UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /03 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <asac> 802.1x?
[00:00] <[reed]> yes
[00:00] <asac> WPA-EAP?
[00:00] <[reed]> yes
[00:01] <asac> [reed]: but it asked your for secrets and stuff like that right?
[00:01] <[reed]> yes
[00:01] <asac> [reed]: is the connection in connection-editor?
[00:01] <asac> right mouse click -> connection editior
[00:02] <[reed]> +yes
[00:03] <asac> [reed]: how does it fail to connect?
[00:04] <[reed]> "association took too long"
[00:04] <[reed]> "disassociating by local choice (reason=3)"
[00:04] <asac> urgh
[00:05] <asac> i saw that today in the NM channel
[00:06] <asac> http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1629
[00:06] <ubottu> www.intellinuxwireless.org bug 1629 in others "iwl3945 disassociates from AP continuously" [Normal,Assigned]
[00:07] <asac> [reed]: look at the modinfo output of iwl4965
[00:08] <asac> disable_hw_scan is an option
[00:08] <asac> you could try to
[00:08] <asac> modprobe -r -v iwl4965
[00:08] <asac> and modprobe -v iwl4965 disable_hw_scan=1
[00:08] <asac> and see if thats better
[00:11] <asac> [reed]: you could also see how bad thing go when you boot the old hardy kernel :/
[00:12] <[reed]> that didn't work
[00:12] <[reed]> I was able to connect to another network
[00:12] <[reed]> that forces VPN use
[00:12] <[reed]> so, I used vpnc
[00:12] <[reed]> and got connected
[00:13] <[reed]> lame lame
[00:13] <[reed]> both my wired and wifi messed up
[00:13] <[reed]> :(
[00:13] <asac> hey
[00:13] <asac> i told you about the wired thing ;)
[00:13] <[reed]> I did `dmesg | grep "e1000"`
[00:13] <asac> wifi is a bug i have only remotely heard off
[00:13] <[reed]> but didn't see anything!
[00:13] <[reed]> :(
[00:13] <asac> damn
[00:14] <asac> and i didnt assume that you have EAP ;)
[00:14] <asac> [reed]: so at least vpnc works ;)
[00:14] <[reed]> yeah
[00:14] <[reed]> it's just slow
[00:14] <[reed]> :(
[00:14] <asac> [reed]: but configuration was not properly migrated you said right?
[00:14] <[reed]> correct
[00:14] <[reed]> nothing was migrated
[00:14] <[reed]> at all
[00:14] <[reed]> no wifi networks, no VPN
[00:14] <asac> [reed]: nothing?
[00:14] <[reed]> nothing
[00:15] <asac> [reed]: can you file a bug with that and put the output of gconftool-2 -R /system/networking there?
[00:15] <asac> or give me that output and i file a bug ;)
[00:15] <[reed]> run that as me or as root?
[00:15] <asac> [reed]: as you
[00:15] <asac> 0.6 settings where all user-session settings
[00:16] <asac> [reed]: you can now make system connections in 0.7 ... also configure static IPs and stuff like that
[00:16] <asac> in general a win
[00:16] <asac> of course the kernel is a show-stopper :/
[00:16] <asac> personally i wouldnt have released beta with e1000 disabled :/
[00:17] <[reed]> the gconftool-2 stuff shows me my info
[00:17] <[reed]> hardy info
[00:17] <asac> [reed]: yes. the old settings are at some path and the intrepid connections are under another halfd
[00:18] <asac> e.g /system/networking/connections... thats 0.7
[00:18] <asac> everything else is 0.6 and should have been moved to connections
[00:18] <asac> by the applet
[00:18] <asac> actually the applet is supposed to migrate things on every run
[00:18] <asac> so if you are struck by a bug, chances are good that they get migrated later
[00:18] <[reed]> ok, let me anonymize this
[00:19] <[reed]> too much personal stuff in this output :)
[00:19] <asac> there shouldnt be any secrets in it
[00:19] <asac> yeah
[00:19] <asac> of course depends on the level of "privacy" one finds appropriate ;)
[00:20] <asac> but yeah. if you move around it can probably accumulate quite a lot of data ;)
[00:28] <asac> [reed]: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/258354
[00:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258354 in network-manager-applet "[0.7] nm-applet crash in nm_gconf_migrate_0_6_connections on first login with 0.7" [Undecided,New]
[00:28] <asac> maybe you got struck by that?
[00:28] <asac> (when nm-applet wasnt there)
[00:29] <[reed]> yeah
[00:29] <[reed]> possible
[00:32] <asac> [reed]: which exact package version are you using?
[00:32] <asac> COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l network-manager-applet
[00:32] <asac> COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l network-manager
[00:32] <asac> err
[00:33] <asac> COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l network-manager-gnome
[00:33] <asac> ;)
[00:33] <asac> not applet
[00:34] <[reed]> reed.pastebin.mozilla.org/546491
[01:03] <asac> [reed]: ok. updated the bug.
[05:11] <saivann> asac : I added a milestone for bug 153739 so it get to your attention
[05:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 153739 in firefox "Firefox opens under top gnome-panel in intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153739
[05:14] <pwnguin> is it just me or did slashdot tank on rendering?
[07:12] <[reed]> asac: bug 277403 -- have you all not been backporting fixing?
[07:12] <[reed]> fixes*
[07:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277403 in firefox "Firefox-3.0 in Gutsy has multiple open security vulnerabilities and should be updated or removed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277403
[09:26] <armin76> bad asac
=== ZrZ is now known as RzR
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== ZrZ is now known as RzR
[14:44] <gnomefreak> asac: you around for a sec?
[14:44] <gnomefreak> i know your "off" today
[14:47] <asac> gnomefreak: yeah ;)
[14:47] <asac> pub holiday :-D
[14:47] <asac> have to catch on so many things that i should really shutdown my system ;)
[14:47] <sebner> asac: somebody have to kick you ;)
[14:47] <sebner> *has
[14:47] <gnomefreak> asac: firefox last update slowed down
[14:48] <gnomefreak> ive noticed a small difference on att site but someone else just brought it up. but i need a translation
[14:48] <gnomefreak> wann gibts denn mal eine unvermurkste version davon, die nicht staendig
[14:48] <asac> sebner: lol ... yeah i need to kick myself to do my tax declaration for instance
[14:48] <gnomefreak> nur dumm abkackt?
[14:48] <gnomefreak> da funktioniert ja der mickeyschiss-indernett-explodierer ja noch besser
[14:48] <asac> otherwise i will end up in prison at some point :-D
[14:49] <asac> gnomefreak: thats a rant: means:
[14:49] <sebner> asac: well a good oportunity to be offline then :P
[14:49] <asac> will there ever be a version of this that works ;)
[14:49] <gnomefreak> damn i hate to send that through but i will
[14:49] <gnomefreak> asac: thanks
[14:50] <sebner> gnomefreak: denglish boy :P
[14:50] <asac> gnomefreak: no dont let that through
[14:50] <asac> if its a mailing list blog
[14:50] <asac> err message
[14:50] <asac> i mean we only accept english text
[14:50] <asac> if it gets through no problem ... but otherwise it should get trashed ;)
[14:51] <gnomefreak> asac: ok
[14:51] <asac> last sentence reads: "even the mickey-shit internet exploder is better than this crap" :)
[14:52] <sebner> IE with wine \o/
[15:05] <gnomefreak> i discarded it
[15:05] <gnomefreak> i need to figure out failure to build on 0.9 maybe this weekend
[15:06] <gnomefreak> im gone for a while
[15:58] <fta> http://www.alice-dsl.net/towolf/cairo/
[16:13] <jdstrand> fta: hi!
[16:14] <jdstrand> fta: can you tell me more about nss-fips in your seamonkey update?
[16:15] <jdstrand> this almost 632000 debdiff raised my eyebrows :)
[16:15] <jdstrand> 632000 line
[16:16] <fta> jdstrand, nss is unrelated, this is just a work-in-progress from asac, only living in my ppa. you can just ignore that, it has nothing to do with hardy or intrepid
[16:17] <fta> jdstrand, yes, i know the diff is huge. there are so many CVEs in there :P
[16:17] <jdstrand> fta: but you changed 80_security_build.patch to reger to it
[16:17] <jdstrand> fta: 95% (or more) is the nss-fips stuff
[16:17] <jdstrand> s/reger/refer/
[16:17] <fta> jdstrand, eh??
[16:18] <jdstrand> + $(MAKE) -C $(topsrcdir)/security/nss-fips/lib $(DEFAULT_GMAKE_FLAGS) export
[16:18] <jdstrand> ...
[16:19] <fta> jdstrand, 80_security_build.patch is from debian, it is still valid. i just had to refresh it because one of the changes from upstream touched the context of this debian patch so it created a reject. nothing to worry about, this is regular packaging work
[16:19] <jdstrand> fta: I understand that, but the 'regular patching work' is now compiling nss-fips, which you told me to ignore, so I am confused
[16:20] <fta> hmm, let me have a closer look
[16:25] <fta> jdstrand, http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsblame.cgi?file=mozilla/security/manager/Makefile.in&rev=
[16:26] <fta> this is mozilla bug 419030
[16:26] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 419030 in Build Config "FF2 should pick up NSS fixes, but keep the FIPS approved softoken module" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=419030
[16:28] <jdstrand> okay... it just gives me pause to upload 600,000 lines of new code in a -security update
[16:28] <jdstrand> asac: ^^ can you comment?
[16:44] <fta> jdstrand, i guess the same code went into the security update of ff2
[16:45] <fta> this bug says fixed1.8.1.15, verified1.8.1.15, so we have it in firefox-2 >=
[16:46] <fta> than in the latest thunderbird
[16:48] <jdstrand> fta: I'm not opposed to having it there, I just want to know what it is, and if compiling all that new code for (apparently) 1 bug is required
[16:49] <jdstrand> either way, I updated the bug report, so it's documented
[17:02] <fta> jdstrand, comments added
[17:09] <jdstrand> thanks
[17:13] <asac> jdstrand: nss?
[17:13] <asac> jdstrand: i will take care of that
[17:14] <asac> jdstrand: we have to push that through security .... or -updates
[17:14] <asac> 600k new code?
[17:14] <asac> sounds wrong
[17:14] <asac> nss doesnt even have that much code
[17:15] <jdstrand> asac: basically-- the debdiff is almost 632,000 lines, with the vast majority being new files in nss-fips
[17:16] <fta> just one thing, the nss sources are included, but we use system nss, so we don't build the one inside ff/tb/sm
[17:16] <fta> so it's in the debdiff but not used
[17:18] <fta> asac, i let you handle that, i have to go do some shopping, be back later
[17:19] <asac> jdstrand: what is this about? nss in gutsy?
[17:19] <jdstrand> fta, asac: that sounds fine, but with the changes in 80_security_build, I wasn't sure they weren't really being used
[17:19] <jdstrand> asac: the seamonkey update for hardy
[17:20] <jdstrand> bug #276437
[17:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 276437 in seamonkey "security upgrade of seamonkey 1.1.12" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276437
[17:20] <asac> jdstrand: simple: look in rules ... there is --with-system-nss/nsp
[17:20] <asac> r
[17:20] <asac> in that case its not used
[17:20] <asac> jdstrand: but we have to look into updating system-nss
[17:20] <asac> at some point
[17:21] <jdstrand> asac: ok, so you're saying that while we updated the 80_security_build to play with Makefiles to build nss-fips, we are ok because we use system nss
[17:21] <asac> jdstrand: yes. that patch is obsolete
[17:21] <asac> jdstrand: we just didnt drop it in hardy (most likely nobody reviewed the patches)
[17:22] <jdstrand> asac: obsolete for Ubuntu, or everyone? (I don't understand why it's there and we're fiddling with it)
[17:22] <asac> jdstrand: its obsolete for those builds that use system-nspr/nss
[17:22] <asac> jdstrand: which we started to do in gutsy iirc
[17:22] <jdstrand> asac: ok. good enough for me. thanks for the clarification :)
[17:22] <asac> jdstrand: at least for ffox and tbird ... might be that gutsy iceape still uses in-source
[17:22] <asac> jdstrand: but in hardy seamonkey uses system-nspr/nss
[17:23] <asac> jdstrand: to be sure just look in rules. if it has --with-system-nspr/nss then this patch is carried around for nothing
[17:23] <jdstrand> asac: I am, and I'm going to look at the build before uploading
[17:23] <asac> jdstrand: yeah
[17:23] <jdstrand> but now I know what to look for :)
[17:24] <asac> jdstrand: yeah. you can also look if seamonkey ships any libnss/nspr binaries
[17:24] * jdstrand nods
[17:24] <asac> jdstrand: might be that we ship links. but the real binaries should be those from the system-nss
[17:24] <asac> nspr
[18:14] <fta> jdstrand, fta@ix:~ $ wget -qO- http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18102739/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.seamonkey_1.1.12%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz | gzip -dc | grep -c nss-fips
[18:14] <fta> 0
[18:15] <fta> not built
[18:17] <fta> jdstrand, ^^, the only part of nss that is always built is security/manager/* but neither security/nss nor the new security/nss-fips
[18:17] <fta> because of system-nss
[18:26] <fta> [reed], regression with font rendering in trunk between hg20080926r19786 and hg20081001r20062
[18:27] * Nafallo gives fta zgrep
[18:28] <fta> Nafallo, i know :) but on some of my boxes, zgrep is missing, same as gunzip, so gzip is always safer
[18:28] <Nafallo> :-)
[18:37] <jdstrand> fta: cool, thanks
[18:48] <fta> [reed], it also crashes a lot (hg20081001r20062). rebuilding to get symbols
[19:01] <lonejack> hi, I'm working on ubuntu. My firefox doesn't allow me to change some inputs on about:config. That is, it's possible to to change them buy the change remain only until firefox isn't closed. Can somebody help me?
[19:03] <lonejack> In order to be precise(if this cna help you), my /home/ hasn't been created during system installation. It comes from my previous installation...
[19:11] <Lns> lonejack: did you try removing your ~/.mozilla directory and starting over? It's probably a configuration problem if your old ~/.mozilla came from a different install.
[19:11] <lonejack> Lns: I try
[19:29] <lonejack> Lns: prob solved but I had to reinstall all my components...
[19:31] <Lns> lonejack: you might be able to cherry-pick things such as bookmarks and password lists - are you using FF 3 or 2?
[19:32] <fta> never *remove* you .mozilla dir, rename it
[19:32] <fta> youR
[19:32] <Lns> lonejack: Many times, especially between different versions, you have to remove your user-level config and start over - and put things back in place afterwards
[19:33] <Lns> fta: yes..unless your current .mozilla is already a test config/etc
[19:34] <fta> Lns, well it's not a good advice anyway, user may loose important data. it's better to ask for a test with a blank profile first, we have a page on the wiki describing that
[19:35] <Lns> fta: well it'd seem pretty pointless to keep all sorts of "test" configs when you know you're working with something specific
[19:35] <Lns> as a general rule of computing, you should never delete anything unless you are sure you don't need anything in it
[19:36] <fta> i think it's clear lonejack said his home dir is not a test dir
[19:39] <lonejack> fta: thank you for your kindness. Yeah it was better to save all my info.... anyway in a hour I'll solve. Thank you
[19:40] <Lns> fta: i wasn't talking about lonejack's situation specifically...sorry, I guess I just assumed that he would know not to delete stuff that has important data in it.. "remove" was probably a bad choice of words
[19:43] <lonejack> hey, what's the url of the wiki mentioned?
[19:43] <lonejack> thx
[19:44] <fta> recommended procedure is there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs
[19:46] <lonejack> fta:ok
[19:50] <fta> [reed], asac: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/53515/
[20:15] <fta> [reed], another crash trying to move tabs across
=== nm-rocker is now known as asac
[21:59] <[reed]> fta: known
[21:59] <fta> [reed], i guessed so, fixed ?
[22:00] <[reed]> fta: let me get the bug
[22:03] <fta> [reed], which one btw ? the tab one or the nss one ?
[22:07] <fta> hm, the font rendering regression is still there
[22:18] <fta> [reed], the tab crash is still there with latest trunk
[22:23] <[reed]> mozilla bug 458048
[22:23] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 458048 in Drag and Drop "Drag & Drop of tabs crashing browser with new API [@ nsINode::GetCurrentDoc() ]" [Blocker,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458048
[22:25] <fta> thx
[23:00] <fta> [reed], do i need to post my stack trace? or is the problem already fully understood?
[23:01] <[reed]> fta: you could test if the patch in mozilla bug 454324 fixes it
[23:01] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 454324 in Drag and Drop "Crash when selection-less items are dragged [@ nsINode::GetCurrentDoc() ]" [Blocker,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=454324
[23:02] <fta> [reed], next comment reads "That patch is wallpaper in presshell over what looks to me like serious bustage elsewhere."
[23:02] <fta> so doesn't seem worth it
[23:03] <[reed]> :)
[23:03] <[reed]> it's a beta blocker
[23:03] <[reed]> so, it'll get fixed
[23:03] <[reed]> asac/fta: bug 277403 -- have you all not been backporting fixes?
[23:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277403 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox-3.0 in Gutsy has multiple open security vulnerabilities and should be updated or removed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277403
[23:03] <fta> ok, i'll try to track my font rendering regression then
[23:04] <fta> [reed], it's in main, i can't do it
[23:04] <fta> and it's time consuming :S
[23:04] <[reed]> "In Gutsy, firefox-3.0 is in Universe"
[23:05] <fta> oh, right ;)
[23:11] <fta> lol http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=936887