UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /15 /#kubuntu.txt
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=== _Lukstr is now known as Lukstr
[00:47] <aanderse> if i wanted to use qt designer and i've never done any qt coding before... where can i learn about it (and maybe ask some questions)?
[00:48] <ScarEye_> Hey guys, is there a way I can do a fresh install of Kubuntu running kde 4.1 ?
[00:48] <vilhelm> Hello i have only 512 mb ram.. if i buy 2gb more ram do you think that kubuntu will be a little bit faster?
[00:50] <ScarEye_> I am running 4gb of ram ECC and kubuntu runs perfectly no slowness whatsoever
[00:51] <ScarEye_> then again I do a 512mb vidoe card
[00:51] <vilhelm> I have a 256 mb viddeo card
[00:51] <vilhelm> video
[00:52] <mefisto__> vilhelm: it will either be faster or no noticable difference, but my guess is it will be faster
[00:52] <vilhelm> hope so cuz i use compiz and stuff so it's kinda hard on the ram memory :)
[00:54] <vilhelm> now i use almost all of my 512 ram
[00:56] <mefisto__> vilhelm: it's normal for linux to "use" all your ram. that's what you want, if you think about it. it doesn't mean the ram is not available for use by programs
[00:56] <vilhelm> mefisto guess you are right :)
[00:58] <vilhelm> but still I think that I will buy some more ram tomorrow :)
[00:58] <mefisto__> if there is lots of swap activity, then installing more ram will reduce that, which will be much faster
[01:02] <my> Olá turma
[01:03] <my> preciso de uma ajuda
[01:03] <my> em como configurar um servidor
[01:04] <my> alguém pode me ajudar
[01:07] <mefisto__> english?
[01:09] <miguel> hola
[01:09] <miguel> alguien sabe como entrar a otros canales
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[01:10] <Guest35396> hola
[01:10] <Guest35396> akguien sabe como conectarme a otros canales
[01:10] <Guest35396> soy nuevo usando este programa
[01:12] <Daisuke_Laptop> !es | Guest35396
[01:12] <ubottu> Guest35396: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[01:27] <yaptop> how do i get kubuntu to not save my session? i just want a clean session when i start up'
[01:33] <DuKiSa> grub error 15 ;|
[01:33] <DuKiSa> anobady can help me:|
[01:36] <DuKiSa> grub error 21:)
[01:43] <coleco-32> hey
[01:43] <DuKiSa> grub error 21:)
[01:43] <DuKiSa> anobady can help ?
[01:44] <coleco-32> google it
[01:44] <DuKiSa> coleco-32 lol
[01:44] <DuKiSa> coleco-32 if you don`t knew shut up..
[01:44] <DuKiSa> i can`t find on google.
[01:45] <coleco-32> really? I was able to turn up 176,000 results
[01:45] <coleco-32> check your spelling
[01:45] <coleco-32> in fact, it looks like the very first result has a solution
[01:46] <coleco-32> google is your friend, Dukisa. :)
[01:47] <DuKiSa> coleco-32 i try but no right solution:)
[01:47] <DuKiSa> my englis very bad.>D:
[01:47] <coleco-32> what did you try?
[01:47] <DuKiSa> super grub
[01:47] <DuKiSa> to reinstal grub
[01:47] <DuKiSa> to setup bios
[01:48] <DuKiSa> mbr auto manual entc..
[01:48] <DuKiSa> :|
[01:48] <coleco-32> and what happened as a result? did you receive any error messages beyond grub error 21?
[01:48] <bazhang> !enter | DuKiSa
[01:48] <ubottu> DuKiSa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[01:48] <DuKiSa> coleco-32 yes grub error 21..
[01:48] <DuKiSa> :)
[01:48] <DuKiSa> it`s still now grub error 21..
[01:48] <DuKiSa> :)
[01:49] <DuKiSa> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5591114#post5591114 i post that, my problem and i`m wating for answer :)
[01:49] <bazhang> DuKiSa, dont use enter key as punctuation
[01:49] <DuKiSa> oke, sorry bazhang.. :)
[02:03] <coleco-32> Anyone on with SiS sound card experience? Having a strange issue on my fresh Kubuntu install.
[02:05] <coleco-32> Asked both the Ubuntu and LinuxQuestions forums with no results (everyone's convinced my volume is turned down...)
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[02:16] <enzo_> How do I know if I should be using -386 or -generic ?
[02:18] <coleco-32> what's your processor?
[02:19] <coleco-32> actually as long as you're running a standard 32bit processor generic should be fine, although if a guru wants to jump in and disagree...
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[02:21] <mortici> can i just update my usb.ids file
[02:21] <mortici> and call it a day
[02:21] <mortici> it seems mine is quite dated
[02:23] <enzo_> Sysinfo for 'Matrix': Linux 2.6.24-20-386 running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Pentium III (Coppermine) at 597 MHz (1195 bogomips), HD: 6/36GB, RAM: 194/249MB, 111 proc's, 1.39h up
[02:23] <enzo_> coleco-32: ^^^^^
[02:24] <mortici> Hostname: SuperNova - OS: Linux 2.6.24-19-generic/i686 - CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 (3200.043 MHz) - Processes: 139 - Uptime: 1h 54m - Load Average: 1.14 - Memory Usage: 494.19MB/2026.70MB (24.38%) - Disk Usage: 255.80GB/101.42GB (252.21%)
[02:25] <enzo_> coleco-32: Do you recommend generic over 386 for me?
[02:47] <mortici> well that was easy
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[02:53] <shadowhywind> hay all having a bit of a problem first off my wine window seams to be stuck on "always on top" any ideas?
[02:54] <jagguli> hi ... how do i install latex packages
[02:54] <Dragnslcr> Probably with Adept
[02:54] <Dragnslcr> !info latex
[02:54] <ubottu> Package latex does not exist in hardy
[02:54] <Dragnslcr> Hm
[02:54] <Dragnslcr> !latex
[02:54] <ubottu> tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX
[02:54] <jagguli> well im trying to install a package that doesnt come in the repo
[02:55] <jagguli> hey thanks ...
[02:57] <BZWingZero> Is it possible to install set up ktorrent with web administration using only the terminal? i've only got shell access on that machine.
[02:57] <faileas> BZWingZero: ktorrent needs x... mind if i suggest an alternative?
[02:57] <BZWingZero> please
[02:57] <faileas> BZWingZero: torrentflux
[02:58] <faileas> BZWingZero: will need python and LAMP, but its a much better system than ktorrent web admin
[02:59] <BZWingZero> I've got both of those. I really just want a bittorrent client on my fileserver... which for some reason refuses to run X
[02:59] <faileas> BZWingZero: oh, torrentflux then
[02:59] <faileas> one moment, i got a howto somewhere here...
[03:01] <bazhang> rtorrent
[03:01] <Daisuke-Laptop> rtorrent's always a good choice for a cli client
[03:02] <BZWingZero> I'll do a little research and pick the one that does what I need.
[03:02] <BZWingZero> Thanks a bunch for the suggestions.
[03:06] <benjamin> can anyone tell me if there is a system volume that is seperate from amarok's volume? amarok is all the way up, my speakers are at about 90%, and i can barely hear my media
[03:07] <Walzmyn> benjamin, it should be in your systray
[03:07] <Walzmyn> benjamin, run kmix
[03:09] <benjamin> Walzmyn: much, much better, thank you
[03:09] * Walzmyn bows
[03:09] <DarkTan> ok, needing help with the pcmcia wireless again. this time i have a compconnected to the net
[03:10] <flaccid> !ask | DarkTan
[03:10] <ubottu> DarkTan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[03:11] <DarkTan> i need help installing a pcmcia wireless card
[03:11] <DarkTan> then i need help taking everything i did, and using it on a computer with no net access
[03:12] <mortici> DarkTan: a little more info please... Card type, model, vendor etc
[03:12] <flaccid> !wireless | DarkTan
[03:12] <ubottu> DarkTan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[03:12] <flaccid> there you go
[03:13] <DarkTan> netgear ma521
[03:13] <flaccid> DarkTan: follow the wifidocs
[03:13] * mortici needs to figure out how to get mono to execute a .net app :P
[03:13] <mortici> DarkTan: follow flaccid's link
[03:14] <flaccid> haha
[03:16] <flaccid> DarkTan: i can't see a current doc on there, we may have to goole
[03:16] <flaccid> !hcl
[03:16] <ubottu> For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection
[03:18] <DarkTan> here's my problem, those, lspci reconizes the card, but these docs don't give me any info on pcmcia cards
[03:18] <flaccid> the fact that its pc card is practically irrelevant if its in lscpi
[03:18] <flaccid> this is why i said we may have to search google
[03:18] <DarkTan> ok, it's in there, but iwconfig doesn't see it
[03:19] <flaccid> DarkTan: yes that means a driver is not loaded or not working etc. from the HCL, it linked me through to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsNetgear#PCMCIA
[03:20] <flaccid> that reports working with ndiswrapper and not native, even though it kind of says it worked native. anyway please paste your lspci entry so we can search google
[03:20] <flaccid> see how its flagged as not working out of the box..
[03:21] <enzo_> Sysinfo for 'Matrix': Linux 2.6.24-20-386 running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Pentium III (Coppermine) at 597 MHz (1195 bogomips), HD: 6/36GB, RAM: 198/249MB, 110 proc's, 2.36h up
[03:21] <enzo_> Should I use 386 or generic?
[03:21] <flaccid> enzo_: same thing, you can get i386 generic
[03:21] <flaccid> enzo_: oh sorry i see what you mean. no idea sorry.
[03:22] <enzo_> Thank you, just the same
[03:22] <flaccid> enzo_: any need to change?
[03:23] <flaccid> DarkTan: so searching in google, first result + the others should be enough to get you going: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=MA521+netgear+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
[03:24] <enzo_> flaccid: Just wondering if either one matters for me to use.
[03:24] <DarkTan> http://pastebin.com/m3de98408
[03:25] <flaccid> enzo_: yeah im not sure the differences. maybe someone in #ubuntu (big channel) can advise
[03:26] <DarkTan> ok, so back to the ndiswrapper doc
[03:27] <flaccid> DarkTan: and in addition to what i pasted, searching with your lspci entry, i found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RTL8180L . so basically doing some searching is all you need to do
[03:34] <jagguli> im not getting pdf file previews in konqueror ... any ideas
[03:42] <DarkTan> how do i tell what kernel i have?
[03:43] <flaccid> DarkTan: uname -r
[03:43] <DarkTan> thx
[03:43] <flaccid> np
[03:44] <corigo> Any way to change the default folder browser? Dolphin is currently launching when I click a "Go to folder" button, but I would much prefer Krusader was launched
[03:48] <mrksbrd> are there any web development progs that you don't need to know code??? like frontpage or dreamweaver
[03:48] <DarkTan> i appearently need to compile the driver from realtek, how do i fo that?
[03:48] <DarkTan> got the driver here: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=5&PFid=5&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8180L
[03:48] <DarkTan> using the 2.6.xx driver
[03:51] <luchalibre383> can somebody help me out with kubuntu
[03:52] <mrksbrd> DarkTan: what is the driver for? what type of hardware?
[03:52] <DarkTan> ma521 wireless pcmcia card
[03:52] <DarkTan> netgea
[03:52] <DarkTan> netgear*
[03:53] <flaccid> mrksbrd: nvu and bluefish and there is one more good one i can't remember
[03:53] <mrksbrd> does system recofnize it? lspci or lshw
[03:53] <DarkTan> yes
[03:53] <DarkTan> lspci does
[03:53] <flaccid> DarkTan: which guide are you following?
[03:53] <luchalibre383> i just put in the kde 4 cdlive disk in my computer and where is the option to look at system specs of the computer
[03:53] <DarkTan> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper
[03:54] <flaccid> luchalibre383: kde 4 help in dif chan, see topic
[03:54] <mrksbrd> flaccid: ty .... quanta is all code based right?
[03:54] <luchalibre383> sorry
[03:54] <flaccid> mrksbrd: ah yeah thats the one. i can't remember to be honest
[03:54] <mrksbrd> i'll look fo the other 2 also
[03:55] <flaccid> DarkTan: i don't see on the page anywhere asking you to compile realtek driver. ndiswrapper uses windows drivers which are .inf text files.
[03:55] <mrksbrd> luchalibre383: what os are u running
[03:55] * DarkTan headdesks
[03:56] <DarkTan> which windows version should i get the driver for?
[03:56] <flaccid> DarkTan: i would actually try the latest version for xp
[03:56] <DarkTan> ok
[03:56] <flaccid> and if that fails, try the win 98
[03:57] <DarkTan> alright
[03:57] <flaccid> so https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RTL8180L for example still has a direct link to a valid one..
[03:58] <DarkTan> i'll d/l them both
[03:58] <flaccid> cool, you can test em pretty easily enough
[03:59] <corigo> Is there anyway to get the system to send folder navigation commands to Krusader instead of Dolphin?
[04:00] <flaccid> folder navigation commands?
[04:01] <DarkTan> yay, it worked!
[04:01] <DarkTan> now i can do it all over again on my other laptop
[04:01] <flaccid> hahah cool
[04:01] <corigo> Other apps like Tomcat have a "Go to Folder" button, that unfortunately launches Dolphin.
[04:01] <DarkTan> xp driver worked fine
[04:01] <flaccid> oh, hmm not sure corigo
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[04:03] <concernedcitizen> anybody knows how to work a linux mandarin input?
[04:04] <flaccid> ni hao. but sorry no concernedcitizen. what is the name of the input program?
[04:05] <concernedcitizen> fcitx
[04:06] <flaccid> maybe goole it + ubuntu
[04:07] <DarkTan> hmm...not good
[04:08] <DarkTan> i fired up the other laptop and i get an "Error 17" message when grub tries to start
[04:09] <DarkTan> !info grub errors
[04:09] <ubottu> 'errors' is not a valid distribution
[04:09] <DarkTan> !info grub
[04:09] <ubottu> grub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu21 (hardy), package size 376 kB, installed size 832 kB
[04:10] <flaccid> DarkTan: google will tell...
[04:10] <flaccid> google tells most things :)
[04:10] <mrksbrd> flaccid: do you know if frontpage or dreamweaver will run under WINE?
[04:11] <flaccid> mrksbrd: no idea. you can check the wine appdb but. im a web standards oriented guy and don't use a wysiwyg just kate
[04:11] <flaccid> !appdb | mrksbrd
[04:11] <ubottu> mrksbrd: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org
[04:11] <flaccid> DarkTan: http://www.mepis.org/node/9283
[04:11] <mrksbrd> ty
[04:11] <flaccid> np
=== joe_ is now known as devo
[04:13] <corigo> Anybody know the difference between SCIM and SKIM?
[04:14] <devo> does anyone know how to add programs for auto start up???
[04:14] <flaccid> !autostart | devo
[04:14] <ubottu> devo: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html
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[04:16] <blunder> ok guys
[04:16] <DarkTan> everything i find involves the error from the start, i had it working this morning
[04:16] <devo> here's my problem, i'm trying to add a program in autostart but it tell's me access denied, how do i fix that problem so that i can add a program in autostart???
[04:17] <flaccid> devo: check that the autostart folder has perms for you to write and owned by you
[04:17] <flaccid> ie. ~/.kde/Autostart
[04:18] <devo> i own my computer, so i don't know why it wont let me do what i want
[04:18] <reboot08_> maybe you have to have root?
[04:18] <reboot08_> or sudo
[04:18] <devo> i do have a root as well so i know that's not the problem
[04:19] <reboot08_> sorry im a noob
[04:19] <devo> it's kool, so am i
[04:19] <blunder> nobody knows how to turn off console blanking?
[04:19] <flaccid> devo: why don't you go check ie. ls -l ~/.kde/Autostart
[04:19] <devo> ok i'll give that a shot
[04:20] <flaccid> if its not owned by you and at least rwx---- then you need to fix it
[04:21] <reboot08_> anyone know much about BitchX
[04:21] <devo> but what i don't get is that i own my computer, so i don't get how that does make any sence
[04:22] * reboot08_ cracks open another cold 1
[04:22] <devo> flaccid: where can i find /.kde/Autostart?
[04:23] <corigo> devo: All file names starting with a . (.kde) are hidden by default
[04:24] <DarkTan> hey, i found an option called "Fix Broken System" might that help?
[04:24] <devo> lol now u tell me lol
[04:24] <devo> found it, thnx for the help ;-D
[04:24] <corigo> devo: Are you using a GUI or command line?
[04:25] <devo> nither
[04:25] <corigo> ???
[04:25] <blunder> telepathy
[04:25] <corigo> cool
[04:25] <reboot08_> haha
[04:25] <blunder> ;)
[04:25] <flaccid> devo: the location is ~/.kde/Autostart and this is hidden in dolphin by default, you can view hidden files from the view menu at top
[04:26] <mrksbrd> !jack
[04:26] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about jack
[04:26] <devo> i just opend up konqueror then i clicked on View then clicked on Show Hidden Files and .kde was rite there then i clicked on Autostart and I was able to put some programs in there that i wanted ;-D
[04:26] <flaccid> ok
[04:27] <reboot08_> Anyone help me with BitchX ill hook ya up with a phat index i found
[04:27] <some_dude> hey, I added data=writeback to my /etc/fstab, and now my box does not want to boot
[04:27] <flaccid> reboot08_: can only help if we know the problem
[04:27] <corigo> Any SCIM or SKIM users here? I'm trying to get SKIM to allow for alternative typing styles of Vietnamese, which SCIM in Ubuntu has, but I can't seem to find for SKIM in Kubuntu
[04:27] <reboot08_> its an irc i grabbed it from bash its bitching about no id
[04:28] <devo> now when i put a movie to a disk the picture is great but the sound is crap, can anyone help me out with this problem?
[04:28] <flaccid> reboot08_: always give te exact error
[04:28] <flaccid> devo: define crap
[04:28] <devo> all stadiky
[04:28] <reboot08_> true i have a scren shot but nobody here uses it
[04:28] <flaccid> devo: have you tried different files to see if the file is the problem
[04:28] <some_dude> UUID=e9a0e307-1a3a-4112-9e05-8dc45961feb2 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime,data=writeback 0 1
[04:29] <flaccid> reboot08_: im sure some people here do use it. i do.
[04:29] <devo> yes i have, but it still is the same
[04:29] <reboot08_> ok let me look up the error ty
[04:29] <devo> any ideas?
[04:29] <flaccid> ok, im not sure what to do then devo
[04:29] <devo> hhhmmm......
[04:29] <flaccid> some_dude: need to tell us the error on boot otherwise could be anything. why did you need data=writeback?
[04:30] <mrksbrd> devo: does it do it on all discs?
[04:30] <devo> yup
[04:30] <some_dude> I'm trying to improve preformance
[04:30] <mrksbrd> playing thru computer speaker or external
[04:31] <reboot08_> checking ident no ident response and nick already inuse i think its the no ident response
[04:31] <flaccid> some_dude: according to this its more than just fstab : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107856
[04:31] <reboot08_> im tapping wireless so i dont know if i can set ident or not?
[04:32] <some_dude> I have to tell grub, k
[04:32] <flaccid> i didn't think ident mattered
[04:32] <dennister> hey channel...the resolution in the gdm login screen is way too big...but it's ok once i login to kde...how do i make it smaller for the login screen, too?
[04:32] <reboot08_> it does in bitchx
[04:32] <DarkTan> *sigh* i guess it's a reinstall
[04:32] <flaccid> reboot08_: there is some comments on it in here: http://linuxreviews.org/software/irc/bitchx/
[04:33] <reboot08_> but i dont know if its my box or the signal im vamping it wants
[04:33] <flaccid> dennister: check resolution in xorg.conf
[04:33] <reboot08_> ty
[04:33] <devo> when i do finish put'n the movie to a disk i make sure that it does work so i play it on my computer with my computer speakers and i'll make sure that the movie does work by play'n it on my home dvd player but it is all the same where the picture is great & the sound is all stadiky
[04:33] <flaccid> reboot08_: yeah it may have to port trigger/forward on the ident port to your identd not sure
[04:33] <devo> does anyone have any idea's on why it's do'n that & how to fix it?
[04:34] <reboot08_> ty flaccid
[04:34] <mrksbrd> DarDarkTan:whats wrong now?
[04:35] <DarkTan> grub error 17
[04:35] <dennister> flaccid: ok, is it allright to just delete some of these? the ones I know I'll never want to use?
[04:35] <DarkTan> all the info i find is for the error occuring right after install
[04:35] <mrksbrd> not loading @ all
[04:35] <DarkTan> i've been messing with it for two days before i got the error just now
[04:35] <flaccid> dennister: if you want. i think the first 1 in the list is what it uses by default
[04:35] <DarkTan> nope, no loading for me
[04:35] <flaccid> DarkTan: lots on google about error 17
[04:35] <devo> can anyone help me out?
[04:36] <dennister> flaccid...ok, i'll just move some around for now
[04:36] <flaccid> devo: no need to repeat. if someone can help they will
[04:36] <DarkTan> yeah, but everything i got was for the error occuring with dual boot, multiple HDD or error since install
[04:36] <flaccid> DarkTan: so. do you understand what error 17 is?
[04:36] <mrksbrd> running any of those?
[04:36] <devo> srry
[04:37] <DarkTan> seems to be something with grub not being able to access the disk properlly
[04:37] <flaccid> DarkTan: when it boots, can you get to grub prompt at all or does it just do error 17 and thats it?
[04:37] <DarkTan> it may be related to the fact that i have a 60gig hard drive and BIOS says i have an 8gig hard drive
[04:38] <DarkTan> error 17 and that's it
[04:38] <devo> so, what's a good program to but a movie to a disk?
[04:38] <DarkTan> but the bios issue doesn't explain why it worked before
[04:39] <flaccid> DarkTan: ^^
[04:39] <DarkTan> fun times
[04:39] <mrksbrd> devo: k3b
[04:39] <DarkTan> well, i told the Rescue mode to reinstall GRUB, it decided to reinstall everything, so i assume it will work when it is done.
[04:39] <flaccid> DarkTan: can you answer my question?
[04:40] <mrksbrd> DarkTan: set your bios back to default see if it corrects the issue3
[04:40] <devo> that is what i have used & like i said, the picture is great but the sound is all stadiky
[04:40] <dennister> gdm login screen unaffected by change in xorg.conf
[04:40] <DarkTan> tried that, there is no option to change the hdd size at all
[04:40] <dennister> resolution still too big to make it usable
[04:40] <devo> so i don't wanna go with k3b, is there anyother program that can put a movie to a disk?
[04:41] <DarkTan> browse through Adept Manager, I'm sure there's something in there
[04:41] <flaccid> DarkTan: can you hear me?
[04:41] <devo> i have done that too i guess i'm still sol
[04:41] <DarkTan> yes
[04:41] <mrksbrd> don't think it was k3b, if you copied it could have done it during the conversion process, but again don't think it is an issue with the program itself
[04:42] <flaccid> [13:38] <flaccid> DarkTan: when it boots, can you get to grub prompt at all or does it just do error 17 and thats it?
[04:42] <devo> i didn't copy anything
[04:42] <DarkTan> 23:35] <DarkTan> error 17 and that's it
[04:43] <devo> so then what do u think it is mrksbrd?
[04:43] <flaccid> DarkTan: sorry that msg didn't come through or something
[04:43] <flaccid> DarkTan: http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showpost.php?s=790fb13b162320468ab95c6be611e608&p=869989&postcount=8
[04:43] <DarkTan> no problem
[04:43] <mrksbrd> devo: what type of file u trying to put to disk? avi...mpg
[04:44] <devo> avi
[04:44] <flaccid> DarkTan: you need to boot livecd, mount the hard disk and fix device.map and or grub.conf
[04:44] <mrksbrd> did u get it off net?
[04:44] <devo> doesn't everyone?
[04:44] <DarkTan> can't, don't have a DVD drive on the laptop
[04:44] <mrksbrd> might be a problem with the rip then
[04:44] <flaccid> DarkTan: is there any drive? how did you install it to begin width?
[04:45] <DarkTan> right now, it's doing a full reinstall
[04:45] <flaccid> with
[04:45] <DarkTan> regular CD
[04:45] <mrksbrd> flaccid: did u see his bios only recognizes 8gb out of 60
[04:45] <DarkTan> alternate CD on the Xubunto site
[04:45] <mrksbrd> sounds like a hw issue to me
[04:45] <flaccid> DarkTan: ah ok. so im wastin my time here. i never mentioned needing dvd ..
[04:45] <DarkTan> the original drive was 8gb
[04:45] <flaccid> um ok do as you wish
[04:45] <devo> no cuz it the movie work's fine when i play it on my computer but when i put it do a disk is when the sound is all stadicky
[04:45] <DarkTan> every live disk i've seen has been a DVD
[04:46] <flaccid> DarkTan: the standard ubuntu live cds are um live cds
[04:46] <flaccid> (including kubuntu)
[04:46] <DarkTan> and i didn't want to reinstall everything, i wanted to reinstall GRUB
[04:46] <mrksbrd> devo: dunno then ....sorry
[04:47] <devo> mrksbrd: it's kool, i know that ur only try'n to help me out ;-)
[04:47] <flaccid> DarkTan: you don't need to reinstall grub, but that is an option. the link i provided you gave the solution. bit late now considering you executed a reinstall yourself
[04:47] <flaccid> !livecd
[04:47] <ubottu> The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.
[04:47] <rot> hi
[04:47] <DarkTan> odd, cause the 7.10 was a DVD
[04:47] <reboot08_> i installed it ubunto that is
[04:48] <rot> I want make server on my laptop
[04:48] <rot> how can I make it
[04:48] <devo> so is it true that window's ppl can hack into linux os computer's?
[04:48] <flaccid> there is dvd and cd. the dvd has more
[04:48] <mrksbrd> DarkTan: i'm confused.....u have the 8gb along with a 60gb or did u swap the 8gb to the 60???
[04:48] <DarkTan> ok, i got confused on that at the xubuntu site
[04:48] <reboot08_> from a shell u can
[04:48] <flaccid> devo: anything is possible, but thats off-topic here
[04:48] <devo> i know that it's a dumb ? but i have a friend of mine that wanted to know that's over here
[04:48] <DarkTan> i took the 8gb out and put in a 60gb
[04:48] <devo> it's kool
[04:48] <devo> srry about that, i'm friend is a little nut's
[04:49] <devo> ;-)
[04:49] <dennister> ok, still having trouble making resolution smaller for gdm login screen
[04:49] <dennister> nothing in gdmsetup seems to mention resolution
[04:49] <mrksbrd> ok so it's your bios not recognizing the new drive, my guess that is your problem, until it recognizes the new drive your going to run into same problem everytime
[04:49] <flaccid> why would it? gdm simply runs xorg
[04:50] <flaccid> dennister: if its not doing the resolution you want, you should check the X log
[04:50] <DarkTan> what confuses me is that is was working fine
[04:50] <dennister> k
[04:50] <flaccid> DarkTan: things often work fine then something happens
[04:50] <DarkTan> i even started a win98 install on it and the win98 setup reconized the 60gb hdd
[04:50] <mrksbrd> just try returning the bios back to default settings
[04:51] <flaccid> DarkTan: um, if you read the link i posted, you would understand why it happend and what the problem is...ie. device.map
[04:51] <DarkTan> Bion has no options for the drive size, i'll the try the default settings again
[04:51] <flaccid> bios is irrelevant
[04:51] <flaccid> even though the change in the bios was the cause of the problem. anyway moving along..
[04:52] <DarkTan> i'm going to try that if it screw up again
[04:52] <mrksbrd> that doesn't make sense the bios recognizes the hw not the os
[04:52] <DarkTan> right now there nothing i can do untill the install finishes
[04:52] <devo> u ppl have a good night & thnx for help'n me out once again, see u ppl someother time & hopefully i can help ppl out that r in need for help(besides me)
[04:52] <flaccid> cia0
[04:52] <reboot08_> nite
[04:53] <mrksbrd> nite flaccid
[04:53] <mrksbrd> nm thought u were leaving
[04:53] <mrksbrd> lol
[04:53] <reboot08_> hey flaccid do you no anything about nmap?
[04:53] <flaccid> sure
[04:54] <reboot08_> i grabbed it from my bash term
[04:54] <calcmandan> !grub
[04:54] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[04:54] <reboot08_> how do i run it or is it command prompt
[04:54] <reboot08_> i type nmap and get a man on commands
[04:55] <flaccid> !nmap
[04:55] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about nmap
[04:55] <flaccid> there are nmap tutorials on google or you can install nmapfe and use a graphical frontend so you don't need to know
[04:55] <flaccid> !info nmapfe
[04:55] <ubottu> Package nmapfe does not exist in hardy
[04:55] <reboot08_> ty
[04:55] <flaccid> hmm thats weird
[04:56] <reboot08_> i did sudo -apt get install nmap it grabbed it and installed it just trying to figure out how to use it ty
[04:56] <flaccid> like i said tutorials are on google and also man nmapfe
[04:57] <reboot08_> sorry day 2 with linux
[04:57] <flaccid> there is even examples at the bottom when you run the command with no params
[04:57] <reboot08_> hmmm
[04:57] <reboot08_> brb
[04:57] <flaccid> can be as simple as nmap -v -A localhost
[04:58] <mrksbrd> ok guys going to mess around with WINE....be back in a little bit
[04:58] <DarkTan> will the live CD work with only 100megs of ram?
[04:59] <mrksbrd> 256 min
[04:59] <flaccid> !requirements | DarkTan
[04:59] <ubottu> DarkTan: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu
[04:59] <mrksbrd> '
[04:59] <DarkTan> well, Xbuntu requires 192
[04:59] <flaccid> get more ram :)
[05:00] <DarkTan> i'm not spending any money on this thing, and i doubt i could find it anyway
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[05:00] <reboot08_> nmap -v -A localhost that worked thanks i havent had time to read or sleep
[05:00] <reboot08_> i love ubunto this is awesome
[05:01] <DarkTan> AMD K6, 640kb on system RAM, 100mb axpansion card, 24x CD ROM, it's an old POS
[05:01] <DarkTan> expansion *
[05:02] <DarkTan> well, i screw with some more tommorow, right now, i need some sleep
[05:02] <DarkTan> thx for the help
[05:07] <reboot08_> cya guys thanks
[05:18] <dennister> total reboot helped make gdm login screen a bit smaller (enough to be able to access Sessions box), but it is still too big...plus I'd really, really, really like to give the user the option to login using console
[05:18] <flaccid> what did the log say
[05:19] <dennister> it was hard to understand it, actually, but I'll look in the new log to see if anything's changed
[05:20] <flaccid> you can always pastebin logs for the chan
[05:23] <capitaozap> aew
[05:24] <dennister> flaccid: yes, but I think I might know what the problem is now, and not sure if I want to fix it for this kernel, which is a temporary one:
[05:26] <dennister> i simply did this custom kernel as practice here (been a while since I did one), and the main objective for this whole custom kernel is to get speekup working on a blind user's machine next sunday
[05:27] <dennister> i do have speakup working in console :-) but it won't work with x
[05:28] <dennister> so a more important question: how do I add a console login as an option to the login screen (along with kde, gnome, etc)
[05:29] <flaccid> no such thing as a console login. it has failsafe there however
[05:29] <ForgeAus> hehe flaccid does kdm have an exit?
[05:30] <dennister> but failsafe is still using x, right? I seem to remember i could login to a console back in an earlier version of kubuntu
[05:30] <flaccid> ForgeAus: you stop the service with init.d
[05:30] <flaccid> dennister: they are ttys. eg. ctrl+alt+f2
[05:30] <dennister> yes, i'm using that often now
[05:31] <ForgeAus> flaccid not even a key combo? you need to switch displays and stop the service?
[05:32] <flaccid> ForgeAus: afaik yeah
[05:32] <flaccid> its so kdm restarts if it dies i think
[05:32] <ForgeAus> well dennister recovery mode doesn't start in x
[05:34] <ForgeAus> kdm needs an exit function!
[05:35] <flaccid> nope
[05:35] <ForgeAus> (one that can be configured to be turned off for security reasons of course)
[05:36] <ForgeAus> then again it shouldn't make that much difference because even a console login requires username/password
[05:36] <flaccid> thing is kdm/X is also run under root..
[05:37] <flaccid> and as far as the user is concerned there is no reason for a normal user to want to do so in theory
[05:37] <ForgeAus> flaccid yes I was aware of that
[05:37] <ForgeAus> kdm is only runnable by root right?
[05:37] <flaccid> not sure
[05:38] <ForgeAus> flaccid, if X is damaged and they need a quick console login to fix it? (of course I guess thats what recovery mode is for)
[05:38] <ForgeAus> I think when you try using kdm it gives you an error saying only root needs to run this, or something like that
[05:38] <flaccid> yeah and ttys for when kdm fails or something
[05:38] <ForgeAus> tty's can be useful for lotsa stuff not just if kdm fails
[05:39] <ForgeAus> if you want a quicker login to access something like mc just to do a small job instead of waiting for your entire desktop to load...
[05:39] <flaccid> just do tty or failsafe login
[05:40] <ForgeAus> there is a tty login? isn't that what dennister was asking for?
[05:40] <ForgeAus> (didn't he say failsafe is still X??)
[05:40] <ForgeAus> or was that just a question?
[05:42] <ForgeAus> personally I prefer using GUI, I'd tend not to consider logging into tty for the most part... all I'm doing is thinking of reasons why it is useful, and there do seem to be at least some
[05:43] <flaccid> yes its a session from kdm
[05:44] <flaccid> point is all the options are already there
[05:48] <ForgeAus> ok flaccid one other question how to kdm from in xephyr (ie during an x session, to embed another x session)
[05:49] <ForgeAus> you don't use kdm as the commandline you start the kdm service?
[05:50] <flaccid> um don't know if you can do that, not sure
[05:51] <ForgeAus> zenwalk used to but I don't know how it did (although that was XFCE from memory)
[05:51] <dwidmann__> Okay, I reckon someone in here might know ... I've compiled a program with debugging info turned on and it spews loads of goodness into the shell, how can I redirect it to a file?
[05:51] <ForgeAus> back then it was Xnest not Xephyr and a different dm but afaik they work pretty much the same
[05:52] <ForgeAus> dwidmann normally you use > filename in the commandline
[05:52] <ForgeAus> or >& filename
[05:52] <dwidmann__> ForgeAus: doesn't work here, maybe it's not printing to stdout but something else?
[05:52] <ForgeAus> (I think >& gets stderr whereas > just gets output)
[05:53] <dwidmann__> Wait, that seems to be doing it, it must have been using stderr
[05:53] <dennister> ok, i've avoided pulseaudio on this gutsy-->hardy upgraded system until now because I've heard it's quite buggy, but I believe I need it now because it allows audio to switch more easily between different applications...can someone give me an update, pls?
[05:53] <ForgeAus> I guess so :)
[05:54] <ForgeAus> !pulseaudio
[05:54] <ubottu> PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions
[05:54] <dwidmann__> ForgeAus: I thought it was something like that for stderr, but I forgot what exactly it was
[05:54] <ForgeAus> lotsa debugging stuff uses stderr instead of stdout I think
[05:55] <ForgeAus> I guess I should have thought of it first instead of just the normal > hehe
[05:55] <dwidmann__> ForgeAus: me too, I tried just > first afterall
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[05:56] <ForgeAus> its ok
[05:56] <ForgeAus> so long as it worx in the end uh?
[05:56] <dwidmann> It sucks, everytime my con drops I get __'d
[05:56] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: yup
[05:56] <dennister> ForgeAus: yes, I read that already, but it's pretty out of date, valid eight months ago and long before hardy was released
[05:56] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: worst case I could just set the buffer to unlimited and copy and paste anyway, glad I don't have to do that.
[05:56] <dennister> is anyone actually using it successfully?
[05:57] <dennister> pulseaudio on hardy, that is
[05:58] <ForgeAus> pulseaudio is what andlinux replaced esd with, apparently it was better, so I'm suprised you thought it was quite buggy...
[05:58] <ForgeAus> that doesn't say very much for esd lol
[05:59] <dennister> ForgeAus: it wasn't I that thought it was quite buggy...those were the reports after hardy came out
[05:59] <ForgeAus> my andlinux is a little old, doesn't do pulseaudio yet, I think a minor config change is all it needs tho
[06:00] <robotgeek> ForgeAus: do you know if jegelie managed to boot his intel mac from firewire?
[06:01] <ForgeAus> no idea... but I do hope so :)
[06:01] <robotgeek> ForgeAus: yeah, i hope so too.
[06:02] <robotgeek> that could be used to boot off of your linux distribution in public places. be useful for security things
[06:03] * ForgeAus shrugs
[06:03] <ForgeAus> cant see anything more from jegelie from backscrolling...
[06:04] <robotgeek> !seen jegelie
[06:04] <ubottu> I have no seen command
[06:04] <ForgeAus> I know I sounded quite negative but I guess I was just being a little cagy because it was a little out of my depth
[06:04] <robotgeek> ForgeAus: i was too. i am a good googler :)
[06:05] <ForgeAus> yes google is your friend :)
[06:18] <vilhelm> anyone in here that uses KDE 4.1 ?
[06:18] <flaccid> vilhelm: see topic
[06:19] <vilhelm> flaccid ok :P
[06:25] <mrksbrd> flaccid: don't you sleep? ....lol
[06:25] <flaccid> yeah lots
[06:25] <davidc_> is it safe to update the new nvidia drivers? just saw it popup on adept
[06:26] <dennister> omg! sound has never been so good!
[06:26] <rocknzen> Can I get some opinions on using apt-get aptitude and synaptic which one is best to use keeping package removal later on in mind
[06:26] <flaccid> rocknzen: aptitude is better than apt-get for that but not sure on synaptic
[06:26] <robotgeek> rocknzen: apt-get works just fine. i just use adept now
[06:27] <flaccid> davidc_: it *should* be
[06:27] <davidc_> or should I wait for a few days
[06:27] <davidc_> until the coast is clear :P
[06:27] <flaccid> well it should be tested before release
[06:27] <dennister> now if we could just keep up with flaccid's schedule, we'd all be better off :-)
[06:27] <rocknzen> do they all remove packages completely?
[06:28] <rocknzen> or are there things I should look for if I uninstall something
[06:30] <flaccid> haha don't worry im actually good, im wrong about a lot of stuff heh
[06:30] <flaccid> rocknzen: you need to purge packages to remove them completely
[06:31] <flaccid> + not good.. i meant
[06:31] <rocknzen> can you explain I am new to linux
[06:31] <flaccid> rocknzen: there is a function with the package managers to purge packages. they leave their config on the system so it can be re-used if you install it again
[06:32] <rocknzen> is there a command line syntax
[06:33] <crea_> ciao
[06:33] <flaccid> rocknzen: yes
[06:33] <flaccid> sudo apt-get remove --purge pkgname i think from memory
[06:34] <rocknzen> does it matter if you used apt-get or aptitude to install
[06:34] <flaccid> nope
[06:34] <ForgeAus> rocknzen only whatever you feel more comfortable in
[06:34] <mrksbrd> i think u can use autoremove feature as well
[06:34] <rocknzen> ok many thanks
[06:35] <ForgeAus> they both run dpkg the same depending on what you choose
[06:35] <ForgeAus> (adept too)
[06:35] <rocknzen> thank you that was a big help
[06:35] <rocknzen> gnight all
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[06:41] <strixv> Symbolic links: I have created a symlink to a shell script in /usr/local/lib. The shell script uses relative paths to find files in /usr/local/lib/stuff ... but when I run the link (which is in /usr/local/bin) it looks in /usr/local/bin/stuff. Any tips for how I could fix this?
[06:44] <flaccid> strixv: cd in the script to the required dir
[06:44] <flaccid> or use absolute paths in the script's command args
[06:45] <strixv> flaccid: Is that the only way? That's fine, it's just there are various places in the script where it uses relative paths and one of the reasons I wanted a symlink was so I could move the script around
[06:47] <strixv> Another way I could solve it is to add an environment variable ($PROG_HOME or whatever) that keeps track of where it's stored. Is there a good place in Kubuntu for me to set env variables that should start at boot?
[06:48] <robotgeek> strixv: you could put it in a script in your autostart folder
[06:48] <strixv> robotgeek: that sounds fine. Or wherever the PATH env variables etc are set. Is that like ~/.autostart/whatever.sh?
[06:49] <robotgeek> strixv: heck, put it in your .bashrc :)
[06:49] <kkathman> greetings robotgeek !
[06:49] <robotgeek> howdy kkathman!
[06:49] <robotgeek> strixv: probably better to put it in your .bashrc
[06:49] <strixv> robotgeek: does .bashrc run as soon as the machine boots, or only when I open a terminal from within X? (I'm new to Linux so I dunno the order of things)
[06:50] <robotgeek> strixv: it executes when you login
[06:51] <strixv> robotgeek: when I login via the graphical login manager / session thing?
[06:51] <robotgeek> strixv: hmm, lemme think about that for a second.
[06:54] <robotgeek> strixv: hmm, now i am not sure if bashrc is read on login or just when a terminal starts up
[06:56] <robotgeek> strixv: i am positive that it is read on login.
[06:56] <strixv> robotgeek: Well I could replace the symlink with just a really simple script maybe to run the other script with whatever arguments are passed to it. Is there an easy way of doing that instead?
[06:56] <strixv> so like calling /usr/bin/myscript arg1 arg2 would run /usr/lib/stuff/bin/myotherscript arg1 arg2
[06:57] <robotgeek> strixv: i guess so, but i don't understand why
[06:58] <strixv> robotgeek: I didn't write the second script, it's kind of complicated, and it uses relative paths to do some stuff I need done and call various binaries. So, I would like to just be able to type "shortnamebin" instead of /whole/path/fullbinname to run it, is all
[06:59] <robotgeek> strixv: add it to your path :)
[07:00] <strixv> robotgeek: thanks =) I may do that, but it's got tons of binaries in this dir and I don't want all of them runnable
[07:00] <robotgeek> strixv: put like so: -> export PATH="/opt/foo/lib/jre/bin:$PATH" <- in your .bashrc
[07:02] <strixv> robotgeek: Thanks for that... I have been googling also and I think "alias" may be the command I need. It seems similar to a symlink but will preserve path
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[07:02] <ForgeAus> anyone recommend installing AVG in linux?
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[07:03] <robotgeek> ForgeAus: no, anti virus? why?
[07:04] <ForgeAus> believe it or not linux users do get virus'... its just that it doesn't tend to affect linux users the same way if at all...
[07:04] <ForgeAus> (however we do pass them on - kinda acting like carriers)
[07:05] <robotgeek> ForgeAus: unless you are doing filtering things, i think it is uneccesary service to run
[07:05] <michaeldennies__> hi, guy saya new comer in kubuntu
[07:05] <hateball> ForgeAus: If you care about potential Windows users you might exchange binaries with, sure install some antivirus. Otherwise I wouldnt bother
[07:05] <michaeldennies__> ada yang bisa bantu saya cara install printer di kubuntu ?
[07:05] <ForgeAus> of course linux does have (very few of) its own virus' too!
[07:06] <robotgeek> ForgeAus: it does not count if i have to chmod +x a script :)
[07:07] <ForgeAus> I heard hackers are paying more attention to OSX than Windows of late when it comes to developing virus' etc...
[07:12] <strixv> Ok here's another question: How do I change the default apps for various services (like in /etc/alternatives)
[07:12] <ForgeAus> in kcontrol
[07:13] <ForgeAus> (erm system-settings hehe same-ish thing)
[07:13] <strixv> ForgeAus: it has *some* defaults but there are many many more
[07:13] <ForgeAus> you can edit your mime types in there somewhere (theres also an applet for some default apps)
[07:14] <strixv> ForgeAus: Someone showed me the command before and I forgot to write it down in my "useful commands" thing. I'm trying to set the default java vm
[07:14] <ForgeAus> no no not that applet for default apps, wiat.. brb.. I'll check mine
[07:14] <ForgeAus> you actually change your mime types for programs (like to make konqi default instead of dolphin for example)
[07:15] <strixv> Ah here's what I was looking for: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/LINUX_ALTERNATIVES_HOWTO
[07:15] <mrksbrd> hmm....i thought k3b converts from mp3 to wav format when u create a new audio project, but keep getting error....any ideas
[07:16] <reboot08_> sup
[07:16] <Daisuke-Laptop> mrksbrd: install libk3b2-extracodecs
[07:18] <ForgeAus> kde components (might be called kde resources?) - file associations
[07:19] <mrksbrd> thats right ty
[07:24] <strixv> Hi guys... I just installed Eclipse for Linux and I have a question about where to put the files. I see that they can just be extracted and run out of the directory. What's the "proper" place to put applications like that in linux? They don't seem to fit right (self-contained folders) in /usr/local/bin or anything...
[07:25] <jkyro> some people are using /opt for that kind of stuff
[07:26] <strixv> jkyro: thanks, I'll look into that. I've been looking around trying to find similar programs with suggestions.
[07:27] <jkyro> at least the package manager is not touching that
[07:46] <flaccid> strixv: yeah thats why you cmd first if you relative paths in shell scripts
[07:46] <flaccid> also i believe eclipse in the repos
[07:46] <flaccid> !info eclipse
[07:46] <ubottu> eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 126 kB, installed size 416 kB
[07:47] <Serega> morning
[08:23] <mrksbrd> flaccid: u still here ?
[08:26] <mrksbrd> anyone know if RPM file will work under KDE?
[08:27] <flaccid> sup
[08:27] <flaccid> !alien | mrksbrd
[08:27] <ubottu> mrksbrd: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)
[08:27] <mrksbrd> have u used it////?
[08:29] <mrksbrd> what I am trying to do is find software for my lightscribe drive, the one offered from their website is a very simple interface only allowing text to be written
[08:29] <mrksbrd> know of any others?
[08:38] <mrksbrd> flaccid:guess that is a no
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[08:44] <phi> hi all
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[08:49] <phi> hi all
[08:50] <mrksbrd> hey
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[08:50] <phi> wow - i thought everybody is sleeping ;-)
[08:51] <mrksbrd> almost....lol
[08:51] <XenThraL> not even close
[08:51] <mrksbrd> oh flaccid
[08:51] <XenThraL> caffeine high
[08:51] * mrksbrd could use another
[08:53] <mrksbrd> XenThraL: u know of any progs for lightscribe other than the one on their site?
[08:53] <XenThraL> nope
[08:53] <mrksbrd> !lightscribe
[08:53] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lightscribe
[08:53] <mrksbrd> damn
[08:53] <XenThraL> never had a lightscribe drive
[08:53] <mrksbrd> flaccid: wake up
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[08:56] <mrksbrd> !alien
[08:56] <ubottu> RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)
[08:57] <DuKiSa> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5591114#post5591114 i post that, my problem and i`m wating for answer :)
[08:57] <sigma> how do you remove the "- Konqueror" from the konqueror title bar?
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[09:00] <mrksbrd> sigma: just right click & remove
[09:01] <mrksbrd> DuKiSa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62717
[09:02] <mrksbrd> DuKiSa: your system not loading GRUB
[09:02] <DuKiSa> booted from the Super Grub CD and fixed my original Dual boot system.
[09:02] <DuKiSa> :)
[09:02] <DuKiSa> i `dont have that problem
[09:02] <DuKiSa> i found some answer
[09:02] <DuKiSa> but is to long..
[09:03] <mrksbrd> u dual booting?
[09:03] <DuKiSa> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-483493.html
[09:03] <DuKiSa> mrksbrd see that..
[09:06] <mrksbrd> just a dumb ?....have u tried 8.04?
[09:07] <flaccid> mrksbrd: what
[09:07] <mrksbrd> ubuntu ver 8.04
[09:08] <flaccid> yes i have used alien
[09:08] <mrksbrd> flaccid: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-483493.html
[09:08] <flaccid> why?
[09:08] <mrksbrd> DuKiSa has an issue w/grub
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[09:09] <mrksbrd> as far as alien goes....how do u install it to turn it into .deb file...couldn't find any tutorials on install process
[09:09] <flaccid> i don't know what the error is
[09:09] <mrksbrd> error 21
[09:10] <flaccid> and did you guys google grub error 21?
[09:10] <mrksbrd> related to grub as other guy had earlier
[09:10] <mrksbrd> yea
[09:10] <flaccid> http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html
[09:10] <DuKiSa> mrksbrd please explain my english bad:|
[09:10] <DuKiSa> ?
[09:10] <flaccid> mrksbrd: you just install the package alien
[09:10] <flaccid> 21 : "Unknown boot failure"
[09:11] <flaccid> i can't help with that sorry
[09:11] <mrksbrd> flaccid: via makefile & install correct?
[09:11] <flaccid> !adept | mrksbrd
[09:11] <ubottu> mrksbrd: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto
[09:11] <flaccid> no its available as a package in the repos
[09:11] <flaccid> mrksbrd: and then there are lots of tutorials http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=how+to+use+alient+deb+rpm&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
[09:12] <mrksbrd> which repo do u know, looked for it but couldn't find it thru adept
[09:12] <Bauldrick> can k3b burn at speeds less than 4?
[09:12] <mrksbrd> google'd it & found a .tar file
[09:14] <flaccid> !info alient
[09:14] <ubottu> Package alient does not exist in hardy
[09:14] <flaccid> !info alien
[09:14] <ubottu> alien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 8.69 (hardy), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB
[09:14] <flaccid> see above ^^
[09:14] <flaccid> mrksbrd: no need to compile. as i said two times its in the repos :)
[09:15] <flaccid> Bauldrick: um i think so
[09:16] <DuKiSa> mrksbrd and what to do ?
[09:16] <Bauldrick> flaccid: if the dvd's are 1x/8x - then it must meen my drive can't burn at less than 4x?
[09:17] <mrksbrd> DuKiSa: which version of Ubuntu you using?
[09:17] <ForgeAus> why would someone want a local wiki system (wixi?)
[09:17] <jesus_> gutsy
[09:17] <flaccid> Bauldrick: not sure sorry
[09:18] <mrksbrd> flaccid: ty i found it
[09:18] <abby87> ForgeAus: some ppl use wikis like e-books
[09:19] <abby87> ForgeAus: reading a wiki is better than an e-book(my opinion)
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[09:20] <stamen> hello
[09:21] <stamen> I have only one qestion
[09:21] <stamen> and it is
[09:21] <abby87> stamen: fire away
[09:21] <DuKiSa> mrksbrd last
[09:21] <stamen> when I have upgraded to new kernel, adept makes initrd and ads
[09:21] <stamen> the new kernel to grub loader
[09:21] <stamen> but
[09:22] <geek_> ForgeAus: the way i do stuff lends itself to it ;p
[09:22] <stamen> I have missed the window which asks me can it change the menu.lst or leave the old list
[09:22] <stamen> how can I make this screen to appear again
[09:23] <stamen> because I want the script to make his list
[09:23] <abby87> stamen: u mean that the list is not visible at boot up? that is no grub menu at booot up?
[09:23] <stamen> it is visible, but the new kernel is not listed in the list
[09:24] <abby87> see /boot/grub/menu.lst
[09:24] <stamen> this happen because I have added one fix for the mouse
[09:24] <abby87> stamen: check whther it is commented
[09:24] <stamen> and it see that I have modified the list
[09:24] <stamen> now, it is not commented, I have looked up
[09:25] <stamen> it isn't added
[09:25] <stamen> this is because I have choosed to keep the old list
[09:25] <abby87> stamen: ok ..so u compiled the kernel from start?
[09:25] <stamen> but now I don't know how to restart the proces again
[09:25] <stamen> no, I have upgraded to the 2.6.24-21
[09:26] <stamen> from ubuntu server
[09:26] <stamen> I have made dpk-reconfigure
[09:26] <abby87> stamen: ok so it should show in the grub menu
[09:26] <stamen> and grub update
[09:26] <stamen> yes it says that it has added the kernel but there are not boot scripts for it
[09:27] <stamen> now I have the old grub menu lit=st
[09:27] <stamen> list
[09:27] <abby87> stamen: u mean when u select the new kernel u get an error?
[09:27] <stamen> and my concern is that there the kernel is with UUID and I don't know how to write this UUID
[09:28] <stamen> ok, I will start from the begining
[09:28] <abby87> stamen: fancy reinstalling grub?
[09:28] <stamen> how?
[09:28] <stamen> apt-get install --reinstall
[09:28] <stamen> ?
[09:28] <abby87> stamen: wait
[09:28] <stamen> ok
[09:31] <stamen> I have managed it
[09:31] <stamen> as I saw it is debconf process
[09:31] <abby87> stamen: oh cool how?
[09:32] <stamen> and I have uninstalled the kernel and after that I have installed it again
[09:32] <stamen> it shows the debconf window
[09:32] <abby87> stamen: oh great
[09:32] <stamen> and than I have choosed to change the grub loader
[09:32] <stamen> thats it :)
[09:33] <abby87> cool :)
[09:33] <stamen> and now I will write the pacth for the mouse again :)
[09:33] <abby87> quite a daunting task that is :)
[09:33] <stamen> bye
[09:34] <abby87> bye
[09:34] <flaccid> that dude just of just ran sudo update-grub
[09:36] <Accidus> I want to set a value to the MANPATH env. varianble. I've added the line "MANPATH=..." to my ~/.profile file. However, the varianle isn't set. In my .profile file, I'm setting the PATH variable and it works. Anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong?
=== petros is now known as MetaMorfoziS
[09:39] <MetaMorfoziS> HI all
[09:39] <MetaMorfoziS> how can i bind alt-shift for keyboard layout change?
[09:41] <MetaMorfoziS> in kcontrol there are an option for it in the keyboard layout
[09:41] <MetaMorfoziS> but that isn't works
[09:42] <MetaMorfoziS> And undet rhe keyboard shortcuts "layout change" i can't setup alt-shift
[09:43] <flaccid> !enter | MetaMorfoziS
[09:43] <ubottu> MetaMorfoziS: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[09:44] <MetaMorfoziS> Okay.
[09:44] <fs> Здесь есть русские?
[09:44] <MetaMorfoziS> no.
[09:45] <flaccid> !ru | fs
[09:45] <ubottu> fs: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[09:46] <MetaMorfoziS> !hu | MetaMorfoziS
[09:46] <ubottu> MetaMorfoziS, please see my private message
[09:48] <flaccid> MetaMorfoziS: there is switch to next keyboard layout shortcut in system settings | keyboard & mouse
[09:48] <MetaMorfoziS> YEs, this is what i said
[09:48] <MetaMorfoziS> that isn't accepts only modifier key hotkey
[09:48] <flaccid> you said 'layout change'
[09:49] <MetaMorfoziS> because i didn't knew from head the correct name of it
[09:50] <flaccid> well i dont know why you can't change it to alt + shift, properly because its ambiguous/used with other shortcuts, so settle for a dif shortcut
[09:50] <MetaMorfoziS> no
[09:50] <flaccid> no?
[09:50] <flaccid> yes :)
[09:50] <MetaMorfoziS> no. As i said, it isn't accepts only modifier keys hotkey
[09:51] <flaccid> i read you...
[09:51] <MetaMorfoziS> Try it out, and you will see, you cant add alt-shift, only alt-shift-somethingnonmodifierkey
[09:51] <flaccid> i already have tried it out
[09:51] <flaccid> this is why i said settle for a dif shortcut
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[10:06] <eduardo> Hello all
[10:06] <eduardo> i am really new in linux
[10:07] <eduardo> so, i will make a lot of questions :D
[10:08] <flaccid> coolio. ask your questions on 1 line and sweet as
[10:11] <eduardo> ok. How i can install codecs in ubuntu ?
[10:11] <eduardo> ok, no problem, i find something googling
[10:12] <khlm> Hallo
[10:12] <flaccid> !codecs | eduardo
[10:12] <ubottu> eduardo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[10:13] <khlm> aaa
[10:14] <eduardo> ok
[10:15] <eduardo> i am planning to use ogg from now to the future
[10:15] <eduardo> but, i dont know if my collection of mp3 will be less quality if i change it
[10:16] <eduardo> so, if some has some experience (good ones) i will change all of it
[10:16] <flaccid> um not sure but i'd expect so
[10:16] <flaccid> try to keep your responses on 1 line eduardo so you don't fill up the chan
[10:17] <eduardo> ok. I am from Bolivia (spanish my first languaje) so probably i will make some mistakes
[10:17] <flaccid> np
[10:19] <khlm> hello
[10:20] <Jucato> !es | eduardo, there's also a Spanish channel
[10:20] <ubottu> eduardo, there's also a Spanish channel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[10:22] <eduardo> woow. Gracias. Tengo bastantes espectativas con este, hasta ahora, maravilloso SO. Ahora mismo entro al canal en español.
[10:24] <eduardo> hey, sorry about that. Now i am reading
[10:24] <eduardo> well
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[10:26] <khlm_lm> Hallo
[10:26] <khlm_kh> Hallooooo
[10:27] <khlm_lm> hetzt gibts keine semmal mehr
[10:27] <khlm_kh> versteht doch keiner
[10:27] <jussi01> !de
[10:27] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[10:27] <khlm_lm> ich hab aba keine brobleme nicht
[10:29] <Xemanth> where is kubuntu intrepid alpha 4 ? :|
[10:29] <flaccid> !intrepid | Xemanth
[10:29] <ubottu> Xemanth: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[10:30] <Xemanth> i c
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[10:34] <khlm_kh> hallo brett
[10:34] <khlm_kh> is anybody online
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[10:51] <ulaas> hi! is there a way to install firefox without gnome dependencies on intrepid?
[10:52] <klerfayt> ulaas: #ubuntu+1
[10:56] <ulaas> klerfayt: is there a way on hardy.? they should not be different
[10:57] <flaccid> arent they deps so it can run
[10:58] <Jucato> ulaas: they *could* be different as they could have changed depends/recommends/suggests between releases
[10:58] <enzo_5> hi
=== enzo_5 is now known as enzo
[11:01] <enzo> i have a gutsy kubuntu, and i'd like to upgrade to last kubuntu (i think it's hardy)
[11:01] <flaccid> !upgrade | enzo
[11:01] <ubottu> enzo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[11:01] <enzo> how can i do that ? (without a gui)
[11:03] <enzo> flaccid: i know 8.04.01 has been delivered, so if i upgrade now, i'll go directly to 8.04.01 and not to 8.04 right?
[11:03] <flaccid> um yep, it will go to the lastest packages from hardy repos
[11:09] <enzo> flaccid: i don't remember if i've installed a ubuntu and added kubuntu packages or if i have installed kubuntu directly
[11:09] <enzo> that fact is i'm very afraid of gui to do upgrade, i come from debian, and i love apt-get
[11:10] <flaccid> well i'd never GUI upgrade because of common possibility of a problem
[11:10] <flaccid> aptitude is probably most suitable
[11:10] <enzo> ahhh cool
[11:11] <flaccid> but in honesty i've done some pretty crazy upgrades and i solved all problems/did it with apt-get only
[11:11] <enzo> so you've just modified your sources.list (change gutsy to heron) and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade right flaccid?
[11:12] <flaccid> yep, but you might wan't to make it hardy and not heron in the sources.list
[11:12] <enzo> oups yes
[11:12] <flaccid> :p
[11:14] <mrksbrd> flaccid: I found what I wanted....there is a prog out there called LaCie
[11:14] <flaccid> good for you
[11:16] <mrksbrd> had alot of digging, also in order to run that alien prog to convert files I had to get "fakeroot"......
[11:17] <flaccid> i have never needed fakeroot to do alient.
[11:17] <flaccid> alien even
[11:18] <mrksbrd> kept telling me in order to change them they, i needed to run alien under "root"
[11:19] <flaccid> thats what sudo is for
[11:19] <mrksbrd> fake root is just an emulation to get it done with out messing up security
[11:19] <flaccid> its not emulation and its nothing to do with security
[11:20] <mrksbrd> well thats what i read.....dunno....waht ever it worked
[11:21] <flaccid> cool
[11:21] <mrksbrd> now if i could just learn the nitty gritty of this OS it will make my life easier
[11:23] <mrksbrd> I have a long way to go......but i'm learning once i get pointed in the right direction
[11:23] <mrksbrd> and i have to thank u for that
[11:23] <flaccid> cool thanks. well i have a very long road to go myself
[11:23] <flaccid> (just don't use u :O)
[11:24] <mrksbrd> lol....hard habbit to break
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[11:24] <flaccid> took me a couple of weeks myself :)
[11:24] <joel_> Hello
[11:25] <mrksbrd> flaccid: you going to be on for the next few hrs?....my sleeping pill is kicking in
[11:25] <flaccid> yeah
[11:25] <mrksbrd> getting harder to type w/o 100 backspaces
[11:26] <mrksbrd> alright i'll see ya in a few hrs....once again ty so much
[11:27] <flaccid> cool send us some of your pills while you there :p
[11:27] <mrksbrd> i don't share these....Ambien CR is the fuc**** best
[11:28] * flaccid looks it up
[11:28] <enzo> flaccid: here is my new sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/37689/, could you have a quick look to see if it seems correct to you ?
[11:30] <flaccid> enzo: if you do an apt-get update it will tell you if there is errors
[11:30] <enzo> i can't do that now, i need to do a apt-get dist-upgrade now
[11:30] <enzo> you meant apt-get dist-upgrade flaccid?
[11:31] <mrksbrd> alright be back in a few hrs
[11:31] <flaccid> enzo: no sudo apt-get update to check and see if it fetches the new updates with your new sources.list
[11:31] <enzo> ah yes, of course
[11:32] <djdarkman> does someone know how can I change the theming in firefox? I don`t like those gnomeish menus
[11:34] <flaccid> djdarkman: install gtk-qt-engine and configure it in system settings | appearance
[11:35] <enzo> flaccid: do you know if this is possible to do a dist-upgrade with aptitude ? something like aptitude dist-upgrade to have a better display
=== matt_ is now known as Gigantor
=== Gigantor is now known as Gigant0r
[11:35] <Gigant0r> howdy
[11:36] <lakis1982> whats the role of chache in cpu ?? what do they do ??
[11:36] <flaccid> enzo: yep
[11:36] <flaccid> !aptitude | enzo
[11:36] <ubottu> enzo: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide
[11:38] <Gigant0r> hey all - newb here..what cmd to check what version of KDE is running?
[11:39] <enzo> arg i get a big error with aptitude dist-upgrade but nothing with apt-get dist-upgrade
[11:39] <flaccid> Gigant0r: kicker --version
[11:40] <Gigant0r> flaccid; thanks, is that not the version for kicker though? Ie, kicker shows 3.5.9, kmail shows 4.1
[11:40] <flaccid> Gigant0r: its application based
[11:40] <Gigant0r> oic
[11:41] <flaccid> you can run kde3 apps in kde4 and vice versa
[11:41] <flaccid> eg. plasma is just an app basically
[11:41] <Gigant0r> ok..i had 4.1 running sweet as pie yesterday, kicked off an upgrade last night, i think it died in the ass because it killed xwindows
[11:41] <Gigant0r> the nvidia kernel files were out of wack
[11:41] <Gigant0r> i re-updated with -f or something, which gave me the GUI back, but the menu has gone back to 3.5
[11:42] <neukadmin> hi I want to run xen on my kubuntu 8.04.1 but after installing a xen kernel, the system wont boot and I get this at boot up: ata3: timeout waiting for ADMA LEGACY CLEAR AND IDLE, stat 0x0 does someone know how to fix this? Or how I can easily install a 2.6.18...-xen kernel?
[11:42] <joe_> how can i put a movie to a disk using K3B?
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[11:47] <reboot08> hello room
[11:48] <enzo> by the way i've run a dist-upgrade while i'm connecting to my kde 3.5, maybe the upgrade will crash somewhere while kde will be upgraded ? (i think it's kde4 in hardy) no problem for that ?
[11:49] * reboot08 finaly got bx up !!!
[11:50] <reboot08> sup incorrect
[11:52] <flaccid> enzo: yeah no prob
[11:52] <enzo> thanks flaccid
[11:52] <flaccid> if you have apt errors etc. you can always paste the full output in pastebin for us to check out
[11:53] <enzo> i've ran apt-get dist-upgrade instead of aptitude, i hope it's going to be fine :)
[11:53] <enzo> thanks for your help flaccid !
[11:54] <reboot08> ty flaccid for the link on bitchX earlier im on it now new user nick ty ty ty
[11:54] <Gigant0r> hey flaccid; if the menu and some parts of the GUI have reverted back to kde 3.5 style, but I still have the 4.1 intro and widget buttons etc
[11:54] <Gigant0r> should I try reinstalling the kd4 packages that are installed?
[11:54] <enzo> flaccid: another question: imagine someone who was on hardy 8.04, and imagine few days after 8.04.1 is out, this person gets upgrade by doing just a apt-get upgrade ?
[11:54] <flaccid> np
[11:55] <flaccid> Gigant0r: negative, you are probably just running the kde3 versions instead of the kde4 versions of the apps or the kde4 version is not installed yet. this confused me heaps at first too
[11:55] <flaccid> enzo: correct
[11:55] <flaccid> it may be a dist-upgrade if not upgrade but yeah
[11:55] <Gigant0r> ok..so how do you change versions?
[11:55] <enzo> ok
[11:56] <Gigant0r> it was working all nicely as 4.1 before i ran an upgrade and the kernel cracked the shits
[11:57] <flaccid> Gigant0r: give me an example of an app that you need a version for
[11:58] <Gigant0r> ok, what app or package controls the main menu
[11:58] <Gigant0r> it looks all shit again
[11:58] <Gigant0r> :\
[11:59] <Gigant0r> im sorry i dont exactly know what to tell you - i was only using kubuntu for a few days , with 4.1, but its missing stuff
[12:00] <naught101> Anyone know where/how kde file associations are stored?
[12:00] <enzo> on hardy, it's kde4 or still 3 by the way ?
[12:00] <naught101> friggin scribus has added itself as the default application for about 1000 applications that it doesn't actually support
[12:00] <flaccid> Gigant0r: so you want to use kde4 or kde3. kde4 support is in a dif chan, but im happy to help you in that chan
[12:00] <naught101> enzo: kde3 by default
[12:00] <flaccid> naught101: system settings | default applications | file associations
[12:01] <naught101> flaccid: yeah, but I mean the back end
[12:01] <flaccid> enzo: either 3 or 4 on hardy. intrepid will be 4
[12:01] <enzo> and it's easy to switch to kde 4.1 on hardy naught101?
[12:01] <flaccid> naught101: backend?
[12:01] <naught101> I would like to edit it manually
[12:01] <flaccid> naught101: edit the mime files themselves?
[12:01] <naught101> enzo: yeah, just install kubuntu-kde4
[12:01] <naught101> flaccid: correct
[12:01] <enzo> and it's kde 4 or kde 4.1 naught101 ?
[12:01] <flaccid> naught101: i can't remember myself, perhaps #kde can advise
[12:02] <naught101> enzo: 4.1
[12:02] <naught101> it's still unusable, from my point of view
[12:02] <naught101> ok, thanks flaccid
[12:02] <enzo> flaccid: intrepid vill be kde 4 you said, but kde 4.1 is stable enough no ?
[12:02] <flaccid> depends who you talk to
[12:02] <enzo> :)
[12:02] <naught101> I hope intrepid doesn't go to kde4
[12:03] <flaccid> it is
[12:03] <flaccid> with kde3 option of course
[12:03] <enzo> naught101: you advise not to switch to kde 4 ?
[12:03] <naught101> enzo: unless you enjoy eye-candy over functionality
[12:03] <enzo> i like eye-candy, but first of all, i love stability...
[12:04] <enzo> 4.1 is not yet stable enough ? i though it was (i'm not talking about kde 4.0 which was crapy)
[12:05] <neukadmin> how can I check if I use 4.0 or 4.1?
[12:06] <flaccid> neukadmin: wrong chan, see topic
[12:07] <neukadmin> flaccid irssi wont show me the whole topic, what is the kde4 channel called?
[12:08] <flaccid> neukadmin: its in the topic if you read it
[12:10] <neukadmin> the topic I can see ends at: " |Chat in #kubuntu-offtopi" I cant see any more of the topic (this is probably because I dont know how to handle irssi)
[12:11] <flaccid> !kde4
[12:11] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[12:11] <flaccid> sorry mate
[12:11] <neukadmin> thanks
[12:14] <flaccid> np
[12:25] * reboot08 going to sleep nite
[12:27] <emilsedgh> are drivers for conexant modems for 8.04 released?
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[12:37] <mimic18> salut all
[12:39] <flaccid> emilsedgh: not sure but im sure conexant drivers have been around for a while. check hardware drivers manager
[12:40] <emilsedgh> flaccid: i just found it :)
[12:40] <flaccid> cool
[12:42] <rw> where can I set keyboard shortcuts in kde4.1
[12:44] <flaccid> wrong chan rw see topic
[12:45] <rw> ok
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[12:53] <nogagplz> I had a look around, and it seems that pulseaudio is not a part of kubuntu 8.04? Apart from one library that seemed to relate to xine, is this true?
[12:55] <flaccid> nogagplz: ubuntu uses pulseaudio, kubuntu (kde) generally uses kde by default
[12:56] <nogagplz> so it would be arts/alsa, correct? (haven't used it in ages)
[12:56] <flaccid> um yeah pretty much
[12:56] <flaccid> xine is an engine not a sound system..
[12:57] <nogagplz> I never said xine was a sound system...
[12:57] <flaccid> i never said you did
[12:57] <nogagplz> So why say thta at all?
[12:57] <nogagplz> Anyway, thanks for your help :D
[12:57] <flaccid> because a felt like it?
[12:57] <flaccid> to give you additional info?
[12:57] <flaccid> to HELP you?
[12:58] <Gigantor> lol
[12:58] <flaccid> meh, some people take stuff the wrong way
[12:58] <Gigantor> word
[12:58] <nogagplz> True. sorry
[12:59] <flaccid> no need to be sorry. im just another user like you
[12:59] * geek_ thinks kde uses alsa or OSS. ubuntu/gnome uses pulseaudio
[12:59] <geek_> probably the former with the latter as an option
[12:59] <Gigantor> flaccid are you using compiz fusion with 4.1?
[12:59] <flaccid> geek_: um they both use alsa but the sound system is different
[12:59] <flaccid> Gigantor: nah im on kde3 atm anyway
[12:59] <Gigantor> oic
[13:00] <flaccid> i need some stability because im trying to re-factor the kubuntu website so it doesn't need js for presentation
[13:01] <geek_> flaccid: thought pulseaudio was a spind server on its own?
[13:01] <geek_> *sound
[13:02] <flaccid> yeah um im getting mixed up myself
[13:02] <flaccid> pulseaudio is a sound server that hooks into the alsa sound system
[13:02] <flaccid> i mix the terms up here by accident sometimes
[13:03] <Gigantor> flaccid: i just realised the window manager was compiz, not kwin
[13:03] <Gigantor> so i lost all the perty transparency stuff
[13:03] <Gigantor> as well as kicker going back, thats why i thought kde was borked
[13:04] <flaccid> oh right. yeah kwin --replace to replace current windows manager and same thing for compiz ie. compiz --replace
[13:14] <TimS> !webmin
[13:14] <ubottu> webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.
[13:14] <TimS> :(
[13:14] <TimS> !ebox
[13:14] <ubottu> ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox
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[13:59] <ZmAY> can someone help me with adding & configuring users for vsftpd
[14:00] <flaccid> lots on google about that
[14:01] <flaccid> !ftpd
[14:01] <ubottu> FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP
[14:10] <nikolas_> hi everybody. i have kubuntu 4 remix on my lap, and i have several problems with it... is anyone experienced available to through an idea ? for example my hardware buttons for controling the sound do not work..
[14:12] <ActionParsnip> nikolas_: you need to map the butons, you can use xev to get the escape codes
[14:12] <ActionParsnip> nikolas_: then map that code to a command
[14:13] <nikolas_> i c...
[14:13] <nikolas_> ActionParsnip, but in kde 3.5.9 it just worked out of the box... why that happens?
[14:14] <ActionParsnip> nikolas_: its a different system in such a way that it affects you, youo need to sort it yourself now
[14:14] <ActionParsnip> or you could install kde3.5 then upgrade it might be ok
[14:15] <nikolas_> ActionParsnip, it doesnt work.... i have some issues regarding sound... when i boot i get a message saying that the soundcard cannot be initialised(or something like that)
[14:17] <ActionParsnip> nikolas_: then you'll need to configure it
[14:17] <ActionParsnip> nikolas_: start by runing lspci and go from there
[14:17] <ActionParsnip> and make sure you are fully apt-get updated
[14:17] <flaccid> get the exact error message from the logs
[14:18] <flaccid> then google it
[14:18] <ActionParsnip> nikolas_: what sound card do you have?
[14:23] <nikolas_> ActionParsnip, it is an on-board hda intel alc 880 analog. this is what it mentionts in system settings-sound
[14:24] <flaccid> nikolas_: did you find the error in /var/log/messages or dmesg or /var/log/system.log ?
[14:24] <nikolas_> it is in a notification bubble when i login
[14:24] <ActionParsnip> nikolas_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=666781
[14:25] <flaccid> nikolas_: is this kde4?
[14:25] <nikolas_> yes
[14:25] <lina> hello there
[14:25] <flaccid> nikolas_: please goto #kubuntu-kde4 for support there
[14:25] <lina> i have a strange problem here - flash is working in some accounts and doesn't work on else on the same computer
[14:26] <lina> is it a matter of configuration?
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[14:27] <ActionParsnip> lina: try symlinking the flash plugin in ~/.mozilla/plugins
[14:28] <lina> how do i do that?
[14:30] <lina> i went to /home/lina/.mozilla and found there only two directories - firefox and esxtensions
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[14:31] <ActionParsnip> lina: you need to make the plugins dir
[14:31] <ActionParsnip> mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
[14:32] <lina> ok, done that in dolphin
[14:33] <lina> thanks
[14:33] <ActionParsnip> then you need to locate the flash plugin file and then make a link in that file
[14:33] <ActionParsnip> folder sorry
[14:34] <flaccid> lina: which browser(s) is this in?
[14:34] <lina> firefox, but it seems to work now. thanks
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> sweet
[14:35] <flaccid> interesting
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> totally
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> making a folder fixes plugin issues
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> weird
[14:35] <flaccid> i don't have/need that dir
[14:35] <flaccid> flash is horrible
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> flaccid: its an alternative way to give plugins
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> it is
[14:36] <flaccid> problem is they made it for gtk/mozilla when it comes to other browsers. i have to put up with woes in opera
[14:36] <flaccid> maybe one day they will provide a wrapper for qt apps
[14:37] <ActionParsnip> opera is ok, just renders a bit weird
[14:39] <ForgeAus> a qtwrapper? hmmm...
[14:39] <flaccid> thats because of crap devs
[14:39] <ForgeAus> I prefer konqui for the most part but sometimes you just need firefox
[14:39] <flaccid> i use many browsers, but opera is my mail as well
[14:40] <ActionParsnip> flaccid: webmail for me, makes it more flexible
[14:40] <flaccid> i got that too
[14:40] <flaccid> Roundcube Webmail
[14:41] <snarkster> I have nothing but webmail accounts but I prefer to use evolution to get my mail. Gotta love the hotway method
[14:41] <ActionParsnip> hotway?
[14:41] <snarkster> yup
[14:41] <snarkster> look it up on synaptic/adept..
[14:42] <snarkster> then do a google on evolution and hotmail and youget a wonderful walk through to configure..
[14:42] <flaccid> 10 mail accounts in opera, all imap, performance is awesome
[14:42] <snarkster> i was up and recieving my mail in evolution in 5 min
[14:42] <snarkster> imap is nice.
[14:43] <ActionParsnip> i dont use hotmail, i use googlemail
[14:43] <flaccid> that works good in opera too :p
[14:44] <ActionParsnip> runs fine in firefox no need to install any extra software :D
[14:44] <snarkster> google evolution with google and voila theres a config for that as well.
[14:44] <flaccid> evolution aint Qt :p
[14:44] <snarkster> so my persoinal preference.. works with kmail as well. :P
[14:45] <snarkster> no extra software installed then
[14:46] <flaccid> true. i go for the all in one portable solution as opera is cross platform and has synchronize
[14:46] <flaccid> :p
[14:46] <snarkster> anyone use last.fm
[14:46] <snarkster> i configured amarok to access my last.fm works ok..
[14:47] <ActionParsnip> flaccid: igoogle is too and doesnt need sync as settings are stored in googles servers
[14:47] <snarkster> except the skip function doesnt work
[14:47] <ActionParsnip> flaccid: so wherever i log on it applys my settings on appearence
[14:48] <imperatore> CIAO
[14:48] <snarkster> later imperatore
[14:56] <gleyve> How can I customize my menu?
[14:56] <imperatore> Qualche italiano
[14:56] <cacf3b2074> gleyve: menu start in kde? just click on some posion in me u
[14:57] <gleyve> cacf3b2074: gnome
[14:57] <Adiwan> what do you mean with customize? Changing the menuitems or the look?
[14:58] <gleyve> Adiwan: changing menu items. I wnat everything in start menu like windows..Applications, local and system items take to much space of my panel
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[14:59] <Adiwan> I don't know about Gnome. But there might also be a menu editor like in KDE the kmenu-editor
[14:59] <gnumm> alacarte
[14:59] <ForgeAus> changing menu items in kde is done by rightclicking the kmenu and selecting edit
[14:59] <gleyve> Adiwan: thanks..Ill try that.
[14:59] <ForgeAus> (I don't know about kde4 tho)
[15:00] <gnumm> gleyve: you can use another menu
[15:00] <ForgeAus> yes there are other menu systems kbfx is an alternate kmenu, also for kde4 theres lancelot (sp?)
[15:01] <Adiwan> I'm using a Thinkpad R61 with nvidia graphics - I want to know where the script lies for changing the brightness. Or how to start the power manager in KDE4 to do that.
[15:01] <ForgeAus> you can even use baghira (kwin-style baghira has a menu that pairs with it too)
[15:01] <ForgeAus> sorry adiwan can't help you there I'm not nvidia savvy
[15:02] <gnumm> gleyve: right click on the panel and add different menus. i guess there a 3 menus in gnome, one should be the one search
[15:02] <Adiwan> ^^
[15:02] <snarkster> adiwan just use the fn keys
[15:02] <Adiwan> yeah.. but these don't work in KDE4
[15:02] <snarkster> really?
[15:02] <Adiwan> jupp
[15:03] <snarkster> they work just fine on my A22m
[15:03] <ForgeAus> in kde4 you can add to panel
[15:03] <ForgeAus> it uses same set of applets (plasma) as the desktop
[15:03] <gleyve> I'd like to costumize my start menu, because the default three items menu(applications, places, system) takes to much space of my panel.
[15:03] <imperatore> ww l'olio d'oliva
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[15:03] <gnumm> gleyve: see my answer
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[15:03] <ForgeAus> gleyve you can turn them off but if they're kde4 I don't know if it has a menu editor, maybe launcelot has one?
[15:04] <gleyve> gnumm: I'll try.just a moment.
[15:04] <ForgeAus> either that or use the legacy kde3 menu (its available in kde4, just not the default)
[15:04] <ForgeAus> you have to add it as an applet to the panel (and remove the one you have)
[15:04] <gnumm> he uses gnome
[15:04] <mudit> hello folks
[15:04] <snarkster> yah I use the traditional kmenu plasma in kde4.. Im not a fan of the kickstarter
[15:05] <ForgeAus> I think its called kickoff in kde4 (part of plasma)
[15:05] <gnumm> yes
[15:05] <ForgeAus> in kde3 it was simply kicker)
[15:05] <Adiwan> yeah... kickoff is crap - but the search is fine
[15:05] <gnumm> i like it
[15:05] <ForgeAus> gnome simply calles it a panel afaik.. but its different
[15:05] <snarkster> yah something like that.. bah it kinda suckie
[15:06] <ForgeAus> theres two bars for a start in gnome
[15:06] <ForgeAus> (upper panel with system tray and your menu system, and lower panel with stuff like trash bar and tasks from memory)
[15:06] <snarkster> the one thing i really miss os the quicklaunch buttons on kde4 panel
[15:06] <ForgeAus> sorry trash icon
[15:07] <ForgeAus> you can add an app launcher icon easily enough from memory, but it is a menu rather than a mini area for several quicklaunchers
[15:07] <Adiwan> snarkster: there is a version at kde-look.org but this doesn't work zu me
[15:08] <ForgeAus> there isn't even a crystal decorator style for KDE4... that I've noticed
[15:08] <snarkster> really?? I downloaded some plasmas and they had to be compiled then I had compile issues and the author knew about it but wouldnt adjust his code.. stupid l33t people
[15:08] <imperatore> Riciao a tutti!
[15:09] <ForgeAus> snarkster, go easy, plasma is relatively new
[15:09] <ForgeAus> they were probably too busy...
[15:09] <snarkster> true
[15:09] <ForgeAus> lots of work to do I guess
[15:09] <snarkster> Ill be quiet for now. :)
[15:09] <ForgeAus> I just wish there wasn't so much of a push towards kde4...
[15:10] <ForgeAus> not that I don't like it at all, I just want to wait till it gets really good before I use it
[15:10] <gnumm> it will only become good when people use it
[15:10] <snarkster> dont get me wrong kde3.5.9 is great..
[15:10] <ForgeAus> right now I luuurve kde3.5.9 and am familiar with it, sofar it seems kde4 isn't there yet for me...
[15:11] <ForgeAus> gnumm I use it, (admittedly I use kde3 more)
[15:11] <gnumm> good :)
[15:11] <ForgeAus> ibex is going to have kde4 only (as /kde not in /kde4)
[15:11] <ForgeAus> and it doesn't look like its going to have a /kde3 for legacy :(
[15:12] <Githzerai> snarkster: Current kdelibs packages do not provide some cmake plugins required for those plasmoids, such as kde_add_ui_files. It will be fixed in very near future...
[15:12] <snarkster> nice good to know
[15:12] <ForgeAus> (I think its 4.1 or 4.2 or something)
[15:12] <gnumm> ibex will use kde 4.1.1
[15:13] <ForgeAus> ok :)... I was close :) hehe)
[15:14] <gnumm> or kde 4.1.2
[15:14] <gnumm> http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Schedules/KDE4/4.1_Release_Schedule
[15:14] <snarkster> my apologies my daughter sent me a picture of the wedding dress she wants.
[15:15] <Githzerai> Maybe even 4.1.3, since ibex is scheduled for october 30th
[15:15] <ForgeAus> don't get me wrong I do want kde4 but I aren't ready to get rid of kde3 yet...
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[15:16] <reagleBRKLN> trying to use aspell but it complains there's no "us" dictionary, which is the default LANGUAGE environ variable; aspell does have a en_US dicionary. should i chnage my LANG? willthat hose something else?
[15:16] <ScarEye_> So I just did a fresh install with Kububtu 8.04 Using Encrypted LVM. Now when I machine boots up and I go into dolphin and my main drive I cannot access it. It says something about mount with signature ssass on interface org.freedesktop.hal.device.volume doesn't exist
[15:16] <ScarEye_> Any suggestions on how I can fix this ?
[15:16] <ForgeAus> I don't get why they can't make a /.kde3 instead of using /.kde (kinda like the opposite of what they have currently for kde4)
[15:16] <Githzerai> ForgeAus: Nobody is. But I'm on 4.1.61 at the moment, and it's getting harder and harder to resist. ;)
[15:16] <ForgeAus> ouch scar!
[15:16] <gnumm> kde 4.1.3 is planed for november 5th
[15:16] <gnumm> i think ibex will have kde 4.1.2
[15:16] <ScarEye_> ForgeAus: I think it has to do something with fstab but I am not sure
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[15:17] <gnumm> but new versions of kde should be in backports
[15:17] <Githzerai> gnumm: Then there will be a quick update ;)
[15:17] <gnumm> Githzerai: i don't know :)
[15:17] <ForgeAus> scareye um probably something to do with the encrpytion an dthe way your trying to mount it... (so yes possibly in the fstab)
[15:17] <ForgeAus> (and/or mtab)
[15:17] <ScarEye_> or crypttab
[15:18] <ScarEye_> =\
[15:18] <ForgeAus> I don't know how to mount drives with encryption keys/lvm stuff
[15:18] <ForgeAus> hehe didn't know there was a crypttab but if there is, there too possibly (for all I know)
[15:18] <ScarEye_> By the way I have done this installation on many machines they all have the same issue
[15:18] <ScarEye_> and I am sure I am not the only one that had this issue
[15:19] <ForgeAus> Scar I don't think its the machine I think its a matter of having to have the credentials to decrypt it
[15:19] <ForgeAus> I don't know what mechanism is needed to supply that...
[15:19] <ScarEye_> ForgeAus: yes I agree. But where can I find this documentation
[15:19] * ForgeAus shrugs
[15:20] <ForgeAus> um theres howto's about lvm, but I don't know if encryption is covered there
[15:20] <ForgeAus> it might be a good place to start...
[15:20] <ForgeAus> !lvm
[15:20] <ubottu> Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO
[15:20] <ForgeAus> !encryption
[15:20] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about encryption
[15:21] <ForgeAus> lol uh... thats handy.. not!
[15:21] <ScarEye_> got it
[15:21] <ScarEye_> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto
[15:21] <ForgeAus> ok there u go :)
[15:21] <ScarEye_> this should be the same for kubuntu also..
[15:21] <ScarEye_> the major parts
[15:21] <ForgeAus> yes its same OS
[15:21] <ForgeAus> just kde/gnome and the choice of apps that go with them thats different
[15:21] <ForgeAus> the GNU stuff under the hood is =
[15:22] <ForgeAus> (ie ubuntu-minimal, and probably lots of other stuff)
[15:22] <ForgeAus> I still don't get why theres an Icebuntu but not a Stepbuntu! lol
[15:22] <ForgeAus> (enlightenment and fluxbox have ones too)
[15:23] <gnumm> for example=i.e. or for example=e.g. ?
[15:23] <gnumm> i never know =/
[15:23] <ScarEye_> ForgeAus: Do you know of good sites that has cool themes for kubuntu ?
[15:23] <Githzerai> ScarEye_: kde-look.org
[15:23] <ForgeAus> uh kde-look.org is about the only place I can suggest to look
[15:23] <tvhung> anyone use Vmware on kubuntu ?
[15:23] <ScarEye_> okay.. I know about that place maybe I thought there were others.
[15:23] <gnumm> i'm not a native speaker in english
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[15:24] <ForgeAus> either that or google for stuff like kdm theme or kde style
[15:26] <|Dreams|> is kde 4.1 any good now?
[15:27] <|Dreams|> or poeple still sticking with older kde
[15:27] <ForgeAus> Dreams both kinda
[15:27] <ForgeAus> KDE4.1 is not bad but afaik not > KDE3 yet...
[15:27] <|Dreams|> ok will stick with kde 3 or gnome for now then thanks
[15:28] <ForgeAus> hehe out of the two I'd recommend kde3 :)
[15:29] <|Dreams|> i was going to put kubuntu back on my system but read a guide on softpedia which shows u how to make ur system encrypted using ubuntu so was going to give it a whirl
[15:30] <ForgeAus> you can encrypt with either
[15:30] <ForgeAus> but I guess the guide doesn't show kde way (if theres any gnome-specific stuff on it)
[15:30] <ForgeAus> most of that is related to stuff like earlier
[15:30] <ForgeAus> !lvm
[15:30] <ubottu> Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO
[15:30] <ForgeAus> and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto
[15:31] <Githzerai> |Dreams|: KDE 4 session is installed separately in hardy. So there is no resaon not to check it out and make your oppinion yourself ;)
[15:31] <|Dreams|> it just basically just says use the alrtenate ubuntu cd and then use the no graphical installer and choose encrpyted lvm etc
[15:31] <ForgeAus> be it ubuntu or kubuntu, I think the same
[15:31] <|Dreams|> oki
[15:31] <ForgeAus> kubuntu also has an alternate cd
[15:31] <ForgeAus> (text-mode installer)
[15:31] <|Dreams|> yeah
[15:31] <|Dreams|> oh right
[15:31] <ForgeAus> the normal LIVE cd is gui based with graphical installer but alternate one isn't
[15:32] <|Dreams|> will download both then and try with kubuntu first cheers for that
[15:32] <snarkster> i installed this laptop using the server edition cd.. it is text mode install as well.. but the kernel is different
[15:32] <ForgeAus> so you don't NEED to choose ubuntu just because of that... unless you want
[15:32] <ForgeAus> older? or just alternative?
[15:33] <|Dreams|> i am looking for the alternate kubuntu x64 now
[15:34] <ForgeAus> brb see if I know hwere it is..
[15:34] <Githzerai> Kubuntu and Ubuntu are two same systems with two different GUI's. On the basic level you'll get the same results with both.
[15:34] <|Dreams|> found it
[15:34] <|Dreams|> :)
[15:35] <|Dreams|> so i gather all of you guys prefer kubuntu to ubuntu
[15:36] <Githzerai> Well, it is a Kubuntu chat room ... :)
[15:36] <ForgeAus> well yeah thats why this place exists :)
[15:36] <|Dreams|> lmao
[15:36] <ForgeAus> for kde freaks instead of default gnomers :)
[15:36] <|Dreams|> i used kubuntu for over a year then just recently tried ubuntu for last 3 weeks
[15:36] <snarkster> gnome isnt to bad..
[15:36] <snarkster> takes some getting used to
[15:37] <|Dreams|> got to say gnome looks more polished but kde has more function only thing i did not like about kde was the "windows feel"
[15:37] * geek_ has tried ubuntu and kubuntu. might be tossing fluxbuntu on a box, which might be switched over to icewm
[15:37] <ForgeAus> essentially here gives you the options: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download
[15:37] <geek_> |Dreams|: the windows feel heled me ;p
[15:37] <geek_> helped me
[15:37] <ForgeAus> hehe geek you can get icewm from standard kubuntu
[15:37] <ForgeAus> no need to switch to fluxbuntu just add/remove packages
[15:38] <geek_> ForgeAus: the system is too slow to really bother with gnome and KDE
[15:38] <snarkster> it might have a windows feel but its what windows was supposed to be and they couldnt figure it out. LOL
[15:38] <ForgeAus> kde can be windows-feel-ized
[15:38] <ForgeAus> more than icewm imho
[15:38] <geek_> and its currently running debian stable...
[15:38] <ForgeAus> sure the default has differences
[15:39] <ForgeAus> geek thats harsh,, too slow? or do you mean old PC?
[15:39] <ForgeAus> kde doesn't have big reqs really
[15:39] <snarkster> at least 256 mb of memory
[15:40] <geek_> ForgeAus: 128 mb Piii 733
[15:40] <snarkster> wow
[15:40] <ForgeAus> ok well that is kinda small, so go for a kubuntu feisty or something :)
[15:40] <geek_> thats really the bottleneck. the rest of the system is pretty decent
[15:40] <snarkster> you need at least one more stick of ram.. I happen to have pc100 memory laying around..
[15:41] <geek_> ForgeAus: yeah, hence me wanting to start with fluxbuntu
[15:41] <geek_> snarkster: laptop
[15:41] <geek_> my other PIII has 640 MB ;p
[15:41] <snarkster> oh
[15:41] <ForgeAus> or better yet trade up for a better notebook! lol
[15:41] <snarkster> no not pc100 laptop Im looking for another stick of 256 for my own machine
[15:42] <snarkster> ive got 380 smething or other now.. really want 512
[15:42] <snarkster> and this laptop can do just about anyhting
[15:42] <geek_> ForgeAus: i just need it to get online (via a USB wireless thing which i know works on fiesty) and not feel too slow ;p
[15:43] <ForgeAus> geek then get feisty if you think its too slow, get fluxbox and start shedding kde packages you don't need
[15:43] <ForgeAus> (like kde-toys for example)
[15:43] <snarkster> hey! I like armor.. the kitten is cute..
[15:44] <ForgeAus> hehe snarkster, sorry... but it isn't strictly necessary, its a "trim the fat" kinda thing
[15:44] <snarkster> awww poor little kitty
[15:44] <ForgeAus> kde can be shrunk alot from the kubuntu-desktop metapackage pool
[15:45] <ForgeAus> note removing kde-toys itself only removes the metapackage probably so you need to check the deps and remove them instead)
[15:45] <ForgeAus> metapackages kinda tend to just act as a wrapper for many other packages, so the metapackage itself is emtpy!
[15:46] <ForgeAus> its just there as a placeholder for the dependancies to get all that stuff
[15:46] <Jucato> (or he could just build up from a simple minimal install, installing only the kde packages he needs...)
[15:46] <geek_> ForgeAus: or just start with fluxbuntu, and install what packages i need
[15:46] <snarkster> if he is going fluxbox why does he need kde packages at all..
[15:46] <ForgeAus> Jucato thats essentially same thing from the other end :)
[15:47] <geek_> the MAIN issue i have is a network manager applet. else i'd go for a icewm build from scratch
[15:47] <ForgeAus> snark flux is just a windowmanager, you still need a desktop
[15:47] <snarkster> oh
[15:47] <ForgeAus> fluxbuntu I think uses gnome (or maybe xfce??) still as its desktop but fluxbox as its wm
[15:47] <snarkster> see what do i know
[15:48] <ForgeAus> or maybe openbox, can't quite remember, but it isn't just fluxbox alone
[15:48] <ForgeAus> (actually it isn't even named after the fluxbox wm)
[15:48] <Jucato> (actually fluxbox doesn't really *need* a desktop)
[15:48] <ForgeAus> it just happens to use it because its lightweight and fits with the paradigm fluxbuntu is going for
[15:48] <snarkster> so i installed firefox on my kde4 box (this one to be exact) and when i use it my hard drive starts thrashing and everything comes to a stop while that is going on..
[15:49] <ForgeAus> oops Jucato... sorry I'm spreading lies again unintentionally :(
[15:49] <geek_> ForgeAus: still, i can start with a working WM and built up
[15:49] <Jucato> ForgeAus: well, you have to clarify which flux* you're referring to. as far as fluxbox is concerned, it's a standalone WM. dunno what fluxbuntu sets up though
[15:49] * geek_ might use firefox instead of the standard unpronouncable browser for one ;p
[15:49] <Jucato> konqueror is unpronounceable? :)
[15:49] <ForgeAus> geek you can start with like Jucato says ubuntu-minimal and work your way up if you want
[15:50] <ForgeAus> (firefox reqs gtk and is not a kde or qt app)
[15:50] <snarkster> i beg to differ, there is a qt version out there now
[15:50] <geek_> ForgeAus: tried that with icewm
[15:50] <ForgeAus> there is a qt firefox? ok I wasn't aware of that
[15:50] <snarkster> its beautiful as well. LOL
[15:51] <geek_> like i said, the killer for me right now is working out what is the equivilent of knetwork manager/network manager
[15:51] * Jucato notes that that is probably sarcastic :)
[15:51] <ForgeAus> :) I know theres qt themes for it but didn't know there was a qt version
[15:51] <snarkster> geek_ are you going wireless?
[15:51] <Jucato> ForgeAus: there is.. it's not a "qt version" technically... but bottom line is that it uses qt partly
[15:51] <Jucato> although it's main target is not the desktop
[15:51] <geek_> snarkster: the system has no ethernet. i KNOW for a fact one of my wireless USB adaptors work, so yeah going wireless
[15:52] <ForgeAus> how to find it?
[15:52] <snarkster> easy peasy.. iwconfig wlan0
[15:52] <ForgeAus> jucato do you mean gtk-qt wrapper?
[15:52] <geek_> snarkster: er,is wpa2 supported by that? ;p
[15:52] <Jucato> ForgeAus: no. much much deeper than that
[15:53] <snarkster> um hmm dont know have to investicate that.
[15:53] <ForgeAus> how to get it then? I havn't heard of it
[15:53] <ForgeAus> (the gtkqt wrapper can be used for any gnome app not just firefox)
[15:53] <ForgeAus> interesting to see if/how it would work with vmware :)
[15:53] <Jucato> it's still in heavy development (pre-alpha?)
[15:54] <snarkster> ive seen screenshots of it. but yes pre-alpha lots bugs
[15:54] <ForgeAus> ok I'll wait for that one
[15:54] <Jucato> ForgeAus: http://dot.kde.org/1218543988/
[15:54] <ForgeAus> theres also a gnome-webkit project
[15:55] <ForgeAus> (not sure if its intended as a browser itself or to embed webkit into firefox?)
[15:55] <Jucato> huh what?
[15:55] <ForgeAus> wow the mozilla suite not just firefox, that might mean qt thunderbird and songbird, too!!
[15:56] <Jucato> you can't embed webkit into firefox :)
[15:56] <ForgeAus> as an alternate engine
[15:56] <Jucato> O.o
[15:56] <ForgeAus> you can use ie as an alternate engine so I'm not sure why you couldn't chose webkit
[15:56] <ForgeAus> (instead of the default, gecko?)
[15:56] <ForgeAus> or maybe along with the default I don't know
[15:56] <Jucato> integration issues?
[15:57] * ForgeAus shrugs
[15:57] <Jucato> (anyway offtopic)
[15:57] <ForgeAus> hehe
[15:57] <ForgeAus> (ok just one more thing to add anyway ie-tab is the extension to use ie's rendering engine in firefox)
[15:57] <Jucato> (yeah but that is on Windows)
[15:57] <ForgeAus> I don't think that works in a linux environment tho
[15:57] <ForgeAus> (might do under wine)
[15:58] <Jucato> (still offtopic :D)
[16:00] <ForgeAus> hehe with qt firefox pretty much no need for gnome apps at all (I guess the gimp is about the only one)
[16:00] <ForgeAus> and thats not even gnome so much as gtk
[16:00] <tomaz> forgot about Krita?
[16:00] <ForgeAus> krita as in koffice? how's it stack upa gainst gimp?
[16:01] * geek_ sadly tends to use paint.net. its one of the few windows apps he NEEDS
[16:01] <snarkster> krita doesnt hold a candle to gimp
[16:01] <Jucato> (basically Firefox will still use Cairo...)
[16:01] <tomaz> snarkster: agree, but it's getting there.
[16:01] <snarkster> modified cairo
[16:01] <geek_> snarkster: i tend to find gimp's UI a little too 'busy'
[16:02] <Jucato> Krita and the GIMP serve different audiences and purposes
[16:02] <ForgeAus> and inkscape against karbon14?
[16:02] <Jucato> ForgeAus: no comparison :)
[16:02] <tomaz> karbon14 doesn't do anything that inkscape does =x
[16:02] <Jucato> tomaz: it does
[16:02] <Jucato> it draws a line
[16:03] <snarkster> LMAO
[16:03] <snarkster> fig draws a linew
[16:04] <snarkster> so does dia
[16:04] <snarkster> is there a kde version xfig?
[16:04] <geek_> so does a few lines of c ;p
[16:04] <snarkster> who has time to write a few lines of c to draw a line..
[16:05] <geek_> ;p
[16:05] <snarkster> :P
[16:06] <tomaz> snarkster: Umbrello is better than dia imo
[16:06] <Jucato> tomaz: depends. Umbrello is a dediated UML app. Dia is a generic diagramming app
[16:06] <snarkster> never used it
[16:06] <ForgeAus> theres kde diagramming apps tho
[16:07] <Jucato> kivio... but that....
[16:07] <snarkster> oh name one..
[16:07] <Jucato> let's just wait for the Qt/KDE4 version :)
[16:07] <snarkster> kivio?? is that a diagramming app for kde??
[16:07] <ForgeAus> kivio even has dia shapes :)
[16:07] <Jucato> snarkster: yep
[16:07] <Jucato> ForgeAus: you can *import* dia shapes :)
[16:07] <ForgeAus> kivio is like a kde visio, kinda
[16:07] <snarkster> nice I need that
[16:08] <Jucato> kinda :)
[16:08] <ForgeAus> heh ejucato the kivio I have had them already (maybe I got a plugin?)
[16:08] <enzo> after upgrading from gutsy to hardy, some keys of my keyboard logitech don't work anymore, any idea ?
[16:08] <Jucato> you might be disappointed at the aliasing in kivio though. heard it was really a Qt 3 issue
[16:08] <ForgeAus> visio is better imho
[16:08] <enzo> kded (kde daemon) keep crashing when i click on these keys
[16:08] <ForgeAus> but kivio shows lotsa promise
[16:08] <Jucato> ForgeAus: oh right. i have them too
[16:09] <ForgeAus> will there be a kde4 vers of kdevelop?
[16:09] <snarkster> yah but I dont have visio and Id rather openspurce it than sell my soul to redmond
[16:09] <ForgeAus> or just same one?
[16:09] <Jucato> I'm still interested in Kivio.. but probably the 2.0 version
[16:09] <Jucato> ForgeAus: there will be. but it's under heavy development
[16:09] <ForgeAus> kewl
[16:09] <Jucato> (and I do mean *heavy*)
[16:09] <ForgeAus> hehe hopefully mono integration :)
[16:09] <Jucato> (since they are doing some things differently)
[16:09] <Jucato> like Quanta+ being a "part" of it?
[16:10] <snarkster> no kvivo in the repos
[16:10] <ForgeAus> boo under kdevelop might be interesting I know they're considering C#
[16:10] <Jucato> (well the kdevplatform basically)
[16:10] <ForgeAus> quanta+ built in? interesting!
[16:10] <Jucato> not built in
[16:10] <Jucato> quanta will be more like an extension afaik
[16:10] <Jucato> !info kivio
[16:10] <ubottu> kivio (source: koffice): a flowcharting program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-4ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 522 kB, installed size 1748 kB
[16:10] <snarkster> i just need to draw a diagram of my house. LOL
[16:10] <Jucato> snarkster: ^^^
[16:10] <ForgeAus> wuanta is webdev right?
[16:10] <ForgeAus> opos quanta+ is webdev?
[16:10] <ForgeAus> !quanta+
[16:10] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about quanta+
[16:10] <ForgeAus> !quanta
[16:10] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about quanta
[16:10] <ForgeAus> !info quanta
[16:11] <ubottu> quanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2346 kB, installed size 5704 kB
[16:11] <Jucato> ForgeAus: yes, but like I said, major changes
[16:11] <snarkster> sudo apt-get install kvivo [sudo] password for user: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package kvivo
[16:11] <ForgeAus> I'm not really a webdev kinda guy so much... so I odn't really know
[16:11] <Jucato> as for C#, well there are Qt and KDE bindings for it already.
[16:11] <Jucato> snarkster: because you're spelling it wrong?
[16:11] <ForgeAus> kivio not kvivo
[16:12] <Jucato> snarkster: k i v i o
[16:12] <snarkster> oh hehe
[16:12] <nb72> I have two problems I hope somebody can help me with. The first one, Dolphin no longer has anything in the places menu (this may be my two year olds fault, he loves playing Gcompris). I can add folders back, but I'd really like to just restore the default list. Is there a way?
[16:12] <Jucato> nb72: the panel is still there, but it's empty?
[16:12] <ForgeAus> nb maybe you can reconfigure it from apt-get?
[16:12] <snarkster> duh
[16:12] <snarkster> sowwy
[16:12] <nb72> panel is still there but empty, yes.
[16:13] <snarkster> I dont like koffice, prefer OOo but I really need to do a layout of my house
[16:13] <Jucato> oh wait I'm in #kubuntu... I don't remember how D3lphin (KDE3) works
[16:13] <Jucato> snarkster: OO.o Draw?
[16:13] <snarkster> nah its not a diagramming program..
[16:14] <ForgeAus> yeah it has equation editor drawing and charting but no real diagrammer
[16:14] <snarkster> I need to take off for awhile.. nice chatting with you guys..
[16:17] <nb72> I just did a reinstall from adept, that didn't seem to help unless I need to restart. I don't see a reconfigure command for apt-get. What would I use there?
[16:18] <Jucato> nb72: this is KDE 3?
[16:18] <nb72> KDE4
[16:18] <Jucato> aaah you should have mentioned that earlier :P
[16:18] <nb72> sorry
[16:18] <nb72> 4.1 to be specific
[16:18] <Jucato> can you right-click on the Places panel and see if there's a "Show all entries" option?
=== ilian_ is now known as malkiq
[16:19] <nb72> right-click in the panel doesn't give me anything.
[16:21] <Jucato> ok. close Dolphin. either in Konqueror or in the terminal (Konsole), go to ~/.kde4/share/apps/ and delete the kfileplaces folder
[16:22] <nb72> Sweet. That worked!!
[16:26] <nb72> What would I use to install a network printer in KDE4.1? I can see the computer that has the printer, and I've set it up before with KDE3, just can't find how to get started.
=== Gunther is now known as Gunth3r
[16:50] <roby70> !list
[16:50] <ubottu> Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[16:52] <pompa> ciao
[16:56] <Cael> got a question , i received an email in the early morning over the bug with the xorg ATI driver (pertyaining the old iMac G3's) to Testdrive even if just the Live CD, of the latest Alpha build of Intrepid Ibex, but theres no apparent PPC port of Alpha 4
=== root is now known as Guest89605
[16:58] <Cael> is theres builds for PPC w/ Alpha 3 or planned ports of Alpha 4 ?
=== ubuntu_ is now known as evangelionsKAM
[17:04] <Cael> *sigh* all i can find on the cdimage server for ANY ports of 8.10/Intrepid Ibex is for the HP PA-RISC port
[17:10] <evangelionsKAM> Sysinfo for 'ubuntu': Linux 2.6.24-19-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUE4500@2.20GHz at 1200 MHz (4400 bogomips), , RAM: 795/2027MB, 116 proc's, 15.7min up
[17:10] <evangelionsKAM> how i can see wich graphic card i have
[17:18] <abby87> evangelionsKAM: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[17:18] <evangelionsKAM> thanks
[17:18] <abby87> ;)
=== ruiz is now known as ruiz_
[17:33] <ruiz_> Need help. Norwegian trying to install/download images from his Canon EOS 400D camera but keep getting the error "failed to connect to the camera.Please make sure it's connected properly and tuned on.would you like to try again?" The camera is connected and turned on.Anyone?
[17:33] <abby87> ruiz_: try using the kamera application
[17:34] <abby87> !kamera
[17:34] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kamera
[17:34] <abby87> sudo apt-get install kamera-kde4
[17:34] <ruiz_> !kamera
=== xxx is now known as Guest25525
[17:37] <ruiz_> abby 87,thanx for helping. the problem became solved by installing kamera-kde4.
[17:37] <abby87> ruiz_: ;-)
[17:38] <ign0ramus> hey all... trying to repair a friends Windows XP MCE install using a Gutsy live cd... however, it won't let me mount the Windows partition!
[17:38] <ign0ramus> i get the hal refused all options uid 999 error
[17:39] <ign0ramus> Windows partition is /sda2
[17:39] <abby87> ign0ramus: hmmm wait
[17:39] <dreamcoder> hhow do i get java and flash working in firefox on kubuntu x64?
[17:39] <abby87> ign0ramus: check this if it helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=717219
[17:39] <ign0ramus> abby87: checking
[17:41] <barbara> buona sera!
[17:41] <abby87> dreamcoder: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
[17:42] <abby87> dreamcoder: i guess if that doesnt work try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2863873&postcount=1
[17:43] <CRASH69> hello, a friend of mine wants kubuntu, but I see in the download page that there is kubuntu and kubuntu kde4 remix, whta is the difference?
[17:43] <ign0ramus> abby87: It worked!
[17:43] <abby87> ign0ramus: ; )
[17:43] <Agent_bob> CRASH69 kde version
[17:43] <ForgeAus> remix is kde4.1
[17:43] <ForgeAus> normal is kde3.5.9
[17:43] <abby87> CRASH69: kubuntu w/0 kde 4 and one with it
[17:44] <CRASH69> hum, gnome here, would you advice kde3 or kde4?
[17:44] <Agent_bob> there are plenty of reasons not to use the remix so it's probably the one you want.
[17:45] <abby87> CRASH69: go 4 kde 4 blindly
[17:46] <abby87> CRASH69: i am an evangelised KDE4 user :)
[17:46] <abby87> CRASH69: former gnome lover but kde4 floored me
[17:46] <ForgeAus> rofl bob :)
[17:46] <Agent_bob> :)
[17:46] <abby87> ;)
[17:47] <ForgeAus> imho 3.5.9 is much fuller/nicer
[17:47] <CRASH69> Agent_bob: such as?
[17:49] <Agent_bob> just a logical deduction. kde4 is newer less refined, less polished, less developed. so it's probably the one you want. that's what most people choose. "give me the newest at all cost" seems to be the installers cry....
[17:50] <abby87> Agent_bob: though a KDE4 lover but couldn't agree more on dat..the trend is shifting
[17:50] <CRASH69> lol, I want the kde3 then
[17:50] <CRASH69> :p
[17:51] <CRASH69> I dont like bugfight in every click
[17:52] <Agent_bob> kde4 is still lacking many things that kde3 has. however kde4 has builtin compisiting which means more eye candy and thus "more popular" it also means more burdon on the system though. and more bugs to deal with.
[17:53] <CRASH69> thx
[17:53] <Agent_bob> !worksforme
[17:53] <ubottu> Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/
[17:55] <CRASH69> I got it.......
[17:55] <Agent_bob> CRASH69 we all neglected to mention. that both versions are avalable reguardless of how you install
[17:56] <Agent_bob> i.e. install the remix and you can add kde3 install the default and you can add kde4 ;/
[17:56] <chrisinajar> oh hello.
[17:57] <Agent_bob> oh hey
[17:57] <chrisinajar> So i just did an upgrade from feisty to gutsy to hardy, then rebooted, and now all networking is broken...
[17:57] <chrisinajar> it has a manually assigned ip, all it's settings are correct, i tried restarting networking, i've rebooted several times, and i've tries running in recovery mode...
[17:58] <chrisinajar> it can't ping anything on the network, and nothing can ping it, and it's not the cable...
[17:58] <chrisinajar> any ideas?
[17:58] * Agent_bob notices the "reboot will fix anything" mentality and hides.
[17:58] <rickest> chrisinajar: is avahi running? it didn't play well with my static IP settings
[17:59] <ZmAY> hello, can someone tell me how to add and configure user in vsftpd?
[17:59] <chrisinajar> alright, time to reboot this server...
[17:59] <chrisinajar> hopefully bll
[18:01] <ForgeAus> !dkpg
[18:01] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dkpg
[18:01] <ForgeAus> !dpkg
[18:01] <ubottu> dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.
[18:01] <Agent_bob> yuch ! http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5fd4bd05
[18:01] <ForgeAus> doh
[18:01] <ForgeAus> !aptfix
[18:01] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[18:01] <ForgeAus> thats the one
[18:04] <Agent_bob> ZmAY seems to be in /etc/vsftpd.conf # Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
[18:04] <Agent_bob> #local_enable=YES
[18:05] <Agent_bob> then any local user account would be allowed if i'm reading it correctly that is.
[18:05] <Agent_bob> ZmAY no.
[18:06] <ZmAY> ok
[18:06] <ZmAY> hm.. i realised that its not even running
[18:06] <ZmAY> netstat -a | grep ftp.. no output
[18:07] <ZmAY> if i run it from /usr/sbin this error shows.. 500 OOPS: unrecognised variable in config file: chroot_local_user
[18:08] <kim__> 안녕하세요
[18:08] <jagggy> is there ANY standard kubuntu config file that is posible to be changed without having root?
[18:08] <kim__> ;ㅅ;
[18:09] <Agent_bob> jagggy system configs no. user configs yes
[18:09] <rickest> jagggy: not global ones, no. your personal ones in ~, yes
[18:09] <jagggy> perfect :) where exactly?
[18:09] <kim__> hey
[18:09] <Agent_bob> jagggy $HOME/.profile
[18:09] <kim__> Please
[18:09] <kim__> Display
[18:09] <kim__> 800x600
[18:09] <Agent_bob> jagggy $HOME/.bash* also...
[18:09] <kim__> I want 1024*1000?
[18:10] <kim__> but error!
[18:10] <kim__> T_T
[18:10] <jagggy> ty Agent_bob
[18:10] <jagggy> :)
[18:10] <Agent_bob> kim__ 1024x1000 ??? never heard of that before.
[18:10] <kim__> ;;ㅅ;
[18:10] <kim__> 1024*??
[18:10] <kim__> but Display is 800*600
[18:10] <kim__> I want 1024*??
[18:10] <Agent_bob> 756
[18:11] <Agent_bob> is it ?
[18:11] <kim__> no no
[18:11] <kim__> 756 is not
[18:11] <Agent_bob> 800 then
[18:11] <jagggy> Agent_bob about .bash, does it start itself when the system starts?
[18:11] <kim__> Ok 800!
[18:11] <rickest> 1024x768 is probably what you mean
[18:11] <kim__> ;t;
[18:11] <kim__> ;ㅅ;
[18:11] <kim__> T_T
[18:11] <Agent_bob> jagggy no. user configs are read when a user logs in
[18:11] <kim__> 에라이
[18:12] <kim__> ㅠㅠ
[18:12] <kim__> 슬퍼라
[18:12] <kim__> 한국인인게 갑자기 슬퍼지네
[18:12] <kim__> 흙흙;
[18:12] <Agent_bob> is that russian ?
[18:12] <kim__> ㅑ'm Korea Republic of
[18:12] <jagggy> even better, ty Agent_bob :)
[18:12] <Agent_bob> ah.
[18:12] <kim__> n!
[18:12] <kim__> Korean!
[18:12] <kim__> ;ㅅ;
[18:12] <Agent_bob> !ch
[18:12] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ch
[18:12] <Agent_bob> !cn
[18:12] <ubottu> For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk
[18:13] <kim__> Agent_bob ;;
[18:13] <kim__> I ask you
[18:13] <rickest> !kr
[18:13] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kr
[18:13] <Agent_bob> !ko
[18:13] <ubottu> For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko
[18:13] <kim__> Agent_bob Please
[18:13] <kim__> I ask you
[18:13] <kim__> ...
[18:13] <kim__> in ubuntu
[18:13] <Agent_bob> but i can't read it. so i don't know what you asked
[18:13] <kim__> 쉬벌
[18:13] <kim__> 개샠히야
[18:13] <kim__> 으엉으엉
[18:13] <Agent_bob> and stop using enter as punctuation
[18:13] <kim__> ;ㅅ;
[18:14] <kim__> Windows IRC
[18:14] <kim__> I want
[18:14] <kim__> it!
[18:14] <kim__> but ubuntu is very important
[18:14] <kim__> T_T
[18:15] <Agent_bob> !autostart | jagggy
[18:15] <ubottu> jagggy: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html
[18:15] <Agent_bob> jagggy that may be what you were looking for ?
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[18:16] <jagggy> even better Agent_bob :) ^^ ty allot man :)
[18:17] <kim__> Agent_bob
[18:17] <Agent_bob> jagggy helps if you ask more precise questions... :) we don't have to guess at what you are trying to accomplish.
[18:17] <kim__> I want 1024*860!
[18:17] <kim__> but ubuntu's display is 800*600
[18:17] <kim__> Please!
[18:17] <kim__> Help me!
[18:18] <kim__> 염병할
[18:18] <jagggy> Agent_bob yea, i didn't know that either, i just needed a way to autostart something at bootup :) ty
[18:18] <Agent_bob> kim__ i posted a link to the #kubuntu-ko channel. and will post a link to the wiki on display help.
[18:19] <Agent_bob> !nv | kim__
[18:19] <ubottu> kim__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[18:19] <Agent_bob> !vidio
[18:19] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about vidio
[18:19] <Agent_bob> !display
[18:19] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[18:19] <kim__> 염병할
[18:19] <kim__> Ubuntu IRC
[18:19] <kim__> Zero IRC
[18:19] <kim__> I want Zero IRC!
[18:19] <kim__> and display 1024!
[18:20] <Agent_bob> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[18:23] <coleco-32> Agent_bob, are you a guru? I've got a sound issue that no one can figure out.
[18:24] <Agent_bob> coleco-32 no i'm just a newB with an attitued.
[18:24] <coleco-32> lol
[18:24] <Agent_bob> but spell it out and if anyone here can figure it out they will surely answer
[18:25] <coleco-32> I have a sony pcv-rx850 desktop that I installed Kubuntu on. It found everything automatically, no issues, no hunting for drivers or anything.
[18:25] <knights> Can I not specify a xorg driver at the grub prompt when booting off a ubuntu CD?
[18:26] <coleco-32> But I have zero sound output. I have the volume turned all the way up on both the 2.1 and digital outs, with nothing. I've followed the Comprehensive Sound Guide to the letter, rebuilding my own drivers and installing, and I've still got silence.
[18:26] <knights> My graphics card is auto-detected incorrectly
[18:26] <Agent_bob> knights safe graphics mode should use the vesa driver
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[18:26] <coleco-32> aplay -l finds the device, as does lspci -v
[18:27] <knights> Agent_bob: I'm told i810 should work- safe mode doesn't- justget white lines
[18:28] <kim__> gruub.conf
[18:28] <kim__> no no no
[18:28] <kim__> grub.conf
[18:28] <kim__> where is grub.conf?
[18:28] <kim__> I want to change display
[18:28] <Agent_bob> coleco-32 have you tested sudo -i # to get a root shell. and cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp to see if white noise would flow ? ctrl+C to kill that.
[18:28] <knights> I know vesa/safe mode is the safest bet, but can I not tell it to use i810 without installing and editing xorg.conf?
[18:28] <Agent_bob> kim__ ubuntu uses /boot/grub/menu.lst
[18:29] <kim__> oh
[18:29] <kim__> thank you
[18:29] <kim__> no no no
[18:29] <kim__> grub.conf
[18:29] <kim__> display
[18:29] <kim__> T_T
[18:29] <Agent_bob> knights i'm not sure. maybe...
[18:29] <kim__> ;t;
[18:29] <coleco-32> Just tried it now, there's no output.
[18:29] <kim__> lilo.conf
[18:29] <kim__> where ;ㅅ;?
[18:30] <Agent_bob> kim__ /etc/lilo.conf if you install lilo.
[18:30] <kim__> ohohohohoho
[18:30] <kim__> Thank you!
[18:30] <rocknzen> I need some help please with sharing folders
[18:30] <Alex135> whats the KDE version of gnome-system-monitor?
[18:30] <Agent_bob> kim__ /boot/grub/menu.lst if you use grub
[18:30] <kim__> yes thank you
[18:30] <kim__> You are very handsome
[18:31] <Alex135> ..... what?
[18:31] <coleco-32> LOL love the language barrier
[18:31] <Agent_bob> Alex135 alt+esc ?
[18:31] <knights> kim__, : He! THe joys of irc eh?
[18:31] <Agent_bob> Alex135 ksysguard ?
[18:31] <Alex135> ah thx
[18:31] <Agent_bob> that thing back at the tower sure worked.... ;/
[18:32] <JohnFlux> ksysguard - such a crappy name
[18:32] <Alex135> it is...
[18:32] <JohnFlux> I keep pushing for it to be called kde-system-monitor
[18:32] <JohnFlux> but nobody likes that :(
[18:32] <Alex135> thats cuz its based off gnome
[18:32] <Alex135> x.x
[18:32] <JohnFlux> thankfully in kde4 I've managed to hide the name entirely
[18:32] <JohnFlux> and it's just embedded into plasma
[18:32] <knights> ksysguard does sound more like an anti-virus app
[18:32] <JohnFlux> knights: yeah, it doesn't guard anything
[18:32] <Alex135> JohnFlux: would be sortof anoying though if you want to open it from a comand line
[18:32] <kim__> ????
[18:33] <kim__> i want Zero IRC!
[18:33] <JohnFlux> Alex135: you can still run it from the command line as 'ksysguard'
[18:33] <kim__> not kubuntu IRC!
[18:33] <rocknzen> Would someone be kind enough to help me understnd administrator privelages????
[18:33] <JohnFlux> Alex135: i split it into two parts basically
[18:33] <Alex135> JohnFlux, ah
[18:33] <JohnFlux> Alex135: so it can run standalone and also run embedded into the 'run' dialog
[18:33] <Agent_bob> JohnFlux it lets you gurad your system against several things. crackers runaway processes... recursive loops...
[18:34] <JohnFlux> Agent_bob: any cracker worth their salt will know how to hide their process from ksysguard (or any equivalent) :-)
[18:34] <Agent_bob> why would one want to see what the cpu load is or the disk usage if not to "guard" against something ?
[18:34] <coleco-32> Agent_bob That command had no output.
[18:35] <Agent_bob> coleco-32 can i ask a stupid question ? i mean another one... :) are the speakers plugged in the right port and powered on ?
[18:36] <kim__> T_T
[18:36] <coleco-32> Agent_bob lol i know, I wish it was something simple. I have it wired up to headphones with the volume at full blast, and the optical out is set to a receiver that works fine when attached to my xbox360.
[18:36] <kim__> Display is fuck!
[18:36] <Alex135> JohnFlux: in KDE4 is there going to be a way to make the task bar... a little thinner but still have everything on it properly aswell as the icons not so big? or has that already been done
[18:37] <JohnFlux> Alex135: i think 4.1 lets you resize the task bar
[18:37] <stdin> kim__: watch the language in here
[18:37] <Alex135> JohnFlux: ah, ok
[18:37] <rocknzen> does anyone know anything about administrator privlages
[18:38] <Agent_bob> rocknzen some.
[18:38] <Alex135> erm... depends on what you mean by "administrator privlages"
[18:38] <rocknzen> ok I am confused about something
[18:38] <Agent_bob> coleco-32 and you have taken this issue to #alsa to see if anyone in there could find the fly in the ointment ?
[18:39] <coleco-32> Agent_bob I'll head over there now. I was on the forums until I decided to ask here...just kind of jumping from place to place hoping someone has an answer. Thanks for the help!
[18:39] <Agent_bob> rocknzen most of us are. welcome to the private club of all humanity.
[18:40] <Agent_bob> coleco-32 welcome. and sorry it wasn't obvious.
[18:40] <rocknzen> If I am the only uif I am logged in as root then why do I get the following error when trying to create shared folders: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied
[18:41] <Agent_bob> because reguardless of what account you use. the app in question is probably using suid/sgid and the user/group that it is does not have permission.
[18:42] <Agent_bob> simple answer is find the user/group and own the dir in question.
[18:42] <rocknzen> so how can I "get" permission and can you explain that a little more I am new to linux I just made the jump from Windows about a week ago
[18:43] <rocknzen> sorry I dont understand that
[18:44] <rocknzen> I also got a similiar error when I tried to setup guarddog firewall
[18:46] <Agent_bob> sure. first of all unlike that other OS, linux uses file/inode permissions and ownership on every inode. ls -l ~ #will list the files/dirs in your home and their ownership+permission secondly any application with an suid "set user id" bit will run as the user that owns the app thus seperating the login uid form the application uid. that means that the application in question is not running as the person t
[18:47] <Agent_bob> this is very important for network applications. else anyone that logs in as root on their box would be root on your box when they accessed it.
[18:49] <Agent_bob> i'll not spend hours detailing and expounding all this. but that's the basic issue there. all the reading you want is on the web i might sujest starting with wikipidia.org *nix permissions
[18:50] <rocknzen> is it ok if I paste output of ls -l here so you could see and explain it to me a little more?
[18:50] <Agent_bob> no
[18:50] <Agent_bob> !pastebin | rocknzen
[18:50] <ubottu> rocknzen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[18:51] <Agent_bob> rocknzen you can drop one line here and ask about it...
[18:51] <rocknzen> ok isnt there a simple way to do this
[18:52] <rocknzen> I'm not looking for a lesson here
[18:52] <Agent_bob> you mean you want someone else to setup your server for you ?
[18:53] <Agent_bob> i'll set it up. makes it easer for me to access later that way :)))
[18:53] <rocknzen> no just explain to me where on my system I need to look to start the process
[18:53] <Agent_bob> that's a joke ^ incase the humour didn't translate.
[18:53] <rocknzen> ok it didnt
[18:54] <rocknzen> I am just really frustrated right now
[18:54] <rocknzen> this shoud not be that dificult
[18:54] <rocknzen> especially if its my pc
[18:55] <Agent_bob> rocknzen the learning curve in linux is a full magnatude higher than in that other OS we can't and don't really want to change that. so. lets start at step one. what are you trying to do?
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[18:56] <rocknzen> All I want to do is share a folder between me and my daughter
[18:56] <rocknzen> on the same pc 2 seperate logins
[18:57] <Agent_bob> why samba then ? that's for sharing with M$
[18:58] <rocknzen> thats the error I got when I right clicked the folder and went to sharing options
[18:58] <Agent_bob> rocknzen just change the permission on the dir and your good to go. sudo chmod 777 /dir/ # where /dir/ is the path to the "folder"
[18:58] <rocknzen> thats what I am talking about
[19:01] <Agent_bob> but right click "share" sets up a samba share for network sharing. on one pc you can just give the other person permission. and i would sujest that you make users group and put both people in that group. (don't drop the admin group from the administrative account though) then run ( sudo chown :users /dir/ ;sudo chmod 775 /dir/ ) # which would make things a little more secure than the chmod i mentioned earlier.
[19:03] <Agent_bob> and welcome to the new world of choices. "aka freedom" found in linux.
[19:04] <Agent_bob> where there is always " [ -gt 1 ] && defur a feline "
[19:05] <Agent_bob> way || "defur a feline" # hehhe
[19:06] <lufthanza> i'm adding a drive to my computer and I'm planning on installing a new install on it, then copying the content of the previous drive over with cp -rpv to the root directory, overwriting the new install and implementing the old one on the new drive. Any complications you guys may see with this?
[19:07] <meta> Hi all
[19:07] <meta> is i remember well, that the new version of interpid announced to yesterday?
[19:07] <meta> next alpha or beta who knows...
[19:07] <rocknzen> security was one of the reasons I decided to jump to linux
[19:08] <bazhang> #ubuntu+1 for that meta
[19:08] <Ash-Fox> Am I the only person who doesn't see the benefits in installing 64bit Linux desktop OS on a system with less than 3GB of RAM? I see other people doing it all the time, and they have various issues with the system because of 32bit support lacking in certain areas etc. I cannot figure out what these huge benefits are, that users require 64bit for.
[19:08] <rocknzen> that and the ability to tailor it to my needs
[19:08] <rocknzen> not to mention the resource hog that Windows is especially Vista
[19:09] <Agent_bob> at least three lufthanza 1. installing then cloning is redundant at best. 2. you'll want to omit the content of /dev/ /proc/ and /sys/ in that copy. they will all be in ram on the running system. 3. new drive will have different addressing so you'll have to edit /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/devices.map and /boot/grub/menu.lst accordingly.
[19:09] <rocknzen> Now it feels like I have a totaly new laptop
[19:10] <Agent_bob> lufthanza let me clearify one thing, i mean only the content of those three dirs. the dirs will need to exist.
[19:10] <rocknzen> Agent_bob: thanks for your help
[19:11] <Agent_bob> rocknzen welcome
[19:11] <Agent_bob> rocknzen my reason was not security or resources. but rather EULA
[19:11] <Agent_bob> not that both of those arent good reasons.
[19:12] <rocknzen> Sure that had something to do with it too
[19:12] <lufthanza> Agent_bob: I'm trying to avoid installing the linux bootloader manually, yareg is annoying to deal with
[19:12] <mahmoud> hi is this room for ubuntu or kubuntu
[19:12] <coleco-32> kubuntu
[19:12] <jussi01> Kubuntu
[19:12] <coleco-32> hence the title ;-)
[19:12] <mahmoud> is there any channel for ubuntu
[19:12] <jussi01> #ubuntu
[19:12] <coleco-32> gonna guess #ubuntu
[19:13] <lufthanza> Agent_bob: isn't /dev, /proc, and /sys generated at boot btw?
[19:13] <Agent_bob> rocknzen i couldn't see paying someone $200+ so i could agree to give them my hardware and anything it touched, and the prospect of just lying about it, and saying "yes i agree" when i knew that i didn't, just hung in my craw...
[19:14] <Agent_bob> lufthanza they are all mount points for things that are in ram yes.
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[19:14] <Agent_bob> lufthanza cat /proc/mounts you will notice that also /var/run and some other dirs are in ram
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[19:15] <lufthanza> Agent_bob: then wouldn't the ram based entries on my old drive (proc, dev, sys) be empty when i copy from them?
[19:15] <Agent_bob> lufthanza notice that /proc/kcore is the intire ram so making a copy of that is kinda wasteful
[19:15] <rocknzen> yeah I agree, you know I used to have this feeling that I was being watched too if you know what I mean?
[19:16] <rocknzen> not that I am the paranoid type, I'm not
[19:16] <Agent_bob> lufthanza i mentioned that "on the running system" they are in ram. so if you used a live cd to clone you wont have to omit anything.
[19:16] <rocknzen> do you mean $200 for a new version of OS?
[19:17] <Agent_bob> rocknzen yeah
[19:17] <lufthanza> Agent_bob: but a live cd wouldn't copy or install the bootloader :/
[19:17] <Agent_bob> why not ?
[19:17] <Agent_bob> !grub
[19:17] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[19:18] <lufthanza> Agent_bob: default for mac based linux is yaboot or somesuch
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[19:20] <rocknzen> Yeah how $389.00 for Vista Ultimate hhmmm let me think about that...Vista Ultimate $389.00 Linux/Ubunto+compiz $0.00 let me see...
[19:21] <intelikey> rocknzen heh yeah but i changed when winme came out
[19:21] <intelikey> so the price was $200+
[19:21] <rocknzen> Yeah I think zero for the same thing PLUS more secure Plus more customizable hmmm Yeah ZERO sounds good to me
[19:21] <intelikey> :)
[19:23] <KarlaJ> Hi people, I downloaded kubuntu-desktop to ubuntu. And I downloaded kde4.. Now i was adviced to update to kde4.1, how do I do that?
[19:24] <rocknzen> Hey but wait a minute I need office too thats about $400 I need Photoshop $300+ hhmmm sounds better and better all the time
[19:29] <mihaela> hi ! I use Kubuntu 8.04 . My proble is that when I move files (ctrl+x) that moved files are both in the initial place and the place where I paste it. Please ! ,can anybody tell me how to fix
[19:29] <mihaela> it
[19:31] <FoxIII> Hey all. I'v come across something I don't think is right. I have system monitor open and it says compiz.real twice One using 22M the other 14M. Does this sound right?
[19:32] <meta> mihaela: if you pastes a file as you said
[19:32] <meta> with ctrl-c / ctrl-v
[19:32] <meta> then you not moves, then you copies
[19:33] <mihaela> meta: I does ctrl+x / ctrl+v
[19:33] <meta> if you moves some files (you have selected them, and drag&dropped to somewhere else, then a context menu asks you about moving, copying, linking etc.
[19:33] <meta> i never tried ctrl-x
[19:33] <meta> i thought you tipoed
[19:34] <mihaela> that behaviour is happened just when I use that keyboard shortcut : ctrl-x ctrl-v
[19:34] <mihaela> if I use the mouse for that everything is right
[19:35] <meta> looks like that also copies
[19:35] <FoxIII> mihaela, Can you use ctrl-x ctrl-v everywhere else okay?
[19:36] <KarlaJ> Could sojmeone please tell me how I can select KDE to be displayed? i got kde4 installed, but i still see gnome desktop
[19:37] <FoxIII> KarlaJ, On the login screen, you will have the option to change desktop environments
[19:37] <mihaela> FoxIII: "everywhere" ...everywhere wherre ? in another OS ? I have Kubuntu on my laptotp and Gebto on my desktop ...
[19:37] <FoxIII> mihaela, I mean in a text editor for example.
[19:38] <mihaela> FoxIII: in kubuntu , when I use ctrl-x ctrl-v , the file I want to move , become shaded and instead to be just moved is copied
[19:38] <mihaela> FoxIII: oh...I don't know ...stay a minute
[19:39] <FoxIII> mihaela, yes. But if you have the same problems trying to cut and paste text, then it sounds keyboard related.
[19:39] * FoxIII is doing ever so well considering his 'e' key isn't working :D
[19:39] <mihaela> FoxIII: well...in OOffice I see that ctrl-x works OK
[19:40] <FoxIII> mihaela, have you looked through the ubuntu bugs? If there's nothing there then you could report it as a bug.
[19:41] <mihaela> FoxIII: ... and the odd thing is that the file I want ot move remained shaded
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[19:41] <FoxIII> mihaela, it certainly sounds like a bug.
[19:43] <mihaela> I will try to look over the bugs file ... I'm new to K / Ubuntu ...personaly I prefere Gentoo, but for laptops I think that K/Ubuntu is better
[19:47] <mihaela> bye!
[19:56] <kr0n05931> What does Kubuntu Member's KDE 4 Personal Package Archive mean?
[19:56] <Red_Wraith> Hello all.
[19:56] <Red_Wraith> Is anyone having problems with xine?
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[19:58] <kr0n05931> Why is it called the Kubuntu Member's KDE 4 Personal Package Archive? Does it cost money or is there anything special about it?
[19:59] <Red_Wraith> Amarok acted up and said it doesn't have mp3 support. It tried to get libxine1-ffmpeg, but my package manager complains that instead of getting libxine1-bin (= i'm getting Can someone help please?
[19:59] <Fieldy> !foldingathome
[19:59] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about foldingathome
[19:59] <Fieldy> !folding
[19:59] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about folding
[20:01] <kr0n05931> Does the Kubuntu Member's KDE 4 Personal Package Archive Repository cost money to use? Or do you have to do something special for it?
[20:01] <kr0n05931> or is it just free?
[20:03] <mrksbrd> never heard of it
[20:03] <mrksbrd> where do u see that @
[20:03] <kr0n05931> It's mentioned on this page: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1
[20:03] <rot> i want to get help
[20:04] <rot> # ubuntu
[20:04] <rot> # ubuntu
[20:04] <mrksbrd> all free
[20:04] <rot> #ubuntu
[20:05] <kr0n05931> So the repository mentioned is just a free repository? nothing special?
[20:05] <mn_> or #kubuntu-KDE4
[20:05] <mrksbrd> if your looking for upgrade to kde 4 just go the Konsole
[20:06] <kr0n05931> thanks
[20:06] <Red_Wraith> I tried KDE 4 in Fedora. I hated it.
[20:06] <mrksbrd> yea not to big on it either
[20:07] <rot> how can i make my laptop like a server
[20:08] <wiehan> I have no Color on my Nvidia Tv-out (hardy) please help
[20:08] <rot> any one help me
[20:09] <ganymede> hello, i have been installed kde packages one-by-one to use certain apps from kde on a gnome desktop, but i don't want all of kubuntu-desktop. currently, none of the apps, which are in /usr/lib/kde4/bin are in my path. which package will add this directory to users' PATHs, system wide?
[20:09] <rot> i want to get a help
[20:09] <rickest> rot: your laptop is already "like a server". we need a more specific question
[20:09] <rot> i want to make web hosting
[20:10] <rot> do u get it what i mean
[20:10] <rickest> rot: you want to install a web server?
[20:10] <rot> yeah
[20:11] <rot> and make hosting sites
[20:11] <Red_Wraith> rot: You'll have to get a static ip first. Do you have a static ip?
[20:11] <rot> yeah I have
[20:11] <wiehan> rot: google learn apache for Linux
[20:11] <rot> I all ready install the apache
[20:11] <rot> and it's working
[20:12] <rickest> rot: you need to buy a domain name and run DNS (or try to get your ISP to add your hostname/ip to their DNS) so your hostname resolves
[20:13] <rot> I have a domain name
[20:13] <rot> or try to get your ISP to add your hostname/ip to their DNS)
[20:14] <zabbadapp> wiehan: it is probably outputting video composite when you have a s-vhs cable ... once upon a time you could specify it in xorg.conf .. i don't know now
[20:14] <mrksbrd> rot: watch if your isp has a rule against running a web server they can drop you
[20:14] <gleyve_> what can i do to discover where is Rhythmbox's icon?
[20:15] <rot> wwhy
[20:15] <rot> is rogers
[20:18] <mrksbrd> something to do with the bandwidth draw under consumer acct, if u tell them thats what u want to do the assign u a static ip and OF COURSE charge more money
[20:18] <rickest> rot: there's a good chance your ISP does not allow you to host servers. That's usually a "business class" contract, not residential ISP
[20:22] <rot> yeah they have only dynamic
[20:22] <rot> ip
[20:22] <mrksbrd> becareful then
[20:24] <salvo> e vai!
[20:25] <salvo> hi
[20:28] <rickest> rot: for extra $ they'll give you a static IP but then they'll probably watch it closer to see if you're running a server and, if so, will probably charge more for that too. Only you ISP can answer these questions
[20:30] <eloquence> i need to find a decent batch file downloader that can generate a list of files for me from s1.mp3 to s114.mp3 similer to fileget in windows
[20:35] <usuario> disculpen cual es el canal de español o de america latina
[20:36] <Edulix> usuario: #kubuntu-es
[20:36] <usuario> gracias
[20:38] <happytiger> Is there a way to to a filesystem check under linux for ntfs? i.e. fix file system since my ubuntu box tells me to do a sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /media/disk -o force in order to mount the drive. So can I do a file system check/fix of a ntfs driver under linux???
[20:40] <KRF> happytiger, i dont think so
[20:40] <marius_> Hi all
[20:41] <HULK> happytiger, try ntfsfix
[20:41] <marius_> i have a problem with ubuntu
[20:41] <eloquence> err flashget
[20:42] <marius_> is here anyone here who can help me ?
[20:42] <HULK> ntfsfix v1.13.1 (libntfs 9:0:0)
[20:42] <HULK> Usage: ntfsfix [options] device
[20:42] <HULK> Attempt to fix an NTFS partition.
[20:42] <HULK> -h, --help Display this help
[20:42] <HULK> -V, --version Display version information
[20:42] <HULK> For example: ntfsfix /dev/hda6
[20:42] <sourcemaker> how can I save a DVD to harddisk?
[20:42] <HULK> Developers' email address: linux-ntfs-dev@lists.sf.net
[20:42] <HULK> Linux NTFS homepage: http://www.linux-ntfs.org
[20:42] <HULK> COPY + PASTE..... :)
[20:43] <happytiger> HULK: Thx mate i will try ntfs fix
[20:44] <HULK> You are wel come... :)
[20:45] <marius_> i have problems with VLC player when i try to install it
[20:45] <marius_> HULK can you help me ?
[20:46] <engineer> i can
[20:46] <HULK> marius: May be if you describe your problem...
[20:47] <marius_> i want to install vlc player and i see a problem
[20:47] <engineer> describe the problem!!!
[20:47] <marius_> i have opened a terminaw window and i typed sudo apt-get install vlc
[20:48] <engineer> !pastebin
[20:48] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[20:48] <engineer> paste the output of that in that site
[20:48] <marius_> and i received this Package vlc is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[20:48] <engineer> !universe
[20:48] <ubottu> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[20:49] <marius_> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted
[20:49] <engineer> see that link
[20:51] <marius_> engineer do you wrote that for me ?
[20:51] <engineer> yes
[20:51] <marius_> ok i will try
[20:52] <marius_> i forgot to say that i'm using ubuntu
[20:53] <engineer> doesnt matter
[20:53] <marius_> ok
[20:55] <SPhcT> hi
[20:56] <SPhcT> kubuntu dont display panels what i need do?
[20:58] <marius_> but i don't have adept manager
[21:02] <SPhcT> hi all
[21:03] <SPhcT> i need fix panels
[21:03] <SPhcT> dont show when i boot sytem
[21:03] <engineer> marius_ install it
[21:04] <rickest> marius_: you probably have 'synaptic'. same thing basically
[21:09] <lenea> does anyone know some software to add music on my ipod?
[21:10] <intelikey> !ipod
[21:10] <ubottu> For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod
[21:10] <intelikey> !rockbox
[21:10] <ubottu> rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!
[21:15] <fanel> hello,everybody.Any ideas how to get sound on my laptop?
[21:15] <intelikey> !sound | fanel been here yet ?
[21:15] <ubottu> fanel been here yet ?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[21:16] <jonn> how do i find detailed information about my laptop, such as what specific chipset it uses?
[21:16] <fanel> thanks ubottu
[21:16] <intelikey> sudo lshw | less
[21:16] <intelikey> jonn ^
[21:16] <jonn> thanks
[21:17] <intelikey> you can specify class lshw -C multimedia #for example
[21:18] <intelikey> lshw -C network #maybe
[21:20] <intelikey> jonn there are other list commands use tab completion... ls<tab>
[21:22] <fanel> ubottu: something strange,if I go to System Settings there is no option Sound Sistem.It is not in the list
[21:22] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[21:22] <Griz> Hey Gang. Why is it when I add a user to the system via the User Management applet in System Settings, even though I tell it the password never expires, when that user first logs on, they HAVE to change their pass?
[21:23] <maik> k tal
[21:23] <intelikey> Griz sounds like a bug. maybe report it. and " man passwd " for a work around.
[21:24] <intelikey> Griz what version kde ?
[21:24] <sourcemaker> !grip
[21:24] <ubottu> grip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number
[21:24] <Griz> intelikey, 3.5.9, iirc. let me looksee...
[21:25] <Griz> intelikey, affirmative, 3.5.9
[21:28] <Griz> intelikey, so, for now I need to be adding users via cli?
[21:29] <intelikey> Griz well it would work or you can use the gui and after set the password with the "passwd" command
[21:30] <Griz> (sigh) Oh Kludge! Oh well, life is a beach...
[21:31] <intelikey> Griz heh. yeah. i would and do just use cli for that
[21:31] <intelikey> sudo adduser blah
[21:32] <Griz> intelikey, ah, NO! ;-) THESE boxen are going to M$ lUsers!! Not A Chance! I'll get them set, before shipping!
[21:32] <intelikey> of course i would and do just use cli for everything...
[21:32] <Griz> intelikey, Oh Yeah. Gui's are for pr0n, Baby!
[21:32] <marius_> yes i have synaptic
[21:33] <Daisuke_Laptop> Griz: ascii, nuff said.
[21:33] <marius_> engineer and rickest
[21:33] <intelikey> p0rn are for guys that don't have lives, baby!
[21:34] <mizipzor> hmm... how come the Konversation icon in tray never alerts when im highlighted? it doesnt work in kde4, but it does work in kde3
[21:34] <engineer> marius_ so?
[21:34] <Griz> Daisuke_Laptop, yeah, but i'm getting old now. I've seen all the 'good' ASCII pr0n (and built some myself). hahahah
[21:34] <marius_> i have synaptic package manager
[21:34] <intelikey> mizipzor kde4 questions are for #kubuntu-kde4
[21:35] <engineer> !universe
[21:35] <ubottu> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[21:36] <engineer> marius_ sudo aptitude install software-sources-gtk
[21:37] <Griz> Back2WerkThen. intelikey, Thank You for your assist! Have a FANTASTIC weekend!
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[21:45] <Ayabara> I use digikam, and have hierarchical tags. Does anyone know if any other applications will understand that people/family/whats-her-name is to be interpreted as a hierarchy?
[21:46] <marius_> engineer i sent you some messages in prv
[21:47] <engineer> close adept or synaptic
[21:47] <marius_> ok
[21:49] <marius_> i receive this
[21:49] <marius_> Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "software-sources-gtk"
[21:49] <marius_> Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "software-sources-gtk"
[21:49] <marius_> No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.
[21:49] <marius_> 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
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[21:51] <marius_> what i need to do
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[21:52] <hotgurl18LasVega> hi
[21:53] <mizipzor> is there a way to run a different keyboard layout for every program?
[21:53] <mizipzor> i usually have dvorak but when playing games its easier to have qwerty, so i dont have to rebind everything
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[22:03] <engineer> marius_ sudo aptitude install software-properties-gtk software-properties-kde
[22:06] <usuario> disculpen por que en el menu k me aperece como e= graficos y asi en varias opciones
[22:08] <usuario> hola
[22:08] <usuario> alguien que me ayude
[22:09] <tsuna27> !compiz
[22:09] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[22:09] <usuario> ok
[22:15] <usuario> hola
[22:15] <jpds> !es | usuario
[22:15] <ubottu> usuario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[22:15] <usuario> como puedo entral a el canal de español
[22:16] <jpds> usuario: /join #kubuntu-es
=== aslak is now known as Covi
[22:40] <KarlaJ> could someone hellp me? I got kde 4. how do I do to get 4.1?
[22:41] <teamcobra> hello everyone
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[22:43] <teamcobra> Iḿ having an odd problem in kde 4.1 (intrepid)... everything in my keymap works, except apostropheś :p when I change sessions to gnome, it works fine... and I have it set in kde 4.1ś systemsettings to not touch the keymap
[22:43] <Covi> teamcobra: hi mate
[22:43] <teamcobra> hi Covi, howś it going? :)
[22:43] <Covi> I'm fine, and u? :)
[22:44] <teamcobra> pretty good, I really like kde 4.1, installed it last night..... itś surprisingly quick, save for my apostrophe problem ;p
[22:45] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, could you please tell me how u explained it? I have asked 10 times in this channel no one replies
[22:45] <Covi> How do i know with version of kde i'm running?
[22:45] <teamcobra> KarlaJ: youŕe having the same problem?
[22:47] <teamcobra> Covi: they look pretty radically different.... and the splash in 3.5.x says ¨3.5.number¨ on it
[22:47] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, My problem is, i got kde4. I am trying to upgrade to 4.1 but i dont know how and no one is telling me :)
[22:48] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, would you mind telling me how to instlal it?
[22:48] <teamcobra> karla: hrm...... sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ?
[22:48] <Covi> teamcobra: and.... where do i read the version number, i just downloaded kubuntu 8.05 (i think)
[22:48] <teamcobra> not 100% sure what ver the hardy kubuntu kde4 packages are, but I think they´d be the same in this case
[22:49] <teamcobra> Covi: take a screenshot and Iĺl tell you in 2 secs ;p
[22:49] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, I tried to install ubuntu but it didnt work, so i had to install ubuntu, then kubuntu-desktop, then kde 4.. Now i want to upgrade to 4.1 but i have NO clue how =)
[22:50] <teamcobra> karla: when you update your packages, itĺl autoupdate
[22:50] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, ok , i am a first time linux user, installed it yesterday. How do I know which version of KDE i got?
[22:51] <teamcobra> in kde, open a konsole, and type this ¨sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install upgrade¨ without quotes
[22:51] <KarlaJ> Could not find package upgrade
[22:51] <teamcobra> Karla: when you click on the K button, can you search for different apps by typing in the top of the start menu?
[22:52] <teamcobra> sorry, I meant to say sudo apt-get upgrade
[22:52] <KarlaJ> yeah i did, and it said 0 upgraded
[22:52] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, I have no clue yet, I am trying to figure out how to switch from gnome to KDE =)
[22:52] <teamcobra> then you have the newest of the 4 branch
[22:53] <KarlaJ> cool thank you
[22:53] <teamcobra> to use kde instead of gnome, click on the bottom right of the login screen, and choose session type.... then select KDE
[22:53] <teamcobra> erm, bottom left
[22:53] <teamcobra> sorry
[22:54] <KarlaJ> Is it possible to log out, but keep my session somehow active?
[22:54] <teamcobra> I don´t think so :/
[22:54] <KarlaJ> ok
[22:54] <KarlaJ> brb then
[22:57] <KarlaJ> Worked like a charm teamcobra , thanks.. but dang, its really slow menus
[22:58] <teamcobra> the first few times the menu loads, it seems slow
[22:58] <teamcobra> after that, it flies.... I think it does some heavy caching
[22:58] <KarlaJ> ah okey
[22:58] <KarlaJ> great thanks
[22:58] <mrksbrd> ok simple question.....how can I change the image of one icon on my desktop?
[23:01] <jussi01> mrksbrd: right click -> propertis -> spanner -> icon (you should be able to find it from here, havent got it in front of me atm)
[23:01] <teamcobra> Karla: do you know what kind of video your system has?
[23:01] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, Video?
[23:02] <teamcobra> hrm, ok..... open a console, type ¨lspci¨ and look for a line talking about video
[23:02] <teamcobra> if you could read me the video card type, we can make sure accelerated 3d is working
[23:03] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, ah my graphiccard? 2x geforce 8800 ultra 768mb
[23:04] <teamcobra> ahhh, okay :) do you have the restricted nvidia drivers installed for 3d and stuff?
[23:05] <KarlaJ> teamcobra, Hum, I had a graphicard icon.. that i clicked and then chose the nvida driver, if that is what you mean?
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[23:10] <teamcobra> yes
[23:11] <teamcobra> cool, it should work then... if you go to K/Computer/System Settings/Desktop, you can set effects
[23:11] <teamcobra> kinda like compiz... the wobbly windows are much nicer looking ;)
[23:12] <KarlaJ> ill try it out
[23:13] <teamcobra> it should _fly_ on that 8800... I have a 6150go onboard w/ only 2 rendering pipelines ;p
[23:19] <ghostcube> hi folks
[23:19] <jussi01> hi
[23:20] <ghostcube> may u can help me with this, i need the window type or clas for the kmenu :) does anyone know this
[23:20] <reboot08> i have ubunto and xp installed on my laptop i want to format the xp side and remove the partition any ideas cant be alll that hard huh?
[23:20] <mrksbrd> jussi01: knew it was simple ....ty
[23:20] <jussi01> reboot08: install and run qtparted
[23:21] <jussi01> mrksbrd: yw
[23:21] <jussi01> ghostcube: perhaps ask in #kubuntu-devel ?
[23:21] <reboot08> k
[23:21] <ghostcube> hmm jussi01 ok will try :)
[23:23] <reboot08> hey jussi01 this wont effect my current ubunutu will it ? qtparted
[23:23] <ghostcube> only if u format the wrong partition
[23:23] <ghostcube> :|
[23:23] <reboot08> lol
[23:24] <jussi01> reboot08: it is a graphical program that lets you manage your partitions similar to whats on the live cd
[23:24] <reboot08> thats what i was thinking
[23:24] <jussi01> reboot08: :)
[23:24] <reboot08> k thanks
[23:25] <reboot08> ok im gonna give it a shot if im not back in a few days....
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[23:29] <kiraisjustice> hi everyone
[23:30] <Covi> hi kid
[23:30] <kiraisjustice> i am currently using winxp but want to install kubuntu
[23:30] <krijali> hello
[23:30] <krijali> i like the name btw
[23:30] <kiraisjustice> i have a f5d7010v7 belkin wireless adapter
[23:31] <kiraisjustice> thankyou
[23:31] <kiraisjustice> and i am havein trouble getting it 2 work
[23:31] <kiraisjustice> im a newb 2 linux
[23:31] <mrksbrd> u have to install ndiswrapper
[23:31] <kiraisjustice> i dont understand
[23:32] <mrksbrd> then to make sure it see's the hardware
[23:32] <mrksbrd> type either lspci or lshw
[23:32] <jussi01> !ndiswrapper
[23:32] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[23:32] <zzl> where can I get the latest version? wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz
[23:32] <mrksbrd> ndiswrapper allows you to use windows wireless drivers under linux
[23:32] <kiraisjustice> ok
[23:33] <ghostcube> kiraisjustice: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/36087
[23:33] <kiraisjustice> but where do i get the drivers
[23:33] <ghostcube> from ure windows cd
[23:33] <zzl> where can I get the latest version? wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz
[23:33] <kiraisjustice> and what commands do i type?
[23:33] <ghostcube> the driver cd
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[23:33] <kiraisjustice> o ok thanks
[23:34] <mrksbrd> if u have a separate driver cd, you can use that ...if not search the web for your model card
[23:34] <kiraisjustice> very helpful people you guys are
[23:34] <kiraisjustice> so i get ndiswrapper
[23:34] <zzl> where can I get the latest version? wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz
[23:35] <kiraisjustice> and what commands do i type?
[23:35] <kiraisjustice> is there a post about this
[23:35] <kiraisjustice> ?
[23:35] <ghostcube> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/36087 kiraisjustice look here for start
[23:35] <ghostcube> he did the same
[23:35] <mrksbrd> goto kmenu.....add / remove programs
[23:35] <mrksbrd> & do a search from there
[23:36] <kiraisjustice> thanxs everyone!
[23:36] <mrksbrd> yw
[23:38] <zzl> http://madwifi.org/ticket/1192?
[23:38] <zzl> is that the latest?
[23:38] <kiraisjustice> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/36087
[23:38] <kiraisjustice> i think that will help
[23:38] <kiraisjustice> thanx
[23:39] <zzl> http://madwifi.org/ticket/1192
[23:40] <kiraisjustice> it workeD!!!
[23:41] <ghostcube> :)
[23:41] <kiraisjustice> thank god 4 people with common courtisy to the newbies
[23:41] <zzl> where can I get the madwifi drivers?
[23:45] <kiraisjustice> 4 future ref ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 is already installed w/ kubuntu 8.04.1
[23:45] <kiraisjustice> correct
[23:45] <kiraisjustice> ?
[23:46] <kiraisjustice> yes no?
[23:46] <teamcobra> kiras: not by default
[23:47] <kiraisjustice> ok then where do i get it
[23:47] <kiraisjustice> and how to install cause my buddy did it 4 me
[23:47] <teamcobra> open a terminal, and type ¨sudo apt-ger install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9¨
[23:47] <teamcobra> erm, apt-get
[23:48] <kiraisjustice> that will install it?
[23:50] <teamcobra> yes
[23:53] <ghostcube> kiraisjustice: u can just open the package manager and search for ndiswrapper this will bring it up and u can install it :)
[23:53] <ghostcube> if the numbers may change