UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /20 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <lifeless> barry: bug 252212
[00:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252212 in bzr "can't stack rich-root-pack repos" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252212
[00:56] <Turl> hi
[00:57] <Turl> is anyone here?
[01:04] <lifeless> not when you wait less than 60 seconds for a reply
[01:18] <technomancy> is there any way to automate file downloads when you cut a new release in launchpad, or do you have to create your tar/zip files manually and upload them through the web interface?
[01:28] <RAOF> technomancy: I don't think so currently. I believe this should become possible as launchpadlib expands its coverage.
[06:12] <siretart> klette: pong
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=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
[13:12] <goibhniu> hi .. I would like to voice my concern about using the BSD licence for translations .. is there a procedure for things like that?
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
[13:27] <intellectronica> goibhniu: i think the users mailing list is probably a good place for discussions like that. i don't know if this is something that is seriously still open for discussion, though. give it a try
[13:28] <goibhniu> great thanks, yeah .. I only heard about it recently :/
[13:28] * goibhniu will send an email to get it off his chest anyway
=== DasIch_ is now known as DasIch
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
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[15:45] <Mez> https://help.launchpad.net/OpenID <-- someone has a weird sense of HTML
[15:45] <Mez> <head> and <\head>
[15:46] <beuno> Mez, it's for left-handed people :p
[15:46] <beuno> mrevell, you around?
[15:46] <beuno> may be worth fixing that ^ but it may not be worth a bug
[15:48] <mrevell> Hi beuno
[15:48] * mrevell looks
[15:48] <beuno> mrevell, it's suppose to be </head>
[15:48] <beuno> and hi mrevell :)
[15:48] <beuno> will I be seeing you next week?
[15:49] <beuno> oh, wait, no. You already told me
[15:49] <mrevell> Mez: thanks for reporting that. it's fixed.
[15:50] <mrevell> beuno: Heh :) Unfortunately not.
[15:50] <Mez> mrevell, ah, didn't know it was your job to fix that ;)(
[15:50] <Mez> or I'd have just poked you myself ;)
[15:51] <Mez> oh, good to see you at LRL (if briefly)(
[15:51] <mrevell> Mez: :)
[15:51] <mrevell> yeah you too :)
[15:51] <Mez> am surprised that Ade didnt turn up though;)
[15:52] <Mez> at least some people made the effort eh mrevell ?
[15:52] <mrevell> Mez: He was in NYC celebrating his birthday, I believe :) Karoke related activities the night before prevented me attending the Sunday :)
[15:53] <Mez> mrevell, I know - was only kidding ;)
[16:09] <MrStei2> Hi! Anyone here or should I just file a bug ?
[16:10] <MrStei2> Searching for some phrases on https://launchpad.net gives a "Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page." Error
[16:10] <MrStei2> WTF does it not change my nick to MrStein ???
=== MrStei2 is now known as fobylix
=== fobylix is now known as MrStei2
[16:10] <MrStei2> argh
[16:11] <kiko> MrStei2, sorry?
=== MrStei2 is now known as MrStein
[16:11] <MrStein> eh, I fixed it now
[16:12] <MrStein> kiko: Searching for "firefox does not show 404 error" on https://launchpad.net gives a "Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page." Error
[16:12] <MrStein> instead of results or a "No matxching results" message
[16:13] <kiko> how interesting
[16:13] <kiko> MrStein, does searching for anything else cause that?
[16:14] <MrStein> did not try. I just tried 2 other searches. One returns a lot of hits, the other says "Your search for “some things are fooby and kekennen” did not return any results. "
[16:15] <Wellark> hi!
[16:15] <Wellark> my PPA build failed because of a missing dependency
[16:16] <Wellark> is there any way to restart the build process of already uploaded source.changes?
[16:16] <kiko> MrStein, I can reproduce. thanks, it's a bug
[16:16] <MrStein> shall I report or will you handle it ?
[16:17] <Wellark> never mind.. I already found the retry-link..
[16:17] <kiko> MrStein, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/259780
[16:17] <MrStein> kiko ?
[16:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259780 in launchpad "Searching for specific string on /+search triggers an Unauthorized error" [Undecided,New]
[16:18] <MrStein> eh :-)
[16:18] <MrStein> does anyone have firefox running and 10 seconds of time ?
[16:19] <MrStein> kiko: Note the url I used was https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=firefox+does+not+show+404+error&field.actions.search=Search , the one in the bug report is slightly different. (that one asks me for login)
[16:20] <kiko> MrStein, it doesn't matter -- it is the same bug
[16:20] <MrStein> ok
[16:20] <MrStein> Can someone please check in firefox what happens on page http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/etqw/ if clicking on the link ETQW-client-1.4-full.x86.run under 2.1 Retail Game ?
[16:21] <MrStein> It should say error 404, but mine just shows the prevoius page.
[16:21] * MrStein is a magnet for bugs
[16:21] <kiko> MrStein, the reason that happens is that it's a torrent
[16:22] <kiko> MrStein, it's firing up an external process which probably fails when it notices it's a 404
[16:22] <MrStein> no, it is not a toreent. It is a dead link.
[16:22] <MrStein> oh, you mean firefox is being "smart" ?
[16:22] <kiko> yes
[16:22] <MrStein> ah, that what you get with "mart" code ;-)
[16:22] <kiko> it is arguably a bug
[16:22] <MrStein> that=that's
[16:22] <MrStein> mart=smart (damn...)
[16:22] <kiko> probably upstream
[16:23] <MrStein> I'll report it anyway ;-)
[16:23] <kiko> MrStein, I'll disclose that bug so you don't have this problem
[16:23] <MrStein> the bug with ff/torrent link ?
[16:23] <MrStein> or the former ?
[16:24] <kiko> the former
[16:24] <MrStein> ok
[16:24] <MrStein> thanks
[16:25] <kiko> MrStein, just ping me when you're finished with the query so I can make it private again as I want the URL in the bug report to actually cause a failure :)
[16:26] <kiko> MrStein, can you try again now?
[16:27] <MrStein> now it gives results. for the record: I visited https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=firefox+does+not+show+404+error&field.actions.search=Search
[16:28] <MrStein> kiko: you can change it back now
[16:29] <kiko> MrStein, you're welcome
=== kiko is now known as kiko-phone
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
[18:32] <glatzor> Could anybody help me with OpenID and the Ubuntu wiki? I cannot login anymore
[18:33] <glatzor> the last time I logged was before the openid thing.
=== kiko-phone is now known as kiko
[18:47] <Mez> glatzor, it's not that hard, you just need a launchpad account...
[18:47] <Mez> what issue are you having :?
[18:48] <agy> glatzor: is this still a problem?
[18:50] <glatzor> Mez, want to make jokes at me?
[18:50] <glatzor> agy, wiping out my cookies solved the issue
[18:50] <glatzor> thanks agy
[18:51] <kiko> heh
[18:51] <Mez> glatzor, I'm not that much of a comedian... but I know a few jokes...
[18:51] <Mez> though I think they might be a bit too rude for in here :D
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[20:19] <NCommander> kiko, how goes your inbox?
[20:19] <kiko> NCommander, change subject! :)
[20:20] <NCommander> kiko, how was lunch with cprov ;-)
[20:20] <kiko> hmmm, lunches in brazil, can't go wrong
[20:21] <LarstiQ> ah, so they don't involve taxi drivers then.
[20:21] <NCommander> They don't involve hit and runs like they do in NYC ;-)
[20:41] * rockstar wonders what's wrong with the taxi drivers in Brazil.
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[21:47] <Syntux> Good day, I'm not able to login with LP openID to Ubuntu wiki
[21:49] <LarstiQ> Syntux: you're at least the second person to ask that today, I don't know what's up though.
[21:50] <Syntux> it's weird that some people can login while others can't
[21:50] <Syntux> this is called "discrimination bug"
[21:50] <Syntux> :p
[22:00] <mwhudson> yeah, only people born on tuesdays when there wasn't a full moon are allowed
[22:00] <mwhudson> sorry about that
[22:00] <mwhudson> :)
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
[22:07] <Syntux> mwhudson, ok that's the bug then because I was born on tuesday and it wasn't a full moon! .
[22:07] <mwhudson> darn!
[22:08] <Peng_> I was born on a Tuesday, but I dunno if it was a full moon or not. How do I test if OpenID works?
[22:11] <kiko> Peng_, try and log in to an OpenID site?
[22:12] <kiko> an OpenID-enabled site
[22:20] <NCommander> Peng_, you can try using REVU, which will login against LP
[22:20] <Peng_> I don't think I have a LP OpenID. Would I have to be a beta user?
[22:21] <NCommander> No, you don't
[22:21] <NCommander> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com
[22:21] <NCommander> CLick login via Launchpad OpenID
[22:21] <NCommander> Then login when you are redirected to the launchpad login page
[22:24] <Peng_> OK. It works, then.
[22:27] * kiko cheers
[22:30] <NCommander> yay
[22:30] <NCommander> OpenID works
[22:30] <NCommander> kiko, am I correct in assuming LP uses an inhouse developed openid solution? (it doesn't seem to use the python-openid library)
[22:31] <NCommander> (or is it you can't answer under NDA)
[22:31] <kiko> NCommander, it does use python-openid, but there's a lot of custom code aroundit
[22:31] <NCommander> ah
[22:32] <NCommander> It seems a little kludgy since the openid response LP sends tells the consumer not to use a 302 redirect (and rejects if it does)
[22:32] <NCommander> (that threw me through a loop when I built the REVU openid module)
[22:34] <NCommander> I won't be suprised if some openid sites don't properly check the openid reply from LP and try and use a redirect vs the current POST method
[22:34] <Peng_> I don't think I can log into the Ubuntu wiki.
[22:35] <Peng_> "Waiting for wiki.ubuntu.com"
[22:35] <Peng_> Oh, it worked
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[22:40] <NCommander> yay
[22:45] <kiko> hey
[22:46] <kiko> is there anyone around that would like to give input into launchpad features related to projects, products, teams and people? it is basically an email exchange and perhaps a phone call tomorrow.
[22:46] <kiko> this is to help me plan our first 3.0 cycle
[22:48] <LarstiQ> sure
[22:48] <LarstiQ> I'm not sure I have enough input though.
[22:49] <kiko> LarstiQ, it's easy, and I can give you hints. what email can I send the raw list to?
[22:55] <Syntux> kiko, I can try helping you out.
[22:55] <kiko> Syntux, okay, I'll email you something, hang on.
[22:56] <kiko> Syntux, what email can I sent this to?
[22:56] <wgrant> kiko: I have one suggestion - actually rename products to projects and projects to project groups, to avoid confusing people.
[22:57] <wgrant> (anybody looking at the API without having used LP before the rebranding is going to be very confused)
[22:57] <kiko> wgrant, heh, you know, bac will be your fan. :)
[22:59] <wgrant> Hm?
[23:02] * ajmitch wonders if bug tasks are still mentioned
[23:03] <wgrant> task = list(bug_one.bug_tasks)[0]
[23:03] <wgrant> Yes.
[23:03] <lifeless> bug 252212
[23:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252212 in bzr "can't stack rich-root-pack repos" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252212
[23:04] <lifeless> barry: ping
[23:04] <barry> lifeless: pong
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
[23:05] <lifeless> barry: bpeterson has a problem on python-hosting thingy
[23:06] <lifeless> barry: please see bug 252212
[23:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252212 in bzr "can't stack rich-root-pack repos" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252212
[23:07] <bac> kiko: heh! ^^^
[23:08] <barry> lifeless: code.python.org is running bzr 1.2.0
[23:08] <wgrant> bac: You're a supporter of the renaming idea, then?
[23:08] <bac> wgrant: it has come up.. :)
[23:08] <lifeless> barry: please upgrade kthx 1.5
[23:09] <barry> lifeless: k
[23:09] <lifeless> I don't _know_ that its the problem
[23:09] <lifeless> (1.6 would be even better)
[23:10] <barry> lifeless: any idea what version will be in the next stable debian?
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[23:10] <lifeless> none
[23:10] <LarstiQ> barry: lenny?
[23:10] <LarstiQ> barry: or the one after that?
[23:10] <barry> LarstiQ: yep
[23:10] <lifeless> thats a once a decade event anyhow, kindof irrelevant :)
[23:10] <barry> lenny i think
[23:10] <wgrant> Looks like 1.5 at the moment.
[23:10] * LarstiQ frowns sternly at lifeless
[23:10] <LarstiQ> barry: 1.5
[23:10] * lifeless smiles sunnily
[23:11] <barry> LarstiQ, wgrant cool. we broke our rule to use standard debs on pydotorg for that
[23:11] <barry> and some people weren't happy :)
[23:12] <wgrant> barry: For good reason. Lots of packaging is absolutely shocking.
[23:12] <wgrant> But fortunately bzr stuff is normally pretty good.
[23:12] <barry> wgrant: yep, and i now keep my mouth shut because i no longer want to do that work :)
[23:13] <barry> but i still think i can get 1.5 at least installed in the meantime
[23:13] <barry> lifeless: a new one for you: bug 259893
[23:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259893 in bzr "TypeError: pull() got an unexpected keyword argument '_override_hook_target'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259893
[23:14] <lifeless> barry: upgrade your loom plugin :)
[23:14] <barry> lifeless: i just did! well, with bzr pull :/
[23:15] <lifeless> hmm
[23:15] <lifeless> its definitely not a bzr core bug
[23:15] <lifeless> what bzr version do you have?
[23:15] <barry> lifeless: 1.6rc3
[23:17] <lifeless> and it occurs on every pull?
[23:17] <lifeless> ah push of loom
[23:18] <barry> lifeless: if i blow away the target dir, it goes away
[23:22] <NCommander> bigjools, ping
[23:27] <lifeless> barry: intruiging
[23:28] <barry> lifeless: now running 1.5 on code.py.org. we think the problem's resolved (tho we've only done pulls atm)
[23:29] <kiko> bac, heh
[23:29] <lifeless> ok, ran loom tests
[23:29] <lifeless> 2 fialures, I"ll need to do a 1.6 release, but push passes tess