UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /03 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
=== IntuitiveNipple_ is now known as IntuitiveNipple
=== thegodfather is now known as fabbione
=== makke_ is now known as makke
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[16:24] <cobradevil> hello all
[16:24] <cobradevil> will there be xen dom0 support in intrepid?
[16:27] <abogani> I suppose that zul know it.
[16:31] <cobradevil> will wait then?
[16:53] <joumetal> I am trying to triage bug 272537. Is it related to new tlsup driver for toshiba laptops?
[17:47] <CarlFK> bug #272537
=== thegodfather is now known as fabbione
[18:06] <munckfish> BenC: spufs isn't getting mounted on boot - it's module so it isn't listed in /proc/filesystems and that's what is checked to see if a filesystem is supported.
[18:07] <munckfish> I'm working with Colin W to see how to work this through in the scripts in sysvinit
[18:07] <munckfish> but how would you feel about spufs being a builtin instead of a module in powerpc64-smp
[18:07] <munckfish> ?
[18:08] <munckfish> Of course I realise it's only needed for Cell
[18:12] <munckfish> spufs.ko amounts to 191K I'm guessing that's a fairly average to small size module
[20:08] <DGMurdockIII> hey
[20:09] <DGMurdockIII> guy I have a problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/277749
[20:20] <BenC> DGMurdockIII: the driver is labeled as beta
[20:20] <BenC> DGMurdockIII: and we are frozen right now for our own beta release
[20:20] <BenC> DGMurdockIII: likely wont make it in, but we'll see what we can do
[20:22] <DGMurdockIII> if it dosent make it in this realese would it be possable that it could be made as a update
[20:22] <DGMurdockIII> after the new version of ubuntu is realsed
[20:23] <joumetal> BenC: Could you have quick look at bug 272537?
[20:24] <DGMurdockIII> and you could contact there live support is open if you want to talk to them about there linux driver and there a pritty small compony
[20:25] <DGMurdockIII> http://www.bigfootnetworks.com/support/ left of site says live support
[20:27] <DGMurdockIII> (BenC): you still there
[20:30] <munckfish> BenC: any thoughts on the above question ^
[20:33] <BenC> munckfish: I thought we had solved the spufs module loading previously
[20:33] <BenC> munckfish: I think initramfs loaded it if it detected a cell machine
[20:34] <munckfish> BenC: well we have a new problem
[20:34] <munckfish> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ps3-port/+bug/274854
[20:34] <munckfish> see my last comment
[20:34] <BenC> DGMurdockIII: to start off with, the module doesn't even compile with our latest kernel
[20:34] <laga> DGMurdockIII: why don't they support their kernel to upstream?
[20:35] <munckfish> It's a chicken and egg situ
[20:35] <DGMurdockIII> lthey have another driver
[20:36] <munckfish> BenC: so the fix is either by making the module a builtin or by modifying the scripts in sysvinit. If you're happy for it to become a builtin like the other kernel filesystems procfs and sysfs
[20:36] <DGMurdockIII> (BenC): http://www.bigfootnetworks.com/Support/index.php?_m=downloads&_a=viewdownload&downloaditemid=13&nav=0,2,8 if you have problem you can try posting in there forums here they are very helpfill http://www.killernic.com/KillerForums/forumdisplay.php?f=7
[20:36] <munckfish> BenC: then that would be a very quick and decisive fix
[20:37] <munckfish> BenC: would just appreciate your viewpoint on the matter (if you have any)
[20:42] <BenC> munckfish: I think the sysvinit scripts is a better place, not being built-in
[20:43] <BenC> munckfish: it should only be loaded and mounted for cell machines (which is easily detected in /proc/cpuinfo, IIRC)
[20:44] <munckfish> BenC: cool thx that's where I'll focus my attention
[20:44] <BenC> munckfish: The reason I say that is because ppc kernel+initramfs has a size limit imposed by yaboot (I think, but never-the-less, no-bloat is best)
[20:47] <munckfish> BenC: aha I see. So we'll keep it slim then.
[21:22] <DGMurdockIII> do ubuntu support fingerprint readers
[21:23] <Nafallo> define 'support'
=== nm-rocker is now known as asac
[21:56] <DGMurdockIII> as in will they be able to be used to for like as loking in
[21:56] <DGMurdockIII> loging in to the OS
[22:01] <BenC> DGMurdockIII: not out-of-the-box, but there are things you can install and configure to make use of it
[22:01] <BenC> probably a howto on the wiki
[22:02] <DGMurdockIII> will ubuntu ever support it out of the box
[22:11] <BenC> Currently our security team tells me that fingerprint reader is not very secure
[22:11] <BenC> mainly because of the hardware
[22:11] <BenC> There are some good fingerprint readers, but it's not easy to tell from the OS whether it's a secure reader or not
[22:12] <BenC> Anyway, there's probably comments and discussion about it all over launchpad.net and wiki.ubuntu.com, so best to go there for answers
[22:33] <CarlFK> you mean "touch here to log in" isn't secure? :)
[23:47] * kees likes to think of fingerprint readers as someone having a 3-character password.
[23:47] <kees> (i.e. effort to crack, etc)