel?
[18:30] <trashguy> makkro, should be fine
[18:30] <trashguy> i have 8gb
[18:31] <makkro> <trashguy>OK,, then I'll go for it,, you run xen aswell?
[18:31] <trashguy> i have played it
[18:31] <trashguy> with it even
[18:32] <trashguy> was consdering it am option
[18:32] <trashguy> but went with vmware
[18:32] <[Solaris]> whats a good windows sshd client
[18:32] <makkro> <trashguy>ok, it has an web interface tho,, nice.
[18:33] <trashguy> SSHD?
[18:33] <[Mitos]> [Solaris] putty just google for it, it's free and also gives you options to generate ssh-keys etc
[18:33] <trashguy> never ran ssh on a windows machine
[18:33] <trashguy> well a server that is
[18:33] <trashguy> i use putty
[18:33] <trashguy> for a client
[18:34] <makkro> putty is great
[18:34] <[Solaris]> kk
[18:35] <[Mitos]> ssh/windows - hmm how contradictive :P
[18:35] <makkro> hehe
[18:35] <[Solaris]> ubuntu-server vbox'ing vista64
[18:36] <[Solaris]> thats contradictive :P
[18:36] <trashguy> i vbox vista
[18:36] <trashguy> for windows stuff i need
[18:36] <[Solaris]> i can't vbox for more then 30 days... lost my install key heh
[18:36] * [Mitos] runs 2 servers on a vista ultimate machine backed by vmware fedora 9 and ebox ;)
[18:37] <[Mitos]> if it weren't for all the games, i would run it other way round, linux host and 1 win guest or so :P)
[18:38] <trashguy> vbox is free
[18:38] <[Solaris]> vista isn't
[18:38] <trashguy> i run all my game sin ubuntu
[18:38] <[Mitos]> aye, and doesn't eat up as much resources
[18:38] <trashguy> including call of duty 4
[18:38] <[Solaris]> w/o a correct key i can't run it more then 30 days
[18:38] <trashguy> ohhh yea ^^
[18:38] <trashguy> just make a snap shot
[18:38] <trashguy> lol
[18:38] <[Mitos]> you ever tried running assassins creed or bioshock on ubuntu? :P
[18:38] <[Solaris]> lol
[18:39] <trashguy> and when it runs out load the snap shot
[18:39] <trashguy> bio shock
[18:39] <trashguy> not assisn creed
[18:39] <[Mitos]> and btw, isn't vmware server for free anyways?
[18:39] <trashguy> i compiled wine myself with the 3dmark patch
[18:39] <trashguy> yes
[18:39] <[Mitos]> just needs valid regsitration with (any!) email-adress
[18:40] <[Mitos]> hmm, bugger that i can't compile software properly, my machine get's to hot :(
[18:41] <trashguy> if you can run bioshock
[18:41] <trashguy> im sure you cna compile
[18:41] <trashguy> ^^
[18:41] <uvirtbot> trashguy: Error: "^" is not a valid command.
[18:41] <[Mitos]> freakin amd- dual-core and can't run it properly :O just havin it run when it's idle shoots cpu-temp up to 63 degrees
[18:42] <[Mitos]> aye i can run bioshock in 800x600 windowed :P
[18:42] <makkro> I've got that too
[18:42] <[Mitos]> i go any higher than that in resolution (and higher than medium details) machine hits 85 + degrees in 10 minutes and powers off :P
[18:43] <trashguy> laptop?
[18:43] <makkro> "installing ubuntu"---back soon
[18:44] <[Solaris]> in the php install where do you adjust how much memory it uses?
[18:44] <[Solaris]> if that makes any sense
[18:45] <[Mitos]> nope full fledged desktop system
[18:46] <[Mitos]> in php.ini look for line "memory_limit = 64M"
[18:46] <[Mitos]> or something like that
[18:47] <[Mitos]> also lines like "post_max_size = xxM" should be checked
[18:48] * [Solaris] killed the channel
[18:49] * [Mitos] killed [Solaris]
[18:49] <[Mitos]> irc-frag'em?
[18:49] <makkro> haha
[18:50] <[Solaris]> heh
[18:50] <[Solaris]> kk lemme find php.ini
[18:51] <[Mitos]> try /etc/php.ini ;)
[18:51] <makkro> :)
[18:52] * [Mitos] found the BFG9000
[18:52] <[Mitos]> *zap* you;re all dead (i think) :P
[18:54] <makkro> as a zombie I'm post alive
[18:55] <[Mitos]> fair enough :)
[18:55] <makkro> :)
[18:55] <[Solaris]> someone doesnt like me
[18:56] <[Solaris]> http://pastebin.com/m6c8b80a2
[18:56] <[Mitos]> woah, sheesh! :D
[18:57] <[Solaris]> and i am still getting flooded
[18:58] <[Mitos]> lord almighty, they never give up do they? one would think that after the first couple of failed attempts people stop wasting resources :P
[18:59] <[Solaris]> well they have bounced me like 5 times in the past hour
[19:01] <[Solaris]> nothing i can see touching my server
[19:02] <nxvl> kirkland: btw, i've been using Private encr dir, and it's working awesome
[19:03] <nxvl> kirkland: i had some trouble (but it was my fault) that make me loose all my firefox data
[19:03] <nxvl> but other than that is working fine
[19:03] <nxvl> i'm just moving some more stuff into it
[19:03] <kirkland> nxvl: :-)
[19:03] <kirkland> nxvl: send a MeMe to planet.ubuntu :-)
[19:03] <RoAkSoAx> kirkland, i sent you an email about translating manpages.ubuntu.com to spanish
[19:03] <kirkland> RoAkSoAx: hey, awesome
[19:03] <nxvl> kirkland: as in what do i have in my Private directory meme?
[19:04] <kirkland> RoAkSoAx: I'll try to get a framework setup
[19:04] <kirkland> nxvl: yeah... unless you don't want to
[19:04] <RoAkSoAx> kirkland, ok just let me know whenever you need my help
[19:04] <kirkland> nxvl: i just thought that might help exposure, see if other people need it
[19:04] <nxvl> i've no problems with that, it's encrypted
[19:04] <nxvl> :D
[19:04] <kirkland> nxvl: s/need/use/ it
[19:04] <kirkland> nxvl: :-D
[19:04] <kirkland> RoAkSoAx: Cool, will do
[19:04] <kirkland> RoAkSoAx: i'll try to get a multi-lang setup for that page working this weekend
[19:05] <nxvl> and i've no porn on it, so there is no problem :D
[19:05] <kirkland> nxvl: yeah right
[19:05] <kirkland> :-D
[19:05] <RoAkSoAx> kirkland, ok cool
[19:07] <nxvl> i don't need it encrypted
[19:07] <nxvl> :D
[19:08] <uvirtbot> New bug: #277704 in openssh (main) "ssh fails with xmalloc: zero size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277704
[19:14] <[Solaris]> putty do xtunneling?
[19:20] <[Solaris]> i guess that answer is no :P
[19:20] <[Mitos]> damn mobile broadband :(
[19:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: hey
[19:23] <kirkland> mathiaz: can you push through those two uploads, to update-motd and landscape-client that you agreed to sponsor during beta freeze?
=== [Mitos] is now known as [MitosKalandiel]
[19:28] <zul> kirkland: is the archive open again?
[19:28] <kirkland> zul: hmm, oh, maybe not?
[19:28] <kirkland> zul: i assumed it was since iso was out of the door
[19:28] <zul> check the /topic on #ubuntu-devel
[19:28] <zul> or ask on #-devel
[19:40] <nxvl> kirkland: http://nvalcarcel.aureal.com.pe/?p=258
[19:41] <kirkland> nxvl: \o/
[19:55] <[Solaris]> to run a bash script... you put your script in a file, lets say RunThis ... then you type 'bash RunThis' to run the script right?
[19:57] <RoAkSoAx> [Solaris], sh RunThis
[19:57] <brousch> [Solaris], normally you would chmod +x the script file and do ./RunThis
[19:57] <[Solaris]> erm
[19:57] <RoAkSoAx> [Solaris], you actually could do it both ways, sh RunThis or ./RunThis
[19:57] <[Solaris]> erm
[19:57] <[Solaris]> kk
[19:58] <[Solaris]> so what would "CTDM: 101: Bad substitution
[19:58] <[Solaris]> mean
[19:58] <[Solaris]> i know CTDM is the file
[19:58] <[Solaris]> is 101 the line number?
[19:58] <nxvl> mathiaz: i've some issues with ebox
[19:58] <nxvl> mathiaz: actually with openssh
[20:00] <RoAkSoAx> [Solaris], yes, 101 is the line number
[20:01] <nxvl> RoAkSoAx: with sh you will run it with dash, and if it has bashism it will fail
[20:01] <RoAkSoAx> nxvl, yes indeed :P
[20:01] <[Solaris]> RoAkSoAx heh this driving me crazy thats the last line "done"
[20:02] <[Solaris]> is there a way to make it be verbose on whats it doing up to the point it gets there?
[20:03] <nxvl> sh +x
[20:04] <RoAkSoAx> [Solaris], try sh -x RunThis or sh +x RunThis
[20:04] <RoAkSoAx> and see which one suits for you :P
[20:04] <[Solaris]> heh
[20:05] <mathiaz> kirkland: you can check if the archive is open via this link: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/
[20:05] <mathiaz> kirkland: the status is "Active development"
[20:07] * [Solaris] throws up his fist in anger
[20:08] <[Solaris]> don't know enough about scripting to even know where to start
[20:09] <kirkland> mathiaz: thanks!
=== bogey- is now known as bogey_
[20:18] <zul> kirkland: not another meme
[20:18] <kirkland> zul: muhaha!
[20:18] <zul> noooooo...
[20:21] <mathiaz> sommer: now that we're in DocumentationStringFreeze, if there is a change in a man page what should be done ?
[20:21] <mathiaz> sommer: ask for a StringFreeze Exception ?
[20:21] <mathiaz> sommer: do you know if man pages are translated ?
[20:25] <sommer> mathiaz: good question, are man pages covered under the doc team?
[20:25] <sommer> mathiaz: I guess my understanding of the SF was for the Ubuntu Official docs, but I could be way wrong about that
[20:26] <sommer> mathiaz: I'd think that since the man pages are part of the package a standard FFE should work
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[20:26] <sommer> mathiaz: probably wouldn't hurt to ask on the doc ml though
[20:27] * sommer isn't much help :(
[20:31] <mathiaz> sommer: that's also what I thought - that SF is for the Ubuntu Official docs.
[20:32] <mathiaz> sommer: and I don't think that the update-motd man page is translated.
[20:41] <[MitosKalandiel]> can one also get support here for the ebox-platform due to missing response in #ebox?
[20:45] <ScottK> Possibly, but the odds of us knowing stuff they don't is low.
[20:48] <[MitosKalandiel]> well i'll just give it a try then, following situation, one ebox server configure to be a pdc (but not to offer roaming profiles) all users are set up, firewall is open (actually turned off) and one windows xp client could join the domain but when i try to logon i get something like "A connected service couldn't be reached" (had to translate that from german, so it might be wrong, never seen that message b4 anyways with
[20:48] <[MitosKalandiel]> servers). any idea what is going wrong?
[20:49] <[MitosKalandiel]> obviously auth is working somehow, otherwise i wouldn't be able to join the domain, i can also see it in ldap, but i can just not auth against the ebox server
[20:49] <[MitosKalandiel]> have installed ebox naked from their iso
[20:50] <[MitosKalandiel]> and i'm just about out of ideas of what to checkl, i have lowered (poledit.msc) the needed algorythm for crypting password over the network but to no avail
[20:51] <[MitosKalandiel]> and the xp machine itself is freshly installed and updated to sp3 with latest updates
[20:51] <sommer> [MitosKalandiel]: do the ldap users have samba attributes?
[20:54] <[MitosKalandiel]> quite a couple of them : http://joker-solutions.pastebin.com/d6e64160e
[20:55] <trashguy> so
[20:55] <trashguy> why do people have
[20:55] <trashguy> [ ] around there names
[20:55] <trashguy> is that the default
[20:55] <[MitosKalandiel]> nope is just summit i do, no specific reason :)
=== [MitosKalandiel] is now known as MitosKalandiel
[20:56] <sommer> [MitosKalandiel]: hrmm, should work then I'd think... you might double check that smb and nmb services are indeed running
[20:56] <MitosKalandiel> that better ;)
[20:57] <MitosKalandiel> k, sec just checkin
[20:59] <MitosKalandiel> i see both services started and listening
[21:00] <MitosKalandiel> is there anytyhing on xp side i might have overseen? i know that some samba versions offer a .reg patch for xp. or maybe some firewall issue?
[21:00] <sommer> MitosKalandiel: I'd try watching the /var/log/samba/log.hostname when trying to login, it may tell you more
[21:02] <mathiaz> kirkland: is this the correct diff for update-motd http://paste.ubuntu.com/53530/ ?
[21:02] <mathiaz> kirkland: I've built it from trunk.
[21:04] <MitosKalandiel> found something here : http://joker-solutions.pastebin.com/d304d509f
[21:04] <Olwe> Would questions pertaining to installing the desktop packages on a server be appropriate here?
[21:05] <sommer> MitosKalandiel: are you using a user in both LDAP and /etc/passwd? if so the uid and gid may need to match
[21:06] <kirkland> mathiaz: let me check
[21:07] <MitosKalandiel> sommer: yeah one user, hmm lemme check with a user that's just existent in LDAP
=== bogey_ is now known as bogey-
[21:09] <MitosKalandiel> same exact response in /var/log/samba/hostname.log
[21:11] <kirkland> mathiaz: that is the correct debdiff
[21:11] <mathiaz> kirkland: great - thanks
[21:13] <MitosKalandiel> sommer: so i would need to change at my group sid's? or what is it i need to do?
[21:13] <MitosKalandiel> -at
[21:15] <sommer> MitosKalandiel: not 100% sure, was the XP machine part of a previous domain?
[21:15] <MitosKalandiel> nope was freshly installed for this test
[21:17] <MitosKalandiel> (both machines, ebox and xp are running on virtualbox)
[21:18] <sommer> MitosKalandiel: ya seems like it may be an issue with the way ebox configures samba, but I'm not sure.
[21:18] <sommer> MitosKalandiel: here's a thread with what looks like a similar problem: http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2005-April/103843.html
[21:20] <MitosKalandiel> sommer: ok thanks very much for your time and effort, this brings me somewhere :)
[21:21] <sommer> np
[21:49] <Olwe> not really a total server question, but i installed the ubuntu-desktop packages on my server, and restarted... problem is, i dont get any graphics, just a black screen
[21:50] <trashguy> is your monitor turned on?
[21:51] <Olwe> lol you know, i actually checked that first...
[21:51] <[Solaris]> heh
[21:51] <Olwe> like, the loading bar comes up, but after that, nothing
[21:51] <Olwe> unless i Ctrl-Alt-F1, of course
[21:52] <Olwe> i get to a prompt then, no problem
[21:52] <[Solaris]> erm you have the right 'driver' for your vid card?
[21:52] <Olwe> i believe so..
[21:52] <trashguy> try
[21:52] <trashguy> F7
[21:53] <trashguy> ctrl + alt + f7
[21:53] <trashguy> wait
[21:53] <trashguy> yea
[21:53] <trashguy> F7
[21:53] <Olwe> alrighty
[21:54] <Olwe> just waiting for the computer to boot
[21:56] <[Solaris]> bah stupid stuck shift key
[21:56] <Olwe> k, so F7, or ctrl-alt-f7?
[21:56] <[Solaris]> ctrl-alt-f7 i believe he said
[21:57] <Olwe> nothing, either way
[21:57] <trashguy> GDM is nuked
[21:58] <trashguy> maybe
[21:58] <Olwe> all i did was run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"
[21:58] <Olwe> then reboot
[21:58] <[Solaris]> apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
[21:58] <[Solaris]> then try again
[21:58] <[Solaris]> see if there was anything missing/old
[21:59] <Olwe> k, i'll try that again
[21:59] <trashguy> do a
[21:59] <trashguy> ps -aux | grep Xorg
[22:01] <Olwe> bad syntax?
[22:01] <trashguy> fuck
[22:01] <trashguy> wrong os
[22:01] <trashguy> sorry
[22:01] <Olwe> lol its aight
[22:01] <trashguy> ps -e | grep Xorg
[22:02] <Olwe> returns nothing?
[22:02] <trashguy> type startx
[22:02] <Olwe> fatal error, already running
[22:02] <trashguy> interesting
[22:03] <trashguy> did u use a cpaital x in the grep
[22:03] <trashguy> its case sensitve
[22:04] <trashguy> i never installed desktop on server before
[22:05] <[Solaris]> all i did was
[22:05] <[Solaris]> apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
[22:05] <[Solaris]> and it configured and everything for me
[22:05] <[Solaris]> installed a ton of packages thought
[22:05] <trashguy> probably has some sort of driver issue
[22:05] <trashguy> X can be a pain in the ass
[22:05] <[Solaris]> thats why i ask if he had the right video card driver :P
[22:06] <trashguy> i stuggled for years in freebsd to get it right
[22:06] <[Solaris]> if he is using 8.10 there is an ATI problem
[22:06] <[Solaris]> heh fbsd + X sucked
[22:06] <trashguy> i have an 8-current
[22:06] <trashguy> with x running its amusing
[22:07] <[Solaris]> i thought about trying FBSD again but was convinced to go with Ubuntu this time
[22:07] <[Solaris]> so far so good
[22:07] <trashguy> it has its own percs and pitfalls
[22:08] <[Solaris]> atleast it wasn't like slack in the diskette days
[22:08] <[Solaris]> i had over 30 disks to install slack
[22:09] <[Solaris]> now i don't even have a fdd
[22:10] <Olwe> sorry, ran away for a sec...
[22:10] <trashguy> i installed slac on my old laptop via a slip connection over a null modem cable
[22:10] <trashguy> lulz
[22:10] <[Solaris]> heh
[22:10] <Olwe> 5023 tty7 00:00:02 Xorg
[22:10] <trashguy> its running
[22:11] <Olwe> yep
[22:11] <trashguy> try
[22:11] <trashguy> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
[22:12] <Olwe> tried already, but cant remember the output... so me tries again!
[22:12] <[Solaris]> also could check the logs to see if there was any error
[22:12] <trashguy> well
[22:12] <trashguy> its running
[22:12] <[Solaris]> doesn't mean it didn't spit out a warning or error :p
[22:12] <trashguy> i forgot where ubuntu keeps xorg.conf
[22:13] <[Solaris]> 'locate' is yourfriend
[22:13] <[Solaris]> here /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[22:13] <trashguy> not the right one
[22:13] <Olwe> warning that its over-writing the possibly customized config..
[22:13] <trashguy> do it anyways
[22:13] <Olwe> then error stating that it can't find a battery
[22:14] <ScottK> Olwe: This is a server?
[22:14] <Olwe> yeah
[22:14] <Olwe> 8.04 ubuntu server
[22:15] <ScottK> lamont: Any chance you could put your hppa porter's hat on long enough to make glib2.0 build on hppa? Currently lots of stuff (for example pretty much all of KDE) is uninstallable/unbuildable.
[22:16] <trashguy> hppa?
[22:16] <ScottK> Olwe: OK, X issues are really not on topic since we don't ship X with Ubuntu Server, you might try #ubuntu.
[22:16] <ScottK> HP PA-RISC architecture.
[22:16] <trashguy> just checking
[22:17] <lukehasnoname> get w/ the program trashguy
[22:17] <trashguy> sorry
[22:17] <trashguy> i only use SParc and Intel
[22:17] <trashguy> i r not l33t
[22:17] <Olwe> i do understand that, no responses over at #ubuntu though... just thouht id ask
[22:17] <trashguy> lukehasnoname,
[22:17] <trashguy> uubuntu n00b
[22:18] <trashguy> where can you reset the video drive for xorg
[22:18] <[Solaris]> Olwe try #xorg
[22:18] <trashguy> i know what he should try
[22:18] <trashguy> just linux distros but things in wierd places
[22:18] <lamont> ScottK: meh
[22:18] <trashguy> lol
[22:18] <lamont> I'll look at it this weekend, maybe even after EOD today
[22:19] <lamont> esp if you poke me > 45 min from now.
[22:19] <ScottK> lamont: Thanks.
[22:19] <ScottK> OK.
[22:20] <Olwe> i'll try #xorg, thanks
[22:20] <trashguy> Olwe you just need to se your driver to vesa
[22:20] <trashguy> get basica functionality going
[22:21] <trashguy> /etc/X11/xorg.conf is worthless
[22:21] <[Solaris]> heh yea
[22:23] <Olwe> its odd that a few weeks ago, i did an install that worked fine, without any config...
[22:24] <Olwe> unless.... maybe i had a different graphics card in there...
[22:24] <trashguy> i get drunk and swap graphics cards
[22:24] <trashguy> hobby of mine
[22:25] <Olwe> thats umm.. just a lil... odd... but alright.. i wont judge..
[22:25] <trashguy> ;)
[22:28] <[Solaris]> everyone needs a hobby
[22:28] <trashguy> yes
[22:48] <Olwe> wow... those folks at #xorg really dont like to be helpful...
[22:50] <trashguy> some people are elitists it usually provides me with a daily lol
[22:50] <trashguy> #opensoalris is a good one
[22:52] <Olwe> anything else you suggest i try?
[23:05] <ScottK-palm> lamont: This is your glib2.0 on hppa ping.
[23:05] <lamont> meh
[23:05] <lamont> glib muppets for the win
[23:06] <ScottK-palm> Good luck with that.