UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /03 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <bucket529> Need advice: bug 262478 is a package request for the GPLv2 source code of a commercial package. The company has a .deb of the software for download at http://www.nomachine.com/download-package.php?Prod_Id=6 . The .deb has no license data included and appears to be unrestricted/uncrippled/fully featured. Should I mark this bug Invalid because a deb package is already available? Or Confirmed/Wishlist? Or another option?
[00:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262478 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Add FreeNX to the repositories" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262478
[00:11] <hggdh> james_w, ping re. bug 192239 -- what do you want to do with it?
[00:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 192239 in coreutils "rm shouldn't require /proc to be mounted" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192239
[00:12] <james_w> hggdh: I'm not sure.
[00:12] <james_w> hggdh: I think it might be possible to close it as fixed in recent versions, but I'm not entirely sure
[00:12] <hggdh> debian (and Jim M., upstream maintainer stated they can only repeat on old kernels, right?
[00:13] <hggdh> james_w, I am not sure either ;-)
[00:13] <hggdh> bucket529, I am looking at it
[00:13] <maco> james_w: why not needs-packaging since it's not packaged in ubuntu's official repos?
[00:14] <james_w> maco: sorry, I don't understand
[00:14] <james_w> it seems there are two questions at the moment
[00:14] <maco> james_w: oh sorry, thought you were talking to bucket529
[00:14] <hggdh> maco, you are probably responding to bucket529
[00:14] <james_w> hggdh: I think it should be "Won't Fix" at the least
[00:15] <james_w> hggdh: we're not going to fix it, so that should be a first step
[00:15] <maco> hggdh: i thought james_w said "not sure" to bucket529
[00:15] <hggdh> james_w, k. You'll take care if it, I guess
[00:15] <hggdh> cross-lines is fun ;-)
[00:15] <chrisccoulson> i'm really confused now
[00:15] <hggdh> LOL
[00:15] <james_w> thanks hggdh
[00:16] <bucket529> I'm staying outta this...
[00:16] <hggdh> bucket529, I agree with maco: the fact that there is an available .deb somewhere else does not guarantee it will work on a specific Ubuntu version.
[00:16] <hggdh> so I would vote for a needs-packaging
[00:17] <hggdh> james_w, my pleasure. I decided coreutils was easier than a lot of other packages here ;-)
[00:17] <james_w> heh, there's something a bit wrong about that :-)
[00:18] <hggdh> heh... a lot, I would say. But I feel very confortable on it...
[00:19] <persia> maco: Do you have an example bug with failed retrace? There are a couple answers to the question.
[00:20] <bucket529> Thanks for help, everyone. Recommend bug 262478 change from Undecided to Wishlist
[00:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262478 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Add FreeNX to the repositories" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262478
[00:20] <persia> bucket529: On it.
[00:20] <lfaraone> Is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/277302 a potential security vulnerability?
[00:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277302 in ubiquity "NetworkManager is starting up "after" ubiquity in only-ubiquity mode" [Undecided,Invalid]
[00:21] <lfaraone> (since ubiquity won't update, and if there is a problem in another application (that has been patched) it won't be fixed until after the next reboot.
[00:21] <persia> lfaraone: It could be a security vulnerability, but it's unlikely to be something the security team fixes.
[00:22] <persia> Because the interaction between ubiquity and network-manager only happens at install time, either it will get fixed by non-security processes before Intrepid release, or it won't get fixed for intrepid.
[00:22] <lfaraone> persia: Should I mark it as shuch?
[00:23] <lfaraone> persia: and I'm toying with either "High" or "Critical" priorities.
[00:23] <lfaraone> *such
[00:23] <persia> lfaraone: I wouldn't bother: the security flag really only gets the attention of the security team, rather than having a specific meaning of being a security issue.
[00:24] <hggdh> hum. since we are talking about n-m... is it normal for current n-m to acquire two network connections (one wired and one wireless)?
[00:24] * persia reviews Priority guidance
[00:24] <bdmurray> hggdh: yes, that is
[00:24] <lfaraone> persia: #
[00:24] <lfaraone> Critical: A bug which has a severe impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users
[00:24] <persia> hggdh: It wasn't previously normal, but it's not bad necessarily. Could be different networks, to which the user wishes to be connected.
[00:25] <bdmurray> hggdh: there is only one default route though so it "should" work
[00:25] <hggdh> thanks, bdmurray & persia. I actually like it
[00:25] <bdmurray> hggdh: you might find bug 277063 interesting
[00:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277063 in network-manager "Wired and wireless connection to the same router cause confusion" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277063
[00:26] <maco> persia: bug 277294
[00:26] <ubottu> Bug 277294 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/277294 is private
[00:26] <persia> lfaraone: I'd go with "Medium" based on "A bug that has a severe impact on a non-core application". While ubiquity is fairly important, it's not usually installed on anyone's machine, and it only affects people who choose the "only ubiquity" option.
[00:26] <hggdh> bdmurray, yes, interesting. In my case, I am connected to two different networks (different routers)
[00:27] <hggdh> ah, this is a turf I am confortable on... TCP and routes
[00:27] <lfaraone> maco: What about it?
[00:28] <maco> lfaraone: i was asking what to do with apport failed retrace. persia asked which one
[00:28] <lfaraone> Ah.
[00:28] <persia> maco: That one still has a core dump: looks like the retracer knows it failed. In these cases, you might try rerunning the retracer locally against the provided data.
[00:28] <maco> persia: ok well i have to run right now, but after the lecture, i'll figure out how to do that
[00:29] <persia> If the local retrace works, you're all good. If it doesn't work, then we have a problem, and the best we can do is try to reproduce to get a stacktracde.
[00:29] <persia> This is a good example because the user provided the data that causes the crash, so we don't want to lose it (otherwise, I'd say close it and tell the user to try again later).
[00:30] <persia> maco: apport-retrace. Have a good lecture.
[00:30] * hggdh is going to flicker for a few while playing with network connections
[00:34] <hggdh> t
[00:35] <hggdh> bdmurray, one of the problems is n-m stomping over the routes
[00:47] * hggdh is testing
[00:55] <bucket529> Recommend bug 261768 change from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'
[00:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261768 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kete - Library & Collections Management program for books, media, toys, for communities (ILS)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261768
[00:58] <nhandler> Done bucket529
[01:00] <bucket529> nhandler: Thanks!
[01:00] <nhandler> You are welcome bucket529
[01:03] <hggdh> bdmurray, it is indeed a question of routing. n-m is forcing one single external route
[01:04] <bucket529> Need advice: bug 261818 and bug 261820 are Undecided/New, yet assigned to someone. Smart way to handle?
[01:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261818 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] sctplib" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261818
[01:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261820 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] socketapi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261820
[01:06] <hggdh> bucket529, it sounds like the reporter requested it, and created tentative packages in REVU. We could now either ask for licence data (or search ourselves), or point the reporter to the wiki
[01:08] <hggdh> at least RSPLIB is under the GPL, but undisclosed GPL version
[01:33] <lfaraone> Hey, what would be the channel for the Ubuntu Regional board for america?
[01:41] <bucket529> hggdh: Thanks for the help!
[01:51] <bucket529> Recommend bug 261818 and bug 261820 change from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'
[01:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261818 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] sctplib" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261818
[01:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261820 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] socketapi" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261820
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[01:52] <mrooney> hm, do we always do that?
[01:52] <hggdh|away> mrooney, do what?
[01:53] <mrooney> hggdh|away: mark needs-packaging as wishlist
[01:53] <mrooney> hmm looks like it
[01:53] <hggdh|away> yes, it is in the wiki
[01:54] <hggdh|away> mrooney, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Needs%20Packaging%20Bugs
[01:54] <mrooney> okay, bucket529: doubly done!
[01:54] <mrooney> thanks hggdh|away
[01:55] <bucket529> Whew, I'd hate to think I was the victim of a terribly boring practical joke....
[01:55] <mrooney> hm?
[01:56] <bucket529> mrooney: Thanks
[02:00] <mrooney> I wounder if all ~115 of http://tinyurl.com/54jfkq should be wishlisted?
[02:01] <mrooney> those needs-packaging with importance Undecided
[02:01] <mrooney> bdmurray: any tips?
[02:02] <bucket529> mrooney: I'm poking through a bunch of those. Some are incomplete, others are invalid (in Debian) among the list
[02:02] <wgrant> Lots of those are inappropriate.
[02:02] <wgrant> (they're needs-packaging when they're not)
[02:04] <mrooney> oh, okay
[02:05] * wgrant is fixing them.
[02:06] <persia> In addition to bugs that aren't really needs-packaging, there is the occasional needs-packaging but with a higher importance. If anyone finds a needs-packaging bug for linux-ports-meta, that's probably critical at this point, for example.
[02:08] <wgrant> I'd really like to be able to just click on something in that listing and edit it...
[02:09] <mrooney> wgrant: hack up a GM script :)
[02:10] <mrooney> EditableListViewScript, mmm
[02:10] <Hobbsee> mrooney: more usefully, if you check if they're already in ubuntu and/or debian first, and comment along those lines, and then set to wishlist, that'd be good.
[02:30] <bucket529> Recommend change bug 263060 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'
[02:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263060 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] DivFix++" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263060
[02:32] <Hobbsee> bucket529: did you check if it's in debian/
[02:33] <Hobbsee> oh, you did!
[02:33] <mrooney> bucket529: okay I wishlisted it
[02:33] <Hobbsee> debian bug 473235
[02:33] <ubottu> Debian bug 473235 in wnpp "ITP: divfix++ -- repair broken AVI file streams by rebuilding index" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/473235
[02:33] <bucket529> Thanks
[02:43] <bucket529> Recommend change bug 263229 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'
[02:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263229 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] jBrout" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263229
[02:45] <lfaraone> bucket529: Done.
[02:46] <bucket529> lfaraone: Thanks
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[02:55] <mrooney> bucket529: any interest in applying for BugControl?
[02:58] <bucket529> mrooney: Perhaps in a few weeks. Still learning the ropes and making mistakes.
[02:59] <mrooney> cool :)
[03:00] <lfaraone> mrooney: And then there are those of us that cheat and get into bugcontrol as upstream triagers...
[03:00] * lfaraone points to self.
[03:01] <bucket529> Recommend change bug 272210 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'
[03:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 272210 in ubuntu "Megatunix needs to be packaged and added to the repository." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/272210
[03:02] <lfaraone> bucket529: Done
[03:02] <bucket529> lfaraone: Thanks
[03:03] <lfaraone> Hey, is it possible to do a bug search for bugs that are in X, Y, and Z packages (in the same search)
[03:05] <mrooney> not that I know of on launchpad itself but I imagine with the python-launchpad stuff
[03:06] <lfaraone> mrooney: any additional troubleshootign steps I could instruct https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar/+bug/210174 on?
[03:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 210174 in sugar "Unable to login to Sugar " [Undecided,Incomplete]
[03:09] <mrooney> lfaraone: I am not familiar with sugar, unfortunately
[03:09] <mrooney> so I guess if you don't have questions I would set it to Confirmed
[03:11] <lfaraone> mrooney: Well, I can't reproduce the bug.
[03:11] <mrooney> but Pablo confirmed it in comment 7
[03:12] <lfaraone> mrooney: Ah.
[03:13] <lfaraone> In any case, we can't fix any of these bugs, since any fixes would require we put in new versions of the software (by that, new features too), and our freeze-exception application is slowly moving.
[03:13] <lfaraone> (sugar bugs)
[03:14] <mrooney> is that right?
[03:14] <mrooney> fixes don't require new versions do they? I thought plenty of times upstream patches are cherry picked to solve specific issues
[03:17] <lfaraone> mrooney: Well, none of the maintainers (myself included) have the time/ability to cherry-pick those patches. Often they are obscure problems, and the amount of time it would take is great, it's easier for us to just say "use the ppa if you want it to work" than to try to support legacy versions of the software.
[03:18] <mrooney> yeah, I think that is a reasonable position
[03:19] <mrooney> if it is fixed in a new version then you can mark as fix released and maybe wontfix in intrepid or something
[03:19] <mrooney> assuming you know it was fixed in a newer version
[03:19] <lfaraone> mrooney: I thought "fix released" was only when those versions are in _a_ ubuntu repo.
[03:21] <lfaraone> mrooney: (since intrepid+1 isn't open yet)
[03:22] <charlie-tca> mrooney: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/CommonTasks lets us use "fix released" for upstream if a "release tarball was
[03:22] <charlie-tca> announed and is publicly available"
[03:23] <mrooney> oh sorry I meant fix committed I think but charlie-tca also raises an interesting point
[03:23] <mrooney> I was thinking fix released for the upstream task but I see there isn't one
[03:25] <mrooney> but I agree lfaraone if you make a reasonably stable PPA available for Intrepid for those who want the upgrade, that seems fine
[03:26] <mrooney> I wonder what impact the growing popularity of PPAs has on backports?
[03:39] <lfaraone> mrooney: well, I always feel uncomfortable with PPAs, as they would be a great way for malware to spread...
[03:50] <wgrant> mrooney, charlie-tca, lfaraone: The upstream status has little to do with the Ubuntu status. If it's fixed upstream, it doesn't affect any Ubuntu tasks.
[03:51] <wgrant> Setting Ubuntu tasks to Fix Committed in that case is incorrect.
[03:51] <wgrant> PPAs are also do not count as reasons for bugs to be marked Fix Released.
[03:51] <wgrant> s/are //
[04:13] <mrooney> wgrant: oh, I guess I thought if the upstream was automatically synced then fix comitted was okay, is that only if upstream released?
[04:14] <P5YCH00> hello
[04:14] <P5YCH00> anybody here
[04:14] <P5YCH00> need assitance
[04:14] <mrooney> P5YCH00: there are 102 other people here :)
[04:14] <mrooney> what do you need
[04:18] <P5YCH00> ok so
[04:18] <P5YCH00> i instaleld ubuntu
[04:18] <P5YCH00> and i opened a terminal
[04:18] <P5YCH00> ran CPAN
[04:18] <P5YCH00> now configuring it
[04:18] <P5YCH00> i come across my first warning says lynx not found
[04:18] <P5YCH00> asking me to speficy lynx dir or program
[04:18] <P5YCH00> and i did search can't find it some assitance would be great
[04:19] <Hobbsee> so, install lynx.
[04:19] <P5YCH00> how
[04:19] <mrooney> P5YCH00: I think you might be better off in #ubuntu, this channel is more for specific bug support
[04:20] <P5YCH00> i can't get a simple response
[04:20] <P5YCH00> is there a way to install via terminal some how
[04:20] <P5YCH00> to get it
[04:20] <Hobbsee> !apt-get
[04:20] <ubottu> APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[04:20] <P5YCH00> that?
[04:20] <Hobbsee> system, admin, synaptic package manager will also let you install lynx, and anything else in the repositories that you want.
[04:20] <Hobbsee> yes.
[04:23] <P5YCH00> i have question
[04:23] <P5YCH00> lynx is a program yes
[04:23] <P5YCH00> bin/usr/thisisaprogram
[04:23] <P5YCH00> >=| thats actually a program yes
[04:23] <P5YCH00> theres no dir structure ?
[04:24] <mrooney> that looks like a directory structure to me
[04:24] <Hobbsee> /usr is a directory, /bin is a directory.
[04:24] <mrooney> I am not sure what you mean
[04:24] <P5YCH00> well it asked me
[04:25] <P5YCH00> to confirm dirs during the cpan set up
[04:25] <P5YCH00> for example it said
[04:25] <P5YCH00> whers my gzip progrma /bin/gzip
[04:25] <P5YCH00> i went to look manually and the file gzip claims
[04:25] <Hobbsee> it automatically checks /usr/bin for programs, afaik.
[04:25] <P5YCH00> to be executable
[04:25] <Hobbsee> but it's usually /usr/bin/<programname>
[04:26] <P5YCH00> it had no file extenstion
[04:26] <P5YCH00> thats what i was wondering
[04:26] <Hobbsee> extensions aren't required in linux.
[04:26] <P5YCH00> ok
[04:26] <P5YCH00> well
[04:26] <P5YCH00> it looked likea dir
[04:26] <Hobbsee> damn. trying to install large icons is failing.
[04:26] <P5YCH00> when i first saw it
[04:27] <wgrant> Why do you need to use CPAN?
[04:27] <P5YCH00> i need perl
[04:27] <P5YCH00> librbarys installed
[04:27] <P5YCH00> i program
[04:27] <wgrant> sudo apt-get install libperl-something-somethingelse-somethingelse
[04:28] <P5YCH00> i type that in terminal
[04:28] <P5YCH00> or download that thing
[04:28] <P5YCH00> do u know if perl librarys has lynx?
[04:28] <Hobbsee> P5YCH00: i'm sure all of this can be answered in #ubuntu, as this is not a support channel.
[04:28] <wgrant> Please, #ubuntu
[04:40] <mrooney> oh he went to #ubuntu-quality too, hah
[04:41] <Hobbsee> mrooney: before? yeah..
[04:55] <emet> how long does it usually take to get into the bug control team?
[05:05] <techno_freak> as long as one takes to get experienced ;)
[05:07] <emet> I got an e-mail from the gentlemen who runs the Bug Control team, asking me for a bunch of information, which I provided, and haven't heard anything back yet
[05:08] <emet> this was around two weeks ago.. so I'm probably just going to e-mail him again
[05:37] <mrooney> emet: let me see if your application was sent out...
[05:38] <mrooney> emet: would you have applied under a different name than emet?
[05:46] <emet> yes jbenjos
[05:47] <mrooney> emet: ah yes that was sent out to the list Sept 23rd though I don't see any replies, generally it takes two people agreeing for approval, I will review it and reply
[05:48] <emet> thank you
[08:14] <wgrant> ivoks: Do you have a little while to debug your Synaptics issue?
[08:15] <ivoks> i have time, yes
[08:15] <wgrant> ivoks: Have you seen my last comment in the bug?
[08:15] <ivoks> no, just a sec
[08:16] <ivoks> ou... let me give it a try
[08:17] <ivoks> brb
[08:18] <ivoks> look like it's ok now
[08:18] <ivoks> yes, that's ok now
[08:18] <wgrant> ivoks: What did you change?
[08:19] <ivoks> comment out InputDevice section for Synapticsand InputDevice in ServerLayout
[08:19] <wgrant> OK, can you pastebin those sections?
[08:19] <ivoks> sure
[08:20] <ivoks> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/53376/
[08:22] <wgrant> ivoks: Hmmmmmm. I'll have to look into why that didn't work. In the meantime, you can probably disable horizontal edge scrolling in System->Preferences->Mouse->Touchpad.
[08:23] <ivoks> wgrant: well, to be honest, i do like that function :)
[08:23] <ivoks> wgrant: i didn't touch xorg.conf since i installed hardy, so i guess this was default in it
[08:23] <wgrant> ivoks: Ah, yes, probably.
[08:25] <ivoks> wgrant: thank you for your help
[08:25] <wgrant> ivoks: No problem. Can you check that you do in fact have a Touchpad tab in System->Preferences->Mouse?
[08:25] <ivoks> yes, i do
[08:27] <wgrant> ivoks: OK, excellent. Thanks for reporting.
[08:27] <ivoks> that's why we have betas :)
[08:27] <ivoks> bbl
[10:51] <afflux> morning
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[11:13] <afflux> do we have any policy on milestones? Are bugcontrol-only members expected to set milestones at all?
[11:16] <persia> Not really.
[11:16] <persia> The contents of the milestones should be controlled by the release managers.
[11:16] <persia> For the rest of us, we can only ask someone to represent the bug in the release meetings.
[11:17] <persia> Each team has a different way to do this, but for bug-control, it's usually to work through the QA team. At the last meeting sbeattie represented the QA team, and at the one before that heno.
[11:18] <persia> I don't actually remember the procedure to escalate things for discussion at the meeting : I think there's a wiki page.
[11:18] * persia needs to do more bug control stuff next cycle
[11:18] <james_w> I thought anyone could use milestones for their own purpose
[11:18] <james_w> only if the bug is also targetted to Intrepid do the RMs control the milestones
[11:19] <afflux> hm
[11:19] <afflux> should I bring this up on the bugcontrol ml? ;)
[11:20] <james_w> I don't think so
[11:20] <james_w> they're only useful if you're going to work on fixing a bug
[11:20] <afflux> okay
[11:20] <james_w> just propose for Intrepid if you think it should be RC
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[11:29] <persia> james_w: I thought we were supposed to confirm with some RM for stuff (even MOTU Release), but I could well be mistaken.
[11:32] <james_w> I was going to find a reference, but I'm locked out of the wiki
[11:33] <james_w> nope, can't find it
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[13:29] <bucket529> Recommend change bug 208406 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'
[13:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 208406 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] iscan-plugin-gt-s600" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208406
[13:47] <bucket529> Recommend change bug 270845 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'
[13:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 270845 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gnome-icon-theme-extras" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/270845
[13:58] <bucket529> Recommend change bug 270936 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist' (I don't have permission to change it)
[13:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 270936 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] TV Mosaic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/270936
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[14:58] <bddebian> Boo
[14:58] <cody-somerville> Moo
[15:03] <bddebian> :)
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[15:05] <joumetal> cody-somerville: Do you think fixing bug 231130 would save space from livecd?
[15:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 231130 in ubuntu-wallpapers "simple-ubuntu.png is really elephant-skin.jpg and is toooo big (was converted from jpg to png)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/231130
[15:11] <csilk> joumetal, looks to me as if "fixing i" would save a small amount of space on the CD
[15:11] <csilk> *fixing it
[15:29] <cody-somerville> Already fixed
[15:38] <joumetal> I don't think it's fixed. simple-ubuntu.pgn is still 2.6MB.
[15:42] <cody-somerville> joumetal, I'm pretty sure he removed it all together
[15:44] <joumetal> cody-somerville: it's still in 0.27 and in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-wallpapers/ubuntu
[15:44] <bucket529> Any chance I can convince someone to change bug 208406 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? It's a package request, not currently in Ubuntu or Debian, and the license seems okay.
[15:46] <james_w> bucket529: done
[15:46] <bucket529> james_w: Thanks
[15:46] <joumetal> cody-somerville: probably other wallpaper is removed since simple-ubuntu is not heron wallpaper.
[15:46] <cody-somerville> jorgp, okay, reopened the bug
[15:47] <cody-somerville> erm
[15:49] <joumetal> cody-somerville: thanks.
[15:56] <bucket529> Need advice: bug 262044 is a packaging request - but the author discontinued support in 2006. Should I mark as 'Invalid' since this item is unsupported upstream? Or mark as 'Confirmed' like a normal wishlist item?
[15:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262044 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Sabbu - subtitler for video" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262044
[16:01] <james_w> it's possible to package something that is unsupported upstream, if the person doing it is basically willing to take over the role of upstream
[16:09] <bucket529> Request change bug 262044 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'. Not currently in Ubuntu or Debian. License seems okay.
[16:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262044 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Sabbu - subtitler for video" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262044
[16:14] <james_w> done
[16:15] <bucket529> james_w: Thank you
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Next Hug Day! Tuesday, October 7th | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
[16:33] <afflux> do you think bug 131679, bug 145360 and bug 191365 are duplicates?
[16:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 131679 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV when attempting to unlock screen" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131679
[16:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 145360 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145360
[16:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 191365 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with signal 7 in eventLoop()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191365
[16:35] <bdmurray> wow, 136 duplicates
[16:36] <afflux> if you count them all, > 200
[16:37] <afflux> I retraced some of the newer duplicates locally to get a recent stacktrace and some information about the variables, and all look like the same issue: w does not seem to be accessible
[16:37] <bdmurray> they look the same to me - seb128 what do you think?
[16:41] <bdmurray> afflux: do you have an idea of how many of the duplicates of bug 145360 are from Intrepid?
[16:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 145360 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145360
[16:43] <afflux> bdmurray: not really
[16:43] <afflux> can check with py-lp-bugs if you want
[16:43] <bdmurray> I was thinking a bug pattern for it might be useful
[16:44] <afflux> true
[16:53] <bdmurray> afflux: I wonder if Duncan has a good test case for this bug too
[16:55] <afflux> no idea
[17:15] <afflux> bdmurray: around 150 bugs from hardy, 60 from intrepid and < 20 from gutsy.
[17:17] <bdmurray> afflux: sweet, you wrote a py-lp-b script for that?
[17:17] <afflux> not really ;)
[17:17] <afflux> some py-lp-b lines and grep
[17:18] <afflux> they're lost in the backlog, but in case you want it I'll write it agai
[17:18] <afflux> +n
[17:19] <bdmurray> eh, its not that important
[17:40] <afflux> bdmurray: : http://pastebin.com/f5378dab3
[17:43] <bdmurray> afflux: ah, neat!
[17:45] <afflux> bdmurray: woops, forgot the email address. Please use http://pastebin.com/m656da63 if you want to re-use it ;)
[19:07] <Hamra> is there a list somewhere that tells me what hardware can jockey support? *all* hardware supported by it, does such a list existsomewhere?
[19:22] <bucket529> Need advice: bug 262482 - packaging request, but the software hasn't been written yet. There's no release to package. The requestor acknowledged and suggested someone 'track' it. Should I mark it 'Invalid' with a note to reopen/resubmit when there is a release?
[19:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262482 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Saya - NLE video editor - cross-platform" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262482
[19:23] <bdmurray> bucket529: there is no code?
[19:26] <bucket529> bdmurray: Nothing released, download page empty, progress ~50%, no link to source.
[19:27] <bdmurray> Personally, I don't see the utility in having the bug report open. The only thing it allows people to do is see that there is no software yet.
[19:29] <bucket529> bdmurray: Concurrence. 'Invalid' it is.
[19:30] <bdmurray> bucket529: it might be worth discussing on the bug squad mailing list, maybe there is something we aren't seeing
[19:32] <balachmar> Could someone help me with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/277730
[19:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277730 in update-manager "package update-manager 1:0.93.19 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1), E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Undecided,New]
[19:33] <bucket529> bdmurray: I'll be happy to raise it...if the requestor complains of the 'Invalid' status. Wandering the site, it still looks like pre-pre-pre-alpha.
[19:35] <afflux> balachmar: linux-image-2.6.27-4 fails to install with "subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2". I don't know what that means though.
[19:36] <bdmurray> afflux: which log do you see that in?
[19:36] <afflux> bdmurray: apttermlog of bug 277730
[19:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277730 in update-manager "package update-manager 1:0.93.19 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1), E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277730
[19:37] <afflux> line 894
[19:41] <bdmurray> balachmar: is that your bug?
[19:42] <bdmurray> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) - is interesting too
[19:55] <CE> Hi
[19:56] <CE> is it a known problem that the ubiquity hangs at installation?
[19:56] <CE> and how can I collect more data to be able to create a useful bug report?
[19:56] <bucket529> Could someone please change bug 262609 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? Triaged packaging request
[19:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262609 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] PMB (PhpMyBibli) - integrated library system (ILS)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262609
[19:58] <bdmurray> CE: check http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures to find the Ubiquity debugging procedures
[19:58] <CE> thanks a lot, I'll have a look
[20:11] <bucket529> Could someone please change bug 262614 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? Triaged packaging request
[20:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262614 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] NewGenLib - integrated library management system (ILS)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262614
[20:29] <chrisccoulson> ping thaalton
[20:30] <chrisccoulson> ping tjaalton even **
[20:30] <chrisccoulson> d'oh!
[20:37] <bucket529> Could someone please change bug 263488 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? Triaged packaging request
[20:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263488 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Visible Human Preprocessing Toolkit For ImageJ - graphic editor for the Visible Human Project" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263488
[20:38] <afflux> bucket529: on it
[20:39] <bucket529> afflux: Thank you
[20:39] <bucket529> Could someone please change bug 263490 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? Triaged packaging request
[20:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263490 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Visible Human Multiple Image Processor For ImageJ - multi-image graphics editor for the Visible Human Project" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263490
[20:40] <afflux> bucket529: err
[20:40] <afflux> what's the difference between 263488 and 263490?
[20:41] <Pici> 2?
[20:41] <afflux> actually
[20:41] <afflux> -2
[20:41] <afflux> thanks :>
[20:41] <bucket529> afflux: They are two plug-ins to the same package, imagej
[20:41] <afflux> ah.
[20:43] <bucket529> afflux: Thank you
[20:52] <chrisccoulson> this tree mendus guy has opened an awful lot of needs-packaging bugs. maybe someone should suggest that he helps package a few of them
[20:54] <bucket529> chrisccoulson: I did, weeks ago, on Brainstorm.
[20:56] <chrisccoulson> what was the response? it's all well and good opening needs-packaging bugs, but they need someone with the time to actually package them. and looking at some of the upstream source tarballs, it's going to need someone quite committed to actually do it
[20:57] <bucket529> chrisccoulson: No direct response.
[20:59] <chrisccoulson> there are currently 1192 open needs-packaging bugs. that's a phenomenal amount of packaging work to do
[21:00] <bucket529> chriscoulson: Well, I'm working my last needs-packaging of the day. Then I'll go learn to triage something else. The endless number of needs-packaging video editors can sit a little longer.
[21:01] <bdmurray> Yeah, there isn't really a burning need to do anything with those.
[21:01] <chrisccoulson> i wonder how many older ones are for packages that we've inherited from debian in more recent development cycles
[21:01] <bdmurray> But Intrepid needs our help!
[21:01] <bdmurray> chrisccoulson: I wrote a report that kind of checks for that and I closed quite a few back in August
[21:01] <chrisccoulson> thats good then!
[21:02] <chrisccoulson> talking of intrepid bugs - i came across someone who can only boot the live CD to a text console today (bug 277452)
[21:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277452 in xorg-server "Ubuntu 8.10 Beta won`t start" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277452
[21:03] <chrisccoulson> i got them to extract the xorg log from the live session, and it seems that no screens are found.
[21:03] <chrisccoulson> i came across a similar report that you touched a few days ago bdmurray (bug 275029)
[21:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 275029 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "No graphic mode on Nvidia GeForce 6100 using Intrepid LiveCD" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/275029
[21:03] <chrisccoulson> both reporters have nvidia cards
[21:04] <chrisccoulson> then i came across bug 261977, which appears to be for similar symptoms, but on hardy
[21:04] <bucket529> Could someone please change bug 271575 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? Triaged packaging request
[21:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261977 in xorg-server "nv is chosen even if it doesn't support the card" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261977
[21:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 271575 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Q Light Controller - full featured control DMX512 for stage lighting and devices - Excellent" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/271575
[21:04] <bdmurray> a rar file?
[21:04] <chrisccoulson> i'm not sure why the reporter attached a rar file - i should probably have mentioned it to him
[21:05] <bdmurray> maybe its easier in windows ;)
[21:06] <chrisccoulson> anyway, it seems that there is a problem with the NV driver is chosen for cards that it doesn't support, which is probably the cause of these 2 new bugs
[21:06] <bdmurray> chrisccoulson: I think they are different pci ids
[21:06] <chrisccoulson> yeah, i was wondering whether to mark them as duplicates because of this
[21:07] <chrisccoulson> they're different cards, but probably the same root cause
[21:07] <bdmurray> I'd just comment in both of them
[21:07] <chrisccoulson> no problem
[21:08] <bdmurray> chrisccoulson: you might check in #ubuntu-x about those
[21:09] <chrisccoulson> i'll do that shortly.
[21:09] <chrisccoulson> thanks
[21:10] <bdmurray> it's weird that it worked on alpha 6
[21:10] <chrisccoulson> yeah, i'm not sure i understand the reason for that
[21:11] <lfaraone> Hey, is it bad form to mark bugs you _report_ for your 5-a-day?
[21:16] <greg-g> lfaraone: as long as you do two others to compensate ;)
[21:22] <lfaraone> greg-g: I just reported 15 bugs (sync requests on a suite of packages)
[21:23] <greg-g> lfaraone: those are workflow bugs, not really triage, imo
[21:23] <greg-g> :)
=== nm-rocker is now known as asac
[22:06] <mrooney> anyone mind confirming bug 277812?
[22:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277812 in ubuntu-website "Typo on beta page: "support for an secret"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277812
[22:09] <bucket529> Need advice - bug 161977 affects some Ubuntu mirror sites, not a package. I imagine this should go to the Ubuntu Mirror Admins team. Is it polite to mark it 'Confirmed' and assign it to that team? If not, best way to handle?
[22:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 161977 in ubuntu "[Ubuntu Mirroring] cdicons in htaccess should use relative paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161977
[22:09] <bdmurray> mrooney: done, but now that I think about it more the text is copied from a wiki.ubuntu.com page so if you can find that it'll get fixed for RC / Final
[22:12] <mrooney> bdmurray: okay, let me find it
[22:16] <bdmurray> mrooney: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview#Encrypted%20private%20directory
[22:16] <mrooney> yeah I just changed it :)
[22:21] <hggdh> bucket529, did you check if this is still an issue? The report was against Gutsy
[22:24] <hggdh> bucket529, yes, it seems to be still an issue...
[22:25] <hggdh> bucket529, I do not know whom to send it. Perhaps bdmurray will
[22:29] * bdmurray is looking
[22:29] <bucket529> hggdh: Thanks for looking into it
[22:40] <bdmurray> I think I found someone who could fix that
[22:44] <bdmurray> so bugs like that belong to the ubuntu-cdimage project
[22:45] <bucket529> bdmurray: ubuntu-cdimage it shall be. Thank you for the help
[22:45] <bdmurray> bucket529: it's already been updated
[22:46] <bucket529> bdmurray: Thanks for stopping me...I was just about to screw up your hard work.
[22:47] <bdmurray> bucket529: it was really someone else but thanks ;)
[22:50] <bdmurray> We've recently mentioned ubuntu-website and ubuntu-cdimage I wonder if it would be useful to have a list of not Ubuntu the distribution but Ubuntu related projects wiki page.
[22:53] <hggdh> it might help indeed
[22:53] <hggdh> at least I would not ping you for that ;-)
[22:55] <Hamra> why would X remember it's settings after a reboot, and then forget them after the another reboot?
[22:56] <Hamra> bug 276770
[22:56] <hggdh> short memory? ;-)
[22:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 276770 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "Driver for nvidia 7950 gt don't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276770
[22:56] * charlie-tca sounds like "old"
[23:04] <bdmurray> hggdh: I sure there are more I've forgotten too ;)
[23:32] <nhandler_> Someone prepared a patch for a minor bug. However, the package is auto-synced from Debian. As a result, we should send the patch upstream to Debian, and then wait to sync it. I have already added a comment telling the user to send the patch upsream, and added a Debian bug watch (without a url) to the Launchpad bug. What status should I give to the Ubuntu bug? It does not require any work, it is complete, but we ...
[23:32] <nhandler_> ... really shouldn't upload the patch. Won't Fix?
[23:33] <mrooney> nhandler_: no I think that belongs as Confirmed, until it is properly sent upstream, then Triaged
[23:34] <nhandler_> mrooney: Doesn't triaged signify that a bug has all of the information required for a Dev to begin working on it?
[23:35] <mrooney> that or that it has been sufficiently handled in Ubuntu and the ball is in upstreams hands
[23:36] <mrooney> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status doesn't seem to indicate that so either I am wrong (although I am pretty sure about it) or that page needs updating
[23:36] <mrooney> bdmurray: any hints?
[23:37] <bdmurray> nhandler_: how minor?
[23:37] <bdmurray> Triaged sounds the most correct
[23:37] <nhandler_> bdmurray: It is a string fix. I actually think mrooney reported the bug ;)
[23:37] <bdmurray> well, lets see that bug!
[23:38] <mrooney> Basically I think triaged is to signify that the bug package needs no more work in launchpad until more work is done elsewhere
[23:38] <nhandler_> Never mind, mrooney just changed the status and subscribed to it ;) LP: #250824
[23:38] <mrooney> bug 250824
[23:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 250824 in pylint "pylint manpage refers to wrong directory as See Also" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250824
[23:39] <nhandler_> mrooney: This bug will never need any more work on our end. We will either need a separate bug report for the sync, or it will be automatically synced. This Ubuntu bug serves no purpose IMO
[23:39] <bdmurray> well, it prevents others from submitting it
[23:39] <bdmurray> or it might
[23:40] <mrooney> yeah I think it serves a purpose from the side of users
[23:40] <bdmurray> nhandler_: but it would take work on someone's part to close it right?
[23:40] <mrooney> I wonder why I set it to Medium though...
[23:41] <mrooney> it should be Low, I imagine?
[23:41] <bdmurray> yeah, low sounds right
[23:41] <nhandler_> bdmurray: The package is automatically synced from Debian. Once Debian applies the changes, someone would have to create a sync request bug (which would be separate from this bug). Or, if we wait until Jaunty, it will be automatically synced (no bug report)
[23:42] <bdmurray> nhandler_: couldn't the debian changelog reference the lp bug number?
[23:43] <mrooney> yes then it should close automatically, right?
[23:44] <nhandler_> bdmurray: That would be up to the Debian Maintainer. In my experience, they usually only close the Debian Bug Report when they patch the bug, not the Launchpad one
[23:45] <balachmar> bdmurray: yes bug 277730 is my bug. Can I help in any way?
[23:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277730 in update-manager "package update-manager 1:0.93.19 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1), E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277730
[23:48] <mrooney> sorry, got bit by a bug, did I miss anything?
[23:49] <nhandler_> No you did not mrooney
[23:50] <bdmurray> There are arguments on both sides that make sense
[23:53] <mrooney> I always assumed Triaged was the best status to signify that the work belongs upstream and upstream is aware of it
[23:53] <hggdh> +1
[23:53] <mrooney> though I can see where it can leave dangling reports if the bugs aren't linked and no one notices
[23:54] <mrooney> though how harmful a fixed dangling report is, who can know.
[23:54] <hggdh> not really -- if we set a watch on the upstream, we will know when it was closed
[23:58] <bdmurray> its still would require manually work on someone's part to close it which is unfortunate