UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /04 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Flannel> But just for your dist?
[00:00] <Pici> Its a cli interface to http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/madison.cgi
[00:00] <Pici> for all dists
[00:01] <Flannel> Hmmm.
[00:01] <Pici> Its quite handy.
[00:01] <Flannel> But apt-file still onyl works for what you have in your repos, right?
[00:01] <Pici> Yeah.
[00:01] <Flannel> yeah. Thats why I need to a) write a script to do it or b) use p.u.c
[00:01] <Flannel> since, helping people on Hardy is difficult without package information for hardy
[00:02] <Pici> I'm looking forward to seeing the launchpad api, that will be quite handy for many things.
[00:09] <soundray> Should the fixres factoid be updated? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't work in hardy like it used to.
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
[00:31] <Myrtti> I can haz more sleep?
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
[00:42] <Dave2> hm, sleep, that's an idea.
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
[02:10] <Hobbsee> i worry about people, sometimes.
[02:12] <Flannel> Hobbsee: who are you worried about this time?
[02:12] <Hobbsee> Flannel: the guy who just turned up in -meeting.
[02:13] <Flannel> is there a meeting going on right now?
[02:18] <Hobbsee> nope
[02:18] <Hobbsee> he was looking for support, couldn't find the people.
[02:48] <MermaidMan> evil
[02:49] <Flannel> MermaidMan: How can we help you?
[02:49] <MermaidMan> EVIL
[02:50] <bazhang> MermaidMan, this is not a support channel; if you have no business here please part
[02:50] <MermaidMan> do you know where barnacle boy boy is?
[02:50] <MermaidMan> ok bye
[02:51] <Flannel> that was random.
[02:55] <Pici> very
[02:55] <Flannel> Hes not even banned anywhere that I can see.
[02:58] <bazhang> neo-omega is not responding to PM to change his exit message
[02:58] <Flannel> He's probably away
[02:59] <bazhang> if gardar can be banned for his afk this seems well within that purview
[02:59] <Flannel> gardar is forwarded here because even after repeated talkings-to where he says he'd fix it he has yet to fix it.
[03:00] <Flannel> I got tired of removing him from #ubuntu every few days.
[03:00] <bazhang> that is not so clearly offensive though
[03:00] <Flannel> No, but its habitual. neo-omega is away, when he returns, see what he does.
[03:01] <bazhang> no need to wait imo.
[03:01] <Flannel> bazhang: You certainly don't need my permission to do something. But I think its premature.
[05:05] <Hobbsee> well, she who cannot be named is alive.
[05:05] <Hobbsee> or has been replaced by a bot, who acts in similar ways.
[05:07] <Pici> has it become self aware?
[05:07] <Hobbsee> self aware?
[05:07] <nickrud> ot! ;P
[05:08] * nickrud gets out shield
[05:08] <bazhang> sudo apt-get install turing-test
[05:08] * nickrud looks behind himself for the stick
[05:15] <Pici> meh, someones spamming, but they're not in the channel, fyi
[05:15] <Pici> I mean, pm spam.
[05:16] <nickrud> I never see that pm spams, I think they check
[05:16] <Pici> me either.
[05:17] * Hobbsee attacks nickrud with the stick, now that he's put his guard down.
[05:17] <nickrud> damn!
[05:18] <nickrud> I pride myself on my awareness, and to be got by a op as described by smallfoot :(
[05:19] * nickrud really runs away now
[05:28] <Hobbsee> haha
[05:29] <Hobbsee> what, you've got boobs too?
[05:29] <Hobbsee> that's a bit of a scary thought :P
[05:29] <Flannel> nickrud: Did you expect anything less from purplestar?
[05:30] <nickrud> the nick was familiar, but I couldn't put it context
[05:30] <nickrud> nah, Hobbsee I'm an old neanderthal :)
[05:31] <ajmitch> how odd
[05:32] <meoblast001> what is this
[05:32] <meoblast001> some super highway of ubuntu administration?
[05:33] <Flannel> meoblast001: Do you know what the code of conduct is?
[05:33] <meoblast001> Flannel: im sorry
[05:33] <mota> classy move, Flannel. Kudos
[05:33] <meoblast001> sorry dad
[05:33] <meoblast001> i wont do it agai
[05:33] <meoblast001> n
[05:34] <Flannel> mota: No problem. We can't control all aspects of our users.
[05:34] <mota> Flannel: sigh, how true. Of any community
[05:35] <meoblast001> starting to sound like windows
[05:35] <meoblast001> "cant control all aspecs of our users.... we gotta fix that"
[05:35] <Flannel> meoblast001: We're not trying to fix anything. But we'd appreciate it if you didn't cause trouble for people. Since that's not what Ubuntu is about.
[05:35] <mota> Anyway, yah. Same goes for the ##windows channel, I guess, as it hosts the this-vs-that debate every single day, without kicking people unless they become jerks about it.
[05:36] <meoblast001> im sorry
[05:36] <Yud_Zroc> so uh whats this channel about
[05:36] <meoblast001> its quiet in here
[05:36] <meoblast001> you just invaded my "talking to"
[05:36] <meoblast001> where i am being punnished
[05:36] <Yud_Zroc> oh well
[05:36] <meoblast001> i dont think father Flannel would be that happy
[05:36] <Yud_Zroc> ?
[05:36] * Yud_Zroc licks the walls
[05:37] <meoblast001> they are white and tastey
[05:37] <nickrud> Yud_Zroc this is the 'conflict resolution' channel.
[05:37] <Yud_Zroc> ah ok
[05:37] <nickrud> Yud_Zroc please check the /topic
[05:37] <meoblast001> Flannel: so anyways........ i was doing something stpuid
[05:37] * Yud_Zroc checks
[05:37] <meoblast001> and i was doing that for my own stupid fun
[05:37] <meoblast001> not for the bettering of the Ubuntu community
[05:37] <meoblast001> and im sorry
[05:37] <meoblast001> when i came in here
[05:37] <meoblast001> i pictured this place as a small room
[05:37] <meoblast001> white room
[05:37] <meoblast001> blank
[05:38] <meoblast001> where everything you say echos
[05:38] <mota> Cheers!
[05:38] <Yud_Zroc> um...so this is like the timeout corner
[05:39] <Flannel> Yud_Zroc: no, this is juts a place to talk without an audicence.
[05:39] <Flannel> Yud_Zroc: go read the code of conduct, as I suspect you haven't, and please dont cause trouble for ##windows in the future.
[05:39] <Yud_Zroc> ? huh i still dont get it...sorry for sounding so nieve
[05:39] <Yud_Zroc> oh ok
[05:39] <Flannel> Yud_Zroc: apart from that, both of you are finished here, I think.
[05:39] <nickrud> we really have no claim on how you present yourself/ubuntu elsewhere. We do ask that you don't make us look bad ;)
[05:40] * Yud_Zroc salutes
[05:40] <Yud_Zroc> usually i am in ##windows to help them people
[05:40] <meoblast001> i feel like i am part of the Ubuntu too
[05:40] <meoblast001> and i made a stupid move
[05:40] <nickrud> meh. Who hasn't?
[05:40] <Yud_Zroc> lol
[05:40] <meoblast001> i originally went there cuz #gnu sent me there
[05:40] <meoblast001> blame them
[05:40] <Yud_Zroc> lmao
[05:41] * nickrud goes to get a soda.
[05:41] <Yud_Zroc> i want soda :(
[05:41] <meoblast001> nickrud: what did you have to do to get voice?
[05:41] <meoblast001> nickrud: are you Shuttleworth?
[05:42] <meoblast001> Yud_Zroc: did you hear that
[05:42] <nickrud> here? I was dragged, kicking and screaming, into op land. And that is one of the funniest things I've ever heard
[05:42] <meoblast001> we're talking to Shuttleworth
[05:42] <Yud_Zroc> nope...i have my headset off
[05:42] <Yud_Zroc> for many unpronounced reasons
[05:42] <meoblast001> Shuttleworth's name makes me laugh
[05:42] <meoblast001> cuz he went to space
[05:42] <meoblast001> thats the only reason why
[05:42] <nickrud> meoblast001 Yud_Zroc I think you are all done here, and this isn't a chatter channel. See you all in #ubuntu some time
[05:42] <meoblast001> its so nonironic
[05:43] <Yud_Zroc> ok if i get bashed by a windows user like them calling my os trash what should i do :(
[05:43] <meoblast001> nickrud: one more question
[05:43] <Yud_Zroc> i dont want to make the mistake
[05:43] <nickrud> ignore the crud
[05:43] <meoblast001> nickrud: 2 more questions
[05:43] <meoblast001> question 1
[05:43] <meoblast001> i forgot question 1
[05:43] <Yud_Zroc> its hard when my dads friend bashs me every time im over
[05:43] <meoblast001> oh wait
[05:43] <meoblast001> i remember
[05:43] <meoblast001> what do you mean by "dragged, kicking and screaming"
[05:43] <meoblast001> they forced you here?
[05:44] <nickrud> a council member threatened me with +b
[05:44] <Flannel> meoblast001: Yes, we did. We chained him to his computer desk.
[05:44] <meoblast001> question 2
[05:44] <Yud_Zroc> +b?
[05:44] <meoblast001> i have a friend
[05:44] <meoblast001> who hates Ubuntu and Linux
[05:44] <meoblast001> but knows nothing about it
[05:44] <meoblast001> except for no games
[05:44] <nickrud> Yud_Zroc banning from ubuntu :)
[05:44] <meoblast001> and has never even used it
[05:45] <Yud_Zroc> ouch that is cold
[05:45] <meoblast001> so what do i do about that?
[05:45] <nickrud> meoblast001 why worry about him? He's not running your machine, etc. etc. If he disses you over it, either he's lonely and wants reaction, or isn't your friend. (two possibles). But I'm not a relationship counselor :)
[05:46] <tritium> You don't have to do anything, meoblast001.
[05:46] <meoblast001> well
[05:46] <meoblast001> i dont really have many friends
[05:46] <meoblast001> well
[05:46] <meoblast001> for the most part
[05:46] <meoblast001> i just hate seeing everyone run windows
[05:46] <meoblast001> i cant even watch a computer commercial anymore without thinking "its a shame what that thing is running"
[05:47] <meoblast001> ive grown too much pride in ubuntu
[05:47] * Yud_Zroc looks at dell for doing the right thing
[05:47] <Yud_Zroc> well im off
[05:47] <meoblast001> System76 is better
[05:47] <meoblast001> if they would be cheaper
[05:47] <meoblast001> i'll leave when i get this figured out
[05:47] <nickrud> meoblast001 the guys in #ubuntu-offtopic love most of this chatter.
[05:47] <meoblast001> ok
[05:47] <meoblast001> =)
[05:47] <meoblast001> or in #wrongplanet
[05:47] <nickrud> and probably have ideas about gaining converts
[05:47] <meoblast001> ppl with Aspergers
[05:47] <meoblast001> likem e
[05:48] <meoblast001> and in #ubuntu-marketing, #ubuntu-screencasts, and #ubuntu-us-oh
[05:48] <meoblast001> i'm everywhere
[05:48] <meoblast001> im out to normal land anymore
[05:48] <meoblast001> the white walls in this room are scaring me
[05:49] <nickrud> meoblast001 I'll look you up later ;)
[05:49] <meoblast001> so do i go down this hallway, take a right click at the treeview, and select Close Tab?
[05:49] <meoblast001> lol
[05:49] <meoblast001> cya in another channel
[05:49] <tritium> Fascinating, captain.
[05:50] * elky_work blinks
[05:50] * nickrud really goes for a soda
[05:54] <Hobbsee> sickly sweet...
[05:54] <Hobbsee> i think i'll go be sick somewhere
[05:55] <Flannel> don't be sick in -motu
[05:55] <Hobbsee> i'm trying not to...
[05:55] <Hobbsee> actually, it's more a definite sense of deja vu, as she did it to nixternal in #k-d a month or two ago.
[05:57] <Hobbsee> Flannel: and i'm glad to see that ubuntu can rely on people to boost their egos.
[05:58] * Flannel doesn't follow.
[05:59] <Hobbsee> which bit?
[05:59] <Flannel> whos ego is being boosted?
[05:59] * nickrud thinks ubuntu doesn't have an ego, since it's not human
[05:59] <Hobbsee> Flannel: whoever's.
[05:59] <Hobbsee> Flannel: whoever she who cannot be named decides to target.
[06:00] <Flannel> gotcha
[06:01] <Flannel> Hobbsee: well, it *is* wonderful that he's doing... whatever it is he's doing. But... I think its being candy coated a little heavily. Its kind of spooky.
[06:01] <Hobbsee> Flannel: those mirror my thoughts, except you don't have the sense of deja vu in there, from seeing her do it before.
[06:07] * nickrud is disturbed to see the flattery spread beyond himself
[06:08] * Flannel flatters nickrud.
[06:08] <Hobbsee> nickrud: oh, you thought you were the only one?
[06:08] <nickrud> Hobbsee I AM the only ONE
[06:08] <Hobbsee> nickrud: no you're not.
[06:08] * Hobbsee pokes with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™
[06:09] * nickrud musters his shield, in hopes of survival
[06:09] <Hobbsee> heh
[06:10] <Hobbsee> the shield won't make any difference.
[06:10] <Hobbsee> but you were lucky
[06:10] <ubottu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[06:10] <ubottu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[06:53] <ubottu> amirman called the ops in #ubuntu (Sammy_Food_Run and AquaBaba are spam bots that seem to be spamming some people in this channel via pm, may one of you could do something about it?)
[08:13] <bazhang> <Raas|wtf> change my nick? wtf
[08:16] <gnomefreak> saw that
[08:16] <gnomefreak> but he left
[08:17] <bazhang> immediately after saying that.
[08:17] <bazhang> the ironies abound
[08:17] <gnomefreak> yep
[08:20] <gnomefreak> this cant be good
[08:22] <gnomefreak> i was right this isnt good :( someone please shoot me
[08:22] <Tm_T> ?
[08:23] <gnomefreak> emma
[08:23] <Tm_T> not again
[08:23] <bazhang> raas = her?
[08:24] <gnomefreak> i dont know her and she pms me anyway sasying that she thinks i trust her i dont know her well enough to trust her
[08:24] <gnomefreak> bazhang: maybe
[08:24] <gnomefreak> 50% chance
[08:24] <gnomefreak> well there is a 3rd option but well you never know
[08:25] <bazhang> 24-178-113-202.dhcp.crtn.ga.charter.com <--that is georgia (raas' ip)?
[09:05] <gnomefreak> does IRCc have a mailing list or do they use -ops list? i would like this to be private (nothing bad though)
[09:12] <gnomefreak> anyone from IRCc lurking?
[09:13] <gnomefreak> or anyone that can add ops to one of the #ubuntu channels
[09:13] * elky introduces bazhang to arin.net
[09:13] <elky> gnomefreak, hmm?
[09:14] <gnomefreak> elky: i think we should add 2 people as ops in -ot
[09:14] <gnomefreak> i have 2 in mind one is op in #ubuntu already
[09:14] <elky> gnomefreak, pm me and i can pass it on
[09:14] <gnomefreak> ok
[09:16] <gnomefreak> elky: thanks
[09:22] <gnomefreak> shes too young to have cancer :(
[09:22] <gnomefreak> i know never too young
[09:29] <bazhang> sorry elky missed your post; have to head to work for a bit
[09:29] <gnomefreak> skip work
[09:29] <gnomefreak> ;)
[09:29] <bazhang> haha I wish
[09:29] <bazhang> really have to rush now.
[09:37] <jussi01> !test
[09:37] <ubottu> Failed!
[09:53] <gnomefreak> maybe !test == stop poking me ;)
[09:54] <ompaul> or I hear ya but I'm busy
[09:56] <thunderstruck> @whoami
[09:56] <ubottu> thunderstruck: gnomefreak
[09:56] <thunderstruck> cs is messed up :(
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
[10:19] <Myrtti> mur
[10:20] <Flannel> Myrtti: good morning to you too.
[10:29] <Myrtti> not so sure about the good
[10:31] * elky hugs Myrtti
[10:31] <elky> what about now?
[10:32] <Myrtti> I'll tell you when I've drank the first cup of coffee
[10:32] <gnomefreak> where is trash located? (
[10:32] <gnomefreak> :)
[10:32] <gnomefreak> :(
[10:33] <elky> gnomefreak, cant remember where they moved it to...
[10:34] <elky> does locate find it?
[10:34] <gnomefreak> i tried locate but it really only gave me kde and applets and icons
[10:34] <gnomefreak> /usr/share?
[10:34] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm
[10:35] <gnomefreak> nope
[10:36] <elky> /home/[user]/.local/share/Trash ?
[10:37] <Myrtti> !trash
[10:37] <ubottu> The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash
[10:37] <Myrtti> silly gnomefreak
[10:38] <gnomefreak> oh
[10:38] <elky> hes been out of action a while hon
[10:38] * gnomefreak bangs head on desk
[10:40] <Flannel> !test
[10:40] <ubottu> Failed!
[10:41] <Myrtti> elky: so you iz silly too :-P
[10:42] <elky> yup
[10:51] <Myrtti> technical cat is technical: did you know that if you forget the sudo command before the command needing sudo, you can issue it with sudo !!
[10:51] <elky> oh?
[10:51] <Myrtti> iftop
[10:51] <Myrtti> "oops"
[10:51] <Myrtti> sudo !!
[10:52] <elky> oh, the !! is relevent?
[10:52] <Myrtti> yup
[10:53] <elky> ooh, it applies to the previous line no matter when you do it
[10:53] <elky> nice trick
[10:55] <ompaul> check out !* after ls -al foo
[10:55] <ompaul> then do sh !*
[10:55] <ompaul> if you want to run foo
[10:55] <ompaul> or some such you know the rules
[10:57] <Dave2> (...and so do I?)
[10:58] * Dave2 hides in another window.
[11:03] * ompaul pulls Dave2 by the short curly hair on his head back to his seat in -ops
[11:04] * ompaul looks around for people with bad minds
[11:04] <Dave2> ow
[11:05] <ompaul> howya
[11:10] * Myrtti yawns
[11:28] <Myrtti> I wonder what then.
[12:27] * Hobbsee looks at the backscroll
[12:27] <Hobbsee> did i miss something?
[13:06] <Tm_T> hi kids
[13:07] <Pici> Hi
[14:38] <TuniX12> hello i tried to connect to #ubuntu but it said i was banned why?
[14:38] <ompaul> @btlogin
[14:39] <TuniX12> any help please
[14:40] <ompaul> what nick were you using?
[14:41] <Pici> TuniX12: you should be good now, sorry for the inconvenience.
[14:41] <TuniX12> thanks Pici
[14:41] * ompaul puts hands in air
[14:41] <ompaul> most likely me
[14:41] <Pici> it was
[14:42] <ompaul> stupid spammers I gave them "lart" removed new know how and missed that
[14:42] <Pici> lart is a bit too powerful imo.
[14:42] <ompaul> now and again
[14:43] <ompaul> if I had done whois first it would have been something else
[14:43] <ompaul> ohh well
[15:20] <Pici> I fail.
[15:20] <jussi01> !fail | Pici
[15:20] <ubottu> Pici: FAILZ!
[15:24] <Hobbsee> !fail | Bubblewrap @ OFTC
[15:24] <ubottu> Bubblewrap @ OFTC: FAILZ!
[15:30] <ubottu> In ubottu, ubunturos said: !no-answer is "Ubuntu India IRC channel is usually inactive, and hence you may not get an immediate response for your query. Also, for those who are active in the channel, may not know the solution to your problem. Please wait for a while, and do search during that time; Also search archives https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-in/
[15:30] <bazhang> argh
[15:30] <ubottu> In ubottu, ubunturos said: !no-answer is "Ubuntu India IRC channel is usually inactive, and hence you may not get an immediate response for your query. Also, for those who are active in the channel, may not know the solution to your problem. Please wait for a while, and do search during that time; Also search archives https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-in/"
[15:31] <Pici> argh
[15:31] <Pici> so... if theres no one around, who will trigger that factoid?
[15:32] <bazhang> !doesntwork
[15:32] <ubottu> Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
[15:36] <ubunturos> I have submitted a factoid recently; Is there a limited time period in which it'll be approved or dis-approved?
[15:37] <bazhang> ubunturos, no time limit :)
[15:38] <ubunturos> bazhang: oh, so how do I know the status of it?
[15:38] <bazhang> ubunturos, what was the factoid?
[15:39] <ubunturos> bazhang: it isn't posted here automatically?
[15:39] <bazhang> !in
[15:39] <ubottu> #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India
[15:39] <bazhang> that one?
[15:39] <ubunturos> It was: !no-answer is "Ubuntu India IRC channel is usually inactive, and hence you may not get an immediate response for your query. Also, for those who are active in the channel, may not know the solution to your problem. Please wait for a while, and do search during that time; Also search archives https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-in/
[15:39] <ubunturos> bazhang: yes, a factoid *for* Ubuntu-India
[15:40] <bazhang> ubunturos, you have ubottu in there?
[15:40] <ubunturos> bazhang: there's ubot3 in #ubuntu-in, which recently, got isconnected on its own?
[15:41] <bazhang> ubunturos, who will click that factoid if no one is around?
[15:41] <ubunturos> bazhang: I usually am online, and find people asking questions, but even active members don't respond, often (may be due to lack of time)
[15:42] <ubunturos> bazhang: so, for those who ask questions, this factoid could be invoked to ask them to wait for a while
[15:42] <bazhang> ubunturos, well the powers that be review the factoids and then us lower downs remember and click them :) no idea if that will be accepted but thanks for submitting
[15:43] <Pici> Why not put a message to be patient in the topic? Or as an onjoin message?
[15:43] <ubunturos> Pici: I'm doubtful, if they would care to read /topic
[15:43] <ikonia> I thought it was supposed to have a loco bot ?
[15:43] <ubunturos> and interactive response could probably be 'catchy'
[15:44] <ubunturos> bazhang: ok
[15:44] * bazhang points to the factoid keeper above ^^
[16:00] <jpds> What should we tell people who want to hosts bots like ubot3?
[16:01] <jpds> Mail ubuntu-irc@l.u.c ?
[16:01] <ikonia> why is ubottu in ubuntu-india
[16:02] <ikonia> more so as it appears dead
[16:03] <ubunturos> ikonia: But it did (does?) respond to queries
[16:03] <ikonia> I'm sure it does
[16:03] <ikonia> but I thought it was supposed to be a loco bot
[16:04] <ubunturos> ikonia: it probably is, but the Ubuntu Wiki suggests, it uses the same db as ubotu
[16:04] <ikonia> oh, I didn't know/appriciate that
[16:05] <ikonia> that seems to be a double edged sword
[16:13] <Myrtti> there should be a separate bot for loco channels
[16:13] <Myrtti> ubottu shouldn't be there, IMO
[16:14] <ubottu> Myrtti: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[16:14] <Myrtti> and my she is lagging
[16:27] <ompaul> now then
[16:28] <jpds> Hot afternoon
[16:28] * ompaul adopts the Jimmy Savile voice
[16:29] <Myrtti> has everyone seen Assembly Megascreen?
[16:29] <ompaul> now then, I think that bot could do with a hand, I have an idea do we have some bot coders in the house?
[16:29] <ompaul> because if we do then I think we can split loads in ways that make sense
[16:31] <ompaul> more than one ubottu and like flood bots they tell each other how much they are doing
[16:31] <Pici> How?
[16:31] <jpds> As in a botnet for ubottu ?
[16:32] <ompaul> jpds, yeap
[16:32] <ompaul> Pici, let me call them A B C
[16:32] <ompaul> to start A B C are split randomly across the set of channels
[16:33] <ompaul> they then report ping times to the other two
[16:33] <ompaul> they also report queues
[16:34] <ompaul> if the load is mounting for one then the "least loaded or highest numbered if no measure of least load can be made" asks the loaded bot for three channels
[16:34] <ompaul> the bots score channels on amount of traffic
[16:35] <ompaul> and so they report the three channels in positions 3 4 5 in their list
[16:36] <ompaul> the "take over bot" joins them - - when the loaded bot "sees" the join it parts
[16:36] <ompaul> do it again
[16:36] <ompaul> rinse repeat etc
[16:36] <ompaul> Pici, needs a little bit of tidying - and review after implementation but it should be coded to do something like that
[16:37] <ompaul> hopefully the system would react before there was an issue
[16:37] <Pici> Sounds somewhat doable.
[16:37] <ompaul> Pici, it needs the code to be flexible about what it reports
[16:37] <ompaul> so that it can be fine tuned
[16:42] <ikonia> the database would be interesting to look at in terms of a generic database and locodb
[16:42] <ikonia> !trigger for ubotu's db %trigger for the specifica loco factoid
[16:42] <ubottu> ikonia: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[16:42] <Pici> ikonia: channel specific factoids already exist in ubotu's code.
[16:43] <ikonia> Pici: how are they triggered ?
[16:43] <Pici> ikonia: see !compiz-#kubuntu vs. !compiz
[16:43] <ompaul> openvpn is OpenVPN is a vpn technology for which there are packages in Ubuntu and most other GNU/Linux Distributions, see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO"
[16:44] <ompaul> !openvpn is OpenVPN is a vpn technology for which there are packages in Ubuntu and most other GNU/Linux Distributions, see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO"
[16:44] <ubottu> I'll remember that, ompaul
[16:45] <ompaul> that needs a qualifier
[16:46] <ompaul> !no openvpn is <reply> OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!
[16:46] <ubottu> I'll remember that ompaul
[16:46] <nalioth> which one of you ordered the hurricane for me?
[16:46] <ompaul> /whois weatherman
[16:46] <nalioth> it really was no necessary, you know.
[16:47] <ompaul> its only 45mph you should be ok
[16:47] <ompaul> slow mover though :-(
[16:48] <ompaul> http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gtwo_atl.shtml
[16:52] * Myrtti grunts
[16:52] <ikonia> Pici: did you mean to compiz me in #kubuntu ;)
[16:53] <ompaul> ikonia, only cos you deserved it :)
[16:53] <ompaul> he knows something
[16:53] <Pici> ikonia: yes, I was showing you how the bot automatically picked the #kubuntu version of the !compiz factoid.
[16:53] <ompaul> it is Pici
[16:53] <ikonia> Pici: ahh I see wha tyou did
[16:53] <ikonia> yup, I see what you where doing
[16:53] <ompaul> !compiz
[16:53] <ubottu> Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion
[16:53] <ompaul> !compiz~#kubuntu
[16:53] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about compiz~#kubuntu
[16:54] <ompaul> bah
[16:54] * ompaul is forgetting things
[16:54] <Pici> Sorry, I don't know anything about ompaul.
[16:54] <ompaul> hahaha
[16:54] <ompaul> !ompaul
[16:54] <ubottu> ompaul is well ompaul, don't get me started about that guy
[16:54] <ompaul> and the bot does ... way to go
[16:56] <Dave2> hah
[17:07] <mneptok> !angermonkey
[17:07] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about angermonkey
[17:07] <mneptok> you're about to find out ...
[17:08] <Pici> Who let mneptok out of his cage?
[17:08] <ompaul> !angermonkey
[17:08] <ubottu> please don't wake mneptok please
[17:08] <ompaul> !forget angermonkey
[17:08] <ubottu> I'll forget that, ompaul
[17:08] <ompaul> anyway
[17:08] <ompaul> howya bud!
[17:09] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[17:09] * Pici pokes Myrtti
[17:09] <ompaul> and so it was that Myrtti was poked
[17:09] <Pici> And Lo, it was good.
[17:10] <ompaul> and Myrtti did exclaim onto the channel - "tea for me, tea for you, tea for two!"
[17:10] * Myrtti goes to put her phone to recharge
[17:10] <mneptok> gar!
[17:10] <ompaul> mneptok, if you want to wake up happy listen to Gorillaz Last Living Souls
[17:11] <mneptok> mmmm is for monkey
[17:11] <Myrtti> 97yio
[17:11] <Myrtti> sorry
[17:11] <mneptok> monkey! monkAY-EEE! monkey! doanchya know you gotta ... shock the monkey.
[17:12] <ompaul> mneptok, ;-)
[17:12] <ompaul> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE-pbBYwPHs
[17:13] <ompaul> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oaSZxd9jOY thats more like it
[17:14] <Myrtti> hmmm
[17:14] <Myrtti> I've not taken my meds today
[17:14] <Myrtti> I think
[17:19] <mneptok> don't worry, i took yours.
[17:19] * mneptok admires his new boobies
[17:19] <Myrtti> mneptok: wow, I didn't know my medication has those effects
[17:20] <mneptok> neither did i, or i would have asked about maximum safe dosage!
[17:21] <ompaul> alllll soooo funny
[17:22] <ompaul> I am about to enter into a kitchen adventure with dinner and preparation l8r as they say
[17:22] <jpds> ompaul: Cheerio "m8".
[17:23] <mneptok> ompaul: tell Missus OM that i says 'allo.
[17:29] <bazhang> phones
[17:29] <Pici> no thanks, I have one.
[17:29] <bazhang> the nick I めあん
[17:29] <bazhang> oops sorry
[17:29] <bazhang> mean
[17:30] <jpds> Fancy symbols..
[17:31] <bazhang> darn skim :)
[17:41] <bazhang> how many warnings does phones get?
[17:42] <ikonia> no more
[17:42] <bazhang> hehe
[17:43] <ikonia> selling the iphone in #ubuntu is not on as a.) it's tied to specific sellers so probably illegal b.) offtopic c.) he's ignoring the warnings d.) his nick is phones so he knows what he's doing
[17:43] <bazhang> yup
[17:43] <ikonia> talking to him in pm
[17:47] * Myrtti sighs
[17:48] <ikonia> going to remove him as while I'm talking to him he's joining other channels to sell phones
[17:49] <jpds> ircname : phones seller
[17:49] <ikonia> exactly
[17:51] <ikonia> he knew what he was doing when I spoke to him in PM
[17:51] <jpds> Trying to sell you a phone?
[17:52] <ikonia> nah, just smart responses "please don't attempt to sell phones" "what should I sell in ubuntu then"
[17:52] <ikonia> etc
[17:52] <bazhang> ubuntu mugs :)
[17:54] <nalioth> klined (no more cheap iphones)
[17:55] <mneptok> i sold my self-respect and free time in #ubuntu.
[17:55] <mneptok> do over?
[17:55] <bazhang> haha
[17:55] <bazhang> sudo apt-get install mulligan
[17:56] <mneptok> hrmy. where did epiphany-webkit go?
[17:56] <ompaul> mneptok, herself says - hi there
[17:57] * ompaul looks at jpds with one eyebrow raised
[17:57] <ompaul> hehe
[17:57] <Myrtti> mneptok: I don't think it has ever been
[17:57] <Myrtti> yet
[17:58] <mneptok> ompaul: tell her if she'd like to slap you, now's the time. i'm giving her permission while the Atlantic makes things easy.
[17:58] <ikonia> phones just got klined
[17:58] <ompaul> hahaha
[17:58] <Myrtti> ikonia: you're lagging
[17:58] <ikonia> ooh yes
[17:58] <ikonia> just seen it in the conversation above
[17:58] <bazhang> no free iphones for #ubuntu I'm guessing
[17:58] <Myrtti> meh.
[17:58] <ompaul> mneptok, her reply <dry laugh>haha</dry laugh>
[17:59] <ompaul> mneptok, I just did the cooking so it was *excellent*
[17:59] <mneptok> best way to get a free iPhone: 1). line up on release day. - 2). wait until you're 10th in line - 3). sell your spot to an Apple gadget whore - 4). PROFIT! - 5). repeat as necessary.
[17:59] <ompaul> mneptok, brilliant
[18:00] <ompaul> mneptok, get all your mates to line up with you and then collect a % on them
[18:00] * Myrtti pokes her Internet
[18:00] <ompaul> mneptok, but we really should not be encouraging people to buy drm
[18:00] <Myrtti> tis broken again
[18:01] <ompaul> mneptok, when they get their phones we should be there with linux for the ipod for them :)
[18:01] <mneptok> why pay for a phone when impatient Apple fanboys with poor impulse control will do it for you?
[18:02] <Myrtti> my internets is broken it no workie.
[18:04] <ompaul> mneptok, http://www.amazon.com/Damon-Runyon-Broadway-Somewhat-Furthermore/dp/0330245430/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1217869438&sr=1-7 now there is a good book
[18:05] <ompaul> mneptok, and what with the profit from the iphone I am sure you could afford one
[18:08] <ompaul> mneptok, I have a conclusion in need of a beginning and a middle ;-)
[18:13] <Myrtti> meh.
[18:34] <mneptok> ompaul: i have an end in need of a wiping
[18:35] <ompaul> mneptok, feet and mats ;-)
[18:49] * Myrtti considers chocolate
[18:50] <nalioth> go for it
[18:50] <Myrtti> yeah. What else to cure heartache than chocolate
[18:51] <Myrtti> need to check if the nearby kiosk is still open
[18:51] <mneptok> Myrtti: alcohol seems popular, but somewhat ineffective as a cure.
[18:51] <Myrtti> mneptok: yeah, I've tried that, it's not as good
[18:51] <Myrtti> hangovers suck
[18:52] <Myrtti> yay, it is open for another 30 mins
[18:52] * mneptok gives Myrtti a Jolly Good Snuggling
[18:52] <bazhang> jfs is supported in ubuntu?
[18:52] <Pici> What about trepanation?
[18:52] * Myrtti puts pants on and goes to get lots of chocolate
[18:52] <mneptok> Pici: don't let out the hot air!
[18:55] <ompaul> bazhang, I would not use it ;-) if I have to be fast xfs for everything other than /
[18:55] <bazhang> ompaul, thanks; just want to be sure it is possible
[18:56] <ompaul> bazhang, to check the valid ones run gparted
[18:57] <bazhang> ompaul, apt-cache search turned up jfsutils so guessing yes :)
[18:58] <ompaul> bazhang, not available off the bat
[18:58] <ompaul> on gutsy
[18:59] <bazhang> ompaul, just wanted to be sure about mermaidman as he has been ot of late
[18:59] <ompaul> ack
[19:17] <ubottu> In ubottu, Nizam said: what is ubuntu
[19:18] <Tm_T> hug me?
[19:18] * Myrtti hugs Tm_T
[19:18] <ubottu> In ubottu, Nizam said: what is debian
[19:18] <nalioth> ubottu: tell nizam about bot
[19:18] <ubottu> nizam, please see my private message
[19:18] * Tm_T hugs Myrtti <3
[19:18] <nalioth> what a kludge.
[19:18] <nalioth> why is that in there, again?
[19:19] * Myrtti ate chocolates, moves to other candies
[19:19] <Tm_T> Myrtti: coffee, chocolate, yes, whole package, and cookies and House :))
[19:20] <Myrtti> don't have any cookies, have seen House episodes
[19:20] <Myrtti> no coffee thanks
[19:23] <Tm_T> heh
[19:23] <Tm_T> Myrtti: hmm, btw, where could I ask photos they took in EFFI stand?
[19:25] <Myrtti> Tm_T: I've been looking at http://flickr.com/photos/suviko , I assume they will be there
[19:26] <Tm_T> aaa yes
[19:26] <Tm_T> thanks :)
[19:31] <Jack_Sparrow> id we ever get an apology from nixnoob
[19:43] <stdin> @reload Encyclopedia
[19:43] <ubottu> stdin: The operation succeeded.
[19:43] <stdin> ubottu: what is something
[19:43] <ubottu> I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[19:43] <stdin> :)
[19:43] <mneptok> @reload hollowpoint_and_tracer_rounds
[19:43] <ubottu> mneptok: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
[19:44] <nalioth> wtf?!
[20:23] <Myrtti> my life in comics: http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=2165 http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=2166
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
[20:28] <Tm_T> sinfest <3
[20:28] * Tm_T hugs Myrtti
[20:32] <Pici> poor Myrtti
[20:32] * Pici sends virtual chocolate in Myrtti's direction
[20:33] <mneptok> i wish my life was like Sinfest
[20:33] <mneptok> http://www.sinfest.net/comikaze/comics/2008-07-31.gif
[20:34] <ompaul> mneptok, but you are that shallow :P
[20:34] * ompaul buys mneptok a cup of tea
[20:35] * mneptok is as deep as a teaspoon
[20:35] * Myrtti larts mneptok
[20:35] <Myrtti> ass.
[20:35] <Myrtti> eehaw
[20:36] <ompaul> eehaw eehaw eehawto have more consideration?
[20:38] <Tm_T> huzzah
[20:39] <ompaul> mneptok, seen this one?
[20:39] <ompaul> http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/george_dyson_at_the_birth_of_the_computer.html
[20:39] <mneptok> Myrtti: i don't care if you laugh at me instead of with me, as long as you laugh.
[20:39] <Myrtti> mneptok: as I've said before - make sure you are not in the hug perimeter of me
[20:40] * mneptok checks radar
[20:40] <ompaul> mneptok, you need oth radar atm
[20:40] <ompaul> iirc
[20:45] <Tm_T> mneptok: yeah, myrttis hugs are something to check for, from radar that is
[21:25] * Myrtti enrolls a nunnery
[21:30] * PriceChild wonders what the nunnery was enroled on
[21:33] <jpds> PriceChild: Could you please do some magic to properly forward #ubuntu-art to #ubuntu-artwork ?
[21:34] <jpds> Oh and the same for #ubuntu-qa to #ubuntu-quality?
[21:35] <PriceChild> jpds: looks like someone's done -art?
[21:35] <PriceChild> jpds: -qa isn't the qa team
[21:35] <PriceChild> oh.. "properly"
[21:35] <jpds> PriceChild: -art says: "You need invite", instead of forward.
[21:35] <jpds> So, what is -qa?
[21:35] <PriceChild> looks fine to me
[21:36] <PriceChild> jpds: qatar
[21:37] <jpds> Hmm, nothing much going on there.
[21:39] <stdin> hmm, don't the new services have a SeenServ?
[21:39] <jpds> Nop. Pity.
[21:39] <PriceChild> stdin: use ns info's
[21:40] <stdin> I was just wondering because I hard-coded a reply to !seen ...
[21:40] <PriceChild> for ubottu?
[21:40] <stdin> !seen anything goes here
[21:40] <ubottu> I have no seen command
[21:40] <stdin> yep ^
[21:41] <stdin> there's also similar messages for !find !search and !info when they have nothing after them
[21:41] <PriceChild> I would rather ubottu didn't replicate nickserv's "last seen"
[21:41] <stdin> and saying to the bot "what is ..." will not try and make a factoid edit any more
[21:42] <PriceChild> that's quite cool
[21:42] <PriceChild> I should poke canonical again about hosting.
[21:42] <stdin> it doesn't replace it, people often thing it has a seen command and try it
[21:42] <jussi01> PriceChild: is my hosting not good enough?
[21:43] <PriceChild> jussi01: its been quite good yeah... but its less likely the entire of canonical walks infront of a bus.. for example.
[21:43] <jussi01> PriceChild: We have a current back up + more than 1 person here have accounts on that machine ;)
[21:44] <PriceChild> jussi01: in running it, would you find it preferable to run it from canonical hosted?
[21:44] <PriceChild> what would it make easier/harder?
[21:45] <jussi01> PriceChild: only if we had complete access to the machine
[21:45] <jpds> As in sudo access?
[21:45] <jussi01> yes
[21:45] <jussi01> so we could install things etc
[21:46] <PriceChild> The last time I did ask about it, I 'believe' it was mentioned it should be virtual machine type jobby... but I might have forgotten/I don'tk now.
[21:46] <stdin> they do that with some LoCo team websites IIRC, so should be possible
[21:46] <jussi01> PriceChild: Im more than happy to give IRC council members access to the machine - I really dont mind hosting it. if it ever goes down, we have several backups.
[21:48] <PriceChild> jussi01: I'm pretty sure I completely understand your reservations... and whatever change 'could' happen is probably still a long way off.
[21:48] <PriceChild> Oh there's so many things to do.
[21:49] <jussi01> PriceChild: no probs. :) I just want to see ubottu be the best she canb be, and stdin is doing a wonderful job with development, so if it aint broke, dont fix it?
[21:49] <PriceChild> hehe... 'she'
[21:50] <stdin> if it ain't broke... give me 5 mins and I'll break it
[21:50] <PriceChild> I believe that it is better for the long run, if we have hosting that doesn't depend on any of 'us', and will allow whoever replaces us when we step down to continue as easily as possible.
[21:51] <jussi01> PriceChild: given. However, Id much prefer to have somesort of dedicated machine - be that vps or other.
[21:52] <PriceChild> 'dedicated machine' being rather than a virtual machine server thing somewhere?
[21:53] <jussi01> vps is a virtual server
[21:53] <jussi01> :)
[21:53] <PriceChild> i should read entire sentences
[21:53] <jussi01> :)
[21:55] <mneptok> PriceChild: who were you talking to about bot hosting?
[21:55] <jpds> elmo, I think
[21:55] <PriceChild> mneptok: elmo, yet i kept forgetting to keep poking
[21:55] <jussi01> PriceChild: at the moment, we have a pretty decent machine, with pretty decent pipes, so yeah. But if it is to move to canonical, Id still like to be involved.
[21:56] <PriceChild> jussi01: i don't think i could run the bot ;)
[21:56] <mneptok> PriceChild: let me bring it up with sambfl and jono, too.
[21:56] <mneptok> *sabdfl
[21:56] <PriceChild> mneptok: i 'think' sabdfl said to go to elmo, can't be sure
[21:56] <mneptok> (later this week. i'm buried ATM.)
[21:57] <mneptok> PriceChild: sabdfl won;t say that to me. he likes elmo and vlaues his sanity. ;)
[21:57] <PriceChild> :)
[21:59] * jussi01 giggles
[22:00] <PriceChild> Thanks mneptok.
[22:00] <PriceChild> uuu looks like ubotu has been logged into recently, i left seveas a message asking him to set enforce on a little ago, 'guessing' he's done that too
[22:01] <PriceChild> anyway, off for a little
[22:02] <ikonia> PriceChild: he sorted it friday
[22:18] <Myrtti> well this is random
[22:21] <Myrtti> well that was random
[22:26] <jpds> Oh my God, ubottu got lost in netsplit!
[22:28] <PriceChild> bots didn't notice netsplit.. fail
[22:28] * PriceChild runs
[22:28] <Myrtti> oh shite
[22:28] <PriceChild> or death, or w/e
[22:28] <jpds> Actually they did?
[22:29] * Myrtti holds her breath
[22:29] <PriceChild> I was just going on what I saw in their status channel, either way, things are still ok!
[22:29] <ikonia> PriceChild: can you/staff member look at the user Pokmonly he's joining random channels and flooding them, then getting kicked and hitting randoms
[22:30] <ikonia> PriceChild: he's on a static ip, he floods, then quits, count to 30 and he's bac
[22:30] <ikonia> back
[22:30] <nalioth> maybe the bots aren't split?
[22:30] <PriceChild> ikonia: where? (and staff should be poked in pm or in #freenode for best effect)
[22:30] <PriceChild> they worked as they're meant to :)
[22:31] <ikonia> PriceChild: of course, you where awake, just though you may have had a poke around
[22:31] <ikonia> I'll hit freenode
[22:31] <nalioth> ikonia: don't bother
[22:31] <ikonia> oh?
[22:32] <PriceChild> ikonia: i wasn't saying i didn't wanna deal with it now sorry.
[22:32] <ikonia> I didn't think that, thats cool,
[22:32] <nalioth> ikonia: he's gone now. i'm watching for his IP
[22:32] <ikonia> nalioth: he comes and goes, floods and quits
[22:32] <ikonia> nalioth: give it 5
[22:34] <nalioth> ikonia: yes, you told us.
[22:34] * nalioth has eyes out for the IP
[22:37] * Myrtti wonders how long we should wait for ubottu
[22:49] <jussi01> hrm...
[22:49] * jussi01 is suposed to be asleep
[22:50] <Myrtti> jussi01: you want me to crank up ubot2?
[22:50] <jussi01> stdin: should we go for a start of ubottu?
[22:50] <jussi01> Myrtti: not yet, wait a seec
[22:50] <jussi01> she is still running.
[22:51] <Myrtti> somewhere in netsplittage land
[22:51] <jussi01> I think Ill try killing her, then restarting her to see how we go.
[23:02] <jussi01> :D
[23:03] <Pici> D:
[23:04] <jussi01> should be back in a sec... but Im off to bed - direct questions to stdin
[23:05] <nalioth> stdin: what is the best baking temperature for angel food cake?
[23:06] <stdin> 325F according to the first link google found
[23:08] <nalioth> what is the viscosity of 10W40 motor oil at 112C ?
[23:09] <stdin> what am I, ask.com? :p
[23:10] <nalioth> 1217887470 17:04 <+ju$$i01> should be back in a sec... but Im off to bed - direct questions to stdin
[23:10] <nalioth> i was directing questions to you
[23:11] <stdin> I think he was referring questions regarding the bot, direct other questions to your nearest search engine :)
[23:11] <Myrtti> nooooo?
[23:44] <Pici> stdin: did you see the LP api announcement email?
[23:45] <stdin> Pici: yeah, I just saw it