UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /25 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== maco_ is now known as maco
[01:35] <maco> crimsun and i can't get launchpad to display bugs where field.importance=Unknown always no matches on the search (he says 1 result if he tells it to show duplicates)...anyone else seeing that?
[01:58] <hggdh> maco,can you paste your URL lhere?
[01:59] <crimsun> (maco and I are being kicked out of a cafe, but we'll be back shortly)
[01:59] <maco> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New&field.importance=Unknown <-- manually
[02:00] <maco> from "advanced search" --> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.importance%3Alist=UNKNOWN&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=&field.t
[02:00] <maco> brb
[02:00] <hggdh> maco, you are running edge.launchpad.net
[02:01] <hggdh> but same thing on launchpad.net
=== maco_ is now known as maco
[02:09] <maco> back
[02:09] <hggdh> maco, I cannot find any bug with Importance "Unknown"
[02:10] <maco> but they should exist...right?
[02:11] <hggdh> not really...
[02:11] <hggdh> when a bug is opened, it comes in as Undecided
[02:11] <maco> doh
[02:11] <hggdh> Unkown would have to be explicitly set
[02:11] <maco> wait but what about the thing from the advanced search?
[02:12] <maco> i clicked the OH
[02:12] <maco> sorry, i'm being dumb
[02:12] <hggdh> the find from advanced search allows you to select some specific thingies you want to search on
[02:13] <hggdh> s/find/thing/
[02:13] <hggdh> ther may, or may not, be bugs with the selected values
[02:13] <maco> right i didnt read well enough and i clicked the first capital U... importance in the advanced search, which was the problem
[02:13] <maco> im sorry
[02:22] <hggdh> no problem
[02:23] <maco> guess i need not to think of it as the "capital U importance" :P
[02:31] <maco> can someone with bug-control rights please mark this wishlist? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/71314
[02:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 71314 in synaptic "GUI useability might benefit from a horizontal design rather than vertical" [Undecided,New]
[02:34] <Hobbsee> maco: done
[02:34] <maco> Hobbsee: thanks
[02:35] <hggdh> Hobbsee, I guess we collided. I also marked it triaged
[02:36] <Hobbsee> hggdh: probably
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=== ConnorImes is now known as Rocket2DMn
[02:58] <maco> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/19749
[02:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 19749 in ubiquity "SATA HDD not recognized during Breezy Colony 4 install or Dapper Flight 3 or Edgy Eft or Feisty Fawn" [High,Confirmed]
[02:59] <maco> that one is fixed in Hardy, but i can't change its status because i'm not on bug control
[02:59] <maco> can someone please get it?
[02:59] <RAOF> maco: You can always change the status?
[02:59] <maco> RAOF: nope
[03:00] <maco> it says im not the maintainer or bug owner and that i am thus not allowed
[03:00] <maco> ive seen crimsun do it on ones where i couldn't do it though, and i think the only difference is that he's on bug control
[03:00] <RAOF> To change the priority, but you should be able to change the status.
[03:00] <maco> nope
[03:01] <maco> You are not the bug assignee nor the maintainer of initramfs-tools (Ubuntu), and therefore cannot edit this bug's status.
[03:01] <Hobbsee> maco: are you logged in?
[03:01] <hggdh> maco, you *are* logged in to LP, right?
[03:01] <maco> :-/ i *was*
[03:01] <hggdh> LOL
[03:02] <maco> doh
[03:02] <maco> im blaming that thing where edge and not-edge dont share cookies and then you sometimes have to login twice
[03:02] <hggdh> yes, probable
[03:37] <pwnguin> i wish people were a bit less clueless about triaging bugs. when someone reports a kernel team member's ppa fixes a suspend problem, that is not information we want to discard!
[03:43] <maco> i certainly wouldn't have any idea that someone was a kernel team member, though i might recognize a name as someone who is important to the project
[03:49] <pwnguin> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/stefan-bader-canonical/ubuntu hardy main
[03:50] <pwnguin> there's a keyword in there that suggests maybe this ppa isn't quite unofficial
[03:51] <crimsun> it is unofficial.
[03:51] <crimsun> the definitive, authoritative archive is not a PPA.
[03:51] <persia> All PPAs are inherently unofficial. Even PPAs by well known developers, as otherwise they wouldn't have put it in a PPA.
[03:52] <pwnguin> its also common to place kernel fixes in a ppa specifically to deploy proposed fixes
[03:53] <persia> pwnguin: Possibly, but that in no way makes it official. Often the patches prepared as such are not fit for the official kernel for various reasons.
[03:54] <Hobbsee> pwnguin: that does require clue, and bug traigers for the most part, arent' getting trained in it.
[03:55] <pwnguin> persia: the question is why official matters when fixing bugs
[03:56] <persia> pwnguin: A bug is not fixed until the fix is released officially. Separately, it hardly matters where a patch can be found when finding a solution, but patches from PPAs tend to be frustrating to extract due to the variety of ways they can be applied.
[03:56] <persia> In most cases, a patch to the bug is preferred, and in the specific case of the Ubuntu kernel, a pointer to a git tree is preferred (and the named developer has such a tree)
[03:57] <pwnguin> this is all much better information to provide than what I saw =(
[03:58] <pwnguin> i wish it was easier to follow the trail from ppa to source
[03:59] <persia> That's inherently tricky based on the implementation of PPAs (and perhaps based on the very nature of PPAs).
[05:33] <dholbach> good morning
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
[13:14] <Laney> How come I'm seeing Bug Buddy? I thought we killed that in favour of Apport
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== bcurtis is now known as bcurtiswx
=== ara_ is now known as ara
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
[14:23] <pedro_> hello folks
[14:26] <dholbach> sbeattie: somebody told me they wanted to run a session with you at Ubuntu Developer Week - is that still planned?
[14:34] <bddebian> Boo
[14:46] <bcurtiswx> bug 260739 , since im new to bug traige. im j/w since the bug is confirmed is there anything else as a triager that I need to do?
[14:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260739 in synaptic "[8.10] synaptic eats CPU when i use quick search" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260739
[14:47] <bcurtiswx> and apparently i can't type triage correctly twice :-X
[14:53] <pedro_> bcurtiswx: do you have permissions to set the importance?
[14:53] <pedro_> bcurtiswx: i can reproduce it here
[14:53] <bdrung> bcurtiswx: which version of synaptic do you use?
[14:53] <bcurtiswx> pedro_ I do not, I am semi-new to triage and am waiting for a while until i apply to the ubuntu community
[14:54] <pedro_> bcurtiswx: alright, can you assign it to mvo then? I'll set the importance for you
[14:54] <bcurtiswx> pedro_ 0.62.1ubuntu8
[14:54] <bcurtiswx> mvo? sorry if thats a dumb question
[14:55] <pedro_> bcurtiswx: michael vogt, the maintainer
[14:55] <pedro_> yeah i use the same version here
[14:56] <bdrung> before setting to triaged, why cannot you, bcurtiswx, reproduce this bug?
[14:56] <iqson716> 8.10 does not restart
[14:56] <bcurtiswx> i can, i just didn't have the necessary steps to reproduce.. should i make note of this in there?
[14:56] <bdrung> iqson716: its a know bug
[14:57] <bdrung> with 1000 of duplicates
[14:57] <bdrung> bcurtiswx: yes
[14:57] <iqson716> bdrung: solved?
[14:58] <bdrung> iqson716: not yet. have a look at bug #250506
[14:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 250506 in consolekit "shutdown and restart act as logout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250506
[14:59] <bcurtiswx> pedro_ i've assigned to mvo.
[14:59] <bcurtiswx> pedro_ thank you for your help
[14:59] <pedro_> bcurtiswx: thanks you
[15:24] <snadge> im presuming theres a bug number for firefox 3.0.1 crashing repeatedly because of flash?
[15:24] <snadge> i dont know much about this subject other than its only really just started to irritate me, and im sure this is a non unique problem
[15:26] <Hobbsee> snadge: do you have libflashsupport installed? (and hvea i asked you that before?)
[15:26] <snadge> i have heard that this is apparently a problem in firefox, and that it has been fixed in their svn
[15:26] <snadge> i will check
[15:26] <snadge> how do i show which version is installed?
[15:27] <Hobbsee> apt-cache policy
[15:27] <snadge> 1.9-0ubuntu2~hardy1+really0ubuntu1
[15:27] <Hobbsee> remove it - it causes crashes.
[15:27] <Hobbsee> (among other things)
[15:27] <snadge> that blows.. does flash still work afterwards or not?
[15:28] <Hobbsee> yeah
[15:29] <snadge> ok this must be the same for my hardy system at work then
[15:36] <snadge> Hobbsee: it was installed on my work pc as well.. why? :P
[15:37] <Hobbsee> no idea
[15:37] <snadge> where does it come from.. looks like from hardy-backports
[15:37] <Hobbsee> was probably a dep of something
[15:37] <Hobbsee> yeah, i'd say so
[15:37] <Hobbsee> i dont' think it's been a problem prior to hardy / intrepid.
[15:38] * Hobbsee --> bed
[15:38] <snadge> nasty.. thanks for that, what an ass saver.. cheers :P
[15:40] <Hew> Could someone take a quick look at this valgrind log and let me know if it's any good (so I can mark the bug triaged)? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17060867/valgrind.log
[15:44] <iqson716> I can't lunck to tty#
[15:44] <iqson716> **launch
[15:45] <iqson716> lunch** :-p
[15:46] <Hew> Anyone able to look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17060867/valgrind.log ? Just to make sure debug symbols are there, and that it actually caught an error. It looks ok to me, but I'm not too sure what I'm looking for.
[15:59] <mcas> hi i need some help with bug 261155
[15:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261155 in ubuntu "it doesn't intall in any way's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261155
[15:59] <mcas> and bug 261154
[15:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261154 in ubuntu "it doesn't intall in any (dup-of: 261155)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261154
[15:59] <mcas> ah ok someone was faster :-)
[16:19] <hggdh> Hew, you can look for unresolved symbols -- they will be shown as at 0x....... ???
[16:20] <hggdh> if you see the ???, then this points to an unresolved symbol. It may, or may not, be important.
[16:22] <Hew> hggdh: Yes, there are some pairs of ???, but it doesn't have the (in *.so/*.c) that the rest do. Does this mean these are unresolvable?
[16:46] <LaserJock> bdrung: available?
[16:48] <bdrung> LaserJock: yes
[16:48] <LaserJock> bdrung: aweseom
[16:48] <LaserJock> I'm wanting to get matplotlib finished off
[16:49] <LaserJock> bdrung: have you heard anything from Debian about getting the changes uploaded?
[16:49] <bdrung> no
[16:50] <bdrung> the mails are waiting in my incoming mail box. i will answer them this week.
[16:51] <LaserJock> I was a tad confused by the changelog where it looked like you were using tkagg for the frontend, but then put python-gtk first in the Depends
[16:52] <bdrung> hm
[16:53] <bdmurray> pedro_: ping
[16:53] <LaserJock> the emails I got from Sandro seem to indicate that maybe we should just use gtkagg as default add something in the Readme about some issues it has
[16:54] <bdrung> good idea.
[16:54] <LaserJock> bdrung: do you mind if handle the merge?
[16:55] <bdrung> i or you?
[16:55] <LaserJock> I, sorry
[16:55] <bdrung> youre welcome
[16:55] <pedro_> bdmurray: hello
[16:55] <LaserJock> bdrung: k, thanks
[16:56] <bdmurray> pedro_: Could you look at bug 257450 - the reporter has narrowed it down to a gnome package not allowing him to have a usable desktop anymore
[16:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 257450 in linux "Intrepid Ibex Alpha 3 20080812 updates freeze Thinkpad R31" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/257450
[16:57] <bdrung> LaserJock: the debdiff i appended to bug #246408 does not change anything that is related to the ubuntu default backend change.
[16:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246408 in matplotlib "Please merge matplotlib 0.98.3-3 from Debian/unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246408
[16:57] <pedro_> bdmurray: ok, I'll take a look to it
[16:58] <LaserJock> bdrung: ok
[16:58] <bdmurray> pedro_: great, thanks!
[17:11] <james_w> pedro_, bdmurray: are we confirmed to be immune to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=496125 ?
[17:11] <ubottu> Debian bug 496125 in libxml2 "libxml2: security fix does double free / segfaults (breaks Gnome apps)" [Grave,Open]
[17:11] <james_w> I was having a look yesterday, but I couldn't prove it
[17:12] <james_w> I was assuming that as we hadn't had a huge problem with it we weren't affected though
[17:14] <bdmurray> james_w: looking
[17:15] <dholbach> bdmurray: what about some bug-related sessions at Ubuntu Developer Week? ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep ) - "Ask Our Bugmaster" or something like that? :-)
[17:16] <bdmurray> dholbach: oh, I didn't realize it was so soon.
[17:16] <dholbach> I mailed everybody weeks ago :)
[17:16] <bdmurray> dholbach: I'll make sure we, the qa team, have some stuff there
[17:16] <dholbach> "Ask Brian" or "Greasemonkey'ing Launchpad" or "pylpbugs hacks in 5 minutes"?
[17:17] <bdmurray> dholbach: Yeah, I was thinking there are enough gm scripts that might be worth covering some
[17:17] <dholbach> bdmurray: if you like to have a slot on the schedule just take it - if you'd prefer another one I'm sure we can find a way to swap one
[17:18] <pedro_> james_w: seems so , i cannot reproduce the crash with the files pointed at the report
[17:18] <pedro_> the gorillas and wasp ones
[17:19] <dholbach> thanks a lot bdmurray - maybe one of your teammates has another great idea what they'd like to talk about :)
[17:19] <dholbach> I'll clear out now - have a nice day and see you tomorrow
[17:19] <bdmurray> james_w: I was thinking about querying the db for the part of the stack trace
[17:19] <james_w> pedro_: good to know.
[17:23] <bdmurray> Any ideas what to query for though?
[17:25] <james_w> bdmurray: I'm not sure, sorry.
[17:26] <james_w> xmlParseEntityDecl might catch something
[17:26] <james_w> but I don't think it would catch all symptoms of this problem
[18:18] <hggdh> Hew, sorry for the delay -- they may not be critical. You can add the valgrind run in, ,and wait for what a maintainer will say
[18:19] <Hew> hggdh: Yea, I've triaged the issue, so no doubt someone will tell me off if it's not what they're looking for :P. Thanks for your response.
[20:11] <bdmurray> james_w: still around?
[20:19] <james_w> bdmurray: yup
[20:20] <bdmurray> james_w: so I've a patch for that bzr logger issue in bug 260515, I was wondering what you think of it. I've tested it and know it works, just curious if what I did seems best.
[20:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260515 in python-launchpad-bugs "odd message when running py-lp-b with bzr version 1.6rc3" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260515
[20:24] <james_w> bdmurray: I'm not sure, sorry.
[20:24] <james_w> I don't really understand the problem
[20:24] <james_w> the patch won't break anything, but I don't really get why it works
[20:26] <james_w> ah, I guess the file is opened on demand, so that should work as long as you never cause any warnings
[20:26] <bdmurray> As I understand it bzrlib.trace tries to go to ~/.bzr.log, so by using be_quiet() messages will be surpressed unless it is something important
[20:26] <bdmurray> s/go to/log to/
[20:27] <james_w> yeah
[20:27] <james_w> you might still want the enable_default_logging call, so that if something causes a warning it will be logged so you can see it
[20:27] <bdmurray> That makes sense I'll do that too then, thanks!
[20:51] <jcastro> pedro_: did you get my mail about that forums thread?
[20:58] <pedro_> jcastro: the one that said Brian? :-P
[21:01] <jcastro> pedro_: hah yeah. :D
[21:02] <jcastro> pedro_: at the last minute I thought I might send it to you instead of him. It was early in the morning.
[21:02] <bdmurray> well hmph
[21:02] <pedro_> jcastro: hah ok I'll have a look and let you know ;-)
[21:02] <jcastro> bdmurray: if I would have written you you would have said "I wrote a script for that last weekend" and that wouldn't be fun
[21:03] <bdmurray> heh
[21:03] <pedro_> lol
[21:05] <sbeattie> bdmurray: why would a bugwatch be a mailto: address? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/258543/+watch/45668
[21:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258543 in xfce4 "[8.04.1 i18n] bad translation in xubuntu menu ("eines" instead of "ferramentes")" [Low,Triaged]
[21:05] <bdmurray> sbeattie: because they don't have a bts?
[21:06] <sbeattie> does that do anything useful?
[21:06] <bdmurray> Nope
[21:07] <mr_pouit> sbeattie: because I forwarded the bug to an upstream translator
[21:07] <bdmurray> It is a way of recording work done but Launchpad doesn't do anything special with it
[21:09] <sbeattie> bdmurray: okay. then you might want to filter that out of your unlinked bug watches list.
[21:09] <bdmurray> sbeattie: that'll be interesting thanks
[21:25] <dupondje> mysql is broken in intrepid ?
[21:27] <mEDEc> how is the latest RC of intrepid in terms of bugs and what not?
[21:27] <dupondje> really bugged :P
[21:27] <bdmurray> I'm having no issues with it
[21:28] <mEDEc> well that's two contradictory statements :P
[21:28] <jjesse> i'm running the latest w/ complete uupdates in vm w/ no problems
[21:28] <jjesse> use it every day
[21:28] <mEDEc> sweet
[21:29] <mEDEc> from what i've read the improvements they're gonna implement are quite nice
[21:30] <LaserJock> I wasn't aware we had an RC yet? :-)
[21:31] <mEDEc> ah my bad
[21:31] <mEDEc> alpha
[21:31] <mEDEc> or whatever the terminology is
[21:33] <LaserJock> I'm using Intrepid for every-day use but have a backup install "just in case" :-)
[21:34] <dupondje> mysql got fucked here :s
[21:34] <dupondje> for some reason :s
[21:35] <dupondje> Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
[21:35] <dupondje> mysqld_safe[11053]: started
[21:35] <dupondje> STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
[21:35] <dupondje> mysqld_safe[11059]: ended
[21:35] <dupondje> shutdowns directly :s
[21:36] <mEDEc> and has anyone tried the installation from usb?
[21:37] <mEDEc> i did it in hardy heron, but the fstab got messed up somehow because of it, so the computer wouldn't mount cdroms once i got the system up and running
[21:38] <mEDEc> really, who uses cdroms nowadays? if you have a computer without usb it's too old to use anyway :P
[21:39] <LaserJock> pfft
[21:40] * LaserJock is still using floppies
[21:42] <Ampelbein> LaserJock: me too. 5-1/4 ones make a cool decoration.
[21:42] <LaserJock> heh
[21:42] <LaserJock> mine are used for data collection
[21:43] <LaserJock> had to get an external floppy drive though because the newer machines don't have internal drives
[21:47] <mEDEc> not to mention the fact that the floppies manufactured today suck quality-wise since nobody buys them anyway
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
[22:07] <dupondje> can't even use mythtv anymore now mysql is fucked :(
[22:09] <dupondje> 6 bug reports :s
[22:10] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/260703
[22:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260703 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "Problem upgrading to mysql-server_5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[22:10] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/260298
[22:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260298 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysql-dfsg-5.0 fail to install" [Undecided,New]
[22:10] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/260264
[22:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260264 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "install of mysql-server and mysql-server-5.0 did not complete properly" [Undecided,New]
[22:10] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/210813
[22:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 210813 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]
[22:10] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/237630
[22:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 237630 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 - fails due to AppArmor" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[22:11] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/239144
[22:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 239144 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[22:11] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/247795
[22:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247795 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "package mysql-server 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.2 failed to install/upgrade: Abhängigkeitsprobleme - lasse es unkonfiguriert" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[22:11] <dupondje> lol :D
[22:11] <dupondje> something bugged
[22:11] <LaserJock> dupondje: you can just do bug #<bug number>
[22:12] <RAOF> dupondje: So why don't you go mark them all as duplicates (if they are, of course)? :)
[22:12] <dupondje> because atm i'm searching how to fix it :)
[22:12] <dupondje> cause its quite crap :s
[22:19] <dupondje> marked duplicates :)
[22:20] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/187442
[22:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 187442 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.45-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Triaged]
[22:23] <dupondje> is there a ppa for mysql ?
[22:25] <Pici> mysql is on launchpad
[22:27] <dupondje> mmm
[22:27] <dupondje> seems there is a newer version for mysql in repo's
[22:27] <dupondje> but not for amd64
[22:27] <dupondje> :s
[22:43] <Ampelbein> ping tseliot
[22:46] <tseliot> Ampelbein: yes?
[22:46] <Ampelbein> tseliot: Regarding bug #260867, you set it to triaged for the nvidia-task. what should i do now about the xorg-task? don't we need more information?
[22:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260867 in xorg "Bad video signal after upgrading to Interpid" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260867
[22:47] <tseliot> Ampelbein: no, sorry, it's something we have to deal with but we haven't decided how yet
[22:48] <tseliot> Ampelbein: you can mark it as invalid for xorg
[22:48] <Ampelbein> tseliot: ok, thanks for the info.
[22:50] <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/261066
[22:50] <dupondje> check ...
[22:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261066 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysql-server 5.0.67-0ubuntu1 not starts" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[22:50] <dupondje> solution @ end
[23:08] <hggdh> dupondje, I have mysql and mysql-common at 5.0.67
[23:09] <hggdh> hum, but just the meta [ackage
[23:10] <hggdh> indeed
[23:10] <hggdh> ftbfs?
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