UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /01 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <compacho> real things would seem more human than these current wallpapers
[00:00] <ethana2> the next gnome ships some nice backgrounds
[00:00] <ethana2> hopefully they're not removed
[00:01] <ethana2> ...but there's no logical reason to remove them, so it'll probably actually have backgrounds this go around
[00:01] <compacho> I'm not a photographer BUT I am quite good at photoshop. So maybe I can stitch some images together tastefully
[00:03] <compacho> idk, how canonical would feel about the legalities of someone heavily editing photos together
[00:14] <Cimi> compacho, photos are usually not suitable as a wallpaper
[00:14] <Cimi> photos must have a focus, and when you have some focus you have too many details that makes the icons and the text not readable and distractive
[00:14] <ethana2> yeah
[00:14] <ethana2> visually noisy
[00:15] <Cimi> that's why usually abstract wallpapers are chosen over photos
[00:15] <ethana2> the best ones are translucent white or black abstract .pngs
[00:15] <ethana2> that you can put gradients behind
[00:29] <savvas> does this look.. ok (at least)? :P http://savvas.radevic.com/previews/ubuntu-cy-intrepid/ubuntucymeeting.png
[00:43] * DannyKing gets back
[01:00] * kwwii sleeps
[01:07] * _MMA_ pokes his head in.
[01:19] <compacho> cimi and ethana2 I get what you're saying. I've used many photo wallpapers in the past that totally distracted me but If u look at some of apple's wallpapers, such as the grass blades one, they make sense
[01:28] <compacho> I guess using real life photos without points of focus is the key
[01:29] <ethana2> there are a few photos in the new gnome wallpaper
[01:29] <ethana2> wallpapers**
[01:32] <PRGUY85> hola
[01:38] <compacho> ok, i seen the new gnome wallpapers. Pretty cool, but nothing thats "wow."
[01:38] <compacho> and they're pretty similar too
[01:38] <PRGUY85> yea compacho its pretty standard OS stuff
[01:39] <compacho> If I had a nice camera and lens, I could reproduce some of those images.
[01:39] <compacho> hmm...i might hafta put my money where my mouth is and create something
[01:40] <PRGUY85> probably compacho
[01:40] <PRGUY85> you trying ibex?
[01:40] <compacho> is this channel the right place to submit artwork?
[01:40] <compacho> no, not yet
[01:40] <compacho> waiting for beta
[01:41] <PRGUY85> well this channle is to discuss artwork
[01:41] <PRGUY85> I suggest you submit stuff on the mailing list
[01:41] <compacho> ok, its my 1st time here
[01:41] <PRGUY85> well the latest updated alpha is pretty good
[01:41] <PRGUY85> I know don't worry, I'm no vet either.
[01:41] <compacho> cool
[01:42] <compacho> I got into ubuntu on the Gutsy release and have been slowly learning everything about linux since then
[01:42] <PRGUY85> have you used the Day of Ubuntu wallpaper?
[01:42] <compacho> ....the one with the tree on a hill?
[01:44] <PRGUY85> no no
[01:44] <PRGUY85> it's got a tree though
[01:44] <PRGUY85> I think it was in gutsy
[01:44] * compacho googles it
[01:44] <PRGUY85> http://xs223.xs.to/xs223/08052/ubuntu-dawnofubuntu_1600x1200812.png.xs.jpg
[01:45] <compacho> yepp, i meant that one
[01:45] <compacho> see, that's similar to a wallpaper I wanna make. Its real and not real
[01:46] <PRGUY85> the one I use is Day of Ubuntu which is a slideshow
[01:46] <PRGUY85> changes according to time of day
[01:46] <PRGUY85> use it with Dust or New Wave
[01:49] <PRGUY85> look at this
[01:49] <PRGUY85> http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2008/01/29/an-ubuntu-retrospective-in-wallpaper/
[01:50] <compacho> most of them I don't like except dawn of ubuntu and the elephant skin
[01:51] <PRGUY85> yea
[01:51] <PRGUY85> although the brown ones were not that bad
[01:51] <compacho> this is the frustrating thing about ubuntu. it has so much potential to look great
[01:51] <PRGUY85> I think most were better than the current intrepid default
[01:51] <PRGUY85> well most important thing is it works great
[01:52] <PRGUY85> I used fedora for a day and missed ubuntu
[01:52] <compacho> i don't like when people say "Is ubuntu still using the shit color?" I for one think brown can be made to look elegant
[01:53] <compacho> walk into any classy coffe shop and u get an idea of how brown can be used
[01:53] <PRGUY85> haha true
[01:53] <PRGUY85> well
[01:54] <PRGUY85> try to emulate that on ubuntu
[01:54] <PRGUY85> maybe start incorporating green or something
[01:54] <PRGUY85> yet Hardy was more orange than anything
[01:55] <compacho> idk why its limited to just brown. it should use all warm colors
[01:55] <compacho> orange should be used VERY sparingly imo
[01:56] <PRGUY85> why so
[01:57] <compacho> cause I think its too strong of a color
[01:57] <PRGUY85> well there are different shades of it
[01:57] <PRGUY85> same as brown
[01:57] <PRGUY85> I think they should go for the soft tones
[01:57] <PRGUY85> and maybe add some green into it or something
[01:58] <compacho> yeah, but the idealistic orange is strong in itself. Like I would use orange as a highlight on the close button of a window
[01:59] <compacho> so if I photoshop some images I just find on google, I have to heavily edit them to avoid legal problems right?
[02:01] <PRGUY85> don't really know, depends on copyright
[02:03] <PRGUY85> beta launches on thursday, maybe they make some changes then
[02:05] <ethana2> hope so
[02:05] <ethana2> Dust makes brown look good
[02:05] <ethana2> ..i'm rooting for it
[02:06] <compacho> Dust? thats a theme right?
[02:06] <ethana2> yep
[02:07] <compacho> hmmm....i might have it on ym system. lemme check
[02:08] <compacho> Ahhh yes. i do have it. Very classy theme. One of the very few dark themes that work
[02:09] <ethana2> heyyyyy now
[02:09] <ethana2> ubuntustudio
[02:09] <ethana2> best usplash theme EVAR
[02:09] <ethana2> ..and the desktop theme is cool too
[02:11] <compacho> ubuntu studio is alright, but dust is better
[02:12] <ethana2> borderless FTW
[02:12] <ethana2> Shiki-Human is also awesome
[02:13] <compacho> i wish making themes was easy. I would love to take a stab at it
[02:14] <ethana2> heh
[02:14] <ethana2> the things i want are too radical for mere themes
[02:14] <compacho> right now, I'm using a KDE 4 theme for gnome
[02:14] <ethana2> haha
[02:14] <compacho> its so slick
[02:14] <ethana2> which theme?
[02:15] <PRGUY85> I was using openSuse for my KDE 4.1 fix
[02:15] <compacho> umm....the default KDE 4 one
[02:15] <compacho> white one
[02:15] <PRGUY85> it was alright but I want it to mature a bit more. Ubuntu works better for me
[02:15] <PRGUY85> yea Oxygen
[02:15] <compacho> ah ok
[02:16] <compacho> I think OpenSuse does the best job when it comes to looks
[02:16] <PRGUY85> Dust is great yea. I like New Wave because it strikes a balance between dark/light
[02:16] <PRGUY85> and Shiki is awesome
[02:18] <compacho> just looked up shiki. pretty cool
[02:18] <PRGUY85> yea it is a well thought out package
[02:19] <compacho> Dust still is better to me and would make a great default ubuntu theme
[02:20] <PRGUY85> true.
[02:20] <PRGUY85> Although I've seen not everyone likes dark themes
[02:20] <PRGUY85> Dust is awesome, I find it too dark for my default taste
[02:32] <compacho> gtg, I'll be around :)
=== DannyKing is now known as DannyKing-ZZzz
[14:07] <thorwil> "A Textured 2007" http://news.deviantart.com/article/45394/
[14:08] * DannyKing-ZZzz wakes up
=== DannyKing-ZZzz is now known as DannyKing
[14:09] <DannyKing> Some nice stuff there thorwil
[14:10] <thorwil> jepp
[14:10] * thorwil -> coffee
[14:10] <DannyKing> good idea! brb
[14:15] * DannyKing just had to turn down another web design contract due to going to University :(
[14:35] <_MMA_> :(
[14:41] <DannyKing> _MMA_: do you think maybe my icon style is /too/ real for breathe? Looking at Sebastian's bin, it looks much better at smaller sizes than my paper icon.
[14:42] <_MMA_> DannyKing: No. I think it's fine. We should drop the torn edge detail below 48px though.
[14:42] <DannyKing> Okay
[14:42] <_MMA_> Maybe just go to a plain rectangle.
[15:36] <DanaG> Interesting: http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/10/01/bit-tech-september-potm-winner-announced/1
[15:36] <DanaG> Bit-tech Picture of the Month often has interesting images.
[15:41] <DanaG> The winning one reminds me of Ubuntu Studio.
[16:02] <thorwil> _MMA_: you would also do well to not quote full messages ;)
[16:04] <_MMA_> Hush. :P I'm doing 100 things at once atm. Forgot the <snip>.
[16:06] <kwwii> I feel like someone is pumping jello into my cranium
[16:06] <thorwil> yuck
[16:07] <thorwil> once imagined can't be unimagined
[16:17] <thorwil> in context of a trash bin or random product, should i talk about a "base" or a "socket" for the part things stand on?
[16:48] <Nece228> Hey
[16:49] <Nece228> Dust theme is based on Aurora engine?
[16:50] <_MMA_> thorwil: I'll have a Breathe BZR update in a min. You should re-download the template if you're using it.
[16:50] <thorwil> _MMA_: ok. what's the change about?
[16:50] <Nece228> Oh, it is
[16:51] <kwwii> thorwil: a base
[16:51] <thorwil> ok
[16:51] <Nece228> I think that it's impossible to fix ugly widgets in openoffice, ff3 bug in aurora
[16:51] <_MMA_> thorwil: I had to name a plate layer for a feature in the script.
[16:51] <_MMA_> s/layer/object
[16:52] <thorwil> _MMA_: i want to tweak Sebastian's bin. guess I should transplant it then :)
[16:52] <_MMA_> If you want, send it to me and I'll drop it in place.
[16:53] <_MMA_> Either way.
[16:53] <Nece228> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Slickness+Black?content=73210
[16:53] <_MMA_> Lemmie push these changes 1st.
[17:22] <thorwil> damn. inkscape draws the bg layers e9e3d8 and fbce87 in front of parts of the drawing
[17:25] <_MMA_> thorwil: Grab latest revision to trunk and run the script. :) It works! (still needs a couple of tweaks).
[17:28] * thorwil laughs at "smartboy"
[17:28] <_MMA_> Oh well. :)
[17:29] <_MMA_> thorwil: Note that the trash SVG misses the "arrows" detail for some reason. Im looking into it but might not matter since we're replacing it.
[17:57] <_MMA_> Killer. New GIMP out.
[18:00] <thorwil> grrr. how can i safely kill and restart compiz.real?
[18:00] <psyke83> compiz --replace
[18:08] <thorwil> ty
[18:09] * thorwil -> dinner
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
[18:36] <kwwii> _MMA_: check out that screenshots on the website;-)
[18:36] <kwwii> I like the theme they are using
[18:42] <_MMA_> kwwii: The GIMP site?
[18:43] <_MMA_> Yeah. Ive seen something like it before. :)
[18:44] <_MMA_> I swear that's a jimmac screenshot.
[18:48] <rsc-> hiya guise
[18:48] <Cimi> the orange is too much saturated
[18:49] <rsc-> where?
[18:49] <DannyKing> Hi
[18:51] <DannyKing> oops, I've not been aligning thing sto the grid
[18:51] <DannyKing> *things to
[18:52] <DannyKing> The lighter grey bin looks nice
[18:52] <_MMA_> yep.
[18:52] <DannyKing> slight jagged edge though. And the shadow is too dark for me
[18:53] * DannyKing wonders how sebastian drew his paper
[18:53] <_MMA_> I'm sure shadows will be constantly tinkered with.
[18:53] <DannyKing> yep
[18:55] * _MMA_ sets out to build GIMP 2.6 from source.
[18:56] <DannyKing> What colour should I draw the computer icon?
[18:56] <DannyKing> dark or light?
[18:56] <_MMA_> Surprise us. :)
[18:56] <DannyKing> orange it is, then ;)
[18:57] <_MMA_> :P
[18:57] <DannyKing> I think I'll work on that tonight. I want a break from paper
[19:01] <thorwil> DannyKing: i have been wondering about the computer icon. me being an industrial designer, it's kinda my field :)
[19:01] <thorwil> DannyKing: how to not say either desktop or laptop there?
[19:01] <DannyKing> Oh would you rather do it? :)
[19:02] <DannyKing> hmm#
[19:02] <thorwil> DannyKing: no, go ahead
[19:03] <DannyKing> I don't think laptop users mind if the computer icon is a desktop
[19:03] <eitreach> Is there any chance for this to get into the final release? The icon set, that is.
[19:03] <DannyKing> Whereas a laptop icon for computer might confuse people, I think?
[19:03] <DannyKing> eitreach: not for intrepid
[19:03] <DannyKing> (breathe, that is)
[19:04] <eitreach> Pah. Sadness.
[19:04] <thorwil> DannyKing: to include a display next to a case bothers me a bit, as the display being the computer is a common naive user misconception
[19:04] <DannyKing> Release is in less than a month (I think?) and we've only just started building icons. We only have one!
[19:04] <DannyKing> hehe
[19:04] <DannyKing> thorwil: yeah I see what you're saying. I'll think it over on a brainstorm
[19:04] <DannyKing> *mindmap, whatever.
[19:04] <eitreach> I was just wondering.. I've been following the mailig list for a bit, but wasn't sure how much had been left out from there.
[19:05] <DannyKing> eitreach: I think it's got everything reported on there so far actually :)
[19:05] <DannyKing> I think there's only been about a weeks work on the set
[19:05] <thorwil> eitreach: only the intrigues and backstabbing. everything else goes through the list ^^
[19:05] * DannyKing just noticed SemirG_Borzo's new bin
[19:06] <DannyKing> That complicate things, I like both :\
[19:06] <_MMA_> :)
[19:06] * _MMA_ looks.
[19:06] <DannyKing> Although it looks kinda like a thimble
[19:06] <DannyKing> perhaps if the base was wider
[19:07] <DannyKing> I really like that light streak to the right of it
[19:07] <DannyKing> Hmm, looks like it's floating a little bit at the base there
[19:07] <thorwil> yes
[19:07] <thorwil> already commented on that issue
[19:07] <DannyKing> Oh sorry was that on the list?
[19:08] <thorwil> np. yes
[19:08] <DannyKing> Thought I was up to date on that, I'll check again
[19:09] <DannyKing> I think that the inside of the bin slopes at the wrong angle
[19:09] <DannyKing> it looks like really thick metal
[19:10] <DannyKing> I like your touch of blue idea, thorwil
[19:10] <DanaG> Same Breathe icon set topic?
[19:11] <thorwil> no, bizzaro world Breathe icon set
[19:11] <DanaG> "same", not "sane". =þ
[19:11] * DanaG goes off elsewhere for a while.
[19:12] <thorwil> now if only blur wasn't so cpu intensive on editing
[19:12] <DannyKing> thorwil: Yeah I hate it when Inkscape dies when you use a few blurred shapes
[19:13] <DannyKing> What about a bin that's made from criss-crossed metal? (like, a paper bin)
[19:13] <DannyKing> I think that might look good
[19:13] <_MMA_> Like a Mac?
[19:13] * DannyKing goes and looks
[19:14] * _MMA_ feels thorwil's blurry pain.
[19:14] <DannyKing> I don't like the Mac icon
[19:15] <DannyKing> But that idea (although now I'm weary it'll look like a copy)
[19:15] <_MMA_> Agreed.
[19:16] <_MMA_> http://images.google.com/images?q=trashbin&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
[19:17] * _MMA_ sits back while GIMP 2.6 compiles.
[19:17] <thorwil> image search is dodgy. found http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/images/post-sexy4.jpg with "trash icon"
[19:18] <DannyKing> http://dwell.co.uk/ProductImages/400-101115.jpg
[19:18] <_MMA_> thorwil: Don't turn off "safe-search" ya perve. :P
[19:18] <DannyKing> lol
[19:18] <thorwil> heh
[19:19] <DannyKing> How about that style of bin but made from black metal?
[19:19] <thorwil> http://www.vegrafik.de/trashtease.jpg
[19:19] <_MMA_> That wouldnt work on dark themes.
[19:19] <DannyKing> hmm good poing
[19:20] <aantn> thorwil: yeah, that's nice
[19:20] <_MMA_> 'tis
[19:20] * DannyKing will stop thinking about bins for now, we have too many as it is
[19:25] <DannyKing> Oh shit
[19:25] <DannyKing> sorry I top posted
[19:25] * DannyKing begs for mercy
[19:25] <DannyKing> accident!
[19:25] <thorwil> ha!
[19:25] <_MMA_> DEATH!
[19:25] <thorwil> DannyKing: 3 icons and we'll forgive you ;)
[19:25] <DannyKing> hehe
[19:26] * thorwil heads to the shower
[19:35] * DannyKing just posted to the list about sebastians bin
[19:38] <aantn> DannyKing, thorwil, _MMA_: how about a toilet?
[19:38] <aantn> we could have an empty and full icon :-D
[19:39] <_MMA_> If I thought you were serious, I'd call you names.
[19:39] <aantn> _MMA_: heh :)
[19:40] <DannyKing> I think it's too jokey to be in a theme that aims to make Ubuntu look fantastic
[19:40] <DannyKing> To me it's quite a ... "serious" theme
[19:40] <DannyKing> for want of a better word
[19:41] <DannyKing> I considered a shredder but the analogy is wrong (although I'll do that for a secure deletion program perhaps)
[19:41] <_MMA_> I'm sure using a toilet would pretty much kill any shot at default.
[19:42] <DannyKing> thorwil: I can't seem to think of any other way to draw a computer than drawing a desktop machine
[19:42] <aantn> DannyKing: but...
[19:42] <DannyKing> aantn: hmm?
[19:42] * aantn grins
[19:42] <_MMA_> Note: Ant screens/monitors should be widescreen. ;)
[19:43] <_MMA_> *Any
[19:43] <aantn> DannyKing: you could have a flushing noise when they empties the trash :-D
[19:43] <DannyKing> fine with me _MMA_
[19:43] <DannyKing> You really like that idea huh? :p
[19:43] <aantn> er, empty not empties
[19:44] <DannyKing> _MMA_: for hardware should be aim to draw top-spec stuff? Like $200 keyboard/mice sets rather than generic stuff
[19:44] <DannyKing> i.e. make it look expensive or normal?
[19:44] <aantn> DannyKing: nah, don't take everything I say seriously ;)
[19:44] * aantn fully understands that a toilet icon can't go in any serious icon theme
[19:45] <DannyKing> Any other non usual ideas for icons are welcomed though. It's good to think out of the box
[19:45] <_MMA_> DannyKing: I would think design over price. If it looks good, we use it.
[19:46] <aantn> DannyKing: I know
[19:57] <_MMA_> Via Mr. Conn. http://www.getdeb.net/release/3233
[20:07] <DannyKing> thorwil: I'm going to go ahead and draw a desktop.
[20:09] <thorwil> DannyKing: well, i think it might be possible to draw something that could be taken to be either a closed laptop, or a flat desktop
[20:09] <thorwil> DannyKing: btw, i agree with your additional points about Sebastian's bin
[20:10] <DannyKing> Great thanks :)
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[20:12] <_MMA_> Or GIMP 2.6 PPA. https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive Yay Conn the super-sleuth.
[20:15] <DannyKing> thorwil: but the monitor confuses things. 99% of laptop users don't use an external monitor
[20:16] <thorwil> DannyKing: i wouldn't include a display
[20:17] <DannyKing> I just think a closed laptop wouldn't be easily recognisable as either a laptop or a desktop. I agree with your desire to have an icon that represents both but I don't think that's that icon
[20:18] <DannyKing> We could include both a laptop and a desktop (at larger sizes?)
[20:18] <DannyKing> Or provide two icons?
[20:19] <thorwil> 2 icons are not that useful, as we can't switch automatically
[20:19] <DannyKing> Or possibly just an image of the desktop
[20:19] <DannyKing> No hardware at all, but almost like a screenshot?
[20:20] <thorwil> DannyKing: too easy to be mistaken as show-desktop or display
[20:20] <DannyKing> hmm
[20:21] <_MMA_> Confusing for laptop users or not, it's still a universal image for the computer. This is a minor issue to me.
[20:21] <_MMA_> I say we draw a widescreen monitor and be done with it.
[20:21] <DannyKing> That's the monitor configuration icon, it'll need another hardware device with it
[20:22] <DannyKing> Personally I don't mind the tried & tested desktop icon
[20:23] <_MMA_> I dont think it actually *needs* a box beside it. Human doesnt. Just has monitor and keyboard.
[20:23] <DannyKing> I think I'll work on the cd drive icon instead to give us a chance to think it over
[20:24] <_MMA_> That GIMP PPA works BTW.
[20:24] <DannyKing> cool
[20:24] <DannyKing> brb, food
[20:41] <DannyKing> Back
[20:41] <DannyKing> you guys played with filter effects in Inkscape yet? Look at what they can do: (first post) http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1607&sid=4c81dbf7fc9ac2e437a08042a237382e
[20:42] <DannyKing> firefox can view that svg
[20:42] <thorwil> nice!
[20:42] <DannyKing> Yeah, I had no idea they were as powerful as that
[20:42] <DannyKing> if you move the nodes around the pattern updates
[20:42] <thorwil> firefox can display it and crawl! ^^
[20:43] <DannyKing> thorwil: true :p
[20:44] <DannyKing> _MMA_: I don't like the perspective of the oxygen drive-optical icon
[20:44] <_MMA_> There's also a pretty cool InkBleed effect.
[20:44] <DannyKing> Can I change it to match sebastian's bin perspective?
[20:44] <_MMA_> DannyKing: Go for it.
[20:44] <_MMA_> Everything's open.
[20:44] <thorwil> DannyKing: we havn't decided on perspective, yet, after all
[20:45] <DannyKing> something similar to this? http://www.itreviews.co.uk/graphics/normal/hardware/h669.jpg
[20:45] <DannyKing> thorwil: yeah, just mindful of being influenced by oxygen
[20:46] <thorwil> DannyKing: nobody will care about an oxygen influence if our icons will have a human touch and otherwuse just rock ;)
[20:49] <_MMA_> However I'm not at all against using the Oxygen icons where they fit.
[20:50] * _MMA_ goes to take a break for a bit.
[21:02] <thorwil> so i made the lip of the bin thicker and added a shadow beneath. and now in the middle of the work it's time to log out again :}
[21:02] <thorwil> good night!
[21:26] <savvas> what's the current default background in intrepid?
[21:29] <savvas> must be this one: /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "/usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png"
[21:31] <rsc-> ugh
[21:31] <rsc-> i cant believe the buzz on clear intrepid
[21:31] <rsc-> lol
[21:32] <rsc-> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Clear_Intrepid?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ClearFinale.png
[21:32] <Sevish> Yeah it looks pretty awful.
[21:33] <savvas> well it's.. different :p
[21:34] <rsc-> it's also impossible.
[21:34] <rsc-> given gtk constraints
[21:34] <rsc-> :(
[21:34] <rsc-> I think the ubuntu community needs more people with taste!
[21:34] <savvas> speaking of awful.. can someone tell me if this looks at least good for an invitation: http://savvas.radevic.com/previews/ubuntu-cy-intrepid/
[21:34] <rsc-> ugh gotta run
[21:35] <rsc-> i'd consider anoher font
[21:35] <savvas> suggestion?
[21:35] <rsc-> something simple.
[21:35] <rsc-> myriad or a look-alike
[21:35] <savvas> bitsteam vera sans ?
[21:35] <rsc-> even something like liberation sans
[21:35] <rsc-> no not bitstream vera
[21:36] <rsc-> anyway igotta run! sorry guys, girlfriend waiting at airport
[21:36] <savvas> oki doki thanks
[21:36] <rsc-> :)
[21:41] <Borzo> gidday
[21:41] <DannyKing> Hi Borzo, you submitted the second bin, right?
[21:42] <Borzo> Hi DannyKing, yes I did
[21:42] <Borzo> I just finished correcting the perspective
[21:42] <Borzo> and made the top thinner
[21:42] <DannyKing> Nice work :)
[21:44] <Borzo> thanks...
[21:45] <Borzo> I will submit the new version tomorrow, i still need to write this serious work e-mail now
[21:45] <DannyKing> I hope you don't mind the critiques?
[21:45] <Borzo> not at all
[21:45] <DannyKing> cool :)
[21:45] <Borzo> it makes it better don't they :)
[23:07] <rsc-> sup guys :)
[23:07] <DannyKing> hellew
[23:51] <PRGUY85> sup people
[23:51] <PRGUY85> hola Dannyking
[23:52] <DannyKing> hola como va?
[23:52] <PRGUY85> todo bien y tu
[23:52] <DannyKing> bien gracias
[23:53] <PRGUY85> alguna noticia nueva?
[23:53] <DannyKing> estoy instalando Ubuntu server por el tercero vex hoy :\ Tengo problemas con encryption y siempre lo roto
[23:54] <PRGUY85> por ahora a mi me va muy bien con Ibex, lo unico es que a veces el driver nvidia hace cosas raras en los "window borders"
[23:54] <DannyKing> como que?
[23:55] <PRGUY85> que se desaparecen los colores, se queda palido y solo reaparecen cuando subo y bajo la ventana
[23:55] <PRGUY85> the community packages look awesome in ibex, specially on my laptop.
[23:56] <PRGUY85> tomorrow is beta release right?
[23:56] * DannyKing shrugs
[23:56] <PRGUY85> yea I think it is oct 2
[23:57] <DannyKing> cool
[23:57] <PRGUY85> any new ideas on breathe?
[23:57] <DannyKing> Borzo submitted a new bin which looks pretty cool
[23:57] <DannyKing> Although I can't choose which one I prefer
[23:58] <PRGUY85> the gray one?
[23:58] <DannyKing> thornill wants the computer icon to represent both laptops and desktops, and I have no idea how to do that
[23:58] <DannyKing> and I'm going to work on a cd drive icon tonight if I finish installing ubuntu /ever/
[23:58] <DannyKing> PRGUY85: There are two grey ones, The original and now a new one by a different person
[23:59] <PRGUY85> DannyKing: Yes, I'm seeing it. The new one kinda looks more like a Fedora icon, others look more Ubuntu-ish and more hyper-realistic. Yet, they look very much alike current icon theme.