UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /03 /#edubuntu.txt
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[03:20] <EdubuntuTco> hi all!
[03:20] <HedgeMage> hi
[03:21] <EdubuntuTco> anyone can help me to find out how to show the console on the thin clients?
[03:22] <EdubuntuTco> the console in the thin clients only show a red screen
[03:23] <EdubuntuTco> sorry about my english :P
[03:25] <HedgeMage> EdubuntuTco: there's a vice presidential debate on here in the us so not many are online, you might have better luck tomorrow or later tonight
[03:26] <EdubuntuTco> ups!
[03:26] <EdubuntuTco> ok
[03:27] <EdubuntuTco> thx!!
[03:27] <EdubuntuTco> bye
=== nubae1 is now known as Nubae1
=== Nubae1 is now known as nubae1
=== Shindig_ is now known as Shindig
[17:17] <edubuntufan> hello, do we have any active people on right now? and what are our approved topics?
[17:19] <Nubae> approved topics?
[17:20] <edubuntufan> well, it says topic for edubuntu set by ogra. I am new to irc. SO I thought there might be a topic for the day.
[17:25] <Nubae> ah no... the topic is ancient... was set 3 weeks ago:-)
[17:26] <edubuntufan> Right now I have an edubuntu server running. It has a live internet connection in one nice, the other nic is not in the switch yet...I unplugged it.
[17:26] <edubuntufan> I have xubuntu stalled on an imac.
[17:26] <edubuntufan> I have installed the ltsp server and the nfs-kernel-server.
[17:26] <Nubae> right remember reading about this yesterday on here
[17:27] <edubuntufan> now I now I am trying to mount the server /opt/ltsp to the same folder on xubuntu.
[17:27] <edubuntufan> it won't let me.
[17:27] <Nubae> how are u mounting?
[17:27] <edubuntufan> my question is: Do I now need to take the imac off teh internet and put it on the edubuntu servers private network to do the next part?
[17:28] <Nubae> yes /opt/ltsp is usually mounted on the internal network
[17:28] <edubuntufan> sudo mount xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/opt/ltsp /opt/ltsp
[17:28] <Nubae> u have a file called /etc/exports?
[17:28] <Nubae> on the server that u want to share
[17:28] <edubuntufan> ok, so I will put it connected to the switch of the internel network. Then do I use the public IP address of muy server for the internet or the private ip address for the network on my mount command?
[17:29] <edubuntufan> on the server?
[17:29] <Nubae> you are mounting from the server or the imac... where do u run the sudo mount command?
[17:29] <edubuntufan> I do not have /etc/exports on the server.
[17:29] <edubuntufan> I ran the mount command from the imac.
[17:29] <Nubae> ok then on the server u must have a file called /etc/exports
[17:30] <Nubae> which allows the server to share the connection u are trying to mount
[17:30] <edubuntufan> I do not.
[17:30] <edubuntufan> I just verified. On the server there is NO "/etc/exports"
[17:32] <Nubae> put this in that file: /opt/ltsp *(ro,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)
[17:32] <Nubae> change ro to rw, as I imagine u are trying to build the chroot on the imac
[17:33] <edubuntufan> That file does not exist...however, I never did do the "sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone openssh-server" because I installed the ltsp server from the alternate disc already.
[17:33] <Nubae> yeah thats fine, doesnt come default
[17:33] <edubuntufan> do I need to install those two things on the server, even tho it already works on i386?
[17:33] <Nubae> normally we use nbd, and not nfs
[17:33] <Nubae> install nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common
[17:34] <Nubae> and portmap, if that isnt already installed
[17:34] <edubuntufan> on my edubuntu server?
[17:34] <Nubae> yes
[17:36] <edubuntufan> ok, I installed those three things.
[17:36] <edubuntufan> Now I can edit that file, right?
[17:36] <Nubae> yep
[17:37] <edubuntufan> Nubae, you have been very helpful! once I edit that file (it is there!) then do I run the mount command from the server or the imac?
[17:40] <Nubae> from the imac
[17:40] <Nubae> it should now allow u to use mount -t nfs
[17:40] <Nubae> make sure the client has nfs-common and portmap installed too
[17:43] <edubuntufan> ok
[17:43] <edubuntufan> now as far as that exports file I am editing. THere is no "opt/ltsp*...." entry for me to edit.
[17:44] <edubuntufan> Do I just add it in with the "#" to start off with...like the other entries?
[17:45] <Nubae> sure
[17:45] <Nubae> its normal its not there... u do this stuff manually, and especially in your case where u are building for ppx
[17:45] <Nubae> ppc
[17:48] <edubuntufan> I added this line in the exports file "#/opt/ltsp *(rw,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)" and then I put a "#" at the start of the last line down with nothing next to it.
[17:48] <Nubae> # = comment, it is ignored
[17:49] <Nubae> so take it out of the line that u want it to read
[17:50] <Nubae> when thats done, do: sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
[17:51] <edubuntufan> ahhh...you can tell I am new to this. :) But it is fun.
[17:52] <Nubae> we were all there at one time, the good thing is, it never stops being fun ;-)
[17:53] <edubuntufan> dc to go try this out..now that I copied it.
[19:37] <jc2it> Hello all\
[19:37] <jc2it> How do I transfer the 'sent items' from an Outlook PST file to an evolution 'sent items' folder?
[19:40] <Lns> jc2it: Not really the right chan for that... try an evolution channel?
[19:42] <nubae1> or general #ubuntu
[19:42] <jc2it> hmmm, yeah I see your point. I guess it is not Edubuntu specific.
[19:42] <Lns> jc2it: if i knew how to do that i'd tell you anyway though ;)
[19:43] <Lns> hey nubae1 !
[19:43] <nubae1> hi Lns
[19:43] * Lns is happy to finally realize that you *always* want to update sources.list in chroot before talking about bugs in LTSP/Edubuntu
[19:44] <Lns> I had no idea that ltsp-build-client wouldn't pull new packages from dist-upgrades by default
[19:44] <nubae1> y dat? :-)
[19:44] <nubae1> ah yeah that bug
[19:44] <nubae1> I call it bug... it should do that automatically
[19:44] <Lns> yea...and my big mouth i guess :p
[19:45] <Lns> I really think so too...for instance, in my case it was preventing NBD_SWAP from functioning at all...my TCs were hard-locking left and right, and i was scratching my head because i thought network swap fixed that (at least partially, under normal usage)
[19:45] <nubae1> someone had a problem on here the other day related to that... where they were doing all the necessary steps but the kernel wouldnt upgrade
[19:45] <nubae1> he had to do a dist upgrade in the chroot for it to work
[19:46] <Lns> nubae1: yea - after making sure -updates was in sources.list i'm sure right?
[19:46] <nubae1> yeah
[19:46] <Lns> I remember doing that a long time ago but i'd forgotten, and always just dist-upgrading with the original 2 lines...ugh
[19:46] <Lns> 58 upgraded packages in -updates alone
[19:46] <Lns> just for the chroot
[19:46] <Lns> since hardy release
[19:47] <nubae1> well its because we are so late into hardy
[19:47] <nubae1> Im actually running intrepid now on my test machines
[19:47] <nubae1> its works great
[19:47] <Lns> nice :)
[19:47] <Lns> i haven't gotten the chance to check it out yet
[19:47] <nubae1> though almost no changes in ltsp side...
[19:48] <Lns> yeah...it seems pretty stable with the fixes from -updates for me too, one school has had 2 classes in, and 0 lockups (which is amazing considering at least 10 would lock-up constantly before today, each class)
[19:49] <nubae1> yeah same experience... really need to keep updated... although now its finally stable
[19:49] <Lns> yes
[19:49] <nubae1> but shouldn't be like that for a LTS release
[19:49] * Lns does a dance because he's so happy his clients are finally starting to see stability :)
[19:50] <nubae1> hardy had massive problems when I installed it... beginng with the infamous firefox 3 bug
[19:50] <nubae1> intrepid has non of that, so thats nice :-) just a usb stick issue thats easily fixd
=== nubae1 is now known as Nubae
[19:51] <Lns> yea...i dunno, I kinda wish *buntu would adopt more of the debian policy, at least for "stable" releases (although LTS != the typical term "stable" from what i learned in the past few days)
[19:51] <Lns> I like the determined release dates a lot
[19:52] <Lns> Maybe, when they release the "LTS" version, keep it in some sort of psuedo-Beta after it's been released
[19:52] <Lns> i dunno, i think the root problem is the concept of LTS
[20:00] <nubae1> man, weirdness... suddenly my network cards are interfering with each other... I turn eth1 on, and eth0 gets blocked
[20:00] <nubae1> I turn it off, and it starts working again
[20:02] <nubae1> wonder what that is all about
[20:03] <Lns> strange!
[20:03] <nubae1> yeah just tried several times... every time I do ifconfig eth1 up, eth0 gets blocked
[20:03] <Lns> nubae1: what do you mean specifically by "blocked" ?
[20:04] <nubae1> all network traffic stops responding
[20:04] <nubae1> ping google.com does nothing
[20:04] <nubae1> what could cause that?
[20:04] <Lns> nubae1: is it being blocked at the server level itself? can you do a traceroute?
[20:05] <nubae1> let me try, I'll probably be thrown offline again...
[20:05] <Lns> heh
[20:05] <Lns> the joys of network debugging
[20:07] <nubae1> ok, this is extremely weird...
[20:07] <nubae1> traceroute tells me the server's ip is
[20:07] <nubae1> even though its actually
[20:08] <Lns> is .47 a TC?
[20:08] <nubae1> yeah
[20:08] <nubae1> 7 ws47 ( 304.091 ms !H * *
[20:09] <nubae1> my hosts file has static declarations for all its TCs
[20:10] <nubae1> its as if dhcp tries to give the internal eth1 its own address
[20:10] <nubae1> which somehow then conflicts with qth0
[20:10] <nubae1> eth0
[20:12] <Lns> weird
[20:13] <nubae> hmmm why would eth1 be given a new network address when its turned on? in /etc/network/interfaces everything looks as it should
[20:14] <nubae> eth1 is statically defined in /etc/network/interfaces
[20:14] <nubae> as, and I've added a hosts declaration to it in /etc/hosts too
[20:14] <nubae> but when I turn it on with ifconfig, it turns into 0.47
[20:16] <nubae> gonna restart server... hope it goes away :-)
[20:17] <Lns> nubae: is dhcpcd running on the server?
[20:17] <Lns> i've seen that before on ubuntu and debian
[20:18] <Lns> even though a static ip is defined, it will still try and get a dhcp addy if dhcpcd is going
[20:19] <nubae> dhcp is running yes
[20:19] <nubae> I need it for the thin clients :-)
[20:19] <nubae> ill try turning it off and restarting networking
[20:20] <nubae> ok now it seems to be ok
[20:20] <nubae> now to turn on dhcpd again
[20:21] <nubae> yep thats causing it...
[20:22] <nubae> restarting dhcp kills the network connection
[20:24] <nubae> ok, think I fixed it... turned get-lease-hostnames off
[20:28] <Lns> nubae: if you're not needing dhcpcd on the server i'd just nuke that package all together
[20:28] <Lns> of course i'm relentless like that =p
[20:28] <nubae> I need it... for the thin clients
[20:29] <nubae> lease-hostnames doesnt work though, it kills the connection it seems... the weird thing is, I had it working that way fine before
[20:31] <Lns> nubae: having a static ip at one point in time, and then dhcpcd re-configuring it was common for me before nuking dhcpcd
[20:32] <nubae> I've never seen that till today
[20:32] <Lns> even after hours/days of it being static it would sparatically switch over
[20:32] <nubae> what could cause that, did u ever find out?
[20:32] <nubae> cause thats a pretty bad bug
[20:34] <Lns> nubae: i never dug too deep into it after finding out the issue...that was a while ago, and i knew even less about reporting bugs than i do now =p
[20:35] <Lns> obviously though, dhcpcd isn't honoring stanzas in /etc/network/interfaces
[20:35] <nubae> yeah I wonder if network-manager is to blame
[20:35] <nubae> its usually to blame for something :p
[20:36] <Lns> hahahhaa
[20:36] <Lns> yes
[20:36] <ogra> no, people using wrong configs are :) NM is supposed to rule *all* interfaces now
[20:37] <ogra> even on commandline
[20:37] <Lns> boooo ogra :p
[20:37] <Lns> ogra: doesn't NM honor interfaces file though?
[20:38] <nubae> not if its telling dhcpd to do what it wants
[20:38] <ogra> it does and calls the right ifup.d scripts
[20:38] <ogra> but thats not 100% working yet (it will for release)
[20:38] <ogra> if you have non standard settings in that file it will probably break
[20:38] <Lns> ah...so maybe that's the issue
[20:38] <ogra> for basic values it works already
[20:38] <nubae> heres what happened to me... I turned dhcp on with get-lease-hostnames on and it took over the servers internal network address
[20:39] <nubae> I turned off get-lease-hostnames and it works normally again
[20:39] <ogra> in /e/n/i ?
[20:40] <nubae> dhcpd.conf
[20:40] <nubae> but I had set stuff manually in /e/n/i
[20:41] <nubae> yep network manager takes over the /e/n/i settings
[20:41] <nubae> just checked
[20:42] <Lns> nubae: did you mean dhcpcd.conf ?
[20:42] <Lns> if there is such a config
[20:42] <Lns> seems weird the dhcp server would hose the host's own static ip addy
[20:43] <nubae> well it does, by looking at what network manager has set up
[20:43] <nubae> it doesnt look at /e/n/i
[20:43] <nubae> I can understand the reasoning, but for us command line folk, its not so obvious
[20:43] <nubae> I meant /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf
[20:44] <Lns> ah crap...is this a really bad thing(tm) ? "Setting up procps (1:3.2.7-5ubuntu3) ... * Setting kernel variables... Cannot find /proc/version - is /proc mounted? [fail]"
[20:44] <Lns> this is in updating chroot without mounting proc
[20:44] <nubae> heh yeah one needs to mount /proc
[20:45] <Lns> did I just hose my chroot?
[20:45] <nubae> no
[20:45] <nubae> just mount it
[20:45] <nubae> and try again
[20:45] <Lns> k
[20:45] <Lns> thx
[20:45] <nubae> ogra: so its normal for dhcpd to listen to network manager, but not to /etc/network/interfaces?
[20:47] <ogra> no
[20:47] <ogra> dhcpd doesnt care
[20:49] <nubae> well I had my network manager set to auto for both interfaces (it doesnt bother reading /etc/network/interfaces) and when turning on dhcpd, it does exactly what is in networkmanager
[20:49] <nubae> not what is in interfaces
[20:49] <nubae> so it must care on some level :p
[20:51] <Lns> nubae: are you sure it's not dhcpCd that's not caring what's in interfaces? All dhcpD does is listen for requests...
[20:51] <Lns> hopefully i'm not missing something basic here
[20:52] <nubae> dhcp3-server is the one doing whats in network manager... and giving an address to eth1, when interfaces has it set as static
[20:55] <nubae> this is worse than I thought, I tried to set all the settings in network manager, and upon saving, it defaults back to dhcp for both interfaces
[20:59] <Lns> yikes
[21:00] * Lns saw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD a while ago but never looked into it...not that you want to just rip & replace NM...
[22:52] <nubae> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/256054
[22:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 256054 in network-manager "[intrepid] new 0.7 branch ignores /etc/network/interfaces" [Unknown,Confirmed]
[22:52] <nubae> I wasn't imagining things...
[22:52] <nubae> network manager defaults to dhcp and ignores its own settings
[22:54] <nubae> but its being worked on, its an intrepid thing