UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /20 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:26] <ikonia> does anyone know bcurtis
[00:26] <ikonia> I think bcurtis is someone I banned under the name "curtis"
[00:27] <ikonia> he's been a persistant ban dodger
[00:32] <ikonia> is there a way to get better proof to suggest that bcurtis is/is not the curtis that is ban evading
[01:47] <nalioth> ikonia: got 'whois' info for curtis ?
[01:50] <ikonia> nalioth: curtis [n=curtis@]
[01:51] <ikonia> don't think it's him though
[01:51] <ikonia> his behaviour is nothing like the other guy
[01:51] <ikonia> and [n=curtis@]
[01:51] <ikonia> even if it is him, his behaviour is fine now
[01:52] <nalioth> :)
[02:00] <elky_work> ikonia: some do have the capacity to learn, thankfully. we just usually never notice them since they, well, dont command attention again
[02:02] <elky_work> nobody reports the people who ask questions politely or are nice enough to thank them. we generally never hear about those
[02:02] <elky_work> s/thank them/thank for them/
[02:02] <ikonia> well it's either not him (which I think it's not)
[02:02] <ikonia> or he's learnt to participate
[02:02] <ikonia> just worried it was the same pain ban dodging as he has been for a week
[02:03] <elky_work> we'll find out soon enough if it is
[02:03] <nalioth> either way, it is no problem
[02:04] <ikonia> exactly
[02:09] * mneptok grrrs at IRC
[02:41] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, SNuxoll said: !bitlbee is an IRC to IM gateway, it runs as a local irc server on your machine allowing you to chat with your friends on IM networks from your IRC client of choice.
[05:13] <Flannel> Gah. Why do we always get large swaths of new people who can't/refuse to follow the rules at the same time?
[05:22] <ubottu> z_ called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()
[05:22] <tritium> Flannel: which channel?
[05:22] <Flannel> -offtopic, I've managed to herd them back to normalcy though.
[05:23] <Flannel> although, SNuxoll isn't helping with his recent comments.
[05:23] <tritium> I'm unable to tolerate -offtopic for any significant amount of time
[05:23] <Flannel> not malicious, of course. Just humorous
[05:38] <elky_work> Flannel: snuxoll responds well to private discussions
[05:38] <Flannel> elky_work: SNuxoll wasn't being a problem
[05:38] <Flannel> Just mentioning that I wasn't an op in -offtopic
[05:39] <Flannel> darn those facts.
[05:39] <elky_work> Flannel: the 'isnt helping' bit is what i'm referring to
[05:39] <elky_work> he can have moments of quite helpful if you prod him in the right direction
[05:39] <Flannel> elky_work: The "isn't helping" was referring to what I just said.
[05:40] <elky_work> Flannel: im just saying, if you dont want him to say it, tell him, and he'll listen and not say it next time
[05:40] <Flannel> It wasn't malicious, or disruptive or anything, just gave me less sway with the ones who were.
[05:40] <elky_work> the thing is he is trying to help, just doesnt understand that it isnt quite successful
[05:41] <mneptok> tritium: -offtopic is a marvelous thing. especially for those of us with massive karmic debt.
[05:42] <tritium> mneptok: it's so marvelous, it's more than I can handle ;)
[05:43] <mneptok> my god. it's full of stars ....
[05:46] <mneptok> Myrtti: you seem to be scary today.
[05:47] <mneptok> and only the whip was flaunted. not the pink pen.
[05:49] <Myrtti> Its mirggis fault
[05:51] <Myrtti> This piece of crap software - and since it is proprietary, I think Im allowed to curse - has no way to alias, hilight, tabcomplete or mute sounds.
[05:52] <Myrtti> Too bad the floss options suck even more.
[05:56] <Flannel> Myrtti: ssh into a real client?
[05:59] <Myrtti> Ssh on dialup? Ssh without decent keyboard? Hell no
[06:47] <JavaGuest264> Whjy am I blocked from #ubuntu?
[06:47] <JavaGuest264> OIt says I'm banned, but I've never been to that channel or even this network.
[06:48] <bazhang> JavaGuest264, what user nick were you on before
[06:48] <jpds> JavaGuest264: I think it may be because you are using a Java client.
[06:49] <jpds> bazhang: He says he wasn't on before. ;-)
[06:49] <JavaGuest264> :/
[06:49] <bazhang> jpds, aha
[06:50] <jpds> OK; now we know why.
[06:50] <nalioth> doesn't look promising for the now, either
[06:50] <jpds> Heh: [!] JavaGuest264 [n=JavaGues@pool-72-76-18-32.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit ["One small step for Java, one giant leap for IRC."]
[06:59] * jussi01 wakes up
[07:37] <Myrtti> moin
[08:25] <Myrtti> today is not a good day.
[08:26] <Myrtti> I'll personally bite every goddamn idiot and free them from the burden of their heads.
[09:12] <bazhang> nice
[09:13] <bazhang> icesword/z/easily/patchpockets and his zigmund freud sublimation is driving away normal folk from -ot
[09:25] <Myrtti> bazhang: who exactly?
[09:25] <bazhang> lynoure Myrtti
[09:25] <bazhang> she said she felt stalked
[09:25] <bazhang> and with good reason imo
[09:25] <Myrtti> no I mean who's the troublemaker
[09:25] <bazhang> the one above who changes nicks so much
[09:25] <bazhang> z/icesword/etc
[09:48] <ubottu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[09:48] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[10:03] <gnomefreak> can anyone see me typing?
[10:03] <bazhang> yes
[10:03] <bazhang> gnomefreak,
[10:03] <gnomefreak> bazhang: thanks
[10:03] <bazhang> well the results at least :)
[10:04] <gnomefreak> that means all the wikis on lintian are wrong
[10:04] <gnomefreak> nope its firefox
[10:04] <gnomefreak> i knwo why
[10:06] <gnomefreak> nope maybe not
[10:12] <Mez> bazhang, I'll have a word with z
[10:12] <bazhang> Mez, he was acting pretty creepy imo; did not respond to meditation at all
[10:13] <bazhang> err mediation
[10:13] <Mez> @login
[10:13] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[10:13] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[10:13] <Mez> @bansearch z
[10:13] <ubottu> No matches found for z!*@* in any channel
[10:13] <Mez> can you link me logs?
[10:14] <bazhang> hang on a sec Mez
[10:23] <bazhang> http://paste.ubuntu.com/39058/
[10:23] <bazhang> Mez, did not know a better way to get them all; had logs dating back to May
[10:24] <Mez> bazhang, I mean the logs of what they were saying
[10:25] <Mez> bazhang, what channel?
[10:26] <Mez> oh -ot
[10:26] <bazhang> Mez, any reason not to check your own?
[10:26] <Mez> I dont have logs
[10:28] * bazhang sighs
[10:28] <bazhang> http://paste.ubuntu.com/39062/
[10:29] <Mez> ...
[10:30] <Mez> is this person still on under any nick?
[10:30] <bazhang> http://paste.ubuntu.com/39063/
[10:30] <bazhang> thats the really bad one
[10:32] <Mez> ok... confused here.. I thought you were on about "z" ...
[10:32] <Mez> did you kickban him?
[10:32] <bazhang> and continued for several days under nickname z_/patchpockets/ubuntu/easily
[10:32] <bazhang> no privileges in there.
[10:33] <elkbuntu> Mez, it's easy to get confused at the moment, there's been a flurry of weirdos creeping in
[10:33] <Mez> is he still in there?
[10:33] <jussi01> @bansearch z_
[10:33] <ubottu> No matches found for z_!n=ubuntu@ in any channel
[10:33] <bazhang> not currently no
[10:33] <bazhang> he left when she did
[10:33] <Mez> elkbuntu, I'd like to propose bazhang be given access to -ot
[10:34] <Mez> (if you think suitable)
[10:34] <bazhang> http://paste.ubuntu.com/39065/ as patchpockets
[10:34] <Mez> elkbuntu, oh, and also that Daviey be given access to #u
[10:37] <bazhang> also went under nick sporty
[10:38] <Mez> hmm
[10:38] <Mez> no ubuntulog in -offtopic
[10:39] <jpds> No, the offtopic channels aren't suppose to be logged.
[10:39] * jussi01 has logs...
[10:39] * jussi01 hugs ubottu
[10:39] <Mez> aren't they ?
[10:39] <Mez> oh...
[10:39] <elkbuntu> the -offtopic channels are not sane enough to be logged
[10:39] * Mez just sent in an rt request.. :(
[10:39] <elkbuntu> they've never been logged
[10:40] <elkbuntu> uh, please dont do that in the future
[10:40] <Mez> jpds, feel free to delete it...
[10:40] * jpds marks Mez's request as "Rejected".
[10:41] <jpds> Mez: I don't have the perms to delete. :(
[10:41] <Mez> noone does under rt... it's just a resolution marker..
[10:42] <jpds> I don't have to perms to mark somethine as "deleted".
[10:43] <Mez> oh, I thought it came under the same position as "rejected"
[10:43] <Mez> s/position/permission/
[10:44] <elkbuntu> clearly not
[10:47] <jpds> Hmm, I get "No permission to view ticket" when I try to open Mez's..
[10:48] <Mez> w00t
[10:49] <Mez> I cant even see it in general list
[10:49] <jpds> It's probably because it isn't in the general list. Stuck in limbo waiting approval.
[10:50] <Mez> ah, havent even had the bounce mail from it yet
[10:51] <Mez> :(
[10:51] <Mez> cxant find my good pen
[10:54] <bazhang> judge dredd
[11:00] * Mez -> Phone (jono)
[11:00] <bazhang> does o4o apply to only u-ot?
[11:07] <elkbuntu> well, yes
[11:07] <elkbuntu> Mez, i doubt jono knows where your pen is
[11:07] <Mez> :P
[11:07] <bazhang> so ku-ot is exempt?
[11:08] <elkbuntu> bazhang, sorry, misread, it'd be valid for any offtopics
[11:08] <bazhang> elkbuntu, thanks
[11:08] <bazhang> just looking at msr. farmer in ku-ot
[11:09] <Mez> on the phone to jono ... not asking him where my pen is.
[11:09] <bazhang> haha
[11:10] <elkbuntu> Mez, out of curiosity, why do we need to know you're on the phone with him?
[11:10] <Mez> so you know I'm not here...
[11:10] <elkbuntu> Mez, we'd know you're not here if you were just on the phone
[11:14] * Mez rolls eyes
[11:15] <elkbuntu> you need to stop doing that. you're not in highschool anymore
[11:23] <jpds> Hmm.
[12:16] <elkbuntu> can someone tell me why tallken always gets my attention
[12:16] <elkbuntu> i mean, what am i remembering about them?
[12:20] <jussi01> he has been in here before
[12:20] <jussi01> cant remember why though
[12:20] <bazhang> just joins then parts iirc
[12:20] <jussi01> no, he had something to say, a while back
[12:29] <Mez> @bansearch tallken
[12:29] <ubottu> No matches found for tallken!n=f2f93bf5@ in any channel
[12:29] <elkbuntu> the ident itself looks sus
[13:23] <PriceChild> was z identified?
[13:25] <Pici> z?
[13:26] <jpds> PriceChild: No.
[13:27] <PriceChild> read logs, someone causing trouble in ot, z was one of the nicks mentioned specifically.
[13:27] <PriceChild> thanks jpds
[13:31] <Mez> PriceChild, z_
[13:31] <Mez> not z...
[13:31] <Mez> (which is who I was thinking and was gonna go slap Alex)
[13:31] <Pici> eh
[13:32] <PriceChild> aha
[15:50] <bazhang> wow.
[15:50] <bazhang> Asus in -ot
[15:50] <Pici> hm?
[15:50] <Pici> yeah
[15:50] <Pici> I dont even know
[15:50] <bazhang> so far beyond the pale imo
[15:50] <Pici> Do you think I should have banned on sight for that?
[15:51] <bazhang> thought the policy was 'have to see it happen'
[15:51] <Pici> If he went any further with it, it would have been more than just that warning
[15:52] <bazhang> the few days you and my-rrti were absent and the place was overrun
[15:53] <Pici> She was gone when I was out too?
[15:53] <bazhang> for the last couple of days yeah
[15:55] <Flannel> yeah, quite scarce as far as -ot ops go
[15:56] <Mez> bazhang, why the - in myrtti - she's not in here?
[15:57] <bazhang> Mez, did not want to unnecessarily highlight her
[15:57] <Mez> but, she's not here...
[15:58] <bazhang> oops
[15:58] <bazhang> my bad
[15:59] <Myrtti> hi kids
[15:59] <bazhang> :)
[15:59] * Myrtti looks at her bank account balance and tries not to curse
[15:59] <Pici> Myrtti: Hi! :)
[15:59] <bazhang> talk about prescience
[15:59] <Flannel> See Mez? it works even without.
[16:00] <Myrtti> sorry about being absent, I really felt really bad today
[16:00] <Myrtti> and still too
[16:00] <Myrtti> s/too/do/
[16:00] <bazhang> Myrtti, hope you feel better soon
[16:00] <Myrtti> yeah well... I got a reminder of my "dark murky past" in a form of a bill of...
[16:00] * Myrtti checks
[16:00] <Myrtti> 428,28€ due 1st September
[16:01] <bazhang> yowch
[16:01] <Pici> Yuck. Hope you feel better as well...
[16:01] <Myrtti> I just paid it and I've got substancially less money on my bank account now than 428,28€
[16:01] <Myrtti> (today was also my pay day)
[16:01] <Myrtti> so
[16:01] <Pici> We were just talking about you right before you came in (dont worry, it was good!)
[16:01] <Myrtti> excuse me if I feel like ****
[16:02] <bazhang> get some rest Myrtti
[16:02] <Myrtti> I've been resting the whole day
[16:05] <ompaul> hello this is a one time announcement - won't be around until Saturday at the earliest cheers - if someone can ack this I know it is not lost in the lag and I can get back to what I am doing
[16:05] <ompaul> anyone?
[16:05] <Myrtti> ACK ompaul
[16:05] <Pici> ack
[16:05] <ompaul> ahnks
[16:05] <bazhang> ack
[16:05] <ompaul> thanks even
[16:05] <Pici> tacks
[16:05] * Myrtti larts Pici
[16:06] <Myrtti> repeat after me: "tackar"
[16:06] <Pici> tackar
[16:06] <Myrtti> there
[16:09] <Myrtti> att tacka - tackar, tackade, tackat
[16:10] <Pici> Its been a long time since I've learned any verb conjugations..
[16:16] <Myrtti> present, past, has/had
[17:32] <ubottu> In ubottu, Ekushey said: !bd is Bangla te Ubuntu bishoyok alochonar jonno #Ubuntu-BD te ashun. Dhonnobad!
[17:32] <ubottu> In ubottu, Ekushey said: !bn is Bangla te Ubuntu bishoyok alochonar jonno #Ubuntu-BD te ashun. Dhonnobad!
[18:27] <Myrtti> whuuut
[18:30] <Pici> whooo?
[18:31] <Myrtti> ^
[18:32] <Pici> Hes not online anymore, can't ask.
[18:51] <ubottu> In #ubuntu, soundray said: ubottu, newdrive is <reply> For help with adding a new hard disk drive to an installed system, refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive
[18:51] <Mez> !newdrive
[18:51] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about newdrive
[18:51] <Mez> @login
[18:51] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[18:52] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[18:52] <Pici> !newdrive is <reply> For help with adding a new hard disk drive to an installed system, refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive - see also !fstab
[18:52] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-ops, Pici said: !newdrive is <reply> For help with adding a new hard disk drive to an installed system, refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive - see also !fstab
[18:52] <Pici> bah
[18:52] <Mez> !newdrive is <reply> For help with adding a new hard disk drive to an installed system, refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive - see also !fstab
[18:52] <ubottu> I'll remember that, Mez
[18:52] <Mez> Mwhahaha!
[18:52] <Mez> :P
[18:52] <ubottu> In ubottu, Gnea said: newharddrive is <reply> If you have installed a new hard drive, and would like to get it working with Ubuntu, please read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive
[18:53] <Pici> !newharddrive is <alias> newdrive
[18:53] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-ops, Pici said: !newharddrive is <alias> newdrive
[18:53] <Pici> I give up
[18:53] <Mez> !newharddrive is <alias> newdrive
[18:53] <ubottu> I'll remember that, Mez
[18:53] <Mez> Pici, @login first
[18:53] <Pici> I did
[18:53] <Pici> @login
[18:53] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[18:53] <Mez> !pici
[18:53] <ubottu> pici is stuck in a factoid factory! Send help!
[18:54] <Mez> @capabilities
[18:54] <Pici> ubottu: tell gnea about newhd
[18:54] <Pici> Mez: it worked this time
[18:54] * Mez hugs Pici
[18:55] * Myrtti shakes her booty for successfully installing the latest madwifi-hal into her laptop
[18:56] <Pici> :o
[18:56] <Mez> :D
[19:03] <ubottu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[19:05] <Pici> Lag?
[19:07] <Flannel> yeah... I didn't see anything
[19:07] <Pici> I reverted the modes anyway
[19:17] <PriceChild> Allo all.
[19:19] * Myrtti wants to try how sharp the British Pencil of Poking is
[19:22] <Flannel> Myrtti: pirattrev has been walking a fine line for at least 18 hours. I wasn't here for a portion of that, but the stuff I was...
[19:28] <Myrtti> Flannel: next time he dances, poke me or warn him that Auntie Myrtti will get her if I'm not around
[19:29] <Myrtti> s/her/him\/her/
[19:29] <PriceChild> Where's this?
[19:29] <Myrtti> -ot
[19:30] <Pici> When?
[19:44] <ubottu> In #ubuntu, beeman_nl said: ubottu: Dutch is not Deutsch
[19:51] * Myrtti sighs
[20:04] <Myrtti> you know, it's really surreal how many visitors I get these days on my pages.
[20:06] <Pici> I got 7 today
[20:07] <ikonia> 20:06 < tusho> ikonia: I am in tons of other channels; I'm not disabling it just because of this one
[20:07] <ikonia> away message ?
[20:07] <ikonia> blunt refusal to stop using away messages/nicks
[20:07] <nickrud> tell him he should part here first then, I guess.
[20:07] <Myrtti> if he doesn't disable it, we can disable the channel from him
[20:07] <Pici> Or he can just part the channel.
[20:08] <ikonia> good call
[20:08] <ikonia> he's fine about it
[20:08] <ikonia> thank you
[20:08] <Myrtti> I feel BOFHity again
[20:08] * nickrud is feeling strange, just spent far too much for a computer
[20:09] <ikonia> nickrud: oh really
[20:09] <ikonia> do share
[20:10] <nickrud> I haven't spent more than $700 for a computer for at least 15 years; just spent $2000 (counting monitor). Closest I've been to this ever was the $5000 I eventually invested in my 6502 48k toy ;)
[20:12] <nickrud> my laptop gave up the ghost, so I decided to get a nice desktop (probably only going to cost maybe $150 to fix the laptop, but no comp was a good enough reason)
[20:12] <ikonia> ha ha
[20:12] <Myrtti> Pici: 49 today
[20:12] <jpds> Pici: Your slip is showing in #u for some reason?
[20:13] <Myrtti> 1026 this month
[20:13] <Pici> jpds: ty
[20:14] <Pici> jpds: my /csmode alias doesnt drop ops after its finished.
[20:14] <jpds> Pici: Your client doesn't show you you have ops?
[20:14] <Pici> jpds: Oh, it does, I just don't pay attention
[20:15] <Pici> Myrtti: Probably because you actually post and you're syndicated to planet sites (planet ubuntu got me a lot of traffic on my nano post)
[20:15] * Myrtti pokes Pici
[20:15] <Myrtti> blog
[20:15] <nickrud> so I've been gone for a week or so; what's the skinny on elections?
[20:16] <nickrud> s/el/sel/
[20:16] <Pici> Myrtti: blog yes
[20:45] <ubottu> Daisuke_Laptop called the ops in #ubuntu (lore20)
[20:50] <Myrtti> "when using the desktop cube to switch between workspaces" one can always read workspaces as meatspaces
[20:51] <jpds> Hello tuxice, how may we help you?
[20:51] <tuxice> hello
[20:51] <tuxice> i was wondering if the ubottu source code is available
[20:52] <tuxice> is it?
[20:52] <jpds> tuxice: Of course it is (and under GPL), see: https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak .
[20:52] <tuxice> lovely. thank you.
[20:53] <nalioth> it's a supybot
[20:53] <jpds> Too late.
[20:53] <nalioth> damn trhis phone company
[20:53] <nalioth> it wasn't 'too late' when i hit the <enter> key
[20:54] <Myrtti> goddamnit English language!
[21:58] <Seveas> hello
[21:59] <Myrtti> OH NOES ITS A SEVEAS!
[21:59] * Myrtti runs
[21:59] <Seveas> I just uploaded a new version of chanserv.py to kaarsemaker.net, updating is recommended if you keep an eye on mibbit users
[22:00] <Seveas> bye :)
[22:13] <ubottu> slangasek called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()
[22:13] <Mez> dealt with
[22:20] <mneptok> *sigh* it's that time of release cycle.
[22:31] <Flannel> the everything-is-broken time?
[22:32] <ajmitch> the "developers-all-suck-you-useless-people" time?
[22:33] <Flannel> maybe the "well, its alpha 4, I don't know what alpha means, but 4 means its ready to be used, right? I mean, google releases beta stuff all the time" time?
[22:33] * ajmitch still hasn't fully upgraded to hardy at home
[22:35] <PriceChild> developers wouldn't push it at all if it didn't work
[22:44] <ubottu> Stevethepirate called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[22:44] <ubottu> unop called the ops in #ubuntu (The^Game. being profane)