UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /30 /#ubuntu-classroom.txt
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[07:46] <jscurtu> hi every one.... i saw the news about the UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Session here on IRC , i am interessted on packaging software on Ubuntu and wanted to know before i join in if the Session toutorials are for software dev's only, or if if Linux expirienced users can join in too??
[07:51] <nalioth> anyone can sit in, jscurtu
[07:52] <jscurtu> hey thats good...
[07:52] <jscurtu> thanks
[13:54] <quentusrex> Hello. I'm trying to learn to build a package. My first package I want to be able to add a debian package to my local private deb repo. I want to be able to build a package that will copy wallpaper images into the proper folder. What should I do first? I know how to run cp commands, but I don't have any experience building a package.
[13:55] <pleia2> quentusrex: Ubuntu Developer Week starts on Monday, might want to see the link in the /topic for a session that can help you out - until then help on packaging is mostly in #ubuntu-motu
[14:00] <quentusrex> thanks pleia2
[14:01] <jrib> !packaging | pleia2
[14:01] <ubot5> pleia2: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports
[14:01] <jrib> pleia2: if you want to get a headstart you can read those docs
[14:01] <jrib> erm
[14:01] <jrib> quentusrex: that was all for you :)
[14:02] <pleia2> :P
[14:04] <quentusrex> jrib, My issue is that I've never built a package before. I don't know what steps are involved or what requirements there are. I've only installed packages. My start point is that I have a folder with images, and I want to make a package that includes the images and copies them into a specific folder. What is my next step?
[14:06] <jrib> quentusrex: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide assumes no prior packaging experience
[14:07] <quentusrex> persia, do you know how to build a package? would you be able to help walk me through the first few steps?
[14:07] <jrib> quentusrex: you could probably grab the source package for something like ubuntu-calendar and see how it works
[14:07] <quentusrex> jrib, you too?
[14:07] <jrib> note that ubuntu-calendar has some artistic nudes in it, so depending on your environment, you may not want to open the actual images
[14:07] <quentusrex> from what I can tell I want to use dh_* tools
[14:08] <quentusrex> I want to put all the images in a single folder.
[14:08] <persia> quentusrex: Yes, and Yes, but not today.
[14:08] <quentusrex> :) ok
[14:08] <persia> man dh_install will tell you most of what you need.
[14:08] <quentusrex> ok
[14:09] <persia> Also, as I mentioned before, there was a session here in July about packaging packages that didn't need compilation, but you'd have to review irclogs.ubuntu.com to find it, as nobody wrote it up for the wiki.
[14:09] <quentusrex> because it seems most of what I need to setup the 'action' part of the package is in the 'rules' file.
[14:10] <quentusrex> am I on the right track?
[14:11] <quentusrex> persia, if you don't have time, I'm not trying to pester you. I'm also asking anyone else in this channel.
[14:11] <persia> Yes, the rules file defines how the package is built. You really want to read the link jrib posted, and look at some other packages.
[14:11] <quentusrex> persia, I've read through a lot of that link.
[14:11] <persia> Also, this channel isn't a general Q&A channel: it's scheduled for classes at various times. Currently nothing is scheduled until monday at 16:00 UTC.
[14:11] <quentusrex> but without any experience with building a package and what the terms mean, it doesn't make too much sense.
[14:12] <quentusrex> aah, ok
[14:13] <coolbhavi> hi persia
=== _jason is now known as jrib
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok