UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /25 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
=== ConnorImes is now known as Rocket2DMn
=== xara_ is now known as Atamira
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
[16:19] <glade88> 'lo mdke
[16:19] <mdke> hi glade88
[16:19] <mdke> so, as I was saying, you can jump straight into the wiki and start contributing
[16:19] <glade88> okay.. that would be good
[16:19] <mdke> the key is to read the WikiGuide pages and to ensure that material which you add is integrated with any existing material on the wiki
[16:20] <glade88> what exactly should I be adding to the forums wiki? tutoriials and tips?
[16:21] <mdke> glade88: no, there is no "forums wiki". That page I showed you is about how to integrate useful material from the forum into the wiki
[16:21] <glade88> ok.. I just read the WIkiguide :)
[16:21] <mdke> glade88: read the forum page carefully and it should be clear how to do that
[16:21] <mdke> glade88: ask any questions here or on the mailing list. Sometimes it will be a few hours before you get a response, but be patient :)
[16:22] <glade88> right.. ty.. I'll hand aroung at the channel. I'll start working. thanks again
[16:23] <mdke> glade88: cool. And read the WikiGuide page carefully, it can take a little bit of time but is worth it
[16:23] <glade88> ya.. I will..
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
=== glade88 is now known as glade88|AFK