UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /20 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== praj-laptop_ is now known as praj-laptop
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[15:46] <DamageInc> Hola, alguno habla espaniol?
[15:54] <DamageInc> Hi! some know if is possible install Ubuntu Mobile in palm treo 750v?
[15:57] <CShadowRun> DamageInc please don't pm people without asking permission
[15:57] <CShadowRun> keep your questions in the channel
[15:57] <CShadowRun> DamageInc you need to find out what processor you have in the palm treo
[15:58] <DamageInc> ok im sorry
[16:01] <Alibb> DamageInc, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freescale_DragonBall
[16:02] <DamageInc> ok thanks to all
[16:10] <CShadowRun> DamageInc i'm adding you to ignore now
[16:15] <DamageInc> hello I apologise to everyone, I want to know if I can install UME on a Treo 750v with 300 MHz Samsung SC32442A processor
[16:16] <GrueMaster> Sure, instructions are in the FAQ; link at the top of the IRC channel.
[16:17] <DamageInc> ok thank you very much for your answer, sorry
=== mkrufky is now known as mkrufky-lunch
[17:59] <latouche> hi everyone
[18:00] <latouche> we were speaking on #navit about doing regular navit packages
[18:00] <latouche> and someone told me that you may or may not be looking for a gps application
[18:10] <persia> latouche: "May or may not" is fairly accurate.
[18:11] <persia> More generally, we source packages in Ubuntu, so the first step would be to make sure that the navit in Ubuntu was up-to-date and in good shape.
[18:13] <persia> After that, one would open a bug against the "mobile-meta" package asking for inclusion in the seeds. Generally, we like to see a few successful test reports that the application integrates well in the environment, and meets some set of users specific needs in the bug.
[18:13] <persia> Note that it might be excluded only because of size, as there are some users of the mobile seeds that only have about 2G of disk available, including space for user data, so we tend to be cautious about adding too much.
[18:16] <latouche> ok
[18:17] <latouche> the application is not really big (~500K)
[18:17] <latouche> what take the more space is maps
[18:17] <latouche> and it depends on user needs
[18:18] <latouche> so we will first see to have the package included in Ubuntu main branch
[18:19] <persia> That makes sense. Including a small application with a good interface telling people what needs to be done for local maps is the sort of solution that is likely to be approved.
[18:19] <persia> It first needs to get included in the Ubuntu repositories generally. It doesn't have to be on any of the CDs or anything.
[18:19] <latouche> for now, the packages will be build from the svn, the last released version is too old
[18:20] <persia> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages describes the process. The further that you're willing to push it, the faster it will likely happen.
[18:20] <latouche> ok
[18:20] <persia> We can accept VCS snapshots, although we prefer releases. I don't suppose you're close to something that might be a release milestone that could be distributed as tar.gz, are you?
[18:20] <latouche> i will speak of that with the others
[18:21] <persia> It needn't be a "final production release", but at least something that you're willing to help support for bugfixing, etc. for the 18 month support cycle of an Ubuntu release (really, about 22-24 months considering our freeze schedules)
[18:21] <latouche> it's improving quite rapidly those days so maybe something will be released soon or later
[18:22] <latouche> ok
[18:22] <persia> Most of the time, we don't need heaps of support, but it's nice when we can ask and expect to get an answer other than "Just grab the newest SVN and see if that fixes it".
[18:22] <persia> Excellent. Now, an unfortuntate point:
[18:23] <persia> Our freeze for the next cycle starts 28th August, so it may be a little late to try to get it in for the October release. Things look much better for the April 2009 release.
[18:23] <latouche> are you speaking of ubutu mobile or ubuntu ?
[18:28] <persia> Both :) They have the same schedule.
[18:28] <latouche> ok :)
[18:28] <latouche> as you said, it may be too late
[18:31] <persia> Unfortunately.
[18:37] <GrueMaste1> persia (or someone): how can I set up a chroot build environment for intrepid, similar to a MIC project?
[18:38] <persia> GrueMaste1: Well, I've just been experimenting with that today, but I don't think there is an official answer, because it's not done yet.
[18:38] <GrueMaste1> Ok. I need to at least get the lpia kernel headers so I can port the video drivers.
[18:39] <persia> What I did was to grab https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/livecd-rootfs/trunk and run `livecd.sh -d intrepid ubuntu-mid` from inside an intrepid/lpia chroot I had created with debootstrap.
[18:39] <GrueMaste1> Ok, I'll give that a whirl.
=== GrueMaste1 is now known as GrueMaster
[18:40] <persia> That created a squashfs for me, but I've not yet really tested it much. Note that doing it that way doesn't currently create an image that installs, but it should create one that boots.
[18:40] <persia> I've been fussing with the installer, and hope to have something for the meeting tomorrow.
[18:40] <persia> (but it doesn't work for <600 vertical pixels yet)
[18:40] <GrueMaster> What I tried earlier was to build a Hardy snapshot, then change the sources.list* to point to intrepid.
[18:40] <GrueMaster> But it didn't get the kernel.
[18:42] <persia> I encountered some oddities about the kernel when I was testing ~12 hours ago, but I don't really understand either what happened or the implications of it.
[18:42] <GrueMaster> /msg NickServ identify 1GrueM
[18:42] <persia> Ideally, the procedure you used should work if performed in a chroot, but may not work if performed on an actual device (due to the filesystem layering, etc.)
[18:43] <GrueMaster> That's where I tried.
[18:43] <GrueMaster> In a MIC project area
[18:45] <persia> Hmm. It might be related to the general changes in how kernels are being maintained for intrepid, but again, I'm not entirely sure.
=== mkrufky-lunch is now known as mkrufky
[18:52] <persia> GrueMaster: Looking in my debootstrap intrepid/lpia chroot, it seems that the "linux" package pulls a lpia kernel. I'm not sure if that matches the name that was used in hardy.
[18:53] <GrueMaster> I have noticed the kernel packages seem a bit off. The last lpia was 2.6.26-1, but the current main linux-headers is 2.6.26-5
[18:53] <GrueMaster> It is.
[18:54] <persia> RIght, that's probably still related to issues with settling down ABI transition processing as part of the migration to the new per-architecture kernel maintenance plan.
[18:54] <persia> (and yes, it ought be fixed: please file a bug)
=== _CShadowRun is now known as CShadowRun
[20:28] <emgent> nxvl: o/
[20:29] <nxvl> emgent: :D
[20:54] <nxvl> what's the password for ume user?
[20:54] <nxvl> on the kvm image
[20:55] <nxvl> nevermind, found it
[21:05] <nxvl> did someone know what do i need to run netbook remix on a kvm?
[21:06] <nxvl> just install ubuntu and install the software from the ppa?
[21:06] <ogra> likely
[21:07] <lool> GrueMaster: Do change nickserv password; this chan is publicly logged
[21:07] <ogra> nxvl, but you wont have much fun with UNR without composite
[21:07] <lool> GrueMaster: The bulk of the work for a chroot would be debootstrap; what persia told you are good instructions to get a Ubuntu MID environment though
[21:07] <nxvl> ogra: tno other way?
[21:07] <GrueMaster> Yea, I know. Stupid Pidgin forwarded my msg to the room instead.
[21:07] <lool> GrueMaster: If you're under hardy and need intrepid, you can install intrepid's debootstreap under your hardy box and then create a chroot with it
[21:07] <ogra> nxvl, the launcher is written in clutter
[21:07] <ogra> 100% composite usage
[21:08] <lool> GrueMaster: Otherwise, you could play with VMs; we have tools to create Ubuntu MID VMs or generic hardy/intrepid VMs
[21:08] <GrueMaster> I'm working on that now. My build machine was actually Fiesty, but I'm in the process of upgrading to Hardy now.
[21:08] <lool> The tools are ubuntu-vm-builder (generic) and virtual-mobile-builder (Ubuntu MID wrapper around uvb)
[21:08] <lool> GrueMaster: Hmm yeah definitely a good idea
[21:09] <nxvl> ogra: but the question is: do i need to change the repos or just add software to my normal ubuntu instalation
[21:09] <ogra> there is a howto on the UNR launchpad page
[21:10] <nxvl> ogra: https://edge.launchpad.net/netbook-remix <- this one?
[21:11] <ogra> nxvl, right
[21:11] <nxvl> ogra: thank you
[21:11] * nxvl HUGS ogra
[21:11] <ogra> :)
=== robr_ is now known as robr
=== mkrufky is now known as Guest45369
=== mkrufk1 is now known as mkrufky
[23:46] <GrueMaster> finally, my system is functional again after upgrading to Hardy.
[23:47] <GrueMaster> I'm going to save the msg log so I can follow the steps for building an intrepid build environment.
=== robr_ is now known as robr