UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /25 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:09] <karliz> can someone help me to setup a network connection to a shared windows folder?
[00:09] <karliz> how i have to do it
[00:09] <karliz> ?
[00:10] <favro> !samba | karliz
[00:10] <ubottu> karliz: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[00:17] <karliz> is it not possible after i installed the SMBFS to scan the network for example in a FileManager Thunar like in the windows explorer?
[00:18] <Odd-rationale> karliz: no. at least not at this time...
[00:18] <karliz> hmmm, Dolphin makes it !
[00:19] <Odd-rationale> you can mount samba share and browse them, but thunar cannot scan for network shares...
[00:19] <Odd-rationale> there are plans to add this feature, though...
[00:20] <karliz> and how i put the mounted folder on the left side on thunar?
[00:21] <Odd-rationale> karliz: you can drag the folder to create a bookmark...
[00:22] <karliz> okay thanks :)
[00:22] <karliz> :) easy
[00:57] <JohnnyBlaze> whats up with #Ubuntu
[00:59] <JohnnyBlaze> anyone on channel Ubuntu
[00:59] <SoylentGrun> i just joined
[01:00] <JohnnyBlaze> can you see anyone named glitsj6 or 16
[01:01] <SoylentGrun> i can't
[01:01] <JohnnyBlaze> hmmm and you looked on the list huh
[01:01] <SoylentGrun> yea
[01:02] <JohnnyBlaze> my comp is whacked I can't connect to ubuntu
[01:02] <SoylentGrun> can you connect to other networks?
[01:02] <JohnnyBlaze> yeah thats the weird part
[01:03] <JohnnyBlaze> I can connect here and Kubuntu but not ubuntu
[01:03] <SoylentGrun> does it give you a msg as to why you can't join that channel.
[01:03] <SoylentGrun> check the server tab.
[01:03] <JohnnyBlaze> no just freezes
[01:03] <JohnnyBlaze> hmmm ok
[01:04] <JohnnyBlaze> where is says chanserv?
[01:05] <JohnnyBlaze> when I first log in the nickserv says my name is not a registered name
[01:05] <favro> there should be an error listed in the sever tab
[01:05] <SoylentGrun> in xchat it says freenode. when you first connect to the server it's where those messages are put
[01:06] <JohnnyBlaze> yeah I see the freenode Received CTCP 'VERSION' (to johnnyblaze) from freenode-connect
[01:07] <JohnnyBlaze> ok I think I figured it out brb
[01:26] <LoCaLMaChInE> I am still having problems logging in to channel #ubuntu and I am looking for a user
[01:27] <LoCaLMaChInE> is there another name the channel is under
[01:28] <LoCaLMaChInE> who is on channel #ubuntu?
[01:29] <favro> LoCaLMaChInE: how are you trying to join? - and who are you looking for :)
[01:30] <LoCaLMaChInE> on the buddy list I click on buddies join a chat and then type in the channel
[01:30] <LoCaLMaChInE> glitsj6or 16 is the name I am looking for
[01:31] <LoCaLMaChInE> I type in #ubuntu siign on and then the screen freezes
[01:32] <LoCaLMaChInE> the chatroom with the namelist window freezes
[01:33] <favro> glitsj6or isn't there - I always prefer xchat for its' ease of use :)
[01:33] <LoCaLMaChInE> xchat?
[01:34] <LoCaLMaChInE> your not using irc
[01:34] <favro> xchat is for irc
[01:34] <favro> !xchat
[01:34] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xchat
[01:34] <favro> !info xchat
[01:34] <ubottu> xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.4-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 301 kB, installed size 808 kB
[01:35] <LoCaLMaChInE> ok so if I use xchat can I sign on to channel #ubuntu
[01:35] <favro> I would know how to help then :)
[01:36] <LoCaLMaChInE> hmmm where do I get it under add remove or internet
[01:36] <favro> ad/remove should have it
[01:36] <LoCaLMaChInE> let me check brb
[01:42] <LoCaLMaChInE> ok got it than favro
[01:43] <LoCaLMaChInE> let me open it up
[01:44] <favro> choose the ubuntu servers - click edit from the right pane and add the channels you want like - #kubuntu,#ubuntu
[01:44] <favro> you can add your password there too
[01:46] <LoCaLMaChInE> ok where do I go to join #ubuntu
[01:47] <favro> if the details are right you just click connect
[01:48] <LoCaLMaChInE> dooooh closed the window by accident
[01:51] <LoCaLMaChInE> ok if you wanted to look for someone how do you do it
[01:52] <favro> the userlist is on the right - you need to drag it open with the mouse
[01:54] <LoCaLMaChInE> ok I will play with this later
[01:54] <LoCaLMaChInE> thanx favro appreciate the help
[01:54] <favro> good luck
[01:54] <favro> :)
[01:55] <LoCaLMaChInE> gaim was pissing me off
[01:55] <LoCaLMaChInE> I hate it now
[01:55] <favro> I couldn't be bothered figuring it out...
[01:55] <LoCaLMaChInE> it used to work not no more
[01:55] <LoCaLMaChInE> P.O.S is what gaim is
[01:56] <favro> I thought it was called pidgin now ?
[01:56] <LoCaLMaChInE> probably I have 6306lts dapper
[01:56] <LoCaLMaChInE> 6.06
[01:56] <favro> k :)
[01:56] <LoCaLMaChInE> trying to get 8.04 xubuntu
[01:57] <favro> !xubuntu
[01:57] <ubottu> Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels
[01:57] <LoCaLMaChInE> thanks for your help favro I appreciate it
[01:57] <LoCaLMaChInE> I would do it that way but I have dial up that may take me 3 days
[01:57] <favro> LoCaLMaChInE: np :)
[01:58] <favro> hehe - there are free cd's but they take a few weeks
[01:58] <LoCaLMaChInE> I may go with that isos are a pain download
[01:59] <LoCaLMaChInE> well gotta go thanx
[01:59] <favro> there might be an ubuntu loco team for your country...
[01:59] <favro> see ya
[01:59] <LoCaLMaChInE> really
[01:59] <LoCaLMaChInE> tell me
[01:59] <favro> where are you?
[01:59] <LoCaLMaChInE> USA
[01:59] <favro> there's ones for diff states
[02:00] <LoCaLMaChInE> Mississippi
[02:00] <favro> !loco
[02:00] <ubottu> Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams
[02:00] <LoCaLMaChInE> neighboring states Georgia florida
[02:00] <favro> might be quicker for a cd :)
[02:01] <LoCaLMaChInE> yeah I know well thanks for all the help all of you fell better now
[02:01] <LoCaLMaChInE> love these support channels I have learned a lot
[02:02] <favro> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList
[02:02] <LoCaLMaChInE> thanks all
[02:02] <LoCaLMaChInE> later
[02:02] <favro> bye
[02:02] <LoCaLMaChInE> bye
[02:18] <blahbah7> hey i have a xubuntu question
[02:18] <favro> ask away :)
[02:18] <blahbah7> will xubuntu work on an ibm thinkpad with a 1.3gb hard drive
[02:19] <favro> might be short on space there - try the lighter distos like damn small or puppy :)
[02:19] <blahbah7> im not too sure if it will like working with that old hardware
[02:20] <blahbah7> its running windows 95 atm
[02:20] <favro> puppy 3 has a retro kernel for older comps
[02:20] <blahbah7> ok, cool
[02:20] <favro> #puppylinux will help you out
[02:21] <blahbah7> yeah im on my hp from last year right now, i just needed to know that for a friend
[02:21] <favro> :)
[02:22] <blahbah7> thx for the help
[02:23] <favro> np
[06:28] <relasz> can anyone help me, when I boot into xubuntu the load screen comes up fine, then the nvidia logo comes up, but then it just goes to a blank screen with a loading cursor... here's a video of it: http://qik.com/video/229892
[06:33] <favro> if you've had an update you might need to reinstall your vid card drivers
[06:33] <favro> relasz: ^^
[06:34] <relasz> I didn't update though, infact I don't remember doing anything special I just woke up today started ubuntu and it happened :( I'll try it anyway I suppose. Although I'm not really sure how to do it from command line >_>
[06:36] <favro> relasz: boot into recovery - then nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf - change device driver to vesa - then reboot into gui land and reinstall like you know how :)
[06:37] <relasz> alrighty, cheers for the help :D
[08:12] <corey> I am gettng an error in the totem movie player and am unable to play dvds
[08:12] <corey> ** (totem:6253): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name
[08:17] <corey> anyone here?
[08:17] <corey> anyone help me
[08:18] <corey> anyone here?
[08:19] <favro> corey: did you start with the normal ubuntu and add xubuntu to it?
[08:19] <favro> or is it vanilla xubuntu?
[08:19] <corey> I started with ubuntu and then reinstalled the xubuntu
[08:19] <corey> over it
[08:20] <corey> its the regular xubuntu
[08:21] <corey> I'm having problems with the totem player and the sound, I get no sound from anything
[08:23] <favro> corey: check in totems pref that it is using alsa not pulse
[08:25] <corey> the player locked up< How do I force it to quit?
[08:26] <favro> corey: in a terminal or alt+F2 type kilall totem
[08:28] <corey> I'm looking in the prefs, and it doesn't say either
[08:28] <corey> it says general: networking, tvout, text subtitles
[08:29] <favro> corey: I/m not on a box with totem atm - have you installed extra sound codecs?
[08:29] <favro> !mp3
[08:29] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[08:29] <corey> no
[08:29] <favro> corey: and is it a dvd?
[08:29] <corey> yeah
[08:30] <favro> !dvd
[08:30] <ubottu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[08:30] <favro> !medibuntu
[08:30] <ubottu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[08:30] <favro> corey: like windows you need to install some stuff
[09:27] <ushimitsudoki> I have a panel on a second x screen with a quicklauncher applet. But, the applications all launch on the first x screen?
=== favfro is now known as favro
[13:19] <corey> can someone tell me how to install my downloaded soundcard driver
[13:19] <spasticteapot> I'm having some trouble with WINE under Xubuntu.
[13:20] <spasticteapot> I can't access my "C:
[13:20] <spasticteapot> \" drive, or any of my installed programs.
[13:20] <corey> does anyone know how to install drivers
[13:22] <corey> help me please
[13:23] <favro> !wine
[13:23] <ubottu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[13:23] <favro> corey: what's the driver?
[13:24] <corey> alsa driver-1.0.17.tar.bz2
[13:24] <corey> I downloaded it to the desktop
[13:25] <favro> corey: in terminal cd to the dir - e.g. cd ./Desktop
[13:25] <spasticteapot> ubottu: I'm trying to run WINE-compatible software. Starcraft, for example.
[13:25] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[13:25] <spasticteapot> D'oh!
[13:26] <favro> tghen tar -xvjf alsa driver-1.0.17.tar.bz2
[13:26] <favro> *then
[13:26] <favro> !lag
[13:26] <ubottu> You have lag, I don't have lag
[13:26] <favro> !wine
[13:26] <ubottu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[13:27] <corey> I'm getting the error when I try to cd./desktop no such file or directory
[13:27] <favro> spasticteapot: try in #winehq :)
[13:27] <spasticteapot> I did.
[13:27] <spasticteapot> Nobody's home.
[13:28] <favro> corey: captial d
[13:28] <favro> cd ./Desktop
[13:28] <spasticteapot> Say, do you know how to make WINE open an app through the CLI?
[13:28] <favro> spasticteapot: I don't do wine sorry :)
[13:28] <spasticteapot> !@#$!@#$
[13:28] <favro> hehe
[13:28] <favro> try in #ubuntu
[13:29] <spasticteapot> Heh.
[13:29] <spasticteapot> Good luck on that....
[13:30] <corey> ok that worked, what next
[13:30] <favro> tar -xvjf alsa driver-1.0.17.tar.bz2
[13:31] <favro> and look for a readme file
[13:32] <corey> permission denied
[13:34] <favro> sudo chown -v you:you tar -xvjf alsa driver-1.0.17.tar.bz2 - you = your login name
[13:37] <corey> chown: invalid option --x
[13:37] <vidd> corey, what ya trying to do?
[13:37] <corey> install a driver for a soundcard
[13:37] <favro> corey: paste the command you used here pls :)
[13:38] <corey> tar -xvjf alsa-driver-1.0.17.tar.bz2
[13:39] <vidd> corey, what directory are you in?
[13:40] <corey> corey-laptop:~/Desktop$
[13:41] <corey> when I run that command I get a big list with no errors
[13:41] <vidd> then i dont see where you are getting the chown error
[13:42] <favro> corey: that is the package unpacking - on your desktop should be lots of files then?
[13:42] <vidd> the big list with no errors should mean that you successfully unpacked the file
[13:42] <corey> yeah it left a folder on the desktop
[13:43] <corey> then I ran the command
[13:43] <vidd> you need to cd alsa-driver[the rest of the folder name]
[13:43] <favro> in the folder there should be a readme
[13:43] <corey> sudo chown -v corey:corey tar -xvjf alsa driver-1.0.17.tar.bz2
[13:44] <vidd> you dont need to chown cuzz you already own the directory
[13:45] <corey> the readme file has nothing important in it
[13:45] <corey> says the features
[13:46] <vidd> where did you dl the file?
[13:46] <favro> is there a file named make?
[13:46] * vidd would like to view it
[13:47] <corey> Makefile
[13:48] <favro> corey: you need to install build-essential to make the package
[13:48] <corey> how do I do that
[13:48] <favro> sudo apt-get install build essential
[13:48] <favro> corey
[13:48] <vidd> *build-essentials
[13:48] <favro> sudo apt-get install build-essential
[13:48] <vidd> dont forget the hyphen
[13:48] <vidd> =]
[13:49] <favro> hehe
[13:49] <vidd> pesky things like that throw me all the time =]
[13:50] <corey> sudo apt-get install build-essentials
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[13:50] <vidd> no "s" at the end
[13:50] <vidd> sudo apt-get install build-essential
[13:51] <corey> ok its working
[13:51] <corey> ok finished
[13:52] <favro> still in the ./Desktop dir type make
[13:52] * vidd thinks he'll keep his fat fingers out and just watch for a bit =]
[13:53] <vidd> shouldnt he be in the ~/Desktop/{alsa directory]?
[13:54] <favro> still in the ./Desktop dir type make - should be ./configure
[13:54] <favro> then make then make install
[13:55] <corey> no rule to make target
[13:56] <favro> corey: the folder on the desktop has a name - cd ./"name"
[13:56] <favro> then ./configure
[13:56] <favro> then make
[13:57] <corey> ok
[13:59] <vidd> *wave* maxamillion
[14:01] <corey> if its still not working, do I have the wrong driver
[14:03] <favro> corey: canyou give us the error?
[14:03] <corey> no error, just still no sound
[14:04] <favro> corey: type alsamixer in terminal and turn all up
[14:05] <corey> everything is up
[14:06] <favro> and whay does uname -r say?
[14:07] <corey> 2.6.24-19-genreic
[14:09] <favro> ahhh the -19 intel sound issue - do you still have the -18 kernel - synaptic will tell
[14:10] <corey> where do I look in synaptic
[14:13] <favro> click the search button and type 2.6.24
[14:15] <favro> you want linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic
[14:15] <corey> I markd it for installation
[14:17] <favro> you'll need to install and prob the sound won't work then you do the ./configure steps again
[14:18] <corey> why is it saying when I go into the synaptic that its without administrative priveleges
[14:20] <vidd> because you are opening it without admin priveleges
[14:20] <vidd> in terminal, type gksu synaptic
[14:20] <vidd> you will be prompted for your password
[14:21] <corey> ok
[14:22] <corey> now I need to go through the steps you said before
[14:25] <corey> ok, still no sound
[14:26] <alberto_lg> hello all
[14:26] <vidd> corey, when you install the "new" kernel, you need to reboot and choose it from grub
[14:26] <corey> grub?
[14:28] <alberto_lg> hi there, can i ask a question?
[14:28] <vidd> go ahead
[14:29] <alberto_lg> thanks, i just downloaded the alternate install of xubuntu
[14:29] <alberto_lg> but when i install it from my apache server, it don't install the desktop
[14:29] <vidd> you chose the "server" or cli-only install
[14:30] <alberto_lg> can't install from the net because i don't have a fast connection, and the notebook don't have a cd-rom
[14:30] <alberto_lg> http://ftp.dei.uc.pt/pub/linux/xubuntu/releases/8.04/release/xubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso
[14:30] <alberto_lg> just this
[14:30] <vidd> if you want the desktop, type sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
[14:30] <corey_> when I rebooted and went into grub I didn't have the option of the new kernel
[14:31] <vidd> then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
[14:31] <alberto_lg> ant it will install from the image i downloaded or will try to download the xfce?
[14:32] <vidd> if your sources is set to read from the cd, it will get it from the cd, if it is set to the internet, it will get from the internet
[14:32] <vidd> if i is set to both, it will get whichever has the newest stuff
[14:33] <alberto_lg> i used an apache server local and extracted the image in a folder, than booted the notebook from the net
[14:34] <vidd> oh...that is outside the scope of my experience
[14:34] <alberto_lg> but at the end of the installation, it tell me the only core is installed, and tell me i can choose other components, but don't let me choose a desktop like the ubuntu install that works fine
[14:35] <vidd> well....once it is installed, you can just apt-get the desktop
[14:36] <alberto_lg> i will try to install again right now... thanks vidd, i'll be back to report if i'm lucky :-)
[14:36] <favro> corey_: in a terminal type sudo update-grub
[14:37] <corey_> ok
[14:39] <favro> corey_: should say something about menu.lst - check that file /boot/grub/menu.lst - at the bottom are the kernel options
[14:40] <corey_> doesn't show the new kernel
[14:40] <corey_> shows the 2.6.24-19-generic
[14:41] <corey_> memtest86+.bin
[14:41] <El_Marco> Hello!
[14:42] <favro> corey_: check synaptic to see if it is listed as installed then if it is check in /boot/grub for its' image
[14:43] <corey_> its showing in synaptic as being installed
[14:45] <corey_> I'm in the directory /boot/grub
[14:47] <favro> sorry corey_ in the /boot dir the 2.6.24-18-generic kernel image should be
[14:48] <corey_> not seeing it
[14:48] <corey_> only the 2.6.24-19
[14:49] <favro> but if it is there and grub won't update and use it I'm lost...try the reinstall option for it in synaptic
[14:49] <corey_> after I run the ./configure
[14:50] <corey_> do I need to restart the computer for it to be seen
[14:50] <favro> yep
[14:50] <wols> corey_: dpkg -l |grep linux-image
[14:50] <wols> corey_: pastebin the result
[14:50] <favro> yep you need a reboot
[14:50] <wols> corey_: no
[14:50] <wols> no reboot
[14:51] <corey_> ii linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic 2.6.24-19.36 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x86/x86_64
[14:51] <corey_> ii linux-image-generic Generic Linux kernel image
[14:51] <favro> wols: he used synaptic to get the kernel - it shows as installed but not in /boot
[14:51] <wols> he has no linux-image-2.6.24-18 as this output shows
[14:52] <wols> so whatever he saw in synaptic was a fata morgana
[14:52] <favro> that's just latin to me
[14:53] <wols> corey_: what was he exact package name you installed corey_?
[14:53] <favro> if it shows as installed and won't reinstall then dpkg?
[14:53] <corey_> I reinstalled the package
[14:54] <corey_> was the 2.6.24-18-generic
[14:54] <favro> is it in /boot?
[14:54] <corey_> no
[14:54] <wols> corey_: you did not install it
[14:54] <wols> the dpkg output proves it without a doubt
[14:55] <corey_> is there another way to install it
[14:55] <corey_> ?
[14:55] <wols> apt-get install <package>
[14:55] <corey_> apt-get install
[14:56] <wols> pastebin its output btw
[14:56] <wols> so we can see if it actually will install it
[14:56] <wols> !info linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic
[14:56] <ubottu> linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.24-18.32 (hardy), package size 17942 kB, installed size 60356 kB
[14:57] <corey_> corey@corey-laptop:/boot$ apt-get install <package>
[14:57] <corey_> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
[14:58] <favro> corey_: you should use sudo
[14:58] <wols> corey_: read, and THINK before you type
[14:58] <jdwpom> I think they meant that you should type apt-get install 2.6.24-18-generic - the <package> part was a generlaisation.
[14:58] <wols> that'S not his only error
[14:59] <jdwpom> Ah. Seeing as I'm new too, what else (apart from the aforementioned sudo thing) should I be looking for there?
[14:59] <favro> corey@corey-laptop:/boot$ sudo apt-get installapt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic
[15:00] <favro> sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic
[15:00] <corey_> ok
[15:01] <corey_> finished
[15:01] <corey_> abi-2.6.24-18-generic initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic.bak
[15:01] <corey_> abi-2.6.24-19-generic memtest86+.bin
[15:01] <corey_> config-2.6.24-18-generic System.map-2.6.24-18-generic
[15:01] <corey_> config-2.6.24-19-generic System.map-2.6.24-19-generic
[15:01] <corey_> grub vmlinuz-2.6.24-18-generic
[15:01] <corey_> initrd.img-2.6.24-18-generic vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic
[15:02] <corey_> initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic
[15:03] <jdwpom> I don't mean to interrupt anybody else waiting, but how do you go about getting in line for advice? Is there a queue of some form I should be joining?
[15:04] <favro> coreyjust ask :)
[15:04] <favro> or just ask
[15:04] <jdwpom> Oh, awesome.
[15:04] <favro> :)
[15:05] <favro> the suspense is killing me...
[15:05] <favro> hehe
[15:05] <Myrtti> it is
[15:06] <jdwpom> So, it's more of a niggle, but I can't find anything about it anywhere, and figured this'd be the place to start. I'm using a pretty much fresh Xubuntu setup, so nothing should be to untoward, but I've noticed that whencopying/moving files around tehre's nothing by way of a progess indicaor (I just switched from the Ubuntu (I guess that'd be GNOME) one, which was pretty sweet) and was...
[15:06] <jdwpom> ...wondering if this is something I've managed to personally break, or if I need to install something to gain that sort of thing.
[15:07] <jdwpom> Sorry. It's a novel. I'm overly wordy - it's the whole 'polite' thing.
[15:08] <jdwpom> (oh god, kill me for those typos)
[15:09] <favro> jdwpom: well put and totally understandable :) - I get feedback from moving files as default - I don't know why you wouldn't...
[15:10] <jdwpom> Well, the only things I can think of that would affect it are either something Thunar-based, or maybe the fact I'm using the Window Manager's default compositer (Woo! See-through windows with no OpenGL) is suppressing the window.
[15:10] <jdwpom> (Idea hadn't come to me until now, I'll just try it out)
[15:11] <favro> jdwpom: I use the compositor as well - there's normally a messagebox with time remaining showing
[15:12] <corey_> when I reboot with the new kernel I don't have sound or network
[15:12] <jdwpom> I'll tinker for a couple minutes while you help corey out. Figure I'd best check every option
[15:12] <favro> corey_: you'll have to build the package again for the new kernel
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
[15:13] <corey_> ok
[15:14] <favro> cody-somerville: do you know why there wouldn't be a messagebox during file moves/copies?
[15:14] <jdwpom> (compsitor's not it)
[15:14] <cody-somerville> -ECONTEXT
[15:15] <favro> cody-somerville: in english :) pls
[15:15] <cody-somerville> error, lack of context :P
[15:15] <favro> hehe
[15:15] <jdwpom> I can see I'm going to like this guy
[15:16] <jdwpom> Shold I just copy and paste what's already been said, then?
[15:16] <favro> jdwpom: is it with all files/a new thing?
[15:16] <jdwpom> Xubuntu's the new thing :D I just figured that it was something Thunar/XfCE/whatever's in charge of that sort of thing didn't have.
[15:16] <jdwpom> But then thought to check
[15:17] <favro> jdwpom: nope - I have feedback - it might just be the file you moved/copied - tried with other files?
[15:17] <wols> corey_: what soundcard, what network card?
[15:18] <corey_> its an intel soundcard on an acer laptop
[15:18] <wols> supported by ubuntu out of the box normally, nothing you can recompile
[15:18] <jdwpom> favro: yip, it's everything I've played around with - a couple of large movies between two partitios, a couple flicked around the same partition for testing, and some smaller bits and pieces. Nothing doing.
[15:19] <jdwpom> This favro: This is by dragging and dropping. Would it make a difference if I were using copy/paste, perhaps?
[15:19] <jdwpom> (bbs - tinkering)
[15:20] <jdwpom> Alright - problem, umm, 'fixed'
[15:20] <favro> jdwpom: I always use the right click options - might be a diff there
[15:21] <jdwpom> favro: right-click does the trick
[15:21] <favro> there you go then - for feedback use the right click options :)
[15:21] <favro> jdwpom: does seem less then apprpriate tho..
[15:22] <jdwpom> favro: I can only assume the dialog is created by the 'to' window, and drag-dropping can't decide which one's in charge. Or something. Either way, it's weird. I guess I just got too used to having these things handled by their own seperate little window.
[15:22] <jdwpom> favro: which begs the question, what if I were to close a thunar window while it's copying?
[15:22] <jdwpom> (bbs - tinkering)
[15:23] <favro> jdwpom: and remember xfce is lightweight - some things are foresaken for speed
[15:23] <corey_> how do I rebuild the package
[15:24] <jdwpom> favro: Yeah. It's pretty damn sexy, thouhg. My little P733's running about as fast as, well, ok, I don't want to hurt anyones's feelings, but, about as fast as when I had XP on it, but with shorter boots.
[15:25] <favro> xfce ftw!
[15:25] <favro> corey_: make sure you're in the ~/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.17.tar.bz2 dir then ./configure
[15:25] <jdwpom> favro: Though that's considering that the video driver's a little wonky, and so I don't get any 3d acceleration, which I DID have with windows, and I appear to own the only wMicrodia webcam that linux doesn't have drivers for. Let's not get started on the IrDA dongle.
[15:26] <jdwpom> favro: this is Dog punishing me for all those years of pirating Windows...
[15:27] <jdwpom> Anyhow, thankyou very much everyone. I promise to visit more often, though hopefully in a position to actually lend a hand, rather than 'OH CRAP I BROKE SOMETHING. AGAIN. SOME MORE'
[15:27] <favro> jdwpom: with 20000+ apps for free I feel checking h/ware compatability beforehand is a small price - but when you're new that can be a hard lesson :)
[15:27] <corey_> now I have to reboot again
[15:28] <favro> corey_: ./configure make make install then reboot
[15:28] <jdwpom> favro: I sort of built my computer from spare parts I found at the tip about five years ago, and live on quite the budget. The bits and bobs are just things I've amassed over the years, and, well, I didn't get much choice on the hardware compatability thing hehe.
[15:30] <favro> jdwpom: when I bought a job lot of comps for the home lan 1 had full support - 2 yrs later all are supported
[15:30] <wols> jdwpom: what videocard?
[15:30] <jdwpom> favro: She's my baby, and when Windows fried, I couldn't just let her sit there and turn into a paprweight, so I flicked in the Ubuntu Live CD I'd whipped up for giving myself that whole 'One day, I'll make the switch' buzz. After something liek 20 reinstalls (no exaggeration, but mostly all my fault. This is how I learn, though) I played with Kubuntu, then this version. Now I'm happy to...
[15:30] <jdwpom> ...sit and wait.
[15:31] <jdwpom> favro: Yeah, I figure it's just a patience thing, though I imagine that nobody's going to make a specific Intel 815 driver any time soon, and while easycam might get there on the webcam, that IrDA will probably take some time.
[15:32] <wols> jdwpom: intel made a driver...
[15:32] <favro> jdwpom: there's already an intel driver for that
[15:32] <jdwpom> It's a fairly generic one, and while it's functional, it skimps on a few of the features that the card has
[15:32] <favro> i810 I beieve
[15:33] <favro> it's pretty mature afaik
[15:33] <jdwpom> yeah, already installed, but lacks openGL support, for some reason. I had a read-through of the documentation and got rather disappointed.
[15:34] <favro> 3d is another kettle of fish - intel makes no money from us...
[15:34] <wols> iot will do openGL with the DRI kernel module and mesa
[15:34] <wols> favro: wrong
[15:34] <favro> wols: which bit? pls
[15:34] <favro> ahh 3d
[15:34] <jdwpom> Okay, so quickly then - DRI kernel module? Mesa (grabs crowbar)
[15:35] <wols> they sell you cpus, chipsets and videochips
[15:35] <wols> they make money off you. not as if they charge for their windows drivers
[15:35] <jdwpom> (They didn't make a red cent from my scavenging ass)
[15:36] <favro> wols: any clues on the steps to 3d with intel
[15:36] <wols> glxinfo output first
[15:37] <wols> that tells you where you stand
[15:37] <favro> jdwpom: ^^
[15:37] <wols> usually, it should all work out of the box in hardy
[15:37] <jdwpom> Oh, like I say, it works, but the linux driver skimps on features.
[15:38] <jdwpom> Compare: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/intel815/sb/cs-009143.htm
[15:38] <corey> I ran the ./config and restarted with the new kernel and still nothing, no network, no sound
[15:38] <jdwpom> with: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/intel815/sb/cs-009147.htm
[15:39] <favro> corey: there are three steps - ./configure then make then make install
[15:40] <wols> favro: why do you think he needs to compile anything?
=== jdwpom is now known as jdwpom-away
[15:42] <favro> wols: he has no sound - in either kernel and was trying to compile when I came in - it is linux
[15:43] <favro> wols: any clues appreciated
[15:45] <corey> corey@corey-laptop:~/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.17$ make install
[15:45] <corey> if [ -L /usr/include/sound ]; then \
[15:45] <corey> rm -f /usr/include/sound; \
[15:45] <corey> ln -sf /home/corey/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.17/include/sound /usr/include/sound; \
[15:45] <corey> else \
[15:45] <corey> rm -rf /usr/include/sound; \
[15:45] <corey> install -d -m 755 -g root -o root /usr/include/sound; \
[15:45] <corey> for f in include/sound/*.h; do \
[15:45] <corey> install -m 644 -g root -o root $f /usr/include/sound; \
[15:45] <corey> done \
[15:45] <corey> fi
[15:45] <corey> install: cannot change owner and permissions of `/usr/include/sound': No such file or directory
[15:45] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:45] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:45] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:45] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:45] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <favro> corey: my bad - should have been sudo make install
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] * El_Marco gets the point
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:46] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:47] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:47] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:47] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied
[15:48] <corey> make: *** [install-headers] Error 1
[15:48] <corey> corey@corey-laptop:~/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.17$ sudo make install
[15:48] <corey> [sudo] password for corey:
[15:48] <corey> if [ -L /usr/include/sound ]; then \
[15:48] <corey> rm -f /usr/include/sound; \
[15:48] <corey> ln -sf /home/corey/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.17/include/sound /usr/include/sound; \
[15:48] <corey> else \
[15:48] <corey> rm -rf /usr/include/sound; \
[15:48] <corey> install -d -m 755 -g root -o root /usr/include/sound; \
[15:48] <favro> !paste | corey
[15:48] <ubottu> corey: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[15:48] <corey> for f in include/sound/*.h; do \
[15:48] <bytor4232> corey: Stop flooding the channel
[15:48] <corey> install -m 644 -g root -o root $f /usr/include/sound; \
[15:48] <corey> done \
[15:49] <corey> fi
[15:49] <corey> find /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/sound -name 'snd*.*o' | xargs rm -f
[15:49] <corey> find /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/sound -name 'snd*.*o.gz' | xargs rm -f
[15:49] <bytor4232> corey: use http://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:49] <corey> find /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/sound -name 'ac97_bus.*o' | xargs rm -f
[15:49] <corey> find /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/sound -name 'ac97_bus.*o.gz' | xargs rm -f
[15:49] <corey> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/corey/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.17/acore'
[15:49] <favro> that fi is a tease
[15:49] <corey> mkdir -p /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/sound/acore
[15:49] <corey> cp snd-hwdep.ko snd-page-alloc.ko snd-pcm.ko snd-rawmidi.ko snd-rtctimer.ko snd-timer.ko snd.ko /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/sound/acore
[15:49] <corey> cp: cannot stat `snd-hwdep.ko': No such file or directory
[15:49] <corey> cp: cannot stat `snd-page-alloc.ko': No such file or directory
[15:49] <corey> cp: cannot stat `snd-pcm.ko': No such file or directory
[15:49] <corey> cp: cannot stat `snd-rawmidi.ko': No such file or directory
[15:49] <corey> cp: cannot stat `snd-rtctimer.ko': No such file or directory
[15:49] <corey> cp: cannot stat `snd-timer.ko': No such file or directory
[15:49] <corey> cp: cannot stat `snd.ko': No such file or directory
[15:49] <corey> make[1]: *** [modules_install] Error 1
[15:49] <corey> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/corey/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.17/acore'
[15:49] <corey> make: *** [install-modules] Error 1
[15:49] <corey> sorry
[15:49] <bytor4232> corey: Stop flooding the channel
[15:49] <bytor4232> corey: use http://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:50] <corey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/40438/
[15:50] * El_Marco has a problem but suspects it may be a rather large one, due mainly to being a newbie at this sort o' thing; here goes. Anyone willing to listen and try and help?
[15:50] <favro> corey: my bad - should have been sudo make install
=== jdwpom-away is now known as jdwpom
[15:51] <favro> apologies to all ;)
[15:51] <corey> thats the error when I type sudo make install
[15:51] <corey> ./configure worked fine
[15:52] <corey> make worked fine
[15:52] <corey> sudo make install isn't working
[15:52] <jdwpom> EL_Marco: I'm kind of new, too, but can try.
[15:52] <El_Marco> Cheers, jdwpom. I'll see if I can explain.
[15:53] <El_Marco> Ok, well, I was given an old laptop by a friend. The last thing he did with it, before putting it away in a cupboard, was instal Xubuntu and lose the admin password. Xubuntu (whichever version it is) is lovely but without the admin password I can't seem to do much with it. I can't edit settings and the computer won't access the internet or play media files.
[15:54] <wols> El_Marco: there is no admin password.
[15:54] <wols> El_Marco: xubuntu uses sudo and all you need is your user's password for that
[15:55] <El_Marco> wols: it asks me for a password and my user's password doesn't work for it
[15:55] <wols> El_Marco: what does?
[15:55] <El_Marco> Any time I try to access any of the settings menu
[15:55] <jdwpom> wols: I think it's more along the lines of 'it's got the auto-login set, so it'll boot, but I don't know the password'
[15:55] <El_Marco> *menus
[15:55] <El_Marco> jdwpom : No, that's not it.
[15:55] <wols> El_Marco: exact command
[15:56] <wols> El_Marco: do you know your user's password?
[15:56] <El_Marco> I do have a login and password - my friend did give me that. Just no access to any of the settings menus
[15:56] <El_Marco> wols; yes
[15:56] <wols> then you can use sudo and gksudo
[15:56] <El_Marco> I can?
[15:56] <wols> unless he misconfigured it
[15:56] <wols> yes
[15:56] <wols> apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[15:57] <favro> corey: you are using hardy yes
[15:57] <El_Marco> hmm. Here we have the biggest problem; the computer is at my studio right now, so I can't actually check.
[15:57] <El_Marco> wols; I asume it needs to be online to do that? I couldn't seem to get it online either though.
[15:58] <wols> El_Marco: yes
[15:58] <wols> El_Marco: sudo fdisk -l
[15:59] <El_Marco> Ok - cheers, I'll give it a go.
[15:59] <jdwpom> Just for my own clarification, how exactly does sudo work? I mean, does it just instantly make any user - even one with jack all permissions - able to do anything they want?
[15:59] <favro> if the root password isn't set then booting in recovery will let El_Marco install stuff
[16:00] <wols> El_Marco: try this command to see if it works
[16:00] <wols> it should. if it doesn't no partitions are shown. if it does, at least one partition will be shown
[16:00] <wols> if that doesn't work, you need to reboot via live cd and reset password and check sudo settings
[16:01] <El_Marco> In any case, I'd like to update Xubuntu - the version I'm using right now seems unable to 'make' (compile?) packages - no gcc or something.
[16:01] <wols> El_Marco: install build-essential
[16:01] <El_Marco> wols - I think I tried that but unpacking the archive failed due to missing something - I think gcc
[16:01] <jdwpom> Might this be worth a re-format/reinstall?
[16:02] <El_Marco> I'd be up for that, actualy.
[16:02] <El_Marco> I'd be much more confident if I'd been through setting the entire thing up myself.
[16:02] <wols> maybe not a bad idea
[16:02] <El_Marco> right now I'm just prodding this thing I've really no clue about.
[16:02] <jdwpom> Means you can set your accounts up properly and so on, too. D/l a live CD on the computer you're now on and be happy.
[16:03] <El_Marco> *nod* sounds like a plan.
[16:03] <ron_o> any issues with 8.04LTS? Should I "upgrade" or just update everything.
[16:03] <ron_o> just don't want any issues. :/
[16:03] <favro> wols: in recovery as root doesn't passwd <user> let you set a new password?
[16:03] <wols> no one can or will guarantee you that
[16:03] <El_Marco> Ok. Wols, jdwpom, favro - thanks, people.
[16:03] <ron_o> so true...
[16:03] <ron_o> I'll just keep everything as is.
[16:04] <ron_o> I've enough problems right now.
[16:04] <favro> ahhh
[16:04] <wols> favro: if you start via "init=/bin/sh" it will
[16:07] <El_Marco> jdwpom: when you say "DL a live CD", would that be the Desktop CD rather than the install CD? http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/release/
[16:07] <jdwpom> Personally, I recommend the desktop. That way you can make sure it'll find things like your network card/internet connection and so on before install.
[16:08] <El_Marco> Gotcha. Ok, I'll go with that for the moment.
[16:08] <jdwpom> You mentioned you couldn't get the computer online, so it'll pay to check, though I imagine it'll work.
[16:09] <El_Marco> There's a bunch of stuff it won't do right now, including acessing the card on a digital camera via a usb cable.
[16:09] <jdwpom> El_Marco The alternate CD is basically a text-based version of the other one, from what I've managed to figure out. Us n00bs should probably stick with the easier option :D
[16:10] <El_Marco> Oh. hehe, I see. Yeah, text based sounds a little hardcore for me right now.
[16:10] <wols> El_Marco: alternate install is the debian installer
[16:10] <wols> works on more systems, is for some people harder to use
[16:10] <El_Marco> I do see.
[16:11] <jdwpom> El_MarcoL Hit google with your camera's model number, and tack the word 'ubuntu' on the end of your search, and you'll know in no time if it's supported. If not, invest in a cheap card reader - you can pick one up for next to nothing that'll read every card under the sun, and is certain to work
[16:11] <El_Marco> good idea
[16:11] <El_Marco> *does so*
[16:12] <wols> jdwpom: not certain
[16:12] <wols> and compatibility is tested against linux, not just ubuntu
[16:12] <wols> if one distro works, all will (with enough prodding)
[16:13] <jdwpom> wols: Yeah, but using the 'ubuntu' part shows more erliable options, I've found. Also, don't most card readers just use the Mass Storage driver? I'm yet to see one that doesn't.
[16:13] <wols> oh, e.g. there are toshiba lappie built in card readers that simply aren't supported
[16:14] <jdwpom> Intriguing. I wonder how Toshiba managed to mess tHAT one up?
[16:14] <jdwpom> Either way, if he buys one, he should be good..
[16:15] <jdwpom> (As in, buys an external reader)
[16:15] <El_Marco> one forum post I just read said something about changing the transfer mode in camera settings itself.
[16:16] <El_Marco> (about my specific model)
[16:16] * El_Marco will give that a go
[16:17] <jdwpom> Google: Screw the dogs - WE'RE man's best friend.
[16:18] <jdwpom> Anyhow, what with it being 2amish, I'm out. Thanks once again for all the help, everyone.
[16:18] <jdwpom> Oops. Misread the clock. Let's try 3am.
[16:19] <El_Marco> Cheers for your helps, jdwpom
[16:19] <jdwpom> Don't thank me, thank wols for continually and consistently correcting me :D
[16:20] <El_Marco> hehe, yeah, thanks for correcting the Ozy, wols ;)
[16:22] <favro> El_Marco: did you mean aussie?
[16:22] <favro> hehe
[16:23] <El_Marco> Yep yep. He was Ozish.
[16:23] <El_Marco> hehe
[16:23] <favro> he had pom in his name - a new recruit to aus?
[16:24] <El_Marco> I did wonder.
[16:24] <favro> or should that be pohm?
[16:24] <El_Marco> or pomme?
[16:25] <favro> prisoner of her majesty
[16:25] <favro> pohm
[16:25] <El_Marco> I wonder what he did to be extradited.
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
[16:25] * cody-somerville notes that we have #xubuntu-offtopic for offtopic discussion :-]
[16:25] * El_Marco prepares another silly question relevant to the topic.
[16:26] <El_Marco> Could I... erm. put the Desktop CD on my USB stick rather than making an actual CD for it?
[16:26] <Myrtti> and I think it's silly to have -offtopic for different ubuntu projects :-þ
[16:26] <Myrtti> El_Marco: yes
[16:26] <El_Marco> If I... changed the boot priority for USB devices?
[16:27] <favro> pendrivelinux.com has the info for that El_Marco
[16:27] <Myrtti> (but I'm a silly person, I think Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Kubuntu are just different "themings" for *buntu)
[16:27] <El_Marco> cheers. I'll go have a look
[16:27] <Myrtti> anyway, I'm off to buy milk
[16:29] <El_Marco> That's cool, favro
[16:30] <favro> it'll get you started El_Marco ?
[16:30] <El_Marco> favro: Looks like it certainly could do that, yeah.
[17:47] <steven_> hello
=== steven_ is now known as s_even
[17:48] <zoredache> hello
[17:48] <cody-somerville> Hi
[17:48] <s_even> how are you?
[17:49] <s_even> I Xubuntu is less popular than kubuntu... a pitty...
[17:51] <bytor4232> Its europe. They love KDE.
[17:52] <s_even> I don't :p
[17:52] <s_even> to much Vista-like, but even worse then vista ^^
[17:52] <s_even> *too
[17:53] <s_even> Too complicated for stuff that should be simple...
[17:55] <vidd> oh? like what?
[17:56] * vidd has never tried KDE
[17:59] <s_even> euhm... To change the lay-out theme, you have to go trough a hell
[17:59] <bytor4232> We should take this conversation out of the support room, and into the offtopic room.
[18:00] <s_even> though, once you know how to do it, you can change much more than with xubuntu
[18:00] <s_even> offtopic room?
[18:00] <s_even> where's that?
[18:00] <zoredache> #xubuntu-offtopic
=== s_even is now known as s_Even
[18:24] <s_Even> hello vinnl
[18:24] <vinnl> Hey s_Even
[18:25] <s_Even> is youre problem solved?
[18:25] <vinnl> My problem?
[18:25] <vidd> <o/ vinnl
[18:26] <s_Even> hadn't you problems to install xubuntu?
[18:26] <s_Even> or am i confusing with someone else?
[18:27] <vinnl> Hey vidd
[18:27] <vinnl> s_Even, I guess so ;-)
[20:32] <Grrai> hellO!
[20:32] <vinnl> Hi Grrai
[20:32] <Grrai> again :P
[20:33] <shadowhywind> hay all anyone know whee i can find the system requirments ?
[20:34] <vinnl> shadowhywind, http://www.xubuntu.org/get#requirements
[20:34] <shadowhywind> thnaks
[20:34] <vinnl> np
[20:36] <shadowhywind> is there any major changes between intrepid and hardy? like for kubuntu going from kde 3 to kde 4.1
[20:36] <Odd-rationale> xfce 4.6
[20:36] <vinnl> If it's finished in time
[20:36] <Odd-rationale> not a big change...
[20:37] <vinnl> shadowhywind, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap
[20:37] <shadowhywind> hehe ok. I am installing it on an older system (650 MHZ, 256 mb ram)
[20:39] <vinnl> Also, not sure if this will make it into 8.10 but it looks exciting: http://cody.zapto.org/?p=41 :)
[22:26] <kalikiana1> TheSheep: a little channel ot, but I like how Junk is coming along, just tried the demo
[22:26] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> how can I connect to my home network on xubuntu?
[22:27] <zoredache> xXxREDxBULLxXx: can you be more specific? If you are asking about accessing windows file shares you need to install something like fusesmb
[22:28] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> i just would like to see the files on my home network
[22:28] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> Like in ubuntu, i could easily see them, now I cant in xubuntu
[22:29] <zoredache> thunar does not have a built in smb browser... There are several ways to connect.
[22:30] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> what would be the most simple and easy
[22:30] <zoredache> fusesmb isn't too bad... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb
[22:34] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> could you help me install this?
[22:35] <zoredache> there is a guide on the link I provided. Have you read through that? Are you having problems with a particular step?
[22:36] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> reading it now =D
[22:39] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> looks pretty confusing, is there anything easy like ubuntu? If there isn't I won't bother trying to connect =\
[22:41] <zoredache> not really... fusesmb is one of the easiest ways. There are other ways, but they get far more complex
[22:42] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> i guess ill give up for now
[22:43] <zoredache> there may be a 'wizard' or something with the intrepid release. I know they are trying to work on making this easy.
[22:43] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> holy shit it worked
[22:44] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> sweet its working
[22:46] <phayz> i've read the doco i could find but...is there an xfce-specific guide to running compiz-fusion under ubuntu?
[22:48] <phayz> i want to run "vanilla" ubuntu, but with an xfce desktop, then enable compiz-fusion
[22:49] <phayz> there are guides on gnome and kubuntu with compiz but i can't find doco on xfce and compiz (on the ubuntu or xubuntu wikis)
[23:01] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> I'm trying to make a launcher for gmuisbrowser, where can I find the icon?
[23:03] <zoredache> what is gmuisbrowser?
[23:04] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> gmusicbrowser, it like lets you play music
[23:04] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> where would the icon be?
[23:05] <zoredache> one trick might be to try 'dpkg -L gmusicbrowser | less' at a command line
[23:05] <zoredache> that would list all the files that where part of the package
[23:07] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> where do i type that?
[23:08] <xXxREDxBULLxXx> nvm
[23:08] <zoredache> in a terminal