UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /01 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[12:04] <Marie_untu> how can I take a screenshot of the ldm login screen??
[12:04] <Marie_untu> or how can I preview it??
[12:05] <Marie_untu> come on plp, dont be shame :)
[12:08] <Marie_untu> so...
[15:59] <EDUBUNTU> hello.....Where are the log of customers in Edubuntu
[15:59] <EDUBUNTU> :)
[16:00] <EDUBUNTU> Where are the log of clients in Edubuntu
[16:14] <EDUBUNTU> Where are the log of clients in Edubuntu
[17:13] <monteslu> anyone else having 8.04 slow to a crawl with logins?
[19:08] <GJ> I enabled ufw on my Edubuntu server. To get thin clients to boot and users to login, I had to open ports to allow ssh, udp 67, udp 68, udp 69, udp 514, tcp 2000, tcp 9571.
[19:09] <GJ> Upon logging out there are some higher number ports that vary that are getting blocked and causing the logout process to exit abnormally.
[19:11] <GJ> Is there some range of tcp ports in the 46000 to 48000 that has to be opened all of the above?
[19:14] <GJ> Correction: Is there some range of tcp ports in the 46000 to 48000 range that has to be opened in addition to all of the above?
[19:30] <GJ> Sorry! Now logout seems to be working OK. Not sure what changed. I didn't add any allow rules in that high range to the firewall.
[20:47] <Fritz87> hey, theres a meeting tonight, correct?
[23:41] <elian_> hey does anybody feel helpful tonight?:P
[23:41] <elian_> im kinda nooby, but really wanna use ubuntu
[23:42] <elian_> hidpoint doesnt work though
[23:42] <elian_> making my laser keyboard with the shortcuts quite useless