UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /25 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[00:11] <cody-somerville> PriceChild, ping
[00:11] <PriceChild> pong
[00:12] <nalioth> seen it
[00:12] <nalioth> am watching
[00:12] <elky_work> is this still the "paddy frank is back" fun?
[00:12] <cody-somerville> PriceChild, I've created #ubuntu-legal to reduce noise in -motu regarding licenses and other legal stuff
[00:12] <cody-somerville> PriceChild, I'd like the IRC Council to take care of it, if they would.
[00:12] <nalioth> elky_work: no, just an irritant
[00:12] <PriceChild> cody-somerville: Take care of it?
[00:13] <elky_work> nalioth: aww, i was about to go get the popcorn :(
[00:13] <cody-somerville> PriceChild, You know, do your irc stuff with it :P
[00:13] <PriceChild> :s
[00:13] <PriceChild> Which stuff?
[00:13] <nalioth> elky_work: please don't summon any demons
[00:13] <cody-somerville> PriceChild, Like, keep the peace, and op it, and stuffz
[00:14] <elky_work> we are not hire-an-op
[00:14] <PriceChild> Its not really something we usually do... How would *!*@ubuntu/member/* +voiAt do in there?
[00:15] <nalioth> cody-somerville: are you a lawyer?
[00:15] <cody-somerville> Sounds good to me
[00:15] <nalioth> #ubuntu-legal is not a good idea
[00:15] <cody-somerville> Okay
[00:15] <cody-somerville> Is there a better name for that sort of discussion?
[00:15] <cody-somerville> PriceChild, Well, I'd still like to give the IRC Council ownership and stuff like that to manage the channel
[00:15] <elky_work> unless there'll be lawyers, #ubuntu-IANAL ;)
[00:15] <cody-somerville> <g>
[00:16] <PriceChild> Hmm well it does kind of make me think of debian-legal... which is something very different despite the same naming
[00:16] <cody-somerville> Whats debian-legal about?
[00:16] <elky_work> #ubuntu-ethics ?
[00:16] <elky_work> nah
[00:16] <cody-somerville> #ubuntu-community ?
[00:16] <PriceChild> You're wanting a channel which holds general discussion about it... debian-legal is a group of lawyers giving advice.
[00:16] <PriceChild> (I believe)
[00:17] <cody-somerville> Okay
[00:17] <nalioth> if it's generated by #ubuntu-motu, perhaps #ubuntu-motu-discussion
[00:17] <elky_work> cody-somerville: talk to matt east about possible logical namings maybe?
[00:17] <nalioth> keeps the non-motu yakking out of -motu, but keeps it related to -motu
[00:18] * cody-somerville notes that there isn't a general community channel, maybe we should have one?
[00:18] <PriceChild> cody-somerville: -offtopic
[00:18] * PriceChild should think before speaking more often.
[00:18] * cody-somerville is thinking more along the lines of ontopic community discussion.
[00:18] <cody-somerville> For example, if I wanted to talk to mdke about this, I would have to bring him here or talk to him in private
[00:19] <PriceChild> #ubuntu-$TEAM_NAME
[00:19] <cody-somerville> PriceChild, Right but there is no channel for the CC :]
[00:19] <cody-somerville> ie. just plain old, community community discussion
[00:19] <PriceChild> there isn't?
[00:20] <cody-somerville> If you know otherwise, I've been missing out :-]
[00:20] <PriceChild> i doubt they want a channel
[00:21] <cody-somerville> Right
[00:21] <cody-somerville> Thats why I'm thinking more of a meta channel
[00:21] <PriceChild> I do like #ubuntu-ianal.
[00:21] <elky_work> PriceChild: yeah, it's not like -motu is an entirely serious name ;)
[00:22] <cody-somerville> My thinking is that traffic would be so low in -ianal that it might be better to amalgamate it into a channel that has a broader purpose such as a channel for discussion on community and community issues in general.
[00:22] <PriceChild> I'd also consult whoever runs -motu before telling people from there that its policy is to go to wherever. We don't run -motu afaik.
[00:23] <cody-somerville> Right
[00:23] <cody-somerville> Let me touch base with a few folks and I'll write something to relevant mailing lists.
[00:23] <cody-somerville> I think it would be good to get Jono to weigh in
[00:23] <elky_work> cody-somerville: and jorge
[00:23] <PriceChild> mailing lists are going to make it so formal
[00:24] <elky_work> and bring out licencing guru wannabe
[00:24] <elky_work> ^^every
[00:25] <nalioth> no need for a mailing list
[00:25] <elky_work> nalioth: he means, informing existing ones
[00:26] <cody-somerville> Anyhow, I already prematurely registered #ubuntu-legal
[00:26] <elky_work> cody-somerville: it is worth keeping it and piping to -ianal
[00:26] * cody-somerville nods.
[00:26] <elky_work> since -ianal makes -legal perfectly clear
[00:26] <cody-somerville> Is it appropriate for me to add the irc council to the access list?
[00:27] <elky_work> you could even hand out token grains of salt on each join
[00:27] <cody-somerville> \o/
[00:27] <elky_work> but yes, add the council nick
[00:28] <cody-somerville> whats the nick again?
[00:29] <elky_work> ubuntuirccouncil iirc, you might want to check access for an existing channel though
[00:30] * elky_work goes back to trying to figure how to make SELinux behave in fedora
[00:31] <cody-somerville> -ChanServ- Flags +votsriRfA were set on UbuntuIrcCouncil in #ubuntu-legal.
[00:31] <cody-somerville> oh, was kmos unbanned? I never really followed that discussion.
[00:32] <elky_work> cody-somerville: reluctantly. i'm not sure he's allowed to actually touch anything though
[00:33] <cody-somerville> okay
[00:33] <PriceChild> He looks muted.
[00:33] <elky_work> i think they figure if he's forced to read, he might learn something
[00:34] <elky_work> eventually
[00:34] <cody-somerville> heh
[00:40] <Flannel> cody-somerville: -offtopic is for Ubuntu topics, yes.
[00:41] <Flannel> although, with the way its been the past few months, the signal to noise ratio is quite bad depending on the time of day/cliques active.
[00:41] <Flannel> it used to be a rather intelligent channel, honest!
[00:42] <cody-somerville> I'm pretty sure -offtopic is for offtopic discussion, no?
[00:42] <elky_work> at one point, it was more intelligent than #ubuntu
[00:42] <Flannel> Indeed.
[00:42] <Flannel> cody-somerville: offtopic includes Ubuntu topics
[00:42] <PriceChild> elky_work: offtopic for #ubuntu
[00:42] <elky_work> cody-somerville: where offtopic is non-techsupport
[00:42] <PriceChild> gah
[00:42] <Flannel> cody-somerville: since #ubuntu is just for support
[00:42] <PriceChild> cody-somerville: offtopic for #ubuntu
[00:43] <elky_work> it's supposed to be 'ubuntu discussion that doesnt fit into other channel scopes'
[00:43] <Flannel> usually if you get a thread started, the randomness stops.
[00:45] <Flannel> elky_work: It was until we got a group of people who hung out in -offtopic, but were never in #ubuntu.
[00:49] <nalioth> cody-somerville: #ubuntu-offtopic is for Ubunte related non support discussion
[00:56] <elky_work> depending on who is active, it can be #ubuntu-emo, #ubuntu-psychotic, #ubuntu-i-am-bored-please-play-with-me
[00:57] * Flannel must be asleep during the -emo time, thankfully.
[00:57] <Flannel> Oh wait, no nevermind.
[00:57] <Flannel> But again, if you start an actual non-random topic, you'll get a good response
[00:58] <Flannel> their else: statement is just rnd()
[00:58] <elky_work> yeah
[04:03] <ubottu> In #ubuntuforums, jacob said: !irs is http://instantrimshot.com
[04:08] * Flannel just doesn't understand the desire to have that factoid.
[04:41] <elky_work> because people are utter dorks sometimes
[05:00] * Madpilot isn't sure he wants to click on that URL... and he clicks on nearly *everything*...
[05:17] <Madpilot> OK, stupid but harmless, certainly doesn't need a factoid...
[06:26] <elky_work> Madpilot: yeah
[06:26] <elky_work> i was worried the first time too
[06:27] <Madpilot> I love slow IRC channels. 2.5hrs for one conversation :)
[06:28] <elky_work> :P
[06:29] <elky_work> i'm going to blame urbandictionary for the proliferation of stupid disgusting definitions for terms that are plausibly double entendres, even if it's not it's fault.
[06:34] <Flannel> problem is, we already have a factoid
[06:34] <Flannel> !rimshot
[06:34] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about rimshot
[06:34] <Flannel> !instantrimshot
[06:34] <ubottu> Ba Dun Tshh! http://instantrimshot.com/
[06:34] <Flannel> see? makes me sad.
[06:35] <Flannel> especially because the factoid itself is useless... because the factoid text is as long as the factoid name
[06:38] <Flannel> mmm, please pretend those two factoids were written as if they were continuations of the same idea... instead of the same sentence twice in a row.
[06:45] * Myrtti hides
[06:46] <Madpilot> morning Myrtti
[06:46] <Myrtti> !-instantrimshot
[06:46] <ubottu> instantrimshot has no aliases - added by Myrtti on 2008-06-11 15:01:32 - last edited by Myrtti on 2008-07-14 02:56:28
[06:46] <Myrtti> /o\
[06:46] <Madpilot> well, now we know who to blame :)
[06:47] <Myrtti> I love the kids at -ot too much
[07:00] <elky_work> spoiling only attracts more of the insane ones though
[07:01] <Myrtti> true
[07:11] <Myrtti> @login
[07:11] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[07:11] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[07:11] <Myrtti> !forget instantrimshot
[07:11] <ubottu> I'll forget that, Myrtti
[08:47] <Myrtti> AND suddenly, the world was a better place.
[08:54] <Flannel> Hooray Myrtti!
[10:08] <Myrtti> I've got way too many irc channels
[10:14] <Myrtti> but then again...
[10:14] <Myrtti> !love
[10:14] <ubottu> Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.
[10:14] <Myrtti> !lovetoo
[10:14] <ubottu> Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig, then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.
[11:06] <ubottu> hateball called the ops in #ubuntu (jajajalooser)
[12:10] <Myrtti> oh for Saint Timos sake
[12:11] <Myrtti> http://bugs.irssi.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=545
[12:28] <Pici> o.O
[12:29] <Myrtti> !info irssi
[12:29] <ubottu> irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB
[12:29] <Myrtti> >___<
[12:29] <Pici> Let me guess, not fixed in that version?
[12:29] <Myrtti> nope
[12:29] <Pici> Also. Good morning/afternoon
[12:35] <Myrtti> dear god I'm tired
[12:54] <Myrtti> ...
[12:54] <pleia2> me too
[12:54] <Myrtti> what on earth is he up to now at -ot
[12:56] <PriceChild> asus?
[12:56] <Myrtti> yeah
[12:57] * jussi01 walks in from a morning excursion to orivesi
[12:58] <Myrtti> you was here and didn't buy me lunch?
[12:58] <Myrtti> shame on you
[12:59] <Myrtti> no, nevermind
[13:09] <ubottu> In ubottu, jacopo said: What is a bot?
[13:11] <Pici> ubottu: tell jacopo about bot
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[14:07] <jussi01> hrm, missed this, was a bit ago, but hmmm? [16:00:41] <seller23> any one who want to buy iphones 3gb 16gb 32gb pls pm me
[14:07] <Myrtti> been notified to #freenode
[14:07] <jussi01> right
[14:08] <Myrtti> 15:56 < Sonar_Guy> Starnestommy: got a spambot adevertising cellphones bouncing channels [seller23] (n=seller@ : seller
[14:08] <Pici> Although the person still seems to be online, and in #kubuntu
[15:28] * mneptok mumbles into his coffee
[15:35] <PriceChild> hmm bfj in -r-t
[15:37] <Myrtti> hm
[15:37] <Pici> -r-t?
[15:37] <Myrtti> ubuntu is still on the victim list
[15:37] <Myrtti> read topic I presume
[15:37] <PriceChild> not in the bans though Myrtti?
[15:37] <Myrtti> isn't it weird...
[15:38] <PriceChild> because someone removed it?
[15:38] <Myrtti> hrmmm
[15:38] <Myrtti> 17:38 [freenode] @,- ubuntu [n=santosh@]
[15:38] <Myrtti> 17:38 [freenode] @,- ircname : purple
[15:38] <Myrtti> 17:38 [freenode] @,- server : irc.freenode.net [http://freenode.net/]
[15:38] <Myrtti> 17:38 [freenode] @,- idle : 0 days 8 hours 20 mins 2 secs [signon: Mon Aug 25 09:18:09 2008]
[15:38] <Myrtti> wth.
[15:38] <PriceChild> hmm?
[15:39] <Myrtti> that gives me some odd feelings
[15:39] <jussi01> looks normal to me...
[15:39] <Myrtti> 8 hours?
[15:39] <Myrtti> with that nick?
[15:40] <jussi01> could be... someone booted their computer with the defauls and pidgin running?
[15:41] <Myrtti> but usually the ident is also ubuntu...
[15:42] <jussi01> no, purple is pidgins default, is it not?
[15:43] <Pici> yes.
[15:43] <Myrtti> well his is santosh.
[15:43] <Myrtti> I don't know.
[15:43] <jussi01> meh, dunno
[15:47] * mneptok copies and pastes into his IRC scrapbook
[15:48] <mneptok> 10:37 <+Myrtti> that gives me some odd feelings <---- <3
[15:48] <mneptok> :P
[15:48] <Myrtti> if you'd only know
[15:48] <Myrtti> there was some discussions about mushrooms with me and Nafallo and Dave2 yesterday #elsewhere
[15:49] <Myrtti> Nafallo had some mushrooms, Dave2 mentioned badgers
[15:49] <Myrtti> my reaction was "shut up, I don't want to think of snakes in this context"
[15:50] <Myrtti> damn
[15:51] <Myrtti> now you *do* know
[15:52] <mneptok> snakes always need context.
[15:52] <mneptok> well, at least that's what my memo for HR said.
[15:52] <mneptok> *from
[15:55] * jussi01 is wondering what the heck mneptok and Myrtti are on about...
[15:55] <Nafallo> jussi01: mushrooms
[15:56] <Myrtti> I'm on a mattress in my balcony
[15:57] <Myrtti> http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2795525905/ ♥
[15:58] <Myrtti> the floodbots are flaking again
[15:58] <Myrtti> floodbot2 is op
[15:59] <Myrtti> so floodbot1 can't do exemptions
[16:00] <Myrtti> let's see if that does the trick
[16:04] * Myrtti tries
[16:11] <Myrtti> yeah, works now
[16:14] <Pici> the other floodbots arent in -proxy-users
[16:15] <Myrtti> I wouldn't know about that or their inner logic
[16:27] <bazhang> like that will fix it.
[16:27] <bazhang> intrepid kernel installed; who knows what that has wrought
[16:27] <Pici> He never did answer how he got it installed, did he?
[16:28] <bazhang> no he did not.
[16:59] <ikonia> bazhang: I need to go eat, can you explain to guest that he needs to not compile his own version and use the version in the repo please :)
[17:00] <bazhang> ikonia, sure :)
[17:00] <ikonia> he's doing make install - when configure is not even passing, let alone compiling
[17:00] <ikonia> right, I'm eating
[17:01] <bazhang> heh
[17:16] <bazhang> wow
[17:17] <bazhang> he is deleting directories to remove hylafax
[17:40] * nalioth always loves the are em space dash are eff school of software installation . . .
[17:40] <bazhang> haha
[17:55] <Myrtti> nalioth: you mean the recursive removal magic?
[17:56] <nalioth> Myrtti: yep
[18:32] * Myrtti sighs
[20:13] <Myrtti> have fun everyone, I'm so bored I'm going to bed
[20:13] <Myrtti> try to behave
[20:14] <Pici> I'll try
[20:14] <Flannel> we're supposed to behave?
[20:14] <Myrtti> you, of all people
[20:14] <Flannel> thats what I've been doing wrong!
[20:14] <Myrtti> ;-)
[20:14] <Myrtti> -->
[20:40] <Pici> I'm out for a bit, muted user18
[20:41] <stdin> Pici: floodbot1 just un-muted them
[20:41] <jpds> Only for the Floodbot to mute him
[20:41] <Pici> I saw ;)
[20:41] <stdin> maybe it thinks you're another floodbot :p
[20:46] <PriceChild> floodbots not behaving?
=== Mez|Reading is now known as Mez
[22:15] <Pici> jrib: hey, long time no see.
[22:23] <mneptok> OK, soryy, but i'm going to use the word "gay" as an adjective not describing a human's sexuality.
[22:23] <mneptok> you cannot say "Linpus" and not sound ... well ... gay.
[22:23] <mneptok> "ghey?"
[22:23] <mneptok> you get the idea.
[22:25] <ompaul> mneptok, argh
[22:33] <mneptok> ompaul: nyernt
[22:33] <ompaul> mneptok, two point one izims
[22:33] <jpds> PriceChild: ubuntu-irc archives appear to be working again.
[22:34] <ompaul> jpds, the magic of databases
[22:34] <PriceChild> :)
[22:34] <jpds> There's my RT pokage for the evening.
[22:35] <ompaul> mneptok, we need to replace iptables with PF (btw this is my current mad idea)
[22:35] <jpds> ompaul: Explain: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugs then ;-)
[22:35] <ompaul> mneptok, (and as will all mad ideas I will drop it in a period of time 3.142 slices wide
[22:36] <ompaul> jpds, I already told ya
[22:36] <ompaul> "jpds, the magic of databases"
[22:36] <jpds> Hehe.
[22:36] <ompaul> mneptok, my closing ) was missing please excuse me while I disparage a mirror which is reflecting on the situation
[22:39] * ompaul tells mirror to live in the present
[22:39] <ompaul> that living in the past is nuts :)
[22:39] <Mez> ARGH!
[22:40] <Mez> I hate it when people are hard to google-stalk
[22:40] <ompaul> Mez, google was not designed for you to stalk
[22:41] <Mez> ompaul, s/google/facebook/
[22:41] <ompaul> also I think stalking may not be in line with the spirit of ubuntu, you might have to check that but :)
[22:41] <ompaul> Mez, :)
[22:41] <Mez> ompaul, "google-stalking" is a term...
[22:41] <Mez> (In my head)
[22:42] <ompaul> Mez, in your head ;)
[22:42] <jrib> hey Pici
[22:42] <Mez> It means "to find a real life person's internet identity with the use of google"
[22:42] <ompaul> Mez, easy to infer ;-)
[22:42] <Mez> :P
[22:58] <nalioth> google-shocking ?
[22:58] <nalioth> did someone look up mneptok ?
[23:03] <ompaul> nalioth, not oftrn?
[23:03] <ompaul> nalioth, not often? (even)
[23:10] <nalioth> @btlogin
[23:10] <Pici> slow
[23:10] <nalioth> interesting
[23:10] <nalioth> is it?
[23:10] <nalioth> !ping
[23:10] <ubottu> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore
[23:10] <Pici> I mean the bantracker site is slow
[23:11] <nalioth> i wouldn't know. ubottu is ignoring me
[23:13] <ompaul> tell it @login and see if it likes you
[23:13] <ompaul> it might just be playing hard to get
[23:14] <ompaul> and a quote to ponder
[23:30] <nalioth> @btlogin
[23:30] <nalioth> @login
[23:30] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[23:30] <nalioth> @btlogin
[23:30] <nalioth> too much interference