UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /20 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== mzungu is now known as mzungu_afk
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
[01:37] <vorian> nixternal: ping etc... :)
[01:58] <jtechidna> omg
[01:58] <jtechidna> <3 Simon Edwards
[01:58] <jtechidna> Riddell: He found a workaround for the crash
[01:59] <jtechidna> Make the KApplication a global var and everything works out
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
[10:26] <mornfall> Riddell: Hi! Could you please sync apt-xapian-index, libwibble, libept and adept from Sid into Intrepid? Thanks.
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
[10:38] <Riddell> ooh
[10:44] <Riddell> hmm, libwibble still at 0.1.19 in unstable
[12:01] <\sh> Riddell: are you up to some archive work? like syncing? :)
[12:01] <Riddell> \sh: could do
[12:01] <\sh> Riddell: ok..just testbuilding the experimental packages of new upstream sip4-qt3 + pyqt4
[12:06] <\sh> Riddell: short question why did you remove the python-elemtree?
[12:07] <\sh> Riddell: as the python-qt4 bin package consists of py2.4 + py2.5 version as it seems, wouldn't it be better to suggest the python-elemtree package?
[12:08] <Riddell> \sh: did I? I don't even know what that is
[12:08] <Riddell> mornfall: synced from incoming
[12:08] <\sh> Riddell: or should be force the use of py2.5 as build target only? (setting XS-Python-Version in debian/control to 2.5)
[12:08] <\sh> python-qt4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low
[12:08] <\sh> * Remove depends on python-elemtree, it is not needed with python2.5
[12:08] <\sh> -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com> Mon, 09 Jun 2008 11:59:26 +0100
[12:09] <Riddell> don't honestly know
[12:10] <jtechidna> Riddell: If you're doing archive work could you take a look at bug 259404 while you're at it?
[12:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259404 in showimg "Please remove showimg 0.9.5-1.1ubuntu2 from Intrepid (universe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259404
[12:10] <jtechidna> and good morning guys :)
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[12:13] <\sh> Riddell: ok...would you sync then sip4-qt3 + python-qt4 from experimental then for intrepid...( i can't force requestsync to use experimental somehow9
[12:17] <Riddell> \sh: sip4-qt3 4.7.7-1 is already in ubuntu
[12:17] <\sh> ah
[12:17] <Riddell> syncing python-qt4_4.4.3-1
[12:18] <\sh> apachelogger: how far did you come along with your patch to pykde4?
[12:19] <\sh> apachelogger: if there is more work to be done, I'll prepare a debdiff for kde4bindings to bump the pyqt4 version for pykde4...and just rebuild it
[12:19] <Nightrose> apachelogger: you wanted me to remind you to remove "preview" from the description on first beta release of amarok 2
[12:19] <Nightrose> package description that is
[12:32] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: done
[12:33] <JontheEchidna> Cool, thanks.
[13:24] <seele> Riddell: does the ubuntu hardware database collect screen resolution data?
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[14:19] <mornfall> Riddell: Ah, right. Incoming is it -- I have just uploaded it when I poked you. I haven't realized ACCEPTed doesn't imply "in archive". ; - )
[14:26] <Riddell> seele: yes should do (the output of xdpyinfo as I remember)
[14:27] <ScottK> \sh: I get sip4-qt3 sync'ed back when you originally asked me about them.
[14:27] <ScottK> I did get ...
[14:27] <\sh> ScottK: ah...didn't get it then...thx...
[14:51] <nixternal> vorian: pong?
[14:52] <smarter> could someone please upload that? http://ks33313.kimsufi.com/~smarter/pub/kdesdk_4.1.0-0ubuntu9.debdiff
[14:52] <Riddell> smarter: ok
[14:54] <Riddell> smarter: uploaded thanks, you should send it to debian too if they havn't done that already
[14:54] <smarter> 'kay
[14:54] <smarter> ppa backport probably has this bug too
[14:56] <smarter> does ubuntu wiki login works for you?
[14:56] <ScottK> smarter: Not for me with Konqueror KDE3. Works in Firefox.
[14:57] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: lemonpos-kde4 needs archiving in Intrepid
[14:57] <JontheEchidna> oh nevermind
[14:57] <JontheEchidna> dummy package
[14:57] <JontheEchidna> XP
[14:58] <smarter> ScottK: does not with konq/kde4 too :/
[14:59] <smarter> *does not work
[15:00] <ScottK> smarter: I filed a bug on ubuntu-website. Please add a comment.
[15:01] <ScottK> smarter: Bug #259436
[15:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259436 in ubuntu-website "Wiki login not persistent with Konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259436
[15:02] <smarter> done ;)
[15:02] * smarter goes back to his kvkbd Qt4 port
[15:05] <Riddell> smarter: you're doing one?
[15:05] <smarter> yep
[15:06] <smarter> it's running, buttons works, and I just got the tray icon back
[15:06] <smarter> *work
[15:07] <Riddell> groovy
[15:07] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: Simon Edwards helped me fix the crash in software-properties
[15:10] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: something fiddly involving object visibility I expect?
[15:10] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: yeah, making kapp a global var fixed the crash
[15:11] <JontheEchidna> er, declaring kapp as a global
[15:12] <JontheEchidna> The bad news is that I can't seem to fully wrap my head around KCmLineArgs/Options
[15:14] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: can be fiddly, try looking at gdebi-kde that uses it
[15:14] <JontheEchidna> Ooh, that might help
[15:14] <JontheEchidna> fiddly is an awesome word btw
[15:22] <JontheEchidna> Could I get a core dev to sponsor bug 253707?
[15:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 253707 in kdebase "[kde 4] System Settings missing from applications menu, not found by search" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/253707
[15:27] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: ok
[15:27] <JontheEchidna> thanks
[15:28] <Riddell> nixternal: remind me again what happened to pinentry-qt4
[15:29] <nixternal> Riddell: you need to sync it from debian experimental
[15:29] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: uploaded, also applied upstream
[15:30] <Riddell> nixternal: groovy, done
[15:30] <nixternal> groovy
[15:30] * Riddell grooves with nixternal
[15:30] <nixternal> haha
[15:31] <nixternal> sign me up for UDS USA too, don't forget me :)
[15:33] <Riddell> nixternal: start a wiki page if you like
[15:33] <smarter> does anyone know what directories KStandardDirs check when you do something like myFile = KStandardDirs::locate("appdata", "groups.lst") ?
[15:34] <Riddell> smarter: kde4-config --path appdata
[15:34] <Riddell> kde4-config --path data
[15:34] <dinosaur-rus> hi
[15:34] <smarter> Riddell: thanks :)
[15:35] <seele> Riddell: how do you run reports on the data? http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/ is the only website i've found and it looks broken
[15:36] <Riddell> seele: the data is kept hidden and secret because of privacy issues, I might have access to it, what are you looking for?
[15:37] <dinosaur-rus> I got a problem when compiling a Qt 4 program -- linker can't find Xtst.so library. libxtst package is installed, there're /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6 and /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6.1.0 files, but /usr/lib/libXtst.so symlink is missing
[15:37] <Riddell> dinosaur-rus: try libxtst-dev
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[15:40] <dinosaur-rus> Riddell: oh, thanks :) I had to re-install my system and not everything may be restored :P
[15:41] <Riddell> dinosaur-rus: kdelibs5-dev will install a bunch of useful packages like that
[15:41] <Riddell> kdebase-workspace-dev more so
[15:41] <seele> Riddell: what the average Kubuntu screen res is and what percent is smaller than 1024
[15:42] <Riddell> nixternal: bug 259767
[15:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259767 in kubuntu-docs "kubuntu-docs 8.10-3 update error (/usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/locales-kubuntu/ is not a directory)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259767
[15:43] <Riddell> seele: I'll ping ogra
[15:43] <\sh> Riddell: I thought the hwdb data was anonymized somehow...
[15:47] <Riddell> \sh: there's no names attached but it could still be traced back
[15:54] <seele> Riddell: awesome.. thanks
[15:56] <dinosaur-rus> BTW, is there any way to tell the X server that my LCD monitor supports 75 Hz refresh rate? frequency ranges in xorg.conf are set, but they seem to have no effect...
[16:22] <dinosaur-rus> who does accept Adept suggestions? :)
[16:23] <seele> Riddell: kde-i18n got back to me and says Desktop Search shouldn't have any problems being translated
[16:23] <freeflying> Riddell: kde4 in intrepid only use ~/.kde?
[16:23] <seele> i dunno how new strings get submitted for translation or if it happens on its own though
[16:27] <Riddell> freeflying: yes
[16:27] <Riddell> seele: I committed it to trunk so that'll happen automatically for 4.2
[16:28] <seele> ok
[16:28] <Riddell> seele: for intrepid I'd need to patch our packages but first I need to fix the patch to make .desktop files use .po translations
[16:31] <nixternal> Riddell: fixed and uploaded
[16:37] <Riddell> nixternal: rocking
[16:37] <nixternal> davmor2: hey, the about kubuntu thing, check and make sure that khelpcenter is pointing at /usr/share/doc/kde4 and not /usr/share/doc/kde
[16:37] <nixternal> I think
[16:40] <davmor2> hang on
[16:41] <apachelogger> Nightrose: thx
[16:41] <apachelogger> \sh: didn't I paste a new version?
[16:41] <apachelogger> \sh: you just need to reorder the link arguments in the cmake script that gets generated
[16:43] <davmor2> nixternal: I'll do it latter I did realise it was that late. Be an hour or so :)
[16:52] <Riddell> seele: got the hwdb data, lets see how long it takes to uncompress it
[16:59] <davmor2> nixternal: right I've got a few minutes so it's booting up now
[17:01] <davmor2> nixternal: it points at help:/kubuntu/about-kubuntu
[17:02] <nixternal> ya, but help might be pointing at /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/$cc/kubuntu/*
[17:02] <nixternal> help:// rather
[17:04] <davmor2> nixternal: no error the file or folder help:/kubuntu/about-kubuntu does not exist.
[17:05] <nixternal> davmor2: intrepid right?
[17:05] <davmor2> nixternal: correct
[17:05] <apachelogger> you b0rked it
[17:05] <nixternal> ls /usr/share/doc/kde*
[17:05] <nixternal> there isn't a /usr/share/doc/kde/ in intrepid that I know of
[17:05] <apachelogger> well
[17:05] <apachelogger> share/doc/kde4/HTML
[17:06] <apachelogger> the kubuntu docs go to the wrong dir
[17:06] <nixternal> well that is where we are placing KDE 4 docs, so they don't overwrite anything KDE3 that might get installed
[17:07] <nixternal> KDE 3 installs docs to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/*
[17:07] <nixternal> KDE 4 installs docs to /usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML/*
[17:07] <nixternal> we need to patch kdebase-workspace or runtime so that KHelpCenter is looking in the correct location(s)
[17:08] <davmor2> nixternal: kde and kde4 are both there
=== mzungu_afk is now known as mzungu
[17:09] <nixternal> I will have to setup Intrepid sometime in the next week or so and take a look
[17:09] <apachelogger> ehm
[17:09] <apachelogger> nixternal: or we could just remove the cmake arg that makes it use kde/HTML
[17:09] <apachelogger> the kde4 packages which don't replace kde3 are conflicting anyways
[17:12] <davmor2> nixternal: is there anything else I can help you with?
[17:13] <nixternal> davmor2: nah, I think I got it...if not I will poke you with apachelogger
[17:13] <nixternal> the apachelogger of doom!
[17:13] <apachelogger> oioi
[17:16] <davmor2> nixternal: if you burn yourself a live cd that's where it shows up for me on the about kubuntu icon in desktop. If I open up khelpcenter that seems to work okay :)
[17:16] <nixternal> ahhh, that is a .desktop issue....got it!
[17:16] <nixternal> w00t, glad you said that
[17:17] * Riddell adds system-config-printer-kde to KDE SVN
[17:17] <davmor2> I did put it in my bug report ;)
[17:17] <nixternal> ahhh, it tries to open khelpcenter in the desktop file and not khelpcenter4
[17:17] <jjesse> there isn't any kubuntu documentation in khelpecenter in intrepid yet
[17:17] <jjesse> at least on my ysstem
[17:17] <nixternal> jjesse: is there khelpcenter or khelpcenter4 in intrepid?
[17:17] <nixternal> need to know the binary name
[17:17] <Riddell> there is a khelpcentre
[17:18] <nixternal> hrmm
[17:18] <Riddell> doesn't work terribly well
[17:18] <jjesse> khelpcenter version 4.1.00
[17:18] <jjesse> and konqi still shows the default konqi start page, "Next: An Introduction to Konqueror
[17:18] <nixternal> OK, I will have to install Intrepid on my lappy at home then
[17:18] <nixternal> it is time I back it up anyways
[17:19] <jjesse> i have it in a virtual machine
[17:19] <davmor2> nixternal: I'll leave it with you :)
[17:19] <nixternal> yay, time to write some more python
[17:19] <nixternal> eclipse + pydev == #1
[17:22] <Riddell> nixternal: got any keen your kde docs people who want to write a quick doc for system-config-printer-kde?
[17:22] <nixternal> Riddell: myself or jjesse
[17:22] * jjesse ducks and whisltes
[17:22] <nixternal> I can do one up as it only takes an hour or so
[17:23] <jjesse> i don't have time today on site
[17:23] <nixternal> Riddell: email me or file a bug and assign it to me
[17:23] <Riddell> well, I don't want to distract you from kubuntu-docs
[17:23] <nixternal> Riddell: I can multi-task :P
[17:23] <nixternal> I need to do them simultaneously anyways, as KDE 4 docs are blah right now
[17:25] <jjesse> nixternal: best way to get back working on kde docs is to check out all of svn or just the docs folders?
[17:26] <nixternal> you can write a script probably to go through KDE/*/doc to pull each
[17:26] <nixternal> would be less space for sure
[17:27] <jjesse> ok
[17:46] <Riddell> 3.5.10 is available.. but does anyone care?
[17:52] <ScottK-laptop> Yes.
[17:53] <ScottK-laptop> What do you think about 3.5.10 for -proposed/updates?
[17:54] <Riddell> I'd be hesitant, that branch doesn't receive much testing
[17:54] <Riddell> but if someone want to do it, sure
[17:54] <ScottK-laptop> OTOH, I'd expect if the shoved something in there it must be of some significance.
[17:55] <ScottK-laptop> Riddell: If you'll give me a list of source packages, I'll try and look at it in the next few days. I want to make sure I get them all.
[17:56] <Riddell> ScottK-laptop: just a list, surely you'd need the actual source itself
[17:56] <ScottK-laptop> I assume I can download that from somwhere?
[17:57] <Riddell> nope, it's super secret
[17:58] <ScottK-laptop> OK. Then I guess I need that too.
[18:00] <Riddell> ScottK-laptop: probably easiest if I just give you access to ktown
[18:01] <ScottK-laptop> OK.
[18:01] <ScottK-laptop> Please make it read only.
[18:02] <Riddell> hmm, the new launchpad UI doesn't make it easy to find your ssh key
[18:02] <Riddell> or maybe you don't have one in launchpad
[18:02] <Riddell> no, seems you don't
[18:02] <Riddell> ScottK-laptop: got an ssh key?
[18:03] <ScottK-laptop> I never made one I cared about after the last fiasco. Give me a moment.
[18:06] <Riddell> ScottK-laptop: I worked out how to copy it over
[18:07] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: I got command line args back in and fixed a few things
[18:07] <Riddell> yay
[18:07] <JontheEchidna> Should be ready for review
[18:08] <JontheEchidna> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/software-properties/pykde4
[18:11] <JontheEchidna> and hopefully a merge :)
[18:17] <yuriy> oooh
[18:17] <yuriy> JontheEchidna: does it have a KDE-like apply button now?
[18:17] <JontheEchidna> Uh... where?
[18:18] <yuriy> software properties
[18:18] <yuriy> it was gnome like instant apply before
[18:18] <yuriy> except not, it was just weird
[18:18] <JontheEchidna> I didn't add any buttons
[18:18] <JontheEchidna> I'm about to blog about it though
[18:19] <JontheEchidna> once I get pics and stuff
[18:19] <JontheEchidna> before/after pics
[18:23] <Riddell> seele: uncompressing just stopped
[18:24] <JontheEchidna> Who do I see about software-properties merges?
[18:25] <seele> Riddell: o.O
[18:26] <seele> Riddell: how big was the archive?
[18:27] <Riddell> seele: 217394 entries, 4.6 Gigs
[18:31] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: if you run it without root, it gives the error box but doesn't quit
[18:31] <JontheEchidna> oops
[18:33] <JontheEchidna> hmm, for it quits when I run the script through python without root
[18:33] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: oh hang on, it does now
[18:33] <JontheEchidna> whew
[18:33] <Riddell> >sudo python software-properties-kde --enable-component universe
[18:33] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: breakage ^^
[18:34] <JontheEchidna> hum
[18:35] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: for some reason kdesudo "python software-properties-kde --enable-component universe" works
[18:36] <JontheEchidna> ...and it deletes everything under universe in etc/apt/sources.list
[18:37] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: doesn't work with sudo though, just needs a cast to a str somewhere
[18:37] <JontheEchidna> Ok
[18:38] <JontheEchidna> what about the deleting everything under universe in the sources.list?
[18:38] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: it's gone!
[18:38] <Riddell> that doesn't seem right
[18:40] <JontheEchidna> does that happen with the normal pyqt build?
[18:41] <Riddell> dunno
[18:43] <Riddell> don't seem to
[18:43] <JontheEchidna> crapity crap
[18:46] <JontheEchidna> Let's see if casting to str helps
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: casting to str first fixes that too
[18:49] <Riddell> yay
[18:50] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: then e-mail michael vogt, cc me, asking if he wants to do the review/merge or if he's happy for me to do it
[18:51] <JontheEchidna> Ok
[18:58] <Riddell> seele: still grepping..
[19:05] <seele> Riddell: i hope there is some useful data in there :)
[19:06] <Riddell> seele: hmm, 4500 done of 217394, this could take some time
[19:07] <Riddell> seele: but here's the current output http://paste.ubuntu.com/39178/
[19:09] <Riddell> seele: this is only people who have bothered to run hwdb-client so I'd guess it's only desktop using fans rather than non-geeks or server users
[19:09] <seele> Riddell: i'm hoping technical skill wont matter in terms of hardware
[19:10] <seele> the same laptop could be used by a home user or a hacker
[19:10] <seele> hmm.. it might be too late to ask, but can it be determined if it is a desktop or laptop?
[19:12] <Riddell> yes although it would take some python playing
[21:08] <fdoving> Riddell: ping. i'm not much around, so the 4th of august you asked about bug 186729.
[21:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 186729 in kio-umountwrapper "Cannot uninstall kio-umountwrapper" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186729
[21:09] <fdoving> Riddell: the whole problem is that kio-umountwrapper wasn't updated for the removal of dolphin/d3lphin, so it kind of expects one file from dolphin to be around. and it doesn't depend on it.
[21:11] <fdoving> so when d3lphin, or konqueror for that matter, is removed before kio-umountwrapper, it'll break.
[21:11] <fdoving> and it's my fault.
[21:12] <fdoving> i belived i made a fixed package with the depends at some point.
[21:13] <fdoving> Riddell: http://frode.kde.no/ubuntu/intrepid/kio-umountwrapper/
[21:13] <fdoving> i pointed to that url in one of my comments to the bug.
[21:15] <fdoving> it should be pushed to hardy-updates before upgrades to intrepid starts, to prevent chaos.
[21:18] <smarter> mmh, chaos
[21:19] <fdoving> yeah, for those who remove dolphin upgrades will stop at some point, when/if kio-umountwrapper is removed.
[21:20] <fdoving> ehm, for those who have removed dolphin, and then try to remove kio-umountwrapper, that is.
[21:21] <fdoving> so, kio-umountwrapper needs to depend on dolphin and konqueror, then it's removed first if one of those are uninstalled.
[21:22] <fdoving> i made the .debdiff for this 4th of may.
[21:23] <Riddell> thanks fdoving
[21:35] <JontheEchidna> mornfall: adept3.0~beta1 crashes when ran without sudo
[21:38] <apachelogger> Nightrose: bug 99363
[21:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 99363 in gtk-qt-engine "i18n for gtk-qt-engine broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99363
[21:40] <apachelogger> Riddell: gtk-qt-engine needs to go back to main, gtk-qt-engine-kde4 source can be removed ... do we need a new MIR?
[21:40] <apachelogger> considering -engine is -kde4 just a new version :)
[21:41] <JontheEchidna> bbl
[21:41] <Nightrose> apachelogger: meh
[21:42] * Nightrose puts it on the agenda
[21:45] <fdoving> ah, Gauvain Pocentek has a better solution.
[21:46] <fdoving> Riddell: Gauvain Pocentek has a smarter solution, easier anyway. jsut make the dirs, then the divert will work even if dolphin isn't around. not sure how that will work if dolphin is installed, but i guess dpkg-divert will handle that. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio-umountwrapper/+bug/186729/comments/21 and 22
[21:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 186729 in kio-umountwrapper "Cannot uninstall kio-umountwrapper" [High,In progress]
[21:48] <fdoving> yep, i'm pretty sure dpkg-divert will handle that. so that's a good solution as far as i can tell.
[21:57] <Riddell> apachelogger: no MIR needed
[22:14] <Riddell> seele: how's this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/39219/
[22:36] <seele> Riddell: awesome :)
[22:37] <Riddell> surprisingly few laptops
[22:38] <seele> a lot of desktops seem to have widescreen monitors too
[22:38] <seele> i wonder if they are really laptops?
[22:38] <yuriy__> yeah most of the desktop/laptop things on there don't make sense
[22:39] <Riddell> yuriy__: why do you say that?
[22:39] <seele> Riddell: line 23
[22:39] <seele> 532 desktops running 1280x800?
[22:39] <seele> that is a pretty typical laptop screen resolution
[22:40] <Riddell> I'm grepping for BAT in the hal output
[22:40] <yuriy__> I don't know of any laptops that do 1280x1024, or any desktops that do 1280x800 or 1280x768 or 1400x1050
[22:40] <Riddell> there must be a better way to grep for laptop-ness but I don't know what
[22:40] <seele> that's ok.. the data is still useful
[22:40] <seele> is this all ubuntu or just kubuntu?
[22:41] <Riddell> all ubuntu
[22:41] <seele> ok cool
[22:41] <Riddell> seele: what's this for?
[22:41] <seele> Riddell: trying to figure out what screen size we should be designing for as a desktop
[22:41] <seele> Riddell: nuno wants icons + text instead if icons/text
[22:42] <seele> but 1024 is a bit too small for some applications (but it is dubious if they should have text with the icons at all)
[22:42] <seele> some apps it makes sense for, such as okular
[22:42] <seele> plus, when you do icons + text, you use less vertical space
[22:42] <seele> which means more real estate for laptop users
[22:42] <yuriy__> what if it was dependent on how many things are in the toolbar?
[22:43] <seele> yuriy__: that is another possibility
[22:43] <seele> for example, kmail probably doesnt need icons + text, nor does koffice
[22:43] <seele> konqueror.. i'm not sure. i think we could probably do just icons for that too
[22:44] <yuriy__> i'm just glad the toolbar issues are resolved, according to ereslibre's blog and hope that gets backported
[22:44] <seele> dolphin looks pretty nice with icons + text too
[22:44] <smarter> yuriy__: awesome! that thing was driving me mad
[22:45] <seele> Riddell: screen size will also effect what default plasma widgets we should put on the desktop in ibex
[22:45] <seele> and what their default size is
[22:46] <smarter> seele: maybe it could be automagically changed according to the resolution?
[22:46] <seele> smarter: that is something we are considering too.. but that could effect screenshots in documentation
[22:47] <smarter> I always disable icons+text on my EEE(800x480)
[22:47] <seele> first i think nuno and i will look at which apps are a problem under 1024 and see if they need icons + text at all
[22:48] <smarter> "1920 x 1200 laptop" Oo
[22:48] <smarter> who needs a 22' laptop?
[22:53] <yuriy__> what do I have to do to get qt4 designer working again?
=== yuriy__ is now known as yuriy
[23:15] <Nightrose> apachelogger: meh the wiki doesn't want to log me in :(
[23:15] <Nightrose> so i can't edit the page
[23:17] <ScottK-laptop> Nightrose: Unfortunately you need Firefox. It's broken with Konqueror.
[23:17] * ScottK-laptop filed a bug already.
[23:18] <Nightrose> ScottK-laptop: ahhh thanks
[23:18] <Nightrose> will try in firefox then