UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /22 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== mi is now known as bgmiki
[00:23] <starenka> hullo, any tips for db-modelling package (other than db - bussiness etc welcomed). to put it simply i need smthng like Db-designer or PowerDesigner.. thx
[00:23] <vilhelm> what the hell?
[00:24] <genii> Netsplit
[00:24] <illmortal> lol
[00:24] <starenka> graveyard
[00:27] <contrast83> Would dmesg reporting that it's unable to supply power to the PCMCIA slot be indicative of a faulty card slot?
[00:43] <shadowhywind_> Hay all I am trying to set up a NFS server and I am wondering is there a way to only allow a certain username for a share?
=== bigbang is now known as uic
=== SNG-BurnHell is now known as s-n-g
[00:51] <genii> shadowhywind_: Yes, specify it in the exports file
[00:52] <shadowhywind_> genii: how? I haven't been able to find any information to set it up that way
[00:53] <genii> shadowhywind_: http://www.itc.virginia.edu/unixsys/sec/nfs-exports.html has fairly complete descriptions
[00:54] <shadowhywind_> ok thanks
[00:55] <janka> hi, i have 2 usb keyboards connected and i want to have english layout on first and slovak layout on another keyboard without switching layouts.. Any ideas for setup this plz?
[00:55] <genii> shadowhywind_: Also on the server doing man exports should bring up the manpage with some examples near the bottom
[00:56] <shadowhywind_> genii: i didn't even think to look there yet, heheh
[00:57] <shadowhywind_> genii you wouldn't happen to have any ideas on how to auto-idenify on knoversation would you? hehe
[00:59] <genii> shadowhywind_: File...Server List.. Edit.. Edit again (next to Default Identity) ... At bottom has Auto Identify. Put in nickser for service type. Then passrord in box next to it
[00:59] <genii> *password
[01:00] <genii> also nickserv has a "v" at the end
[01:00] <shadowhywind_> thats what i thought, i did that and didn't work,
[01:00] <contrast83> Would dmesg reporting that it's unable to supply power to the PCMCIA slot be indicative of a faulty card slot, or could it just be doing that because there's no driver installed for the plugged card?
[01:00] <shadowhywind_> brb
[01:01] <robotgeek> contrast83: i think pcmcia works very similiar to PCI. if lspci can detect it, then it most probably is the driver, i think
[01:02] <contrast83> robotgeek: thanks. this is actually for my friend who i'll be talking to later tonight; of course i forgot to have her run lspci. :-\
[01:02] <shadowhywind_> when i try it says that Nickname already in use. Trying shadowhywind.
[01:02] <edge> what does kubuntu use in the dock in kde to regulate the cpus frequency
[01:03] <contrast83> edge: guidance-power-manager...
[01:03] <edge> thankyou contrast83
[01:04] <contrast83> edge: np... the package you (might) want to remove is kde-guidance-powermanager. i personally recommend kpowermanager :-)
[01:07] <edge> contrast83, are there any other
[01:07] <contrast83> edge: surely so, i don't know offhand though. have a look through your nearest package manager. ;-)
[01:08] <edge> thanks concernedcitizen
[01:08] <edge> thanks contrast83 **
[01:09] <janka> is it possible to have 2 keyboard layouts for 2 different usb keyboards at time on kubuntu (english first keyboard and second slovak)?
[01:10] <concernedcitizen> weu
[01:11] <bigape> Is it legal to put Ubuntu on a PS3?
[01:13] <Denise> what is PS3?
[01:14] <xavier> wenas
[01:14] <bigape> PlayStation 3.
[01:15] <xavier> que tal ?
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[01:17] <bigape> No se.
[01:17] <Dekans> bigape: yes it's legal
[01:19] <bigbang> i can't change my resoliton
[01:19] <bigbang> i install my nvidia-driver
[01:19] <bigape> Yay I won't get arrested
[01:19] <bigape> !
[01:19] <bigbang> but the biggest resuliton is 800 & 600
[01:20] <contrast83> bigbang: how did you install the nvidia driver?
[01:20] <Dekans> bigbang: no, PS3 is suited for this
[01:20] <bigbang> contrast83: from the apt
[01:20] <bigbang> nvidia-drivers-new
[01:20] <Dekans> yellow dog linux is a distribution aimed to be installed on ps3
[01:20] <Dekans> all is clear for that
[01:21] <contrast83> bigbang: install the package nvidia-settings
[01:21] <bigape> No PS3 is HD!
[01:21] <Dekans> except you won't have graphic acceleration
[01:21] <bigape> It's Blu Ray!
[01:21] <bigape> It's HD!
[01:22] <bigape> Why can't I set it HD?
[01:22] <bigape> Full HD!
[01:22] <contrast83> bigbang: you should then find nVidia XServer Settings in System and/or Settings in KMenu, which should allow you to change the resolution.
[01:22] <Dekans> bigape: you can't ?
[01:22] <contrast83> bigbang: that is, assuming X is already using the nvidia driver... what card do you have?
[01:25] <bigape> Can I make a homebrew game for PS3?
[01:27] <bigape> Yes, no, maybe?
[01:30] <khro> question: right click is not working anymore for my mouse(because of the mouse itself)...so how i can possibly perform right click?(on ubuntu generally)
[01:31] <bigape> Hello!?
=== bigbang is now known as uic
[01:37] <BluesKaj> hiyas
[01:37] <jin> hi
[01:37] <jin> excuse me~!!
[01:41] <jin> um..
[01:42] <Walzmyn> multiple monitors - would ya'll recomend using Twinview or 2 X screens?
[01:44] <contrast83> Walzmyn: what kind of video card?
[01:44] <contrast83> !ask | jin
[01:44] <ubottu> jin: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[01:44] <jin> hi
[01:44] <Walzmyn> twinview is an nvidia thing
[01:44] <jin> i installed kubunto
[01:45] <jin> i wanna use konqueror
[01:45] <jin> i cant open website .. TT
[01:45] <jin> PLZ HELP ME
[01:45] <Walzmyn> you're going to have to give more info than that
[01:45] <Walzmyn> and please don't shout
[01:45] <cilkay> Hello. I'm running 2.3.0 on 7.04. Whenever I spell check anything, even deliberate errors, it never finds anything wrong. I have the myspell-en-us package installed. Is there something else besides that I need for spell check to work in OOo?
[01:46] <Walzmyn> cilkay, make sure it's turned on in the preferences
[01:46] <contrast83> Walzmyn: from what i hear, twinview's easier to set up, although i think seperate screens is supposed to be relatively easy with nvidia.
[01:46] <cilkay> ok, I'll check
[01:46] <cilkay> I would have thought invoking it manually should have worked.
[01:47] <Walzmyn> contrast83, i've only ever used twinview, i didn't want to experiment with the x screens unless someone recommended it
[01:47] <Walzmyn> cilkay, invoking it manually?
[01:47] <contrast83> Walzmyn: i assume you already have the restricted nvidia driver installed?
[01:47] <Walzmyn> yes
[01:47] <cilkay> Yes, F7.
[01:48] <contrast83> Walzmyn: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings" if you haven't already, and it should be fairly straightforward from there.
[01:48] <Walzmyn> htat just brings up the search though diaolog thingy. there's a setting to check it when you're typing
[01:48] <Walzmyn> contrast83, did, that was where the option was for seperate x screens
[01:49] <contrast83> Walzmyn: ahh, got cha. well from what i hear, that's supposed to work, but i can't speak from experience.
[01:49] <Walzmyn> cilkay, i'm looking for that setting, but i can't find it
[01:50] <Walzmyn> contrast83, everything is working, but the res on my LCD is different from my laptop monitor and it's not wanting to change
[01:51] <Walzmyn> cilkay, >>Tools>>options .... Languages settings>>writing aids ... under 'options' first setting.
[01:51] <cilkay> Walzmyn: It's not a setting. It's a menu option. It invokes spell check. In any case, spell checking while typing was enabled. It never reports any mistakes either while typing or if I hit F7.
[01:51] <cilkay> They're all enabled.
[01:52] <Walzmyn> cilkay, ok. hmm. check the path of the dictionary and make sure it's actually got one to use
[01:52] <cilkay> aptitude reports one installed
[01:52] <Walzmyn> cilkay, yeah, but make sure something didn't goof and OOo knows where it is
[01:54] <cilkay> /usr/share/myspell/infos/ooo/myspell-en-us is 17 bytes. Must be a pretty compact dictionary :)
[01:54] <cilkay> That's probably not it.
[01:54] <Walzmyn> 17 bytes?
[01:54] <Walzmyn> i'd be tempted to uninstall / reinstall that
[01:55] <cilkay> 696516 2007-05-24 06:50 en_US.dic
[01:55] <cilkay> That's the one.
[01:55] <Walzmyn> Great. I got my resolution took care of, but now the panel has disappered on the left monitor - along with the kmenu
[01:56] <cilkay> Your desktop is probably panning.
[01:56] <Walzmyn> This is weird. If you hit the hide button, you can see all the stuff on the left end of the bar go by
[01:56] <Walzmyn> but it does not show up on the left monitor
[01:56] <cilkay> Bump the edge with your mouse and it might move over.
[01:56] <cilkay> Oh, multi monitor. No idea.
[01:57] <BluesKaj> Walzmyn, kde4 ?
[01:57] <Walzmyn> hmm, i think you've got something - everything on the bottom of the left screen is gone
[01:57] <Walzmyn> kde3
[01:57] <Walzmyn> I think this is nvidia
[01:57] <Walzmyn> ok, this is messed up
[01:57] <Walzmyn> one screenis wide screen, one is regular
[01:58] <cilkay> All I know is that kdm in Kubuntu has a nasty tendency to pan the desktop. I don't have any idea of how to fix it other than installing gdm instead.
[01:58] <Walzmyn> The height for both is kept the same by nvidia, so you loose stuff off the top or bottom of the widescreen
[01:58] <cilkay> sometimes, it also "forgets" what my desktop resolution was.
[01:58] <cilkay> Shouldn't KOffice be able to read OOo files?
[01:59] <Walzmyn> supposed to
[01:59] <cilkay> I'm going to see if I can open the OOo doc in KOffice, after I do a "Save as..." of course. I recall KOffice having the nasty habit of truncating files in earlier versions.
[02:00] <Walzmyn> was about to warn you that I dind't think they were competely compatable and to save different versions
[02:01] <cilkay> It opens the document but it munges a few things.
[02:01] <cilkay> E.g. borders on paragraphs are gone.
[02:02] <cilkay> Manually inserted page breaks are gone.
[02:02] <gleyve> how can I configura my txt files open automatticanlly with a text edit software? witout asking what software to use
[02:02] <cilkay> But spell check works :)
[02:02] <Walzmyn> gleyve, right click on a .txt file icon and edit the preferences
[02:02] <Walzmyn> err
[02:03] <Walzmyn> properties - then click on the little wrench
[02:03] <cilkay> I thought there was some setting in KDE where you could specify things like default text editor, browser, email client, etc.
[02:03] <gleyve> Walzmyn: preferences or properties? there's no preference on right click
[02:03] <Walzmyn> gleyve, ^
[02:05] <gleyve> Walzmyn: ok...this part is working..but I mean, I do not want the SO ask me if I want to execute or show the content..It always opnes a dialog for me asking about this
[02:05] <gleyve> Walzmyn: Got what I mean?
[02:05] <Walzmyn> SO?
[02:06] <gleyve> I'd like to open text files without asking if I want do execute or show the content
[02:07] <Walzmyn> gleyve, what are these txt files? it should only do that if it thinks they are some kind of binary
[02:09] <gleyve> Walzmyn: only text..I just type "test"
[02:09] <gleyve> but it always ask me open or run
[02:09] <gleyve> it's not a binary
[02:10] <Walzmyn> gleyve, hmm, sorry, over my head
[02:10] <Walzmyn> gleyve, what program is set to open the .txt files?
[02:10] <gleyve> jedit
[02:11] <gleyve> but when I try other same thing happens
[02:11] <gleyve> is very boring everytime answer this dialog box before open the txt file
[02:12] <gleyve> Walzmyn: even you Don_Miguelt know the answer, do you think it is possible?
[02:12] <Walzmyn> I don't know gleyve. try again when more knowelageble folks are here.
[02:13] <Walzmyn> gleyve, i didn't understand that
[02:13] <Daisuke_Laptop> ah
[02:14] <gleyve> Walzmyn: sorry...I'll rewrite it
[02:14] <Daisuke_Laptop> right click, go to properties > permissions > don't allow it to be executed (not *exactly* sure how it'll work in kde, but that should get you to where you need to be)
[02:16] <Walzmyn> Daisuke_Laptop, ah, that's a good idea
[02:17] <cilkay> gleyve: Did you copy the .txt file from Windows?
[02:17] <cilkay> ... from a Windows share, perhaps?
[02:18] <cilkay> Or did a Windows machine put it in a directory shared by Samba?
[02:18] <gleyve> cilkay: no..not from windows...I've just created ate linux
[02:18] <cilkay> What are the permissions?
[02:21] <gleyve> what about this one? How to configure my keyboard when I type the "Window key", it opens my start menu...also when I type "Window Key" + "E" it opens the file manager...like windows do
[02:23] <Daisuke_Laptop> gleyve: eek... i don't remember where it is in system settings, probably under keyboard, you can set up key bindings
[02:24] <Daisuke_Laptop> just remember that the windows key will be referred to as either "meta" or "super"
[02:24] <Daisuke_Laptop> so it would be "super+e", but it's the same key combination
[02:26] <gleyve> Daisuke_Laptop: that one was easy..thank you
[02:27] <Daisuke_Laptop> you're welcome
[02:27] <Dr_willis> gleyve, ive seen that asked befor.. its not 'easially' done with linux. due to the issues Daisuke_Ido mentions
[02:28] <Dr_willis> windows key by itself = open menu. Is what im talking about. No extra keys.
[02:37] <YAOMTC> Does anyone here use the 64-bit Kubuntu?
[02:37] <Dr_willis> Not me.
[02:41] <YAOMTC> Thinking of switching, since I just found out my processor (Core 2 Duo) has 64-bit support
[02:41] <YAOMTC> but I'm not sure how well (or not well) things will work
[02:42] <Dr_willis> most all processors these days have 64bit support. but most people dont gain much by using 64bit
[02:42] <Dr_willis> all my machines COULD use 64bit. but i use 32bit disrtos on them
[02:42] <gleyve> Dr_willis: do you know any keyboard combination for open My Console/terminal?
[02:43] <Dr_willis> gleyve, i use that one tool tha tputs a konsole on F12 normally
[02:43] <Dr_willis> !info yakuake
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[02:43] <ubottu> yakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 176 kB, installed size 1100 kB
[02:44] <gleyve> if I type F12 my console opens? or I still have to configure?
[02:44] <Dr_willis> I run Yakuake, and F12 = Konsole slides down from the top. like the quake console does.
[02:45] <gleyve> I didn't know about Yakuake.. Is F12 its only proposal?
[02:46] <YAOMTC> Cinelerra doesn't work well on 32-bit
[02:46] <YAOMTC> so I figure if I switched, I'd be able to use it effectively
[02:47] <illmortal> Can someone explain why I keep getting these errors: http://pastebin.ca/1181231
[02:48] <Dr_willis> gleyve, check its settinbgs.. i imagine its configurable
[02:49] <Dr_willis> illmortal, you may want to summarize the problem. Not just give patebin urls. :) not everyone has a browser.
[02:50] <vilhelm> is it possible to make the KDE menu button to open with the windows key on the keyboard?
[02:50] <Dr_willis> Configuration file "/home/illmortal/.kde/share/config/kwebdesktoprc" not writable.
[02:50] <Dr_willis> I would sya check ownership/permissions on the files/paths it mentions
[02:50] <illmortal> yeah... I keep getting that error and I have no idea what it means o.o;
[02:50] <illmortal> ok dr_willis :)
[02:50] <Dr_willis> Its possible you some how did somthing as root that made those files/dir owned by root. Not the user.
[02:51] <illmortal> but quick question... what's a kwebdesktop?
[02:51] <illmortal> i don't ever remember enabling or messing with any settings named that.
[02:51] <Dr_willis> I recall some wallpaper feature of kde that was a kwebdestop thing
[02:52] <Dr_willis> not that i ever saw it actually work. or be useable. :)
[02:52] <illmortal> aha! ok gonna check those settings
[02:52] <robotgeek> vilhelm: try it in your keyboard shortcut settings. (unfortunately, i am on kde 4 right now, and can't help you right now)
[02:53] <illmortal> ok disabled it :D
[02:53] <phil_> i'm on an acer aspire one netbook and my sound isn't working...i had made some tweaks from a guide but my sound isn't working at all now...is there a way to reset kubuntu back to its default settings without a full reinstall?
[02:53] <illmortal> Dr_willis.. I get this one too: /home/illmortal/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals
[02:53] <illmortal> I think that has to do with hotkeys that I setup
[02:53] <robotgeek> phil_: are the tweaks related to kde? or with kernel stuff?
[02:53] <vilhelm> <robotgeek> hehe np thx anyway
[02:54] <phil_> i'm not positive but i think kernel stuff...but the thing is i dont remember what i tweaked and all that
[02:55] <cayal> I modified my hosts file to place a website in my localhosts, and now every browser will contact a server but get no reply. How do I restart te network from terminal?
[02:55] <robotgeek> cayal: what line did you put in your hosts file?
[02:56] <illmortal> I tried to set the permissions for read/write and I get this when trying to click ok: The new file name is empty.
[02:56] <Dr_willis> illmortal, as root you could just delete the files..
[02:56] <Dr_willis> that will reset the users settings however that those controll
[02:56] <Dr_willis> sudo rm /path/to/whatever/it/was
[02:57] <illmortal> Dr_willis, how can I just give read/write access to everything?
[02:57] <Dr_willis> it also could be the OWNERSHIP of the files
[02:57] <Walzmyn> damn. went to all the trouble of downloading the 64 alpha just to find out you gotta have 32 for vbox
[02:57] <Dr_willis> do NOT go the give r/w to everything route.. learn to do it properly
[02:57] <illmortal> lol alright I'll look up how to do it.
[02:58] <cayal> Ugh, faulty connection. Did my question get through?
[02:58] <gleyve> Can I change the color of Yakuake?
[02:58] <Dr_willis> gleyve, yes.. check its config settings menus.
[02:58] <cayal> I modified my hosts file to place a website in my localhosts, and now every browser will contact a server but get no reply. How do I restart te network from terminal?
[02:58] <Walzmyn> cayal, apache?
[02:59] <Dr_willis> restart all networking -> sudo /etc/init.d/network restart
[02:59] <Dr_willis> but i dont think thats your issue. :)
[03:00] * robotgeek concurs. /me wants to know what is in the hosts file
[03:01] <saki> For some odd reason, my window focus seems to be set to under mouse, even though in my settings it states focus on click, any suggestions on how to take care of that?
[03:02] <saki> nvm
[03:02] <saki> >.> KWin just being lame.
[03:05] <cayal_> This channel was created on my birthday. Anywho, I have a bad connection, hpefully my question will get through. I modified my hosts file to place a website in my localhosts, and now every browser will contact a server but get no reply. How do I restart te network from terminal?
[03:09] <cayal__> How do I reset my network from terminal?
[03:10] <cayal__> Wow, someone kick my pingout clones
[03:10] <cayal__> Erm. No ops.
[03:10] <robotgeek> cayal__: if you register a nickname, you could do it yourself.
[03:10] <robotgeek> !register | cayal__
[03:10] <ubottu> cayal__: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
[03:11] <cayal__> True. I was too lazy no register my nick on this server.
[03:11] <stdin> there's no point in kicking them, you still can't /nick back to it whilst it's connected
[03:11] <vilhelm> anyone in here that have been using GPROFTPD?
[03:12] <robotgeek> cayal__: no point in kicking them. they will die on their own :)
[03:13] <vilhelm> I have 3 computers in my network and i dont understad why i cant connect to my ftp server with firefox and it works with IE
[03:13] <robotgeek> vilhelm: firefox does not come with a default ftp client, iirc
[03:14] <vilhelm> <robotgeek> ok :/
[03:14] <stdin> yeah, I don't think FF2 did, though 3 does
[03:14] <robotgeek> vilhelm: you will need that fireftp, or use konqueror (recommends konqueror)
[03:15] <vilhelm> <robotgeek> yes i noticed that it worked with konqueror :)
=== cayal___ is now known as cayal
[03:35] <Raas> yo
[03:36] <Raas> i'm on kubuntu hardy now :) (virgi)
[03:42] <Whiz_2> anyone here that can explain the best solution when ubuntu server install (run from CD) says it doesn't detect any common CD-ROM drives?
[03:45] <raas> I can't figure how to actually 'use' compiz?
[03:45] <raas> the 3d cube, wobble windows... all is enabled but not sure how to get it workin
[03:52] <raas> ...?
[03:55] <vilhelm> <raas>
[03:55] <vilhelm> are u here?
[03:59] <robotgeek> Whiz_2: that is the first time i've heard that :)
[03:59] <vilhelm> listening to the new tallica single atm :)
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[04:07] <[ifrog]> Whats the best love song you guys heard?
[04:08] <[ifrog]> ops, wrong channel :P
[04:08] <[ifrog]> sorry
[04:10] <Whiz_2> robotgeek: first time I've heard it too, but that's what it's telling me "No common CD-ROM drives found" fails to mount it during install.
[04:11] <robotgeek> Whiz_2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrom-detect/+bug/195614 , does not look encouraging
[04:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 195614 in cdrom-detect "No common CD-ROM drive was detected." [Undecided,New]
[04:13] <phil_> i got my sound working on my acer aspire one...but now my little volume icon in the system tray is gone and i can't seem to figure out how to get it back...
[04:14] <Whiz_2> whoever wrote this upgrade removed something important apparently
[04:14] <robotgeek> phil_: alt + f2, kmix
[04:14] <phil_> thanks
[04:14] <phil_> any idea why it stopped auto loading at startup?
[04:14] <Whiz_2> i never had this problem with kubuntu 6.06 LTS
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[04:18] <Whiz_2> possible to load MS-DOS drivers for the CD-ROM? (mscdex.exe)
[04:26] <nathan_> hi
[04:27] <nathan_> you guys got any good sites to fiend ubuntu themes
[04:29] <nathan_> pleas
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[04:42] <robotgeek> Whiz_2: unlikely.
[04:43] <Whiz_2> i'm going to lose my nmind
[04:43] <Whiz_2> mind*
[04:43] <CHaiNS> again?
[04:44] <Whiz_2> i'm not getting any useful help from the #ubuntu channel at all
[04:44] <Whiz_2> no one seems to understand that it won't detect the CD-ROM during install (so fails install) and I don't have any working floppy disks, or usb sticks... i have no choice but to do thias from CD-ROM
[04:44] <CHaiNS> they are usually nice
[04:45] <CHaiNS> change the position of the cdrom
[04:45] <CHaiNS> make it master etc
[04:45] <flaccid> go guy a new drive
[04:45] <Whiz_2> it's seen by the system, and boots from the CD
[04:45] <Whiz_2> no
[04:45] <Whiz_2> you have the money to pay for it?
[04:45] <Whiz_2> i'm broke lol
[04:45] <CHaiNS> I do yes
[04:45] <CHaiNS> I have plenty but im not buying it
[04:45] <Whiz_2> glad you do
[04:45] <flaccid> then you have a physical limitation
[04:45] <CHaiNS> heh
[04:46] <Whiz_2> i hasve plenty of physical limitations... take your pick
[04:46] <flaccid> hehe
[05:30] <Nyle> hi
[05:30] * mr---t- waves to frbye
[05:30] <Nyle> how do I get the 'debian' menu from the 'menu' package to show up in kubuntu
[05:31] <Nyle> I installed 'menu package and update-menus but I can't see it
[05:31] <Nyle> I install so many apps and they don't show up in kmenu
[05:31] <raas> "X Server: unable to detect" ideas?
[05:35] <intelikey> Nyle kmenuedit and unhide it.
[05:38] <raas> ... no one?
[05:59] <Mr_Sonoma> suggestion on how to convert a .wmv to a dvd format?
[06:00] <Nyle> what do you mean unhite
[06:00] <Nyle> I see no option to unhide
[06:07] <justin> Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me get sound working with kubuntu 8
[06:20] <Mr_Sonoma> if i can play a video i should be able to re encode it into a dvd format right?
[06:21] <djdarkman> Mr_Sonoma: probably yes
[06:21] <intelikey> from a software stand point or from a leagle stand point ?
[06:21] <Mr_Sonoma> from a software standpoint
[06:21] <intelikey> yes
[06:22] <Mr_Sonoma> ok then what am i dong wrong. ive got a wmv that i'd like to have put into dvd format so I can play it for my grandmother at her house. (its a family video) but i just cant seem to get past the errors i keep getting.
[06:23] <dennister> hey guys, having some unusual trouble with generating a passphrase-less server.key with ssl
[06:23] <djdarkman> Mr_Sonoma: what are you using?
[06:23] <djdarkman> (to reencode the video)
[06:24] <Mr_Sonoma> tried ffmpg but it says the wmv is an unknown format, mencoder gives a dll error of some sort and transcode made a 3 gig file (i manually stopped it) out of a relitively small file
[06:24] <dennister> after terminal tells me there's an error opening the Private Key server.key, I get this: 24246:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:352:fopen('server.key','r')
[06:25] <djdarkman> dennister: have you tried googling for that error?
[06:25] <dennister> djdarkman: no, sorry, although that's usually my first step...will do so now
[06:25] <djdarkman> Mr_Sonoma: I can't help you, but maybe the guys in #mplayer can
[06:26] <Mr_Sonoma> k thanks
[06:28] <djdarkman> dennister: have you tried this? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-enterprise-47/apache-2.0ssl-issues-rhel4.-573401/
[06:31] <dennister> djdarkman: took a look at ur url and the answer seems to be to use a password/passphrase, but that's just it: I don't want to use a passphrase, and the other google search I did had results that aren't applicable here
[06:33] <gregbrady> Hi there, I cannot get Amarok to play, but every other player works fine!
[06:34] <djdarkman> dennister: than just hit enter....
[06:34] <abby87> gregbrady: wat is the error?
[06:34] <djdarkman> gregbrady: what format do you want to play? mp3?
[06:35] <Algi3rs> can someone help me with installing a sound theme please?
[06:35] <gregbrady> Error is: Audio output unavailable; the device is busy.
[06:35] <djdarkman> gregbrady: what else do you have running that needs sound?
[06:35] <gregbrady> Nothing
[06:36] <flaccid> most likely an OSS device, or another program has a lock on it
[06:36] <djdarkman> gregbrady: have you configured something in amarok?
[06:36] <abby87> gregbrady: please refer to #amarok u'll get good help here
[06:37] <Algi3rs> can someone please help me with installing a new soyund theme?
[06:37] <gregbrady> abby87, no problem.......too much effort, I'll switch to windows
[06:37] <Algi3rs> sound*
[06:37] <flaccid> there is an fuser command to check lock
[06:38] <Algi3rs> please anyone?
[06:38] <djdarkman> gregbrady: that's your buisness, no one is forcing you to use linux
[06:38] <djdarkman> Algi3rs: kde-look.org
[06:39] <abby87> Algi3rs: kde which version?
[06:39] <Algi3rs> i got the theme i can understand how to install it
[06:39] <Algi3rs> kubuntu 8.04
[06:39] <gregbrady> djarkman: no problem.....switched and all is well. I will try Linux again at a later date.
[06:39] <Algi3rs> kde4 i think?
[06:39] <abby87> Algi3rs: sure?
[06:40] <flaccid> gregbrady: you can run fuser -v /dev/dsp to see what process has the lock
[06:40] <Algi3rs> im not sure how do i check?
[06:40] <gregbrady> flaccid, too much work....things are well now under Vista
[06:41] <weechat_user> irc://reboot08@irc.freenode.net/weechat
[06:41] <flaccid> gregbrady: if 1 command is too much work for you, don't use linux
[06:41] <weechat_user> sorry
[06:41] <Algi3rs> how do i check what version of kde i have?
[06:41] <gregbrady> flaccid, ok
[06:41] <djdarkman> gregbrady: okay good for you, you don't need to tell me that, If you prefer windows over linux, than that's your choice, I (and any other linux user) won't force or try to convince you to use linux
[06:41] <gregbrady> flaccid, thanks
[06:41] <flaccid> Algi3rs: kicker --version
[06:42] <weechat_user> /irc://FlashCode@irc.freenode.net/weechat
[06:42] <intelikey> Algi3rs kwin --version
[06:42] <Algi3rs> in run command window right?
[06:42] <intelikey> in a konsole
[06:42] <Algi3rs> kde 3.5.9
[06:42] <intelikey> help about in the menu of konqueror
[06:42] <gregbrady> Wow, so negative....No problem.
[06:43] * djdarkman feels the negative energy concentrating in around him
[06:44] <Algi3rs> ok so my kde version is 3.5.9 and i still have no clue how to install the sound theme lol
[06:45] <intelikey> !theme
[06:45] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[06:45] <intelikey> !changethemes
[06:45] <ubottu> To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes
[06:45] <Algi3rs> i have the theme what command do i say to install the sound theme?
[06:46] <djdarkman> Algi3rs: once again: http://kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=25
[06:46] <gregbrady> Still no solution as to my sound problem
[06:46] <flaccid> Algi3rs: a sound theme? where did you get that
[06:46] <intelikey> Algi3rs i have no idea. i'm a console user. but the bot said visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu
[06:46] <Algi3rs> from kde-look.org
[06:46] <dennister> djdarkman: when I tried to use the url's directions, I got the "genrsa command not found error"...and ur suggestion to "just hit enter" won't work because of that -des3 switch...if u don't give at least 4 characters for a passphrase the command won't complete
[06:46] <flaccid> gregbrady: i gave you one and i though you were going back to windows?
[06:46] <flaccid> Algi3rs: URL please
[06:47] <gregbrady> flaccid, ok, I will go then
[06:47] <Algi3rs> http://www.kde-look.org
[06:47] <flaccid> Algi3rs: to the theme
[06:47] <Algi3rs> http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Hackers+evolution+sound+system?content=87038
[06:47] <flaccid> gregbrady: you don't have to go. simply run the command and look at what process is using the card
[06:47] <Algi3rs> i heard it on my bro's system
[06:47] <Algi3rs> it sounds awsome
[06:47] <djdarkman> dennister: and what about this http://articles.slicehost.com/2007/12/19/ubuntu-gutsy-self-signed-ssl-certificates-and-nginx ?
[06:48] <flaccid> Algi3rs: see the how to install link on the page..
[06:48] <gregbrady> flaccid, nah, just remember who is behind you.
[06:49] <flaccid> and yeah sorry no such thing as a sound theme. this is just sound files you manually install and select
[06:49] <Algi3rs> yes i didnt notice that before
[06:49] <flaccid> gregbrady: who is it?
[06:49] * flaccid smells a troll
[06:49] <intelikey> <gregbrady> djarkman: no problem.....switched and all is well. I will try Linux again at a later date. <gregbrady> flaccid, too much work....things are well now under Vista <<<< doesn't look like someone looking for help. it looks more like the old "if you don't do my home work for me, i'll jump off the slide" so jump already dude.
[06:49] <dennister> djdarkman: ok, that might help, as at least it gives a way to remove the passphrase :-)
[06:49] <dennister> i'll try it
[06:50] <djdarkman> dennister: I`ll look in my logs I my friend made and ssl chat app, just can`t find out how I generated the ket
[06:50] <djdarkman> *key
[06:50] <gregbrady> I am not a troll
[06:50] <intelikey> i am. now scat.
[06:50] <intelikey> shew. go on....
[06:51] <djdarkman> intelikey: some people think that blackmailing works, but are wrong
[06:51] <flaccid> lots of ssl how tos on google
[06:51] <gregbrady> Ok, I'm not trying to do either
[06:51] <gregbrady> Carry on....
[06:51] <Algi3rs> uim in control center i dont have a button titled "sound and multimedia"
[06:52] <intelikey> djdarkman some people that, it's probably not their only falicy
[06:52] <gregbrady> I give up....carry on................
[06:52] * flaccid yawns
[06:53] <djdarkman> dennister: found it: openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout mycert.pem -out mycert.pem
[06:53] <flaccid> Algi3rs: i think they mean Notifications
[06:59] <_2> 4
[07:00] <Whiz_2> anyone alive in here?
[07:01] <_2> nope
[07:02] <_2> Whiz_2 what kind of question is that anyway? "can you hear me now?" o.O
[07:02] <djdarkman> Whiz_2: this is a dead channel, just some zombies here :D
[07:02] <nihl> hi
[07:02] <_2> nihl
[07:03] <djdarkman> _2: I think he was refering to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfufSvftDMw
[07:03] <_2> you know i have yet to ever watch one of those... but you're prolly right
[07:03] <Whiz_2> nah I was referring to the fact that when I normally come in here lately it's dead quiet
[07:04] <Whiz_2> I need assistance during install of ubuntu server 8.04 LTS. It says it can't detect any common CD-ROM drives during install even though it boots from one. it is an ATAPI CD-ROM drive attached to an IDE controller. Here is a list of devices shown in /dev if anyone has an idea which one to use? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39613/
[07:04] <_2> there's something about his nick that i like though
[07:04] <_2> :)))
[07:05] <nihl> djdarkman: yeah I wasn't referring to that
[07:05] <dennister> to generate the crt, is there a way to make the x509 valid forever? instead of the standard 365 days?
[07:05] <flaccid> Whiz_2: in the future simply ask you question to see if you get a response instead of asking if people are a live
[07:05] <mase_work> dennister: prolly not a good idea. what if it becomes compromised?
[07:05] <Whiz_2> flaccid: the question is here
[07:06] <dennister> mase_work: ok, I'll probably be redoing this server before a year is over anyway
[07:06] <mase_work> dennister: where are your CRL's located ?
[07:07] <mase_work> actually have you set your self up as a CA ?
[07:07] <flaccid> Whiz_2: just stop asking if people are alive please
[07:07] <djdarkman> Whiz_2: what do you want to do with all those devices? :D
[07:07] <_2> Whiz_2 as per your question. none of them.
[07:08] <_2> Whiz_2 it's probably scd0 i think they are using scsi emulation on that install cd however i have not tested that.
[07:09] <_2> Whiz_2 otherwise try hdb or hdc but most likely scd0
[07:09] <djdarkman> Whiz_2: what do you want to do with the CD-ROM besides install ubuntu from it?
[07:09] <Whiz_2> _2: hdb and hdc are valid hard disks.
[07:09] <_2> Whiz_2 hdd
[07:10] <Whiz_2> djdarkman: I can't even do that if it won't detect and mount it... so what else is there?
[07:10] <_2> i'm not choosey
[07:10] <_2> Whiz_2 if it's on a normal ide cable (not expansion card) it's hd[a-d]
[07:11] <_2> only four so test them all
[07:11] <djdarkman> Whiz_2: does the installer start?
[07:11] <Whiz_2> yes the installer starts... it boots from the CD, but fails to detect and mount the cd drive, and every step after
[07:11] <_2> Whiz_2 but again i do think they are emulating scsi so it's scd0
[07:12] <Whiz_2> I will try scd0 then
[07:12] <_2> Whiz_2 did you insert all modules ?
[07:12] <Whiz_2> and where do you see hda, hdb, hdc, and hdd in that list? i sure didn't lol
[07:12] <_2> your issue sounds more like a missing module than a lost address.
[07:13] <Whiz_2> what do you mean insert all modules?
[07:13] <Whiz_2> it's a server alternate boot CD
[07:13] <_2> Whiz_2 not expert mode eeh
[07:13] <Whiz_2> no not expert
[07:13] <Whiz_2> i'm not an expert with linux
[07:13] <_2> k then it was supposed to insert them all
[07:14] <Whiz_2> does that make your question irrelevent? lol
[07:14] <_2> break out with a [go back] and see if it allows you to select modules... if so try them all.
[07:14] <Whiz_2> would secondary slave device be hdd?
[07:14] <_2> yep
[07:15] <Whiz_2> or maybe hdd1? lol
[07:15] <_2> primary master hda through secondary slave hdd and no the cdrom does not have partitions
[07:16] <Whiz_2> rebooting and entering expert mode for you
[07:18] <Whiz_2> this CD doesn't appear to have an expert mode
[07:21] * _2 tries to imagine the debian installer without expert mode.... but fails
[07:22] <_2> did ya press f2 at the boot prompt f3 maybe
[07:23] <Whiz_2> modes is the F4 key and only has the normal option
[07:23] <Whiz_2> this is a alternate CD for server install (commandline only)
[07:23] <nihl> What media player would anyone here recommend?
[07:24] <_2> nihl sox
[07:24] <_2> !info sox
[07:24] <ubottu> sox (source: sox): Swiss army knife of sound processing. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.0.0-5 (hardy), package size 59 kB, installed size 176 kB
[07:24] <nihl> _2:thank you
[07:24] <_2> nihl not to fast.
[07:25] <_2> nihl that's cli only
[07:25] <nihl> cli?
[07:25] <Whiz_2> nvm i found expert mode...
[07:25] <_2> !cli
[07:25] <ubottu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[07:25] <nihl> oh, got it
[07:25] <_2> nihl most like amarok for a gui
[07:25] <nihl> I like cli
[07:26] <nihl> it's usually more stable
[07:26] <_2> nihl me too
[07:26] <nihl> It's just that I'm new to Linux
[07:27] <_2> you like cli mc sox irssi elinks < learn those if you are hard core. add vim to the list.
[07:27] <Whiz_2> i think the problem is the SATA IDE drivers loading and blocking the CD drivers (according to http://ubuntuforms.org/showthread.php?t=97902 post #5 on that page
=== herios is now known as awag
[07:28] <_2> Whiz_2 ok then you "should" in expert mode be able to not load the SATA IDE module
[07:28] <nihl> I had vim on windows
[07:28] <Whiz_2> eng_US.UTF or without UTF? how do I know? I've never been asked that before? (I'm in USA with a standard qwerty keyboard)
[07:28] <nihl> !info irssi
[07:28] <ubottu> irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB
[07:29] <_2> Whiz_2 without will be fine then
[07:29] <Whiz_2> ok
[07:29] <nihl> !info elinks
[07:29] <ubottu> elinks (source: elinks): Advanced text-mode WWW browser. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.3-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 451 kB, installed size 1088 kB
[07:30] <nihl> !info mc
[07:30] <ubottu> mc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB
[07:31] <_2> nihl and if you use consoles as opposed to emulated terminals (konsole or xterm within kde) then you'll be wanting gpm also.
[07:32] <nihl> I'm only using emulated terminal for now
[07:32] <awag> hi, my machine froze and a restarted with reisub, when i rebooted i got a message saying my video card wasn't detected correctly and ubuntu was in "low graphics mode", X doesn't seem to want to load, what should i do?
[07:33] <awag> *i
[07:33] <_2> some native cli commands you'll use that aren't talked about alot are file du grep cut and of course mv cp ls cd which are mentioned a lot
[07:35] <jesse_> could anyone here help me with compiling a kernel please?
[07:35] <_2> awag well the fact that your kernel hot keys were still working means it wasn't a sysrem hang but a hung app maybe. you may need to reconfigure xorg or to reinstall your vidio driver if you have nvidia or ati card/chip
[07:35] <_2> !ati
[07:35] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[07:35] <Whiz_2> set of characters that should be supported by the console font?
[07:36] <_2> jesse_ not without more to go on.
[07:36] <Whiz_2> defaults to latin1 and latin5 - western europe and turkic languages
[07:36] <_2> Whiz_2 you mean like latin1-16 yes
[07:38] <_2> jesse_ if you have specific quesitons maybe. else you are whistling in the wind.
[07:40] <awag> _2: since i can't currently load X, what should i use to reconfigure my xorg.conf?
[07:41] <_2> awag sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg mabye
[07:42] <_2> !xorg
[07:42] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[07:42] <Whiz_2> it does not give me the option of preventing loading SATA IDE modules
[07:44] <awag> hmm, according to a thread i'm reading someone else who had this problem said it went away after he reseated all his hardware
[07:44] <awag> i reseated the video card and unplugged atx power for a while
[07:47] <_2> well fellows i have to went. gooday and good luck to your pinguins
[07:48] <oobe> does anyone know how i can disable print screen key
[07:49] <_2> oobe yeah but you don't want to, it's shared with sysRQ and you don't want to disable that.
[07:53] <nihl> so with "sox", is the command for running a file the same as on vim
[07:57] <nathan__> hi
=== nathan__ is now known as Franz
[07:57] <Franz> hi
[07:57] <Franz> is there one of u that uses ubuntu 8.04?
[08:01] <Franz> I'm using virtualbox and need to know where I could get the os to run a virtual xp
[08:01] <nihl> I use 8.04
[08:02] <nihl> I don't think I can help you though
[08:03] <Franz> Do u use virtualbox?
[08:07] <dennister> djdarkman: ok, looks like I'm done, thx for ur help...gonna reboot now so everything starts up again properly...site works at port 80 now, but not securely yet
[08:09] <djdarkman> hi DarkWizzard
[08:09] <nihl> no, I don't use virtualbox but I'm guessing it's an emulation app
[08:09] <DarkWizzard> hi djdarkman
[08:10] <djdarkman> Franz: what do you want to do with virtualbox?
[08:10] <nihl> run virtual xp
[08:10] <djdarkman> nihl: virtualbox is like vmware, a virtual machine app
[08:10] <djdarkman> Franz: you have XP license?
[08:10] <nihl> <Franz> I'm using virtualbox and need to know where I could get the os to run a virtual xp
[08:12] <djdarkman> Franz: I myself have a virtualbox with a windows XP, but I must tell you, you won't run games on that, if that is what you want
[08:13] <nihl> djdarkman: what command do I use to run something on sox?
[08:17] <Whiz_2> i still need help!
[08:17] <djdarkman> nihl: sox? I don't understand what abbreviation are you referring to
[08:17] <Whiz_2> from what I've read it seems my problem is the loading of SATA drivers before CD drivers
[08:18] <nihl> !info sox
[08:18] <ubottu> sox (source: sox): Swiss army knife of sound processing. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.0.0-5 (hardy), package size 59 kB, installed size 176 kB
[08:20] <djdarkman> nihl: http://sox.sourceforge.net/sox.html
[08:20] <djdarkman> nihl: http://sox.sourceforge.net/Docs/HomePage
[08:22] <corinth> Hi all, bit of an annoying problem here. Under Kubuntu 8.04, KDE 3.5.9, there seems to be an issue withthe gtk interface of gdebi. When I open a package in gdebi, the interface looks fine. However, after entering my sudo password, it goes to the ugly un-themed look. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Before and after shots here: http://www.myimagespace.com/public/viewset/945
[08:23] <djdarkman> corinth: don't know why it`s happening but installing gtk-qt-engine might help
[08:24] <DarkWizzard> corinth: change the theme for the root user
[08:24] <DarkWizzard> does it happens with other programs to when run as root ?
[08:24] <corinth> DarkWizzard: Good question, let me check.
[08:24] <djdarkman> corinth: do you have gnome desktop installed?
[08:25] <corinth> djdarkman, Yes.
[08:25] <djdarkman> corinth: than that's the problem, gdebi thinks your primary destkop is GNOME, and that's why it gives you the GTK version of gdebi
[08:26] <corinth> I think that's the problem, DarkWizzard, let me try changing the theme for the root user.
[08:30] <nihl> djdarkman: I can't seem to get any audial output
[08:30] <nihl> even when not using a media player
[08:30] <djdarkman> nihl: you have problem with audio not working?
[08:30] <nihl> yeah
[08:30] <corinth> djdarkman, how would I go about changing the theme for the root user?
[08:31] <Whiz_2> should I just maybe give up on linux all together since someone broke the debian installer?
[08:32] <flaccid> you broke the debian installer?
[08:33] <Whiz_2> no
[08:33] <Whiz_2> who ever rewrote it for this release broke it
[08:33] <djdarkman> corinth: the problem is that gdebi thinks you are using gnome, it`s not related to the root user
[08:34] <flaccid> Whiz_2: how?
[08:34] <djdarkman> nihl: you should join #alsa , I'm not that expert in sound problems
[08:34] <Whiz_2> you have not been listening to me in either channel have you flaccid?
[08:34] <djdarkman> they can help you better than me
[08:34] <DarkWizzard> corinth: try running systemsettings or kcontrol with root
[08:34] <DarkWizzard> kdesu kcontrol
[08:35] <flaccid> Whiz_2: im not hear 24/7
[08:35] <nihl> djdarkman: you're the best, thanks amn
[08:35] <nihl> man*
[08:35] <flaccid> here*
[08:35] <corinth> DarkWizzard: Hm, it already has the clearlooks engine selected. :-S
[08:35] <djdarkman> np nihl , hope they can solve your issue, they helped me when I had problems with my laptop
[08:35] <DarkWizzard> hmm
[08:35] <DarkWizzard> then try installing gtk-engine-qt
[08:36] <djdarkman> DarkWizzard: I don't think it's a theme, but i`ll check
[08:36] <Whiz_2> during install no matter what mode i use on ubuntu server 8.04 LTS it boots the CD perfectly fine, but when it gets to the stage of detecting and mounting it for installation, it fails to detect it "No common CD-ROM drives were detected" from what I keep reading it has something to do with SATA drivers blocking the CD drivers when they load
[08:36] <DarkWizzard> gtk-qt-engine-kde4
[08:36] <DarkWizzard> err
[08:36] <DarkWizzard> no
[08:36] <Whiz_2> but I dunno how to fix it
[08:36] <DarkWizzard> just gtk-qt-engine
[08:36] <corinth> DarkWizzard: It's already installed. I'm using KDE 3.5.9, though.
[08:36] <djdarkman> DarkWizzard: you are wrong, it's not a theme
[08:36] <corinth> Yeah
[08:37] <djdarkman> DarkWizzard: check it out there is gdebi-gtk and gdebi-qt
[08:37] <Whiz_2> like I said... someone broke it
[08:37] <djdarkman> corinth: how do you open the deb file?
[08:37] <flaccid> Whiz_2: i don't see what that has to do with dpkg
[08:37] <DarkWizzard> really ?
[08:37] <DarkWizzard> hmm
[08:37] <DarkWizzard> then install gdebi-qt
[08:37] <flaccid> doesn't sound like you know what the problem is
[08:37] <Daisuke_Ido> Whiz_2: ever considered switching your sata to ide mode in your bios?
[08:37] <djdarkman> DarkWizzard: ohh typo I meant gdebi-kde ,he has it installed, you don;t understand the problem
[08:38] <Whiz_2> this has not even one thing to do with dpkg
[08:38] <flaccid> !bugs | Whiz_2
[08:38] <ubottu> Whiz_2: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[08:38] <Whiz_2> idont'have any SATA
[08:38] <corinth> djdarkman, I just double click it. It's not just gdebi though I guess, when I run sudo nautilus the theme is messed up, too.
[08:38] <Whiz_2> it is a 10 year old system
[08:38] <flaccid> Whiz_2: dpkg is the debian installer
[08:38] <DarkWizzard> look I had a similar problem, the root user used a motif theme, where my user used plastic
[08:38] <DarkWizzard> and when I ran things with root they were ugly
[08:38] <Daisuke_Ido> DarkWizzard: that's by design.
[08:38] <flaccid> complaining doesn't help fix the problem :)
[08:38] <Whiz_2> flaccid: whatever installer is used to install ubuntu
[08:39] <corinth> I've tried to change the theme, it isn't the issue.
[08:39] <flaccid> !ubiquity
[08:39] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ubiquity
[08:39] <djdarkman> corinth: yes but do you click it from a gnome or a KDE program?
[08:39] <Whiz_2> flaccid: i'm complaining because I can't seem to get any help at all
[08:39] <flaccid> Whiz_2: thats probably because someone can't help you here. from what you are assuming it would be a bug, which means you should submit a bug report
[08:40] <flaccid> don't expect help, this is a free OS with free support
[08:41] <DarkWizzard> Whiz_2: did you check http://ubuntuforums.org ?
[08:41] <flaccid> Whiz_2: did you try the alternate cd?
[08:42] <djdarkman> flaccid: actualy the alternate CD is way better than the live :)
[08:42] <flaccid> depends what you need djdarkman
[08:43] <djdarkman> flaccid: the way the live CD installs the system is unclean, it doesn't do anything smarter than copy the files on your harddrive, there is a differance on what you get, I've tried it
[08:44] <flaccid> yes im aware of that
[08:44] <Daisuke_Ido> handle partitioning, copy files, set up grub... what else needs to be done?
[08:44] <djdarkman> I've even had issues because I installed from a live cd
[08:45] <Daisuke_Ido> to get a working system, obviously nothing, or people couldn't install from the livecd
[08:45] <djdarkman> Daisuke_Ido: it's just not the same as setting it up the debian way, you don't understand the differance
[08:46] <Daisuke_Ido> what does the debian installer do? handle partitioning, copy files, set up grub...
[08:46] <Daisuke_Ido> this is like one of those audiophile discussions
[08:47] <Daisuke_Ido> the files are getting copied over on a purer data stream doing it the debian way. X interferes with the install's aura and causes a drop in fidelity for the installed system
[08:47] <flaccid> livecd is image based installer
[08:48] <flaccid> this is a classic argument probably better for ot
[08:48] <Daisuke_Ido> flaccid: yeah, now i'm just sleep deprived :)
[08:49] <Daisuke_Ido> for most people, most systems, the livecd installer is fine, occasionally you'll get circumstances where the per-file debian method is a much better idea
[08:49] <djdarkman> Daisuke_Ido: copying my root partition on your computer and hacking the conf files to work for you isn't the same as doing a fresh install on your system
[08:50] <djdarkman> the debian installer copies the basic system and then configures all packages on by one
[08:51] <djdarkman> this is why installing from the debian installer is much more cleaner and better then the livecd
[08:55] <truth> hello everyone
[08:56] <truth> 乐涩
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[09:06] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> hi, after clicking on the nvidia driver link to download it, it opens a page full of written codes but it doesnt let me download it... why?
[09:07] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: what is the exact uri ?
[09:07] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.12_uk.html
[09:07] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> hi flaccid how are you?
[09:08] <Whiz_2> would 32bit mode be the same as SATA in my bios by any chance?
[09:10] <flaccid> not bad
[09:10] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> good
[09:10] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> so why cant i just download the driver?
[09:10] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: which browser?
[09:10] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> firefox
[09:10] <flaccid> you are actually talking about http://www.nvidia.co.uk/content/license/driver_license.aspx?language=en&url=http://uk.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/173.14.12/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run ?
[09:11] <flaccid> i mean http://uk.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/173.14.12/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run
[09:11] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> yep then you click on "accept" and this comes out http://uk.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/173.14.12/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run
[09:11] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ah alright yes
[09:12] <flaccid> sounds like your browser is displaying the file. goto konsole and download it with wget or use another browser or reconfigure the firefox association
[09:12] <flaccid> problem is also that nvidia is outputting wrong mime type - Length: 19,869,479 (19M) [text/plain]
[09:13] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> mmmm if i knew what that mean :D
[09:13] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> should i try to get it with konqueror?
[09:13] <flaccid> its tellling te browser it is text/plain instead of binary
[09:13] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> mmm and how can i change this?
[09:13] <flaccid> seems to work in my konq
[09:13] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> yes, in mine also
[09:13] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: get nvidia to change it on their web server heh
[09:14] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> it's downloading it
=== user_ is now known as badserii
[09:14] <flaccid> firefox is actually doing the correct thing..
[09:15] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> flaccid: to finally install this nvidia drivers i'm doing it from tty1 following a manual procedure
[09:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> if i willn't succeed can i ask you to help?
[09:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i'll be back in few mins
[09:16] <flaccid> always ask the channel
[09:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> yes yes
[09:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> of course
[09:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> :D
[09:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> see you in a bit
[09:16] <flaccid> ask the channel in general not me in the chan..
[09:16] <flaccid> cya
[09:17] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ah... konqueror said
[09:17] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> "file linuxblablabla is a binary, saving it will result a corrupt file"
[09:18] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> and it opened the same code page ff3 was opening...
[09:18] <flaccid> yep because the nvidia website is outputting it as text
[09:18] <flaccid> thus why i suggested wget :)
[09:18] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> what do i litterally have to type with wget?
[09:18] <flaccid> wget http://uk.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/173.14.12/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run
[09:19] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> thank you im typing it
[09:19] <flaccid> k
[09:20] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> is it going to be in my home folder?
[09:20] <flaccid> it will be in the pwd (present working directory)
[09:22] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> alright it saved it but its only 72kb... is it possible? the older version was 16 mb...isnt it weird?
[09:25] <flaccid> yes something went wrong, have a look at the file in a text editor to see if its text like html page or something
[09:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> look i found this link and it seems its downloading it rightly from here and it's the same file http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.12.html
[09:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> it did downloaded it but its still only 72kb
[09:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> uff...
[09:25] <flaccid> and what is in the file
[09:27] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> opening it with kate it says "the file is a binary, saving it will result a corrupt file" same message konqueror was giving
[09:27] <flaccid> yeah so you only got 72kb
[09:27] <flaccid> don't know what your problem is sorry
[09:27] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> the download got to its end 100%
[09:27] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> twice
[09:27] <flaccid> why are you installing nvidia driver manually?
[09:28] <flaccid> is there enough disk space heh
[09:28] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i have 4 disks and one has one tera byte i guess there is enough space :D
[09:29] <flaccid> there needs to be enough space in the pwd
[09:29] <flaccid> ie. the fs that is on
[09:29] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> in the directory? why is there a limited space for directories?!?
[09:30] <flaccid> there isn't. if the pwd is on an fs that has no space left..
[09:31] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ivegot dree 53 GB on the disk where the pwd is
[09:31] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> no sorry what did you say? i didnt understand
[09:31] <flaccid> k
[09:32] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> so what do i do with this file...?
[09:32] <flaccid> why are you downloading this file in the first place? [18:27] <flaccid> why are you installing nvidia driver manually?
[09:33] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> because i tried all the other procedures from the ubuntu wiki, from the support chats (see envying etc) and didnt work
[09:33] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> so i decided to do it manually from tty1
[09:33] <flaccid> what didn't work and why didn't it work because this is the same driver in theory
[09:33] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> also i read everyone who did it that way succeeded
[09:33] <flaccid> that doesn't mean it will for you
[09:34] <flaccid> !nvidia | strawbeRRy_fieLd if you really want to follow this
[09:34] <ubottu> strawbeRRy_fieLd if you really want to follow this: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[09:34] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i followed that flaccid but my hardware manager just doesnt see any driver on my machine :D
[09:34] <flaccid> hmm its not there anymore. strawbeRRy_fieLd so you tried it with hardware drivers manager right?
[09:35] <flaccid> your hardware doesn't see any driver?
[09:35] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> yes
[09:35] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> nope
[09:35] <flaccid> what was the error
[09:35] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> no erro
[09:35] <flaccid> hardware doesn't look at drivers
[09:35] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> when i open the box there's just nothing there
[09:35] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> no drivers
[09:35] <flaccid> you havnt clarified the actualy problem
[09:35] <flaccid> what box?
[09:35] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> hey KMenu>System>Hardware Drivers Manager
[09:36] <flaccid> ok, what is your lspci | grep VGA ?
[09:36] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> when i open that box is empy and according to the official guide there should be a driver
[09:36] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Geforce 9600 GT 512mb (rev a1)
[09:37] <flaccid> ah newish card thats likely why
[09:37] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: i recommend beta drivers
[09:37] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> but they're not certified
[09:37] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> it meand they might not work well
[09:37] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> no?
[09:37] <flaccid> so?
[09:38] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> doesnt it mean they might be unstable?
[09:38] <flaccid> well recently i had to use the beta drivers to get proper support for the same chipset
[09:38] <flaccid> yes
[09:38] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i dont want to use something unstable since i already have too many probs overhere :D
[09:38] <flaccid> anyway do either
[09:39] <flaccid> well i had to use beta drivers for my 9600, can't remember why but and not sure if that is still the case. its your choice
[09:39] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> just want to download the driver, even the older version would be ok, if it just let me download it i will try to manually install it
[09:39] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> no no im going for the certified ones
[09:39] <flaccid> cool
[09:40] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> alright!!! i got it now
[09:40] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> its so weird
[09:40] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> same link, same file, now its 18 mb as its supposed to be
[09:40] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> bah...
[09:40] <flaccid> so all the instructions if you need them are linked to on the webpage you got it from
[09:41] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> im trying the manual procedure, ill let you (i mean the chan) know how it goes
[09:41] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> see you (all) in a bit
[09:41] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ;)
[09:41] <flaccid> and if you have problem, check the log!
[09:41] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> kewl
[09:41] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> kk
[09:41] <flaccid> ie. if X doesn't start, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[09:41] <flaccid> this always tells you the problem
[09:42] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> alright thanks
[09:42] <flaccid> np
[09:47] <ActionParsnip> yo yo yo
[09:54] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> alright it is actually and finally installed now!
[09:54] <OldToker> hi all got a problem with a drive of mine that show's up in the Places.. but I can't mount it? and I don't see an entry for it in fstab? can someone help?
[09:54] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> now the question is how do i make it start from next boot
[09:55] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> because the last time i did it after i reboot everything was gigantic and the only available resolution was 600x800... i dont want it to happen again, how do i do? :D
[09:57] <cahyod> how to remastering kubuntu?
[09:58] <ActionParsnip> cahyod: how do you mean remasterig?
[09:58] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: this is why you check the log to see why it is doing that resolution so you can fix the problem
[09:58] <flaccid> if you xorg.conf has Driver "nvidia" it will be used next time X is started
[09:58] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ah ok
[09:58] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> how do i check that log?
[09:59] <flaccid> open it with a tex editor, use cat or more in a shell or use ksystemlog
[10:03] <ActionParsnip> hio flaccid
[10:03] <flaccid> howdy
[10:06] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> sorry flaccid: what do i exactly have to type?
[10:06] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> kdesudo kate xorg.conf ????
[10:06] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> will that be ok?
[10:07] <flaccid> negative need full path. kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf (of course do this in the X session where you have the incorrect resolution)
[10:07] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ah ok
[10:07] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> so if i do it now
[10:07] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> it will be useless
[10:07] <flaccid> well yes. the log is the log of the current/last xsession
[10:08] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> this is why i was asking, because i knew i have to SAVE it for next BOOT and i was asking how do i do that
[10:08] <flaccid> so when X fails to start, you check it in a tty and when you have a res issue you just check it in the x session on the low res
[10:09] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> mmm alright, now how do i make it recognize my monitor? because at the voice monitor it says "unknown"
[10:09] <flaccid> voice monitor?
[10:10] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> sorry i meant "Sysyem Settings> Monitor & Display>Hardware"
[10:10] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> here it says "Monitor: unknown"
[10:10] <flaccid> i don't know. why does this matter now? and all of this would be explained in the log and xorg.conf config
[10:11] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> why you mean why does this matter now? if the monitor is recognised then the graphic it gonna work better
[10:11] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: why would you assume that? you don't seem to know anything about how Xorg works
[10:12] <ActionParsnip> strawbeRRy_fieLd: you could edit xorg.conf to say your monitor was a kipper-9000 if you wanted, its just a name
[10:13] <flaccid> in order to fix a problem you need to find it
=== drmarwat is now known as cryingtux
[10:13] <flaccid> this is what logs are for :)
[10:14] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> alright so you're suggesting me to reboot and see how it goes, if the resolution is wrong ill go check what the lof says right?
[10:14] <ActionParsnip> flaccid: how can i clean my logs or is it done eveery reboot?
[10:14] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: correct. so pastebin the log see we can see. i've seen nvidia have many resolution problems like this lately, there is a few of them. point is this is the way to diagnose instead of guessing
[10:15] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ok
[10:15] <flaccid> yeah every boot most of them and the ones that are not per boot session should be managed by syslog
[10:15] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> im doining right away
[10:15] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> brb
[10:16] <ActionParsnip> flaccid: can / do logs need clearing to harvest space or is it done at reboot?
[10:16] <flaccid> just like i said
[10:17] <flaccid> each log can also be configured differently with syslog and if its standalone it comes down to the programs policy. there is also a correct way to delete logs rolled over into archive with syslog but i can't remember, google can probably show you
[10:17] <ActionParsnip> sweet, i just like minimal guff on my rigs
[10:18] <flaccid> well unless you are struggling for space its best to leave them there
[10:18] <ActionParsnip> not massivel, ive got 20gb or so, i just like as little installed as posisble and slick apps and DE
[10:19] <flaccid> clearing logs will only decrease performance if removed wrongly and if left as is won't affect performance either. they dont get loaded into memory
[10:21] <ActionParsnip> mint
[10:31] <penlost> hi does anyone know a decent anti spam program that will intergrate into kontact?
[10:32] <ActionParsnip> penlost: let me websearch
[10:32] <ActionParsnip> !spamoracle
[10:32] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about spamoracle
[10:32] <penlost> have done a websearch, but rather go on recommendation if poss
[10:32] <ActionParsnip> !info SpamOracle
[10:32] <ubottu> spamoracle (source: spamoracle): A statistical analysis spam filter based on Bayes' formula. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-9 (hardy), package size 185 kB, installed size 504 kB
[10:33] <ActionParsnip> that should do it
[10:33] <penlost> thanks, much apreciated will give it a try
[10:33] <ActionParsnip> i dont use email apps so i couldnt say it was good, its just one i found
[10:33] <penlost> ok
[10:33] <ActionParsnip> could also try http://www.google.co.uk/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUK248&=&q=kontact+spam+program&btnG=Google+Search&meta=
[10:34] <flaccid> !info spambayes
[10:34] <ubottu> spambayes (source: spambayes): Python-based spam filter using statistical analysis. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 337 kB, installed size 1292 kB
[10:35] <ActionParsnip> i hate idiots logging in as root
[10:35] <ActionParsnip> grrrrrr
[10:36] <Viking667> occasionally, there aren't all that many alternatives to logging in as root. Especially if your system needs recovery, you boot up, and it asks you for root's password, what are you supposed to type? Ugh.
[10:37] <Viking667> I chose a password for root, for that exact reason.
[10:37] <ActionParsnip> Viking667: hes using open office and running pidgin
[10:37] <flaccid> who are you referring to ActionParsnip?
[10:37] <Viking667> then that's different.
[10:37] <ActionParsnip> Guest92837 in #ubuntu
[10:38] <ActionParsnip> Viking667: i agree bg system fixes root is nice but for every day stuff
[10:38] <penlost> how about spamassain, anyone used that?
[10:38] <flaccid> oh
[10:39] <Viking667> I've used SpamAssassin, it's umm... unwieldy on my system and takes a bit much out of my CPU every time it scans.
[10:39] <flaccid> penlost: yes i use it, but it sits alongside a mail server so you would probably need to proxy to use it if you don't have access to the smtp server
[10:39] <Viking667> thankfully I don't have to worry much now, limited spam.
[10:40] <ActionParsnip> i dont get spam, google sorts it for me
[10:40] <penlost> i have my own email addresses so google not an option for me without changing : (
[10:41] <flaccid> well if you run your own MTA then spamassassin is a good option and highly configurable
[10:41] <ActionParsnip> penlost: ive always used webmail, simple and clean
[10:41] <thefish> penlost: no idea how you can get kontact to use it, but check out pyzor and razor as well
[10:41] <thefish> and dcc
[10:42] <penlost> ok , thanks, my emails in have a spamassain rating but it does not seem to be installed, not sure why/how
[10:42] <thefish> i think you can actually use spamassassin and then plug those
[10:42] <thefish> penlost: it may have been on a server in between send and receive
[10:42] <flaccid> spamassassin is server-side, not client-side!
[10:43] <thefish> sa can be run client side flaccid
[10:43] <Viking667> yup.
[10:43] <penlost> ahhhh, that makes sense. ok will get it from the rep
[10:43] <Viking667> that's how I was running it here.
[10:43] * Viking667 disconnects
[10:44] <thefish> penlost: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=spamassassin+kmail
[10:45] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> alright i reboot and it seems everything's ok so i guess im not gonna have to check the xorg.conf log
[10:45] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> faire enough
[10:45] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> thank you for your help flaccid
[10:45] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> always useful mate ;)
[10:46] <flaccid> thefish: yeah probably if you proxy or something
[10:46] <penlost> thanks fish : )
[10:46] <thefish> flaccid: same way you run it server side
[10:46] <flaccid> but if you just want bayasian filtering then spambayes or similar is fine
[10:46] <thefish> i never had that much luck with it, i prefer using postfix with smtp restrictions and dnsbls
[10:47] <flaccid> thefish: can't be the same way, its impossible
[10:48] <flaccid> the google search talks about using spamassassin tags with its filters
[10:48] <thefish> flaccid: how so mate? pass it to the spamd daemon?
[10:48] <thefish> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Kmail_and_Spamassassin
[10:49] <flaccid> client-server model, need i say more
[10:49] <thefish> kmail is a different sa client, instead of postfix
[10:49] <flaccid> as per your link, its not the same architecture, no
[10:49] <flaccid> postfix is an MTA, kmail is MUA
[10:49] <thefish> ye not sure why that limits it to servers only though
[10:50] <thefish> and sa doesnt care who asks MTA or MUA or script
[10:50] <flaccid> thefish: if you read back to my first message i never said that
[10:50] <thefish> ok mate
[10:50] <thefish> not trying to argue, just always learning :)
[10:50] <flaccid> yeah im just not a fan of comparing an apple to a banana :)
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[10:51] <lee_> any one around that can help with apache 2
[10:51] <flaccid> lee_: you might get more luck if you just ask your specific question
[10:52] <lee_> apache working but have to time in http://ipadress/webpage
[10:52] <flaccid> however not there is #apache and #ubuntu-server :)
[10:52] <thefish> penlost: btw you can also use your own domain with google... www.google.com/a
[10:54] <flaccid> lee_: time in ?
[10:54] <lee_> sorry on phone with mother in law :-(
[10:54] <flaccid> meh
[10:55] <lee_> i want to be able to just tipe in the web page and go to it on local network
[10:55] <flaccid> you mean the hostname? that usually requires dns
[10:56] <lee_> so need to setup dns on ubuntu then
[10:56] <penlost> one more question, as i am new to linux do i need any secrurity software like a firewall or anti virus?
[10:56] <flaccid> !bind | lee_
[10:56] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about bind
[10:57] <lee_> i have cleen in stall of ubuntu desktop should i run ubuntu server instead
[10:58] <thefish> penlost: you should have ufw running (google it, its a basic firewall based on iptables), as for antivirus, you can use clamav and some others, but the chances of getting a virus are quite small (unless you always run as root)
[10:59] <flaccid> lee_: anyway yeah if this is what you mean. so bind9
[10:59] <flaccid> lee_: so is it localhost only that needs the hostnames to resolve or is it LAN peers as well?
[10:59] <lee_> yes
[11:00] <flaccid> yes to which one?
[11:00] <penlost> thanks fish, i have ufw running so i will relax ! have installed spam assain so will see how that goes
[11:00] <lee_> yes local network only
[11:00] <flaccid> lee_: being your LAN?
[11:00] <lee_> want to run 4 web pages on office network
[11:00] <lee_> lan
[11:01] <flaccid> well if the computer is used as a desktop then cool. if the computer is an actual server then ubuntu server is good but they use the same software so it doesn't matter
[11:01] <flaccid> so you want what is know has your local dns server to server your local forward dns zones... call in bind..
[11:01] <flaccid> bind9!
[11:02] <blackflag> HEllo all :) Im looking for a linux toll which is made for using BSI- standards. In one of the last german linux-magazin there was an article about that. Im looking for that software and Im not able to find it. Can someone help?
[11:02] <flaccid> know has= known as
[11:02] <flaccid> blackflag: this is kubuntu support chan
[11:02] <lee_> bind the ipaddress of the server
[11:02] <blackflag> yes, I want to use that software on ubuntu...
[11:03] <flaccid> lee_: its a sysadmin's job, but you are welcome to try it
[11:03] <flaccid> what is a linux toll?
[11:04] <lee_> i dont know much about linux and would like to learn as i have to start running linux servers " boss said so "
[11:04] <ActionParsnip> lee_: ubuntu is a good place to learn
[11:05] <flaccid> lee_: in your case there is #ubuntu-server #dns and #bind
[11:05] <lee_> so witch on should i join
[11:06] <flaccid> lee_: thats up to you, mind you there are thousands of pages on google showing you how to install and set up bind9
[11:06] <lee_> thx
[11:07] <flaccid> lee_: once you have it running, i don't mind helping. i run the same thing at home (and am a sysadmin heh)
[11:09] <flaccid> there is likely an article or two on the wiki but its down for me so i can't search properly
[11:12] <flaccid> lee_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BIND9ServerHowto have fun
[11:13] <flaccid> Jucato or some op if you can add the above URI to !bind factoid and !bind9 too please
[11:14] <flaccid> and probably a reference to it in !dns as well
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[11:34] <pedro> hola
[11:34] <pedro> tengo una duda
[11:35] <pedro> hello i have a question
[11:38] <flaccid> !ask
[11:38] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[11:41] <thefish> anyone use multiple profiles in konsole? any idea how to re-order them? i have many and they are in order of addition, not alphabetic etc and i cant find a way to sort them without hacking at the konsolerc
[11:43] <sonoftheclayr> Anybody know of any good Qt/KDE MSN clients?
[11:45] <TassLehof> hola
[11:45] <romana> sonoftheclayr: kopete
[11:45] <flaccid> sonoftheclayr: kopete or sim
[11:45] <romana> multi client acr=tually
[11:45] <romana> sorry, typing with apple in hand
[11:46] <romana> kpete - gtalk, jabber, msn, icq, many more
[11:47] <TassLehof> hola, como puedo ver si tengo aceleracion 3d o rendering yes en kubuntu ?
[11:49] <ghostcube> hi
[11:50] <flaccid> !es | TassLehof
[11:50] <ubottu> TassLehof: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[11:53] <TassLehof> ubottu: sorry. I don't Know this.
[11:53] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[11:53] <TassLehof> I resolved my question. about glxinfo. Thanks...
[11:57] <TassLehof> Hello ! I make configure my display and I have One Question ... Its good this ? Can you see in this pastebin ---> http://pastebin.com/m596bcccc
[11:57] <TassLehof> I hope your answer. Thx...
[12:09] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> hi guys, do you know if it exists for kubuntu something like nlite for windows?
[12:13] <ghostcube> strawbeRRy_fieLd: what u wanna do ?
[12:13] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> im formatting and re-installing the system but i would like to get rid of progs i never use
[12:13] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> for example konquero
[12:13] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i want to install only the applications i need/want
[12:14] <flaccid> !adept | strawbeRRy_fieLd
[12:14] <ubottu> strawbeRRy_fieLd: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto
[12:14] <flaccid> (this aint windows)
[12:15] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> flaccid: i know about adept
[12:15] <flaccid> thats all you need :)
[12:15] <ghostcube> strawbeRRy_fieLd: u wanna build youre own installation cd ?
[12:15] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> EXACT!
[12:15] <ghostcube> uffz i only know slackcreator
[12:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> whatz that?
[12:16] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> like nlite?
[12:16] <ghostcube> it build slackware isos
[12:16] <ghostcube> and u can specify what to install afaik
[12:17] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> sorry sorry can u explain better
[12:17] <ghostcube> hmm no havent tried it :|
[12:17] <ghostcube> search for it on google
[12:18] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ok thanks
[12:18] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> whatz it called again?
[12:18] <ghostcube> searching for the name right now if i was corwect
[12:21] <ghostcube> strawbeRRy_fieLd: found something different maybe this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization
[12:21] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> SLACKWARE
[12:22] <ghostcube> i didnt find the name of the tool
[12:22] <ghostcube> and without its hard to find lol
[12:24] <ghostcube> strawbeRRy_fieLd: http://myslax.bonsonno.org/download.php
[12:24] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> whatz that?
[12:24] <ghostcube> tool to build slax its slackware based afaik
[12:24] <ghostcube> so u can choose now
[12:24] <ghostcube> lol
[12:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> mmm i just read slackware is actually another linux version
[12:25] <ghostcube> yep
[12:25] <ghostcube> :D
[12:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i only want to modify the kubuntu version, getting rid of progs i dont need
[12:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> but i want to keep kubuntu as it is
[12:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i like it
[12:25] <ghostcube> then look at the link i postet
[12:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> yes i am
[12:25] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> thanks man
[12:25] <ghostcube> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization
[12:25] <ghostcube> np
[12:25] <ghostcube> :)
[12:27] <gman_223> hi all
[12:29] <gman_223> i need some help folks
[12:29] <gman_223> i'm using kde4 , and the main panel keeps disappearing
[12:30] <romana> tried right click, lock?
[12:30] <gman_223> i dont even see it now romana
[12:30] <gman_223> its gone
[12:31] <romana> what kubuntu?
[12:31] <gman_223> i dont wana create a new account again, got many imp. files here
[12:31] <romana> i grok
[12:31] <gman_223> its actuall on ubuntu
[12:31] <gman_223> but i downloaded kde4 from synaptic
[12:31] <romana> i see, what version? 804? 610?
[12:32] <romana> sorry 810?
[12:32] <gman_223> 804
[12:32] <gman_223> it is latest
[12:32] <romana> ahh. sort of:) latest stable.
[12:32] <romana> so, kde 4.0
[12:32] <gman_223> yup
[12:32] <gman_223> i like the look, but it kinda of feels now so unstable
[12:32] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: adept :)
[12:33] <romana> 4.1 stupidly stable, wait andsee:)
[12:33] * romana runs kubuntu 810, so kde 4.1
[12:33] <romana> tried kkilling plasma?
[12:34] <gman_223> nope
[12:34] <flaccid> !kde4 | gman_223
[12:34] <ubottu> gman_223: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[12:35] <romana> ok, kill plasma - i think ctrl + escape, look for plasma, kill.or ctrl alt backspace to kill xserver, get to gdm/kdm
[12:35] <romana> but then, you need to remove yr .kde plasma file:
[12:35] <gman_223> ok
[12:35] <romana> if you just kill plasma, btw, alt+f2 to bring in a kicker again
[12:35] <romana> then rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* shld work
[12:36] <romana> sorry, you lose plasma settings
[12:36] <flaccid> please take kde4 stuff to #kubuntu-kde4
[12:36] <gman_223> ok will try ty
[12:36] <romana> np
[12:36] <gman_223> i killed plasma
[12:36] <gman_223> flaccid: :(
[12:36] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> flaccid: adept ???
[12:36] <gman_223> ok :(
[12:36] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: yes adpet to remove unwanted programs
[12:36] <flaccid> ie. packages
[12:37] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> u mean instead of building my installation cd?
[12:37] <flaccid> well you can do that if you want but its a lot of effort
[12:38] <gman_223> wow it worked :)
[12:39] <gman_223> thank you
[12:39] <flaccid> and to be honest, there needs to be a problem for there to be a solution. i don't see a problem and there are thousands of different distributions with different default programs..
[12:43] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> the thing is, for example, you remember the story of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots/+bug/256925 ?
[12:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 256925 in ubuntu-bots "wi-fi Asus card driver packet loss" [Undecided,New]
[12:43] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> instead of following all that procedure to remove knetwork manager etc etc
[12:44] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i can substitute that prog in the installation cd with another compatible one with my driver
[12:44] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> im going to eat, see you later
[12:47] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: thats a lot of stuffing to around. the logical solution is to not use knetworkmanager. if you do not load it you don't need to use it. if you want to remove it you can with adept. also from that bug report i know for a fact the problem is not knetworkmanager, it is the RTL driver!
[12:47] <flaccid> strawbeRRy_fieLd: lol i just realised that i made the key comments on the bug report
[12:47] <flaccid> i made this with emons recently
[12:48] <flaccid> thats pretty funny
[12:50] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> flaccid: i am emons :D
[12:50] <flaccid> changing nicks/handles is bad
[12:50] <flaccid> seriously dude out of what we did last time do you not understand the problem is the driver?
[12:51] <flaccid> please use 1 nickname.
[12:51] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i remember you found this http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=7f92f83a21339667884e145cd9b1b9d3&t=400236
[12:52] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> there is described how to solve up that prob
[12:52] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i havent done it yet
[12:52] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> but according to what it says, its knetwork manager the problema
[12:52] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> no?
[12:52] <flaccid> yeah so trying a different driver or driver version may help. it has nothing to do with knetworkmanager which is a frontend ONLY
[12:53] <flaccid> no.
[12:53] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> mmmm
[12:53] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> so you're telling me by following that procedure i wouldnt solve the prob?
[12:53] <flaccid> knetworkmanager is not even mentioned on your bug or that page
[12:53] <flaccid> no.
[12:54] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=7f92f83a21339667884e145cd9b1b9d3&t=400236 im talking about this
[12:54] <flaccid> trying a different driver is a good idea. blaming knetworkmanager which has nothing to do with the driver is not.
[12:54] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> which you found and gave me telling me by following it i'd solve the prob
[12:54] <flaccid> that pages has no mention of knetworkmanager, but it does suggest trying a different driver
[12:54] <flaccid> yes
[12:54] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ok
[12:55] <flaccid> so why are you here complaining about it differently?
[12:55] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> wait a sec
[12:55] <flaccid> nothing has changed since we last spoke
[12:55] <flaccid> its not ubuntu's fault if the driver has an issue causing packet loss
[12:56] <flaccid> and reducing the programs you have installed is not going to fix the problem either
[12:56] <flaccid> also please decide on a static nickname so i don't get annoyed with you again in the future :)
[12:57] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> yes it does say about knetwork manager and it also describes how to get rid of it and install rutilt instead!!!!!!
[12:57] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i dont annoy you, im only asking for support...
[12:58] <flaccid> you do not need to get rid of it to use a different frontend. knetworkmanager is not run until it is called and is simply a GUI frontend. i can't credit misinformation in a forum post. don't believe what everyone says
[12:59] <flaccid> eg. a lot of people use wicd. doesn't mean you have to even uninstall knetworkmanager
[12:59] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> no i dont
[12:59] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i got u
[12:59] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> but this is what the link you gave me said
[12:59] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i thought you read it and approved it
[12:59] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> anyway
[13:00] <dario_> hi
[13:00] <flaccid> yes, i gave you the link to try another driver. i didn't read all the page. i also did a text search in the page for 'knetworkmanager' no match found...
[13:00] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i understand its a driver prob now and i will take care of it
[13:00] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> okok i understand
[13:00] <flaccid> yeah you off track, but good luck
[13:00] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> off track?
[13:01] <flaccid> yes. had a few incorrect facts/assumptions
[13:01] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> mmm i dont get you
[13:01] <flaccid> simply try this driver. try any driver that works with that chipset because the one out of box has issues obviously
[13:01] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> yes ok
[13:01] <flaccid> i just spent a lot of time correcting your misgivings..
[13:02] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> sorry if im not mr linux and dont know anything about it thought
[13:02] <flaccid> so why try to make conclusions?
[13:02] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> im just trying to make things work here
[13:02] <flaccid> not a good idea :)
[13:02] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> i was ASKING not GIVING HELP to anybody
[13:02] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> cuz im not able to
[13:03] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> this is why im here
[13:03] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> to ask for help
[13:03] <flaccid> i gave the help last time and i just wasted another 20mins for nothing. thats all im saying.
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[13:03] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> and i said i am sorry for that, it is my fault, i misunderstood something
[13:03] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> got it?
[13:04] <flaccid> sure i did
[13:04] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> ok
[13:04] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> thank you
[13:04] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> im going to eat something
[13:04] <strawbeRRy_fieLd> see you later
[13:04] <dario_> ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <- why is this error thrown when i try to start firefox?
[13:04] <flaccid> !enter | strawbeRRy_fieLd
[13:04] <ubottu> strawbeRRy_fieLd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[13:05] <flaccid> dario_: try #firefox
[13:05] <dario_> ^^ ok
[13:10] <dario_> what's the easiest way to install GTK under kubuntu?
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[13:12] <flaccid> dario_: not sure. if you want gtk only im not sure what pkg to install . #ubuntu people might be able to help
[13:12] <cryingtux> hello
[13:13] <dario_> well...i need something to get firefox to run...it tells me that gtk is missing or something
[13:13] <dario_> and someone in #firefox told me that kubuntu doesn't ship with gtk
[13:13] <flaccid> dario_: thats not normal. firefox works out of the box.
[13:13] <dario_> well....i just downloaded it from the mozilla homepage and extracted it
[13:13] <flaccid> it ships with enough to run gtk apps
[13:14] <flaccid> its in the ubuntu repos packaged for ubuntu so no need to use a version like that
[13:14] <Dr_willis> Firefox is in the repos and in the package manager. and can be installed without going to the firefox website.
[13:14] <cryingtux> anybody conversant with kde 4.1 on kubuntu here ?
[13:15] <flaccid> !kde4 | cryingtux
[13:15] <ubottu> cryingtux: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[13:15] <cryingtux> flaccid: thanks
[13:15] <flaccid> np
[13:15] <dario_> Hmm...when i try to get it through apt-get it tells me this: "libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is to be installed"
[13:16] <flaccid> you probably have a repos conflict or something
[13:16] <dario_> uh-huh
[13:16] <Dr_willis> i would suggest doing a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, then try installing it again
[13:16] <dario_> ok
[13:17] <cryingtux> there was a guy here few days back, he helped my lots to tweak my kde 4.1, i was just looking for him
[13:17] <flaccid> dario_: check with apt-cache madison libc6 and apt-cache madison libc6-dev
[13:17] <Dr_willis> Its odd that its wanting a libc6-dev file...
[13:17] <cryingtux> i will check kubuntu kde 4 room too
[13:17] <flaccid> yeah something isn't right there
[13:17] <dario_> again "libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is installed"
[13:17] <Dr_willis> may be a missing dep. from some other installed app.
[13:17] <dario_> and "libc6-i686: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is installed"
[13:18] <Dr_willis> perhaps its time for a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' ? or whjatever its called...
[13:18] <flaccid> dario_: [22:17] <flaccid> dario_: check with apt-cache madison libc6 and apt-cache madison libc6-dev
[13:18] <Dr_willis> Or did you manually install the mozilla deb package earlier?
[13:18] <flaccid> who knows what your repos setup is..
[13:19] <dario_> no i just extracted the firefox archive
[13:20] <flaccid> dario_: we don't support non-repos firefox here especially considering its not qt/kde
[13:20] <Dr_willis> So you just untar'ed it and dident actually install it eh... that should not be the issue then.
[13:20] <Dr_willis> Try installing some other app like.. lets see... 'sudo apt-get install cowsay' and see if it gives any errors
[13:20] <flaccid> could be. people love doing things the wrong way :0
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[13:22] <dario_> ok
[13:22] <dario_> it cant find that package
[13:23] <Dr_willis> !find cowsay
[13:23] <ubottu> Found: cowsay
[13:23] <Dr_willis> !info cowsay
[13:23] <ubottu> cowsay (source: cowsay): A configurable talking cow. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-9 (hardy), package size 17 kB, installed size 268 kB
[13:23] <Dr_willis> Well you got some deeper issues in your sources.list i am thinking.
[13:23] <Dr_willis> You are using the latest Kubuntu? or some earlier version?
[13:24] <dario_> i guess it's an earlier version
[13:24] <dario_> i ordered it long ago
[13:24] <dario_> *a long time
[13:24] <Pici> dario_: What does lsb_release -a report?
[13:25] <dario_> Distributor ID: Ubuntu / Description: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS / Release: 6.06 / Codename: dapper
[13:25] <Pici> !info cowsay dapper
[13:25] <ubottu> cowsay (source: cowsay): A configurable talking cow. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-8 (dapper), package size 17 kB, installed size 268 kB
[13:26] <flaccid> dario_: and if you ran the commands before i suggested you'd be able to find out if the package is in more than 1 repos you have set in sources
[13:26] <dario_> well i did...and it can't find it so i guess it's not in the repos i have set
[13:26] <dario_> somehow
[13:27] <flaccid> can't find what?
[13:27] <dario_> cowsay
[13:28] <Dr_willis> I was thinking installing the latest firefox on dapper.. was.... difficult.
[13:28] <flaccid> im talkinga bout apt-cache madison
[13:28] <Dr_willis> I saw some info on that topic the other day.
[13:28] <dario_> oh
[13:28] <dario_> pl w8
[13:28] <dario_> *ok
[13:30] <dario_> " libc6-dev | 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 | cdrom://Kubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531) dapper/main Packages"
[13:30] <dario_> = apt-cache madison libc6-dev
[13:31] <flaccid> so you might want to 1. disable the cdrom repos 2. make sure main is enabled 3. fetch updates 4. then install firefox
[13:31] <flaccid> out of the box, it uses cdrom
[13:32] <Dr_willis> I still dont think that will get him a recent firefox. But i stopped using dapper.. ages ago. :)
[13:32] <Dr_willis> !info firefox dapper
[13:32] <ubottu> firefox (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7804 kB, installed size 23080 kB
[13:32] <flaccid> i wouldn't expect a recent firefox in dapper
[13:33] <dario_> Can you tell me how to do that? i'm a complete kubuntu (well...actually linux) beginner :/
[13:33] <flaccid> sounds about right lol
[13:33] <flaccid> dario_: i think dapper has it not sure. Manage Repositories from menu in adept manager
[13:34] <Dr_willis> The adept package manager tool has some frontend/gui menu item for adding/removing repos. But again.. dapper is so old. i dont rember where. :) those things have changed with the latest releases
[13:34] <Dr_willis> You may want to Seriously think about gettign a more recent kubuntu cd, or upgrading to the latest. But that may take a bit of time/downloads...
[13:34] <dario_> can i update my kubuntu to the latest version or do i need to download and reinstall completely?
[13:34] <flaccid> yeah i can't remember either
[13:35] <flaccid> !upgrade | dario_
[13:35] <ubottu> dario_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[13:35] <dario_> ah
[13:35] <dario_> ok
[13:35] <Dr_willis> dario_, you can upgrade. but it may be faster to just get a new iso/cd and reinstall depending on what all you have tweaked
[13:35] <dario_> well...not much
[13:35] <dario_> except for an installation of gcc
[13:37] <Jampiter> Hi, I have a quick question
[13:37] <dario_> what the...the adept manager tells me that firefox is already installed...but i can't find it anywhere
[13:37] <Dr_willis> It may be worth while to be downloading the latest kubuntu iso file then, while you hang out here, and read various linux tutorials, and chat. :)
[13:37] <Jampiter> I'm getting Kubuntu. How easy is it to set up the wireless internet with it?
[13:37] <dario_> sounds fun ;)
[13:37] <Dr_willis> dario_, try the command 'firefox' from a terminal
[13:38] <dario_> "not found"
[13:38] <Dr_willis> Some times the menus dont get updated properly till you log out/back in.. or give some command i never can rember
[13:38] <Dr_willis> sounds like its not installed to me then.
[13:38] <dario_> same here
[13:38] <dario_> hmm
[13:38] <dario_> how should it be...i didn't install it
[13:39] <dario_> well i guess i'll try the latest iso
[13:40] <flaccid> dario_: try which firefox
[13:40] <flaccid> also do an updatedb && locate firefox | grep bin
[13:40] <flaccid> to make sure..
[13:41] <dario_> "which firefox" ?
[13:41] <flaccid> yeah
[13:41] <dario_> what do you mean with "which firefox" ?
[13:42] <flaccid> which is a command
[13:44] <dario_> oh ok ^^
[13:44] <dario_> well...it doesnt do anything
[13:45] <flaccid> ok so try [22:40] <flaccid> also do an updatedb && locate firefox | grep bin
[13:45] <flaccid> but at this point you might want to try sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox and if that has the same issues, you obviously have a repos problem still ie. disable cdrom and enable normal main repos
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[13:45] <dario_> how to disable cdrom?
[13:45] <Jampiter> How easy is it to configure a wireless USB dongle with Kubuntu ?:)
[13:46] <dario_> bash: grep: No such file or directory
[13:46] <flaccid> dario_: comment it out in /etc/apt/sources.lst
[13:46] <flaccid> i mean /etc/apt/sources.list
[13:46] <flaccid> Jampiter: easy
[13:46] <flaccid> Jampiter: how long is a piece of string?
[13:46] <Jampiter> Ah good
[13:46] <Jampiter> Are the drivers included?
[13:47] <flaccid> depends on the model/chipset
[13:47] <flaccid> !wireless | Jampiter
[13:47] <ubottu> Jampiter: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[13:47] <Jampiter> Ah brilliant :) Thanks for your help :)
[13:47] <flaccid> np
[13:47] <dario_> damn...i forgot how that console text editor was called...something beginning with 'n' i think
[13:48] <flaccid> dario_: nano or pico
[13:48] <dario_> ahh...yes
[13:48] <dario_> thx^^
[13:48] <dario_> /etc/apt/source.list is empty ...
[13:49] <dario_> o_O
[13:49] <dario_> but i was able to get gcc a while ago
[13:49] <dario_> oh wait...i guess that was on the cd
[13:49] <dario_> damn it
[13:49] <flaccid> !enter | dario_
[13:49] <ubottu> dario_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[13:49] <dario_> k
[13:50] <flaccid> dario_: its /etc/apt/sources.list
[13:50] <dario_> yeah...that was a typo...sources.list is empty
[13:51] <flaccid> dario_: try to enable at least main in adept
[13:52] <kkk> Buon pomeriggio a tutti.
[13:53] <dario_> ciao
[13:53] <flaccid> kkk: english only here
[13:53] <kkk> ok
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[13:56] <dario_> ah ok, i disabled cdrom and enabled some repos
[13:56] <dario_> well...now when i try to install cowsay i get another error
[13:57] <dario_> "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)"
[13:57] <dario_> "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"
[13:57] <jpds> !aptfix | dario_
[13:57] <ubottu> dario_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[13:58] <dario_> lol, now it cant find it again
[14:00] <kkk> follow me... it you can.
[14:03] <dario_> hm...i gotta go, well i'll come back when i've installed the new kubuntu version
[14:04] <dario_> cya
[14:06] <raziel> hi
[14:08] <raziel> i tried to make a portable persistent install of kubuntu but i get an error about a non read .ICEauthority file at login page. i tried to change the ownership but didnt work
[14:12] <jeroen-> has anyone experience with sending sms messages with linux?
[14:13] <emilsedgh> jeroen-: i do
[14:13] <jeroen-> emilsedgh: oh great
[14:13] <emilsedgh> jeroen-: with kmobiletools
[14:13] <jeroen-> aaah
[14:14] <jeroen-> via your mobile phone?
[14:14] <raziel> does the kde4.1 version and its applications ready for everyday use or should i stick a bit more at 3.5.9?
[14:14] <jeroen-> I want to do it without mobile phone, via the internet
[14:14] <emilsedgh> raziel: im really happy with it, but it doesnt mean that you will be happy too
[14:15] <emilsedgh> jeroen-: then i dont know... :)
[14:15] <jeroen-> emilsedgh: ok
[14:23] <ahmos> hi, i can't set my screen resolution highest than 640*480.there is no option.what can i do
[14:24] <flaccid> ahmos: check the log to see the problem ie. /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[14:24] <flaccid> i have to run but someone might be able to help
[14:24] <ahmos> ok
[14:25] <emilsedgh> ahmos: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh
[14:25] <flaccid> ahmos: nvidia?
[14:25] <flaccid> emilsedgh: thats how it is out of box could be the same
[14:26] <ahmos> flaccid yes nvidia
[14:27] <lovely> does anyone know what linux distro would be good on a 286? my father wants to use it to learn and play, and run some HAM programs on.
[14:27] <flaccid> yeah tahts pretty typical for nvidia atm. see the log
[14:27] <flaccid> !ot | lovely
[14:27] <ubottu> lovely: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[14:27] <flaccid> i'll bbl later, cyas
[14:29] <ahmos> flaccid , http://paste.ubuntu.com/39692/
[14:32] <flaccid> don't show me i've gone to smoke bongs
[14:32] <ahmos> ok.. sorry
[14:48] <Morydd> I'm trying to install kde4 but am getting: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.1.0-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa3_amd64.deb (--unpack):
[14:48] <Morydd> trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en/kcontrol/kwindecoration/index.cache.bz2', which is also in package kdebase-runtime-data
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[14:53] <sebastian__> when i try to change the xorg file so i can change resolution i get an error message saying: cant find image, and it just start the text boot and not the x server, wat am i doing wrong?
[14:53] <sebastian__> i typed... Mod "1600x1200" under default dep.
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[15:10] <cayal> how do I reset my network from terminal?
[15:14] <cayal> Never mind, my problem has been resolved.
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[15:17] <pmaddog320> hello all
[15:19] <pmaddog320> does anyone know my my chanle list only has kubuntu on it and not ubuntu
[15:35] <abby87> can anyone pls tell me how to install wifi drivers for lenovo ?
[15:35] <abby87> lenovo 77578CQ
[15:40] <_Grant_> Hello--can I ask a few general questions about Kubuntu? I'm considering switching from SuSe 10.1 and tried the live CD last night.
[15:42] <cube> hello
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[15:43] <abby87> _Grant_: go 4 it !
[15:44] <Cube39> i got a problem on my hardy kubuntu. When i plug an usb disk, nothing appears : no icon on desktop, neither in konqui media:/. But sdb1 is well detected in syslog
[15:44] <_Grant_> Does the standard install come with tex, latex, as well as developer support...say the kind I need to build R from source?
[15:44] <Cube39> do you know what can be the problem please ?
[15:46] <Player> Hello
[15:46] <_Grant_> abby87: cd to /media and then do a 'ls -lrtA' then cd to the most recently added usb-like thing (right:)
[15:48] <_Grant_> woops that should be directed to cube39...sorry abby87
[15:48] <abby87> np
[15:48] <abby87> i was a lil baffled by tht
[15:48] <abby87> :)
[15:49] <_Grant_> so abby87...in regrds to the std install?
[15:49] <Cube39> _Grant_: i guessed that ;-) but was not sure
[15:50] <Cube39> _Grant_: the most recent file is .hal-mtab. All others are more than 4 month old
[15:50] <Cube39> and the "mont" command shows that the device is not mounted
[15:51] <Cube39> i belmount
[15:51] <Cube39> ^W arg.. "mount"
[15:52] <_Grant_> those pluggin deals don't show up from a listing of mounted drives because they're not mounted in the same way.
[15:52] <_Grant_> do you have a directory named '/media' as I do in SuSe linux?
[15:52] <Cube39> ye
[15:52] <Cube39> s
[15:53] <_Grant_> try 'cd /media' and then 'ls -lrtA' (which lists everything in chronological order)...whats the last listed thing starting with 'usb'
[15:53] <Cube39> ls -lrtA /media/*usb* ---> nothing
[15:54] <_Grant_> *oh* ....ummm try unplugging it and then plugging it back in??? ;)
[15:55] <Cube39> _Grant_: already done. It is like if the program that do the magic (creating the mounting directory and mounting for the user who is logged) is not here
[15:56] <_Grant_> when you tried the 'mount' command did you see anything there about the usb subsystem
[15:57] <Cube39> _Grant_: i do not tryed the mount command (i know how), but i would like that the device is automaticaly mounted, like it does on my laptop
[15:58] <Cube39> on my laptop, when i plug it, i have in syslog "nm_hal_device_added()" and so on. On the desktop there is nothng
[15:58] <_Grant_> wait, scratch that....when you reboot the computer and hit 'details' (or whatever is the ubuntu analogue of the 'esc' button during a boot, showing all details in white plain text on black) do you see something about the usb subsystem working
[16:02] <Cube39> _Grant_: no problem with the usb, i can moutn manually
[16:03] <Cube39> but i got an error anyway. the disk is NTFS, but if i don't specify, i have an error : mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'
[16:03] <_Grant_> ok. I'm not sure. On my SusE usually the magic thing works too, but sometimes it doesn't. I actually prefer to do it manually
[16:03] <_Grant_> sorry about that.
[16:03] <Cube39> :-)
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[16:04] <_Grant_> BTW, do you know if the standard Kubuntu install comes with tex, latex, and various libs for installing stuff from source for example R (a stastical computing environment)
[16:04] <cryingtux_> flaccid:
[16:04] <cryingtux_> you there?
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[16:06] <Cube39> _Grant_: tex and latex are here, but i don't know which package are needed for installing package from source
[16:07] <_Grant_> another question...I went for the kubuntu 8.1 KDE4 remix...any thoughts on that?
[16:07] <_Grant_> (thx cube) :)
[16:13] <cryingtux_> ! kde 4
[16:13] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[16:16] <The-Compiler> Player: why the heck are you ctcp-ing the channel all the time?
[16:17] <cryingtux_> :)
[16:19] <Red_Wraith> Can someone please help me? I can't mount the fedora filesystem on another disk from ubuntu http://fpaste.org/paste/5164 heres my error message, and list of mounts
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[16:35] <BlackTulipGirl> Hello
[16:35] <aziz> is there a way to turn off the LC-Display of a laptop with a command? in effect, simulating the closing of the lid...
[16:35] <BlackTulipGirl> need help, installing on an Acer Aspire Laptop
[16:35] <BlackTulipGirl> since 2 days ago
[16:36] <BlackTulipGirl> and its been frozen most of the install
[16:36] <BlackTulipGirl> help!
[16:36] <BlackTulipGirl> I think it may be going badly
[16:36] <BlackTulipGirl> the screen is dark, so I can't see what part its frozen on
[16:37] <BlackTulipGirl> just the display?
[16:37] <aziz> it's been running for 2 days?
[16:37] <BlackTulipGirl> well, someone else on this chat said that it could take two days
[16:37] <BlackTulipGirl> so I left it alone
[16:37] <arrrghhh> the install certainly shouldn't take 2 days
[16:38] <BlackTulipGirl> but I looked at it and I don'tthink its going right
[16:38] <BlackTulipGirl> anyhow, is there any way to get the disc out and kill the whole thing?
[16:38] <arrrghhh> what are the hardware specs on it? does it boot the livecd alright?
[16:38] <arrrghhh> well yea
[16:38] <arrrghhh> turn it off
[16:38] <arrrghhh> use a paperclip
[16:38] <BlackTulipGirl> It won't let me
[16:39] <BlackTulipGirl> Paperclip??
[16:39] <aziz> hold the power button for 5 seconds
[16:39] <BlackTulipGirl> oh
[16:39] <BlackTulipGirl> one sec
[16:39] <arrrghhh> or turn it back on and hit the eject button quickly
[16:40] <BlackTulipGirl> ok
[16:40] <BlackTulipGirl> i just need to get my laptop and have it in the same room
[16:40] <BlackTulipGirl> brb
[16:42] <aziz> anyone know how to power off the display manually?
[16:42] <BlackTulipGirl> ok
[16:42] <BlackTulipGirl> I was able to get the disc out
[16:42] <BlackTulipGirl> thanks
[16:42] <BlackTulipGirl> now what?
[16:42] <BlackTulipGirl> its loading XP ok
[16:43] <BlackTulipGirl> but I wanted to get rid of XP
[16:44] <BlackTulipGirl> should I burn a new kubuntu disc?
[16:45] <BlackTulipGirl> ok brb
[16:48] <webpirate> hello all
[16:48] <webpirate> I have a problem that I need help with...I upgraded to the 64bit version of 8.04 and I noticed one little problem.....when I go to file...open on any program it seems to take a long time for the dialoge box to pop up...any ideas why?
[16:49] <webpirate> it seems like the program freezes for about 10 seconds
[16:50] <aziz> webpirate: try watching the CPU load caused by which program. you could switch to tty1 with Ctrl+Alt+F1, login and type htop (better version of top).
[16:53] <webpirate> ok one sec I will do it now
[16:53] <webpirate> No change in CPU load...stays at about 2%
[16:54] <webpirate> is there like a drgrag program for ubuntu?
[16:54] <webpirate> defrag
[16:54] <webpirate> perhaps my volumes are a mess..
[16:54] <webpirate> I have been windows free for about 4 years and never had this problem....mught have to try a re-install
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[16:55] <aziz> linux filesystems generally don't need to be defragmented
[16:55] <webpirate> thats what I figured...
[16:57] <aziz> found the command to turn off your screen: xset dpms force off
[16:58] <NthDegree> webpirate: EXT4 will feature Online Defragmentation
[16:58] <NthDegree> Your wish will come true soon
[16:58] <NthDegree> but here is what you can do
[16:58] <pim> where are files stored downloaded with wget?
[16:59] <NthDegree> boot a LiveCD and tar up all your system files
[16:59] <NthDegree> save the tarball to a separate partition
[16:59] <NthDegree> reformat the system file partition and untar it all back again
[16:59] <webpirate> NICE!!
[16:59] <NthDegree> relabel the filesystem if you use SELinux and the boot back up
[16:59] <NthDegree> then*
[17:00] <NthDegree> but EXT4 will have Online Defrag and a good tool for it
[17:00] <NthDegree> so fragmentation won't be any issue soon anyways
[17:02] <webpirate> I can just live with it for now!
[17:02] <jussio1> !defrag
[17:02] <ubottu> The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.
[17:10] <master_> hi
[17:10] <EagleScreen> hi
[17:10] <master_> ı have dvr card
[17:11] <master_> ı input command lspci
[17:11] <master_> 00:08.0 Multimedia video controller: JumpTec h, GMBH Unknown device 6801 (rev 10)
[17:11] <master_> 00:08.1 Multimedia controller: JumpTec h, GMBH Unknown device 6802 (rev 10)
[17:12] <master_> how ı work this dvr card what program pls
[17:12] <master_> help me
[17:17] <Fieldy> hello, how can i get a newer version of rsync via adept? i am interested in the 3.0 versions.
[17:29] <arrrghhh> Fieldy, unless you update the repo for rsync, then the default version in the repo's is the newest
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[17:40] <Denise> someone knows how to install pidgin 2.5?
[17:40] <Fieldy> no idea, sorry
[17:44] <arrrghhh> Denise, if it's not in the repo grab it from their site
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[17:52] <kernco> If I do a "sudo apt-get upgrade" while running the LiveCD then install, it will install the updated packages, right?
[17:56] <tyfon> heh on kubuntu.org the free download button is displaying wrong when you use konqueror :>
[17:56] <kernco> Looks ok to me
[17:57] <tyfon> can you click it?
[17:57] <kernco> Yeah
[17:57] <tyfon> hmm
[17:57] <kernco> I'm using Intrepid alpha, though
[17:59] <tyfon> http://www.robotmafia.org/kubuntu.org.png <-- this is on 8.04.1 using kde 3.5.9
[18:00] <kernco> Yeah it looks like that's fixed in KDE 4
[18:30] <florian> Hi! I'm currently trying to install a script to convert avchd to avi from the site: http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=789775
[18:30] <florian> using this description: http://www.fsckin.com/2008/01/03/transcoding-mtsm2ts-avchd-video-files-with-free-software/
[18:31] <florian> they want me to install faad2 and a52dec which seems to be not in the apt-sources. Does anyone know where to get it?
[18:32] <arrrghhh> florian, check out avidemux
[18:32] <florian> I already tried, but avidemux can't open it
[18:33] <arrrghhh> hrm. do you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed?
[18:33] <florian> yes
[18:33] <arrrghhh> i don't know wth avchd is
[18:34] <florian> my only problem is, that i do not get a52dec and faad2 installed because they doesn't appear in the apt-sources
[18:39] <Toran> How do I set up my laptop so the key to toggle an external display will toggle my laptop between dual and single monitor mode?
[18:39] <arrrghhh> florian, build 'em from source or whatever. like i said i dont' know wth that format is
[18:40] <arrrghhh> Toran, doesn't work like that. that key is designed to turn off your lcd and enable the external and visa-versa
[18:40] <Toran> I'd even take that functionality
[18:40] <Toran> right now it does nothing
[18:41] <arrrghhh> Toran, are you pressing the FN key before hitting that button?
[18:41] <Toran> yes
[18:41] <Toran> I use a thinkpad x60 if that makes any difference
[18:43] <arrrghhh> i dunno then
[18:44] <arrrghhh> it should *just work* - those hardware buttons usually don't interact with any of the software. if they do, then they probably won't work in linux without some tricky manuvering.
[18:44] <Toran> I hate tricky manuvering
[18:45] <arrrghhh> lo,l
[18:45] <arrrghhh> sorry i wish i could help more. mine "just works" - it passes nothing to the software.
[18:45] <Toran> thanks anyway
[18:46] <arrrghhh> sorry
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[18:50] <andres> Hola
[18:50] <arrrghhh> !es | andres
[18:50] <ubottu> andres: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[18:51] <florian> Ok, now i need xporthdmv which is also not in apt-sources :-(
[18:51] <andres> todo bien?
[18:51] <florian> !de | florian
[18:51] <ubottu> florian, please see my private message
[18:52] <abcde2> I cant get into kde, anyone know what the problem is? the err msg is at http://pastebin.com/m57bd3343
[18:54] <arrrghhh> !de
[18:54] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[18:54] <arrrghhh> that's what i thought lol
[18:54] <abcde2> this is english channel? or I am in the wrong one
[18:54] <arrrghhh> this is english
[18:54] <abcde2> cool, anyone can help me out?
[18:55] <abcde2> I am getting these msgs http://pastebin.com/m57bd3343
[18:55] <arrrghhh> i looked at the error, i have no idea. can you get a cli?
[18:55] <abcde2> when I do startx
[18:55] <abcde2> yeah
[18:55] <abcde2> I am on cli
[18:55] <arrrghhh> what about "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"
[18:55] <abcde2> let me try
[18:55] <favro> it's your graphics card driver not set up right
[18:56] <favro> ati?
[18:56] <abcde2> kdm restart - kdm not running
[18:56] <abcde2> favro: how do I fix it?
[18:56] <favro> is it ati?
[18:56] <abcde2> I got these errs after I pull kde4 back to kde3
[18:57] <master_> help me
[18:57] <favro> can you paste xorg.conf file ?
[18:57] <abcde2> I believe it is nvdia
[18:57] <master_> for dvr card drivers
[18:57] <abcde2> sure, let me paste the xorg.conf
[18:57] <master_> chipset techwell 6802
[18:58] <master_> ı neeed for dvr card drivers chipset techwell 6802
[19:00] <abcde2> my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m3b1c920
[19:00] <nejode> abcde2: try sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
[19:01] <arrrghhh> master_, if the card isn't supported by linux it'll be difficult
[19:01] <favro> abcde2: that link didn't work
[19:01] <abcde2> sorry, it should be http://pastebin.com/m3b1cf20
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[19:02] <abcde2> nejode: Not starting K display manager (kdm); it is not the default display manager
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[19:02] <favro> abcde2: not that one either
[19:03] <nejode> abcde2: sudo apt-get --purge remove kdm
[19:03] <Kiyiko> chrono cross: harle left meh party, do i eva get her back?
[19:03] <nejode> ...sudo apt-get install kdm
[19:03] <abcde2> pastebin.com/m3b1c9f20
[19:03] <SitUbuntuSit> abcde2, sudo apt-get --purge remove kdm && sudo apt-get install kdm
[19:03] <abcde2> SitUbuntuSit: let me give it a try
[19:04] <abby87> does any1 know how to get broadcomm wireless working on kubuntu?
[19:04] <SitUbuntuSit> then make sure to select kdm
[19:05] <abcde2> SitUbuntuSit: I am still getting that err
[19:05] <Kiyiko> ....
[19:05] <Kiyiko> nobody here knows?
[19:05] <Kiyiko> this is madness.
[19:05] <jasonlife> I'm using kubuntu 8.04, and having a position problem of kdm greeter .. It is not appear on center when I log out..
[19:05] <nejode> abby87: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter
[19:05] * Kiyiko asks /b/
[19:05] <b3ny0-> any1 know where to find geforce4 go 420 drivers för kubuntu 32
[19:05] <b3ny0-> ?
[19:05] <jasonlife> Someone has same kdm login screen postion problem?
[19:05] <abby87> nejode: i did it its still not working
[19:06] <SitUbuntuSit> abcde2, perhaps reinstall kubuntu-desktop... sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop
[19:06] <favro> abcde2: did you install drivers fromm nvidia?
[19:06] <nejode> abby87: for older chips it's bcm43xx-fwcutter
[19:07] <abcde2> favro: I already have the drive for it, it has been up and running for almost a year
[19:07] <abcde2> favro: and it was caused by the downgrade from kde4 to kde3
[19:07] <nejode> jasonlife: I have that problem and havn't been able to fix it
[19:07] <abcde2> SitUbuntuSit: ok, I did a reinstall...problem persists....hummmm
[19:08] <jasonlife> nejode: It is usable, but it is annoying me..
[19:08] <abby87> nejode: mine is a new one
[19:08] <favro> abcde2: you have to reinstall drivers sometimes - you need to redo the graphics driver install it looks like
[19:08] <abcde2> I remember there is a command to auto generate xorg.conf, do you guys know what that is?
[19:08] <jasonlife> nejode: Is it original kdm problme? or is it only Kubuntu's problem?
[19:09] <abby87> nejode: and i dont have internet connection on my lappy
[19:10] <nejode> jasonlife: I think it's specific to each machine, I have 2 kubuntu hardy desktops and one has the problem
[19:10] <jasonlife> Oh..
[19:10] <b3ny0-> wtf
[19:10] <b3ny0-> just installed flash-plugin for firefox
[19:10] <jasonlife> nejode: That's really strange..
[19:11] <nejode> ..the one I'm using now (my office) is OK
[19:11] <b3ny0-> but when I try youtube it wont work
[19:11] <b3ny0-> nevermind
[19:11] <b3ny0-> now it works
[19:11] <abcde2> favro: ok, let me reinstall drivers...since I cant come up with anything else to try
[19:12] <jasonlife> nejode: I assume kdm asks X server the size of screen and displays greeter on 50,50% as the coordinate of the center of the greeter..
[19:12] <nejode> abby87: you NEED an internet conection... the package has to download a firmware for the chip
[19:12] <favro> abcde2: good luck :)
[19:12] <jasonlife> nejode: It must be much complicated than that
[19:12] <abby87> nejode: thats tough
[19:15] <abcde2> favro: damn....my lovely err msg still there
[19:15] <abcde2> favro: looks like she doesnt leave me
[19:16] <abcde2> humm, it seems like I have to reinstall the os...what a pain
[19:16] <favro> abcde2: how are you installing the drivers?
[19:17] <abcde2> I tried the ones in the repository also the src from its site
[19:19] <nejode> ...crummy internet conection
[19:21] <abcde2> I even tried to regenerate the xorg.conf with nvidia's x server conf utility
[19:22] <favro> abcde2: with the nvidia install is there a module you need to blacklist or load at boot?
[19:23] <abcde2> favro: nope..
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[19:24] <abcde2> favro: I am backing up my files and will reinstall soon...crap, I dont know why I upgraded to kde4
[19:24] <favro> abcde2: 'cause it promises alot :)
[19:24] <nejode> abcde2: did you try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" ??
[19:25] <abcde2> nejode: nope, it looks promising...let me try it out
[19:25] <favro> abcde2: does look like a module/driver isn't loading to me
[19:26] <abcde2> favro: it seems to me mouse and video drivers are not loaded properly
[19:26] <abcde2> nejode: got back the same err msg
[19:27] <favro> abcde2: try lsmod | grep nvidia
[19:27] <nejode> abcde2: how about "sudo apt-get --purge remove kubuntu-desktop"
[19:27] <nejode> abcde2: and a complete reinstall
[19:27] <abcde2> nejode: I am about to do a complete reinstall
[19:28] <arrrghhh> abcde2, have you tried deleteing xorg.conf and restarting?
[19:28] <abcde2> nejode: just poking around and hoping I dont need to do that
[19:28] <nejode> no, just a desktop install
[19:28] <abcde2> favro: lsmod did contains some entries of nvidia
[19:28] <nejode> ...sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop
[19:29] <nejode> ... that should re-install kdm, xorg and related
[19:29] <abcde2> nejode: doing
[19:30] <abcde2> nejode: same thing...
[19:30] <abcde2> nejode: this is really weird...
[19:31] <nejode> ¿so fast?
[19:31] <abcde2> still this msg: pastebin.com/m57bd334
[19:31] <abcde2> nejode: yes, my machine is pretty fast
[19:32] <nejode> but it has to download about 180 mb!!!
[19:32] <abcde2> nejode: here is the isp
[19:32] <abcde2> nejode: you can kinda expect how fast it is
[19:32] <nejode> abcde2: I can't see anything in your pastebin
[19:33] <abcde2> http://pastebin.com/m57bd3343
[19:35] <nejode> abcde2: strange... I got that same message in my house machine when I rebooted after starting with startx
[19:36] <SunStorm> since i upgraded to hardy, i've had printing problems. my hp 812c printer is always listed as a 810. the first page of every file that gets printed is garbage but all the other pages within the job print fine
[19:36] <SunStorm> is there a fix for this issue? i assume it's a cups/hplip thing
[19:36] <favro> abcwhat is in your .xinitrc file?
[19:38] <mississipi_joe> hi, found an interesting page that explains the technical backgrounds of the differences between xp and vista/longhorn -> http://www.xpvistadifferences.de.vu
[19:40] <TheFuzzball> who cares?
[19:40] <mississipi_joe> i just wanted to show u guys an interesting link
[19:40] <TheFuzzball> How is it interesting?
[19:41] <TheFuzzball> (I actually want to know)
[19:41] <arrrghhh> mississipi_joe, the best part is that link is bogus. besides, this is a linux room.
[19:42] <TheFuzzball> He's just trolling
[19:43] <arrrghhh> i know
[19:43] <arrrghhh> i saw him in ##linux
[19:43] <TheFuzzball> someone should kick him.
[19:43] <arrrghhh> i don't get why he's doing it tho - that site is bogus, it redirects to some german gaming site.
[19:44] <TheFuzzball> I saw it
[19:44] <RurouniJones> I have noscript so all I see is a flash applet. could be malicious
[19:44] <RurouniJones> oh wait, nvm, iframe
[19:44] <arrrghhh> i loaded it on my windows machine at work lol
[19:44] <TheFuzzball> Beside, there is hardly any difference between XP and Vista, other than some very basic theme differences. Most stuff is taken from OS X and Linux
[19:44] <arrrghhh> uh
[19:44] <arrrghhh> no
[19:44] <arrrghhh> but nice try
[19:45] <arrrghhh> i don't want to get into it, because they did cop out a lot on vista. but they didn't "take" much of anything from os-x or linux. they do their own crap.
[19:45] <RurouniJones> crap being the important word ;)
[19:45] <ghostcube> aero is based c sharp
[19:46] <ghostcube> no ms original codwe
[19:46] <TheFuzzball> meh, you have to admit that Aero is similar to Compiz Fusion.
[19:46] <TheFuzzball> Everyone is copying Compositing these days, I think OS X did it first though.
[19:46] <ghostcube> yes on an amiga 1200 in 1985
[19:46] <ghostcube> :D
[19:47] <RurouniJones> Oooh, you mean ripping off ideas. Everyone does that. Not on a technical level though
[19:47] <TheFuzzball> Anyone know how panel hiding is coming along in KDE4 trunk?
[19:47] <RurouniJones> #kde4
[19:47] <TheFuzzball> no such channel
[19:47] <ghostcube> #kubuntu-kde4
[19:47] <TheFuzzball> :)
[19:50] * Hondo_Kitsune is away: Gone away for now.
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[19:56] <michi> Hi. I did an update and when trying to generate locales, the localedef process uses 100% and runs forever. I even cannot kill it.
[19:57] <michi> I restarted, but apt tells me I need to dpkg --configure -a and the same happens.
[19:57] <illmortal> Does anyone know what a good case would be for this setup: https://secure.newegg.com/WishList/MySavedWishDetail.aspx?ID=8203811 Debating to get a full size tower over a mid size.
[20:12] <TheMaxzilla> What burn speed should I burn Kubuntu 8.04.1?
[20:12] <TheMaxzilla> I tried x4, and that seemed to work.
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[20:14] <shadowhywind_> anyone know how to fix a udev-event[]: run program: '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit on boot?
[20:15] <Guest66663> y-a-b-g@hotmail.com
[20:15] <Agent_bob> shadowhywind_ if it's not hanging. it's probably not worth the effort. but. find what module it is and black list it then rebuild the initramfs.img will probably do it.
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[20:17] <shadowhywind_> Agent_bob: hi again, hehe. It is haning on boot
[20:17] <Agent_bob> well that would be howto.
[20:18] <shadowhywind_> so far it is hanging in two spots, a second after the splash screen loads (and i get a bouncey bar) and the other time would be when its loading hardware drivers i believe
[20:21] <trappist> TheMaxzilla: depends more on your hardware and media. the content of the disc image doesn't matter.
[20:23] <TheMaxzilla> trappist: I was burning at maximum speed, and it screwed up all of the disks. I haven't had burning problems with it before, and I burnt/burned other Ubuntu versions. however, I guess it was a different CD brand, whether that made a difference.
[20:29] <florian> Hi! I converted my avchd video-file to mpg. The mpg has an ac3 audio track. When i try to watch it in kaffeine, mplayer, vlc etc. there is no audio. When i open the file with avidemux, i hear audio
[20:29] <florian> But playing in avidemux is very very slow. The other players play fast but without sound
[20:30] <Agent_bob> TheMaxzilla i just burned a debian etch cd at 24x no problem i don't have a ubuntu iso so can't test that. my thoughts on the matter are this. hi speed is great for things that you don't care if you drop a bit here or there... if it's really important (not that a linux install disk is) then 1x would be the safest bet on any hardware
[20:31] <TheMaxzilla> The lowest on mine is 2x, Agent_bob, but that'll do. Thank you.
[20:32] <florian> Avidemux sais: AC3, 5 channels, 48000bps/384kbps
[20:35] <andrian> Hi all! have a problem with cups. installed capt drivers fro canon lbp 1120. get to print one test page. it works. after that try to print something from open office. Some kind of queue of print jobs appears and the job is stuck there forever. all new job go threre and no printing is done.
[20:35] <andrian> any ideas ?
[20:36] <andrian> not at that box now ...
[20:38] <Agent_bob> andrian i have see the printer "paused" and the normal user not be able to "depause" it. might try kdesudo kprinter and check that out... my only guess.
[20:40] <Agent_bob> it's really frusterizing when you tell a peace of hardware to do something and it sits there and looks at you...
[20:41] <andrian> yes it is. especially when you try to show them that linux is an alternate solution ....
[20:41] <Agent_bob> linux is not an alternative. linux is the answer.
[20:42] <shadowhywind_> i can agree to that.. hehe
[20:42] <abby87> well said Agent_bob
[20:43] <cryingtux> hi
[20:43] <shadowhywind_> hi
[20:43] <abby87> cryingtux: hello
[20:43] <cryingtux> abby87: hello :)
[20:50] <Agent_bob> which file is it that actually holds the ssh key ? (default name please)
[20:50] <cryingtux> ! kde 4
[20:50] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[20:50] <Agent_bob> ~/.ssh/??????
[20:52] <Agent_bob> id_rsa ?
[20:52] <rickest> ~/.ssh/id_rsa or id_dsa
[20:52] <Agent_bob> k thanks
[20:52] <rickest> and of course ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub for the public key
[20:53] <Agent_bob> rickest yes. i was looking for the id_rsa thanks.
[20:55] <Agent_bob> i have pointed my users ~/.ssh to a common mountpoint on several boxen where a usb stick is mounted and put my keys in there. thus if the usb stick is not plugged in and mounted user account doesn't have access to the server
[20:56] <nicolas> hi, im using kubuntu 4.1, in a 64 bit pc, i want to install beryl on it but i dont know how
[20:56] <nicolas> can anyone guide me
[20:56] <Agent_bob> !beryl
[20:56] <ubottu> Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz
[20:57] <Agent_bob> !compiz
[20:57] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[21:05] <sourcemaker> can I upgrade the kubuntu 32bit version to kubuntu 64bit without reinstall?
[21:05] <Daisuke_Laptop> no
[21:07] <Agent_bob> i cant help but feel like im wasting ram on this box... Memory Used/Total Percent: 27/502 MB (5%) << while on other boxen i see things like >> Memory Used/Total Percent: 8/123 MB (6%) < and > Memory Used/Total Percent: 8/123 MB (6%) <<< that's not a repete those are two seperate boxen
[21:07] <master_> hi
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[21:08] <zabbadapp> scrolling is slow with compiz, suggestions apart from not using compiz?
[21:08] <ghostcube> #compiz-fusion
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[21:09] <Agent_bob> zabbadapp ummm i would say not using xorg but that would of course include not using compiz so....
[21:10] <ghostcube> ^^ compiz uses xorg xoeg is used for graphic in all kinds
[21:10] <Agent_bob> yep
[21:11] <Agent_bob> that's an over generalization but i'll not pick nits
[21:12] <zabbadapp> kubuntu 8.04, kde 3.5, c2duo, 4gig ram, GF7x00 128MB ram ... the smooth scrolling in firefox is really slow at times ...
[21:12] <Agent_bob> sudo swapoff -a ?
[21:12] <Walzmyn> #kde
[21:12] <Walzmyn> oops
[21:12] <ghostcube> zabbadapp: join #compiz-fusion
[21:13] <ghostcube> ^^
[21:13] <tyfon> its the binary only nvidia driver :p
[21:13] <tyfon> it sucks
[21:13] <tyfon> for 2d
[21:13] <Agent_bob> "binary only" sux period
[21:14] <ghostcube> amd driver sux evebn more
[21:14] <ghostcube> intel worse too
[21:14] <ghostcube> :|
[21:14] <ghostcube> so
[21:14] <Daisuke_Laptop> how is intel worse?
[21:14] <ghostcube> 3d
[21:14] <Daisuke_Laptop> intel's the only one of those that's open
[21:14] <ghostcube> yeah but this dosent mean its not worse :D or
[21:14] <ghostcube> i havent said its closed
[21:14] <Daisuke_Laptop> they're integrated graphics chipsets, they aren't designed for heavy 3d
[21:14] <Daisuke_Laptop> their drivers are great
[21:15] <ghostcube> i said 3d or ?
[21:15] <Daisuke_Laptop> [16:13:44] <Daisuke_Laptop> how is intel worse?
[21:15] <Daisuke_Laptop> [16:13:53] <ghostcube> 3d
[21:15] <Daisuke_Laptop> ya did
[21:15] <ghostcube> so i not saying intel sux this is related to compiz at the moment
[21:15] <Daisuke_Laptop> works perfectly right here
[21:15] <ghostcube> and for this not only nvidia stinks
[21:15] <ghostcube> :D
[21:15] <ghostcube> yeah depends on card :) liek all times
[21:16] <Daisuke_Laptop> intel graphics, compiz works like a dream
[21:16] <ghostcube> i know i do support as good as i can in cf :)
[21:16] <Daisuke_Laptop> ghostcube: exactly, so don't go around throwing out ridiculous generalizations
[21:16] <ghostcube> ^^
[21:16] * Agent_bob thinks maybe it's not * driver sux with compiz, but maybe compiz sux with * driver ....
[21:16] <osvaldo> klk
[21:17] <ghostcube> this is not rediciulous thats fact so whats the prob if heres told nvidia sux this is just not the truth
[21:17] <tyfon> no i have a q6600 @ 3ghz with 9800 gtx where compiz sucks, but it works fine on my 2.2 ghz single core amd with an old ati x700 and open drivers
[21:17] <ghostcube> so i dont get the prob
[21:17] <tyfon> the nvidia drivers suck :p
[21:18] <ghostcube> than u havent configuere xorg right maybe :P
[21:18] <tyfon> dunno, i just enabled nvidia-glx-new in kubuntu
[21:18] <ghostcube> bad idea for this card
[21:18] <tyfon> yeah probably
[21:18] <ghostcube> without tuning xorg
[21:18] <ghostcube> :|
[21:19] <tyfon> but its the same on my 8800 gts too
[21:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> ghostcube: saying all of them suck, then following it up by essentially saying "well, i guess it kinda sorta depends on the card..." makes your earlier statement a blanket generalization of all cards
[21:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> what?
[21:19] <ghostcube> same chip eh only pushed up afaik
[21:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> nvidia-glx-new is a bad idea for the 6600?
[21:19] <ghostcube> are u reading or just looking
[21:19] <tyfon> i probably need to stuff things into xorg.conf to make it faster
[21:19] <ghostcube> he runs an 9800 gtx
[21:20] <Agent_bob> <tyfon> no i have a q6600 @ 3ghz with 9800 gtx where compiz sucks,
[21:20] <Daisuke_Laptop> i see 6600 and 8800, nothing about a 9800gtx
[21:20] <Daisuke_Laptop> ah
[21:21] <Daisuke_Laptop> q6600.
[21:21] * Daisuke_Laptop whistles innocently
[21:21] <Agent_bob> :)
[21:22] <Daisuke_Laptop> nvidia's newer offerings have been causing trouble anyway, i thought
[21:22] <ghostcube> yes cause only pushed up old chips most time
[21:22] <Agent_bob> i can't confirm nor deny that. but i do stand firm on the openion that any "binary only" driver sux
[21:23] <ghostcube> afaik the 9600 gtx is same chip as 8800 gtx
[21:23] <Daisuke_Laptop> ghostcube: this is not a new thing
[21:23] <cskmax> Why would I be seeing distorted graphics "flicker" right before the K menu appears, after clicking on K menu? The distortion only appears where the K menu appears a second later
[21:23] <ghostcube> but ion my nvidia boxes i all is fine so as u do for intel i must help nvidia
[21:23] <Daisuke_Laptop> lower end cards of each generation are souped up versions of last gen's higher-end cards
[21:23] <ghostcube> cause here was told it sux but i cant say this
[21:24] <ghostcube> :|
[21:24] <cskmax> I'm on kde 4.1 on intrepid, nvidia 177 driver
[21:24] <ghostcube> wow
[21:24] <ghostcube> bleeding edge pure
[21:24] <ghostcube> :D
[21:24] <tyfon> :)
[21:24] <tyfon> cskmax: did you tweak xorg.conf to make the stuff qt4 use go faster?
[21:25] <cskmax> tyfon: no, i did not. can you direct me to a reference for it?
[21:25] <tyfon> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=114760
[21:25] <cskmax> thanks
[21:26] <sourcemaker> why card performs better on linux.. NVIDIA or ATI?
[21:26] <sourcemaker> sorry... which... card...
[21:26] <tyfon> not sure if it applies to 177 driver
[21:26] <cskmax> post #3 on that thread says it's not applicable for my case though. i'm past 172 driver, and i'm not on a geforce 8 or 9.
[21:26] <cskmax> yeah..
[21:26] <ghostcube> here is another nice one
[21:26] <ghostcube> http://techbase.kde.org/User:Lemma/KDE4-NVIDIA
[21:27] <cskmax> thanks. 7600go is my card
[21:27] <ghostcube> ah ok
[21:27] <sourcemaker> so ATI is better?
[21:27] <ghostcube> hmm cskmax u cann look here
[21:27] <cskmax> maybe try Option "PixmapCacheSize" "200000" on "Device" section.
[21:28] <ghostcube> http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showpost.php?p=13710&postcount=1
[21:28] <cskmax> I did notice one other place where it's unexpectedly laggy, dragging to select icons on the desktop widget
[21:28] <Agent_bob> well things aren't always what they appear to be... i installed debian etch, and couldn't get ssh/sshd to work for me. i even copied over the configs from this box. same problem. and seeing that debian is the upstream source for ubuntu that might be something to look into on hardy or intrepid, does ssh attempt to do dns lookup for lan ip's ? ssh would fail if there was no inte connection...
[21:28] <cskmax> kk
[21:28] <ghostcube> cskmax: stop here See my xorg.conf too!!
[21:28] <ghostcube> the rest is hacking must not be
[21:28] <ghostcube> try some of the features mentioned about this entry
[21:29] <Agent_bob> s/inte/inet/
[21:30] <cskmax> Yeah, I tend not to modify xorg.conf unless absolutely needed... Lemma's page seems to apply to the 8/9 series
[21:31] <cskmax> ghostcube: can you pastebin your xorg.conf?
[21:31] <cskmax> the compiz-fusion thread seemed to be referring to older drivers
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[21:33] <ghostcube> i have an two screewn
[21:33] <ghostcube> but yeah i can
[21:34] <florian> can kaffeine playback videos with ac3 5.1?
[21:34] <florian> I get the video but no audio
[21:35] <cskmax> Agent_bob: dns lookup not required if there's already an IP known :)
[21:35] <cskmax> no address to look up!
[21:35] <ghostcube> http://nopaste.info/f62a27f2b6.html
[21:36] <cskmax> agent_bob: also, ssh server is not installed by default
[21:36] <cskmax> on etch
[21:37] <cskmax> agent_bob: sudo aptitude install openssh-server (on etch..)
[21:37] <cskmax> ghostcube: thx checking it out
[21:38] <cskmax> the "Damage" settings are new to me there...
[21:39] <loso> hi
[21:40] <core_> hi all
[21:40] <core_> :)
[21:47] <starenka> 'alo! any clues why power architect (java based) has so freaked up fonts? http://crap.starenka.net/pa.png
[21:48] <cskmax> wow, that *is* ugly - but afraid no idea
[21:49] <ghostcube> starenka: u running sun java ?
[21:49] <starenka> ghostcube: got those installed... i just run it "java -jar .....jar" - dunno wich jre is used, tho
[21:50] <kozz> starenka: run java -version and see which java is in your path
[21:50] <starenka> it runs openjdk
[21:51] <Agent_bob> cskmax have anything to say that i don't already know ?
[21:51] <starenka> how's the simpliest solution then? make a symlink to /usr/bin for "sun" java
[21:51] <starenka> ?
[21:51] <kozz> starenka: no
[21:52] <ghostcube> starenka: this is sun java
[21:52] <Agent_bob> cskmax on debian etch without an inet connection i could not connect to any lan ip. i could chroot into this ubuntu install and connect to the same ip's i was trying and timing out in etch.
[21:52] <starenka> openjdk is sun?
[21:52] <kozz> starenka: use the command update-java-alternatives
[21:52] <kozz> but not sure a change to sun java instead of openjdk is a solution for your problem, but should be easy to try
[21:53] <cskmax> agent_bob: with no net connection active, that's expected that you would not be able to connect to the LAN
[21:53] <kozz> starenka: no and yes :)
[21:53] <starenka> :)))
[21:53] <ghostcube> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_0-b11)
[21:53] <ghostcube> is it this one
[21:53] <Agent_bob> cskmax do you read or assume before typing?
[21:53] <starenka> lemme check
[21:53] <starenka> 1.6.00.
[21:54] <kozz> starenka: OpenJDK is Suns Java rereleased as source, but I guess they have some patches for their release but should be very close to OpenJDK nowadays
[21:54] <starenka> oh it's b11 as yours
[21:55] <starenka> kozz: ok thanx.. remember usinf koffee couple yrs ago :))
[21:55] <cskmax> agent_bob: flame as you like... sorry i tried to help..bye
[21:55] <Agent_bob> i'm sorry you did too
[21:55] <starenka> so what you suggest, then?
[21:56] <kozz> starenka: the difference between koffee and OpenJDK is that koffee was a reimplementation of the Java languange virutal machine while OpenJDK is the very same implementation that Sun has made
[21:57] <starenka> heh. there was the err i guess. i thought openjdk is just koffee in new version :))
[21:57] <starenka> well i tried "
[21:57] <starenka> sudo update-java-alternatives -a
[21:57] <starenka> No alternatives for xulrunner-addons-javaplugin.so.
[21:57] <kozz> starenka: can you change the font in that application, I know in eclipse a while ago that I overwritten the default settings since the OpenJDK default settings read from the system settings seemed to be wrong
[21:57] <starenka> kozz: no i cant - that's why im asking :))
[21:57] <starenka> kozz: i wouldnt care if i would :))
[21:58] <kozz> starenka: what does update-java-alternatives -l gives as output?
[21:58] <starenka> No alternatives for xulrunner-addons-javaplugin.so.
[21:58] <starenka> oh
[21:58] <starenka> sorry mate
[21:58] <kozz> hmm
[21:58] <starenka> i run it with -a
[21:59] <kozz> you could try installing sun-java
[21:59] <starenka> java-6-openjdk 1061 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
[21:59] <starenka> java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
[21:59] <kozz> ahh
[21:59] <starenka> i think i got those, lemme check
[21:59] <kozz> then run update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
[21:59] <kozz> and see if it makes a difference
[22:00] <mernil> hi all! :-)
[22:00] <starenka> kozz: i got sun-java isntalled
[22:00] <starenka> ii sun-java6-bin 6-06-0ubuntu1 Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture de
[22:00] <starenka> ii sun-java6-fonts 6-06-0ubuntu1 Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE)
[22:00] <starenka> ii sun-java6-jdk 6-06-0ubuntu1 Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6
[22:00] <starenka> ii sun-java6-jre 6-06-0ubuntu1 Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture in
[22:00] <starenka> ii sun-java6-plugin 6-06-0ubuntu1 The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
[22:00] <Daisuke_Laptop> !flood
[22:00] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[22:00] <Daisuke_Laptop> don't do that again
[22:01] <starenka> (i know, but too few for pastebin too much for channel) :))
[22:01] <kozz> starenka: then try change it using the -s flag
[22:01] <Daisuke_Laptop> more than two lines is enough for pastebin
[22:01] <kozz> Daisuke_Laptop: ehh, calm down, not much activity here now anyway :P
[22:01] <Daisuke_Laptop> kozz: that isn't the point.
[22:02] <starenka> Daisuke_Laptop: cmon, m8 ...
[22:02] <Daisuke_Laptop> cmon nothing
[22:03] <Daisuke_Laptop> more than two lines should go to pastebin
[22:03] <Daisuke_Laptop> end of discussion
[22:03] <mernil> Any girls here? It's a bad thing it's just guys using linux!
[22:03] <starenka> absolutely, look @ Daisuke_Laptop :)))
[22:03] <Daisuke_Laptop> mernil: this isn't your personal singles bar - the gender of users is their own business
[22:03] <starenka> </sick joke>
[22:04] <Agent_bob> mernil this is irc where men are men, and women are men, and children are fbi agents
[22:04] <starenka> kozz: awsome... it's ok now. i hope Zend & eclipse still work :)))
[22:04] <starenka> kozz: what was the catch, then?
[22:04] <mernil> Daisuke_Laptop: i know it's not :-P
[22:04] <mernil> I just feel it's to much men here and no woman
[22:05] <kozz> starenka: yeah, you can always change back if there are any problems. I don't know why OpenJDK reads the wrong settings about fonts from the system settings, but there is obviously some difference between OpenJDK and Suns Java
[22:05] <mernil> well.. it's to much of you :-)
[22:05] <kozz> mernil: du är så dålig, redan förstört massa svenska sajter med ditt tjavs, gör inte samma sak här
[22:05] <starenka> kozz: ok, so basically the -s thing makes the system use 1 or another jre
[22:06] <mernil> kozz: <-- he told me i have ruined to many swedish sites?
[22:06] <kozz> starenka: yes, it updates the path to the java binary and stuff like that
[22:06] <mernil> i would never ruin this irc channel!
[22:07] <starenka> kozz: thanx m8. sorry for your lost time. cyta around
[22:07] <starenka> kozz: *cya
[22:07] <kozz> starenka: :) np
[22:09] <josa> i can somehow connect to a windows server with rdesktop... ive tried ssh and putty with no luck. help :(
[22:13] <Agent_bob> putty should let you connect from windows to linux/sshd you would have to be able to connect ssh from linux to linux of course. i don't do windows so i don't know anything about going the other way.
[22:14] <Agent_bob> !windows
[22:14] <ubottu> For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents
[22:15] <florian> Hi! I try to install cinelerra from http://cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#apt-AMD64 using adept. I entered the source to sources.list, but when i mark cinelerra to install i see in red color "DEFECT (install)"
[22:16] <starenka> kozz: one more stupid question.. making a shortcut in kde menu fot the app. " java -jar /opt/power-architect/architect.jar" works fine in the console, but not if i put it in kde menu. what's wrong?
[22:16] <Agent_bob> !cinelerra
[22:16] <ubottu> Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu
[22:17] <Agent_bob> oh 64 bit sorry
[22:17] <Agent_bob> idk
[22:17] <florian> agent_bob: thanks :-)
[22:17] <numberi> hello
[22:18] <numberi> i have this problem
[22:18] <Daisuke_Laptop> !ask | numberi
[22:18] <ubottu> numberi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[22:18] <Agent_bob> some times i have the problem too
[22:18] <Agent_bob> :)
[22:18] <Daisuke_Laptop> Agent_bob: right now i've got a few
[22:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> #1 is no patience for the direction things are heading. what distro do you use?
[22:21] <numberi> kubuntu 8.04, does cedega work there?
[22:22] <numberi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/39774/
[22:22] <numberi> and another problem/bug
=== bAgent_bo is now known as _2
[22:28] <mernil> lock and load!
[22:28] <_2> fire at will ..... wait is will here ?
[22:29] <_2> no not here. so fire at will....
[22:29] <mernil> anyone into firearms? _2 <-- :-)
[22:29] <_2> mernil yeah but this is not the channel for that
[22:29] <_2> !ot
[22:29] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[22:29] <mernil> _2: i know, sorry
[22:31] <numberi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/39775/
[22:32] <mernil> i need a beer buddy?
[22:32] <mernil> is that ot?
[22:32] <mernil> in this channel :-)
[22:32] <Fieldy> hello, what's the package name for flash support in firefox? i'm not looking for the gpl version as i've found its functionality severely limited.
[22:33] <jpds> !info flashplugin-nonfree
[22:33] <ubottu> flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)
[22:33] <Fieldy> thank you
[22:33] * mernil had a big package
[22:33] <jpds> !flash | Fieldy
[22:33] <ubottu> Fieldy: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[22:33] <numberi> please help me to solve problems: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39775/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/39774/
[22:33] <mernil> has damn.. a joke going dooooown.
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[22:34] <mernil> im bored, no one up for some casual chat?
[22:35] <Daisuke_Laptop> not in there.
[22:35] <Daisuke_Laptop> here*
[22:35] <mernil> like, what you have for self protection?
[22:36] <mernil> anything from a baseball bat to a tec-9 will do!
[22:36] <mernil> :-)
[22:36] <Daisuke_Laptop> !ot | mernil, once again
[22:36] <ubottu> mernil, once again: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[22:37] <mernil> okay, im just trying to spice ut this channel :-|
[22:37] <Daisuke_Laptop> this channel doesn't need to be spiced up, it's a support channel.
[22:41] <ubuntu> ola
[22:41] <ubuntu> alguem pode me ajudar
[22:41] <Daisuke_Laptop> !br | ubuntu
[22:41] <ubottu> ubuntu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[22:41] <ubuntu> hehehe
[22:41] <ubuntu> Daisuke_Laptop: como instalo os drivers da placa de video
[22:42] <gkffjcs_> I'm having some issues with chmod, I'm trying to make my ~/Pictures, and ~/Music folders to be read write by me only, so I ran chmod -R 700 ~/Music, the problem is now if I run ls -l all the permissions show as ??? ??? ??? ? ? if I rund sudo chmod -R 777 ~/Music, i can regain assess to the files how do I set a foler and it's contents to only be accessable by my user?
[22:42] <Daisuke_Laptop> ubuntu: nvidia o ati?
[22:43] <_2> gkffjcs_ do you own the dir and is it on a linux fs ?
[22:43] <venik> how do I tell Thunderbird which application to use with an attachmnent? When told to BROWSE, where do I look?
[22:44] <venik> Specifically, I am interested in telling it to use OpenOffice
[22:44] <gkffjcs_> I own the dir, and I'm using ext3
[22:44] <PhilRod> gkffjcs_: that chmod line looks right to me. Perhaps try with symbolic perms instead of numeric (or do it from konq/dolphin)
[22:45] <_2> gkffjcs_ find ~/Music -type f -exec chmod 600 '{}' \;
[22:45] <_2> gkffjcs_ find ~/Music -type d -exec chmod 700 '{}' \;
[22:45] <_2> those two commands will solve it
[22:46] <venik> how do I tell Thunderbird which application to use with an attachmnent? When told to BROWSE, where do I look?
[22:47] <_2> gkffjcs_ i have my doubts about you owning things though. you might want to sudo chown -R ~/Music first
[22:47] <_2> sudo chown -R $USER ~/Music
[22:47] <_2> sorry
[22:48] <gkffjcs_> I did that first, I ran sudo chown -R my username ~/Music, and also chown -R ~/Music, before I ever tried to run chmod
[22:49] <gkffjcs_> allright, _2, the command above worked it seems.
[22:49] <_2> gkffjcs_ ok. well the two find commands should set all dir permissions to rwx------ and all file perms to rw-------
[22:50] <gkffjcs_> yeah, that worked, thanks _2, ille save that command, I assume that the second one is if I want the files to be executable?
[22:50] <gkffjcs_> as in
[22:50] <gkffjcs_> 600 rw
[22:50] <gkffjcs_> 700 rwx?
[22:50] <_2> no it's to make sure they are not executable yes.
[22:51] <venik> anyone using Thunderbird and could answer my question?
[22:52] <venik> how do I tell Thunderbird which application to use with an attachmnent? When told to BROWSE, where do I look?
[22:52] <gkffjcs_> ok
[22:52] <Daisuke_Laptop> venik: for the most part, you'd look in /usr/bin for the appropriate application
[22:52] <_2> yes octal perms are one binary bit for each rwx calculated to octal and one octet for each distinction special owner group other most of the time you don't mess with special that's suid sgid and sticky in that order
[22:53] <numberi> please help me to solve problems: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39775/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/39774/
[22:54] <numberi> can u say does cedega 6.0.5 work in kubuntu 8.04?
[22:54] <venik> Thanks, Daisuke. It worked
[22:54] <_2> numberi cant run gui apps in console have to be inside of X or set the DISPLAY= first
[22:55] <gkffjcs_> numberi, ask in #kubuntu-kde4.
[22:55] <_2> if you export DISPLAY=':0' and you have "xhost +local:" you can call a gui app in a console and it will open in the specified X server
[22:56] <_2> numberi as per your http://paste.ubuntu.com/39774 i have no idea.
[23:01] <_2> i have thought about it some, and can't see any reason for anything in *bin/ to be writable yet almost without fail they are 755 which makes no sense to me at all. seeing that root generally owns them and root doesn't care about permission anyway, root can read or write anywhere he wants too. so the 7 is totally pfft foo bar pfft
[23:02] <_2> 155 would make as much sense...
[23:02] <_2> but i'm the guy that does chmod 0001 /
[23:04] <_2> i don't recommend that for others though it breaks find i havent seen any other unexpected affects from it. but find is useful enough you prolly don't want it broke
[23:07] <_2> why would "clear" in root's .bash_logout blank all tty's ?
=== Administrator_ is now known as arrrghhh
[23:10] <mernil> nice nick arrrghhh :-P
[23:10] <arrrghhh> thanks?
[23:10] <_2> :)
[23:11] <mernil> dont thank me, thank mr anal!
[23:13] <arrrghhh> que? wait... i don't want to know...
[23:14] <mernil> arrrghhh: it's okay, i got my nick before i knew it was a french girls name :-)
[23:15] <mernil> i like it tho
[23:15] <arrrghhh> lol
[23:15] <arrrghhh> i've had this nick for 10+ years
[23:15] <mernil> same here
[23:17] <mernil> bbl
[23:19] <jramskov> anyone running f-spot on kubuntu?
[23:20] <jramskov> I just tried it, but it wouldn't even start
[23:20] <jramskov> to install I did "aptitude install f-spot"
[23:20] <jramskov> "F-Spot cannot find the Dbus session bus"
[23:27] <_2> jramskov i have that problem when dbus is not running... ps -A x
[23:28] <_2> or pidof dbus-daemon
=== house is now known as Guest85967
[23:30] <shadowhywind_> Hay all is there a way to image my entire linux partition, so when i do soemthing stupid and it breaks I can just "ghost" the image back so everythings back to normal?
[23:30] <jramskov> I can find a "dbus-launch" and "/usr/bin/dbus-daemon"
[23:30] <jramskov> @ _2
[23:31] <_2> jramskov hmmm that's not the problem then i'd need more information to work with before it could even guess. misght see if the app has a specific channel here on freenod
[23:32] <jramskov> one moment
[23:32] <_2> shadowhywind_ sure dd can do that if you have the free space some place
[23:34] <jramskov> _2: ahhh... "dbus-launch f-spot" made it work
[23:35] <_2> shadowhywind_ example. linux on hda2 and large free space on hda6 in this example: mount /dev/hda6 /mnt ;dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/mnt/backup`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`.img
[23:35] <zabbadapp> shadowhywind_: read the man page for dd (man dd), and google for some examples .. should work
[23:38] <igor> Ola amigos
[23:38] <_2> yeah howdy.
=== ebrima is now known as Gainde
[23:41] <nejode> shadowhywind. http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page
[23:55] <_2> partimage almost sounds like a dd frontend except it specifies "saves partitions having a supported filesystem to an image file." dd doesn't even care if there is an fs...
[23:59] <_2> hehhe. how old is that page? "... works for large, very full partitions. For example, a full 1 GB partition ..."