UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /04 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[02:59] <juannicolas> Hi, I was wondering if someone can point me to the right dirrection in how to do internet failover with ubuntu.
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[04:35] <godfather516> hello I am a new ubuntu user
[04:35] <godfather516> I just installed hardy
[04:35] <godfather516> but this avahi thing is causing me headache
[04:36] <godfather516> does anyone know how to disable certain processes from starting on boot
[04:36] <godfather516> ?
[04:36] <godfather516> thank you
[06:05] <thenewguy> test
[08:21] <kraut> moin
[09:23] <exot> hello, how can I let my users change their vpn-passwords ( PPTP )
[09:40] <davmor2> Guys I noticed somewhat of a flaw with U-S when selecting print-server not all the ppds or print modules are installed. This means that a lot of printers aren't supported out of the box whereas the desktop counterpart does. Are there any plans to improve this for intrepid?
[09:59] <davmor2> bug 254581 I thought there was one already but I couldn't find it so I've thrown this one together :)
[09:59] <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 254581 in ubuntu "Ubuntu Server Print-server doesn't pull in all the printer modules and ppds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/254581
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[10:51] <edmoore> Hi all - I've read a few ways of doing this but though I'd ask here to see if there is a concensus. I'll be running server mainly as a headless box, but occassionaly will want to switch into GUI for random development/web browse/watch a film/whatever. I'd like to default to not having gui boot up, then do start x; when I want to go into GUI. How do you then stop x once you've finished in the gui?
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[11:09] <crummygummy_> Hi all, is anyone here running Ubuntu server on HP Prologic servers?
[11:09] <crummygummy_> erm Proliant
[11:12] <davmor2> yes
[11:12] <davmor2> crummygummy_:
[11:13] <davmor2> crummygummy_: Yes on a proliant 115
[11:15] <crummygummy_> davmor2: have you managed to get the HP monitoring software running?
[11:17] <davmor2> crummygummy_: no I don't have any real need for them though :(
[11:18] <crummygummy_> You never have problems? Ever?
[11:19] <davmor2> crummygummy_: No it just sit's here running quite happily :)
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[11:53] * delcoyote hi
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[12:04] <p4_xxx> hi, i installed ubuntu server in on if my pc to share and sore files between 3 pc with samba. uv=buntu server is already runing but sometimes the server does not apear in the bowser. is there another way to share and store files with ubuntu server?
[12:08] <p4_xxx> think wrong channel :-(
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[14:24] <lordpsyan> it has been many years since visiting any irc channels, or using irc. now I need to setup an irc server. I have installed ircd-hybrid but their website is down, and I need help.
[15:13] <ComputerWolf> Ok, I am back again with more issues I am unable to fix, and no one seems to want to answer my questions on any forums. :-P
[15:14] <ComputerWolf> can anyone here help me fix an ftp server problem?
[15:14] <ComputerWolf> I have sftp working now, but there are other applications to where I need ftp to work as well
[15:16] <ScottK> Personally I don't use ftp anymore, so I can't help, but supplying the specifics of your problem will likely improve your odds.
[15:17] <thefish> ComputerWolf: what apps specifically need ftp to work?
[15:17] <thefish> there may be some way around that
[15:17] <ComputerWolf> scott, thanks again for pointing me in the direction of sftp the other day, it works better than I expected, I just need the ftp server to work for a few minor applications
[15:18] <ComputerWolf> I have quite a few people who use specific coding apps to connect to my server to edit files, and they don't support sftp and they would like to retain using their current applications as opposed to finding ones that support it
[15:19] <thefish> fair enough
[15:20] <ComputerWolf> here is my problem, FTP was working fine for months, it is behind a router and has no firewall on it. The ports are forwarded perfectly fine on the router, passive and regular. Recently, I get a error when anyone tries to list a directory in passive mode, and active mode gets a connection refused error, as if there are port troubles
[15:21] <ComputerWolf> I tried proftps, vsftpd, pure-ftpd, wu-ftpd... all the same result
[15:21] <ComputerWolf> however all work internally, just external connections do not work
[15:22] <ComputerWolf> sftp works, apache works, as well as others, it is only ftp
[15:22] <ComputerWolf> i have tried moving the passive ports around, no luck
[15:23] <ComputerWolf> i am wondering if there is some network setting that accidentally got modified that is rejecting all external connections when I try to connect to a directory
[15:24] <ComputerWolf> if it was only the passive listing not working, I have read many posts that say that that is a networking issue, but that fact that I can login in active mode and then it gets refused when I try and list, is what is throwing me for a loop
[15:26] <ComputerWolf> also, I am logging in with a username and password, no anonymous, and the users own the files and directories they are attempting to access
[15:27] <eak> hi
[15:28] <eak> how to prepare webalizer with virtualhosts
[15:31] <ComputerWolf> as I was saying, it kills me that it worked before with the same settings it always has and now it doesn't. which leads me believe it is something that got modified on the server, unrelated to FTP, but is killing the connections
[15:34] <thefish> ComputerWolf: your ftp connections are dying?
[15:35] <thefish> ComputerWolf: you use iptables? could be you want the ftp connection tracking module
[15:35] <ComputerWolf> well, no, in passive mode, they just hang when I attempt to list a directory, and in active mode the connection is refused when trying to list
[15:36] <ComputerWolf> no iptables, no firewall at all on the server
[15:36] <thefish> mm ok
[15:36] <thefish> not sure then sorry
[15:36] <thefish> see if you can make the server log verbose though
[15:36] <thefish> thats always a good starting point :)
[15:37] <ComputerWolf> i have, I have the exact errors if you need them, but they don't point to anything that i would know how to fix
[15:37] <ComputerWolf> or point to anything at all
[15:38] <thefish> spose you could pastebin the errors
[15:57] <ComputerWolf> ok, here it is: the passive mode: http://pastebin.com/m9992ab5 all I get on the client is http://pastebin.com/m1591f158. Here is active mode: http://pastebin.com/m3df29135 and the client: http://pastebin.com/m2f61e95d
[16:47] <foolano> mathiaz: so the cn=config backed is gonna be enabled by default for intrepid, or it depends on testing and feedback?
[16:48] <mathiaz> foolano: it will be enabled by default
[16:48] <mathiaz> foolano: of course testing and feedback is welcome :)
[16:48] <lukehasnoname> is aptitude out of intrepid by default?
[16:48] <foolano> mathiaz: ok thx, i'll test it asap
[17:19] <ComputerWolf> if anyone is still here from earlier, i have found the solution to my problem. My Netgear router has a setting called "SPI Firewall" which once disable took care of the port issues.
[17:26] <PMantis> Hello, my do-release-upgrade from 6.06.2 --> 8.04.1 is crashing with: Hash Sum mismatch, W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-backports/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2 ... etc. Tried update & upgrade - all is current. Ideas?
[17:29] <thefish> PMantis: maybe an apt-cache clean
[17:30] <thefish> PMantis: are you behind any kind of proxy? I was getting similar with apt-cacher-ng
[17:30] <thefish> PMantis: apt-get clean i mean
[17:30] <PMantis> No, the servers are currently allowed full unfiltered inet access.
[17:31] * PMantis tries to clean first.
[17:33] <PMantis> Looks promising
[17:33] * PMantis reverts to a snapstop to try again without interrupting the upgrade so many times.
[17:33] <thefish> :)
[17:34] <thefish> PMantis: it shouldnt be a problem if it was just at teh downloading stage
[17:34] <thefish> its only when you intterupt while its installing that stuff will break
[17:35] <PMantis> thefish: Well, with VMWare it's easy, plus I tried it without the -p, and it was starting to work. That goes to 7.04...
[17:35] <PMantis> I just want a clean slate. :)
[17:36] <PMantis> almost done anyhow.
[17:36] <thefish> ok, good luck, im off for some drugs booze and loose women
[17:36] <PMantis> ROFL
[17:39] <kirkland> jdstrand: can you take a look at the latest ecryptfs patch, making the PAM modules optional?
[17:40] <kirkland> jdstrand: I tested it in every way I could think of, looks to work to me
[17:40] <PMantis> kirkland: An end user will test it in ways you could never imagine. :)
[17:40] * PMantis couldn't resist...
[17:41] <kirkland> PMantis: always....
[17:41] <kirkland> i'm going to blog post testing instructions as soon as I get a new package sync'd with upstream
[17:43] <kirkland> jdstrand: bug #253816
[17:43] <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 253816 in ecryptfs-utils "pam_ecryptfs needs to be added to the common-password stack by auth-client-config" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/253816
[17:43] <jdstrand> kirkland: I shall
[17:44] <kirkland> jdstrand: thx
[17:45] <kirkland> jdstrand: actually, i need to do a merge of ecryptfs-utils today....
[17:45] <kirkland> jdstrand: if you'd prefer, i'll roll this fix into that merge
[17:45] <kirkland> jdstrand: so you'd only have to sponsor once
[17:45] <kirkland> jdstrand: up to you though
[17:45] <jdstrand> kirkland: I would prefer that-- just ping when ready
[17:46] <kirkland> jdstrand: okey doke, gimme a bit to test my merge
[17:48] <nandersson> How do I package a source .deb that is basically a Java-program? I.e I'm looking for a way to package "Hello World" in Java...
[18:00] <stickystyle> Is anyone else seeing the ubuntuforums server subsection as being un-reachable?
[18:02] <lukehasnoname> ya db error
[18:04] <nandersson> Will Ubuntu use the same java-policy as Debian? I see that a dependency in Debian is the meta packages java-virtual-machine + java1-runtime / java2-runtime
[18:23] <w8tah> in the rescue environment - what is the prefered editor? my vim commands dont seem to be working?
[18:24] <Deeps> vi
[18:24] <w8tah> ok
[18:24] <Deeps> i take that back
[18:24] <Deeps> ubuntu doesn't appear to include vi
[18:24] <jpds> nano too.
[18:24] <Deeps> which is different
[18:24] <w8tah> ok - i just have to remove a couple lines
[18:24] <w8tah> so its all good
[18:26] <w8tah> tells me error opening bterm
[18:26] <w8tah> i can read the offending file in the rescue environment - -but i cant seem to edit it
[18:27] <Deeps> bterm?
[18:27] <Deeps> probalby not suitable for a rescue environment, heh
[18:27] <w8tah> thats what it says
[18:27] <Deeps> assuming it's bterm.org
[18:27] <Deeps> export TERM=xterm or export TERM=vt100
[18:27] <w8tah> i dont know - -im just trying to correct my /etc/pam.d/common-auth file that i screwed up it wont let me log in
[18:28] <w8tah> id rather not have to rebuild the server if i can avoid it
[18:28] <Deeps> you might need to be root
[18:28] <Deeps> or use sudo
[18:28] <w8tah> how do i do that in the rescue environment?
[18:28] <w8tah> (ie what password?)
[18:28] <Deeps> umm, heh, i've never tried ubuntu's rescue mode so i dont actually know
[18:28] <w8tah> ok
[18:28] <w8tah> i'll keep fiddling
[18:29] <Deeps> first hit on google for 'ubuntu rescue mode'
[18:29] <Deeps> http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/system_administration_books/ubuntu_starter_guide/ch08.html
[18:30] <Deeps> supposedly rescue mode gets you straight to a root shell
[18:30] <Deeps> (so it's just single user mode?)
[18:34] <w8tah> it appears that it is single user
[18:34] <w8tah> in a chroot
[18:34] <w8tah> vim answers but its like really limited (arrow keys dont work for example)
[18:34] <w8tah> i was able to use enter to move down lines and comment out the offending lines
[18:34] <Deeps> use hjkl to navigate
[18:35] <w8tah> OHHHHHH
[18:35] <w8tah> the good news is it worked
[18:35] <w8tah> and im back in
[18:35] <Deeps> woo
[18:35] <Deeps> well done
[18:35] <w8tah> i had accidetly copied part of an incorrect config into /etc/pam.d/common-auth
[18:35] <w8tah> while doing a samba setup
[18:35] <w8tah> BLECH
[18:36] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #254707 in bind9 (main) "Please sync bind9 1:9.5.0.dfsg.P2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/254707
[18:36] <Deeps> heh well done
[18:36] <w8tah> thanks to you -- i appreciate it
[18:36] <w8tah> :)
[18:37] <w8tah> the server is blank (just deploying) but i REALLY didnt wanna hae to rebuild it
[19:03] <frith> i am wondering what virtualisation technology to use,
[19:05] <frith> i wonder how xen compares to vmware esxi
[19:11] <nandersson> frith, Xen is todays "legacy" within open source but Ubuntu as well as Red Hat is going for KVM in the future. Have a look at the Red Hat project ovirt at www.ovirt.org
[19:19] <TechPepsi> how do you delete directories that are not empty?
[19:20] <nandersson> TechPepsi, rm -rf [dir]
[19:25] <TechPepsi> its not working
[19:26] <TechPepsi> ok it worked
[19:26] <ekimus> anybody knows wether the ubuntu-xen-server works in hardy i found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-3.2/+bug/204010 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/218126 which doesn't exactly sound like using it is possible (no network in dom0 according to those bugs)
[19:26] <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 204010 in xen-3.2 "networking not working (dup-of: 218126)" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:26] <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 218126 in linux "xen guest kernel bug: 'kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/debian/build/custom-source-xen/drivers/xen/netfront/netfront.c:785'" [Medium,Fix released]
[19:27] <ekimus> (sorry to ask around in channel, on the "normal" channels noone seems to use xen)
[19:31] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #254721 in dovecot (main) "dovecot-imapd: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap/lib11_imap_quota_plugin.so', which is also in package dovecot-common " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/254721
[19:32] <TechPepsi> nandersson, thanks
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[20:07] <TechPepsi> how do you make a file writable?
[20:07] <ekimus> man chmod
[20:12] <TechPepsi> ekimus, you put the file name after that
[20:14] <TechPepsi> ekimus, how do get out of manual chmod thing?
[20:14] <ekimus> q
[20:14] <ekimus> (hit "q")
[20:14] <TechPepsi> OHHHh ok, whoops.. my linux skills is a lil rusty
[20:15] <TechPepsi> ekimus, thanks
[20:15] <ekimus> TechPepsi: you might wanna try #ubuntu there are more people there that can help you with basics
[20:15] <TechPepsi> well I know that, but this on server.. not the OS
[20:16] <nandersson> TechPepsi, check out http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/
[20:16] <TechPepsi> but yeah, I was there yesterday though
[20:16] <nandersson> TechPepsi, and look at Tutorial Five
[20:16] <TechPepsi> link?
[20:17] <nandersson> TechPepsi, learning the access rights system is very, very important
[20:17] <ekimus> TechPepsi: no pun intended but your questions arent really server specific - I'll answer but I wont hold your hand :)
[20:18] <TechPepsi> please don't.. that is not necessary
[20:18] <james_w> hey all, is bug 254434 on anybody's radar? I think it's in likewise-open, but it may be samba's fault.
[20:18] <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 254434 in likewise-open "package libwbclient0 2:3.2.0-4ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libwbclient.so.0', which is also in package likewise-open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/254434
[20:20] <TechPepsi> but thanks anyway
[20:21] <ekimus> can't believe there's still people out there that are OK with just pointers to the right docs... you just got a few points on my personal karma list :)
[20:23] <TechPepsi> If I had another computer for a linux machine, I am sure I would be fine
[20:28] <ekimus> windows host? how about virtualbox or vmware server (both free, the latter only free as in free beer)
[20:29] <TechPepsi> I am on mac, at the moment
[20:30] <TechPepsi> I'd never touch windows unless I have to, I REALLY have to
[20:36] <daskReech> Hello
[20:36] <daskReech> is there any support for GFS in Hardy?
[20:39] <ekimus> TechPepsi: then virtualbox or vmware fusion (latter is $$)
[20:40] <TechPepsi> I might just get vmware later on down the line
[20:41] <Nafallo> daskReech: *shrugs* since noone seems to be around... there is support in terms of important bugfixes and security fixes for all of main, and the Canonical payed support promise resolutions to all of main.
[20:42] <daskReech> hmm
[20:42] <Nafallo> community would be up to whoever else use it... nothing anyone can really promise, which I hope you can understand.
[20:45] <daskReech> yes
[20:46] <daskReech> THanks
[20:47] <Nafallo> no worries
[20:47] <Nafallo> just trying to help
[20:48] <daskReech> :-)
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[22:36] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #254778 in samba (main) "package will not upgrade " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/254778