UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /20 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== marcus_ is now known as mredivo
=== wantok is now known as `6og
[09:07] <XioNoX> hi !
[09:21] <asac> hi XioNoX
[09:21] <XioNoX> hi asac ;)
[09:22] <gnomefreak> morning
[09:22] <asac> morning gnomefreak
[09:23] <XioNoX> asac, new MDC... All my bookmarks are useless now :(
[09:23] <asac> http://developer.mozilla.org/en/Code_snippets still exists ;)
[09:23] <asac> http://developer.mozilla.org/en/How_to_Build_an_XPCOM_Component_in_Javascript
[09:23] <asac> exists too
[09:24] <asac> http://developer.mozilla.org/en/Adding_preferences_to_an_extension too
[09:24] <asac> hmm ... everything i have in my awesome bar still exists ;)
[09:25] <gnomefreak> is n-m Intrepid meant to have a "device: etho state: activated" normally its just the 2 computer icon
[09:25] <asac> gnomefreak: ?
[09:25] <asac> dont understand what you mean
[09:25] <XioNoX> nothink i have in my firefox bookmark folder exist :(
[09:25] <asac> nm is supposed to list all devices that are detected
[09:25] <asac> XioNoX: switch to english
[09:25] <gnomefreak> there is a green icon next to the normal 2PC icon
[09:25] <asac> i always told you
[09:25] <asac> XioNoX: this is the right time to admit that not using the world-language causes pain :)
[09:26] <XioNoX> asac, 3/4 of my booksmarks are in english :)
[09:26] <asac> make that 4/4 ;)
[09:26] <gnomefreak> that tells me im connected for most part. the exact text is in my last post inside the "
[09:27] <gnomefreak> screenshot coming
[09:28] <asac> gnomefreak: you have a screenshot? i havent seen anything green
[09:28] <asac> good
[09:28] <asac> XioNoX: i think URLs that are invalid are a bug
[09:28] <asac> if they were in "en" language
[09:29] <XioNoX> ok, but it is not really important, I've memorise all my MDC bookmarks :o
[09:29] <XioNoX> :)
[09:29] <saivann> asac : I just subscribed you to bug 236964, the sunbird-locales and lightning-extension-locales are ready for your review
[09:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 236964 in sunbird-locales "[intrepid] new upstream release 0.8" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/236964
[09:31] <gnomefreak> asac: the icon in upper right between the updte icon and the 2 pcs icon (the green one) http://www.flickr.com/photos/26378196@N05/2780972730/sizes/l/
[09:31] <gnomefreak> saivann: thanks
[09:31] <asac> jtv: we
[09:31] <asac> jtv: when is the comment change to land?
[09:31] <jtv> asac: we to you too
[09:31] <asac> ;)
[09:31] <jtv> asac: landed some time ago!
[09:31] * gnomefreak has to look at mine to find out what i did
[09:31] <jtv> asac: still problem!?
[09:32] <asac> jtv: land == production deployment
[09:32] <asac> jtv: so maybe i should ask "when will it get rolled out" ;)
[09:32] <saivann> asac : There is a lot of changes in this new release and it's 4:31 am here, I suggest that you take a look at it, and that you tell me if there is things to fix in the afternoon (I would go to bed now :P )
[09:32] <saivann> gnomefreak : Also thanks for taking the initial steps!
[09:32] <jtv> asac: So much happened since then I can't even remember... If it went "fix committed" after 2.0, it rolls out tonight. Otherwise, it should already be there.
[09:33] <asac> saivann: good idea. get some rest
[09:33] <saivann> asac : See you later then ;)
[09:33] <jtv> asac: but I was pretty sure it rolled out 4 weeks ago... no?
[09:33] <gnomefreak> they are important since sunbird doesnt work for a lot of people without them
[09:33] <asac> jtv: you said that it was committed and that it would get rolled to production in a few weeks back ten
[09:33] <asac> back then
[09:33] <gnomefreak> same with lightning
[09:33] <jtv> asac: that seems like a year ago now :-)
[09:34] <saivann> gnomefreak : Yes, I fixed both package so that situation won't happen in the future
[09:34] <asac> jtv: ok. i then have to embargo auto updates of langpacks .... until i fixed the po2xpi transformer
[09:34] <jtv> asac: remember, it's improper syntax so it could be going wrong somewhere else
[09:34] <asac> jtv: so starting tomorrow the exports will have the new .po format?
[09:34] <jtv> asac: yes
[09:35] <jtv> asac: ohhhh, you're talking about the comments *in the PO files*?
[09:35] <gnomefreak> saivann: cool thanks, i still think they should be 1 locale package for sunbird and lightning. Im sure we are gonna still build both or we remove lightning from it since lighting is gonna be in tbird3
[09:35] <gnomefreak> s/they/there
[09:35] <asac> jtv: right ;)
[09:35] <jtv> asac: I thought you were talking about the "end-of-line comments" in properties files that turned out to be the double-slashes in URLs. Sorry.
[09:35] <asac> jtv: no :) ... that fix was already rolled out
[09:36] <jtv> asac: right, I thought so, so I was confused and concerned. :)
[09:36] * asac nods
[09:36] <saivann> gnomefreak : I also think that we should wait to see Tb3 before, because the way lightning-extension-locales and sunbird-locales package builds is pretty different
[09:37] <jtv> asac: so in that case yes, it happens tomorrow
[09:37] <asac> jtv: so will that "po-file-format-change" get rolled tomorrow?
[09:37] <asac> ok.
[09:37] <asac> i told arne to stop auto updates until i fixed the po2xpi transformer
[09:37] <gnomefreak> saivann: true, i have it built but as of this point it hasnt been included, i will be building snapshot sometime this week
[09:40] <saivann> gnomefreak : Great. If Tb3 don't ship with lightning included, then we can consider making only one package for sunbird-lightning locales. With 0.8, I also worked to make lightning-extension-locales and sunbird-locales working the same way, so it's one of the first step before having only one source package :)
[09:42] * saivann is now sleeping for ~7 hours
[09:50] * gnomefreak nods
[09:50] <gnomefreak> asac: mozilla-devscripts is broken?
[09:50] <gnomefreak> version 0.09
[09:51] * gnomefreak tried make -f command as well as debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_DATE=20080819
[09:52] <gnomefreak> both (fail)
[09:53] <gnomefreak> make -f /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/thunderbird-3.0.mk DEBIAN_DATE=20080819 is the make -f command i ran
[09:53] <gnomefreak> morning Volans
[09:53] <Volans> Hi gnomefreak
[09:54] <gnomefreak> fta or asac see commands above and let me know what is wrong with them please. i would like to get tbird built and finish chatzilla today
[10:06] <gnomefreak> anyone using firefox 3.1?
[10:06] <Volans> gnomefreak: I have it installed but from mozilla tarball
[10:07] <gnomefreak> you can see me?
[10:07] <gnomefreak> wtf is going on
[10:08] <gnomefreak> i cant open webpages and now i see i cant run apt-get update all repos fail
[10:08] <Volans> gnomefreak: yes I read you
[10:12] <gnomefreak> be back try reboot
[10:16] <gnomefreak> ok updates should really tell you to restart
[10:19] <gnomefreak> ok seems firefox update broke firefox
[10:19] <gnomefreak> nope just very slow
[10:21] <Volans> better than all broken
[10:23] <gnomefreak> here are errors i get using mozilla-devscripts fta or asac
[10:43] <gnomefreak> anyone know why im getting bzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: debian/changelog while trying to commit?
[10:44] <gnomefreak> have to assume its from chatzilla (0.9.83-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low but that looks right to me
[10:44] <gandi> heya!
[10:44] <gandi> asac: let me know when you have a free second ;)
[10:44] <gnomefreak> hi gandi
[10:46] <Volans> gnomefreak: have you already try with `bzr status` to see what happen?
[10:46] <gnomefreak> bzr status
[10:46] <gnomefreak> unknown: debian/
[10:46] <Volans> is not under version control
[10:47] <Volans> you can run:
[10:47] <Volans> bzr add debian/
[10:47] <gnomefreak> i must have missed that
[10:47] <gnomefreak> thanks
[11:11] <asac> gnomefreak: ask fta for mozilla-devscripts
[11:11] <asac> gandi: ill ping you after lunch (where i am heading now)
[11:11] <gnomefreak> asac: ok
[11:11] * gnomefreak has an issue with chatzilla bzr-builddeb wont build it without a source tarball
[11:12] <gnomefreak> guess i use dpkg
[11:13] <gandi> asac: that's ok :)
[11:14] <asac> gnomefreak: if upstream is still rev 1, you can use: bzr bd --export-upstream=- --export-upstream-revision=1 -e
[11:14] <asac> and the get the orig.tar.gz from the build-area directlry
[11:14] <asac> gnomefreak: otherwise look with bzr log what the upstream revision is and replace it in that command properly
[11:23] <gnomefreak> ahthanks ill try that when i get done at drs. is there a general dir/file in upstream files that holds build-depends
[11:23] <gnomefreak> asac: ^^ sorry forgot your nick
[11:24] <gnomefreak> ah lunchtime
[11:26] <gnomefreak> i figured chrome/chatzilla.jar but its not
[11:33] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: if your around where should i look in .xpi source for build-deps
[11:34] <gnomefreak> nevermind Jazzva and asac it was caused by the first error it seems
[11:37] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/520767 i added zip to build-deps to try and fix that but it still fails with same error (i have all depends installed AFAIK. if im not here please ping me and ill read logs when i get home
[11:38] <gnomefreak> looks like a file is missing in .xpi and maybe we should wait for CVS to update to latest version
[11:59] <asac> gnomefreak: you dont have a build command specified? your build does nothing :) ... check that the build command is good
[11:59] * asac now really going for lunch ;)
[12:23] * Volans going for lunch too
[12:43] <asac> back
[12:43] <asac> gandi: ^^
[13:07] <XioNoX> asac, I have some question about the application window
[13:13] <gandi> asac: back
[13:15] <XioNoX> asac, the easier way to add alternatives in the application tab, is to modify the firefox code :)
[13:16] <asac> XioNoX: yes. however, my main concern right now is not the application tab, but to get something _similar_ UI-wise in a ubufox dialog that pops up when you click on "Get alternatives"
[13:16] <asac> XioNoX: application tab would be nice to have.
[13:16] <asac> not required though
[13:17] <asac> XioNoX: point is that not even all mime-types are listed in application tab iirc
[13:17] <asac> so we need to do something anyway
[13:17] <XioNoX> ha, I though you wanted to modify it
[13:17] <XioNoX> directly
[13:17] <asac> XioNoX: i want at some point in the future ... but if overlaying is too hard, we dont need that
[13:18] <asac> XioNoX: if you can do a similar dialog that just has the mime-types on the left and on the right a drop down with the alternatives and an entry to "search for alternatives ..."
[13:18] <asac> that would be perfect
[13:18] <asac> XioNoX: shouldnt be that hard. you just iterate over the navigator.plugins array
[13:19] <XioNoX> yes, we can overlay the richlistbox, and use some getElementByAtribute, when the list is loaded totally, and then modify the others atributes of the item
[13:21] <XioNoX> ok, and when we will select an item in the list, it will change the key you have definied yesterday ?
[13:22] <asac> yes
[13:24] <XioNoX> and the list will be all the diffetents installed plugins for the mimetypes, or all the plugins installed or not ?
[13:25] <fta> hi
[13:32] <asac> XioNoX: the left hand side would have the mime-types currently used
[13:32] <asac> XioNoX: the right hand side would allow users to switch to all plugins that match the mime-type
[13:32] <XioNoX> used=installed ?
[13:33] <asac> ... and to install more (e.g. the plugin finder wizard)
[13:33] <asac> XioNoX: no ... used == .pluginsUsed
[13:33] <asac> e.g. what we just developed
[13:33] <asac> hi fta
[13:33] <XioNoX> on the current page
[13:33] <XioNoX> ok
[13:34] <asac> yep
[13:34] <asac> e.g.
[13:34] <asac> | left | right |
[13:35] <asac> | application/x-shockwave-flash | ( Adobe Flash , { Adobe Flash | Gnash | Install ... }) |
[13:35] <asac> e.g. Adobe Flash is the currently used one
[13:36] <XioNoX> ok, ok
[13:53] <fta> asac, satisfied by my answer for liferea ?
[13:57] <asac> fta: didnt get it yet ;)
[13:57] <asac> fta: whats the bug id?
[13:57] <fta> bug 259578
[13:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259578 in liferea "Please sponsor liferea 1.4.18-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259578
[13:59] <asac> fta: okay
[13:59] <fta> good
[13:59] <asac> fta: and setting -DXULRUNNER_HOME=<empty> unconditionally in Makefile isnt fix-worthy?
[14:00] <fta> doesn't matter, it's not used
[14:00] <fta> the only location is now protected by the patch
[14:02] <asac> fta: true. still upstream should fix it imo to prevent future confusion ;)
[14:02] <asac> anyway
[14:02] <asac> fta: confirmed bug and asked for other pieces
[14:05] <fta> but i wonder why his pkg-config reports libdir and not ours
[14:06] <asac> fta: it doesnt. it did for the old xulrunner. if it does he has a patched xulrunner, but even debian doesnt patch it that way afaict
[14:06] <asac> maybe fedora has such a patch? (though they said they have only 2 or 3 patches in total)
[14:06] <fta> this test appeared in the last version only
[14:10] <fta> lol https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=399541#c14
[14:10] <ubottu> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 399541 in liferea "liferea doesn't compile against XULRunner" [High,Closed: currentrelease]
[14:12] <asac> not sure what that means ;)
[14:12] <fta> redhat bug 458295
[14:12] <fta> fedora bug 458295
[14:13] <asac> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=458295
[14:13] <ubottu> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 458295 in liferea "Update liferea to 1.4.18" [Medium,On_qa]
[14:16] <fta> i can't see their patches
[14:17] <fta> they are not browsable
[14:17] <fta> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=701657
[14:20] <asac> fta: they should have everything in CVS
[14:25] <asac> fta: http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/viewvc/devel/xulrunner/
[14:25] <asac> http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/viewvc/devel/liferea/
[14:27] <fta> done
[14:28] <fta> gasp, i posted the files without the LP:# for the sponsor bug. damn, i always forgot, it's unnatural
[14:28] <asac> fta: its good to have an entry:
[14:29] <asac> * fix LP: #XXXX - "title is here"; fixed by new upstream release.
[14:29] <fta> i usually try to follow the syntax used by the previous uploaders
[14:30] <asac> fta: ah ok
[14:34] <fta> lp should add a table with the attachments at the top, like bugzilla
[14:35] <fta> and a way to make attachments obsolete
[14:35] <asac> fta: you can remove attachments ;)
[14:36] <asac> fta: there is a table with all attachments on the side
[14:36] <fta> oh
[14:37] <fta> then if you want, i can updated them to include the missing LP:#
[14:37] <asac> if you have that change, pleaes do
[14:37] <asac> i am waiting for your go
[14:37] <fta> ok, hold on
[14:40] <fta> done
[14:40] <fta> it's ugly, you can't replace, just delete. then the comments are weird now
[14:40] <asac> hehe
[14:40] <fta> and it's only 1 file at a time
[14:41] <fta> ui limitation obviously, as apport could do better
[14:42] <asac> fta: it doesnt close the crash and cpu spikes bugs?
[14:42] <fta> read my comment on bug 203157, it's not the same bug
[14:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 203157 in liferea "Liferea uses a lot of CPU at times" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203157
[14:43] <fta> people are reporting indefinite freezes, i just complained about spikes
[14:43] <fta> comment 30
[14:44] <asac> fta: i'd say that you can high-jack that bug and ask others to report new bugs when they still see the performance issues
[14:44] <asac> most bugs get poluted by comments from users that have different bugs
[14:45] <asac> so we have no choice but to claim bugs and hope that users dont file new ones
[14:45] <asac> ;)
[14:46] <fta> the initial bug as been confirmed by several users, I jumped in based on #26
[14:46] <asac> fta: i can add the LP: #203157 to changelog if you want
[14:46] <asac> (behind the spikes entry)
[14:46] <fta> imho, it's different
[14:47] <asac> ok. then ... anything else? like a crash bug?
[14:47] <fta> don't bother, i will comment on the bug and ask for testers
[14:47] <asac> sure
[14:48] * asac does binary test build and if that starts pushes the sources
[14:48] <asac> fta: 28th aug is feature freeze ... so better get new upstream versions in until then ;)
[14:49] <asac> fta: if there is anything you really want to see upgraded ;) ... we can still bump afterwards if there are important bugs.
[14:49] <fta> so soon ?
[14:49] <fta> so exit ff3.1, songbird, flock ?
[14:50] <asac> we can do ffox3.1 and xul 1.9.1 in universe
[14:50] <fta> i wanted prism in too, but i can't sort out the webapps mess. i'm stuck
[14:50] <asac> fta: whats the problem? the backend still?
[14:51] <fta> they changed the format so all webapps already installed are no longer working
[14:51] <fta> but as it's unpacked in the user profile, it's a mess
[14:51] <fta> i tried to magically fix it at runtime, it's not perfect
[14:53] <XioNoX> asac, can I use the same .js file for the new window and the "old overlay" ?
[14:53] <fta> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/prism/prism/annotate/head:/debian/rules from 65 to the end
[14:54] <fta> and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/prism/prism/annotate/head:/debian/prism.sh from 67 to the end
[14:56] <fta> basically, if the syntax is not recognized or if some fields are missing, a UI pops up, then you fix the fields and save, but it's only saved as a desktop file on the desktop, not in the webapp file (not possible as it's system wide) and not the unpacked version in the user profile
[14:56] <asac> fta: uploaded
[14:56] <fta> asac, thanks
[14:56] <asac> XioNoX: better use a new .js
[14:57] <XioNoX> ok
[14:57] <asac> XioNoX: i dont want to make overlay.js more interwoven with things than it already is
[14:57] <asac> I need to clean it up anyway
[14:59] <XioNoX> you have made the whole ubufox by yourself ??
[15:02] <asac> XioNoX: no. jazzva wrote some code. translations were contributed and so on
[15:03] <XioNoX> ok
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
[15:20] <fta> yep, they added libdir: http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/viewvc/devel/xulrunner/mozilla-pkgconfig.patch?revision=1.11&view=markup
[15:25] <asac> too bad.
[15:25] <asac> so much about "we are upstream compatible" claim ;)
[15:27] <XioNoX> asac, what mean the let in "let item = document.createElement("richlistitem");"
[15:27] <XioNoX> or
[15:27] <XioNoX> for each (let visibleType in visibleTypes) {
[15:29] <asac> XioNoX: google?
[15:31] <asac> XioNoX: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/New_in_JavaScript_1.7#Block_scope_with_let
[15:31] <XioNoX> yeah, i'm reading that, thanks
[15:31] <XioNoX> and there are a french version :D
[15:34] * rbu
[15:35] * asac gets coffee
[16:17] <XioNoX> asac, can you just look at this loop : http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/browser/components/preferences/applications.js#1193
[16:17] <XioNoX> I can't find how it works
[16:17] <XioNoX> specially with the setAttribute,
[16:17] <asac> XioNoX: what is it that you dont understand?
[16:18] <asac> XioNoX: setAttribute sets an xml attribute
[16:18] <XioNoX> how does this display something ?
[16:18] <asac> e.g. and element=<test> .... with element.setAttribute("name", "Alexander"); would become <test name="Alexander"/>
[16:18] <XioNoX> and in 2 colums
[16:19] <XioNoX> ok, but <test name="Alexander"/> will show nothing on screen
[16:19] <XioNoX> and there are nothing to separe the 2 parts
[16:19] <asac> XioNoX: maybe its a feature if richlistitem? .... or maybe the richlist is not the complete element, but just the drop down menu?
[16:20] <asac> XioNoX: look at the implementation of richlistitem
[16:20] <XioNoX> in my mind the richlist is the complete line, acording to vars names
[16:20] <asac> should be a xbl implementation
[16:21] <asac> e.g. richlistitem.xml
[16:22] <XioNoX> I haven't find any xml files and no links in the xul file...
[16:24] <asac> XioNoX: its in toolkit
[16:24] <asac> richlistbox.xml
[16:24] <asac> ther eis the binding for richlistbox and richlistitem ... which extends another widgets and so on
[16:26] <asac> i nthink all is based on the handlers in ./browser/components/preferences/handlers.xml
[16:26] <asac> but try to read through it ;)
[16:26] <asac> starting from richlistbox ;)
[16:26] <XioNoX> you think that I can just use the same attribute names ? :D
[16:40] <asac> XioNoX: try?
[16:40] <asac> you will figure ;)
[16:40] <XioNoX> it is what i'm doing :)
[16:40] <XioNoX> i'm talking too fast :)
[17:16] <saivann> asac : I'm back, if you have some time for the locales
[17:17] <saivann> asac : bug 230209 and bug 236964
[17:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 230209 in thunderbird-locales "upgrade thunderbird locales for 2.0.0.x and include new upstream translations" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230209
[17:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 236964 in sunbird-locales "[intrepid] new upstream release 0.8" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/236964
[17:36] <fta> asac, if you care to have a look at prism...
[17:54] <XioNoX> back!
[18:23] <asac> Jazzva: you think you have time to test something before i upload nspluginwrapper?
[18:23] <asac> and probably fix it ;)
[18:25] <asac> fta: are the old webapps incompatible ... or just the config/desktop file?
[18:25] <asac> i assume system-wide installed webapps should work as we can upgrade them through our packages
[18:25] <asac> so what is left are user webapps that were installed/setup per-profile
[18:26] <fta> they don't if you already used them at least once
[18:26] <asac> fta: ok. because the global config file is copied to users profile?
[18:26] <fta> try it, use any of them with the version in hardy or intrepid, then try my ppa
[18:27] <Jazzva> asac, not at the moment :(. I think I have to finish this project till midnight (or at least to make something buggy and then fix it in the next few days)
[18:27] <fta> in addition to that, in 0.8+ it was unpacked in ~/.prism/something, now in 0.9+ it's in ~/Webapps
[18:27] <Jazzva> asac, actually... how long is the test?
[18:27] <asac> fta: ok. we can migrate the profile thing. whats the problem?
[18:27] <fta> WebApps
[18:27] <asac> Jazzva: ok. lets look at that tomorrow then
[18:27] <Jazzva> asac, great :). Thanks
[18:28] <fta> asac, that's what i've tried, but it doesn't work well
[18:29] <asac> fta: did you identify what the problem is?
[18:31] <fta> any webapp not patched by my script will not work
[18:31] <asac> fta: and what webapps will not get patched? is that a matter of locating them?
[18:31] <fta> but it's been a while since i last touched prism, so i don't remember all the details
[18:32] <asac> you said that in .8 they were installed in ~/.prism/something ... how comes that i cant find any ".prism" in that script?
[18:33] <asac> ok i have:
[18:33] <asac> ls .prism/0m3mar0y.default/webapps/
[18:33] <asac> google.calendar@developer.mozilla.org google.docs@developer.mozilla.org google.mail@developer.mozilla.org
[18:33] <asac> so 0.9 needs them to be copied to ~/Webapps ?
[18:34] <fta> hm, don't you have a ~/.webapps ?
[18:34] <fta> see, i don't remember
[18:35] <fta> i'm still in my svg merge context
[18:35] <asac> .webrunner/u5618co2.default/
[18:36] <asac> thats the old dir i have
[18:38] <asac> fta: your prism build doesnt work with my xulrunner build because of jemalloc
[18:38] <asac> why do you have jemalloc as shared lib again?
[18:39] <fta> yep, i know, you remove the ld.config stuff in july
[18:39] <fta> no rebuild since
[18:39] <asac> fta: i changed xulrunner to static jemalloc
[18:40] <asac> is prism-bin just a xulrunner-stub?
[18:40] <fta> yes
[18:40] <fta> it's using my new xulapp build system
[18:40] <fta> you just need to rebuild it
[18:41] <fta> or add /etc/ld.so.conf.d/xulrunner-1.9.conf for the time being
[18:42] <asac> fta: nope ... there is no libjemalloc.so anymore
[18:42] <fta> so ? a rebuild should do it
[18:42] <asac> fta: yes. that should be enough
[18:43] <fta> i still have libjemalloc.so btw
[18:44] <asac> oh right
[18:44] <asac> i have to check the state then
[18:44] <asac> i think there was a regression intrepid with static linkage
[18:44] <asac> guess i disabled it again
[18:45] <asac> ah right ... the jemalloc patches are commented atm
[18:45] <asac> anyway
[18:45] <asac> not sure how to reproduce the prism issue. for me moving the webapps dir from the profile to .webapps works
[18:45] <asac> at least for google-mail
[18:46] <asac> if i dont do that i get a broken update.xul dialog ... closing that will open google-mail again
[18:47] <fta> take a .webapp file not from this package (ie, not fixed), and click on it
[18:47] <fta> http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/google-maps-fr.webapp
[18:54] <fta> well, i probably need one more hack into the launcher
[18:55] <fta> lunch time. cu
[18:55] <asac> fta: enjoy ;)
[18:55] <asac> fta: ill try to reproduce with the webapp above
[18:59] <Ampelbein> hi there! am i right that bug #258642 should be set to invalid because retracing failed?
[18:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258642 in firefox-3.0 "firefox crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/258642
[19:32] <asac> Ampelbein: looking
[19:33] <asac> Ampelbein: download the CoreDump ... install all -dbgsym packages and try to get a backtrace using gdb
[19:33] <asac> Ampelbein: if that fails, close the report
[19:33] <Ampelbein> ok, thanks for the info.
[19:34] <asac> np
[19:34] <asac> Ampelbein: if you want to help wading through crashes, I can subscribe you to a bunch more (e.g. most are private by default)
[19:36] <Ampelbein> asac: if that would help you, that's ok. currently i'm going through the list of "new" and public bugs to find some where i can work on. it's plenty of work to do... ;-)
[19:38] <asac> Ampelbein: are you looking at firefox bugs?
[19:38] <Ampelbein> not specific.
[19:39] <asac> Ampelbein: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/TriagersHandbook and help on firefox bugs. you can learn a lot and earn a lot of karma ;)
[19:39] <asac> the triagers handbook should give easy guidelines what to do with new and incomplete ones ;)
[19:39] <asac> if it lacks information let me know so i can improve that ;)
[19:40] <Ampelbein> ok, thanks. i'll read it and start working.
[19:40] <asac> Ampelbein: cool. concentrate on New and Incomplete bugs ... once you have some experience with that we can look at confirmed bugs and then how to forward upstream ;)
[19:41] <asac> Ampelbein: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New
[19:41] <asac> ^^ New firefox-3.0 bugs
[19:41] <asac> > 600 bugs :)
[19:41] <gnomefreak> asac: you were part right other part is due to debian/rules and ill look more at it in morning see you tonight or tomorrow
[19:41] <asac> gnomefreak: sure
[19:41] <Ampelbein> woohoo.
[19:41] <Ampelbein> me thinks i have to make some more coffee ;-)
[19:42] <asac> Ampelbein: we could make a standard response. the idea is to get bugs in the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/NormalizedBugFormat
[19:42] <fta> 10343 root 20 0 125m 84m 14m R 56 4.2 484:10.29 Xorg
[19:42] <fta> 16083 fta 20 0 228m 110m 23m S 37 5.5 3:12.81 prism-bin
[19:42] <asac> thats the main requirement for "confirmed"
[19:42] <fta> a flash inside prism causes Xorg & prism to suck the cpu
[19:43] <asac> Ampelbein: if you have two or three standard responses i can write you a python script that sends the response and changes the bug state accordingly
[19:43] <asac> Ampelbein: just do a few and let me know once you know what text you always have to type ;)
[19:44] <asac> fta: yeah. always the same. flash sucks ;)
[19:44] <asac> (not only cpu)
[19:44] <fta> it used to work fine
[19:44] <knusper> hi
[19:44] <asac> hi knusper ;) ... what flavour do you have ;)
[19:44] <fta> in fact, it works fine, except it sucks cpu while doing so
[19:44] <knusper> asac: crunchy
[19:44] <Ampelbein> asac: i'll try something with thunderbird and mailing the commands. that way i can keep more easily track of what i did.
[19:44] <Ampelbein> but thanks anyway.
[19:45] <asac> knusper: hope you are not burned ;)
[19:45] <knusper> asac: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=479854 <<-- i just read thisone
[19:45] <ubottu> Debian bug 479854 in enigmail "enigmail: Does not support iceape-mailnews" [Normal,Open]
[19:45] <knusper> ;)
[19:45] <asac> Ampelbein: sure :) ... mail interface is efficient too
[19:45] <asac> knusper: yeah. no time :(
[19:45] <knusper> :(
[19:47] <knusper> so i have to switch to icedove?
[19:47] <asac> if you need enigmail now, then yes.
[19:48] <asac> knusper: problem is that iceape has no extension manager ... so installing it by hand is painful
[19:49] <knusper> so, do you also think it is difficult to figure out, what changes must be applied to the enigmail package to get it working with iceape
[19:49] <knusper> i have some time
[19:49] <knusper> but never contributed to debian
[19:50] <asac> knusper: point is the enigmail package needs a severe cleanup
[19:50] <knusper> so its not a minor change
[19:50] <asac> fta: how would i use the build-system.tgz we ship in xulrunner-1.9 to build an extensions?
[19:50] <asac> is there a way to hook in new "makefiles")
[19:50] <asac> hmm
[19:51] <asac> bye fta ;)
[19:51] <knusper> lol
[19:53] <knusper> asac: are you the only person responsible for the enigmail package in debian...?
[19:53] <asac> knusper: only thing that i can offer you is to bug me daily. i'll try to look next time i have a free minute ;)
[19:53] <asac> i cannot give instructions since its long time since i touched that package
[19:53] <asac> knusper: yes. and its unlikely that anyone else gets this package built without a huge ramp-up time ;)
[19:53] <asac> fta might be able to do that ;)
[19:54] <asac> knusper: enigmail isnt ment to be built outside the mozilla tree ... which makes this so hard to do.
[19:54] <knusper> a... I see
[19:55] <knusper> are you a debian guy or ubuntu developer
[19:55] <asac> both :)
[19:55] <knusper> :)
[19:55] <asac> ubuntu eats more time though
[19:55] <knusper> i am new to the *.deb world
[19:55] <asac> knusper: what are your experiences?
[19:55] <knusper> i have lenny running
[19:55] <asac> fta: you think we can use build-system.tgz to build enigmail?
[19:55] <knusper> i like it
[19:55] <knusper> really
[19:56] <asac> sure ... lenny is probably great. i like the pure-gnome feeling of debian desktop ;)
[19:56] <knusper> maybe...
[19:56] <knusper> i use fluxbox
[19:56] <asac> hehe
[19:57] <knusper> i have used openSUSE a very long time
[19:57] <asac> fluxbox is great too ;) ... but there is probabyl no difference desktop wise to the ubuntu package
[19:57] <fta> "pure-gnome feeling" ? screenshot ?
[19:57] <knusper> I use the devel version
[19:57] <asac> knusper: i hope you already feel the relief ;)
[19:57] <knusper> yeah
[19:57] <knusper> sure
[19:57] <asac> whenever i saw anyone using SUSE they never ran security updates ... and of course never upgraded to the next major version
[19:57] <asac> -> crap ;)
[19:58] <fta> btw, strace X is not a good idea
[19:58] <asac> you cant believe that this is still the truth for so many users.
[19:58] <asac> fta: yeah ;) ... you should at least look for use -eopen or something
[19:58] <knusper> cause at suse sometimes a system upgrade will upgrade your system to a unusable state
[19:58] <asac> fta: too bad. i still cant start virtualbox here in intrepid :(
[19:58] <asac> thus no screenshot from pure debian desktop
[19:59] <Ampelbein> hmpf. now i have a (stupid?) question. I installed all dbgsym packages and tried running 'gdb -c CoreDump'. But it just says "File format not recognized". Does this mean the CoreDump is invalid?
[19:59] <asac> fta: but its almost what upstream ships: it even has the gnome food in the menu ;)
[19:59] <knusper> unusable = not fixable for a user with small linux experience
[19:59] <fta> asac, it's not because of the fool, it simply froze.
[19:59] <asac> knusper: yeah. i dont know why its that way, but it appears to be that way.
[20:00] <asac> knusper: good for the debian based distros ;)
[20:00] <asac> knusper: good for the suse users that get tempted by a good installer ;)
[20:00] <knusper> and hell.... aptitude is kinda fast
[20:01] <asac> fta: you sure its not because of the disk IO that the process slows down like hell?
[20:01] <knusper> if you install something on opensuse you can get your self a cup of coffe, including brewing it
[20:01] <asac> Ampelbein: hmm ... you probably also need to specify the binary?
[20:01] <knusper> but enough suse bashing
[20:01] <asac> hehe
[20:02] <asac> Ampelbein: what does "file CoreDump" give you?
[20:02] <fta> nope, it stopped on a select() then whole desktop turned dead, no mouse, no keyboard, no clock moving, nothing. the box was still alive though, i sshed in but decided to reboot, i had to anyway.
[20:02] <Ampelbein> CoreDump: ELF 64-bit LSB core file x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, from '/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.1/firefox'
[20:03] <knusper> asac: just for the record, I install icedove now, but I plan to bug you every now and then
[20:03] * asac builds virtualbox-ose-sourc e
[20:03] <asac> knusper: thanks
[20:04] <asac> Ampelbein: so gdb -c CoreDump /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.1/firefox
[20:04] <knusper> where are you from, anyway?
[20:04] <asac> doesnt work?
[20:04] <knusper> <-- german
[20:04] <asac> knusper: same same here
[20:04] <knusper> thats why you understand my nick
[20:04] <asac> knusper: since you are using alice-dsl chances are high that you are from the hamburg area?
[20:04] <knusper> acutally berlin
[20:04] <Ampelbein> same error: bug258642/CoreDump" is not a core dump: File format not recognized
[20:04] <asac> hmm
[20:04] <asac> ok i am from hamburg ;)
[20:05] <Ampelbein> woohoo, deutsche! ;-)
[20:05] <asac> Ampelbein: are you on i386?
[20:05] <knusper> when I was a child I was in Hamburg for a chess tournament
[20:05] <Ampelbein> y
[20:05] <asac> the core is amd64 ... which explains why it doesent work
[20:05] <asac> Ampelbein: better focus on i386 crashes then ;)
[20:05] <Ampelbein> ah. now i see.
[20:05] <knusper> so long time ago..... ok.... cu soon
[20:05] <Ampelbein> my error.
[20:05] <asac> knusper: cu
[20:06] <Ampelbein> sorry for bothering you, still learning.
[20:06] <asac> welcome
[20:06] <asac> its not really obvious ;)
[20:06] <asac> gdb should complain that its wrong arch ;)
[20:07] <asac> yay ... virtual box sid is booting ;)
[20:10] <Wulfie> hey folks, I am trying to get lightning going on hardy. If I use the 0.7 version that is available through synaptic things are working but the google calendar provider does not. If I use the one from the website the left pane gets filled with the calendar bar and I can't make it go away.
[20:10] <Wulfie> any suggestions?
[20:11] <asac> Wulfie: if you use what from the website?
[20:11] <asac> mixing the extensions is probably a bad idea
[20:11] <asac> at least uninstall lignthing package first ;)
[20:11] <Wulfie> asac: if I get the lightning from the mozilla site
[20:11] <Wulfie> I did that
[20:11] <Wulfie> I only had one installed at a time
[20:11] <asac> Wulfie: well. most likely its not compatible ... better use the built we have
[20:12] <asac> the provider is probably broken in 0.7
[20:12] <Wulfie> is the the 0.7?
[20:12] <Wulfie> is there a 0.8? This was working for me until I reinstalled due to a hard drive crash
[20:12] <fta> [reed], how can i specify a relative date in the "advanced search" on bugzilla ? something like yesterday or 1 week ago..
[20:13] <asac> fta: i think its -1w
[20:14] <asac> Wulfie: what was working for you until you reinstalled?
[20:14] <Wulfie> what is your repo?
[20:14] <Wulfie> asac: hardy+thunderbird+lightning+google provider
[20:14] <asac> Wulfie: hmm
[20:14] <asac> Wulfie: maybe its a profile issue then
[20:14] <asac> Wulfie: uninstall the extension you got from mozilla ... that probably calls for trouble
[20:14] <Wulfie> tried with a clean profile as well
[20:15] <asac> then move the .mozilla-thunderbird directory to a different place
[20:15] <asac> and try again
[20:15] <asac> Wulfie: when it worked, did you start with 0.7 or with a version before that?
[20:15] <Wulfie> I am not entirely sure
[20:15] <Wulfie> is there an updated/testing build of the lightning extension at all?
[20:15] <asac> Wulfie: i'd say try to move the directory above to a safe location
[20:16] <fta> asac, thx, it wored
[20:16] <fta> k
[20:16] <asac> cool ;) ... not sure why i knew that ;)
[20:17] <Wulfie> asac: makes no difference - the problem is that Thunderbird itself has the google provider disabled as it depends on a version of lightning that's not installed
[20:17] <asac> Wulfie: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive
[20:17] <asac> there is lightning-sunbird - 0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu0mt804 for hardy
[20:18] <asac> Wulfie: if that helps, we could think about doing a more official backport in ubuntu-backports
[20:20] <Wulfie> testing now
[20:21] <Wulfie> asac: that's go it
[20:21] <Wulfie> thanks much
[20:21] <asac> Wulfie: so it works?
[20:21] <Wulfie> it does
[20:21] <Wulfie> I now have my google calendar back
[20:22] <asac> Wulfie: good
[20:22] <Wulfie> thanks very much for your assistance
[20:22] <Wulfie> that was bugging me
[20:22] <asac> np
[20:22] <asac> lucky that it helps
[20:23] <Wulfie> I think that the google provider requires a 0.8 version there
[21:03] <[reed]> fta: yeah, -1d or -1w
[21:04] <fta> k
[23:13] <saivann> asac : Busy?
[23:13] <asac> yes, meeting
[23:13] <saivann> asac : ok