UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /17 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[06:36] <DanaG> Woah: http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/videoenhancement/videoEnhancement.htm
[06:55] <pwnguin> DanaG: vimeo links never work for me =(
[06:55] <pwnguin> i guess its adblock
[06:59] <DanaG> Woah: http://www.coroflot.com/public/individual_file.asp?from_url=true&individual_id=107226&portfolio_id=441268&sort_by=1&
[07:09] <pwnguin> for some reason i dont think it's real
[07:18] <DanaG> It's concept art.
[07:18] <DanaG> But it is kinda' cool that it's one piece that combines to make a slide, a tunnel, and the steps.
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
[16:35] <TimMatrix> anyone using graphics tablet to work under UBUNTU Hardy Heron?
[16:36] <TimMatrix> Mine's a Aiptek Hyperpen 6000, which uses COM port and PS/2
[16:36] <TimMatrix> Any help?
[16:37] <thorwil> i'm using a serial wacom
[16:37] <thorwil> COM port and PS/2?
[16:37] <TimMatrix> thorwil: yes
[16:37] <TimMatrix> COM port and PS/2
[16:38] <thorwil> same time?
[16:38] <TimMatrix> Yes.
[16:38] <TimMatrix> It works under Windows, but doesn't seemt o work on HARDY
[16:38] <thorwil> strange
[16:38] <TimMatrix> I know.
[16:40] <thorwil> apparently you need a hyperpen driver
[16:41] <TimMatrix> Hang on, I found hyperpen driver on the repositories. Hmmm, trying it now...
[16:41] <thorwil> http://justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=128382
[16:41] <TimMatrix> Oh brill for the website. thanks, Will follow that now.
[16:42] <thorwil> np
[16:46] <thorwil> i already felt like a dinosaur for having a serial tablet :)
[16:47] * thorwil wonders why he gets a batch of mails from wed/thur/friday just now
[16:52] <TimMatrix> I know what u mean
[16:54] <TimMatrix> I'll try rebooting it.
[18:26] * Cimi is away: Away
[23:08] <DarkWave43302> hi all
[23:24] <DarkWave43302> hello ?