UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /20 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <ma10> if i have a bug filed against a package, which is fixed in intrepid but still in hardy, should i mark it fix released?
[00:22] <bdrung> ma10: yes
[00:22] <ma10> thanks
[00:22] <bdrung> if you want it to be fixed in hardy to, please "nominate for release"
[00:26] <bdrung> bdmurray: ping
[00:27] <bdmurray> bdrung: pong
[00:28] * LimCore fires decoys and goes to 300 m
[00:28] <bdrung> bdrung: any progress in my request to join Ubuntu Bug Control?
[00:29] <bdrung> bdmurray: is there something to do for me or do i still have to wait?
[00:29] <bdrung> bdrung and bdmurray both starts with bd. ;)
[00:31] <bdmurray> bdrung: no, it's going well. we allow a one week period for the review process
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[00:34] <hggdh> bdmurray, ping
[00:34] <bdmurray> I'm still here ;)
[00:34] <hggdh> :-)
[00:34] <hggdh> so are you in sync with what laserjock was saying re. sync?
[00:36] <bdmurray> I'm not sure what you mean by 'in sync'
[00:37] <bdrung> bdmurray: thanks.
[00:37] <hggdh> do you agree with his position?
[00:37] <bcurtis> are there still bugs with intrepid starting in low graphics mode?
[00:37] <bcurtis> mine still does, im j/w if thats ok
[00:38] <bdmurray> I'm still thinking about it
[00:38] <hggdh> thanks ;-)
[00:39] <hggdh> this is what I did not like about the whole shebang -- it completely disregards standard practice
[00:40] <hggdh> and this is why I was trying to document it -- at least we would be stating what to do
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[03:59] <shane2peru> I have a real bug concern about bug 221316
[03:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 221316 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[hardy] blank screen on 855GM when playing video using intel driver" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221316
[04:00] <persia> shane2peru: What is the concern?
[04:00] <shane2peru> it shows that a fix has been released, but where is it?
[04:00] <shane2peru> am I reading that correctly, Fix released?
[04:00] <shane2peru> I have the i855GM and have recently installed, and have some serious lockup issues on log out, shutdown, and restart
[04:01] <shane2peru> I am all up to date too.
[04:02] <shane2peru> I did hack my xorg to use the i810 driver and that has fixed my issue, but someone in the bug report told me it was fixed, and that is odd, because as of yesterday I have yet to have the issue fixed with that driver enabled.
[04:03] <persia> Hmm. Hard to say. You might try hunting for the person who marked it Fix Released here, and trying to understand what was supposed to have fixed it.
[04:04] <shane2peru> persia: does it show in the bug report who marked it fixed?
[04:06] <shane2peru> persia: I have figured out enough to file bug reports, but I'm not that good at working on the bug stuff, I want to help get it resolved correctly though.
[04:06] <shane2peru> and do my part as a user to let the problem be known and provide all the info I can.
[04:07] <persia> shane2peru: There's a comment by someone saying they are marking it Fix Released.
[04:07] <persia> If you open that person's page (click their name), you may find their IRC nick.
[04:07] <persia> Also, at the top right, there is a link "Activity Log" which shows some of the changes to the bug, and may help where such a comment isn't present.
[04:08] <shane2peru> ok, checking it out now.
[04:13] <shane2peru> persia: hmm, seems as though unggnu closed it, and I have no idea who he is. :) Clicking on the name only shows me all the bugs that are assigened to him.
[04:16] <persia> shane2peru: Click on "Overview" to see the IRC nick.
[04:17] <persia> Also note that it's 5:18am in Europe/Berlin, so this might not be the best time to make contact on IRC.
[04:18] <shane2peru> persia: ha ha, right, it is getting late for me here, I can't believe I didn't see that overview tab!
[04:19] <shane2peru> ok, I'll try again later, thanks persia.
[04:19] <persia> shane2peru: Another thing to note is the team memberships (especially in moderated teams). unggnu is likely fairly knowledgeable about this bug, and can probable explain in some detail.
[04:20] <shane2peru> persia: right, I need to re-look at the bug too, it seems that people were having problems with video playback as well, my issue is logging out and in, and shutting down, although the same results happens, balckscreen with no response at all.
[04:21] <shane2peru> thanks again persia.
[04:21] <shane2peru> cya
[04:21] <persia> Right, that may well be a different bug. We try to keep each bug to a single test case, to ease solution, although sometimes a solution will solve several bugs.
[04:21] <persia> Have a good night.
[04:21] <shane2peru> you too.
[05:21] <mrooney> Oh boy I finally installed Intrepid A4, lots of bugs to report...
[05:22] <mrooney> Interestingly enough I am not finding dups of any of them...
[05:35] <mrooney> Which is the correct package for the migration dialog during install?
[06:04] <dholbach> good morning
[06:05] <Hobbsee> hey dholbach
[06:05] <dholbach> hi Hobbsee
[07:05] <ma10> does misc bug management as marking duplicates, invalidating or closing with fix released count for the application to bug control?
[07:07] <techno_freak> ma10, if you think it comes under your "5 best triages" ;)
[07:08] <ma10> techno_freak: lol, ok i'll do some real work.. :) the fact is that i'm more busy with packaging
[07:09] <techno_freak> ma10, naah, marking duplicates really helps, provided it was indeed duplicates ;)
[07:11] <ma10> techno_freak: of course they are.. i think launchpad is so cluttered that priority n.1 should be reducing the bug count
[07:13] <techno_freak> ma10, true
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[08:33] <nullack> Folks some testers on Intrepid have done a good job diagnosing problems with gnome menus in the GUI, including some videos showing the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=893782&page=3
[08:34] <nullack> Id like to know please, is this an upstream issue? No relevant patches for Debian/Ubuntu?
[08:35] <nullack> The problem is being replicated and it was not in hardy
[08:37] <nullack> ping seb128: Folks some testers on Intrepid have done a good job diagnosing problems with gnome menus in the GUI, including some videos showing the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=893782&page=3
[08:37] <nullack> Id like to know please, is this an upstream issue? No relevant patches for Debian/Ubuntu?
[08:37] <elmargol> nullack, yes yes yes... downloading the movie
[08:38] <nullack> seb128: I think its upstream just looking for you to confirm for buzilla please
[08:38] <seb128> nullack: hi, yes it's an upstream issue
[08:39] <nullack> seb128: ty, will report there
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[09:14] <ma10> if i'm reporting upstream, can I copy-paste the original description (crediting the author) or is this some kind of copyright problem?
[09:16] <nullack> ma10: Ive routinely seen upstream copy the original report so theres precedent
[09:16] <ma10> ok thanks
[09:16] <gnomefreak> ma10: i dont think its an issue but its ok to just add upstream to LP bug
[09:22] <techno_freak> ma10, you need not credit the orig author, IIRC, just use the same description and give a link of the bug your are referring in launchpad
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[09:39] <hubuntu> asac I have a weird bug in intrepid: nm-applet is not visible (the process runs, but I can't see it). Have you heard of this bug?
[09:41] <hubuntu> the same is true of the xchat icon in the right upper corner... I have the feeling this has something to do with a certain applet in gnome, rather than the apps...
[09:44] <nullack> hubuntu: Strange, I dont replicate that
[09:51] <nullack> hubuntu: Just wondering - is your panel setup and theme default?
[09:55] <seb128> hubuntu: do you have a notification area in your gnome-panel?
[10:12] <hubuntu> seb128, nullack : yes, my upper panel setup and theme are the intrepid default (dark theme). The notification area seems to be there, although I'm not sure. The exit, change user, sound and date applets are there.
[10:13] <hubuntu> ok seb128, you were right. The notification area seems to have evaporated
[10:13] <hubuntu> but I'm 100% sure I didn't remove it
[10:14] <seb128> it's one click away, easy to remove by mistake
[10:14] <seb128> how can you be sure?
[10:14] <hubuntu> because I know what I do. I got a series of crashes (jockey, gvfs and some other) after an update and gone it was
[10:15] <hubuntu> but again... It could have been my mistake (never experienced it though)
[10:15] <seb128> when an applet crash you get a dialog which asks if you want to reload it or not, maybe it stole the focus while you were typing and you hit a key which said to not reload?
[10:16] <hubuntu> that's likely, I got many apport windows up in my face and was in the middle of a server setup, so yeah, it could have happened
[10:16] <hubuntu> anyway, thank you very much :)
[10:16] <hubuntu> now, I have a question about 5-a-day
[10:17] <hubuntu> is it about fixing 5 bugs a day or just merely reporting, triaging them?
[10:17] <hubuntu> I'm not a developer you see
[10:17] <hubuntu> but I want to write a guide for the Spanish speaking community on the subject
[10:18] <seb128> hubuntu: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548594, triaging is good
[10:18] <ubottu> Gnome bug 548594 in logview "gnome-system-log should use some wrapping" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]
[10:18] <seb128> ups
[10:19] <seb128> hubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
[10:21] <hubuntu> I'll give it a shot again and see what happens... :)
[10:21] <hubuntu> thx seb128
[10:21] <seb128> cool, you're welcome
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[10:47] <bliZZardz> persia,bdmurray : Hello ...long time since been here!!!
[10:55] <bdrung> hubuntu: 5-a-day is about working on 5 bugs a day. confirming, triagig or fixing; all helps.
[11:05] <asac> hubuntu: if nm-applet is running, but not visible it usually means that NetworkManager daemon is not running
[11:05] <asac> hubuntu: try to restart it
[11:15] <hubuntu> I did asac, killed it and run it again and now it's fine
[11:15] <hubuntu> thx
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[11:31] <james_w> hey seb128, I'm seeing several bugs similar to bug 196724, have you seen anything like this before
[11:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 196724 in consolekit "console-kit-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196724
[11:31] <james_w> similar as in SIGSEGV in g_str_hash in g_hash_table_remove_internal
[11:38] <seb128> james_w: no, but that would rather be a question for pitti
[11:39] <james_w> seb128: yeah, I just wondered if crashes in g_hash_table was something you ran in to from time to time, or consolekit is doing something very wrong
[11:39] <seb128> could be several reasons, for example trying to access something which has already been freed
[11:39] <seb128> random corruption
[11:39] <seb128> etc
[11:42] <ara> sound-juicer used to be in the default installation of ubuntu. When installing intrepid (alpha-4) sound-juicer is not installed by default and needs to be installed manually. Is this a bug or a feature?
[11:44] <seb128> ara: that's a feature, we decided to use rhythmbox for that now
[11:45] <ara> seb128: thanks :-)
[11:45] <seb128> you're welcome ;-)
[12:43] <mrooney> whoa, no aptitude by default in Intrepid? how interesting!
[12:47] <hubuntu> you kidding me mrooney?
[12:47] <hubuntu> in the server edition that is, or in the desktop?
[12:48] <seb128> why would aptitude be installed?
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[14:15] <nullack> ping tseliot : Apologies in advance if youve already seen this but just in case some info from the NVidia devs on configuring the new Nvidia driver http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=118088
[14:21] <tseliot> nullack: thanks for the link. BTW the new NVIDIA driver was uploaded today at 02:14:17 PM UTC+1
[14:21] <nullack> Mucho gracious :)
[15:23] <Hew> Is bug 257317 a dupe of bug 256972?
[15:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 257317 in human-theme "Default theme does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/257317
[15:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 256972 in human-theme "original Human theme is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/256972
[15:25] <Ampelbein> Hew: seems so.
[15:28] <Hew> Ampelbein: Thanks, just wanted to check. Marking as dupe.
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[17:19] <pedro_> omg thunderbird is so confusing...
[17:21] <LaserJock> pedro_: in what way?
[17:22] <nullack> ping tseliot : Just wondering since the nvidi-settings package is installed when a user installs the nvidia 177 driver, if the user removes the nvidia 177 driver within synaptic, shouldnt the nvidia-settings package also go?
[17:23] <pedro_> LaserJock: mostly shortcuts, but maybe is just me since i've been using evolution for years
[17:24] <tseliot> nullack: adding a Recommends or a Depends |nvidia-glx-177|nvidia-glx-177| etc. would make nvidia-settings install a driver, which is not what we want
[17:24] <nullack> so its unavoidable cruft then
[17:25] <tseliot> nullack: yep
[17:25] <nullack> Maybe managed through the cruft cleanup I was reading about from UDS? If you agree how can I note that as a cruft item to help?
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[18:00] <LaserJock> QA Team meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting if people are interested
[18:05] <emgent> thanks
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[20:03] <persia> pedro_: re: bug #197537: Have you tried to reproduce with the Debian PDF I linked?
[20:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 197537 in poppler "Can't read PDF file with Japanese text" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197537
[20:03] <persia> I'm not sure that the bug doesn't remain valid, so long as we're dependong on something in multiverse, and very much not installed by default in oder to enable this functionality.
[20:06] <persia> pedro_: And yes, that is the right upstream bug for it.
[20:22] <stefanlsd> How do i close this - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/showimg/+bug/258593. I suggested the package concerned and it was accepted for removal...
[20:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258593 in showimg "Please merge showimg 0.9.5-1.3 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,New]
[20:25] <bdmurray> stefanlsd: could that be backported for Hardy though?
[20:26] <pedro_> persia: alright, will re open the bug, thanks for checking the upstream one
[20:27] <jdstrand> bdmurray: hi! I am having a problem adding comments to bugs with python-launchpad-bugs since the recent LP updates. I am using p-l-b 0.3 rev 152.
[20:27] <stefanlsd> bdmurray: i'm not sure. It has been removed from Intrepid though.
[20:27] <jdstrand> bdmurray: I used to do:
[20:27] <jdstrand> comment = Bug.NewComment(text='foo')
[20:27] <jdstrand> bug.comments.add(comment)
[20:27] <bdmurray> jdstrand: I think subject is required for some reason now
[20:27] <pedro_> you needto add a subject too
[20:27] <jdstrand> but that doesn't work anymore. I don't get errors, but the comment isn't added
[20:28] <bdmurray> so Bug.NewComment(text='foo', subject='bar')
[20:28] <jdstrand> hmm-- can the subject be blank? what is it used for?
[20:29] <mattik> is it bug that konsole doesn't show command history if I press up arrow button?
[20:29] <bdmurray> stefanlsd: someone might still want that update in Hardy, but since you submitted it you can be the judge. You can invalidate it by clicking on the current status "new"
[20:29] <stefanlsd> bdmurray: kk. thanks.
[20:30] <bdmurray> jdstrand: it just goes in the comment like bug 259779
[20:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259779 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Causes Hard Lockup on Shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259779
[20:30] <bdmurray> well, the comment heading
[20:31] <jdstrand> bdmurray: so the 'Package assigned' and 'Need more information' bits?
[20:33] <mouz> mattik: if you are using the default shell+config then yes it is a bug
[20:33] <bdmurray> jdstrand: yes, however that ends up being the e-mail subject ... which can be strange
[20:34] <jdstrand> bdmurray, pedro_: cool, thanks. this helps a lot :)
[20:34] <bdmurray> jdstrand: the fact that is required now should be a bug report if you want to submit it ;)
[20:34] <pedro_> i wonder why lp doesn't notified us about that kind of changes
[20:34] <mouz> mattik: s/is/can be/ :)
[20:34] <pedro_> or they did?
[20:36] <mattik> mouz: It seems my arrow buttons doesn't work
[20:38] <mouz> mattik: try to get help on #ubuntu
[20:38] <mattik> mouz:thanks
[20:47] <jdstrand> bdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/259860
[20:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259860 in launchpad "Launchpad should not require subject when adding a comment with python-launchpad-bugs" [Undecided,New]
[20:48] <jdstrand> ask and ye shall receive ;)
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[23:50] <hwilde> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/244218
[23:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 244218 in consolekit "console-kit-daemon segfautls and error "Error waiting for native console"" [Undecided,New]
[23:50] <hwilde> status is undecided
[23:50] <hwilde> would you like debug info to confirm?
[23:53] <james_w> I'll deal with that tomorrow, no-one else needs to worrt