UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /03 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_lunch
=== davmor2_lunch is now known as davmor2
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
[17:59] <ethana2> well, nobody on #ubuntu-netbook, so....
[17:59] <ethana2> i'm using maximus on 8.10b, and it's not getting rid of my window title bars like it did on 8.04.1
[18:00] <ethana2> ..would anyone know how i tell it to get rid of title bars?
[18:01] <ethana2> oh wait
[18:04] <ethana2> ok, something went wrong and i had to close everything..
[18:04] <ethana2> it seems to work now, but....
[18:05] <ethana2> ** (maximus:21091): DEBUG: Excluding: #ubuntu-mobile
[18:05] <ethana2> Where's its configuration file?
[18:05] <ethana2> I'd like to remove a few exclusions
[18:05] <ethana2> ..and before it would exclude from auto maximize, but when you /did/, it would still get rid of the title bar, doesn't seem to be doing that now :(
[18:09] <ethana2> is there a maximus.conf somewhere?
[18:14] * ethana2 restarts pidgin to apply facebookchat installation
[18:15] <mboman> Anyone here having the eee pc 901?
[18:20] <ethana2> Ok, maximus keeps bugging all out and making me restart my X server...
[18:21] * ethana2 uploads crash report on compiz.real....
[18:41] <ethana2> Is there a gnome panel applet out there with nothing but window control buttons that operate on the current window?
=== robr_ is now known as robr
[18:44] <ian_brasil> mboman: i have one here
[18:44] <mboman> ian_brasil: do you feel it being sluggish?
[18:45] <ian_brasil> are you crazy ;)..it flies with ubuntu mobile
[18:46] <ian_brasil> it runs open office, gimp and midbrowser at the same time!
[18:47] <ian_brasil> I'm trying to create a clean rootstrap for lpia
[18:47] <ian_brasil> and I got the error that I cannot download binary-lpia package
[18:47] <ian_brasil> is this going to be supported?
[18:51] <ian_brasil> mboman: where do you perceive the sluggishness?
[18:52] <mboman> ian_brasil: in X.. I am using the UMPC launcher.. and I find it unresponsive
[18:52] <mboman> but then I also use more a less a standard Ubuntu build..
[18:53] <ian_brasil> you are not using the ubuntu-mobile image then?
[18:53] <mboman> nope
[18:55] <ian_brasil> in this image there are some customizations done ..in ubuntu-mobile-default-settings
[18:55] <ian_brasil> maybe it is a gconf setting
[18:56] <ethana2> ian-brasil: oh?
[18:57] <rbelem> ian_brasil, apt-get source ubuntu-mobile-default-settings ;-)
[18:57] <ethana2> hmmmmmmmm
[18:58] <ethana2> rbelem: do you know where maximus stores its configuration file?
[18:58] <ethana2> oh wait, you said mobile
[18:58] <ian_brasil> here are the gconf settings
[18:59] <ethana2> also, I want to try out ubuntu mid, part of why i'm on 8.10
[18:59] <ethana2> what's the metapackage again?
[19:00] <rbelem> ethana2, ubuntu-mid and ubuntu-mid-default-settings
[19:00] <ethana2> will default settings mess anything up?
[19:00] <ethana2> i'm very particular about my desktop settings
[19:01] <ian_brasil> http://paste.ubuntu.com/53504/
[19:01] <rbelem> ethana2, maybe it's better to create a virtual machine
[19:02] <ethana2> ok no, i don't want those
[19:02] <ethana2> well i'm installing it now
[19:02] <ethana2> i want to log out and log into it
[19:02] <ethana2> i may like it more than what i have
[19:02] <ethana2> i'll probably find one or two things that are awesome and just integrate them into my own little ubuntu spin
[19:02] <ethana2> i'm making a customization scripts for myself
[19:02] <ethana2> tentatively calling the result 'ethbuntu'
[19:03] <rbelem> cool!
[19:04] <ethana2> is there a panel applet that only contains controls for the currently in focus window?
[19:04] <ethana2> close/maximize/minimize
[19:11] <ethana2> holy crap
[19:12] <ethana2> Removing ubuntu-desktop ...
[19:12] <ethana2> Removing update-notifier ...
[19:12] <ethana2> Removing update-manager ...
[19:12] <ethana2> why is it /removing/ ANYTHING?!
[19:15] <ethana2> ethan@home:~$ install ubuntu-desktop
[19:15] <ethana2> The following packages will be REMOVED:
[19:15] <ethana2> ubuntu-mid update-manager-hildon
[19:15] <ethana2> *HEADDESK*
[19:16] <ian_brasil> vou descer barra ..depois manja com o canola
[19:17] <ethana2> ethan@home:~$ install update-manager update-notifier
[19:17] <ethana2> The following packages will be REMOVED:
[19:17] <ethana2> ubuntu-mid update-manager-hildon
[19:17] <ethana2> Well, how is update-manager-hildon? Any good?
[19:17] <ethana2> I guess I'm going to find out.
[19:17] * ethana2 logs into MID sessions
[19:19] <ethana2> what the----
[19:20] <ethana2> it didn't give me a new session, it took over my gnome one!
[19:24] <ethana2> ok, well, this billiard game is okay
[19:26] <ethana2> okay, i want to see the clutter and flash interfaces before i uninstall this
[19:27] <ethana2> .......erm, nevermind, i can't wait that long
[19:29] * ethana2 restarts session
[19:33] * ethana2 purges mid install
[19:36] <ethana2> ok yeah, it installed so many things... and they're not new UI paradigm stuff, its hardware config and workarounds for tiny screens
[19:37] <ethana2> how do i remove every package installed within the last x hours?
[19:39] <ethana2> E: matchbox-window-manager: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
[19:40] <ethana2> hmm
[19:40] <ethana2> it appears that I'll want to get some work in on my customization script and then do a clean 8.10 install
[19:40] * ethana2 reverts to 8.04.1
[20:06] <ogra> bah, he's gone
=== robr_ is now known as robr
[20:07] <ogra> someone should tell ethana2 that the netbook-launcher needs a graphics card with composite support, else its quite useless (sluggish as he said)
[20:14] <ian_brasil> ogra: nice looking calibration mock up b.t.w
[20:14] <ogra> thanks :)
[20:15] <kavon> so how's ubuntu mobile? is the development active? i'm looking into a device and i would LOVE to run it on the device
[20:15] <kavon> can anyone suggest some affordable ones that are compatible? (with the N810 would work with it)
[20:15] <ogra> its massively active, yes
[20:15] <ogra> no, n810 is sadly arm based
[20:16] <ogra> currently ubuntu only supports ix86 based CPUs
[20:16] <ogra> there are plans for an arm port and there is the mojo project but officially there is no support yet
[20:17] <kavon> ogra: ah
[20:18] <ogra> for the current ubuntu-mid image which targets 4-7" touchscreen devices like the n8x0's i cant suggest any device, for the current ubuntu-mobile image (for 7-9" touchscreens) things like the samsung Q1U are the target devices
[20:19] <kavon> ogra: what do you use with it, or can you think of any manufacturers or models that work well with UM?
[20:19] * ogra uses the Q1U for development ...
[20:20] <ian_brasil> kavon: ubuntu-mobile works on the eeepc, acer aspire one
[20:20] <ogra> http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/mobile/ there are some screenshots of ubuntu-mobile on a Q1U
[20:21] <kavon> hum, i'm hoping for somthing pocketable.
[20:21] <ogra> yeah, the mobile image is for rather larger devices, and for the mid image there are not many out yet
[20:29] <lool> ogra: You know what'd rock to write USB images?
[20:29] <ogra> ?
[20:29] <ogra> tell me :)
[20:29] <lool> ogra: Something like nautilus-cd-burner: right click on a .img and you get "Write to USB key"
[20:30] <lool> nautilus-usb-writer :)
[20:30] <ogra> yeah, that would
[20:30] <lool> We could also run usb-creator in this way on ISO images
[20:30] <ogra> yeah, that sounds cool
[20:31] <ian_brasil> what is the correct way to disable udev settle ..doing a chmod -x /sbin/udevsettle seems hackish
[20:31] <lool> ian_brasil: You can dpkg-divert it, but just comment it out from the init scripts
[20:31] <ogra> ian_brasil, udevsettle really should be removed
[20:32] <ogra> chmod -x /sbin/udevsettle seems cowardish ... rm -r /sbin/udevsettle ;)
[20:32] <ogra> and ln -s /bin/true /sbin/udevsettle ;)
[20:32] <lool> ian_brasil: "dpkg-divert /sbin/udevsettle" and ln -s /bin/true /sbin/udevsettle
[20:33] <ian_brasil> lool ogra thx
[20:35] <ian_brasil> ogra: you are really crazy ;)
[20:35] <ogra> heh
[20:36] <ogra> just pragmatic
[20:40] <lool> crazy pragmatic
[20:40] <ogra> as long as it gets me there :)
[20:42] * lool waves 'night
[20:43] * ogra goes to prepare some reunion dinner
[20:43] <ogra> night lool
[20:46] <ian_brasil> lool: tchau
[21:41] <josephus> i just got an Amtek U560 umpc, tried latest snapshot on a usb stick
[21:41] <josephus> kernel boots ok, but X keeps restarting
=== nm-rocker is now known as asac
[21:50] <josephus> is there a development image which doesn't use squashfs-loop and drops to shell in case of an error?
[22:00] <ogra> nope
[22:01] <ogra> its likely that your umpc uses a poulsbo graphics chipset, sadly intel didnt provide a driver for that yet
[22:02] <ogra> well, they did, but not for xorg 1.5, it might work with one of the 8.04 (hardy) images
[22:02] * ogra needs to go afk again
[22:05] * rhp_ is installing VMWare in the mean time in hopes of getting something running that will allow him to create custom image without much hassle...
[22:37] <josephus> ogra: thanks, it's indeed an Intel 945 stuff.
[22:38] <josephus> rhp_: tried that, didn't work
[22:38] <rhp_> josephus: why not?
[22:38] <josephus> had some issues with the syslinux
[22:39] <josephus> dding the squashfs and installing grub might work though
[23:44] <nanojit> Hi.
[23:44] <nanojit> Just would like to know what version of Gecko midbrowser is currently built with.
[23:48] <ogra> xulrunner 1.9