UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /01 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <Alex_Gaynor> I'm not the only one for whom flash is totally messed up, right?
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[00:09] <Lofde_> Alex_Gaynor, 64bit?
[00:09] <Lofde_> my flash works
[00:19] <Volkodav> skype still acting up on 64 bit ?
[00:20] <Volkodav> mine crashed as soon as logs in
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
[00:46] <maccam-sager> is the intel ethernet card killing bug fixed yet?
[00:55] <maccam-sager> anybody?
[00:55] <bruce89> don't think os
[00:56] <maccam-sager> the 2.6.27 kernel just hit the final RC, rc8...
[00:57] <bruce89> it should be fixed upstream, but there haven't been any new kernels in Intrepid
[00:57] <maccam-sager> gotcha
[01:03] <bruce89> it appears to have been fixed in git http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=commit;h=647462940c9aaf1382dd1f23e003dc12c60a6c35
[01:05] <bruce89> actually, that was reverted, but a later commit does something else
[01:05] <maccam-sager> yeah it looks like that one just disables the driver anyway..?
[01:06] <bruce89> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=commit;h=bd0f0a2ac616336bdea1270e7d2c0c56ddceb76d is the later one
[01:20] <Lofde_> anyone know why wireless wont automatically connect at boot?
[01:30] <Seb> i'm trying to dist-upgrade from hardy to intrepid, but i'm hitting a circular dependency: libc6 <-> findutils
[01:30] <Seb> any advice ?
[01:31] <TeslaTony> Is it possible to install one without the other? Manually?
[01:31] <Lofde_> Seb
[01:31] <Lofde_> I wouldnt do that
[01:31] <Lofde_> seriously Seb i had so much problems
[01:31] <Lofde_> I would HIGHLY recommend downloading an ISO and doing it that way
[01:31] <Lofde_> I tried to upgrade through the internet, and it ended up turning out so bad
[01:32] <Lofde_> not saying that it would be like that for you
[01:32] <Lofde_> but i think with it being alpha theres so many dependency bugs that you might have issues if you do it like that
[01:32] <bruce89> of course libc6 dependency issues are serious
[01:32] <TeslaTony> I installed through the net, and have had trouble, but Intrepid is Alpha. Duh.
[01:33] <TeslaTony> Seb: You might try doing the install through the CD, which should bypass the dependencies
[01:33] <Seb> TeslaTony: this is a chroot, unfortunately
[01:34] <Seb> but no worries, i totally understand it's still alpha
[01:34] <Seb> i was just thinking maybe someone in here might have found a way around it, but after playing with dpkg/apt-get for about 30 minutes, I don't think there is a solution right now
[01:35] <bruce89> findutils predepends on libc >=2.7
[01:35] <Lofde_> Seb, have you tried apt-get install libc6 , apt-get install findutils ect
[01:36] <Lofde_> Seb read the 2nd or 1st and 2nd result, see if these come close or apply, i think they might http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+intrepid++libc6+findutils&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=
[01:38] <bruce89> Gutsy to Intrepid? that's not going to be a good idea
[01:38] <Lofde_> Im sure it also applys to hardy herion too tho
[01:38] <Lofde_> i think once the release comes out
[01:39] <Lofde_> a dist-upgrade would probably work really well
[01:39] <Seb> Lofde_: yeah I tried those
[01:39] <Lofde_> just for some reason i had so much trouble, i did a full reinstall, really happy that i did tho, im really into this new stuff.. i like it a lot.. cleaned up a buncha stuff too
[01:42] <eklof> Hi
[01:43] <eklof> anyone have o x60s and no sound in ibex?
[01:49] <Lofde_> eklof, lots of no sound issues in ibex
[01:51] <outbri> Lofde_: any fixes? :P
[02:00] <TeslaTony> Does Intrepid use KDE4 for Kubuntu, or is it still KDE3?
[02:00] <jtechidna> KDE4
[02:01] <TeslaTony> Ah. I think that solved the problem. Thanks
[02:17] <supert0nes> is there gonna be an update to flash for the rc soon?
[02:18] <supert0nes> the beta has some serious streaming issues with things like pandora and youtube
[02:18] <danbh_intrepid> man, I just lost sound with flash
[02:18] <danbh_intrepid> ....
[02:19] <danbh_intrepid> crap!!!!!!
[02:20] <bruce89> of course there's no problems with swfdec
[02:21] <Lofde_> i have the adobe flash version installed and i have audio with flash and flash seems to be working great
[02:22] <Lofde_> i am using the 64bit amd version
[02:22] <danbh_intrepid> bruce89: no, this is a pure ubuntu problem. The latest updates borked pulseaudio for me
[02:22] <bruce89> danbh_intrepid: it has been a bit dodgy for a while
[02:23] <bruce89> killing pulseaudio and restarting it works for me howeber
[02:23] <danbh_intrepid> how do I do that?
[02:23] <bruce89> killall pulseaudio
[02:23] <bruce89> pulseaudio
[02:23] <danbh_intrepid> simple enough : )
[02:24] <danbh_intrepid> does it through errors for you when you do that?
[02:24] <timboy> is the e1000 eeprom issue corrected now if I want to update?
[02:24] <bruce89> perhaps /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart may work
[02:24] <bruce89> timboy: not yet
[02:24] <timboy> bruce89, any idea on how soon?
[02:25] <danbh_intrepid> bruce89: well, the kill and restart worked, awesome!!!
[02:25] <bruce89> timboy: it has been commited to git
[02:25] <timboy> how long usually does it take those commits to see light? will we see it in the beta do you think?
[02:25] <bruce89> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=commit;h=bd0f0a2ac616336bdea1270e7d2c0c56ddceb76d
[02:26] <bruce89> the next kernel update will have it
[02:26] <bruce89> which happened about 30 minutes ago
[02:32] <timboy> bruce89, so if I upgrade now the kernel I get will have the patch in it?
[02:32] <bruce89> no
[02:42] <DanaG> PA 0.9.12 is extremely crashy for me.
[02:42] <DanaG> Or rather, it's lazy.
[02:42] <DanaG> It randomly decides, "Oh hey, I'm idle. I quit."
[02:43] <mneptok> given how PA performs when it IS active, i'd call that a fetaure.
[02:43] <mneptok> *feature
[02:44] <DanaG> NOt when it makes videos and Pidgin simply hang.
[02:47] <bruce89> perhaps https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/274577
[02:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274577 in pulseaudio "Frozen Bubble Freezes Due to Sound? Happened after update." [Medium,Incomplete]
[03:06] <Gekz> hmm
[03:06] <Gekz> virtualbox additions doesnt work in an intrepid guest
[03:06] <Gekz> :<
[03:06] <Gekz> I can't do seamless mode
[03:14] <TeslaTony> Does Intrepid have support for Atheros chipsets? If so, would Madwifi conflict with it?
[03:14] <Gekz> TeslaTony: which atheros?
[03:14] <Gekz> the AR5002?
[03:14] <danbh_intrepid> TeslaTony: not yet
[03:15] <Gekz> it does
[03:15] <TeslaTony> DWA 556. I forget which chipset it uses
[03:15] <Gekz> 2.6.27 has ath5k
[03:15] <Gekz> and ath5k works with the eeepc
[03:15] <Gekz> that's as much as I know
[03:15] <TeslaTony> Ah. Would ath5k interfere with MadWifi?
[03:15] <Gekz> yes
[03:16] <Gekz> but
[03:16] <Gekz> easily stopped
[03:16] <Gekz> you just blacklist it
[03:16] <TeslaTony> Cool. How?
[03:16] <Gekz> sometimes it interferes, other times it does not
[03:16] <Gekz> in the /etc/modprobe.d
[03:16] <Gekz> or whatever the equivalent is in ubuntu
[03:16] <Gekz> modules.d
[03:16] <Gekz> its something .d
[03:19] <TeslaTony> Eh...time to worship at the altar of Google again
[03:27] <solarion> is there gonna be an OOo3 package in intrepid?
[03:27] <solarion> I've heard about there being one, but havent' seen one
[03:33] <euther> I've seen a number of ath5k issues in the irclogs and bugs.ubuntu.com; is it possible to revert to madwifi without going outside the package system ?
[03:41] <danbh_intrepid> solarion: I think the answer is no. There is a deb on the OO.org website, but version 3 isnt even in debian experimental yet, for whatever reason
[03:41] <maccam-sager> damn i heard rumors of them including the beta and then upgrading to final later
[03:41] <danbh_intrepid> solarion: that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, I mean, why wouldn't you put a beta of something into the least supported, most cutting edge, of the repos?
[03:43] <danbh_intrepid> maccam-sager: well, I have no inside info, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But, that is what they did with ff3. BUT, the beta was at least in the repos.
[03:44] <danbh_intrepid> I had another thought the other day about this too. There might be allot of integration software that mixes openoffice with other parts of linux. Those packages might be no where close to being ready. Anyway, Im just speculating
[03:47] <wt> yo...is it normal for the splash screen on Kubuntu ibex to lock up my Dell 1420 laptop?
[03:49] <wt> if I hit alt-f1 and get to a text console, it resumes booting
[03:51] <samueltehg33k> hey guys when will the xubuntu IBEX alpha come out?
[03:51] <samueltehg33k> *beta
[03:59] <danbh_intrepid> !schedule
[03:59] <ubottu> A schedule of Intrepid Ibex (8.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule
[04:01] <mbamford> Having trouble suspending in intrepid (I could in hardy), i'm getting these errors in dmesg: [ 1641.312027] pm_op(): usb_dev_suspend+0x0/0x20 [usbcore] returns -16 / [ 1641.312086] PM: Device usb3 failed to suspend: error -16 / [ 1641.312089] PM: Some devices failed to suspend. any ideas?
[04:04] <wt> yay....kubuntu just lost my keyboard on a normal boot on my Dell 1420
[04:09] <wt> and now the splashscreen locked the computer again
[04:09] <wt> oh well...
[04:09] <wt> seems to work this time
[04:26] <wt> keyboards gone again...
[04:26] <wt> and now it's back
[04:26] <wt> I wonder if scim is causing this
[04:27] <solarion> there's always inrepid-backports, I suppose
[04:27] <solarion> I'm wanting some of the tasty Sun plugins, tho (e.g. presentation console)
[04:36] <keldrum> anyone know what "system setting" in network manager does?
[04:37] <danbh_intrepid> I think it sets your settings to the interfaces file
[04:37] <danbh_intrepid> rather than just in nm
[04:38] <keldrum> Would that allow the connection's config to be remembered after reboots?
[04:39] <danbh_intrepid> i dunno, I thought nm did that anyway
[04:40] <keldrum> In my case, I've had to enter the wireless network password every time
[04:41] <keldrum> have you experienced this?
[04:41] <danbh_intrepid> well, nm is a broken beast, but sorry, I can't comment any further. I'm sick of dealing with the network stuff. Im sure it will get worked out eventually
[05:09] <blueapples> hey guys i am having trouble finding information about ubuntu's keyring system... can someone point me in the right direction?
[05:15] <outbri> !keyring
[05:15] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about keyring
[05:34] <DanaG> Oh yeah, any ETA for the upcoming kernel image with fixed e1000e?
[05:34] * DanaG cares more about knowing an ETA than about the actual date itself.
[05:40] <crimsun> not yet, not as of -rc8 at least
[05:42] <DanaG> Aah, so be it.
[05:43] <DanaG> Oh yeah, this time I un-disabled the glitch-free... and got... not glitchy audio.
[05:44] <DanaG> "un-disabled" -- lovely word there.
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[08:36] <xukun_> how do I activate compiz in Intrepid?
[08:37] <elmargol> I still have bug #274357 can someone confirm this please?
[08:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274357 in jockey "jockey-kde crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274357
[08:37] <xukun_> !compiz
[08:37] <ubottu> Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion
[08:39] <a_c_m> <faq>Whens it out?</faq>
[08:39] <xukun_> I thought compiz was activated default with Intrepid
[08:50] <Lynoure> xukun_: depends a bit on the hardware you have, I think
[08:58] <xukun_> Lynoure, I have P4 2.66ghz and nvidia 6600 video card, that should be enough for compiz or not?
[08:59] <Lynoure> xukun_: Sorry, I don't know anything about nvidia myself. Might be that you need the non-free drivers for that
[09:00] <Lynoure> xukun_: I'm under impression one does not get very far with nvidia and floss drivers
[09:00] <xukun_> Lynoure, the drivers are already installed
[09:00] <Lynoure> (that's the reason I don't use Nvidia at all myself)
[09:01] <xukun_> Lynoure, so you are ati man. I thought ati is(was) linux unfriendly
[09:01] <a_c_m> anyone know what part of this month ibex is meant to get released in/
[09:06] <Lynoure> xukun_: not an ati man (just a non-proprietary woman), just that Intel and Ati both are more floss friendly. If one is ok with proprietary drivers, I've heard Nvidia can be very nice for games
[09:58] <clusty> is compiz broken for everyone for now?
[10:00] <Hobbsee> nope
[10:08] <clusty> Hobbsee, i cannot enable compiz anymore. I have 3d drivers since glxinfo outputs lots of stuff
[10:09] <clusty> any clue which direction to proceed?
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[10:48] <Lofde_> Anyone know anything about " Guest Sessions " ?
[10:52] <jrib> Lofde_: you should ask a better (more specific) question
[10:53] <Lofde_> Well I know i can launch a guest session after i log in, i would like to be able to have 2 users, my self ( and guest) that i can click from the very start (gdm) and choose my account, and have the other account for anyone else
[10:53] <Lofde_> it defeats the purpose of having a guest account to me, to have to have me login first, for someone i dont trust to be able to access it, i would like them to be able to access it at boot
[10:53] <Lofde_> or from my locked screen saver
[10:57] <Lofde_> ops, i didnt mean to leave
[10:58] <Lofde_> did you get that message jrib
[10:58] <Lofde_> or what i said before i left
[10:58] <jrib> Lofde_: yep, I don't know about guest sessions though
[10:58] <Lofde_> oh alright thanks for listening atleast heh
[11:03] <DigitalFiz> how do i get intrepid?
[11:11] <bazhang> DigitalFiz, the nightly build?
[11:12] <DigitalFiz> nm i found it
[11:12] <DigitalFiz> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-6/
[11:12] <bazhang> aha
[11:12] <bazhang> yup
[12:36] <clusty> hey
[12:36] <clusty> i am having some trouble getting compiz to work after yesterday's updates
[12:36] <zniavre> no problem here with compiz
[12:37] <clusty> when i try to enable it i get a window saying it cannot be enabled
[12:37] <clusty> zniavre, nvidia drivers?
[12:37] <zniavre> yes
[12:37] <clusty> which ones?
[12:37] <zniavre> did you start composite metacity ?
[12:37] <clusty> i use 177
[12:37] <zniavre> 173
[12:37] <clusty> zniavre, what do you mean start composite metacity?
[12:39] <clusty> i tryied enabling it back from the menu: preferences->appeareance ....
[12:39] <zniavre> metacity can use his own composite now >gconf-editor >apps>metacity>general >composite-managercheck if it's unchecked
[12:39] <zniavre> im using fusion-icon to launch compiz
[12:40] <clusty> it's unchecked
[12:40] <clusty> do i need to check it ?
[12:40] <zniavre> nop
[12:40] <zniavre> you should try fusion-icon
[12:40] <clusty> is that a package?
[12:41] <zniavre> yes
[12:41] <zniavre> sudo apt-get install fusion-icon
[12:41] <clusty> doing it
[12:41] <clusty> what is that for?
[12:41] <zniavre> as beryl-manager it's an icon on systray who made switching compiz/metacity easier
[12:42] <zniavre> im only use this instead of preference >appearence ...
[12:42] <clusty> zniavre, works. do i add it to my .xinitrc?
[12:42] <clusty> or how to autostart it
[12:42] <clusty> ?
[12:43] <zniavre> preferences>session >add to startup (sorry im french i do not know apps name in english
[12:44] <zniavre> to launch it it's on main menu>system tolls
[12:44] <zniavre> tools*
[12:44] <clusty> back in a jiffy :D
[12:46] <clusty> zniavre, ca marche .... :D
[12:46] <clusty> thanks a bunch
[12:46] <zniavre> :o)
[12:46] <zniavre> great
[12:51] <clusty> zniavre, are you using ubuntu nvidia or envy?
[12:51] <zniavre> ubuntu nvidia
[12:51] <clusty> i use envy since ubuntu breaks X after every update :(
[12:52] <zniavre> i get worries to make them working but now it's since 2 mounths
[12:52] <zniavre> working since*
[12:53] <clusty> any clues how far away is the open source nvidia driver?
[12:53] <zniavre> no ideas sorry
[12:53] <clusty> ok thanks
[13:10] <Gekz> what's envy?
[13:10] <Pici> !envy
[13:10] <ubottu> envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk
[13:10] <Gekz> explain
[13:10] <Gekz> that wasnt very detailed
[13:10] <Gekz> !nv
[13:10] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[13:10] <Gekz> neither was that
[13:11] <Pici> The envyng driver packages contain the latest drivers from ati or nvidia, but are untested in Ubuntu
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[13:12] <Gekz> it's a package?
[13:12] <Gekz> bah, please, go into detail
[13:12] <Gekz> what is it
[13:12] <Gekz> lol
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[13:13] <Hobbsee> Gekz: google is your friend?
[13:13] <Hobbsee> You're in a semi-development channel - this isn't #ubuntu.
[13:14] <Gekz> Google is never my friend
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[13:15] <TheInfinity> Gekz: $search_maschine is your friend :p
[13:15] <Gekz> lol
[13:15] <Gekz> I'm finding it hard to type as is
[13:15] <Gekz> I punched a light off my ceiling by accident
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[15:04] <penguin42> Does intrepid have any new X stuff?
[15:04] <penguin42> server/monitor detection in particular
[15:05] <penguin42> (or pointers to release notes stuff would be a reasonable alternate answer)
[15:06] <penguin42> ah found it
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[15:14] <lore20> hi
[15:14] <penguin42> ho
[15:14] <lore20> what do u think about new intrepid wallpaper?
[15:14] <skyjumper> do the envy nvidia drivers currently work?
[15:16] <lore20> envy... it broke my TV
[15:16] <skyjumper> physically broke?
[15:17] <lore20> yes
[15:17] <lore20> with ATI
[15:17] <skyjumper> how
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[15:18] <lore20> It starts sending malphormed signal to my CRT TV (without any protection)
[15:18] <lore20> via S-Video
[15:18] <skyjumper> i've never heard of any signal being able to physically damage a TV
[15:18] <skyjumper> the tv was pretty old?
[15:19] <lore20> Older TV might broke
[15:19] <lore20> yes... 10-15 year ago.. i don't remembre
[15:19] <lore20> if u use incorrect resolution/refresh rate
[15:19] <lore20> newer one just say "Out of range"
[15:19] <skyjumper> i thought that was only true of CRT monitors
[15:20] <skyjumper> and even then, not as true as people claim
[15:20] <lore20> skyjumper: and what i sayd
[15:20] <lore20> (said
[15:23] <penguin42> skyjumper: You could do it back with 15 year old kit - if you were really really really unlucky
[15:24] <lore20> however i prefer install graphic driver myself, withoud envy
[15:25] <skyjumper> yeah, i've never had that lack of luck. dunno
[15:25] <penguin42> me neither
[15:26] <skyjumper> i once had an old vga monitor by Gateway that would do higher resolutions than it was spec'd for
[15:26] <lore20> skyjumper: have u broken it?
[15:26] <skyjumper> no
[15:27] <skyjumper> the worst it did was the crisp high pitched click sound, and a black screen
[15:29] * penguin42 tries to decide whether to update his machine today (before his new monitor arrives tomorrow) or leave it till after - I suppose the new one might do better hot-plugdetect
[15:40] <DanaG> I had a CRT monitor that I drove at 1280x960@100Hz... and it made an obnoxious high-pitched squeal.
[15:40] <DanaG> Then the convergence eventually became quite horrible.
[15:58] <Bob_Dole> I'm on the 8.10 alpha6, and wondering how do I enable the guest account, or use it?
[15:59] * penguin42 hits the magic button update-manager and hopes for the best
[16:00] <Bob_Dole> ?
[16:01] <lamalex> Bob_Dole: all I had to do was click the guest account and it logged in for me
[16:01] <jaxdahl2> hmm, how can i tell uvesafb to try a different mode? running modprob uvesafb mode=... doesn't do anything as far as i can tell
[16:01] <Bob_Dole> I'm not seeing a guest account
[16:02] <lamalex> not seeing it where?
[16:02] <coz_> hey guys... is autoconfiguration for wacom tablets.. going to be in the release? apparenlty the configuring xorg.conf for wacom is going to be dropped from what I read so far?
[16:02] <jaxdahl2> can't rmmod uvesafb as it says it's already in use
[16:02] <Bob_Dole> Oh, I see it when logged in now..but not before logged in
[16:02] <lamalex> yeah, you should probably file a bug on that
[16:03] <jaxdahl2> should i be running 2.6.27-4 or 2.6.27-5 with intrepid?
[16:04] <Bob_Dole> I'mma log out and see if I see it shows up.
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[16:07] <Bob_Dole> Yeah. Have to be logged in to get to the guest account. I'm wanting this for a school, once the final is out put linux computers around the campus.. need to be able to log in with a guest, or guest style account without logging in as administrator :/
[16:10] <jaxdahl2> hooray, got the uvesafb working on my 1440x900 laptop virtual terms
[16:10] <Omar87> Is it safe to upgrade to the first beta release of Intrepid Ibex that is due tomorrow 2/10/2008?
[16:11] <penguin42> Omar87: Not if you have an e1000e ether
[16:11] <jaxdahl2> safe is a matter of perspective
[16:12] * penguin42 notes the message on the update manager -c -d really needs a BIIIG message about that
[16:12] <Omar87> jaxdahl2, That's so true.
[16:12] <Omar87> jaxdahl2, but I mean in general, is the beta release that's due tomorrow okay?
[16:13] <penguin42> Omar87: As I say, don't touch it if you have an Intel e1000e, don't even try it
[16:14] <Omar87> jaxdahl2, because I updated to Hardy Heron when it was still Alpha 4. Is the situation really different with Intrepid Ibex?
[16:15] <Omar87> penguin42?
[16:17] <penguin42> Omar87: There's a known problem with e1000e cards with recent kernels (all distros) that can cause the flash to be corrupted
[16:18] <penguin42> Omar87: The guys from Intel are working hard on it, but for the moment stay clear of 2.6.27 stuff
[16:19] <Omar87> penguin42, so what you're trying to state here is that the problem is not with Ubuntu itself?
[16:19] <Omar87> penguin42, how do I find out if I my intel is an e1000e or not?
[16:20] <penguin42> Omar87: The problem is also in some other beta/alpha releases of distros; I'm not 100% sure on how to detect e1000e - I'd say if you can see it in the output of a dmesg or an lspci then stay clear; I believe the affected set of hardware is smaller than that but don't know the details
[16:21] <Omar87> penguin42, oh I see.
[16:22] <Omar87> If I ever find anything new, would like me to let you know?
[16:22] <Omar87> would *you*
[16:23] <penguin42> no
[16:23] <penguin42> I'm not involved in it, just saw the warnings go past
[16:25] <Omar87> penguin42, yeah, that's right, but I believe it would help with the development of the coming new born Ubuntu, wouldn't it?
[16:25] <penguin42> Omar87: Oh correct - but I'm not a dev
[16:25] <Omar87> oh, okay. :)
[16:25] <Omar87> Actually, neither am I, lol.
[16:26] <Omar87> But, I'm looking forward to be one in the near future.
[16:26] <Omar87> being*
[16:35] <Lynoure> I keep on getting "xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers" on Amarok, any idea what could help?
[16:38] <Lynoure> the kubuntu start ditty did play fine
[16:38] <e\ectro_> anyone else getting this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/263211 ?
[16:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263211 in xorg "apps-wont-open-due-to-maximum-clients-reached-error" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[16:39] <e\ectro_> just hate having to kill X
[16:39] <e\ectro_> everytime I get home from work
[16:40] <s0u][ight> hello what part of ubuntu loads the driver/module for hotkeys?
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[17:28] <tommydanger> so I try to setup the psptoolchain on kubuntu but it keeps crashing on me, some buffer overflow, however it works fine with ubuntu 8.04 :/
[17:29] <tommydanger> why's that?
[17:29] <tommydanger> it also crashes on tty but as said very same script works on ubuntu 8.04, haven't tested with ubuntu 8.10 yet
[17:40] <slanning> lo, after dist-upgrading yesterday, networking no longer worked - so I booted into an older kernel (2.6.24-19-generic) and it works
[17:41] <slanning> on the newer one it complains about not finding the ethernet device
[17:42] <slanning> thanks to GoddamnDevil's advice, I ended up reinstalling : sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.27-4-generic
[17:43] <slanning> but is there something else I need to do maybe, to like generate the network device or whatever?
[18:02] <afief> anybody knows if the new Gimp will get into the repository for ibex?
[18:05] <Hew> afief: 2.4.7-1ubuntu1 is currently in Intrepid, and we're in Feature Freeze, so I wouldn't think so
[18:06] <afief> oh:( well it doesn't look as big an improvement as 2.2 -> 2.4 was
[18:07] <Hew> afief: Someone might run it from a PPA though, that seems to be happening with a lot of new releases that are just missing out atm
[18:07] <Hew> afief: Or you can jump into Jaunty development early ;-)
[18:07] <PolitikerNEU> Will Gimp 2.6 become part of intrepid?
[18:08] <Hew> PolitikerNEU: No
[18:08] <Hew> PolitikerNEU: Intrepid is in Feature Freeze
[18:08] <afief> I always jump early but with this laptop hardy wouldn't even boot, ibex is missing graphic acceleration(ATI) and the wacom doesn't seem to work:(
[18:08] <PolitikerNEU> ok :-(
[18:10] <Hew> afief: Yes, I know the fglrx issue is known at least, it's not compatible with the new xorg
[18:10] <afief> Hew, yes I sent ATI a letter telling them that it's about time they release a compatible driver
[18:11] <Hew> afief: Heh, nice :-)
[18:11] <afief> Hew, oh that's my duty as a Free Software Citizen :-)
[18:12] <Hew> afief: Indeed, it's the duty of all of us! I really should be writing more letters myself :P
[18:13] <jaxdahl2> i am a slave to nvidia :(
[18:15] <TeslaTony> Slave to NVidia, slave to ATI..it' like choosing the lesser of two weevils.
[18:15] <afief> jaxdahl2, so was I, until AMD started releasing specs, so I started supporting them(even though Intel makes better processors)
[18:18] <afief> Hew, it's easier when you're sending 10+ letters a week anyway(yeah still prefer dead tree letters over emails)
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[18:19] <frank23> fglrx doesn't work in intrepid at all? There will be alot of angry people when intrepid is released! Thankfully it doesn't affect me
[18:36] <Teisei> I need help
[18:36] <Teisei> http://i34.tinypic.com/2ecqijl.png
[18:36] <Teisei> Why does my Compiz do this ?
[19:04] <timboy> any news of when the e1000 kernel patch will be pushed to updates?
[19:18] <Teisei> Anybody else with problems with webcam ?
[19:19] <Teisei> Only Ekiga and aMSN are able to view webcam preview
[19:22] <x1250> what package contains new human theme? I thought it could be gnome-themes, but dpkg -L doesn't says no.
[19:25] <x1250> arrch, human-theme, shame on me :$
[19:28] <legend2440> is it still too soon to upgrade from hardy to intrepid?
[19:32] <legend2440> and is it true there will be an option in intrepid to restore files that are in the Trash to their original locations?
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
[19:37] <x1250> legend2440, yep, you can restore files from the trash...
[19:37] <legend2440> x1250: ok thanks
[19:56] <penguin42> hmm the update has just replaced my backdrop by what I assume is the new Ibex one - I've got to say I don't like it
[19:57] <bronson> Wow, I apt-get upgraded yesterday and now my audio is totally broken.
[19:59] <bronson> I get the log-in sound, but everything else just says, Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument
=== Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag
[20:01] <bronson> killall pulseaudio fixes things.
[20:02] <bronson> Criminy, isn't it time for PA to start working?
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[20:24] <timboy> any news of when the e1000 kernel patch will be pushed to updates?
[20:28] <Skiessi> hi
[20:28] <Skiessi> when is the first beta going to be released?
[20:29] <Skiessi> no one knows? ok I'll just check the schedule
[20:31] <Skiessi> tomorrow? o_O
[20:31] <Skiessi> great
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
[21:00] <Tamagotono> Has anyone gotten the knetworkmanager to work properly yet? Or is it only still broken on my machine? I am currently using nm-applet or wicd for my networking.
[21:00] <GoddamnDevil> does someone has knowledge of freeze exception for gimp
[21:00] <GoddamnDevil> is it going to included in II or??
[21:01] <JontheEchidna> Tamagotono: it should be working now
[21:02] <Tamagotono> JontheEchidna: I am fully updated. Do I just need to uninstall network-manager-gnome to get it working or should I reconfigure the settings???
[21:02] <JontheEchidna> I dunno
[21:03] <JontheEchidna> I just know that supposedly a fixed knetworkmanager was released a few days ago
[21:03] <Tamagotono> OK, I'll play with it and see if I can get it to work. Thank you.
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
[21:06] <yavapai> last nights cd image booted to white screen no mouse or keyboard
[21:08] <yavapai> i have via pc3500 mobo
[21:10] <Tamagotono> Yay! Knetworkmanager IS working!
[21:12] <JontheEchidna> Tamagotono: :)
[21:14] <Tamagotono> It was wierd, I had the knetworkmanager applet running alongside the nm-applet, both were showing the network statis but I tried to reconfigure the settings and it said it wasn't installed. So I installed it and it worked! :)
[21:22] <edgy_> JontheEchidna, Tamagotono: when you say knetworkmanager is working, what do you mean? e.g if I click on the icon, I see the wireless network, if I click on it nothing happens
[21:23] <Stormx2> Hi. Am I right in thinking the intrepid beta has been released?
[21:24] <Tamagotono> It means that I can now click on a wireless network and it actually tries to connect (it even succeeded!) :)
[21:24] <edgy_> Tamagotono: for me that doesn't work, what did you do to fix it?
[21:25] <edgy_> Tamagotono: I can do it with the icon from gnome but not knetworkmanager
[21:26] <Tamagotono> edgy_: I tried to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure knetworkmanager' but it said that it wasn't installed so I ran ' sudo apt-get install network-manager-kde' and it installed it.
[21:27] <Tamagotono> then I ran 'killall nm-applet knetworkmanager ; knetworkmanager' then when it came up I was able to use it.
[21:28] <Don_Miguel> Tamagotono, good one !
[21:30] <edgy_> Tamagotono: I already have it installed so reconfigure doesn't complain. I now killed nm-applet and knetworkmanager, when I lauch kentworkmanager again I see an icon like a grey globe
[21:30] <edgy_> Tamagotono: when I click on it I see options like new connection, edit connection but don't see my wifi network
[21:31] <edgy_> Tamagotono: should I go to new connection or what?
[21:32] <Tamagotono> edgy_: yes, try going to ->new connection ->wlan0 (or whatever your wireless is) then select your wireless network.
[21:32] <Tamagotono> If your ssid is hidden, you may have to type it in for it to work.
[21:33] <edgy_> Tamagotono: but knetworkmanger used to show the wifi nets automatically when I click on the icon,has this been changed?
[21:34] <Tamagotono> for me, it only shows networks that I have connected to, when I click on the icon.
[21:36] <edgy_> Tamagotono: I would try it later since this will disconnect me but I thought the bug filed is because knetworkmanager should show all the nets when you click on it like used to be and like the gnome applet do
[21:37] <edgy_> I wonder why they said the bug is fixed!
[21:38] <Tamagotono> edgy_: maybe we are talking about different bugs. I was talking about the one where when you click on a wireless network, it doesn't do anything. That bug appears to be fixed.
[21:40] <edgy_> Tamagotono: I just clicked the icon and then new connection and nothing appears!! no dialog at all, what about you?
[21:41] <Tamagotono> I get another listbox listing my eth0 and wlan0 wanting me to select one of them to define what network device I want to use for the new connection.
[21:51] <edgy_> Tamagotono: strange! may be I need to file a bug regarding my case, thanks
[21:52] <edgy_> Tamagotono: I just noticed if I click on Edit connections there is a list box called New connections when really shows Wireless, Wired, VPN, is this what you are talking about?
[21:53] <edgy_> Tamagotono: but if I click on the knetworkmanager icon and then New connection ... nothing happens. Please confirm that the later works for you
[21:57] <ryanakca> For setting up LVM / HD encryption, I need the alternate CD, correct?
[21:57] <ryanakca> Nevermind :)
[21:57] <Tamagotono> edgy_: If I click on Edit Connections, I can see a list of connections I have saved from prior sessions... This is not what I am referring to.
[21:59] <edgy_> Tamagotono: thanks again for the clarification
[21:59] <Tamagotono> edgy_: If I click on New Connection, a small menu opens to the right side with two options, eth0 and wlan0. If I then click on wlan0, a window opens up showing current wireless connections along with the signal strength, etc.
[21:59] <Tamagotono> edgy_: np
[22:26] <svu> what happened to disk mount applet? It does not show entries from /etc/fstab any more
[22:26] <svu> (the ones with "user" attribute)
[22:36] <slestak> is there anyone who is a dkms guru around?
[22:38] <^DarkSun^> hi people, anyone using xen with Ubuntu intrepid ?
[22:39] <RAOF> slestak: You'll generally get a better response by asking your question straight up ;)
[22:40] <slestak> RAOF: i was working with crimsun in this room yesterday discussing an inpiron dual boot machine that I installed alpha 6 on
[22:40] <slestak> brb
[22:41] <^DarkSun^> more generic question: the *-xen version of the kernel is not included yet into the distro?
[22:41] <RAOF> Dunno.
[22:41] <^DarkSun^> ok
[22:42] <RAOF> Looks like we've got xen support?
[22:43] <Teisei> Does wired network connection work for somebody ?
[22:44] <Teisei> I have Lenovo Thinkpad T60 and Ubuntu 8.10 ... I can only connect to wireless networks
[22:44] <slestak> i understand dkms is on by default in inrepid. i have a kernel module on my laptop that broke on the parition i _didnt_ install intrepid on. i put II on sda3, and had a stable gutsy on sda3, and after installign II, gutsy no longer boots into X.
[22:44] <RAOF> Teisei: Yes. But if you've got an intel 1000 or 1000e card, it's been disabled so that we don't accidentally write all over it's NVRAM.
[22:44] <Teisei> RAOF: So it is intentionally disabled ?
[22:44] <slestak> s/II on sda2, GG on sda3
[22:44] <RAOF> Teisei: Yes.
[22:44] <Teisei> RAOF: Thank you so much :)
[22:45] <slestak> Teisei: the e1000 driver breaks the nic
[22:45] <slestak> it is being fixed
[22:45] <Teisei> slestak: Good to know :)
[22:45] <Teisei> Luckily I have this wireless box here ... I'm usually double connected to it ... both wired and wireless
[22:45] <RAOF> slestak: So, (a) that shouldn't happen. Do you have your Gutsy root partition mounted in your intrepid install?
[22:46] <slestak> Teisei: this bugs current status is on the intrepid release notes page at ubuntu.com if you need an update later
[22:46] <Teisei> slestak: Thanks for the information :)
[22:46] <Teisei> But will it still be updated via update manager ?
[22:47] <slestak> RAOF: no, it was an install of hardy on sda2, that i chose by manually partitioning the drive in the livecd installer. i didnt do anything to sda3. /boot is not shared. the only real thing I can find in commn is grub installed in the mbr
[22:47] <slestak> i overlaid my HH install with II alpha6
[22:47] <slestak> Teisei: not if it is your only nic, you cant reach apt servers :)
[22:49] <Teisei> slestak: Even if I have wireless working ?
[22:49] <slestak> my specific question was crimsun asked for compilation output from the IIinstall and said fiel a bug. but i know nothing about dkms. i'm looking at the man page but do not see whaere that may be
[22:49] <RAOF> slestak: Do you have an Xorg.0.log for your failed X startup?
[22:49] <slestak> Teisei: yeah, i;d imagine it will come down in synaptic then, i was j/k with you
[22:50] <Teisei> slestak: Phew. Ok ;)
[22:50] <slestak> RAOF: yes, i pastebinned it the other day (I can get it again) it basically says the kernel module cannot be loaded. I can use X with the nv driver. reinstallign nvidia-glx-new helps nothing.
[22:51] <RAOF> slestak: So, "sudo invoke-rc.d dkms_autoinstaller restart" might give you the log you're after.
[22:51] <slestak> RAOF: i have not touched this GG install with beryl, envy, emerald, anythng like that. just gutsy
[22:51] <slestak> RAOF: from Intrepid? dkms is not on gutsy
[22:51] <RAOF> Right.
[22:51] <RAOF> But since your apparent bug is "Intrepid's dkms broke gutsy", the log from intrepid is what's needed, right?
[22:52] <slestak> RAOF: not trying to be dense, i would have not guessed restartig the service?
[22:52] <slestak> how will that help me find compilation output?
[22:52] <slestak> funny enough, the restricted driver is working in Intrepid.
[22:52] <RAOF> Well, turns out that it likely won't :/
[22:53] <RAOF> Man, /var/log/dkms_autoinstaller has to be the most useless log file _ever_.
[22:53] <slestak> in the man page, it says the kernel is built in /var/dkms/*, but i dodnt know if it would save output without enabling a debug mode
[22:54] <slestak> the timestamp of nvidia.ko on GG will not help, because i reinstalled the package liek 6 times troubleshooting this.
[22:54] <slestak> so the proof that the livecd touched sda3 is lost
[22:55] <RAOF> Urgh.
[22:56] <RAOF> So, there's an obvious way to try get that proof again... reinstall Intrepid.
[22:56] <RAOF> From the livecd.
[22:56] <slestak> my laptop is out of battery. i may need to work on this at home later.
[22:56] <slestak> i am on my work pc now.
[22:57] <slestak> yeah, and the /var/log/messages from the livecd boot that I installed with is not saved. that should be saved as like /var/log/messages.livecd or sth. It would have been nice to see if sda3 was mounted rw
[23:02] <slestak> no real support it loks like in the dkms page at dell.
[23:02] <thvdburgt> I have a problem with launching matlab, using gnome-termal it works, but when I use ALT-F2 or a launcher it does not, it only shows the splash screen for half a second and disappears
[23:02] <maccam-sager> thvdburgt: have you tried using the menu shortcut?
[23:03] <thvdburgt> I made my myself, same result
[23:03] <thvdburgt> I made one myself, gives the same result as a launcher/ALT-F2
[23:03] <RAOF> thvdburgt: Sounds like you've got some environment variables being set in your bashrc that matlab needs.
[23:05] <thvdburgt> I'm using the default .bashrc with some custom aliases
[23:07] <xomp> so *ehm*, I'm sure you all have been asked this plenty here recently, but... *ehem* has Intrepid been popped for release yet? :-)
[23:08] <thvdburgt> ash
[23:08] <thvdburgt> oops
[23:09] <maccam-sager> xomp: popped?
[23:09] <xomp> maccam-sager, what is confusing about that statement?
[23:10] <maccam-sager> i'm not familiar with the usage of "popped" in that sentence
[23:11] <xomp> maccam-sager, should I substitute that term with one that you are familiar with? Seeing as I know all about familiar terms associated with you in particular? :)
[23:11] <thvdburgt> RAOF, do you have any idea what is causing this or how I can find out what part of bashrc is causing this?
[23:11] <RAOF> thvdburgt: No, not really.
[23:12] <RAOF> Otherwise I'd be weighing in :)
[23:14] <maccam-sager> xomp: as you can see i simply asked you what you meant, it's not too hard to explain it :-P
[23:14] <thvdburgt> is there any way I cant run a terminal without it excecuting the bashrcs first?
[23:16] <RAOF> thvdburgt: You could move your bashrc away, temporarily.
[23:17] <thvdburgt> I did rename the one in my ~, but that had no result. I'll try the one in /etc
[23:17] <xomp> maccam-sager, Ok, "Has Ubuntu Intrepid released as of yet?" -Or- "Has there been any word on when it will release"? :-)
[23:17] <xomp> "word" meaning "discussion, announcement" just so we're clear :-P
[23:18] <maccam-sager> i have a feeling i missed some sarcasm, oops
[23:18] <thvdburgt> matlab still launches via the terminal with both bashrcs disabled
[23:18] <xomp> don't want to throw in any of them confusing words there :-P lol
[23:19] <maccam-sager> i just thought it must have been a development term since release is a whole month away
[23:20] <xomp> ahh, then I've been misinformed on Ubuntu release patterns!
[23:20] <xomp> Thanks :-)
[23:26] <godzirra> heya folks.
[23:26] <godzirra> I'm trying to boot ibex, but everytime I boot the cd I'm getting "Buffer I/O error on device sr0"
[23:26] <godzirra> I've googled and it seems like many other people are getting this error too but I couldn't find a solution. I've tried reburning at a slower speed and I verified that the md5sums matched. Anyone have any other ideas?
[23:27] <redvamp128> I know you guys are testing intrepid but simple question-- asked in main ubuntu room waited 30 min so far no response... anyone know how to configure Audigy LS Pci card in ubuntu- Still showing Onboard (now Disabled in bios) in audio.
[23:29] <Necrosan> Is Intrepid applying for UNIX certification?
[23:29] <Necrosan> I certainly hope so.
[23:30] <dena> any news on when the e1000 fix will be pushed to updates?
[23:31] <RAOF> dena: Once it's actually fixed?
[23:31] <dena> RAOF, heard it was pushed to git yesterday...
[23:31] <RAOF> I think the answer to your question is "no", though.
[23:33] <maccam-sager> Necrosan: ?
[23:33] <Necrosan> Is Intrepid applying for UNIX certification?
[23:33] <Necrosan> From the OpenGroup?
[23:33] <redvamp128> Another question then does this card work in Intrepid? 01:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS
[23:33] <Necrosan> It would make it a much better release.
[23:33] <godzirra> will a module from the same kernel work on two different machines?
[23:34] <Necrosan> godzirra: it shuld
[23:34] <godzirra> k
[23:34] <maccam-sager> Necrosan: soo.... how exactly does it make Ubuntu better?
[23:35] <Necrosan> maccam-sager: it will be able to be referred to as a true UNIX
[23:35] <Necrosan> it will make many happy
[23:36] <maccam-sager> but linux isn't unix...
[23:36] <Necrosan> only because it isnt certified
[23:36] <Necrosan> it would be fairly easy to modify the few bits that arent
[23:37] <Necrosan> and apply to the opengroup for certification
[23:37] <Chousuke> the unix certificate doesn't mean that much though
[23:37] <maccam-sager> i don't see why linux would want to be unix
[23:37] <maccam-sager> it's all just a name anyway
[23:37] <Chousuke> sure you can get into some corporations of government stuff with taht but...
[23:37] <Chousuke> or*
[23:38] <Chousuke> maccam-sager: some organisations require a POSIX certified OS for their operation.
[23:38] <Chousuke> SUS includes that.
[23:38] <Necrosan> SUSE is certified?
[23:38] <Chousuke> no, I mean the SUS certification :p
[23:38] <Necrosan> oh
[23:39] <Necrosan> duh
[23:39] <Necrosan> =P
[23:40] <marcin> can anyone shed some light on installing flash player?
[23:41] <RAOF> marcin: Go to a page with flash, select which flashplayer you'd like to install?
[23:41] <maccam-sager> i think it's hard enough to get distros to conform to the LSB, but once that happens LSB can probably be brought more in line to POSIX to the point where they are the same
[23:42] <marcin> the thing is that I went to adobe.com, youtube, support.dell.com all need flash, but the usual install missing plug-in didn't come up
[23:43] <RAOF> marcin: Do you have 'ubufox' installed?
[23:43] <marcin> let me check
[23:44] <marcin> ubufox is already the newest version.
[23:44] <RAOF> Ok, good.
[23:44] <RAOF> So, do you actually have flash installed? :)
[23:44] <marcin> I installed flushplugin-nonfree
[23:44] <marcin> but still no flash
[23:45] <marcin> if I knew where acctually is firefox's plugin folder and where did the flash install I guess I could symlink...
[23:45] <RAOF> Do you have any other flash plugin installed?
[23:45] <RAOF> You may have gnash or swfdec installed.
[23:46] <marcin> I didn't install
[23:46] <marcin> but let me check
[23:47] <marcin> hhhmmm. how do I check from command line?
[23:47] <RAOF> dpkg --list | egrep ^ii | egrep (swfdec|gnash)
[23:47] <RAOF> That'll give some output if either are installed :)
[23:49] <marcin> nothing returned
[23:49] <RAOF> Ok. Dunno then.
[23:49] <marcin> so I guess it's not installed
[23:49] <marcin> ??
[23:49] <marcin> let me see in Synaptic
[23:49] <RAOF> Indeed. Not installed.
[23:49] <marcin> oo.....
[23:49] <marcin> so dunno why flash no working...?
[23:50] <marcin> me too
[23:50] <marcin> :(
[23:51] <marcin> funny thing is I installed Intrepid yesterday on my home comp... and flash worked like a charm
[23:51] <marcin> after installing from Install Missing Plugins Wizard
[23:52] <marcin> is there a way to manually invoke the wizard?
[23:58] <marcin> !flash
[23:58] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash