UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /25 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== latouche is now known as latouche_
=== latouche_ is now known as pastouche
=== pastouche is now known as latouche
=== cshadowrun is now known as CShadowRun
[06:04] <StevenK> persia: Do you want me to throw -default-settings into bzr, or you can be coerced into doing it? :-)
[06:04] <persia> StevenK: That's just init + push, isn't it?
[06:04] <StevenK> persia: init, add, commit, push
[06:05] <StevenK> persia: I've got the source, so I can, if you wish
[06:05] <persia> add for each file, or does the initial add grab them all?
[06:05] <persia> No, I should learn sometime.
[06:05] <nxvl> init doesn't grab anything
[06:05] <nxvl> then you need to add *
[06:06] <nxvl> them commit localy
[06:06] <persia> Does that work recursively?
[06:06] <nxvl> and then push into the server
[06:06] <nxvl> yup
[06:06] <nxvl> it will prompt every file it add
[06:06] <StevenK> 'bzr add *' does the right thing
[06:06] <persia> RIght. ~ubuntu-mobile or ~ubuntu-mobile-dev? I'm tempted by the former.
[06:07] <StevenK> Other stuff is under the former, too
[06:07] <StevenK> The seeds too
[06:07] * persia goes to read documentation on Vcs-*
[06:07] <persia> I thought the seeds were under ~ubuntu-core-dev. Did they get put back also at ~ubuntu-mobile?
[06:08] <nxvl> i think you can just sync/copy the branches from team to team
[06:09] <StevenK> Oh, let me look
[06:09] <StevenK> Oh, the seeds are -core-dev, you're right
[06:10] <persia> RIght. I wanted the seeds to be ~ubuntu-mobile-dev, and that's actually the primary reason that group exists.
[06:10] <persia> Having the seeds under ~ubuntu-mobile-dev is in preparation for ArchiveReorganisation
[06:12] <persia> Right. Usually I find Google exceptionally helpful, but currently it's not telling me about Vcs-Bzr: What goes there, and what goes in Vcs-Bzr-browser?
[06:12] <persia> Err. Nevermind. I'll look at a reference package
[06:12] <persia> nxvl: Why isn't terminator a reference package :)
[06:13] <nxvl> for what?
[06:13] <nxvl> for VCS-*?
[06:13] <nxvl> it actually is
[06:13] <nxvl> IIRC
[06:13] * nxvl check
[06:13] <persia> Hrm. It is. It's just not where I expected to see it. Never mind. I'm slow today.
[06:14] <nxvl> persia: it's monday, you'r kind of supposed to be
[06:16] <persia> nxvl: Why am I supposed to be slow on Monday? I thought the intended purpose of the "weekend" was to refresh one for the following week. Although I don't happen to observe this cultural practice, I really don't think it's appropriate for people to be slow just because it's Monday.
[06:17] <nxvl> persia: well, my excuse is that on sunday i sleep until late, so i couldn't sleep early at night and i need more sleep
[06:17] <nxvl> :P
[06:18] <nxvl> and that's because i had a long saturday party night
[06:18] <persia> StevenK: lp:~ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mid-default-settings
[06:25] <StevenK> persia: Right, I've got a branch locally now. Thanks.
[06:26] <persia> StevenK: Not a problem. I still like actually using the archive for version control of packages, as I think it's less work, but since this makes it easier for you ...
[06:26] * persia is strongly convinced by the argument in the NoMoreSourcePackages spec that a properly tracked archive *is* a VCS
[07:03] <StevenK> persia: -default-settings seeded, -meta on it's way to the archive.
[07:06] <persia> StevenK: Cool.
[07:29] <StevenK> persia: treb reviewed. There is duplicate Build-Depends. :-)
[07:29] <persia> Bah. Missed that. Fixing now.
[07:30] <persia> It ought be refreshed at 40 past the hour or so.
[07:48] <StevenK> persia: treb rubber stamped
[07:50] <persia> Sent to the archive
[07:50] * StevenK peers at ume-announcer
[07:53] <StevenK> persia: I find the INSTALL symlink a little distateful, but I can cope.
[07:53] <StevenK> distasteful, even
[07:53] <persia> Hmm. I wasn't sure about that. While it works, it's likely to be broken if the build-dependencies aren't installed.
[07:54] <persia> If we pull a copy, do we not then need to keep it updated?
[07:56] <StevenK> persia: Not sure about that
[07:57] <persia> Well, since that's "upstream" code, and upstream has declared that there will be no further support, and upstream doesn't maintain a website or official code repo, I suspect we could change it with a minimum of fuss.
[07:57] <StevenK> persia: Just a comment, I'm not really fussed.
[07:58] <persia> OK. I'd rather do it the right way, I'm just not sure of the right way.
[08:12] <StevenK> persia: I say we upload, keeping it in mind
[08:12] <persia> StevenK: Works for me.
[08:13] <StevenK> persia: Rubber stamped on REVU, too
[08:15] * StevenK fixes fbreader
[09:13] <dexem> hi all
[09:15] <persia> Good day dexem
[09:17] <dexem> I'm trying to make a marquee-plugin that could listen some dbus signals... I think I'm doing it right but it doesn't call the handler function ... I'm doing this: http://rafb.net/p/OjZ9Qj17.html
[09:18] <dexem> does anybody know if there is something weird with the marquee-plugins?
[13:00] <ogra> persia, why do you set the g-p-m icon to never in the mid settings ?
[13:01] <ogra> ('m doing exactly the opposite in mobile)
[13:01] <persia> ogra: Because that's how it was in ume-config-common?
[13:01] <ogra> ah
[13:01] <ogra> you have a different power applet then i guess
[13:01] <StevenK> moblin-applets provides one.
[13:02] <StevenK> Perhaps we want to revisit that decision
[13:02] <ogra> heh, in the end we'll just merge mobile and ume :P
[13:03] <persia> Well, that depends on dropping hildon, really.
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[14:05] <nxvl> hi
[14:05] <nxvl> is there any netbook remix developer here?
[14:05] <nxvl> i've been testing it in a VM and icons seems not to work
[14:05] <nxvl> is that a known issue?
[14:06] <nxvl> (and the right channel?)
[14:13] <persia> nxvl: Not precisely the right channel, but there isn't really any other. Sometimes the remix developers are here, although usually it's -mid and -mobile developers.
[14:15] <pmcgowan> nxvl, i think clutter cant work in the VM
[14:15] <persia> Oh, yeah, that would be it. None of the VMs have GL support right now.
[14:15] <nxvl> pmcgowan: oh! that might be
[14:15] <nxvl> :(
[14:17] <nxvl> pmcgowan: i was also wondering, why do ume-launcher it's added to my session automagically, but maximus dont'
[14:18] <nxvl> don't*
[14:19] <pmcgowan> nxvl, I'm not sure, you should ask bfiller later when he is in
[14:21] <nxvl> pmcgowan: thanks, i will do
[14:23] <nxvl> :D
[14:23] <emgent> hello
[14:25] <nxvl> hi
=== CShadowRun is now known as cshadowrun
[19:21] <mockenh> I'm a bit lost as to where to ask for help, I'd be happy if someone could give me a pointer: where can I get information about the lpia port (that AFAIK UME uses as well) and will this port (and if so when) be released as a (cd) image with an installer? I'm running Hardy i386 on a Netbook but much prefer a lpia version for its optimizations.
[19:23] <ogra> there will likely be a USB key image based off the liveCD creating tools and using ubiquity for intrepid
[19:23] <ogra> but not for UME yet
[19:24] <mockenh> is there any blueprint or any other documentation about this (the lpia port)?
[19:24] <ogra> the lpia port is there since hardy, not sure there was a blueprint for it
[19:24] <ogra> (predates my involvement)
[19:25] <GrueMaster> The real question is; is your system using the Intel "Poulsbo" chipset or the 945gm chipset?
[19:25] <ogra> doesnt matter
[19:26] <ogra> the standard lpia kernel supports 9x5
[19:26] <mockenh> 945gme I belive
[19:26] <ogra> poulsbo is still rare in the wild afaik
[19:28] <GrueMaster> If it's 945gm, stick with the lpiacompat images. the lpia images have the video driver specific to the GMA500 "Poulsbo" chipset.
[19:28] <ogra> we'll have a mobile seed thats just gnome with some changes and should easily be possible to turn into a UME desktop ... i'm just in the last steps before uploading a -defaul-sttings package for it
[19:29] <ogra> not sure yet if we'll have a downloadable image for it, but using livecd-rootfs you should easily be able to create your own image in intrepid after release
[19:38] <mockenh> hm, my knowledge in this area is limited (I'm more af a python app coder), what's the best course of action: be lazy, wait till intrepid is released and use a ready-made installer or get my hands dirty, learn stuff and install hardy-lpia by hand (and where do I start learning how do accomplish that)?
[19:40] <ogra> as GrueMaster said, there are images ... look at the chanel topic ... but the desktop might not be what you want for a netbook
[19:41] <ogra> you want the mccaslin image for lpiacompat and i9xx suport
[19:41] <mockenh> well, once I got a ubuntu system up and running and got myself a console I think I know how to turn UME into UNR
[19:42] <ogra> try it :) but YMMV
[19:43] <mockenh> Let's call it a learning experience :-)
[19:43] <ogra> heh, yeah
[19:46] <nxvl> bfiller: hi
[19:47] <nxvl> bfiller: i've been testing netbook remix and i was wondering why ume-launcher it's added to my session automagically, but maximus doesn't
[19:47] <nxvl> bfiller: and pmcgowan point me to you for that questions
[19:52] <mockenh> I can't do disk encryption with that since it's not an installer, right?
[19:59] <bfiller> nxvl: did you install an official image or just the indivual packages?
[20:00] <nxvl> just individual packages
[20:00] <nxvl> is there an oficial image?
[20:00] <nxvl> i installed hardy on a VM
[20:00] <nxvl> and then follow the steps into https://edge.launchpad.net/netbook-remix
[20:02] <bfiller> nxvl: it's probably a bug that ume-launcher is added to your session, maximus .desktop file gets installed by a different configuraton package that is included in the image (it's not on launchpad)
[20:03] <bfiller> nxvl: as for the image, there is a beta release but I don't believe it's available to the public at the moment
[20:04] <mockenh> bfiller: interesting, is there any information when an image will be released?
[20:05] <bfiller> mockenh: probably soon but I don't know an official date
[20:06] <nxvl> bfiller: yeah that's what i thougt
[20:07] <bfiller> mockenh, nxvl : everything that is in the beta image is available on launchpad with the exception of the configuration packages, which are usually hardware dependent. So there is not much you are missing
[20:09] <nxvl> so, there is no much difference other than hardware specific on testing it from the image or from the separate packages
[20:15] <nxvl> bfiller: also i have one more question
[20:16] <nxvl> bfiller: does maximus replaces metacity or just complements it?
[20:17] <bfiller> nxvl: it compliments it. It's a daemon that listens for window open events and maximizes the window (if window class name not in gconf exception list)
[20:20] <mockenh> bfiller: I kinda thought UNR would also include be based on the lpia port to improve boot up, battery and performance
[20:21] <mockenh> -include
[20:26] <bfiller> mockenh: it is based on lpia
[20:30] <mockenh> bfiller: so that's what the installer would provide me over my current setup of hardy-i386+UNR-PPA packages.
[20:33] <bfiller> mockenh: that is correct, the installer would install a complete lpia based image. There are lpia version of the packages in the PPA for folks who have an lpia system.
[20:41] <mockenh> bfiller: I feel less and less confused :-) Now, I just found a daily build of an intrepid-lpia image. If I take that, install the system like I did with hardy-i386 and add the UNR-PPA packages then I have the same system the future installer will create (I wanna make sure I understand this right)
[20:45] <bfiller> mockenh: it will be close :) Couple of points: UNR has not been tested on intrepid and is currently based on hardy so there may be some issues. Another difference will be the default application set. The UNR installer image will have a slightly reduced/different set of applications installed by default than standard Ubuntu desktop. Other than that and perhaps some modifed gconf defaults, you'll be pretty close.
[20:54] <mockenh> bfiller: Cool, thanks a bunch for the clarification!
[20:55] <bfiller> mockenh: no problem
[20:55] <mockenh> ogra, GrueMaster: and thank you as well :-)
[20:55] <ogra> btw ymmv with ume-launcher on intrepid
[20:56] <ogra> it still depends on the hardy clutter version
[20:56] <ogra> there is work going on to fix that, but its not been done yet
[20:56] <ogra> (masterplan is to have the four apps in universe in intrepid afaik though
[20:56] <ogra> )
[20:57] <mockenh> ogra: since I discovered gnome-do I de-installed the GNOME menu and ume-launcher ;-)
=== trip1 is now known as trip0
[22:42] <ogra> persia, if you get up, ubuntu-mobile-default-settings is uploaded to revu (i dropped dh_gconf in favor of calling update-gconf-defaults manually in postinst/prerm since dh_gconf cant use multiple gconf files and i also have a new panel setup i apply)
[22:44] <ogra> the seed change to pull in the necessary apps is done as well but needs another meta package build