UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /01 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <physicsduck> I'm working on a client machine and have a MacOS drive plugged in via USB and need a way to unlock the files. Any help?
[00:00] <ubuntoil> done
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[00:02] <devo> what's a really good p2p program for linux?
[00:02] <_2> !p2p
[00:02] <ubottu> Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information
[00:03] <ubuntoil> devo: amule
[00:03] <devo> thnx i'll give that a shot
[00:03] <physicsduck> any help on the unlocking mac files?
[00:04] <ubuntoil> devo: edonkey and kad network, works fine
[00:05] <kristi__> I am a bit of a noob to Ubuntu, (I have the most recent version of Kubuntu) and want to change my boot menu so that kernel generic is first, right now server is first which doesn't boot my sound drivers correctly... any help?
[00:05] <_2> !grub
[00:05] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[00:06] <_2> last link "might" have what you want. if not come back and i'll walk you through it.
[00:06] <_2> if i can remember what a "menu.lst" looks like, that is.
[00:07] <_2> wonder if my server has one...
[00:07] <ubuntoil> !bot
[00:07] <ubottu> Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[00:07] <_2> nope no /boot there either
[00:07] <kristi__> I read through that link earlier, and it is helpful in making windows boot first (but I have Vista ech!) but not changing between the 4 ubuntu kernels
[00:08] <_2> kristi__ same basic idea for what ever you want to be first.
[00:08] <ubuntoil> kristi__: or just remove windows ;-)
[00:08] <_2> or that ^ :)
[00:09] <kristi__> I have been into menu.lst, right now ubuntu boots first, which I want, but I have a generic kernel and a server kernel and the generic is what i want on top. right now server is
[00:10] <kristi__> In menu.lst there are no values to change for those 4 ubuntu kernels, just linux, vista, or xp
[00:11] <devo> how do i uninstall a program in the terminal???
[00:11] <_2> kristi__ in short. there is a keyword (which i don't off hand remember, bootdefault maybe) which you set to a number starting with 0 and the entry that you want to be the default you either move to that posision or set the count to it's location. you can "reorder" the automaticly generated section but it's not sticky.
[00:12] <_2> devo sudo apt-get remove blah
[00:13] <kristi__> okay. I know what you are talking about, and I tried to do that, but the only things it lets me change is which OS (Vista, Linux, XP) is first, it doesn't let me change the different Kubuntu options. I'll keep googling it. Thanks though
[00:13] <traian> helo all
[00:13] <_2> devo you technecally uninstall it, it's already installed, so you have to remove it and then it will be uninstalled
[00:13] <_2> you cant
[00:14] <_2> kristi__ pastebin your menu.lst and i'll show you.
[00:15] <kristi__> paste the whole page?
[00:15] <_2> not here.
[00:15] <_2> !pastebin
[00:15] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[00:15] <traian> anyone know how i can fix kontact, Kopete, kget ? it just stoped working and when runing in terminal it hangs a lot then,all it says is ERROR: Communication problem with kontact, it probably crashed.
[00:17] <devo> thnx
[00:17] <_2> !pastebinit
[00:17] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit
[00:17] <_2> !info pastebinit
[00:17] <ubottu> pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB
[00:17] <LjL> !info pastebinit
[00:17] <kristi__> neither do I
[00:18] <kristi__> i copied, pasted, and clicked Paste! not what?! =)
[00:18] <_2> but there should be a note on that in the !paste/!pastebin infonode ^
[00:18] <_2> kristi__ give me the url ?
[00:18] <kristi__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/52647/
[00:18] <kristi__> oh shit that is handy!!
[00:19] <kristi__> haha i get it now!
[00:20] <_2> kristi__ ok look at line 14 of your file. set that to 2 and it should make the generic kernel the default.
[00:21] <_2> kristi__ as i said, it counts starting with 0 ...
[00:21] <kristi__> Right, I got that part, and was able to keep windows from booting first, but last time I tried it didn't change a thing. Re booting. Thanks for your help hope it worked.
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
[00:22] <adi_> hi all
[00:22] <_2> kristi__ you can test without booting
[00:22] <adi_> have a small issue
[00:22] <traian> hi
[00:22] <akos> hi all
[00:22] <kristi__> how?
[00:22] <akos> anyone on intrepid here?
[00:23] <akos> i'm stuck with samba config
[00:23] <_2> kristi__ you open a terminal and enter# grub
[00:23] <adi_> can't mount samsung mp3 player on kubuntu
[00:23] <_2> and some command in the grub shell, i think it's "loadmenu" but not sure.
[00:23] <adi_> while I can in ubuntu and managed with gnomad2
[00:23] <traian> anyone know how i can fix kontact, Kopete, kget ? it just stoped working and when runing in terminal it hangs a lot then,all it says is ERROR: Communication problem with kontact, it probably crashed ?
[00:23] <adi_> what can I do?
[00:23] <_2> kristi__ the "help" command in the grub shell knows.
[00:24] <kristi__> nothing happened
[00:24] <_2> kristi__ meaning ?
[00:24] <adi_> amarok dont mount samsung mp3 player
[00:24] <adi_> and fdisk -l dont show anything
[00:25] <kristi__> I typed in # grub and it did nothing
[00:25] <_2> with the # ?
[00:25] <kristi__> I am sure I am doing something very wrong
[00:25] <kristi__> yeah
[00:25] <_2> or without ?
[00:25] <kristi__> oh
[00:25] <kristi__> no with #
[00:25] <_2> heh... :)))
[00:26] <kristi__> nope still nothing
[00:26] <_2> to bash # means ignor what follows. i used # to indicate the command started there.
[00:26] <_2> i.e. "grub" is the command to issue
[00:26] <kristi__> never mind apparently it takes a long time ;)
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[00:26] <kristi__> I got that now
[00:27] <kristi__> thanks for your help, I mostly just google my problems - don't use konversation much
[00:27] <Glady> oh
[00:27] <_2> anyway, i took the time to learn about grub, but can't use it, so i forgot most of what i learned.
[00:28] <_2> kristi__ anytime. that's why we gather here.
[00:28] <kristi__> okay now i got
[00:28] <kristi__> [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For
[00:28] <kristi__> the first word, TAB lists possible command
[00:28] <kristi__> completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible
[00:28] <kristi__> completions of a device/filename. ]
[00:28] <kristi__> grub>
[00:28] <kristi__> woah
[00:28] <kristi__> i just messed that up
[00:29] <kristi__> but i think you get the point
[00:29] <_2> yep.
[00:29] <kristi__> okay so what do I do now
[00:29] <_2> and in that grub shell type # help <<< with out the #
[00:29] <_2> and see what the command is to load the menu
[00:30] <_2> err i think you may have to set the root first # root (hd0,5)
[00:30] <carlos> root
[00:30] <_2> then the loadmenu or what ever it is.
[00:31] <_2> carlos root what ?
[00:33] <kristi__> okay.... i have no clue http://paste.ubuntu.com/52653/
[00:33] <_2> configfile maybe ? i really don't recall.
[00:33] <kristi__> invalid device
[00:34] <_2> for # root (hd0,5)
[00:34] <_2> ?
[00:34] <kristi__> yes
[00:35] <_2> well i got that from your pastebin. it should be correct ?
[00:35] <_2> 131 root (hd0,5)
[00:35] <_2> 137 root (hd0,5)
[00:37] <kristi__> okay I think I am just going to re boot see if it works since that only takes about 1 minute and i have spent like 5 trying to understand how this works ;) will return to tell you if it is all good!
[00:37] <_2> ok.
[00:38] <_2> heh but it's safer to learn how to test a boot loader from within a running system than try a reboot and discover you have borked your boot loader ;/
[00:39] <_2> then again who am i to insist on doing something in a more reasonable manor. i tend to not use things like swap, partitions, filesystems, and graphic user interfaces.
[00:40] * _2 </shrugs>
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[00:41] <_2> don't worry, i wont repost that.
[00:42] <x_link> Hi
[00:42] <x_link> Why is Kubuntu still there when I removed it?
[00:42] <x_link> sudo aptitude purge firefox-3.0
[00:42] <kristi_> <_2> menu list is the same order, but generic is highlighted! Thanks!
[00:42] <x_link> And then:
[00:42] <x_link> sudo aptitude purge firefox-2.0
[00:42] <x_link> Then I removed .mozilla from my home-dir "show hidden files"
[00:42] <x_link> Can somebody tell me that?
[00:43] <_2> x_link s'plain ??
[00:43] <_2> kristi_ umm yes, like i said at first, you can "reorder" it but it's not sticky. what we did should be sticky.
[00:44] <x_link> _2: I fixed it now.
[00:44] <_2> fixed what i wonder ???
[00:44] <kristi_> This works fine, I achieved what I wanted which is to not have to sit and watch my computer while it boots up and try to beat the clock choosing a different kernel!
[00:45] <_2> pfft. some people are hard to stand under.
[00:45] <_2> kristi_ correct. and welcome.
[00:46] <kristi_> Thank you, hopefully we won't talk again - since hopefully soon I will be able to understand how to fix this sort of thing on my own =p getting there!!!!!
[00:47] <_2> kristi heh, not likely. the more you learn the more questions you have.
[00:48] <_2> admitedly i need to revisit grub i'm still not sure i remember how to load the menu.lst from the grub shell
[00:49] <ryans> So there's life today?
[00:50] <ryans> Ok, anyone here who has experience with Linux on laptops?
[00:52] <_2> ryans i have a tosheba satilite with linux on /dev/sda does that count ?
[00:52] <ryans> ^^; I'll take that.
[00:52] <_2> or am i excluded from this poll ?
[00:52] <ryans> I have some odd problems
[00:53] <ryans> I have an HP pavilion ze4145 that seems to freeze when I try to play a dlash animation and when it is using it'sbattery.
[00:54] <ign0ramus> ryans: does upgrading to Flash 10 solve the issue?
[00:54] <ryans> There's a 10 now?
[00:54] <ign0ramus> http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_install_linux_091508.tar.gz
[00:55] <ign0ramus> ryans: its a release candidate, but miles ahead of buggy Flash 9, imho
[00:55] <ign0ramus> ryans: if you choose to install it, make sure to uninstall existing flash first
[00:55] <ryans> Like always.
[00:55] <ign0ramus> right. :)
[00:56] <ign0ramus> ryans: it supports wmode as well as V4L2 (webcams on Flash now!)
[00:56] <ryans> I also was going to note I'm using a wireless card.
[00:56] <ryans> Pcmia Linksys wpc54g with ndiswrapper.
[00:56] <ign0ramus> ryans: well, lets start by seeing if it's a flash issue
[00:56] <ryans> right.
[00:56] <ryans> Gonna be a while..The battery is charging
[00:57] <ign0ramus> ryans: can't hurt, and you can always go back if you so choose
[00:57] <ryans> Yeppers
[00:57] <ign0ramus> You can always check up on Flash for Linux here: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/
[00:58] <dr_Willis> only issue i had with flash 10 - was some sites limited 'feature' because they dident think i had the latest flash, (which was to say. i dident have the latest flash 9)
[00:58] <ign0ramus> Flash is essential for internet browsing, and it's been pretty terrible for so long. I'm glad we're finally getting some notice
[00:58] <ign0ramus> dr_Willis: yeah, i know CNN had that
[00:58] <ign0ramus> dr_Willis: I'm not sure if it's fixed in the latest release
[00:59] <ryans> It was a pain to get to work on my 64bit machine.
[00:59] <ign0ramus> The newest RC for Flash is from 09-15
[01:00] <ryans> Guessing this is a bash script?
[01:00] <ign0ramus> ryans: there's always this: http://www.queleimporta.com/how-to-install-flash-10-rc-on-ubuntu-64-bits-with-2-clicks/en/
[01:00] <ign0ramus> ryans: yeah, simple ./ script
[01:00] <ign0ramus> installs to /home/user/.mozilla
[01:01] <Socceroos> hello all
[01:01] <cy> sup?
[01:01] <ign0ramus> its kind of wonky if you use Opera, though. or at least in my experience.
[01:01] <_2> i used to use flash back in the 80's
[01:01] <cy> dude wtf i cant get java on ppc dapper =((
[01:01] <ryans> I sound like I kknow what the heck I'm doing. ^^;
[01:02] <mneptok> ign0ramus: that's ... ugly.
[01:02] <Socceroos> question: when plugging in a projector into my laptop with KDE4, does it automatically detect and configure it?
[01:02] <ign0ramus> mneptok: i know. 64bit is never pretty ;)
[01:02] <cy> i hate it.
[01:02] <mneptok> ign0ramus: it goes beyond that. unsigned packages. outdated libraries ...
[01:03] <cy> just want flash etc rawrr
[01:03] <mneptok> cy: Java was a closed project when Dapper was released. use something more current, and i think there may be PPC JRE builds.
[01:03] <ryans> I actually just figuredout what files to shove into the plkugins directory in 64bit linux.
[01:04] <cy> i messed with my mac harddrive and made it ubuntu and i really want mac back, is there any way?
[01:04] <dr_Willis> cy, Huh?
[01:04] <dr_Willis> You can always delete/repartition the hard drives
[01:04] <cy> i meant to partition my hd but i accidentally deleted it
[01:05] <dr_Willis> The OS_X installer should partition a hard drive I imagine.
[01:05] <cy> huh?
[01:05] <MrKennie> cy: you want to recover the deleted partition?
[01:05] <mneptok> cy: your Mac install is gone. you'll need to reinstall OSX if you want to use it.
[01:05] <cy> yess
[01:05] <cy> with the disk?
[01:06] <ign0ramus> cy: yes
[01:06] <cy> dang
[01:06] <cy> gr
[01:06] <mneptok> cy: OSX on PPC hardware is a dead end.
[01:06] <ign0ramus> cy: you deleted all Mac OS off the HDD... how else did you expect it to get back on there?
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[01:06] <cy> yeah i found this out lol
[01:06] <_2> anyone know off hand where exactly a partition table is ?
[01:06] <dr_Willis> I have OS-X on an old PPC mac. :)
[01:06] <cy> i didnt know what i was doing
[01:06] <dr_Willis> its sitting in the closet.
[01:07] <cy> yeah i have an eMac =P
[01:07] <_2> seeing that i don't have partitions i can't just look and see ????
[01:07] <_2> oh wait i do have one disk that is partitioned. if i can find which box it's in.
[01:08] <miri> hello
[01:08] <cy> is there ANY way at all to get OSX for free?
[01:08] <dr_Willis> cy, yes.,
[01:08] <dr_Willis> cy, and its not legal. :)
[01:08] <favro> buy a mac?
[01:09] <MrKennie> and ot here
[01:09] <dr_Willis> thats the legal way.
[01:09] <_2> but you can get all your warez at
[01:09] <dr_Willis> actually One can buy OS-X in the stores
[01:09] <trpr> i thought he owned a mac. if it had os-x on it originally, i would assume it came w/ install disk
[01:09] * ign0ramus groans
[01:09] <dr_Willis> Apple at one time had their older OS's avail for download.. but not sure if they ever did that with OS-X for ppc or not.
[01:09] <ign0ramus> cy: where's your install disc?
[01:10] <jake_> where have i travelled accidentally?
[01:10] <jake_> hello?
[01:10] <mneptok> jake_: 1863. long live the Union!
[01:10] <_2> !welcome | jake_
[01:10] <ubottu> jake_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[01:10] * mneptok whistles "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic"
[01:10] <jake_> this is kinda creepy but whatever.
[01:11] <jake_> mh hmmm hm mmm emmmm hmmm nanananahnah
[01:11] <_2> mneptok stop trollin'. and whistle dixey
[01:12] <_2> and don't correct the spelling, sotherners wont notice.
[01:12] * dr_Willis rises again!
[01:12] <jake_> okay
[01:13] <mneptok> _2: "Southerners"
[01:13] <_2> see you blue it.
[01:13] <_2> :)
[01:13] <dr_Willis> blu
[01:13] <dr_Willis> :)
[01:13] <_2> oh /
[01:13] <dr_Willis> Potatoe
=== jake_ is now known as TheCLok
[01:14] <Glady> tomatoe
[01:14] <TheCLok> yeah boy
[01:14] <trpr> poor dan
[01:14] <TheCLok> i changed my name
[01:14] <TheCLok> *simplicity
[01:14] <_2> hehhe.
[01:14] <_2> like we didn't see that.... -:- jake_ is now known as TheCLok
[01:15] <TheCLok> perfection
[01:15] <_2> !support
[01:15] <ubottu> The official Kubuntu support channel is #kubuntu. Also see http://www.kubuntu.com/support.php
[01:16] <cy> no it didnt come with disk.. and how would i reinstall a disk? if i put it in and staarted up would it just install or would i have to do some gay sudo-apt poopfuck lol
[01:17] <favro> !ohmy | cy
[01:17] <ubottu> cy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[01:17] <_2> potty mouth.
[01:17] <cy> m sorry
[01:17] <cy> i'M*
[01:17] <favro> np :)
[01:18] <TheCLok> ew censorship is for the ignorant.
[01:18] <TheCLok> im out
[01:18] <dr_Willis> So is swareing
[01:18] <_2> even more so
[01:18] <MrKennie> :)
[01:19] <dr_Willis> 'spittings nasty, but i know somthing worse!'
[01:19] <dr_Willis> :)
[01:19] <_2> slobbering ?
[01:19] <tekteen> the problem is, censorship (of cursing) is considered stupid because you are fighting stupidity.
[01:19] <cy> nice
[01:19] <dr_Willis> 'fight fire with fire'
[01:19] <cy> well put
[01:20] * dr_Willis is fighting the inane use of 'dirty words' that add nothing to the actual conversation.
[01:20] <dr_Willis> :)
[01:20] <favro> it wasn't censorship - just a request
[01:20] * trpr litters his phrases with needless expletive
[01:20] <cy> yeah
[01:20] <cy> im sorry for causing trouble =( i feel awful..
[01:20] <tekteen> cy, it is **** yeah
[01:21] <cy> huH?
[01:21] <tekteen> np
[01:21] <trpr> i spit too
[01:22] <_2> is it weakend again already ? i haven't seen this channel so off topic and get by with it in ages.
[01:22] <tekteen> lol
[01:22] <_2> not complaining mind you.
[01:22] <Glady> yes weird
[01:22] <Glady> i think there is a plot
[01:22] <dr_Willis> sounds like a bash.org quote
[01:23] <tekteen> no one is asking a question
[01:23] <tekteen> what else do we do
[01:23] <tekteen> I am stuck at home all day with chickenpox
[01:23] <dr_Willis> go to #windows and ask support questions..
[01:23] <_2> tekteen in my experance "we get scolded"
[01:23] <_2> :)
[01:23] <cy> so does anyone know of any way to get java or flash on ppc dapper?
[01:23] <dr_Willis> Thats what you get for hanging out with Chickens.
[01:23] <tekteen> teen + chickenpox = BAD!!!
[01:23] <dr_Willis> teen+mumps = very bad.
[01:24] * tekteen goes to get vacine NOW
[01:24] <dr_Willis> teen+computer+irc = The worse!
[01:24] <tekteen> :-|
[01:24] <tekteen> :-P
[01:24] <_2> o.O
[01:24] <dr_Willis> teen+car = The worseerist
[01:24] <dr_Willis> :)
[01:24] <tekteen> YEAH
[01:25] <tekteen> daddy can I have the keys to the car
[01:25] <tekteen> :-D
[01:25] <ryans> Hrm, and having more issues getting the script working
[01:25] <dr_Willis> What script?
[01:25] <_2> script ?
[01:26] <ryans> Wont ID where I want flash to get installed.
[01:26] <ryans> The flash install script
[01:26] <ryans> Where am I sappose to put the isntall anywats?
[01:26] <ryans> *anyways
[01:27] <dr_Willis> local user could install to /home/username/.mozilla cant they?
[01:27] <tekteen> ryans, what version of kubuntu?
[01:27] <ryans> HH.
[01:27] <tekteen> HH = Hardy?
[01:27] <_2> hoary hedghog ?
[01:27] <ryans> Oh yeah the .mozzilla.
[01:28] <ryans> Yes tekteen.
[01:28] <dr_Willis> Hibernating Hippo!
[01:28] <dr_Willis> :)
[01:28] <ryans> Hardy Haron. ^^:
[01:28] <_2> there have been two HH's already
[01:28] <tekteen> HUNGRY HIPPO
[01:28] <ryans> Sorry forgot there's 2 versions with HH
[01:28] <dr_Willis> They need to start naming them after Single Cell organisms!
[01:28] <ryans> Heh
[01:28] <dr_Willis> Alpha Amoeba!
[01:28] <dr_Willis> Beta Botulism.
[01:28] <_2> single cell orgasims ?
[01:28] <ryans> How about starship classes?
[01:29] <_2> </blinks>
[01:29] <dr_Willis> Colorull Cryptsporidium
[01:29] <dr_Willis> :)
[01:29] <_2> i think i need new glasses.
[01:29] <tekteen> dr_will, where do you work?
[01:30] <tekteen> Are you an M.D?
[01:30] <dr_Willis> I work for Chrysler.
[01:30] <favro> !tab | tekteen
[01:30] <ubottu> tekteen: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.
[01:30] <dr_Willis> in a factory. :) reparing Muti Million Doller machines.
[01:30] <dr_Willis> that all seem to run windows 95.
[01:30] <tekteen> nice
[01:30] <tekteen> lol
[01:31] <dr_Willis> but i repair the machines.. Not the elctrical parts
[01:31] <tekteen> favro, thanks
[01:31] <favro> np
[01:31] <_2> i heard that M.D.'s go to school three years to learn how to do their job and nine years to learn how much to charge for it... ;/
[01:32] * tekteen will never be a M.D., TOO MUCH SCHOOL
[01:32] <_2> of course i think i heard it on a flintstones cartoon
[01:33] <dr_Willis> FLintstone Cigirette comercial http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=2325
[01:33] <dr_Willis> :)
[01:40] <cahuez> hello..!
[01:41] <NickPresta> hi | cahuez
[01:42] <cahuez> hiya..
[01:42] <NickPresta> darn
[01:42] <NickPresta> lol
[01:42] <NickPresta> hows it going?
[01:42] <cahuez> just a question, is good to work a 64 bit ubuntu in a Intel Quad Core 6600 box..!?
[01:43] <NickPresta> cahuez, what do you mean good? It is possible, yes
[01:44] <cahuez> i mean, will it work fine in a box like that: Intel Quad Core 6600 ..
[01:44] <cahuez> or better choose a 32 bit distro..!?
[01:44] <cahuez> i'm not sure if a Intel Quad Core 6600 can work 64 bit registers and stuff..!
[01:45] <NickPresta> Q6600 is 64-bit, yeah.
[01:45] <gm04030276> Q6600's run 64bit linux...I have 3 doing so...but I didn't see all of what you where asking so that may not answer it
[01:45] <MrKennie> I run 64bit on my Core 2 duo
[01:45] <NickPresta> How much RAM do you have?
[01:46] <dr_willis> Most all mondern cpus are 64bit now a dayts. :)
[01:46] <dr_willis> unless ya get the really really low end things..
[01:46] * _2 is very afraid that he is about to do another one of those "never do this's" ;/
[01:46] <cahuez> is a partner which i'm advicing and has 4gb ram and a nvidia video card..
[01:46] <dr_willis> 4gb of ram exactly - if using 32bit - you may lose access to 'some' of the ram.
[01:46] <gm04030276> they will want 64 bit to access the 4th GB of ram then
[01:46] <NickPresta> cahuez, he may find a benefit with a 64-bit system. I don't know exactly what sort of problems still exist with 64-bit systems (flash, etc)
[01:47] <_2> or a big mem kernel
[01:47] <dr_willis> 64bit is getting better all the time. I imagine in a year. it will be the perfered.
[01:47] <favro> !64flash
[01:47] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about 64flash
[01:47] <favro> !flash64
[01:47] <ubottu> You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava
[01:47] <cahuez> yeap, a big 4gb ram but is doesn' is a issue for linux at all..
[01:48] <BluesKaj> Howdy
[01:50] <_2> BluesKaj
[01:51] <_2> ok. now i'm sure i'm about to loooose data. this is bad.
[01:52] <gm04030276> :( why so?
[01:53] <cahuez> 4gb of ram is a laaargee ram for some proprietary os's..
[01:53] <_2> gm04030276 cause i have no place large enough to backup me hda
[01:54] <gm04030276> It will be standard in a few years...just like two is now and one was before
[01:54] <gm04030276> _2: O dear
[01:55] <dr_willis> My new laptop (a mid range model) came with 4gb ram.
[01:55] <dr_willis> desktop came with 3gb.
[01:55] <gm04030276> _2: I just about managed to off load what should have been 1TB of data and ended up actually only like 700 or 800GB when I brought it back to a nice 4 disk raid 5 array :)
[01:55] <dr_willis> So i imagine in a year. 4gb will be very common.
[01:55] <dr_willis> and once they start gettng 64bit windows being common, it will get higher.
[01:56] * _2 wonders if more than 2g ram is actually useful at this point tho
[01:56] <gm04030276> dr_willis: Cool. My desktop systems i built myself so they all have two...well one has 4 another none and the other two one but originally all two! and laptops where 768MB, 2GB and one bought today for new company has two
[01:56] <dr_willis> It is for my games. :) and torrents while i play games..
[01:57] <NickPresta> _2, for most things, I say no
[01:57] <NickPresta> Most games aren't ram intensive anyways
[01:57] <dr_willis> They are drive/load intensive.. so ram = cache
[01:57] <NickPresta> for the extra 50 bucks for 2GB of quality RAM, you might as well upgrade your process or video card to the next price point
[01:57] <_2> NickPresta yeah cause i ran kubuntu on a p1 with 64m ram and no swap so ram is not a shortage in most cases.
[01:58] <dr_willis> Ram is about the easiest thing to upgrade. If you can fit your hands in the case.
[01:58] <gm04030276> lol
[01:58] <NickPresta> I've hit my swap once or twice in the last 2 years I've had 2GB of RAM. In Windows, that's another story...
[01:58] <ryans> Ram be maxed out on this sysem.
[01:58] <gm04030276> you don't even have to see into the case...well to take it out anyway...
[01:58] <ryans> Er system
[01:59] <gm04030276> webmin says....using 1.22GB atm and im not doing much more than this and web browsing
[01:59] <dr_willis> It seems the video cards are always over the ram these days.. :(
[01:59] <dr_willis> or so close to it.. ya gotta pull too much junk to get to the ram
[02:00] <NickPresta> gm04030276, 1.22GB of RAM used for IRC and browser? What?
[02:00] <ryans> Indeed..The vidcards are even more important then cpus these days.
[02:00] <_2> gm04030276 then webmin is probably measuring the cached and alocated
[02:00] <NickPresta> gm04030276, free -m
[02:00] <_2> Memory Used/Total Percent: 27/502 MB (5%)
[02:00] <_2> Swap Used/Total Percent: 0/0 MB (0%)
[02:00] <gm04030276> well i have about 40 tabs open in two firefox windows...
[02:00] <_2> my usage atm ^
[02:00] <NickPresta> _2, you know your setup is special though ;)
[02:01] <dr_willis> gm04030276, that means flash is taking up 90% of your ram then. :)
[02:01] <ryans> O.o; _2 how the heck do you have it that low?
[02:01] <_2> ryans ummm idk.
[02:01] <NickPresta> My average RAM usage for daily tasks, which mean XChat, Amarok, Pidgin, and Konsole, plus Konqueror and KDE4 is ~400MB of RAM. If I close all my apps and just have a blank desktop, I'm sure I get < 300MB used
[02:01] <gm04030276> free says 3805/3881 used
[02:01] <ryans> about 00MBs?
[02:02] <_2> ryans actually that's high
[02:02] <gm04030276> and 0/3812 swap
[02:02] <ryans> ern100mb
[02:02] <NickPresta> gm04030276, look at the +/- line after it
[02:02] <ryans> Damn Keyboard..
[02:02] <gm04030276> oh...used:1234, free 2647
[02:02] <_2> ryans my server running same setup but idling says this...
[02:02] <_2> Memory Used/Total Percent: 7/123 MB (5%)
[02:02] <_2> Swap Used/Total Percent: 0/0 MB (0%)
[02:03] <_2> that's obviously without x running there ^
[02:03] <NickPresta> My X usage is ~90MB right now. =(
[02:04] <_2> 3d ?
[02:04] <ryans> How the heck do you turn off the obnoxious ache anyways?
[02:04] <NickPresta> yep
[02:04] <_2> http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3519
[02:06] <ryans> *cache
[02:07] <tohdi> olá
[02:07] <ryans> If I could remove the physical chache from memory I could get about 300 megs back
[02:07] <tohdi> alguém pode me ajudar ?
[02:08] <NickPresta> _2, Memory Used/Total Percent: 410/2026 MB (20%), No swap used.
[02:08] <NickPresta> !es | tohdi
[02:08] <ubottu> tohdi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[02:08] <tohdi> anybody could help me ?
[02:08] <ubuntu> pode dizer
[02:09] <cahuez> tohdi, hello..
[02:10] <tohdi> bom, tenho um modem vivo USB U893 e consegui a proeza de me conectar com ele, mas não consigo acessar a net através de um avegador como o konqueror, por exemplo
[02:10] <NickPresta> tohdi, English Only
[02:10] <tohdi> oh, sorry
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[02:10] <NickPresta> tohdi, whats the problem?
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[02:11] <tohdi> so, i have some problems with my modem pci
[02:12] <tohdi> The model is a U893 from lexicom, i've connected with him
[02:12] <_2> NickPresta cool. i have noticed that the more memory you have the more is eaten but grimlins... i have never seen a system under about 5%... now that wouldn't seem odd but take that server i posted at 5% = 7m i can add another stick to it making it 256m and reboot and it will still be at about 5% but it's now 14~15m and i know for a fact that nothing is actually using more ram... i think that a small % is used by the
[02:12] <_2> but/by
[02:14] <NickPresta> _2, yeah. I noticed that too on my laptop, which only has 256 ram
[02:15] <jaakkome_> So how is KDE4 coming along?
[02:15] <ryans> Looks like Vista...Is that a good omen?
[02:15] <dr_willis> jaakkome_, the more i use kde4.. the more i start using gnome...
[02:16] <jaakkome_> mmh
[02:16] <ryans> I'm still using KDE 3.
[02:16] <DreadKnight> jaakkome_: it's great man
[02:16] <NickPresta> jaakkome_, KDE 4.1.1 is awesome
[02:16] <dr_willis> because it comes witgh a darkish theme?
[02:16] <Agent_bob> dr_willis heh. that bad ?
[02:16] <dr_willis> I dont find kde4 to even be useable for my 'minimal daily' needs
[02:16] <NickPresta> dr_willis, really? Which version?
[02:16] <DreadKnight> i use kde4 all the time
[02:16] <DreadKnight> rock solid stable
[02:16] <dr_willis> 4.1.1 i think. I installed it from the ppa stuff the other day
[02:17] <NickPresta> Same, KDE 4 beta might have been very rough around the edge but since I've been using 4.1, its been nothing but good - no crashes, no nothing.
[02:17] <dr_willis> DreadKnight, i would have to say its about as stable as a MashedPotatoe house built on a Jello foundation, in an Earthquake here.
[02:17] <dr_willis> On my laptop. :)
[02:17] <DreadKnight> dr_willis: had more issues with gnome and kde3
[02:17] <NickPresta> dr_willis, *shrug*. I found it fairly stable on my laptop, using an older version of KDE 4
[02:17] <ryans> Oh flash 10 installed.
[02:18] <dr_willis> I cant recall gnome or kde 3 crashing on me lately.
[02:18] <Agent_bob> dr_willis mashed potatoe house on jello will stand an earthquake better than glass house on solid rock...
[02:18] <NickPresta> dr_willis, kde 3 is still good (and I believe .10 made it even stabler. I just love KDE 4 now, especially when using Konqueror as a browser...
[02:19] * DreadKnight wished gnome guys would forget daydreaming about gtk+ v3 and just go with QT; still need for app rewritten, but better licence :P
[02:19] <DreadKnight> s*
[02:20] <ryans> Well if I can do a side install with 4.1.1 and 3 I might try it...
[02:20] <Agent_bob> !kde4
[02:20] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[02:20] <DreadKnight> ryans: you can
[02:20] <Agent_bob> read that ^
[02:25] <jaakkome_> well, I've been very happy with kubuntu / kde3, as a new linux user... I've written some small programs for myself in python, and now I'd like to give them GUI:s... I'd need KDE4 to use Pyqt4 / eric4, right?
[02:26] <Agent_bob> right
[02:28] <jaakkome_> mmh, maybe it's just the fact that I tried it out at 4.00 and was horrified, but something seems to be putting me off that
[02:28] <jaakkome_> l
[02:29] <BluesKaj> yup 4 turned me away too , it was awful :)
[02:32] <NickPresta> I, too, felt sort of disappointed with KDE 4.0 beta but then I went back to 3 for a while. I then just started using 4 since 4.1 and I'm happy again. Give it another shot :)
[02:32] <Agent_bob> i think i have it. if i dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1 count=1024 then run lilo it should blank sector 0 and reinstall the boot loader ?
[02:33] <ryans> Hrrrm the repo 404s.
[02:33] <Agent_bob> anyone know any reason not to run that on a disk with valuable data on it ??? ;/
[02:34] <chalcedony> does anyone know of any programs for KDE that will enable it to use gtk in all aplications?
[02:35] <Agent_bob> kde uses qt
[02:35] <jaakkome_> Yeah, I guess I'll try both the current kde4 and gnome out for a while before I decide if I'll start looking into pyqt or pygtk for my needs
[02:35] <jaakkome_> I guess I'm just a bit change-resistant is all :]
[02:40] <chalcedony> Agent_bob: so it can't use gtk ?
[02:40] <chalcedony> on most things they can add files .. but not this ?
[02:41] <jaakkome_> chalcedony, what exactly are you trying to do?
[02:41] <chalcedony> jaakkome_: someone asked me for help.. i came to the source
[02:42] <jaakkome_> this is the source?
[02:42] <Agent_bob> jaakkome_ "<chalcedony> does anyone know of any programs for KDE that will enable it to use gtk in all aplications?" <<<
[02:43] <Agent_bob> chalcedony i'm not a kde expert. but to the best of my knowledge, it simply doesn't work that way. kde uses qt. maybe someone else can help with more info.
[02:44] <chalcedony> ok no problem .. he left but if i see him again i'll tell him to look at qt
[02:44] <Agent_bob> gnome uses gtk="gnome tool kit"
[02:45] <jaakkome_> you can run programs using gtk in kde too, of course
[02:45] <chalcedony> my husband is able to get our HP printer to work fine with kde.. i can't get it myself in gnome..my son did but he can't explain it to me
[02:45] <Agent_bob> jaakkome_ yeah gtk apps.
[02:47] <Agent_bob> i'll have to reboot my server/gateway so i'm out for a few and may not be back today... ;/
[02:47] <Agent_bob> depends on how bad the damage is.
[02:47] <chalcedony> good luck :)
=== mitch_ is now known as corinth
[02:59] <corinth> I'd like to create Konqueror shortcuts similar to those I'm used to in Firefox (for example, shift+enter adds www.[text].net). Anyone know how to do this?
[03:01] <onix> guys im a real noob to linux but im trying.. whats the uninstall command?
=== alpha is now known as wolfy
=== wolfy is now known as AWolf
[03:02] <onix> something like sudo autoremove or something like that
[03:02] <AWolf> bah, nickserv...
[03:03] <mazi> Hola
[03:03] <onix> yo mazi
[03:03] <mazi> que hay
[03:03] <nejode> onix: sudo apt-get remove package_name
[03:05] <NickPresta> Does anyone know why Aptitude is not standard in Kubuntu?
[03:05] <stdin> NickPresta: what do you mean?
[03:05] <NickPresta> stdin, I never see anyone suggest using aptitude. Why doesn't Aptitude get any love? =(
[03:05] <AWolf> small snippet of advice saught... baught a 250gb 2.5inch usb hard drive, booted into gparted, set 20gb ntfs, 223gb ext3, formatted both, rebooted into kubuntu, went to a shell, cd`d to my ext3 partition, sudo mkdir software, sudo chmod 666 software, as normal user, cd software... permission denied...
[03:07] <stdin> NickPresta: it's mostly a personal preference as to what you use. aptitude is slightly more advanced than apt-get though, so people suggest that first
[03:07] <AWolf> oh yeah, alse tried chown alpha ./software
[03:08] <AWolf> and as alpha again no access
[03:08] <stdin> AWolf: you need the executable bit set on directories in order to access/look in them
[03:09] <AWolf> so chmod 777 then? (universal access is needed for this drive)
[03:09] <stdin> 777 for directories if you want everyone to have full access, yes
[03:11] <stdin> look at the permissions for /tmp for example, though that's 2777 rather than just 777 (0777)
[03:11] <stdin> erm, actually it's 4777
[03:12] <AWolf> weee :) works just fine...
[03:14] <zeta> hi
[03:14] <zeta> dont know what I m doing
[03:15] <stdin> neither do we unless you tell us what you're trying to do
[03:16] <zeta> sorry Im a newbie and dont know what this is except a chat program
[03:17] <corinth> Any way to enable forward/backward browsing via my forward/back buttons on my mouse in Konqueror?
[03:17] <stdin> zeta: ok :) You're on a thing called IRC (Internet Relay Chat) on a server called Freenode. we use this channel (room) for live Kubuntu support
[03:18] <zeta> ok so its not just a general chit chat thing,it s only for getting help with ubuntu?
[03:19] <stdin> zeta: this channel is for support, but we have #kubuntu-offtopic for general chat. and this server has many other channel for many other projects (not just K/Ubuntu)
[03:20] <stdin> to join another channel you type in '/join #channel-name', that should open another tab or window for that channel
[03:20] <zeta> thank you. well when I decide where to start with the questions ,I ll be glad to return and ask for help
[03:22] <xjohnthomasx> hi guys, i installed a fresh 8.04.. and it installs and the runs fine. i do a kubuntu-restriced-drivers install, and then i reboot, and then it always hangs in the bootup and wont boot.
[03:22] <xjohnthomasx> why is that? help????
[03:23] <Socceroos> xjohnthomasx: does it give you any specific errors during boot?
[03:23] <xjohnthomasx> no, just hangs
[03:23] <AWolf> I`m gonna meander off and start backing up, many thanks stdin for pushing me in the right direction :)
[03:24] <BluesKaj> xjohnthomasx, did you install a previous driver before the restricted one , if so you have to uninstall the previous driver first then the restricted.
[03:24] <nejode> xjohnthomasx: remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot line so you can see were it hangs
[03:25] <xjohnthomasx> nope.. it was the first package beyond the initial install that i installed
[03:25] <xjohnthomasx> it hangs just before the eth0 rtl8186 something
[03:25] <Socceroos> nejode: may need to take him through that.
[03:25] <Socceroos> ie, show him how
[03:25] <xjohnthomasx> i did that
[03:25] <xjohnthomasx> and it hangs there.. right before eth0 rtl8186 or something
[03:26] <nejode> that's a network card
[03:26] <BluesKaj> ok , what's the monitor configuration, plugnplay ..look in system settings/monitor and display
[03:26] <xjohnthomasx> yup it's my wireless card
[03:26] <xjohnthomasx> you asking me?
[03:26] <xjohnthomasx> monitor?
[03:26] <nejode> rtl means Realtek
[03:27] <xjohnthomasx> yeah it's the driver/chip of the on board wireless card
[03:27] <Socceroos> BluesKaj: he can't boot.
[03:27] <BluesKaj> ok, NM
[03:27] <nejode> ¿laptop?
[03:27] <xjohnthomasx> Socceroos: what swhould i do?
[03:28] <nejode> xjohnthomasx: ¿laptop?
[03:28] <xjohnthomasx> no desk
[03:28] <xjohnthomasx> desktop
[03:29] <nejode> pull out the wireless card and try,,, trial and error
[03:29] <xjohnthomasx> 8.04 64bit.. on a new hp pavilion elite 9150f
[03:29] <xjohnthomasx> i cant pull it out
[03:29] <xjohnthomasx> the wireles works fine initially
[03:29] <xjohnthomasx> only after the restricted is installed does it hang on boot
[03:29] <nejode> it's not compatible with the new driver maybe
[03:30] <Socceroos> well, I'm not exactly sure what the issue is. so my thoughts would be to either 1) boot using live cd, mount your / partition and have a look at what your log files are saying or 2) re-install kubuntu and avoid the restricted-drivers package.
[03:30] <nejode> realtek provides driver for linix
[03:30] <xjohnthomasx> Socceroos: i need the restricted drivers for flash and what not
[03:30] <nejode> *linux
[03:30] <xjohnthomasx> i can do 1, but i need guidance with that.. dont kno what im looking for..
[03:30] <xjohnthomasx> i will do that
[03:30] <xjohnthomasx> one sec.. boot with live cd..
[03:30] <Socceroos> you can install flash and whatnot without installing the entire package
[03:31] <nejode> is there a kubuntu-resticted-drivers package?
[03:31] <nejode> isn't it "kubuntu-restricted-extras?
[03:32] <Socceroos> there is also the restricted-manager
[03:32] <xjohnthomasx> btw, live cd only boots without hanging when i use now live cd try kubuntu with safe graphics mode..
[03:32] <Socceroos> ok
[03:32] <Socceroos> so it may be a video driver issue
[03:34] <BluesKaj> that's whay I mentioned the monitor
[03:34] <Socceroos> yeah
[03:34] <ubuntoil> !linux
[03:34] <ubottu> Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux
[03:34] <ubuntoil> !pastebin
[03:34] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[03:39] <xjohnthomasx> ok im in the live cd
[03:39] <xjohnthomasx> Socceroos: what now
[03:44] <wt> hello, everyone
[03:45] <tekteen> hi
[03:45] <wt> Is it normal for the boot splash screen to lock up my Dell 1420 laptop?
[03:45] <wt> This is on Ibex.
[03:46] <tekteen> !ibex
[03:46] <ubottu> Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[03:46] <wt> Thanks for the help
[03:46] <tekteen> np
[03:47] <niall> woot! i finally got both my monitors working
[03:47] <tekteen> anyone know how to create an array of char arrays in C?
[03:47] <tekteen> offtopic lol
=== aakash is now known as smarty
[03:48] <stdin> tekteen: ask in -offtopic then
[03:48] <ryans> I know arrays in Js but not C.
[03:49] <smarty> what up guys... I d/l'd 4.1 and when I rebooted after install, all my icons are gone as well as the "start" menu. I am unable to navigate anywhere... any ideas on fixes?
[03:49] <wt> smarty: hardy or ibex?
[03:49] <smarty> hardy
[03:49] <ryans> You should beable to add it back in.
[03:50] <wt> the 4.1 for hardy doesn't use your KDE3 configuration at all
[03:50] <smarty> no, i mean I had 4.0 before installing 4.1
[03:50] <wt> oh
[03:50] <smarty> i was processing all through 4.0 at one point, sorry bout that
[03:50] <wt> well...the 4.1 packages really did a number on my system when I went to upgrade to ibex
[03:51] <wt> hmmm....I didn't have much luck with the hardy 4.1 packages
[03:51] <smarty> haha, okay...
[03:51] <smarty> thanks
[03:52] <stdin> smarty: if you right-click on the desktop do you get a menu with "Add panel" ?
[03:52] <smarty> i cant right-click. thats the problem :(
[03:53] <stdin> does alt-f2 bring up the run dialog?
[03:53] <smarty> all i can access is whatever i had shut the computer down with (firefox and Konsol)
[03:53] <smarty> nope
[03:54] <stdin> try, in konsole, putting in "mv ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc.bak" then "kdeinit4_wrapper plasma"
[03:54] <smarty> ah, okay.. let me copy that down and give it a try
[03:57] <smarty> mv: missing destination file operand after `/home/aakash/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc.bak'
[03:57] <smarty> what did i do wrong :)
[03:57] <smarty> oh nvm
[03:58] <stdin> spaces are important ;)
[03:58] <smarty> stdin: do i just execute "kdeinit4_wrapper plasma" ?
[03:58] <smarty> (as a command)
[03:59] <stdin> yeah
[03:59] <stdin> it should run plasma in the way it "expects" to be run
[03:59] <smarty> let's give that a shot, be right back. (thanks for the help though)
[04:00] <asd_> olaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[04:00] <stdin> !es
[04:00] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[04:01] <ryans> Alright, time to see if flash 10 will freeze my system.
[04:04] <ryans> So far so good
=== aakash is now known as smarty
[04:04] <smarty> ok back, im right now running on 4.1
[04:04] <smarty> and did everything you said
[04:04] <smarty> but it seems that plasma keeps crashing
[04:05] <ryans> _2 are you still online?
[04:06] <stdin> smarek: try moving (or removing) ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc and try starting plasma again. sometimes the old config can conflict for some reason
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[04:08] <smarty> AH HA!!!!!!!!!
[04:08] <smarty> I LOVE YOU STDIN!
[04:09] <stdin> it's usually either plasmarc or plasma-appletsrc that make plasma crash
[04:09] <smarty> thank you soooo much
[04:09] <stdin> no problem :)
[04:12] <smarty> stdin: is it possible to manually shift around the widgets on a panel?
[04:13] <silverfida> hi all
[04:14] <stdin> smarty: if you click the little plasma icon on the right-most side of the panel you should be able to drag the widgets around
[04:14] <bittin> 7wi90
[04:14] <smarty> im an idiot. thank you once again
[04:14] <stdin> it's new in 4.1, so it's not surprising you didn't know about it
[04:15] <smarty> :)
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[04:15] <silverfida> may i ask how to install two folders that came out of a tar.gz
[04:16] <stdin> tar.gz is just a compressed archive (like .zip), how you install whatever's in it depends on what's in it
[04:16] <stdin> there's usually some "README" or "INSTALL" file with instructions
[04:17] <silverfida> no just two folders that are supposed to be drivers for WLAN
[04:18] <silverfida> one is module and the other is wpa_supplicant
[04:18] <silverfida> i've been trying for a few days now... im about to give it up.
[04:19] <stdin> I don't know, my wifi card just worked. have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs ?
[04:20] <silverfida> i tried reading them... they made no sense
[04:20] <silverfida> they confused me
[04:20] <smarty> generally, drivers for built in LAN cards are compatible with Windows
[04:21] <silverfida> one i got is a pci, its a d-link dwl-g510 ver c2
[04:22] <silverfida> ubuntu sees it, but it says its a ralink rev b2 or something
[04:26] <mr---t-> silverfida: this site has a link to drivers for i thttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDlink
[04:26] <mr---t-> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDlink
[04:26] <mr---t-> says it's hard to compile though
[04:29] <silverfida> thank you for the links.... and yes you bet its hard!! ive been trying for days now
[04:29] <mr---t-> with the driver listed in the link?
[04:31] <silverfida> i down loaded 4 drivers claiming to be for the card i got.
[04:31] <silverfida> the one in the link is broken
[04:31] <xjohnthomasx> Socceroos: WHAT DO I DO to check the logs?? i dont kno what im looking for
[04:36] <silverfida> how to insert the the 2 files that came out of the tar.gz?
[04:39] <silverfida> too bad there's no "up-date driver" like in windows.
[04:40] <Socceroos> xjohnthomasx: are you still around?
[04:43] <sorush4> Hi how do I add myself to sudo?
[04:43] <sorush4> I think I have an sudo file in my home directory should I delete that ?
[04:44] <stdin> sorush4: are you the only user on the system?
[04:51] <silverfida> yes i am the only one. do you think it wont work on 64bit system?
[04:52] <silverfida> sorry... i thought that was for me.
[04:54] <mr---t-> Jucato: did you try the experiment you gave me?
[05:07] <VanessaE> KDE has stopped automounting USB devices on my box, but I can mount manually (e.g. my external hard disk/enclosure). How do I fix this?
[05:07] <silverfida> thank all that helped.
[05:07] <silverfida> bye
[05:20] <GabrielVieira> There is any KDE black theme that don't put the default (usually white) background of a page a dark color?
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[05:21] <boozer> what conference?
[05:25] <boozer> what conference?
[05:25] <boozer> what conference?
[05:25] <boozer> what conference?
[05:25] <boozer> what conference?
[05:30] <silverfida> where's the device manager in ubuntu 8.04 ?
[05:30] <xjohnthomasx> Socceroos:
[05:30] <xjohnthomasx> you there?
[05:31] <xjohnthomasx> how am i supposed to figure out what is going wrong?
[05:36] <smarty> how do i install/apply a .skz widget?
[05:36] <smarty> (running 4.1
[05:37] <smarty> nevermind
[05:42] <administrator> hey all
[05:42] <administrator> for whatever reason, ndiswrapper will only find networks after i install the windows driver, and before i reboot
[05:43] <administrator> at which point, if i want it to successfully scan for networks, i need to uninstall the windows driver, reboot, and reinstall the windows driver
[05:47] <administrator> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/264340
[05:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 264340 in ndiswrapper "ndiswrapper: cant scan for networks after first reboot post-install" [Undecided,New]
[05:47] <administrator> http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3097289.0
[05:47] <administrator> i dont know why its still listed as new, its actually a few weeks old
[05:49] <kevin_> hello..............can anyone tell me how to find out if I have a "intel ethernet hardware supported by the e 1000 e driver (Intel GigE) I want to use teh live cd for intrepid ibex?
[05:49] <administrator> sudo lspci -v
[05:49] <administrator> kevin_: then just look for it
[05:50] <kevin_> thanks admin, I am loooking now
[05:50] <administrator> or try sudo lspci -vv |grep -i ethernet
[05:51] <chrisruls00> can someone point me to a guide about x11vnc?
[05:51] <administrator> google says http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45565
[05:52] <kevin_> Intel Corporation 82562V 10/100 Network Connection (rev 02) this looks like I am ok
[05:53] <kevin_> thanks for your hellp mr Admin.
[05:54] <pc_> ayuda kubuntu
[05:54] <pc_> 8..04
[05:54] <chrisruls00> I was hoping for a more general guide. What I want to do Is use ssh tunneling to start x11vnc the way I want. I can already do that but only if I logged in before I left my computer and if the user I log-into on ssh is the same user. I want to be able to sart x11vnc on a disblay that isn't up yet and to have the kdm log-in screen come up.
[05:55] <pc_> ayuda kubuntu 8.04
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[06:00] * onix test
[06:00] <onix> test
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[06:21] <smarty> im trying to switch my plasma theme, and i cannot seem to find the "name=default" portion to change in ~/.kde4/apps/config/plasmarc
[06:23] <ray__> ??
[06:24] <stdin> smarek: right click the desktop -> Desktop Settings
[06:25] <smarty> ahaha okay thanks yet again
[06:27] <boozer> what conference?
[06:27] <boozer> what conference?
[06:28] <ronnie_> has any found a big difference in switching from 8.04 to kde 4.1.1?, wondering if I should wait for 8.10 instead?
[06:29] <ronnie_> in performance i mean = ) read it's supposely 30% faster?
[06:32] <ronnie_> hello?...tap..tap..tap....is this thing on? hehe
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[07:09] <administrator> anyone else ever notice that ndiswrapper + xp module only finds networks till you reboot. afterwards i need to uninstall driver, reboot, reinstall driver, then i can scan for networks again... until i reboot
[07:09] <administrator> http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3097289.0 <--- i made a post about it
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[07:42] <||arifaX> Hi, I want to use a ppd file for my printer. OpenPrinting Database says I should use postscript with a ppd (I already got that ppd) how to configure that one right?
[07:46] <hellhound> can someone help me get a wifi setup? I have been following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766560 but not being able to connect to my access point
[07:48] <||arifaX> hellhound: i have hardy here and the wlan with the broadcom worked out of the box (after downloading the drivers via the restricted drivers) nearly all down automatically. maybe you should make sure, that this howto is not outdated?
[07:48] <hellhound> ok let me make sure i have that installed
[07:51] <latexink> hello all.. anyone wanna help an Ubuntu n00b with something simple?
[07:52] <sorush20> hi
[07:52] <sorush20> I will pay money for anyone who makes a printbill package
[07:52] <sorush20> for hardy
[07:55] <hellhound> ||arifaX: it is still not wireless info in knetworkmanager
[07:56] <||arifaX> hellhound: what computer? did you start wireless (maybe some key on your notebook or a switch?)
[07:58] <||arifaX> Can someone help me to install a printer and its ppd file on kubuntu?
[08:00] <hellhound> ||arifaX: it is a dv5000 under manual configuration it has dhcp check but shows the wrong ip
[08:03] <hellhound> ||arifaX: any suggestions?
[08:03] <shepherd> why is ubuntu so hard
[08:04] <||arifaX> hellhound: maybe you find a tutorial for your dv5000 mostly they describe also how they did the wireless!
[08:05] <||arifaX> hellhound: look here maybe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102
[08:08] <administrator> hey all
[08:09] <administrator> anyone know if krfb accepts connections from outside the lan aswell
[08:09] <administrator> ?
[08:10] <administrator> and can someone recommend a cheap wlan card, because ndiswrapper sucks. i want to use something native
[08:11] <||arifaX> how can I make kdesu forget the sudo password?
[08:12] <administrator> ||arifaX: i think rebooting should do it
[08:12] <administrator> doesnt it only remember for a minute or two
[08:12] <||arifaX> administrator: reboot is no solution, thats the workarround
[08:13] <administrator> ||arifaX: well you didnt say you wanted a solution over a workaround, you said "how can I make kdesu forget the sudo password"
[08:13] <administrator> thats one way to make it
[08:13] <administrator> otherwise i think it behaves like sudo, and automatically forgets after a while, right?
[08:13] <administrator> maybe im wrong there
[08:14] <||arifaX> administrator: found it: sudo -k
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[08:27] <happytiger> Is there a way i can share my desktop with 3 other pcs? krdc = allows only 1 person to view over its vnc connection I need 3 people to see what is on my screen
[08:37] <trigg3r> hey
[08:37] <hellhound> trigg3r: hello
[08:49] <eagles0513875> im tryign to change cd's for ut 2004 installation but for soem reason i cant open it from the button and 2ndly i cannot issue any commands to umount or eject cuz its in use how can i force a umount and eject so i can change cd's
[08:52] <eagles0513875> anyone alive in here
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[09:11] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 you still there?
[09:12] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: ya
[09:12] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 did you solve the problem?
[09:12] <eagles0513875> still having cd ejection issues
[09:12] <eagles0513875> but solved y my windows pc couldnt see my samba shares
[09:12] <eagles0513875> now i need to test to see if i can connect to my domain
[09:12] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 if it doesn't eject it might be because some other program is using the cd
[09:13] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 like, you have one folder open
[09:13] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: this is unreal tournament 2004 which im tyring to install
[09:13] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 wait, and you are using wine? linux? kde?
[09:14] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: unreal tournament 2004 has native linux version
[09:14] <eagles0513875> there is a .sh file which im using to install
[09:14] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 so maybe you are with the console in that folder on the cd
[09:15] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: would that cause the problem
[09:16] <eagles0513875> any dns buffs in here
[09:17] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 I am talking about your cdrom eject problem. I don't know about UT. So, the best way to find out is that you use lsof
[09:17] <theseinfeld> man lsof
[09:19] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: k
[09:19] <theseinfeld> like lsof /media/cdrom
[09:19] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: confirmed that me being in the cd drive when installing will cause my problem
[09:19] <theseinfeld> depends where you have it mounted
[09:19] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: u know much bout bind and dns
[09:20] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 yes, but this is a wrong channel for that discussion
[09:20] <eagles0513875> ur nick registered
[09:20] <theseinfeld> how about ubuntu-offtopic :D
[09:20] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: already there
[09:23] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: lol i know command line is my friend
[09:23] <eagles0513875> theseinfeld: u going ot hop into offtopic
[09:24] <theseinfeld> eagles0513875 yes
[09:24] <eagles0513875> lol how did u get the bot to whisper me lol bout command line
[09:25] <Tm_T> !bot > eagles0513875
[09:25] <ubottu> eagles0513875, please see my private message
[09:25] <eagles0513875> hey Tm_T
[09:27] <mindspin> Hi, I cannot access several websites (hardy). name resolution works, wireshark tells me that the webserver is resetting the connection (RST).
[09:28] <mindspin> it is always the same behaviour with firefox, konqueror, opera and even lynx
[09:28] <mindspin> wget does not work
[09:28] <mindspin> wget from the router (hardy) works fine
[09:29] <mindspin> the win machine in the lan can access those sites fine
[09:29] <darksmoke> yo
[09:29] <mindspin> so the issue is between my notebook and the webserver
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[09:30] <DarkSmoke> how do i mount a directory to another directory
[09:30] <DarkSmoke> is it possible?
[09:30] <DarkSmoke> :/
[09:30] <devsoul> what u want
[09:30] <devsoul> mount ?
[09:30] <DarkSmoke> yes
[09:30] <DarkSmoke> i want to mount a folder to another folder
[09:30] <DarkSmoke> is it posible or no?
[09:31] <favro> you can mount drives or partitions
[09:31] <devsoul> mount no
[09:31] <DarkSmoke> i know
[09:31] <favro> where's the folder?
[09:31] <devsoul> u maybe create link between
[09:31] <favro> is it a read/write issue?
[09:31] <DarkSmoke> i want to mount the My Music folder of windows xp to the /home/user/Music folder on kubuntu
[09:32] <DarkSmoke> windows xp is mounted in /media/Windows
[09:32] <favro> a soft link is how I'd do that
[09:32] <DarkSmoke> i don't know what soft link is ;p
[09:33] <eagles0513875> !symlink
[09:33] <ubottu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[09:33] <DarkSmoke> i know how to open a terminal
[09:33] <DarkSmoke> lol
[09:33] <DarkSmoke> ;p
[09:33] <favro> ln -s /media/windows/whereevermymusicis /home/you/music/windowsmusic as an example
[09:34] <DarkSmoke> ah nice
[09:34] <DarkSmoke> would i still have write permision?
[09:35] <favro> if you do in /media/windows you should
[09:35] <favro> afaik
[09:37] <Lokiase> Hello all, when i press "answer" in gmail, kubuntu goes back to the loginscreen of kubuntu...
[09:40] <devsoul> i have aa bug..
[09:40] <devsoul> cannot log out
[09:40] <devsoul> :S
[09:41] <ladaja> hello to all people, I have an issue with kubuntu intrepid alpha6 and I'w like to comment you to know if this has happend to anybody else
[09:41] <ladaja> the proble is that knetworkmanger doesn't connect to me to any wireless network
[09:42] <ladaja> it finds the networks, but when I click on the net line, the program does nothing
[09:43] <ladaja> it finds the networks, but when I click on the net line, the program does nothing''
[09:43] <ladaja> Does anybody know anything about that?
[09:46] <||arifaX> hi, ich brauch ganz fix nen ftp server nur für 10 minuten, irgendeine simple sache dafür im kubuntu/ubuntu/linux drin?
[09:47] <favro> !de
[09:47] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[09:47] <Kvasir> hello
[09:47] <eagles0513875> !hi | Kvasir
[09:47] <ubottu> Kvasir: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[09:47] <eagles0513875> !domain
[09:47] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about domain
[09:47] <||arifaX> hi, a quick and dirty ftp server is needed for 10 minutes what package should i use. setup should be simple best without any setup
[09:48] <favro> ladaja: there is #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 issues
[09:48] <Kvasir> i've seen that on kubuntu 7 there was a button on the side of the application bar that hides it on the side, how can i enable it on kubuntu 8?
[09:51] <faileas> Kvasir: right click somewhere, configure panel, hiding
[09:52] <Kvasir> thanks
[09:56] <DarkSmoke> how do i remove a simlink
[09:56] <DarkSmoke> with rm -rf?
[09:57] <Kvasir> faileas, thanks, it worked
[09:58] <Tm_T> DarkSmoke: just rm
[09:58] <DarkSmoke> man
[09:58] <devsoul> hi Tm_T
[09:58] <DarkSmoke> im trying to link My Documents/My Music to /home/me/Music
[09:58] <faileas> Kvasir: cool ;p
[09:59] <DarkSmoke> but the music is not showing in Music, But in a subfolder called My Music
[09:59] <Tm_T> hi devsoul
[09:59] <Tm_T> DarkSmoke: create link to /home/me called Music
[10:00] <devsoul> Tm_T, i use kde4.1... but i cant log out :S
[10:00] <Tm_T> devsoul: how so?
[10:00] <devsoul> just see black screen ...
[10:00] <DarkSmoke> how?
[10:00] <devsoul> and need reboot
[10:00] <Kvasir> faileas, i have a weird problem and i can't reach the last line of pixel on the bottom of the screen with the pointer, so i can't hide the bar on the bottom :\
[10:00] <arcastt> somebody czech
[10:00] <Tm_T> devsoul: ok, so see #kubuntu-kde4
[10:01] <faileas> Kvasir: can't help with that
[10:01] <devsoul> i go
[10:01] <Tm_T> devsoul: sorry I couldn't help more
[10:01] <Kvasir> hiding it on the side solves the problem though
[10:01] <devsoul> Tm_T, np
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[10:24] <raul> #list
[10:24] <favro> try /list
[10:36] <eagles0513875> how do i get started helping pkg stuff that needs to be pkged
[10:42] <favro> !motu
[10:42] <ubottu> motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
[10:44] <eagles0513875> favro: ty
[10:44] <favro> np
[10:44] <eagles0513875> whats the irc channel
[10:45] <favro> I wouldn't know - it's maybe on the site...
[10:48] <eagles0513875> favro: u a member of that channel
[10:49] <favro> eagles0513875: not even close :)
[10:49] <eagles0513875> damn cuz i got my backside banned from that channel :(
[10:49] <favro> I'm too lazy
[10:49] <favro> how?
[10:49] <eagles0513875> i just built a beastly machine and would like to help pkg stuff
[10:49] <eagles0513875> favro: was about 2 yrs back forgot exactly what i did though
[10:50] <favro> eagles0513875: give it a day and try again maybe
[10:51] <eagles0513875> favro: its a perm ban but i would like to try get it removed im in dev channel but nobody is responding
=== Roy_Muzz is now known as Roy_M
[10:51] <Jake_> how do you install kubuntu, I downloaded the ISO but then what?
[10:51] <favro> eagles0513875: iirc there is #ubuntu-ops to plead your case
[10:51] <eagles0513875> ok thanks
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[11:15] <eagles0513875> favro: i got it just got to wait a while
[11:16] <favro> eagles0513875: happy for you
[11:16] <eagles0513875> lol ya i have to wait till admin of that particular chanel can resolve my issue#
[11:16] <eagles0513875> nobody is on now
[11:17] <favro> I just joined there and got asked straight away if I needed help :)
[11:19] <eagles0513875> favro: wasnt like that when i got in
[11:19] <favro> took about a second for me...
[11:19] <eagles0513875> favro: i just installed unreal tournament 2k4 using the native linux installation on the cd but for some reason when i come ot play it starts loading then quits any idea
[11:19] <sixtyby3> Hello all, I am attempting to install kubuntu 8.04 on another machine which is directly hooked up to a cable modem, I get the message "could not parse the XML output from the network configuration backend" when attempting to connect to the Internet, looked it up on kubuntu forums, no solution yet.
[11:20] <favro> eagles0513875: never used it here - any errors when run from terminal?
[11:21] <eagles0513875> favro: do i check in dmesg or in /var/log
[11:23] <favro> eagles0513875: I wouldn't know for sure - there may be a log in /var/log for it - dmesg won't show that afaik
[11:24] <eagles0513875> ill have to deal with it later got tons of reading to do for one of my lectures
[11:24] <favro> eagles0513875: it could be a missing lib or dep - I'd run it from konsole
[11:24] <eagles0513875> actually trying to run it it says its missing a lib
[11:25] <eagles0513875> : error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[11:25] <eagles0513875> favro: im going ot grab lunch ill brb
[11:25] <favro> !find libstdc++.so.5
[11:25] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[11:26] <eagles0513875> favro: just did a locate and its there
[11:26] <eagles0513875> ill be back i need food
[11:26] <favro> might be in the wrong spot for that app
[11:26] <favro> k
[11:26] <stdin> just install the libstdc++5 package, easy
[11:27] <eagles0513875> stdin: what input do u take lol
[11:27] <stdin> non pseudo-sarcastic input only
[11:27] <eagles0513875> stdin: thanks that what i need that lib pkg
[11:27] <eagles0513875> its working now
[11:28] <kho_zhi> yo guys
[11:28] <kho_zhi> how to read .chm file in ubuntu?
[11:29] <favro> I use xchm for that
[11:29] <stdin> I'd rather use kchmviewer myself
[11:29] <favro> !info xchm
[11:29] <ubottu> xchm (source: xchm): Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.13-6 (hardy), package size 164 kB, installed size 752 kB
[11:29] <bazhang> kchmviewer
[11:30] <bazhang> oops
[11:33] <kho_zhi> bazhang, how to install?
[11:33] <kho_zhi> sudo apt-get install kchmviewer?
[11:33] <bazhang> sudo apt-get install kchmviewer
[11:34] <bazhang> yup :)
[11:34] <kho_zhi> bazhang i got install kubuntu but now running gnome, does it matter?
[11:35] <bazhang> kho_zhi, you have both? there is a gnome version as well
[11:35] <stdin> kho_zhi: you can use kchmviewer-nokde for a pure Qt version, fewer dependencies
[11:35] <kho_zhi> oh... i typed sudo apt-get install kchmviewer but failed ooo
[11:35] <bazhang> gnochm
[11:35] <kho_zhi> ok...
[11:36] <kho_zhi> oso falied bazhang...
[11:36] <kho_zhi> failed
[11:36] <bazhang> kho_zhi, do you have the proper repos enabled; what error did you get
[11:36] <favro> you need the universe repo
[11:37] <favro> !universe
[11:37] <ubottu> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[11:37] <kho_zhi> oh... change the server?
[11:38] <kho_zhi> wow... u-bot-tu?
[11:44] <happytiger> Is there a way i can share my desktop with 3 other pcs? krdc = allows only 1 person to view over its connection I need 3 people to see what is on my screen
[11:53] <favro> happytiger: this might help - http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/kubuntu/enable-remote-desktop-vnc-on-kubuntu/
[11:54] <happytiger> favro: thx man
[11:54] <favro> np
=== hubatka is now known as hyper__ch
[11:56] <happytiger> favro: this one gives me a new screen for each new user I want 3 other to see my current xsession not get theri own new with login
[11:57] <favro> happytiger: I just did a google search - I don't use it here sorry
[11:58] <happytiger> :-)
[11:58] <happytiger> thx anyway
[12:08] <administrator_> HI
[12:09] <administrator_> i have a question
[12:09] <administrator_> anyone here
[12:09] <administrator_> ?
[12:09] <favro> sure
[12:09] <administrator_> Tks
[12:10] <administrator_> Am about to remove ubuntu8.04 from my dual boot sustem
[12:10] <administrator_> any option to take backup
[12:10] <favro> !backup
[12:10] <ubottu> There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning
[12:10] <administrator_> and then reinstall all those whenever i install ubuntu8.04 afresh
[12:12] <favro> I would dd to a dvd personally so all packages and settings are retained
[12:13] <administrator_> ok
[12:13] <administrator_> how do i do that
[12:14] <administrator_> ya i got the commands
[12:15] <administrator_> d u hav any sites for reinstating from that particular dvd or cd
[12:15] <administrator_> favro
[12:21] <favro> administrador__: you need two drives and the live cd
[12:21] <favro> that's how I do it
[12:30] <kgx> i need to make my cron script execute something in xwindow. is it possible?
[12:31] <favro> I have a cronjob to open kwrite showing a message to tell the kids to goto bed - something like that?
[12:32] <kgx> favro: yes
[12:32] <favro> set it to open kwrite or similar
[12:33] <kgx> what do you? just call "kate"?
[12:33] <favro> it's been ages since i set that up - it gets ignored now :)
[12:34] <favro> I'll fire up their comp and check it
[12:36] <kgx> thanks
[12:40] <favro> kgx: I made a file with the message and as the command I have kwrite /path/to/file
[12:43] <kgx> favro: thanks..
[12:43] <favro> np
[12:50] <||arifaX> I have mounted my external usb disk with udev rules and fstab to a fixed mountpoint (http://pastebin.com/m60257607) but I cannot access it as normal user. any ideas?
[12:51] <favro> what options do you mount it with?
[12:52] <||arifaX> favro: its in pastebin
[12:53] <favro> do you own the mount point?
[12:53] <||arifaX> favro: not but is that necessary?
[12:55] <||arifaX> favro: its root:root
[12:55] <favro> ||arifaX: I might have your issue wrong - can you browse to the disk?
[12:55] <||arifaX> favro: yes
[12:55] <favro> or is it a write issue?
[12:55] <||arifaX> favro: write issue
[12:55] <||arifaX> but I think fstab is correct
[12:55] <kho_zhi> hey guys ever heard of vidalia or the onion router (Tor)?
[12:57] <favro> you need to own the mount point - sudo chown -Rv you:you /media/pmurr_ltv_usb_hdd
[12:57] <favro> !tor
[12:57] <ubottu> tor is Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR, or java clients due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloak
[12:57] <kho_zhi> i got issue for it....
[12:58] <||arifaX> favro: will be back, have a business meeting. see ya
[12:58] <kho_zhi> i installed that vidalia through repo but once run , it hangs
[12:58] <favro> k
[13:01] <thsonle> i have a problem with sound
[13:01] <thsonle> anyone can help me?
[13:01] <thsonle> please
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[13:03] <thsonle> i use a asus laptop. and when i install kubuntu, no suond, everyone, please help
[13:04] <tekteen> !sound
[13:04] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[13:04] <tekteen> thsonle, I do not know much about sound. I hope that helps
[13:05] <thsonle> thanks alot
[13:05] <thsonle> but no hope then
[13:05] <thsonle> i try it all
[13:05] <thsonle> but no use at all
[13:06] <tekteen> what type of card is it?
[13:06] <thsonle> intel card
[13:06] <tekteen> type aplay -l and tell me what the output is
[13:08] <tekteen> thsonle, can you open a konsole and type lspci | grep -i audio
[13:08] <thsonle> intel [hda intel], device 0: alc662 analog [alc662 analog]
[13:08] <thsonle> card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC662 Analog [ALC662 Analog]
[13:09] <thsonle> that's the output when i type aplay -l
[13:10] <thsonle> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 04)
[13:10] <tekteen> ok
[13:10] <thsonle> i think the problem is ICH*
[13:10] <thsonle> ICH8
[13:10] <thsonle> because alsa support to ICH7
[13:10] <thsonle> but i'm not sure
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[13:11] <tekteen> alsa says it supports ICH8
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[13:11] <tekteen> I am looking at a debian person who posted having problems
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[13:13] <tekteen> thsonle
[13:13] <thsonle> yes
[13:13] <tekteen> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122560
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[13:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 122560 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "no sound with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller" [Medium,Fix released]
[13:14] <etfb> I thought I'd play around with KDevelop, see what I thought of it. It seems the default apt-get package is incomplete, as often happens with Ubuntu (try loading the RoseGarden music editor for example - it doesn't include any kind of dependencies on the stuff you need to play music!!!) so I'm wondering: is there a simple KDevelop+KDE3+Kubuntu 8.04 FAQ I can read that will get me working?
[13:14] <Pici> etfb: Whats wrong with the kdevelop package?
[13:15] <GB_Fox> hie there! does anyone know what I can do in order to reinstall my video drivers on Hardy_Heron?
[13:15] <etfb> Pici: Using Add/Remove Programs to install KDevelop doesn't install X libraries or documentation, among other things.
[13:16] <tekteen> GB_Fox, the first think I need to ask is why you want to do this
[13:16] <tekteen> thing*
[13:18] <Pici> etfb: I'm not sure I understand. How is it supposed to know what libraries you want to code with? Its not going to install every -dev package that exists.
[13:18] <tekteen> thsonle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122560/comments/95
[13:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 122560 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "no sound with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller" [Medium,Fix released]
[13:18] <GB_Fox> Tekteen: i just upgraded to Ultimate Edition (gamers). And it asked me to reinstall my video drivers as after finishing the installation process. I'm not quite sure how to do it.
[13:18] <Pici> GB_Fox: We do not support the Ultimate Edition here.
[13:19] <etfb> Pici: Come on - the X libraries? What else am I going to use? And documentation is a no-brainer: you use an IDE, you need the doco. The package maintainers are just being lazy.
[13:19] <tekteen> GB_Fox: I am sorry but I can not help with that. I do not know what they mean either
[13:20] <GB_Fox> Tekteen, this problem also occured to my Kubuntu, still after the upgrade to KDE4!
[13:20] <tekteen> what problem?
[13:21] <GB_Fox> it asked me to reinstall the Video drivers after upgrading.
[13:22] <tekteen> I do not know! this is the ultimate gamers edition
[13:22] <tekteen> consult them
[13:22] <Pici> !ultimate
[13:22] <ubottu> The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate
[13:22] <tekteen> they must have forums and other chat
[13:23] <Pici> etfb: kdevelop-doc is a recommends of kdevelop. Depending on what package manager you use, this may not have also been installed. What X lib package are you expecting to see with the install?
[13:23] <GB_Fox> Thanx mate, see ya!
[13:24] <tekteen> thsonle: are you still here
[13:24] <thsonle> yea
[13:24] <thsonle> yeah
[13:24] <tekteen> what type of ASUS?
[13:24] <thsonle> f 80l
[13:24] <thsonle> a laptop
[13:25] <tekteen> check the bottom of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122560. Alot of people have answers
[13:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 122560 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "no sound with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller" [Medium,Fix released]
[13:25] <thsonle> i see
[13:25] <tekteen> I do not know what it needs to be set to to work
[13:26] <thsonle> i'm too
[13:26] <tekteen> but they say you need to set options snd-hda-intel model=
[13:26] <tekteen> lol
[13:26] <Nt_nT> hey, im having some trouble with java. Its installed, but doesnt work? any advice??
[13:26] <thsonle> but thanks for help anyway
[13:26] <tekteen> doesnt work how
[13:26] <favro> !java
[13:26] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper
[13:27] <Nt_nT> when i enter a page that needs java. The java applet is just grey
[13:27] <etfb> Pici: Looks like #kdevelop is the place to ask. Weird, since it doesn't appear in the channel list, but I don't know enough about IRC to guess if that's a bug or a feature. Thanks anyhow.
[13:27] <tekteen> Nt_nT: which browser?
[13:27] <Nt_nT> firefox, but its the same in konquer
[13:28] <tekteen> Nt_nT, do you have ubufox
[13:28] <tekteen> it makes life easier
[13:28] <Nt_nT> i think so....
[13:28] <Nt_nT> its installed via the ubuntu system
[13:28] <tekteen> ok
[13:29] <tekteen> just to be sure
[13:29] <tekteen> open a konsol
[13:29] <eagles0513875> hey room
[13:29] <tekteen> and type sudo apt-get install ubufox
[13:29] <eagles0513875> !ubufox
[13:29] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ubufox
[13:29] <eagles0513875> tekteen: dont u mean firefox
[13:29] <tekteen> no
[13:29] <Pici> !info ubufox
[13:29] <ubottu> ubufox (source: ubufox): Ubuntu Firefox specific configuration defaults and apt support. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 39 kB, installed size 220 kB
[13:29] <Nt_nT> yeah ive got it
[13:30] <tekteen> ok
[13:30] <tekteen> and how did you install java?
[13:30] <||arifaX> favro: I am back
[13:30] <Nt_nT> via the repository
[13:31] <Nt_nT> i tried to install an alternative java runner too
[13:31] <favro> ||arifaX: how's it going?
[13:31] <tekteen> Nt_nT, try to install sun-java-plugin
[13:31] <tekteen> Nt_nT, try to install sun-java6-plugin
[13:32] <Nt_nT> ok
[13:32] <Nt_nT> brb
[13:33] <pena> Hola a todos! ayer me entró un virus a mi particion de windows, y no consigo entrar al /media/sda1 para rescatar mis archivos... En kubuntu no me aparece nada
[13:33] <Nt_nT> it is installed
[13:33] <Nt_nT> :/
[13:33] <eagles0513875> !motu
[13:33] <ubottu> motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
[13:33] <tekteen> Nt_nT: this is hardy?
[13:33] <||arifaX> favro: big question is, how do I get this external usb drive mounted the way ubuntu does it usually but using udev and accessible for my account.
[13:34] <Nt_nT> wait, the browser plugin isnt installed, and i cant install it cause its "grey"
[13:34] <Nt_nT> yes
[13:34] <Nt_nT> well its 8.04 LTS. . . hardy right?
[13:34] <tekteen> yeah
[13:34] <tekteen> !java
[13:34] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper
[13:35] <tekteen> read that
[13:35] <tekteen> it may help
[13:35] <||arifaX> favro: got /dev/something -> sdb1 - got fstab entry with access for user - have root:root /media/something but cannot write to mounted drive. so should the mounting folder /media/something not being created by udev on plug-in and work like a charm usually!?
[13:35] <Nt_nT> ok
[13:36] <pena> Hello everybody! Yesterday I entered a virus on my Windows partition, and I can not go to / media/sda1 to rescue my files ... In ubuntu I do not see anything
[13:36] <eagles0513875> !motu
[13:36] <ubottu> motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
[13:37] <tekteen> pena, open up konqueror and go to media:/
[13:37] <favro> ||arifaX: if root owns it and your not root(don't mean to be impolite there) you won't be able to write to it
[13:38] <tekteen> pena, can you mount it through konqueror?
[13:38] <||arifaX> favro: understand so if I remove /media/something how can i make udev creating it as it does usually for a usb-stick and works out of the box
[13:38] <||arifaX> favro: and removes it after unmounting
[13:38] <pena> tekteen, yes
[13:38] <pena> but i dont see my files
[13:39] <favro> ||arifaX: I chown the mount point
[13:39] <tekteen> odd
[13:39] <tekteen> pena, go back to media:/
[13:39] <pena> i read in a dolphin "Loading Directory"... but no change
[13:39] <pena> yes
[13:39] <tekteen> is the icon of the hard drive green?
[13:39] <pena> no
[13:40] <tekteen> I mean has the green tab
[13:40] <pena> only the particion of kubuntu
[13:40] <tekteen> like some of the others might
[13:40] <tekteen> ok
[13:40] <tekteen> that means it is still not mounted
[13:40] <||arifaX> favro: i chowned it. after mounting its root:root again
[13:41] <tekteen> pena, do you want to try to mount it the command line way?
[13:41] <tekteen> it may be difficult
[13:41] <pena> no...
[13:41] <tekteen> then I can not help you
[13:41] <pena> problem is that Windows has a virus
[13:42] <tekteen> the problem from my perspective is "I need to load a windows partition and get my stuff"
[13:42] <pena>
[13:42] <pena> and not let me access the Windows partition from ubuntu by this virus
[13:42] <tekteen> the virus is not stopping it
[13:42] <pena> exactly!
[13:43] <tekteen> ?
[13:43] <favro> ||arifaX: what options did you use for chown?
[13:43] <pena> this virus dont stop
[13:43] <||arifaX> favro: chown:chown /media/something (when it was unmounted)
[13:43] <tekteen> yes it do
[13:44] <||arifaX> favro: chown me:me /media/something
[13:44] <tekteen> when you boot linux virus stops :-)
[13:44] <favro> ||arifaX: you are mounting to a directory - you need chown -Rv
[13:44] <eagles0513875> favro: :) i got good new btw
[13:44] <pena> well... the virus stop, but i dont see my files
[13:44] <||arifaX> favro: ahhh lets see
[13:44] <favro> eagles0513875: they let you back in/
[13:44] <favro> *?
[13:45] <tekteen> pena, listen to me. Linux is having trouble mounting the partition
[13:45] <tekteen> we can do it manually with the command line
[13:45] <pena> yes
[13:45] <eagles0513875> favro: ya but cant say anythign in there
[13:45] <tekteen> but other then that, there is nothing you can do
[13:45] <pena> how is the line?
[13:46] <favro> eagles0513875: well that's kinda good :)
[13:46] <tekteen> first do you know what pastebin is?
[13:46] <eagles0513875> favro: its a start
[13:46] <eagles0513875> !pastebin
[13:46] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[13:46] <pena> nou
[13:46] <tekteen> nou?
[13:46] <pena> no
[13:46] <tekteen> well look up
[13:46] <tekteen> ubottu is smart
[13:46] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about is smart
[13:46] <favro> eagles0513875: what you did a couple of years ago must of been impressive!
[13:46] <||arifaX> favro: after mounting its root:root (sudo mount /dev/something)
[13:47] <eagles0513875> favro: its OT
[13:47] <eagles0513875> lol tekteen
[13:47] <favro> ||arifaX: try the chown with it mounted
[13:47] <favro> eagles0513875: don't tell me I might try it :)
[13:48] <eagles0513875> favro: its an offtopic subject not appropriate for this channel
[13:48] <tekteen> pena, open a konsole and type sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
[13:49] <tekteen> if you do not get an error pastebin the output
[13:50] <pena> ok
[13:50] <tekteen> pena, if you get an error
[13:50] <tekteen> try sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda
[13:51] <pena> http://paste.ubuntu.com/52834/
[13:52] <tekteen> yay, I love decoding languages
[13:52] <tekteen> ;-)
[13:52] <stdin> LANG=C ftw
[13:53] <pena> :)
[13:53] <pena> how is the problem?
[13:53] <tekteen> pena, that was so I could see the layout of your hard drive
[13:54] <tekteen> pena, in the konsole type sudo mkdir /mnt/windows
[13:54] <tekteen> pena, in the konsole type sudo mkdir /mnt/windows
[13:54] <tekteen> it will not have any output
[13:54] <tekteen> do not worry if "nothing happens"
[13:55] <pena> yes
[13:55] <tekteen> next
[13:55] <pena> ahhh yes :)
[13:55] <tekteen> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
[13:56] <ubuntu_> hey
[13:56] <tekteen> pena, this may give an error, I just do not know what error
[13:56] <pena> http://paste.ubuntu.com/52837/
[13:57] <tekteen> pena
[13:57] <tekteen> restart linux
[13:57] <pena> yes
[13:57] <pena> dont enter windows
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[13:57] <rami> asd
[13:57] <rami> rami
[13:57] <pena> this is a problem
[13:57] <eagles0513875> thats something you dont hear every day
[13:57] <tekteen> pena, do not enter windows
[13:57] <tekteen> what is the problem
[13:58] <pena> yes!!! solucioned the problem
[13:58] <tekteen> how?
[13:59] <pena> mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows -o force
[13:59] <tekteen> ...
[13:59] <pena> well... is a solution
[13:59] <tekteen> I wanted to see if you did not need to force it
[13:59] <tekteen> that was what the reboot was for ...
[13:59] <tekteen> whatever
[14:00] <tekteen> pena, good luck getting rid of the virus
[14:02] <tekteen> pena: one more thing, do NOT change anything on the windows partition. You may copy but not modify or add. If you do I am not sure what would happen since you "forced it"
[14:03] <pena> okey
[14:03] <||arifaX> favro: works now. only thing thats annoying now is, that it still asks for mounting it on plugging in. (via the gui) but access ok now
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[14:05] <pena>
[14:05] <pena> What would change if the problem sda1?
[14:05] <favro> ||arifaX: fstab is only used at boot afaik - so if you plug it in after you will need to mount it - glad we at least got part of the way there :)
[14:06] <eagles0513875> !motu
[14:06] <ubottu> motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
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[14:09] <||arifaX> favro: thanks for all
[14:10] <nill_> hi,everyone.
[14:10] <favro> ||arifaX: glad to give what little help I could :)
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[14:46] <genii> Pretty quiet in here
[14:46] <favro> lots of folks coming and going tho...
[14:47] <genii> Yup
[14:47] * genii puts on a new pot of coffee
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[15:06] <nnull> is kde lighter than gnome?
[15:08] <Pici> nnull: Not really.
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[15:12] <Glady> mythkubuntu
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[15:18] <user7> a question please
[15:19] <user7> how can a check if all the hardware is well adjourned?
[15:19] <user7> if it runs with the right driver and if it have problem
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=== HotGirl4U is now known as hateball
[15:20] <user7> or if ti goes in conflict ???
[15:20] <Glady> you test it
[15:21] <abby87> hello , i am using kubuntu .. i wanna how do i configure my ntfs drives to automatically mount at bootup ..any fstab configs??
[15:22] <abby87> in dolhpin one has to click on ntfs drives to mount the devices at bootup but i want to get away of tht option and mount them directly at bootup
[15:22] <user7> Glady: how can i test all the configuration?
[15:23] <user7> e.g. in this moment i have just installed kubuntu on this PC...
[15:24] <user7> ... there's a way to define what kind of problem have this PC
[15:24] <user7> If it have....
[15:24] <Glady> how
[15:25] <Glady> what is adjourned?
[15:25] <user7> also ...
[15:25] <user7> with the right driver
[15:28] <Glady> funny
[15:28] <nnull> guys im confused with all this gnome kde xfce stuff, im currently in xfce and using "Load Gnome support on startup" -- the only 2 programs i use on this (very low end) PC are firefox and xfce-terminal, but i am interested in a couple of KDE apps that i would like to run, am i going to have problems running firefox etc if i enable KDE support on startup?
[15:30] <ninjafury> hi, when I start KDE4 on Intrepid, my keyboard and mouse freeze after 3 seconds but the system is still running in the background. I've checked xorg log, and couldn't really find anything. Any ideas?
[15:33] <user7> thank you glade
[15:33] <Glady> yw
[15:34] <user7> how can a check if all the hardware is well adjourned? if it runs with the right driver and if it have problem or if ti goes in conflict ???
[15:34] <user7> How can i run a general check
[15:34] <user7> ???
[15:34] <Glady> I dunno
[15:34] <Glady> make it run
[15:34] <Glady> you'll see if u have errors
[15:35] <user7> ok... but in this moment for example my video seems to be slow....
[15:35] <user7> I don't know if is that the driver is wrong
[15:36] <Glady> is it a new video?
[15:36] <user7> or if is the PC that have more then 25 year
[15:36] <user7> s
[15:36] <Glady> lol
=== sergiu is now known as root
[15:36] <user7> yes is a 343mhz
[15:36] <user7> with 512MB ram
[15:37] <user7> and 4.3gb
=== root is now known as sergiu1
[15:37] <user7> ok
[15:37] <user7> now how can i check integrated video card
[15:37] <user7> ???
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[15:39] <hoonteke> so I'z messing around with intrepid beta right now in a vmware instance. Man, I'm rather impressed with how zippy it feels, even inside of the VM!
[15:39] <Glady> do you have Devices Manager?
[15:39] <hoonteke> is there an expose function, to go along with the plasma paradigm?
=== olivier is now known as ubuntoil
[15:40] <NikLP> no version of k available with LAMP tacked on...?
[15:43] <spooky> hi to all
[15:43] <spooky> Need some help
[15:43] <spooky> Can anyone help me ?
[15:43] <NikLP> ask the Q dude.
[15:43] <NikLP> not me, mind you, I know NOTHING.
[15:44] <spooky> I have a slack machine runninig samba .
[15:44] <Glady> a slack machine?
[15:44] <spooky> I have a laptop and I want to mount the samba share permanently in a folder
[15:44] <spooky> How can I manage it ?
[15:44] <trappist> spooky: make an entry in /etc/fstab
[15:45] <spooky> What kind of entry ?
[15:45] <spooky> I have done the next
[15:45] <spooky> my laptop is kubuntu
[15:45] <trappist> something like: //slackbox/share /mount/point smbfs auto,rw,user 0 0
[15:45] <spooky> / /NAS smbfs credentials=/home/spooky/.smbpasswd,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
[15:46] <trappist> that's even better, except I think you need two /'s at the beginning there
[15:46] <spooky> When I do this an icon appears on my desktop but when I clik on it I get permission denied
[15:47] <spooky> yes there are 2 // at the beggining
[15:47] <trappist> are you sure the credentials are good, and you've done the smbpasswd thing on the slackware box?
[15:47] <spooky> smbpasswd is on my laptop
[15:48] <spooky> not on the slack machi e
[15:48] <tintin_> hello all
[15:48] <trappist> you need to manage user permissions on the server side
[15:48] <spooky> in my smbpassed file I have root access
[15:49] <spooky> getting in slack machine using samba with root previlages
[15:49] <trappist> I'm not sure we're on the same page here. on the machine exposing the samba share, the share needs to be accessible to a samba user that matches what's in your credentials file.
[15:49] <tintin_> how can i remove ONLY the desktop previsualizator*?
[15:49] <tintin_> in task bar
[15:50] <trappist> spooky: oh, also, I think you need 'user' in your options in your fstab line, to mount it as a mortal user, if it's not already mounted
[15:50] <spooky> in my credential file the user i use is the root user
[15:51] <spooky> I have setup samba only in root user
[15:53] <spooky> I tried this // /NAS smbfs credentials=/home/spooky/.smbpasswd,user=root,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
[15:53] <trappist> spooky: apart from being a bad idea, slackware (or samba) might have a feature preventing you from doing that. you should do it as a mortal user.
[15:53] <trappist> not user=username, just user, to allow regular users to do the mount
[15:55] <spooky> Now I didn't get a permission error but there are no fiels
[15:55] <spooky> files
[15:55] <spooky> an empty folder
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[15:56] <no1peacedragon> Anyone able to help with synaptic package manager errors?
[15:59] <favro> no1peacedragon: maybe
[15:59] <favro> don't know the error
[16:00] <no1peacedragon> here is what I get after reload for updates it runs the downloading then W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783
[16:01] <no1peacedragon> it worked fine last time now it like broken
[16:01] <favro> you can ignore that error and still install afaik - there may be an official way to correct it but I don't know it/worry about it
[16:02] <favro> maybe bazhang will know?
[16:02] <no1peacedragon> k thanks just was confused as to why it happens and if it meant anything important
[16:04] <genii> no1peacedragon: Means it doesn't know if it should trust medibuntu or not to install packages from
[16:04] <s0101> how can i format a usb stick i have ubuntu installed on it and i want to remove it and use it for other purpose
[16:04] <favro> thnx genii
[16:04] <s0101> i dont have the permisson
[16:04] <genii> no1peacedragon: You might want to try: sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring
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[16:05] <no1peacedragon> genii: thank you
[16:05] <s0101> i have ubuntu on my laptop so i wont need it on a usb stick
[16:06] <no1peacedragon> and thank you favro
[16:06] <favro> np
[16:07] <favro> s0101: are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?
[16:07] <s0101> ubuntu 8,04 on a 4 gb usb stick
[16:08] <ubuntoil> !pastebin
[16:08] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[16:08] <s0101> and i also use ubuntu 8,04 on my laptop
[16:08] <s0101> i want to remove it from my usb drive but i dont have the permission to do so
[16:09] <favro> s0101: well ubuntu questions belong in #ubuntu this is for kubuntu issues :)
[16:09] <s0101> thanks
[16:09] <favro> s0101: np
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[16:28] <luciano> hi all
[16:29] <luciano> ciao italianik?
[16:29] <favro> !hi
[16:29] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[16:29] <favro> !it
[16:29] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[16:46] <Zeebo> register Zeebo
[16:46] <_2> /msg
[16:46] <Zeebo> thx
[16:47] <_2> !register | Zeebo i should have said
[16:47] <ubottu> Zeebo i should have said: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
[16:56] <hailkomputer> Hi to all, Ktorrent is constantly unable to download anything, it says invalid data from tracker whatever I try to download. Does anyone know the reason?
[16:56] <favro> a bad torrent is my first thought
[16:57] <hailkomputer> but is gives this error on every torrent
[16:57] <_2> upstream filter ?
[16:58] <favro> for torrents you need to port forward in your router - that is the main error folks encounter
[16:59] <_2> isp's filtering out torrents too...
[16:59] <hailkomputer> my isp does not but can you tell me how can I check the port that you mentioned?
[16:59] <favro> 6890 to 6990 is it that they ban?
[17:00] <hailkomputer> my current port is 6881
[17:00] <favro> my isp is ignorant and lazy - I am truly blessed
[17:00] <_2> well he's right "TurkTelekom" doesn't seem to filter it.
[17:01] <favro> try using port 21100 - make sure it is forwarded in your router
[17:03] <hailkomputer> nope, no change. Can it be related to tracker port 4444?
[17:06] <dhq> wats the default kernel kubuntu 8.04 comes with on the live cd
[17:12] <hailkomputer> Well, I have searched the web about this problem and only solution people can tell is change the torrent client. I seems like ktorrent has a tendency to cause problems like this.
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[17:16] <ninjafury> hi, which file do I have to edit so the X starts with 92dpi automatically? I have to do this manually using startx -- -dpi 92.
[17:17] <favro> hailkomputer: I use rtorrent and have never used ktorrent - if it keeps giving errors and google shows alot of folk have issues with it it might be worth a change
[17:17] <genii> ninjafury: You can put local startup scripts in the file /etc/rc.local
[17:18] <JuJuBee> Has anybody had any luck with the Linksys WUSB600N adapter with kubuntu? I see the WUSB54GC and GP, but not the 600N
[17:18] <ninjafury> genii: thanks, I'm new to this, what would I have to put in there to get it to fore dpi to 92?
[17:20] <eagles0513875> !7z
[17:20] <ubottu> Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression
[17:20] <eagles0513875> im having trouble extracting this file
[17:20] <genii> ninjafury: You can also pass arguments to X in the .xinitrc file of the users home directory
[17:20] <Pici> eagles0513875: You need to have p7zip-full installed for ark to be able to decompress that.
[17:21] <eagles0513875> Pici: ty
[17:21] <ninjafury> genii: I have the .xinitrc file open, what should I put in to pass the -dpi 92 option to startx?
[17:24] <ninjafury> genii: should I just use 'startx -- -dpi 92' in the xinitrc?
[17:24] <genii> ninjafury: xrandr --dpi 92 in there
[17:25] <genii> ninjafury: You don't need the startx because this is already being called when .xinitrc is being parsed, etc
[17:25] <amerigo> hello everybody
[17:26] <amerigo> I need to install driver for my Access Media Fast Rate100 USB Modem
[17:26] <amerigo> for kubuntu
[17:26] <DrX> PLEASE write your senators (google write senate) and demand that they reject the sham $700B taxpayer-funded Wall Street bailout! It's a bad deal for all but the 1% of wealthiest Americans and the politicians and the justifications are simply lies.
[17:26] <amerigo> some tips?
[17:27] <ninjafury> genii: if I put it in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, will it do the same thing as if I put it in my user folder? I want it to do this for all users
[17:28] <genii> ninjafury: If in that config file, will be global, yes
[17:29] <genii> Apologies on lag, work is requiring me on and off a few minutes at a time
[17:30] <ninjafury> genii: no worries, really appreciate this.
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[17:32] <ninjafury> genii: edited global xinitrc to include xrandr -dpi 92, but X still starts at dpi 96 (default). Any other ways?
[17:33] <genii> ninjafury: Two
[17:33] <genii> ninjafury: Two "-" eg: --dpi #
[17:33] <ninjafury> genii: oh, my mistake
[17:35] <amerigo> hello everybody I need to install driver for my Access Media Fast Rate100 USB Modem for kubuntu. Anybody have an help for me?
[17:35] <ninjafury> genii: sorry I did have it as --dpi 92, but its not working.
[17:36] <Tm_T> that reminds me, have to find a way to use 285 dpi usefully
[17:38] <genii> ninjafury: Lemme look into it, a few minutes please
[17:38] <ninjafury> genii: thanks
[17:44] <genii> ninjafury: I think in this case best might be to append the line in /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc which loads X to include the dpi directive you were forcing earlier
[17:45] <ninjafury> genii: so throw in xrandr --dpi 92 in there?
[17:45] <rrththe> hi - i have a knackered disk, and i'm getting "SRST failed" in the dmesg, any ideas? - trying to recover some data from it
[17:46] <genii> ninjafury: No xrandr in there. eg: If was: exec /usr/bin/X11/X -nolisten tcp then just append -dpi 92 to end. Since "startx" is same as "/usr/bin/X11/X"
[17:47] <afeijo> !compiz
[17:47] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[17:47] <afeijo> I have it, I enabled several features, but its not working... any site where I can find moure about compiz?
[17:48] <Freku> kde effects is not compiz
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[17:50] <afeijo> Freku: I enabled stuff on ConpizConfig screen
[17:50] <ninjafury> genii: appended, rebooted, but still no change
[17:50] <Freku> i am no expert, but i thought you dont need compiz
[17:51] <Freku> kde 4 has their own desktop effects
[17:51] <afeijo> I'm using kde3
[17:51] <Freku> a bit compiz like effects
[17:51] <Freku> oh
[17:51] <Freku> :)
[17:51] <afeijo> and I want cube3d, fire efects :)
[17:51] <genii> ninjafury: Bizarre. That worked on the test box next to me
[17:52] <ninjafury> genii: i'm using kde4 if that makes a difference
[17:52] <Freku> kde4 has effects builtin
[17:52] <Freku> anyway compiz shoudl work with kde3
[17:52] <genii> ninjafury: Possibly part of the issue, those canges work for me on 3.5.9 here
[17:52] <Freku> bit of googlink
[17:52] <genii> *changes
[17:53] <ninjafury> genii: when I go through xorg's log I see that the intel graphics driver sets dpi at 96. Would this overiide xinitrc and xserverrc?
[17:53] <afeijo> Freku: and it did for a few weeks on my home, than sudenly stoped. Today I'm trying to enable it here at my office
[17:54] <afeijo> I'm googling...
[17:54] <genii> ninjafury: Yes
[17:54] <Freku> i'm trying to find something through google
[17:54] <Freku> but no luck yet
[17:54] <ninjafury> genii: Is there a way to stop this?
[17:55] <afeijo> I'm asking on compiz-fusion channel
[17:55] <genii> ninjafury: Looking into it
[17:55] <Freku> thats probally best
[17:57] <amerigo> thank you for help
[17:57] <genii> ninjafury: "man intel" isn't showing me any useful driver options regarding dpi
[17:58] <ninjafury> genii: I'll look in mine. Would this be an option in xorg.conf?
[17:59] <genii> ninjafury: Yes, this is where video driver options would be specified
[18:00] <genii> (when the underlying driver has this option)
[18:00] <ninjafury> genii: so why is it that if i set dpi on startx, it works, but if its through xinitrc or xserverrc it doesn't?
[18:01] <genii> ninjafury: Good question which has me bothered
[18:03] <ninjafury> genii: nothing in my man intel either. So when X starts automatically, does the kernel invoke the startx command?
[18:05] <genii> ninjafury: No, startx is only another name for the binary named X, which you saw how is loaded in the xserverrc file
[18:06] <genii> Well, a wrapper for it
[18:07] <genii> ninjafury: The same way files in /etc/init.d start up programs the "startx" starts up X
[18:08] <ninjafury> genii: oh I understand now.
[18:11] <ninjafury> genii: in xorg.conf, if I put "Option "UseEDIDDpi" "FALSE"" and "Option "DPI" "90x88"". would that help?
[18:12] <ninjafury> genii: In the 'Screen' section
[18:14] <ubuntu> hola
[18:14] <ubuntu> Buenas
[18:14] <ubuntu> Una Consulta
[18:15] <ubuntu> hola alguien que me pueda ayudar
[18:18] <genii> ninjafury: Apologies on lag (work again). About the xorg.conf mods, not sure.
=== jordan is now known as itsatrick
[18:19] <jmux> ninjafury: if you're using kdm add -dpi xx to ServerCmd in /etc/kdeX/kdm/kdmrc
[18:19] <ninjafury> genii: it didnt work
[18:19] <pepp> hi all
[18:19] <ninjafury> jmux: thanks, will try
[18:20] <pepp> I have an issue with my sound card
[18:20] <pepp> can't make it work
[18:20] <tzd> any suggestions on good fonts please? Got a "19" tft screen and with the default sans serif font everything is huge and a bit pixelated (edges looks very rough).
[18:21] <pepp> this is from lspci : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)
[18:22] <jmux> ninjafury: and you might be interested to read http://scanline.ca/dpi/
[18:22] <pepp> the sound card is a realtek alc660-vd
[18:22] <pepp> even in aslamixer from terminal could not handle it
[18:23] <ninjafury> jmux: I'll give it a read. I don't have a kdeX folder in /etc though. I'm using KDE4 in Intrepid
[18:25] <jmux> ninjafury: X means 3 or 4 depending on your KDM
[18:28] <pepp> any help would be apreciated
[18:28] <jmux> pepp: anything shows up when doing cat /proc/asound/{cards,modules}?
[18:28] <pepp> thanks
[18:28] <pepp> in terminal?
[18:28] <jmux> Yep
[18:28] <pepp> ok 1 sek
[18:28] <genii> !intelhda | pepp
[18:28] <ubottu> pepp: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[18:28] <ninjafury> jmux: should i do this: ServerCmd=/usr/bin/X - dpi 92. or this: ServerCmd="/usr/bin/X - dpi 92"
[18:29] <pepp> it says no such file or directory
[18:29] <ninjafury> jmux: typo: no space between -dpi
[18:30] <jmux> ninjafury: ServerCmd=/usr/bin/X - dpi 92
[18:34] <ninjafury> jmux: you're a genious. It worked
[18:34] <jmux> pepp: seems no driver feels responsible for the card - normally /proc/asound/cards contains detected cards info and /proc/asound/modules the drivers
[18:37] <BluesKaj> hiyas
[18:41] <afeijo> I have dual screen problems, who can help me?
[18:45] <agnam> hello
[18:45] <agnam> :D
[18:45] <NikLP> can someone point me to some resource where I can find out how to install all my drivers etc? I've no proper drivers for anything it appears. No internet, nothing.
=== agnam is now known as Agnam
[18:46] <ubuntoil> !pastebin
[18:46] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[18:46] <Agnam> i am french :P
[18:46] <ubuntoil> Agnam: poor little you, I'm french 2... ;-)
[18:46] <Agnam> lol ubuntoil
[18:47] <Agnam> ubuntoil: french de où? lol
[18:47] <ubuntoil> Agnam: Annecy
[18:47] <Agnam> oki
[18:47] <Agnam> moi dans les yvelines
[18:48] <Agnam> je test kubuntu depuis hier lol
[18:48] <Agnam> 9 ans sur windaube
[18:48] <Agnam> fallais bien changer ;)
[18:48] <Pici> !fr | Agnam
[18:48] <ubottu> Agnam: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[18:49] <Agnam> thx pici :)
[18:49] <Pici> :)
[18:49] <Dolgo> thx ubottu
[18:49] <Agnam> sorry for my language french
[18:49] <ubuntoil> Agnam: yeah pal, that was predictable
[18:50] <amerigo> how can i find my kernel directory?
[18:53] <amerigo> may you help me?
[18:53] <jmux> amerigo: kernel is in /boot, modules in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/
[18:54] <BluesKaj> amerigo, in the terminal : whereis kubuntu kernel directory
[18:55] <amerigo> jmux: i stay in lib/modules/ but i find two modules
[18:56] <amerigo> which is running?
[18:56] <Agent_bob> a daily shapsnot
[18:56] <jmux> uname -r
[18:56] <jmux> amerigo: uname -r
[18:56] <amerigo> thank you
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[18:56] <amerigo> i've find it
[18:57] <amerigo> BluesKaj: you metod give me tree line
[18:57] <amerigo> your method give me
[18:57] <amerigo> kubunut:
[18:57] <Agent_bob> uname --help
[18:57] <amerigo> kernel:
[18:57] <amerigo> directory:
[18:57] <amerigo> with no comments
[18:58] <amerigo> in this order
[18:59] * Agent_bob wonders if this espanol guy speaks russian ???
=== Dolgo is now known as Dolgo_aou
[18:59] <BluesKaj> amerigo, this what i get : /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic/kernel /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19/kernel
[19:02] <amerigo> BluesKaj: thank you... but i'd like that you comment this kind of result
[19:02] <amerigo> i have 3 lines
[19:02] <amerigo> like i said before
[19:02] <amerigo> with no comment
[19:02] <amerigo> what is the matter?
[19:03] <Agent_bob> BluesKaj i only just hatched, what's he looking for ?
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=== Dolgo is now known as Dolgo_aouay
[19:06] <uu> !hello
[19:06] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[19:07] <uu> i have a graphic card, but the kubuntu didn't regconnize it
[19:07] <uu> when i try to enable it, it say i must log on as root, can someone help me??
[19:08] <BluesKaj> uu, trying to enable the restricted driver ?
[19:08] <uu> yes blues
[19:09] <BluesKaj> just use your normal sudo password
[19:09] <NikLP> right I just installed 8.04
[19:09] <NikLP> I have me as a user
[19:10] <NikLP> but when I go to any config stuff,
[19:10] <NikLP> try to click "admin mode" button
[19:10] <Agent_bob> !root
[19:10] <ubottu> Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[19:10] <NikLP> nothing happens
[19:10] <NikLP> ?
[19:10] <NikLP> what's the deal here?
[19:10] <Agent_bob> NikLP test in a konsole# sudo echo boo
[19:11] <Agent_bob> NikLP if it asks for a password give it yours.
[19:11] <NikLP> Agent_bob: k - what's the kb shortcut for term ?
[19:11] <BluesKaj> NikLP, you may already have opened a sudo somewhere else
=== root is now known as Guest90690
[19:11] <uu> how can i log in as root?
[19:11] <NikLP> Agent_bob: nah I get "boo" out, all right...
[19:11] <NickPresta> uu, you don't. You use sudo
[19:12] <BluesKaj> uu, don't login as root
[19:12] <Agent_bob> !root | uu
[19:12] <ubottu> uu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[19:12] <NikLP> this is most annoying :|
[19:12] <Agent_bob> NikLP then sudo is working. test kdesudo echo boo
=== Agnam is now known as Agnam|Padawan
[19:13] <uu> i can't use sudo like that, can you give me some command line??
[19:13] <NikLP> Agent_bob: boo, encore :p
[19:13] <NickPresta> uu, what do you mean? what are you trying to do?
[19:13] <uu> i try to enable my graphic card, NickPresta
[19:14] <NickPresta> uu, so why won't sudo work?
[19:14] <NikLP> tell me about it :p
[19:14] <NikLP> Agent_bob: is that you out of ideas? :)
[19:14] <uu> NickPresta, can you show me how to do that?? i'm new with this one
[19:14] <NickPresta> uu, which graphics card?
[19:15] <Agent_bob> NikLP then your admin button should be working correctly
[19:15] <NikLP> Agent_bob: um, nope :(
[19:15] <Agent_bob> NikLP if both sudo and kdesudo are working then why would the admin button be borked ?
[19:15] <NikLP> Agent_bob: that's why I'm here, dude :p
[19:15] <uu> Nvidia GeForce 7100
[19:15] <NikLP> it does nothing
[19:16] <NikLP> no prompt, nada
[19:16] <Agent_bob> NikLP kde4 ?
[19:16] <uu> NickPresta, Nvidia Gefroce 7100
[19:16] <NikLP> I don't think so - how can I tell?
[19:16] <NickPresta> !nvidia | uu
[19:16] <ubottu> uu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[19:16] <Agent_bob> NikLP kwin --version
[19:16] <NickPresta> uu, Go to KMenu->System->Hardware Drivers Manager and check the box to enable the restricted drivers for your NVIDIA card if the option is provided.
[19:16] <Agent_bob> kwin4 --version maybe
[19:16] <NikLP> Agent_bob: kde 3.5.9 :/
[19:17] <BluesKaj> NikLP, you must have a terminal or other app open that requites kdesudo , like adept perhaps ?
[19:17] <NikLP> nothing open afaik
[19:17] <BluesKaj> requires
[19:17] <NickPresta> !aptfix
[19:17] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[19:17] <NickPresta> perhaps try that?
[19:17] <NikLP> god damn it
[19:17] <Agent_bob> NikLP not the issue NickPresta
[19:17] <NickPresta> Agent_bob, ah sorry. *hides back in shadows*
[19:17] <NikLP> started working now??
[19:18] <NikLP> there was nothing else open - closed the terminal (which hadn't been open) and it works now.
[19:18] <NikLP> un-forking-believeable
[19:18] <uu> NickPresta, i don't see any hardware manager
[19:18] <BluesKaj> no need to hide NickPresta , sometimes that works :)
[19:18] <Agent_bob> NikLP ok it was the "timeout" on sudo. you can reset that in the feuture if it causes problems. man sudo has the switch for it.
[19:18] <BluesKaj> uu, adept in the kmenu ?
[19:19] <uu> BluesKaj, what do you mean??
[19:19] <Agent_bob> -k or something.
[19:19] <NikLP> Agent_bob: I think I know what you mean, but shouldn't it ask for the pw again if it's timed out??
[19:19] <NikLP> in the gui
[19:20] <NikLP> any way to auto scan for networks from the network settings?
[19:20] <Agent_bob> NikLP depends on the groups you are in.
[19:20] <BluesKaj> uu, usually in the left part of the panel is blue "K" , your kicker/menu
[19:20] <NikLP> ok
[19:20] <Agent_bob> NikLP sudo uses both user and group access modes
[19:21] <uu> BluesKaj, ok, i'm in there now
[19:21] <BluesKaj> kmenu/system/adept
[19:21] <Agent_bob> NikLP nmapfe is the best "scan for networks" tool i know of.
[19:21] <uu> BluesKaj, what can i do next?
[19:22] * Agent_bob thinks we may not be on the same page there though.
[19:22] <BluesKaj> uu , perhaps opening a terminal is best , copy and paste or type : sudo apt-get update
[19:26] <uu> BluesKaj, i just restart pc for updates
[19:27] <uu> BluesKaj, now what can i do no
[19:27] <uu> BluesKaj, i'm new to this Linux
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[19:29] <BluesKaj> uu, did you enter a password after the install asked you for a username
[19:31] <BluesKaj> uu, when installing kubuntu did you enter a password after the install asked you for a username ?
[19:32] <uu> BluesKaj, yes sir
[19:32] <uu> BluesKaj, i can enable my graphic now
[19:32] <NikLP> is there a simple way to check if the OS is up to date (ie update if it's not)?
[19:32] <BluesKaj> ok good, cuz some ppl don't
[19:33] <uu> BluesKaj, but i can't change the size of the my monitor
[19:33] <TheFuzzball> Can someone tell me how to configure dual-head in Kubuntu Hardy?
[19:33] <uu> BluesKaj, though i enabled the graphic, but the most resize is 640x840
[19:34] <BluesKaj> uu , you tried sytem settings/monitor & display
[19:34] <NickPresta> NikLP, apt-get upgrade. Then try apt-get dist-upgrade
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[19:35] <uu> BluesKaj, yes, but the most screen size is 640x480
[19:36] <BluesKaj> uu, what is the configure setting for your monitor and what graphics card ?
[19:36] <BluesKaj> lookin the same place , uu
[19:37] <BluesKaj> on the hardware tab
[19:37] <uu> BluesKaj, my graphic is NVIDIA GeForce 7100 and my monitor is Plug n Play, Standar
[19:39] <BluesKaj> uu, desktop pc right ?
[19:40] <NickPresta> he left =\
[19:40] <BluesKaj> bummer
[19:41] <NikLP> hmm...
[19:41] <NikLP> what to do if I don't actually know what my video card is ... :/
[19:41] <uu> BluesKaj, i can do it now
[19:41] <NickPresta> NikLP, lspci | grep VGA
[19:41] <uu> !thank |BluesKaj
[19:41] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about thank
[19:41] <NikLP> oook
[19:42] <NikLP> NickPresta: returned nothing :p
[19:42] <NickPresta> NikLP, lspci and search for something that looks like a video card :)
[19:42] <NikLP> :)
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[19:42] <NikLP> case sensitive :p
[19:43] <NikLP> intel gm965/gl960
[19:43] <NikLP> so crap, probably :p
[19:44] <BluesKaj> I just purchased 2 new samsung monitors and the drivers aren't listed but the calibration software works in wine and the resolution is the full native 1680x1050 under the plugnplay settings ...who'd would have thunk it :)
[19:45] <NickPresta> BluesKaj, two monitors are awesome, huh?
[19:45] <BluesKaj> one is on wife's pc
[19:45] <NickPresta> BluesKaj, ah.
[19:46] <BluesKaj> one monitor is enuff for me ..I don't do any games , day trading or activities requiring more than one scrn at a time
[19:46] <NikLP> sorry guys, I'm going to try ubuntu - this whole thing is just completely free of support.
[19:46] <NikLP> ubuntu.org actually has *help* on it
[19:47] * NikLP isghs
[19:47] <NickPresta> NikLP, what do you mean?
[19:47] <NikLP> and sighs
[19:47] <BluesKaj> NikLP, what Exactly are trying to do, I'm kinda confused?
[19:47] <NikLP> I mean the entire help on kubuntu.org is the forums
[19:47] <NikLP> there is a lot of help on ubuntu.org but it's all gnome related
[19:47] <NickPresta> NikLP, we're here :)
[19:47] <NikLP> yeah I know :)
[19:47] <NikLP> you're better than the #ubuntu lot as well, that channel is a nightmare :p
[19:48] <NickPresta> and YMMV but most of the stuff done in the terminal is applicable to Kubuntu as well
[19:48] <NikLP> yeah so when I have actually learnt wtf I'm doing with that I might up to KU again I suppose
[19:48] <NikLP> at the mo I need proper silly level hand-holding, and it's taking too much time
[19:48] * BluesKaj shrugs
[19:48] <NikLP> sor-ree!
[19:49] <BluesKaj> ahh, instant gratification
[19:49] <NickPresta> NikLP, okay. You can install ubuntu-desktop to get the 'Ubuntu'. You don't need to reburn, etc
[19:49] <BluesKaj> sometimes expalining the problem clearly is best
[19:49] <NikLP> s'ok I have an install disk for both here anyhow
[19:51] <NikLP> part of the problem I have is not actually knowing what the problem is.
[19:52] <NikLP> I spent quite a while just sat looking at the desktop when it finally installed.
[19:52] <NikLP> like "now what?" :p
[19:52] <NickPresta> NikLP, now you start using it like you would any other desktop :)
[19:53] <NikLP> um in theory :)
[19:53] <NikLP> but I wanted to install IDEs and LAMP and so on
[19:53] <NickPresta> NikLP, which is very easy in *buntu
[19:53] <NikLP> and every time I search for help I get "just type sueo sdfg sfd gsd fg;e;KK" and it drives me nuts, so I gotsta go where the help files are plentiful :p
[19:54] <NickPresta> NikLP, using the terminal is often the most efficient and unambiguous way to help someone
[19:54] <NikLP> yeah I guess
[19:54] <BluesKaj> NikLP, open a terminal , type or copy and paste , sudo apt-get update. This should take care of any upgrades required
[19:54] <NickPresta> you can take each of those package names and search in Adept and use that
[19:54] <NikLP> but I don't like not understanding what I'm typing :)
[19:56] <NikLP> I do realise I sound a bit thick here, but... :p
[19:56] <ScorpKing> NikLP: linuxcommand.org for a bash intro ;)
[19:57] <NikLP> I know bash, it's the system stuff that's getting me
[19:59] <ScorpKing> NikLP: haha.. install vmware-server and install an OS in it that you can break if you have to.
[20:00] <NickPresta> NikLP, which system stuff?
[20:00] <NickPresta> yay, netsplit
[20:00] <Timmy> Netsplit :D
[20:00] <NikLP> NickPresta: anything that's not related to web dev in shell :p
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[20:07] <shepherd> why does firefox freeze every so often i cant watch porn like this
[20:07] <NikLP> vlc?
[20:07] <NickPresta> shepherd, maybe it is trying to tell you something?
[20:08] <gm04030276> my firefox has been doing that all day too :( (not watchin porn tho!)
[20:08] <gm04030276> and now wget won't download properly from pendrivelinux.com
[20:09] <BluesKaj> there's a new FF vers 3.03
[20:09] <BluesKaj> it's in the repos
[20:09] <ScorpKing> NikLP: man <command> in konsole and spend some time on google and look through the forums
[20:09] <gm04030276> i updated earlier but haven't restarted firefox yet...maybe a good plan
[20:09] <NikLP> jesus
[20:10] <NikLP> "failed to copy files" apparently I have a faulty cd/dvd/hdd on a brand new computer
[20:10] <NikLP> right
[20:12] <ScorpKing> NikLP: dmesg | less and see if there's any I/O Errors on the hard drives
[20:12] <gm04030276> NikLP: if you want more of a gui think, look at adept manager, you can install all of lamp from there. Search for apache2 and php and mysql
[20:12] <NikLP> ScorpKing: I'm on the live cd at the moment as the install fails - will that still work?
[20:13] <ScorpKing> NikLP: yes
[20:13] <NikLP> can't even open a fricking terminal!
[20:13] <NikLP> wtf
[20:13] <ScorpKing> it will take a while
[20:14] <dr_willis> If you got a spare usb thumbdrive. you could try that Netbootin tool to make a 'bootable' live/installer thumbdrive
[20:14] <ScorpKing> kmenu -> system -> konsole in kubuntu
[20:14] <NikLP> after three tries I think "can't" is getting appropriate :p
[20:14] <ScorpKing> haha
[20:14] <NikLP> does nothing.
[20:14] <NikLP> thinks, stops.
[20:16] <NikLP> I can load gimp in a live environment, but not terminal.
[20:16] <gm04030276> your running of the live cd and it isn't working?
[20:16] <NikLP> what the f*** man
[20:16] <NikLP> yeah
[20:16] <uu> how can i install my sound card sound blaster into Kubuntu??
[20:16] <uu> !sound card
[20:16] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about sound card
[20:16] <uu> !sound
[20:16] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[20:16] <dr_willis> Sounds like some currupted libraries or other bits .
[20:17] <NikLP> dr_willis: @me?
[20:17] <gm04030276> did you run an md5 check on your iso file before burning? Make sure the download was proper?
[20:17] <dr_willis> uu, what soundblaster card specifically?
[20:17] <dr_willis> NikLP, yep. Seen that happen every so often.
[20:17] <NikLP> this happens with both k+ubuntu
[20:17] <dr_willis> NikLP, That makes it even seem weirder then.
[20:17] <NikLP> two different disks/os
[20:17] <NikLP> isn't it
[20:17] <NikLP> brand new unit as well
[20:17] <NikLP> can't see the drive being borked yet?!
[20:17] <dr_willis> try the disks in a different box, try the alternative installer cd. perhaps try that Netbootin tool and a thumbdrive
[20:18] <dr_willis> Brand new dosent always mean it works. :)
[20:18] <NikLP> I'm not going near flash drives again for a while :p
[20:18] <gm04030276> i just tried to install on one...can't get the last file i need from pendrivelinux.com lol!
[20:18] <dr_willis> I Like my bootable/live/ubuntu installer on the flash drive. :)used it to install to a dozen machines so far
[20:18] <ScorpKing> NikLP: press <ctrl>+<alt>+<f1> to get to konsole and when you're done press <ctrl>+<alt>+<f7> to get back. <f1> to <f7> is the standard tty's in ubuntu
[20:18] <NikLP> I tried the ku disk twice and it worked the second time - ubuntu fails repeatedly though...
[20:19] <dr_willis> gm04030276, go use that netbootin tool. a few clicks.. and its done.
[20:19] <NikLP> WOAH
[20:19] <john__> My sound is working but only on the front channels. I can't get 5.1 sound
[20:19] <NikLP> I have an infinite number of scrolling squashfs errors
[20:19] <john__> front 2 channels I meant
[20:19] <dr_willis> gm04030276, it basically clones the live cd to the pendrive. not a actual 'install'
[20:19] <NikLP> sb_read failed reading page block xxxxxx
[20:20] <gm04030276> ok, that should do what i need for the moment...where do i find it?
[20:20] <dr_willis> NikLP, sounds like issue reading the cd.
[20:20] <dr_willis> google.com unetbootin
[20:20] <dr_willis> :)
[20:20] <NikLP> weird
[20:20] <dr_willis> !unetbootin
[20:20] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin
[20:20] <dr_willis> Hmm
[20:20] <uu> dr_willis, soundblaster audigy2
[20:20] <NikLP> the cd is chugging like hell...
[20:20] <john__> what does hell chug like?
[20:21] <gm04030276> that is sort of normal if your trying to do things...
[20:21] <NikLP> gravel and razor blades :p
[20:21] <dr_willis> uu, my audigy 2 cards have all worked out of the box just fine. Youmay want to check your mixer controlls.. I do recall having to enable.check some checkbox to enable the digital out on some of my machines.
[20:21] <dr_willis> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNetbootin
[20:21] <gm04030276> thanks
[20:22] <NikLP> is there some way to get it to boot from a network drive, or am I attempting suicide with that? :p
[20:22] <andrea> hi
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[20:22] <dr_willis> NikLP, there are netinstaller cd's
[20:23] <Guest97601> someone from italy??????
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[20:23] <andrea_> italyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[20:23] <dr_willis> NikLP, there are also docs somewhwere on booting from a bootp/ftp server thing.. but ive never done that.
[20:23] <dr_willis> !install
[20:23] <ubottu> Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[20:24] <uu> dr_willis, linux has detect the card but i can't hear anything
[20:24] <dr_willis> uu, sounds like either a mixer setting, or whatever you are tyring to play has an issue.
[20:24] <gm04030276> NikLP
[20:24] <gm04030276> :yes you can do that
[20:24] <dr_willis> uu, are you using the digital out of the card to your speakers? or just the analog out?
[20:25] <uu> dr_willis, analog out
[20:25] <gm04030276> i may be able to help you...i did it just last week...though as an ltsp server not installing but its quite similar
[20:25] <dr_willis> uu, that eliminates the digital out as the issue then.
[20:25] <uu> dr_willis, how can i change the digital out??
[20:25] <dr_willis> uu, try the alsamixer tool from the terminal, ive noticed this issue at times.
[20:26] <dr_willis> uu, if you are notusing the digital out speakers. ten you dont want to use digital out. The alsamixer should have some checkbox to enable/disable it.
[20:26] <dr_willis> Hmm.. alsamixer wont run on my machine.. weird..
[20:27] <gm04030276> NikLP: I would also recommend the netinstall cd if live disk install isn't working. It just loads a very basic live system and downloads all it needs instead of having it on the cd...as far as i know
[20:27] <NikLP> aye
[20:28] <uu> well
[20:28] <davide> ciao
[20:28] <uu> dr_willis, i don't know why, but seems like there is no sound i can hear
[20:29] <dr_willis> uu, try running some media player like bmpx, or others from a terminal and try to play some wav files. if any error messages show up - it may help in the debugging
[20:29] <dr_willis> You are sure everything is wired up.,., and you dont accidnetly have a headphone plugged in. :)
[20:30] <uu> dr_willis, lol, no way.... but the Kmix has detect the sound card
[20:30] <dr_willis> I spend 2 hrs debugging no sound one day.. and realized the headphone adaptor in the 'jack' had disabled the speakers
[20:30] <uu> dr_willis, how can itbe
[20:30] <dr_willis> sounds like a issue of just the mixers are not set right/volumes are muted or somthing then.
[20:30] <uu> dr_willis,
[20:31] <uu> dr_willis, should i check it
[20:31] <dr_willis> i would check with the 'alsamixer' tool in one terminal, and playing some wav files from a different terminal
[20:32] <uu> dr_willis, i'm playing with amarok
[20:32] <dr_willis> You could also chek the whole system with the live cd's to see if that works.. if the live cd works - then at least ya know it should work.
[20:33] <uu> dr_willis, is that ok to play with amarok??
[20:34] <dr_willis> Try it and see..
[20:34] <uu> dr_willis, cause when i plug the jack back to the on board card, it worked
[20:34] <dr_willis> so you now have sound?
[20:34] <uu> with the on board card is yes
[20:34] <dr_willis> obboard card - THATS proberly the whole issue.
[20:35] <uu> dr_willis, but with the soundblaster didn't
[20:35] <dr_willis> Its proberly using the wrong sound card as default.
[20:35] <dr_willis> and i dont rember how to change cards.. I alwyas disable the onboard befor i install
[20:35] <dr_willis> !alsa
[20:35] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[20:35] <dr_willis> That sound troubleshooting page may have the right info.
[20:35] <Tm_T> that is if you use arts
[20:36] <Tm_T> hi dr_willis
[20:36] <DarkSmoke> kubuntu uses arts?
[20:36] <uu> but the arts is good with me
[20:36] <Tm_T> DarkSmoke: it does by default
[20:36] <DarkSmoke> maybe thats the problem why my sound is not being channaled good to 5.1 then...
[20:36] <Tm_T> but mplayer isn't using arts IIRC
[20:37] <dr_willis> for 5.1 sound. I rarely ever have a real 5.1 sound source. :) when i do . 5.1 works.. for stero sound. I have to use the mixer and clone the front to the rear i recall..
[20:37] <DarkSmoke> my sound doesn't work good on kubuntu
[20:37] <DarkSmoke> stoped using it now till i get a sound card thats compatable
[20:38] <DarkSmoke> try to test the speakers, some of them doesn't play
[20:38] <DarkSmoke> but when i play an mp3 they work
[20:38] <uu> hey guys, why when i try alsamixer, it detect my card is HD Nvidia not the soundblaster
[20:38] <dr_willis> Ive rarely had any sound issues on any of my machines.. but - a lot depends on the exact soundcard/chipset.
[20:38] <DarkSmoke> i dont understand... so i stoped using it
[20:38] <dr_willis> uu, its defaulted to the onboard card. Not the SB card.
[20:38] <uu> how can i change it??
[20:39] <dr_willis> recall the !alsa factoid.. :) i would check at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting
[20:39] <dr_willis> theres a tool to do it.. and i dont rember what its name is.
[20:39] <gm04030276> anyone had experience with kubuntu on msi laptops?
[20:43] <gm04030276> !msi
[20:43] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about msi
[20:46] <NikLP> this basically describes what's happening to me.... http://macbitz.wordpress.com/2008/05/18/ubuntu-feels-my-wrath/
[20:46] <NikLP> my ubuntu install disk reportedly had an error on it, so that's in the bin. scanning the kubuntu one now
[20:49] <uu> if my adept has some problems when trying to download something and it can't be start again, how can i fix it?
[20:51] <ghostcube> u can try sudo apt-get -f install if this works
[20:51] <uu> i see, i should run 'dpkg --configure -a'
[20:52] <ghostcube> have u done this ?
[20:55] <uu> ya
[20:55] <uu> everything just like new
[20:59] <uu> do you guys know which program for the effect of window??
[20:59] <uu> like burning window...
[20:59] <Tm_T> !compiz | uu
[20:59] <ubottu> uu: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[20:59] <uu> 3D window?
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[21:03] <wolfmansaw> Well, this is ineresting
[21:03] <wolfmansaw> or interesting
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[21:05] <NikLP> can't even install the bloody OS now, as per that post earlier (http://macbitz.wordpress.com/2008/05/18/ubuntu-feels-my-wrath/)
[21:06] <gm04030276> why not?
[21:07] <NikLP> keeps failing with IO errors
[21:07] <NikLP> ubuntu AND kubuntu - read that link ^
[21:07] <NikLP> POS
[21:07] <gm04030276> reading....
[21:07] <milos_> what kind of player opens most of audio formats on ubuntu ?
[21:10] <NikLP> gm04030276: don't know what to do now :(
[21:10] <gm04030276> vlc
[21:11] <gm04030276> NikLP: yea, thats a bit of a weird one.
[21:11] <uu> !compiz
[21:11] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[21:11] <NikLP> f***ing annoying is what it is
[21:11] <NikLP> would it make a diff with or w/out net cable plugged in?
[21:12] <NikLP> kubuntu failed/succeeded/failed/and again/and again
[21:12] <NikLP> I did have a cat5 in there at one point :p
[21:12] <gm04030276> it succeded the second time?
[21:13] <gm04030276> i don't think networking would have much of an impact though you could try it and see.
[21:13] <gm04030276> As said earlier, try the netinstall one. It should be a small download...for the burnable image anyway!
[21:14] <NikLP> gm04030276: yeah I don't get it. the ubuntu one failed a dozen times, but I checked the media and it said 1 error - even then I wouldn't expect that to cause a total failure
[21:14] <NikLP> the kubuntu thing, first time (of all of them) it failed, I jigged the cd lens and wiped it, then it worked. has failed 7/8 times since I tried to put it back on
[21:14] <gm04030276> yea but error is error.
[21:15] <NikLP> yeah but the media is clean on the ku disk
[21:15] <NikLP> so... :/
[21:15] <gm04030276> did you try running md5sums on the iso's like i said earlier?
[21:15] <NikLP> gm04030276: um no - wouldn't know how
[21:15] <gm04030276> two secs
[21:15] <NikLP> from win?
[21:16] <gm04030276> ah...hmm
[21:16] <gm04030276> im still sure there is a way to do it...maybe not just so easily
[21:16] <gm04030276> !
[21:16] <gm04030276> how about : http://www.md5summer.org/
[21:17] <gm04030276> first result on google :)
[21:17] <gm04030276> brb
[21:17] <NikLP> it's completely burnt to a cd tho... is that an issue?
[21:20] <tekgeek> that is a strange issue I have had various random issues as well and from that article you have tried everything I would have suggested and what I have tried myself
[21:20] <domi1kenobi> I have a problem with the AcerOne with Kubuntu 8.04 and KDE 4.1.1
[21:20] <domi1kenobi> the atheros card does no longer work - used to work with Madwifi
[21:20] <ferdi> hey there. i am trying to install kubuntu from the live cd. but it seems, that my hard drive is not recognized. can anyone help me?
[21:20] <domi1kenobi> lspci does not list it anymore
[21:21] <gm04030276> NikLP: do you not still have the iso file on your computer somewhere?
[21:21] <NikLP> nope
[21:21] <domi1kenobi> ferdi : type dmesg and see what device your hdd is on
[21:21] <NikLP> this was from weeks/months ago
[21:21] <gm04030276> ah right
[21:22] <ferdi> domilkenobi: already did, i can't see it anywhere
[21:22] <gm04030276> well then i suggest redownloading the iso file
[21:22] <domi1kenobi> ferdi: is it sata or pata ?
[21:22] <uu> !window
[21:22] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about window
[21:23] <gm04030276> try the latest one. and check its md5 against the one on the website
[21:23] <uu> anyone know how can i run some win program in linux??
[21:23] <gm04030276> !wine | uu
[21:23] <ubottu> uu: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[21:23] <domi1kenobi> uu: wine
[21:24] <ferdi> domilkenobi: uh... I'd say pata, but how do i know that?
[21:24] <ferdi> domilkenobi: yeah, it is pata
[21:24] <uu> should be it
[21:24] <domi1kenobi> try /dev/hda1 then
[21:24] <uu> but after i install wine
[21:24] <uu> then i try to install winzip
[21:24] <ferdi> i did that, domilkenobi, it's not there
[21:24] <uu> they say it's erroe
[21:24] <uu> error
[21:25] <ferdi> kubuntu fails to recognize it
[21:25] <domi1kenobi> ferdi: what is your boot medium ?
[21:25] <gm04030276> uu: why don't you just use the unzip command?
[21:25] <ferdi> domilkenobi: livecd
[21:25] <uu> just wanna try to install something in window to linux
[21:25] <uu> :)
[21:25] <uu> !smile
[21:25] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about smile
[21:26] <domi1kenobi> ferdi : you should be able to boot then - once in your environment type : mount
[21:26] <domi1kenobi> ferdi : this will list all mounted devices
[21:26] <gm04030276> uu: just testing rather than for necessity?
[21:27] <domi1kenobi> no1 here with an AcerOne ?
[21:27] <uu> no ideas
[21:27] <ferdi> domilkenobi: did, it's not there. as i said, the drive isn't recognized, i just found it in dmesg
[21:27] <Agent_bob> back. why does "nvidia-glx-legacy" require installing an i386 kernel ? my sound card requires i686, so the conflict is choose either sound or vidio. ???
[21:27] <gm04030276> ferdi: what did dmesg say?
[21:29] <domi1kenobi> ok guess I found my problem myself
[21:30] <denis__> !de
[21:30] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[21:30] <Agent_bob> pfft i have the opposite problem on a lappy. fglrx requires i686 but intel hda doesn't work right with i686 only with i386 "which makes no sense"
[21:31] <ferdi> gm04030276: www.pastebin.com/m2e7309a5
[21:31] <Agent_bob> err actually hda doesn't work right period, but it works a little with the i386 kernel
[21:31] <ferdi> gm04030276: http://pastebin.com/m2e7309a5
[21:31] * Agent_bob is probably talking to himself again anyway.
[21:34] <Glady> Talk to me
[21:35] <ferdi> gm04030276: does that help?
[21:35] <NikLP> gm04030276, Agent_bob: the install appears to be working this time - I think having the network cable in is what's helpgin
[21:35] <NikLP> it appears to be scanning mirrors and repositories
[21:35] <gm04030276> good!
[21:35] <NikLP> well sort of :p
[21:35] <gm04030276> ferdi: what line did you find it on?
[21:35] <NikLP> I'm still clueless, even if it *does* install! :p
[21:36] <ferdi> gm04030276: 286 i'd say
[21:36] <gm04030276> *looks*
[21:36] <NikLP> so lets say I find out what my video hardware is - what next? intel gm965 I think :p
[21:38] <gm04030276> are you doing alternative install?
[21:39] <ferdi> nope
[21:39] <gm04030276> sorry, that was for NikLP
[21:39] <NikLP> install complete - some fluke:p
[21:39] <NikLP> gm04030276: using the exact same cd but with network plugged in
[21:39] <gm04030276> ferdi: line 286-7 look to be ok compared to mine
[21:40] <gm04030276> NikLP: if your doing a graphical install then your video hardware should be working after its installed...
[21:40] <NikLP> gm04030276: well in the doodah I just see VEDA generic (if memory serves)
[21:40] <NikLP> lemme check
[21:41] <gm04030276> well if it works...what do you need to do to it?
[21:41] <ferdi> gm04030276: ok, but i can't find the drive anywhere. when i try to install i can't set up a partition table because there's no drive. what about line 288, isnn't that the problem?
[21:42] <NikLP> gm04030276: hm well always had the thing that if windows is running generic, the manu driver is nearly always better?
[21:42] <gm04030276> ferdi: yip that looks to be it...but I don't know what that means...I'm not anywhere near expert on that (or anything...just got 3 years experience!)
[21:43] <ferdi> gm04030276: ok. but thanks anyway
[21:43] <gm04030276> ferdi: google about and see if you can find a way of being more verbose at startup. Your running a live disc and trying to install, yes?
[21:43] <ferdi> gm04030276: yep
[21:44] <ferdi> gm04030276: the disk itself is ok, i tried it out on another machine
[21:44] <gm04030276> ferdi: and google the error, see if you can find any info and get on the forums see if someone know what it is!
[21:44] <gm04030276> ferdi: what sort of hardware are we talking? computer and hd?
[21:46] <ferdi> gm04030276: not quite the newest stuff. the computer is an intel 2.4 ghz machine, the hd is (i think) a 80GB pata drive, but i'm not quite sure, haven't used the thing for quite a while now
[21:46] <ferdi> gm04030276: maybe the livecd is missing the correct drivers
[21:46] <gm04030276> NikLP: if its just an intel onboard graphics chip then generic should be ok. You are better to have the proper drivers for nvidia (and i assume ati, i don't know about them, i only have nvidia cards(
[21:46] <dr_willis> !iso
[21:46] <ubottu> To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.
[21:47] <gm04030276> ferdi: what sort of mother board?
[21:47] <NikLP> gm04030276: if you say so sir :)
[21:47] <gm04030276> :0
[21:47] <gm04030276> *:)
[21:47] <domi1kenobi> ferdi : you didn't connect your drive to a raid controller ?
[21:48] <ferdi> gm04030276: asus something, and no raid controller
[21:48] <tekgeek> !grub
[21:48] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[21:49] <gm04030276> ferdi: are you sure the pata controller is enabled in the bios? I know in my P5K's you can turn them off.
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[21:50] <ferdi> gm04030276: i'll check, but since my old gentoo installation still works pretty nicely it should be on, shouldn't it?
[21:50] <gm04030276> yea
[21:50] <gm04030276> shouldbe
[21:50] <gm04030276> if youuse the hard drive with another installation then thats not the problem
[21:50] <gm04030276> unless you where messing in the bios before hand!
[21:50] <domi1kenobi> ferdi : copy paste the output of lcpci
[21:50] <gm04030276> *before the install
[21:51] <domi1kenobi> lspci i mean
[21:51] <domi1kenobi> in pastebin..
[21:52] <chrisruls00> does anyone know the window name of the black screen is that appears when you lock kde 3.5.9? i want to exclude it from compiz animations since it makes it look silly.
[21:52] <ferdi> http://pastebin.com/m1bb4d557
[21:52] <CydeWeys> Is there any estimated ETA on when KDE 4.1 will hit the mainline repositories? As far as I know, it's still limited to the Personal Package Archive.
[21:53] <gm04030276> domi1kenobi, ferdi: line 9 what we're looking at?
[21:54] <domi1kenobi> ICH4 should be supported by default no?
[21:54] <ubuntoil> talking about kde4, ubuntu 8.10 is coming soon...obviously with "only" kde4, and there were some issues with nvidia drivers and kde4...is it solved ??
[21:54] <gm04030276> NikLP: how's it going?
[21:54] <ferdi> gm04030276, domilkenobi: that's just the controller, not the disk, is it?
[21:54] <domi1kenobi> yep
[21:54] <ferdi> the drive isn't there
[21:54] <domi1kenobi> but you need support for the controller or the disk is not visible
[21:55] <gm04030276> but it means the os see's the controller at least
[21:55] <gm04030276> can i assume you have restarted the computer?
[21:55] <ferdi> a couple of times
[21:55] <gm04030276> ok
[21:55] <CydeWeys> ubuntoil: 8.10 will not support KDE 3.5?
[21:56] <ubuntoil> CydeWeys: I don't wanna say bullS^%$ but I don't think so
[21:56] <domi1kenobi> ferdi : I must go to bed but I would check google for ICH4 and kubuntu
[21:56] <gm04030276> ferdi: did you say you already had an os installed on the harddrive?
[21:56] <ferdi> domilkenobi: ok, i'll do that
[21:56] <domi1kenobi> night all
[21:56] <ferdi> gm04030276: yes
[21:57] <ferdi> bye, thanks
[21:57] <NikLP> gm04030276: not sure - taking a break and going to the pub now! :p
[21:57] <NikLP> trying out the video driver
[21:57] <gm04030276> lol
[21:57] <gm04030276> ok
[21:57] <CydeWeys> ubuntoil: That strikes me as a bad decision. Personally, I like KDE 4.1 sufficiently that I don't feel the need to go back to KDE 3.5, but I know a lot of others' opinions differ.
[21:57] <ferdi> gm04030276: gentoo linux and there should also be some old windows2000 or something
[21:57] <NikLP> oops
[21:57] <gm04030276> ferdi: ok, well try to boot to that and see if it still works
[21:58] <ubuntoil> CydeWeys: for me it's because of that nvidia issue...http://www.kubuntu.org/news/intrepid-alpha-6
[21:58] <NikLP> groovy - broke it
[21:59] <gm04030276> NikLP: you what?!!
[21:59] <NikLP> gm04030276: froze on trying to restart x server
[21:59] <NikLP> went into F1 and rebooted, here's hoping :p
[21:59] <NikLP> uh oh
[21:59] <gm04030276> yip...that'll happen. Well, it happened to me distro's ago. Not recently
[22:00] <ferdi> gm04030276: works like a charm
[22:00] <ferdi> gm04030276: the old os, that is
[22:00] <NikLP> broken!
[22:00] <NikLP> gm04030276: ideas? :)
[22:00] <NikLP> boots into shell
[22:00] <gm04030276> NikLP: lol, ok. try and get to a console, it should put you there automatically. and try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg That will reconfigure X for you
[22:01] <gm04030276> ferdi: ok, so computer sees the hard drive and can use it ok but the live install can't...crap one
[22:01] <NikLP> use kernel framebuffer device interface???
[22:01] <NikLP> this is why normal people don't use this
[22:02] <NikLP> YOU tell ME, operating system!
[22:02] <ferdi> gm04030276: i think the driver's missing. can't think of anything else
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[22:02] <gm04030276> NikLP: you can say either...i just go with the default! I don't really know what it means either!
[22:02] <NikLP> yeah it kicked me back into shell
[22:03] <gm04030276> ferdi: but it shouldn't be!
[22:03] <NikLP> xserver-xorg postinst wawrning: overwriting possibly-customised ocnfig
[22:03] <gm04030276> NikLP: yea, now try startx when you done
[22:03] <NikLP> ah there was me typing xstart, dammit :p
[22:03] <gm04030276> lol
[22:03] <NikLP> funkalicious
[22:03] <NikLP> workee
[22:04] <NikLP> now pub, had enough :p
[22:04] <gm04030276> NikLP: good stuff. :)
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[22:07] <ferdi> gm04030276: have a look at this: http://pastebin.com/mf6b7b4f that's from the dmesg output of the current os. does that help?
[22:09] <NikLP> bbl :p
[22:10] <gm04030276> ferdi: what is the bit before that?
[22:11] <admiral> hi
[22:11] <ferdi> gm04030276: http://pastebin.com/ma448bd2
[22:12] <admiral> i've got a problem with the Fn+F[1|2 etc] commands
[22:12] <admiral> i've got an asus z53 laptop
[22:12] <gm04030276> ferdi: I mean right back to ata1: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xf000 irq 14 type line like we have in the live system dmesg
[22:14] <admiral> need tiìo post the dmesg?
[22:14] <ferdi> gm04030276: what do you mean?
[22:14] <gm04030276> ferdi: is there not a line like that. like line 286 from the live system?
[22:14] <ferdi> admiral: describe the problem...
[22:15] <ferdi> gm04030276: didn't see one
[22:15] <gm04030276> ferdi: hmm ok
[22:15] <ferdi> gm04030276: no pata in this dmesg... i just grep'd
[22:16] <admiral> the ACPI stuff does not work... for example the buttons controlling the brightness do not work
[22:16] <ferdi> gm04030276: but i'm getting pretty tired now. i think i'll have another go tomorrow. thanks for your help
[22:17] <admiral> ...
[22:17] <gm04030276> ferdi: ok. I'll be here tomorrow
[22:18] <gm04030276> i'll maybe google a bit more later see what i can find
[22:19] <admiral> i cannot find anything on google regarding my problem
[22:21] <admiral> anyone?
[22:21] <gm04030276> sorry admiral, don't even know where to start...but i may well be on with something of a similar question tomorrow!
[22:21] <Glady> independant status
[22:22] <ktulu77> hi
[22:22] <Glady> counselling
[22:22] <ktulu77> I am on intrepid ibex and I would like to know if there is a way to add a new user
[22:23] <Glady> head cases
[22:23] <gm04030276> adduser command?
[22:23] <pepp> anyone had problems with this soundcard in kubuntu :
[22:23] <pepp> HDA Intel │
[22:23] <pepp> │ Chip: Realtek ALC660-VD
[22:23] <ktulu77> KUser don't have any options to choose if the user is administrator, desktop user etc
[22:23] <ktulu77> gm04030276: I need a graphical gui
[22:23] <gm04030276> lol
[22:23] <ktulu77> a gui :D
[22:24] <gm04030276> don't know then...never needed to do it!
[22:24] <gm04030276> oh
[22:24] <gm04030276> wait
[22:24] <gm04030276> you could try webmin
[22:24] <Glady> always in the matrix
[22:24] <ktulu77> There is already a very good gui with ubuntu to manage users
[22:24] <ktulu77> but it seems not to be one in kubuntu intrepid
[22:25] <Glady> member of the matrix
[22:26] <Glady> no matrix
[22:26] <Glady> anarkist
[22:26] <Glady> matrix appoved
[22:26] <Glady> approved
[22:27] <Glady> admiral matrix's approved
[22:27] <Glady> ?
[22:30] <aapzak> greetings earthlings
[22:31] <Glady> noooooooooooo
[22:36] <byteme_> is KDE 4 officially released?
[22:37] <PhilRod> byteme_: yes - it has been for several months now
[22:38] <byteme_> ahhok oops
[22:38] <byteme_> thanks
[22:39] <byteme_> whats with remix?
[22:42] <byteme_> 4.0 remix?
[22:43] <gm04030276> its kubuntu 8.04 with kde4 instead of 3.5
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[22:56] <skole> Hi! I cant find my cdrom. Whats my problem?
[23:00] <ghostcube> oO have u searched under the bed ?
[23:03] <rickest> check the coffee table
[23:03] <skole> Hehe.... can I use a command in terminal to check the status for the cd-rom?
[23:04] <ghostcube> it should be in /dev/cdrom
[23:04] <dr_willis> what 'status' do you mean?
[23:05] <skole> If its there...if its mounted
[23:05] <ghostcube> hmm noprmally kde adds an icon to desjtop or asks u what to do with the cd if its mounted
[23:06] <dr_willis> skole, the 'mount' command
[23:06] <rickest> skole: mount
[23:06] <skole> mount /dev/cdrom ?
[23:06] <rickest> skole: for status you probably mean more like: mount | grep cdrom
[23:08] <skole> ricest returns just a promt
[23:09] <kubuntu_> hola
[23:10] <rickest> skole: then it's not mounted or you don't have a cdrom link in /dev. ok: put in a CD. run 'mount'. remove cd. run 'mount'. compare output
[23:11] <rickest> whatever the difference is in output is what will tell you in the future whether or not you have a CD inserted and mounted
[23:12] <skole> rickest: I put in my installer cd, and that turns out right. The CD I put in first was a music CD. That does't show?
[23:12] <rickest> skole: your automount probably doesn't mount audio CDs
[23:12] <jpark> Anyone here know XSD?
[23:13] <skole> Do you have a clue?
[23:13] <dr_willis> one normally does not have to mount music cd's
[23:14] <dr_willis> There are addons for kde/gnome that make them appear as a data cd with wav/mp3/other files
[23:14] <dr_willis> but thats sort of a 'trick' :)
[23:15] <skole> I just want to play them with amarok... help me dr_willis
[23:15] <skole> And use K3b...
[23:16] <dr_willis> pop in cd.. tell amarok to play cd..
[23:16] <dr_willis> theres no mounting needed.
[23:16] <dr_willis> or rip the cd to mp3/flac/whatever...
[23:18] <rickest> mount is for mounting 'file systems', not devices. the CD is just where the file system is for a data cd. CD copiers, audio players, etc., work on the device, not on file systems
[23:18] <rickest> although I guess you could sort of say audio CDs have a file system, I'm not really sure how they define that and .CDA, etc.
[23:21] <skole> Yes I understand that. But I cant find the CD when I put in a audio CD, I must see it on the desktop or in the file manager
[23:21] <stdin> fwiw audio CDs don't have a filesystem, each track is burnt as a session to the disk (similar to partitions on HDDs)
[23:23] <stdin> skole: when you put the CD in, does anything show in konqueror when you go to "auduocd:/" ?
[23:23] <stdin> erm "audiocd:/"
[23:25] <skole> No it does not show in konqueror, nor in dolphin witch is default file manager
[23:26] <stdin> I'm not sure if audiocd:/ would work in dolphin, which is why I said konqueror
[23:26] <skole> ok
[23:27] <skole> but it should just come up as a Icon on the desctop shouldn't it?
[23:28] <dr_willis> or there may be a 'play cd' button in amarok
[23:28] <dr_willis> No filesystem = no need for a icon on the desktopp perhaps.. I never use audio cds
[23:28] <dr_willis> so not sure. :)
[23:28] <ryans> Hello agian.
[23:29] <gm04030276> there is a play cd button in the engage menu of amarok
[23:29] <skole> May be Im old fashion
[23:30] <Glady> why old fashion
[23:31] <skole> Found the button... It works... now is the problem of ripping... I want London calling on my mp3 (ogg) player. Going on the bus tomorrow
[23:33] <gm04030276> cdparanoia is good for ripping
[23:33] <gm04030276> just go to the folder you want to store it in and then type cdparanoia -B
[23:33] <stdin> again, I just use "audiocd:/", click and drag from the konqueror tab to the media device and watch the glory :)
[23:34] <stdin> best ripping too *ever*
[23:36] <dr_willis> i tend to use grip for my ripping needs
[23:38] <adi_> hi all
[23:38] <elian_> Hey guys
[23:38] <elian_> anybody can help me install hidpoint?
[23:38] <adi_> who is the better viewer in kubuntu for photos?
[23:38] <elian_> it's a .bin, and i followed the instructions with sudo, but for some reason ubuntu doesnt detect the file
[23:38] <adi_> I want one fast and not hungry in ram
[23:39] <gm04030276> adi_:gwenview is pretty good
[23:39] <skole> That is cool stdin!!
[23:39] <adi_> just the baisc thigs
[23:39] <adi_> gwenview have a lot of function
[23:39] <adi_> Im looking for something very light
[23:39] <stdin> elian_: make sure you make it executable or run "sudo bash /path/to/file.bin"
[23:40] <adi_> any idea?
[23:42] <gm04030276> ristretto?
[23:42] <gm04030276> its the only one i have...it seems small;
[23:42] <adi_> is it best with kde or gnome
[23:42] <adi_> ?
[23:42] <gm04030276> don't know!
[23:43] <adi_> does it need gnome pkages to install?
[23:43] <gm04030276> i tend to find they all work with both...not that i've done extensive testing
[23:43] <adi_> ok
[23:43] <adi_> thanks
[23:43] <gm04030276> i don't know, but i do have kde3.5, kde4 and gnome installed!
[23:44] <stdin> ristretto is a GTK app, but if you have firefox you already have most of GTK
[23:44] <ryans> Alright so I tried installing flash 10 onto my lappy to see it will stop freezing but it hasn't.
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[23:57] <NikLP> gm04030276: think that's fixed it - might leave video settings alone now :p
[23:57] <NikLP> gm04030276: however - the wireless internet...
[23:57] <gm04030276> haha!
[23:58] <gm04030276> ah wirelessl...enjoy that one...i don't remember how i got mine working! But that was on an old powerpc mac
[23:58] <gm04030276> tomorrow will be a whole nother bundle of fun for me too...new laptop arriving :) ... I hope...it better!
[23:58] <gm04030276> ok
[23:58] <NikLP> eeeeeep
[23:59] <gm04030276> so what sort of hardware are we dealing with?
[23:59] <gm04030276> what does lsusb say?
[23:59] <NikLP> its a broadcom bcm5755m
[23:59] <NikLP> according to lspci
[23:59] <gm04030276> ok, run emm...