UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /13 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[00:27] <fta> looks like ff3 doesn't support glyph-orientation-vertical="0" in SVG :(
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[00:47] <fta> mozilla bug 319163
[00:47] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 319163 in SVG "vertical writing does not work in SVG" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=319163
[00:48] <fta> damn, no fix
[00:48] <fta> not nominated either
[02:14] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: asac are either around i have a stupid question about a extension
[02:15] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, I'm here...
[02:16] <Jazzva> (sorry ... still haven't look at the firegpg. was working on this school project :))
[02:16] <gnomefreak> im looking at linkwidgets
[02:17] <gnomefreak> and i cant find just that source upstream its almost like they packaged all exteniosn in one
[02:17] <gnomefreak> see http://clav.mozdev.org/source.html
[02:18] <gnomefreak> should i grab all re remove the one i want to new dir and start there?
[02:18] <gnomefreak> and hope it has all files needed
[02:19] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, the source is there...
[02:20] <Jazzva> http://www.mozdev.org/source/browse/clav/source/linkwidget/
[02:20] <Jazzva> i can't understand your question :)...
[02:20] <gnomefreak> when i tried to grab it it grabed all of thier extensions
[02:20] <gnomefreak> from this link how do i use cvs?
[02:23] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, dunno...
[02:23] <Jazzva> try following the instructions provided there
[02:23] <Jazzva> cvs -d :pserver:guest@mozdev.org:/cvs login
[02:24] <Jazzva> cvs -d :pserver:guest@mozdev.org:/cvs co clav
[02:24] <Jazzva> the second one might checkout all extensions
[02:24] <Jazzva> i haven't used cvs much, but maybe something like this might work (based on intuition)
[02:24] <Jazzva> cvs -d :pserver:guest@mozdev.org:/cvs co clav/source/linkwidget
[02:30] <gnomefreak> ok will try and yes second one does give all of them
[02:32] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: loosk like it worked
[02:32] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: thanks again ;)
[02:32] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, no problem :)
[02:33] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: some think bothers me about this mainly the CVS dir.
[02:33] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets$ ls
[02:33] <gnomefreak> clav
[02:33] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets$ cd clav/
[02:33] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets/clav$ ls
[02:33] <gnomefreak> CVS source
[02:33] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets/clav$ cd CVS/
[02:34] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets/clav/CVS$ ls
[02:34] <gnomefreak> Entries Entries.Log Entries.Static Repository Root
[02:34] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets/clav/CVS$ cd ..
[02:34] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets/clav$ cd source/
[02:34] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets/clav/source$ ls
[02:34] <gnomefreak> CVS linkwidget
[02:34] <Jazzva> just mv linkwidget dir... i think that's the one you need :)
[02:34] <gnomefreak> i guess i should us sources/CVS/linkwideits
[02:34] <Jazzva> and if you find any CVS dirs inside linkwidget, delete them
[02:34] <Jazzva> something like
[02:35] <Jazzva> $ cd linkwidget; find . -name CVS -exec 'rm -rf {}'
[02:35] <Jazzva> (I think)
[02:35] <Jazzva> it should work
[02:36] <gnomefreak> from what dir?
[02:36] <Jazzva> execute that find from linkwidget dir
[02:37] <gnomefreak> so from ~/linkwidgits or ~/linkwidgets/clav/source/?
[02:38] <gnomefreak> im thinking top level since CVS is in top level of both dir
[02:39] <Jazzva> ~/linkwidgets/clav/source/linkwidgets
[02:39] <Jazzva> since you need only that one
[02:39] <Jazzva> the rest are useless for packaging :)
[02:41] <gnomefreak> thats usless as well
[02:42] <Jazzva> why is it useless? doesn't it contain the source?
[02:42] <gnomefreak> i removed CVS all around the source including in *source/kinkwidgits
[02:42] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: there isnt a copyright file
[02:42] <Jazzva> bug upstream :)
[02:43] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/linkwidgets/clav/source/linkwidget$ ls
[02:43] <gnomefreak> chrome.manifest content defaults install.rdf lang makexpi tests theme
[02:45] <gnomefreak> there was one i could swear
[02:45] <Jazzva> is it maybe just in xpi (though it should be in source too, if that's the case)
[02:47] <gnomefreak> i think it was in the full pull from cvs intead of using link... directly
[02:47] <gnomefreak> that isnt so great IMHO
[02:48] <gnomefreak> i might leave this one for tomorrow or next day until i can decide what i want to do with it
[02:49] <Jazzva> ok
[02:50] <gnomefreak> maybe ill email him in morning about how to grab just thid one extenion ewithcopy* and frieds
[02:55] <gnomefreak> flashgot looks like its windows app and they state for linux/bxd you need wine to run it. is this really one we want to work with?
[02:56] <fta> http://www.hixie.ch/tests/evil/acid/004/
[02:56] * fta applauds in anticipation
[02:56] <gnomefreak> !info foxmarks hardy
[02:56] <ubottu> Package foxmarks does not exist in hardy
[03:04] <gnomefreak> thats 3 i cant find cvs or svn for soure nor anyother mention of source code
[03:06] <gnomefreak> make that 4
[03:18] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: im heading for bed now. if you want i can tak some of yours while im waiing for replies, but i will look after i sleep
[03:19] <Jazzva> some of mine? extensions?
[03:20] <Jazzva> gnomefreak ^
[03:28] <crimsun> fta: ok, I'll look (sorry, travelling for work lately)
[03:29] <crimsun> fta: are there binary packages built for 8.04, too?
[03:29] <fta> crimsun, yes
[03:29] <crimsun> ok
[03:30] <fta> crimsun, and there's a test page too: http://www.double.co.nz/video_test/
[03:34] <crimsun> ok, thanks
[03:47] <fta> http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2008/07/native-ogg-vorbis-and-theora-support-added-for-firefox-31/
[03:47] <fta> going to bed. cu
[04:05] * gnomefreak wishes they would put contact on one of their pages
[04:14] <gnomefreak> they said ff acid wont work correct until ff 4.0
[04:35] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: i know your gone and im headin to bed. can we use bugzilla as Extension developer contact i cant find a devs email address or i gues we could use bugzilla please ping me when your around i might be sleeping but ill have away up so i will dee it if my nick is used ;)
[04:36] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, you can, I suppose... I usually leave it blank if that's the case :)
[04:36] <gnomefreak> i see there are 4 devs on the pluging page but after reading FAQ it says dont bother them (psrsphrded)
[04:37] <gnomefreak> ill use bugzilla i think
[04:37] <Jazzva> s/psrsphrded/paraphrased/?
[04:39] <gnomefreak> yep
[04:48] <gnomefreak> ok thats fixed im going to bed. see you in morning
[04:48] <Jazzva> see you :)
[04:49] <Jazzva> i'm off too...
[09:11] <XioNoX> hi !
[09:17] <asac> hi XioNoX
[09:18] <XioNoX> ready to work !
[09:18] <XioNoX> I'm just listening to the new queen song
[09:28] <asac> hehe
[09:41] <XioNoX> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/browser/base/content/browser.js#5874
[09:41] <XioNoX> and line 850
[09:48] <asac> XioNoX: ok. what we want something similar like the "missingPluginInstaller.prototype.newMissingPlugin"
[09:49] <XioNoX> newMissingPlugin or installSinglePlugin ?
[09:49] <asac> XioNoX: for now "newMissingPlugin"
[09:49] <XioNoX> ok
[09:50] <asac> that is the function that accumulates a list of plugins used on a tabbrowser instance
[09:50] <asac> instead of displaying the notification box, we want to activate the menu entry
[09:50] <XioNoX> ok
[09:50] <XioNoX> a big and hard function :D
[09:50] <asac> (ad the status bar icon)
[09:50] <asac> XioNoX: well ... its almost exactly how we want it
[09:50] <XioNoX> ok nice
[09:51] <asac> it gets the event (which we still need to emit)
[09:51] <asac> associated is with the right tabbrowser tab
[09:52] <XioNoX> <![CDATA[
[09:52] <XioNoX> event.preventDefault();
[09:52] <XioNoX> // Fire a PluginNotFound event to trigger the infobar
[09:52] <XioNoX> var ev = document.createEvent("Events");
[09:52] <XioNoX> ev.initEvent("PLUGIN_DETECTED", true, true);
[09:52] <XioNoX> this.dispatchEvent(ev);
[09:52] <asac> e.g. browser.missingPlugins[...] = pluginInfo
[09:52] <XioNoX> add something like that in the xbl ?
[09:53] <asac> XioNoX: yes. maybe use "PluginUsed"
[09:53] <asac> as ivent name
[09:53] <XioNoX> ok
[10:11] <XioNoX> asac, i use the overlay.js of ubufox or I create a new one ?
[10:11] <asac> XioNoX: for what?
[10:12] <XioNoX> to put the modified version of "missingPluginInstaller.prototype.newMissingPlugin"
[10:12] <asac> i think you should do a separate one ... since the overlay will be a separate as well
[10:12] <XioNoX> ok
[10:29] <asac> hi bdrung
[10:30] <bdrung> hi
[10:30] <asac> bdrung: i think i uploaded your extension right?
[10:31] <bdrung> yes
[10:31] <asac> bdrung: i think next step is to normalize the .upstream branch, by using med-xpi-unpack/-pack
[10:31] <asac> e.g. med-xpi-unpack my.xpi
[10:31] <asac> bdrung: or are you using upstream sources (e.g. not .xpi)?
[10:32] <bdrung> for packaging i used the upstream source package
[10:32] <asac> bdrung: ok. does your extension have "native" components?
[10:32] <bdrung> no
[10:32] <asac> e.g. .so libraries
[10:33] <asac> bdrung: how do the yrelease their source packages?
[10:33] <asac> if we can use a "watch" file, then that would be fine as well
[10:33] <asac> otherwise its often easier to directly use the .xpi, unpack that with med-xpi-unpack in the .upstream tree
[10:33] <bdrung> as tar.gz file. i have added a watch file
[10:33] <asac> as we can then do auto-syncs
[10:34] <asac> bdrung: ok cool
[10:34] <asac> bdrung: is there a way i can automatically download the latest source release?
[10:34] <asac> (e.g. based on the watch file rule)?
[10:35] <bdrung> yes, should be done with wget or something else. watches line: http://crypto.stanford.edu/PwdHash/ stanford-pwdhash-(.*)\.tar.gz
[10:35] <bdrung> currently http://crypto.stanford.edu/PwdHash/stanford-pwdhash-1.6.tar.gz
[10:36] <asac> bdrung: so how would i automize that?
[10:36] <asac> i want a script that automatically updates the .upstream branch
[10:36] <asac> ;)
[10:36] <asac> when there is a new release available
[10:36] <XioNoX> asac, all extentions can be included in ubuntu or there are a particular policy ?
[10:37] <bdrung> how does the scripts work that uses the watches file?
[10:37] <asac> XioNoX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/List
[10:37] <asac> XioNoX: good licenses is important requirement
[10:37] <asac> XioNoX: another requirement is "active upstream" ... and at best a "responsive upstream contact"
[10:38] <asac> bdrung: i think they use uscan
[10:38] <XioNoX> ok
[10:39] <asac> XioNoX: and of course a ubuntu QA contact
[10:39] <XioNoX> ok ;)
[10:39] <asac> who takes care that we update the package regularaly, and who feels responsible in doing the bug work of that extension
[10:40] <asac> XioNoX: on that extension list page there is a table that has extensions that are ready for the archive
[10:41] <asac> there appear to be a bunch of extensions that could be packaged ;)
[10:41] <asac> but better check with Jazzva who has a better overview
[10:41] <asac> ;)
[10:41] <bdrung> asac: so we should use uscan for detection of new version, compare this with the version in the upstream branch and if newer we should download the new package and extract it
[10:42] <asac> bdrung: not sure ;) .... if you could figure out how we can best deal with watch file driven extesions i would appreciate it
[10:42] <XioNoX> asac, It is just to know, I've never pakaged extentions, I could maybe do it after my internship
[10:43] <asac> bdrung: what we want is a script that looks at .ubuntu branch and if there is a new upstream release, updates the .upstream branch
[10:43] <asac> XioNoX: sure. nothing to hurry ;) ... packaging extensions is easy and a good starter for packaging
[10:44] <asac> (well ... can be hard, but usually the complexity should be managable)
[10:44] <XioNoX> I've already done pakaging "just for fun" few months ago
[10:44] <asac> oh
[10:44] <asac> cool
[10:45] <asac> XioNoX: how long is your internship to continue?
[10:45] <asac> one more week
[10:45] <asac> ?
[10:45] <XioNoX> My last day (for debriefing) is monday 25
[10:45] <XioNoX> so yes, 1 more week
[10:46] <asac> ok cool
[10:46] <asac> next week we should go through your work and integrate that in ubufox - eventually fixing any bugs/glitches
[10:46] <asac> so there are final things
[10:46] <bdrung> asac: in which language?
[10:47] <XioNoX> ok, nice and hoping that lobbying make some progress
[10:47] <asac> hopefully
[10:48] <asac> bdrung: programming language?
[10:48] <bdrung> asac: yes
[10:48] <asac> bdrung: doesnt matter ;)
[10:48] <asac> we just need to agree on arguments for that script/program
[10:49] <asac> bdrung: which language would you prefer?
[10:49] <bdrung> asac: ok. i will try to write a script. if shell script is not powerfull enough i prefer to use python
[10:49] <asac> bdrung: thats fine
[10:49] <asac> for now use the following contract (if possible):
[10:50] <bdrung> because it is easier to use python than shell
[10:50] <asac> script <upstreambranchurl> <ubuntubranchurl>
[10:51] <bdrung> ok
[10:53] <XioNoX> asac, if I do something like : alert('test1');
[10:53] <XioNoX> gBrowser.addEventListener("PluginUsed", gMissingPluginInstaller.PluginUsed, true, true);
[10:53] <XioNoX> alert('test2'); , I see the test1 but not the test2
[10:53] <asac> XioNoX: any error in the error console
[10:54] <XioNoX> gMissingPluginInstaller.PluginUsed exist, it is the modified version of gMissingPluginInstaller.newMissingPlugin
[10:54] <XioNoX> nothing
[10:54] <XioNoX> can you give me the url of the page where there are the about:confing stuff to modify to have more error log ?
[10:54] <XioNoX> just to check
[10:54] <asac> XioNoX: instead of alert('test1') do a alert('test1 ' + gBrowser)
[10:55] <asac> if that isnt null
[10:55] <asac> check if gMissingPluginInstaller.PluginUsed is really defined
[10:55] <asac> XioNoX: btw, please name that gAltPluginWizard.pluginsUsed
[10:55] <asac> r something
[10:56] <XioNoX> ok
[10:56] <XioNoX> test1 [object XULElement]
[10:57] <asac> XioNoX: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Debugging_JavaScript
[10:57] <asac> javascript.options.strict = true
[10:57] <asac> ?
[10:57] <XioNoX> but I haved to add gBrowser = document.getElementById("content"); begore
[10:57] <asac> (under Strict code checking )
[10:57] <asac> XioNoX: ok.
[10:58] <asac> XioNoX: see if gBrowser.addEventListener is defined at all
[10:58] <asac> (with alert)
[10:58] <XioNoX> Erreur : uncaught exception: [Exception... "Could not convert JavaScript argument" nsresult: "0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://ubufox/content/alternatePlugins.js :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 7" data: no]
[10:59] <asac> whats at that line?
[10:59] <XioNoX> gBrowser.addEventListener("PluginUsed", gMissingPluginInstaller.PluginUsed, true, true); :)
[10:59] <asac> XioNoX: i am sure that gMissingPluginInstaller.PluginUsed is wrong there
[11:00] <XioNoX> I get : function addEventListener() {
[11:00] <XioNoX> [native code]
[11:00] <XioNoX> } with alert(gBrowser.addEventListener)
[11:00] <XioNoX> Ok i'll check that
[11:00] <asac> ok
[11:00] <asac> just check that you pass the right arguments to the addEventListener function
[11:00] <asac> should work
[11:18] <XioNoX> asac, I4ve try to recode the related function like on the browser.js but I still get the same error :(
[11:18] <XioNoX> see http://pastebin.mozilla.org/513470
[11:28] <asac> XioNoX: why is line 5 after line 3?
[11:28] <asac> is that correct?
[11:28] <asac> and you have: gAltPluginWizard.pluginsUsed
[11:28] <asac> vs.
[11:28] <asac> altPluginWizard.prototype.PluginUsed
[11:29] <asac> which cant be right
[11:29] <XioNoX> right, but I have te same error if I switch them
[11:31] <asac> test if gAltPluginWizard.pluginsUsed is defined
[11:31] <asac> most likely thats the problem
[11:32] <XioNoX> if I do that, i see test 4 :
[11:32] <XioNoX> gBrowser.addEventListener("PluginUsed", test(), true, true);
[11:32] <XioNoX> function test(){
[11:32] <XioNoX>
[11:32] <XioNoX> alert('test4');
[11:32] <XioNoX>
[11:32] <XioNoX> }
[11:33] <XioNoX> but I don't understand how works altPluginWizard.prototype.PluginUsed = function(aEvent)
[11:39] <asac> XioNoX: well... test() will call the alert even before you get the event
[11:39] <asac> just "test" would be the equivalent
[11:40] <asac> so is gAltPluginWizard.pluginsUsed defined?
[11:40] <asac> test that with an alert
[11:41] <XioNoX> undefined
[11:42] <XioNoX> so how does i defined this kind of element ?
[11:53] <asac> the prototype thing is the right approach from what i can tell
[11:59] <XioNoX> I go to eat ;)
[13:06] <XioNoX> back
[13:21] <asac> XioNoX: any progress?
[13:23] <XioNoX> I don't understant how works the .prototype. thing :(
[13:30] <asac> XioNoX: please paste your current diff against ubufox.main
[13:33] <XioNoX> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/513530
[13:33] <XioNoX> I don't know if it is exaclty what you can
[13:47] <asac> XioNoX: the new .js file is not in the diff
[13:47] <asac> you have to bzr add filepath
[13:47] <asac> in order to make it appear in bzr diff
[13:48] <XioNoX> here : http://pastebin.mozilla.org/513532
[13:49] <XioNoX> asac
[13:49] <asac> yep
[13:49] <asac> XioNoX: the name is still differnt
[13:50] <XioNoX> ?
[13:51] <XioNoX> ok
[13:51] <XioNoX> fix
[13:51] <XioNoX> ed
[13:53] <asac> XioNoX: the altpluginsoverlay xml is not in diff either
[13:53] <asac> xul
[13:54] <asac> XioNoX: give me an updated patch with the latest please ;)
[13:54] <XioNoX> sorry :)
[13:57] <asac> XioNoX: let me know when you have a fixed diff ;)
[13:58] <XioNoX> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/513537
[14:10] <fta> http://maps.google.com/help/maps/2008summergames/
[14:12] <asac> still unsure how we managed to get 4 ;)
[14:13] <fta> eheh
[14:13] <XioNoX> asac,it is working
[14:13] <asac> XioNoX: there still is not the overlay xul file in it
[14:13] <asac> XioNoX: please look at what you post before you post ;)
[14:13] <asac> XioNoX: good. at least that
[14:13] <asac> XioNoX: try to remove all those .css things
[14:14] <asac> ah you did
[14:14] <asac> good
[14:14] <XioNoX> ok
[14:14] <asac> well ... commit and push up
[14:14] <asac> ;)
[14:15] <XioNoX> Maybe It is too fast, when I say it is working, i mean I have no more error message
[14:15] <XioNoX> but I still don't see test3, even on flash page
[14:16] <XioNoX> I thinks it is because the event is loaded (by the contructor thing) only once
[14:18] <asac> is it pushed?
[14:19] <asac> XioNoX: ?
[14:19] <XioNoX> the diff : http://pastebin.mozilla.org/513552
[14:19] <XioNoX> with everything :D
[14:20] <asac> yay ;)
[14:22] <XioNoX> Pushed up to revision 97
[14:22] <XioNoX> https://code.launchpad.net/~xionox/ubufox/ubufox.altplugins
[14:33] <asac> event.preventDefault();
[14:33] <asac> that most likely fails
[14:34] <asac> XioNoX: if you remove that line it works for me
[14:36] <XioNoX> cool
[14:36] <XioNoX> I have 4 test3 but it is cool
[14:37] <asac> XioNoX: well. there are multiple flash files on that page maybe?
[14:38] <XioNoX> 2
[14:38] <asac> so twice ;)
[14:39] <XioNoX> yep
[14:40] <XioNoX> So now when we go on e page who have flash content, it show the statusbar idem & menu item
[14:41] <asac> yes
[14:41] <XioNoX> but how do I do to remove it if there are no flash content ?
[14:45] <asac> XioNoX: first question is: where to store the used mime-types
[14:45] <asac> that should be done per-tab
[14:45] <asac> if we can access that we would monitor for change in active tab
[14:45] <asac> and flip the menu state accordingly
[15:11] <XioNoX-> back
[15:11] <XioNoX-> sorry, conexion problem
[15:19] <asac> u
=== XioNoX- is now known as XioNoX
[16:01] <XioNoX> asac, how do you manage by tab things ?
[16:09] <asac> XioNoX: look at tabbrowser.xml
[16:09] <asac> there is mCurrentBrowser for instance
[16:10] <asac> you can listen for changes to that field
[16:11] <XioNoX> if this field change we run the event thing ?
[16:11] <XioNoX> to find flash
[16:11] <XioNoX> ?
[16:12] <asac> XioNoX: no if this field changes, we look if there are any "usedplugins" stored
[16:12] <asac> usedplugins is a field where we add the plugins identified by those events
[16:13] <asac> what you want to do during event is to add the "usedplugins" to a field of the mCurrentBrowser (however get that)
[16:14] <asac> when mCurrentBrowser changes you look if there are any usedplugins for that browser
[16:14] <asac> and if so, display the menu/icon
[16:14] <asac> otherwise hide it
[16:14] <XioNoX> okay!
[16:14] <XioNoX> all of this is into the altPluginWizard.prototype.PluginUsed = function(aEvent){ ?
[16:15] <XioNoX> and is run each time the event thing do something ?
[16:15] <asac> XioNoX: in that function you want to find the currentbrowser and add the plugin to a array
[16:15] <asac> or something
[16:15] <asac> the menu itself listens for changes to currentbrowser and does the hide/show logic
[16:19] <Volans> Hi asac :) I have a couple of general questions, if you are not busy ;)
[16:23] <Volans> 1) have you planned to use the new launchpadlib for the automatic management of the extensions?
[16:23] <Volans> 2) whit this new automatic system what will be the version number policy for the extensions? (in particular for backports)
[16:28] <asac> Volans: launchpadlib ... not sure. what benefit does it give us?
[16:28] <asac> anyway ... i am off to sport now ... will be back in 2-3 h
[16:28] <asac> (sorry)
[16:28] <Volans> ok, we can speak after, no problem
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
[19:22] <asac> back
[19:55] <bfiller> asac: having more fun with branding and langpacks. The issue is my branding changes only have en-US locale so branding changes not picked up in different langs..
[19:56] <asac> bfiller: why do your branding changes only have en-US locale?
[19:56] <bfiller> asac: was an oversight, I'm trying to add other locales to the branding subdir but they are not getting created
[19:57] <asac> bfiller: how are you trying to do that?
[19:59] <asac> bfiller: what you need to do is to modify the .manifest
[19:59] <asac> and add all the locales you want there
[19:59] <asac> (given that the branding should be identical for every locale)
[20:00] <bfiller> asac: one sec
[20:04] <bfiller> asac: which .manifest do I modify? in mozilla/browser/branding/locales there is currently an en-US dir, so I added other local dirs at that level
[20:04] <bfiller> asac: s/local/locale
[20:05] <asac> bfiller: hmm
[20:05] <asac> bfiller: lets try something different ;)
[20:05] <bfiller> asac: I think the bigger problem is the mozilla-langpack packages install a language extension that has it's own branding
[20:05] <asac> bfiller: locales/jar.mn
[20:06] <asac> try to duplicate the %locale line ... and replace @AB_CD@ with whatever locale you want to support
[20:06] <asac> i hope that this will create the proper .manifest lines
[20:06] <asac> that map the branding for the named locale to en-US brnading
[20:06] <bfiller> asac: ok, I'll try that
[20:07] <asac> % locale branding @AB_CD@ %locale/branding/
[20:07] <asac> % locale branding fi %locale/branding/
[20:07] <asac> bfiller: ^^
[20:07] <asac> if you want to support fi
[20:07] <asac> keep the AB_CD thing as that will be en-US in the end
[20:07] <asac> i hope that just works (TM)
[20:07] <bfiller> asac: do you think these jars will take precedence to the ones that get installed by mozilla-langpack xpis?
[20:10] <asac> bfiller: good point
[20:10] <asac> bfiller: let me think ;)
[20:10] <asac> bfiller: do you have a install that exposes this behaviour?
[20:10] <asac> so we can hack around directly in the .manifest?
[20:11] <bfiller> asac: don't have an install yet, but I think a way to test..
[20:12] <asac> ok. my idea is to add override entries to .manifest
[20:12] <asac> like:
[20:12] <asac> override chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd chrome/mybranding/locale/brand.dtd
[20:12] <asac> err
[20:12] <asac> override chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd chrome://mybranding/locale/brand.dtd
[20:13] <asac> hopefully that will redirect the chrome resolver to the chrome://mybranding/locale/brand.dtd
[20:13] <asac> so you can just ship your branding for all locales you support and for the rest it hopefully auto falls back
[20:13] <asac> to the "mybranding" en-US one
[20:15] <bfiller> asac: I will try both of these approaches, thanks for the help
[20:15] <asac> cp
[20:15] <asac> np
[20:15] <asac> ;)
[22:03] <fta> firefox: pcm_pulse.c:275: pulse_write: Assertion `pcm->last_size >= (size * pcm->frame_size)' failed.
[22:03] <fta> Abort (core dumped)
[22:03] <fta> crimsun, ^^ it still happens
[22:04] <fta> crimsun, i mean, with mplayer using ao=alsa
[22:46] <XioNoX> good night ;)
[23:59] <fta> mozilla Bug 404609
[23:59] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 404609 in Installer "Update Thunderbird installer with changes made to the Firefox installer" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=404609