UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /02 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[02:45] <zerl> hello guys, do i need to download java?
[02:47] <Myrtti> this isn't the support channel - see /topic
[02:48] <zerl> ive been reading the psychocats.net and following steps by steps since im a new user to this OS... but the instructions is for 7.10 and im using 8
[02:48] <Myrtti> zerl: support is at #ubuntu
[02:49] <zerl> so this channel is for what?
[02:49] <zerl> ok thanx
=== zerl is now known as [z]neo
[03:03] <num1> Just how many #ubuntu-X channels are there?
[03:04] <num1> When moving to a channel such as #ubuntu-es and #ubuntu-tr locobot_1 contacts you but the string is not localized, so someone who didn' know english wouldn't know to go to the rules of conduct page
=== z__ is now known as zerl
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
[06:56] <cypherdelic> How to fix a not wanted autostart-programm, that has been added through "autostart current running processes" and do not appear under Autostart in Session??? How do i get rid of this cairo-dock-settings-dialog, please?
[07:03] <coolbhavi> cypherdelic, hello go to #ubuntu please
[07:04] <cypherdelic> right, did that sry for bugging
[07:05] <coolbhavi> cypherdelic, no problems
[10:34] <bobbo> Hey, i just got accepted for membership, could i get an Ubuntu cloak?
[10:42] <Ekushey> bobbo, you need to ask PriceChild for that
[10:42] <bobbo> Ekushey: ok thanks :)
[10:42] <Ekushey> when did you get the approval?
[10:42] <bobbo> this morning
[10:44] <Ekushey> did you get added to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers already?
[10:45] <bobbo> Ekushey: im an idirect member to it (im a u-u-c)
[10:45] <bobbo> but yeah, I've been added
[10:46] <Ekushey> great, then ask PriceChild when he's available and he'll do it for you
[10:46] <Ekushey> and congrats! :)
[10:46] <bobbo> Ekushey: ok and thanks alot :)
[10:46] <Ekushey> you're most welcome, bobbo :)
[11:15] <jpds> Ekushey: Price.Child, or any other member of the IRC council.
[11:21] <Ekushey> jpds, oh ok... i thought only PriceChild had the authority
[11:21] <jpds> Ekushey: He's useful because as a member of staff he has the power of applying cloaks without asking staff.
[13:05] <PriceChild> bobbo: could you give your launchpad url please?
[13:06] <bobbo> PriceChild: http://launchpad.net/~bobbo
[13:08] <PriceChild> bobbo: done
[13:08] <bobbo> PriceChild: thanks alot :D
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