UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /30 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Jazzva> anyway... unpack the tarball to a directory stanford-pwdhash.upstream
[00:00] <bdrung> no, only zipping is the building ;)
[00:00] <Jazzva> cd to it, and do bzr init
[00:00] <bdrung> done
[00:00] <Jazzva> that will initialize the branch
[00:00] <Jazzva> then bzr add . to add all files
[00:00] <Jazzva> then
[00:00] <Jazzva> bzr commit -m "Inital upstream v$VERSION_NUMBER"
[00:00] <Jazzva> and then push it to
[00:01] <Jazzva> bzr push lp:~$YOUR_LAUNCHPAD_ID/firefox-extensions/stanford-pwdhash.upstream
[00:01] <Jazzva> that's how you create your local upstream branch, and push it to launchpad
[00:02] <Volans> Jazzva: is not better to suggest the use of ssh push?
[00:02] <Jazzva> Volans, I think it does that automatically with lp:...
[00:02] <Jazzva> it translates it to bzr+ssh://..../~yourlpid/...
[00:02] <bdrung> on pushing: bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()
[00:02] <james_w> bzr lp-login
[00:02] <james_w> "bzr lp-login <lp-id>" to be precise
[00:03] <james_w> it will then use "bzr+ssh://" and allow you to push
[00:03] <Jazzva> james_w, thanks :)...
[00:03] <Volans> right!
[00:03] <bdrung> yes, it works
[00:03] <Volans> there was something strange in my mind
[00:03] <Volans> :)
[00:04] <Jazzva> bdrung, then you follow the rest of the procedure, from creating ubuntu branch :)
[00:04] <bdrung> k
[00:04] <Jazzva> but instead of "bzr init" you do "bzr branch your_upstream_branch"
[00:05] <Jazzva> and then make changes to it, commit, (repeat previous two steps), push to lp:~your_lp/firefox-extensions/stanford-pwdhash.ubuntu
[00:05] <bdrung> should i branch in the same directory?
[00:06] <Jazzva> no, use different... :)
[00:06] <Jazzva> bzr branch link_to_upstream stanford-pwdhash.ubuntu
[00:06] <Jazzva> for example :)
[00:10] <bdrung> ok, i have added the debian files. how to add? with bzr add .?
[00:10] <Jazzva> yep :)
[00:10] <bdrung> what commit comment should i use?
[00:11] <Jazzva> edit changelog entry to be for UNRELEASED as distro... with maybe one entry "open tree for development"
[00:11] <Jazzva> and set the version
[00:12] <Jazzva> then use "open tree for development" as commit comment
[00:12] <Jazzva> dch -a -DUNRELEASED
[00:12] <Jazzva> dch -a -v $VERSION -DUNRELEASED should set that for you
[00:15] <bdrung> i have currently "Initial release (LP: #216892)" in the changelog description. is it really usefull to change this?
[00:16] <Jazzva> That's ok... I suppose
[00:17] <Jazzva> if you have one packaging, that works
[00:17] <Jazzva> hmm... but we use xpi.mk from mozilla-devscripts, so you should adjust your packaging
[00:17] <Jazzva> it's easier to maintain later :)
[00:17] <bdrung> that works (its in my ppa)
[00:18] <bdrung> pwdhash uses xpi.mk too
[00:18] <Jazzva> Yeah.. but it would be great if you could adjust it to use xpi.mk (that's used in the template).
[00:18] <Jazzva> oh
[00:18] <Jazzva> Well, I suppose you could just copy your old debian directory to your ubuntu branch, and the commit that
[00:18] <Jazzva> and we will review it :)
[00:19] <bdrung> the same version waits in revu: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=stanford-pwdhash
[00:22] <Jazzva> bdrung, I'll take a look at it now.
[00:22] <bdrung> https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/stanford-pwdhash.upstream
[00:25] <Jazzva> yeah, maybe you won't need to copy from xpi.template
[00:25] <Jazzva> I think you can just copy your old debian directory, which you used in the package on revu
[00:27] <Jazzva> ok, testing it...
[00:27] <bdrung> i copied it from the revu package
[00:28] <Jazzva> then just do bzr add .
[00:28] <Jazzva> to add watch file...
[00:28] <Jazzva> and commit it... and push it to lp:~your_lp/firefox-extensions/stanford-pwdhash.ubuntu
[00:28] <Jazzva> I think that lintian will complain a bit
[00:29] <bdrung> why?
[00:30] <Jazzva> it complained to me when the line with "Copyright" in debian/copyright was empty... it's a stupid complaint :)
[00:30] <Jazzva> but now it doesn't...
[00:31] <bdrung> how do i build the package in a bzr directory (usually i run debuild)
[00:31] <Jazzva> you can use debuild -b
[00:31] <Jazzva> and then fakeroot debian/rules clean, to clean it...
[00:32] <Jazzva> there is also bzr builddeb, but debuild should work fine
[00:33] <asac_the_2nd> i am now using a web irc client :(
[00:34] <asac_the_2nd> cannot connect to freenode anymore :(
[00:34] <Jazzva> asac_the_2nd, ouch
[00:34] <Jazzva> bad net in the hotel?
[00:34] <asac_the_2nd> 1st. cannot cannot to home ... now cannot even connect to freenode directly
[00:34] <asac_the_2nd> what comes next?
[00:34] <bdrung> next: no internet :D
[00:34] <Jazzva> i was scared to say that :)
[00:34] <asac_the_2nd> yeah ... most likiely
[00:34] <bdrung> then the hotel catches fire
[00:35] <asac_the_2nd> err, thats not funny. i fear that my flat at home catched fire
[00:35] <asac_the_2nd> i cannot reach my system
[00:35] <asac_the_2nd> i cannot call my phone
[00:35] <asac_the_2nd> its completely down :(
[00:35] <Jazzva> let's hope it's just that the phone company is down :)
[00:35] <bdrung> oh
[00:36] <Jazzva> someone would notify you if something went wrong, right?
[00:36] <bdrung> but without a working phone?
[00:36] <Jazzva> hmm... something strange with pwdhash... it makes one temp-xpi-* directory, but then it tries to remove another...
[00:36] <Jazzva> which doesn't exist
[00:36] <Jazzva> so the first doesn't get removed
[00:36] <asac_the_2nd> err ... who would notify me?
[00:37] <asac_the_2nd> i dont think anyone has my mobile phone
[00:37] <Jazzva> asac_the_2nd, ouch
[00:37] <Jazzva> check the local news. if something bad happened to your home, there will be an article
[00:37] <Jazzva> s/will/would/
[00:37] <asac_the_2nd> ha
[00:38] <asac_the_2nd> yeah
[00:38] <asac_the_2nd> lets me check
[00:38] <asac_the_2nd> google: hamburg on fire ;)
[00:38] <Jazzva> lol
[00:38] <Jazzva> too bad google earth doesn't update daily :P
[00:38] <bdrung> hamburg brennt fits better
[00:39] <Jazzva> (while we're on that, you can see bombed buildins in belgrade ;). some of them look cool from gearth. missing a whole part of building)
[00:39] <Jazzva> *buildings
[00:39] <bdrung> asac_the_2nd: http://www.amazon.de/Hamburg-brennt-Gro%C3%9Fe-Brand-1842/dp/3940229032
[00:40] <bdrung> so it is not impossible
[00:41] <Jazzva> bdrung, when you run debuild, and then debian/rules clean, does it remove all temp-xpi-* dirs?
[00:43] <bdrung> it removes the content, but do not remove the empty temp-xpi-* directory
[00:43] <Jazzva> asac_the_2nd, woohoo... firefox has been updated notification bar. produced by upgrade :)
[00:44] <Jazzva> bdrung, that's strange. That has never happened to me before. But it shouldn't be a problem in your packaging
[00:44] <bdrung> aahh, it's 1:44
[00:44] <Jazzva> square of 12 :)
[00:44] <Jazzva> 1:2 :)
[00:44] <bdrung> 01:44:44
[00:45] <Jazzva> heh :)
[00:45] <bdrung> i have to stand up in nearly 6 hours.
[00:46] <bdrung> so i should go to bed before.
[00:46] <Jazzva> ok. have a good night
[00:46] <Jazzva> I'll look up what's wrong with pwdhash
[00:46] <bdrung> or is there something that i should do?
[00:47] <Jazzva> i'm not sure why is this happening...
[00:47] <Jazzva> so, i'm not sure... :)
[00:49] <bdrung> the next package, that needs some work is htmlvalidator
[00:50] <bdrung> it uses svn as vcs. is it possible to grab the source directly from there?
[00:51] <Jazzva> hmm... what do you mean? to transform from svn to bzr?
[00:51] <Jazzva> I'm not sure... haven't tried that before
[00:51] <Jazzva> but you can svn co the sources, then remove .svn dirs inside it, and then create a bzr branhc
[00:51] <Jazzva> *branch
[00:54] <asac_the_2nd> bdrung: night
[00:54] <asac_the_2nd> Jazzva: you can just setup a sync for svn repositories in launchpad
[00:54] <Jazzva> asac_the_2nd, really?
[00:54] <Jazzva> great :)
[00:54] <asac_the_2nd> bdrung: ^^
[00:54] <asac_the_2nd> Jazzva: yes. you can also do that manuayll by using bzr-svn and then pushing
[00:55] <Jazzva> I have a lot to learn:)
[00:55] <asac_the_2nd> but usually you need to register a project and a release series and then you can setup a svn sync
[00:55] <asac_the_2nd> only problem is that tags are not properly imported.
[00:55] <asac_the_2nd> so getting the right release can be difficult
[00:55] <bdrung> syncing whould be the better solution, isn't it?
[00:55] <asac_the_2nd> thats why its simpler for us to use .xpi atm
[00:56] <asac_the_2nd> bdrung: well. if the extension has no native components its easier to use .xpi
[00:56] <asac_the_2nd> if it has native components, sync and building from source is the way to go
[00:57] <bdrung> htmlvalidator has native components (tidy and opensp)
[00:57] <asac_the_2nd> actually gnome has its own bzr mirror of their svn (with all tags and branches) : http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org/
[00:57] <bdrung> how do i setup an svn import?
[00:57] <asac_the_2nd> ok, then use the svn mirror thing
[00:57] <asac_the_2nd> bdrung: you need to register a project in launchpad
[00:58] <asac_the_2nd> and then you can set a svn repo for the default release series
[01:00] <Volans> I have to go now... see you and good luck for your connections asac and Jazzva :)
[01:00] <Jazzva> Volans, thanks. It survived the midnight, now it's good :)
[01:00] <Jazzva> Sleep well
[01:00] <Volans> but tomorrow midnight is the most dangerous, isn't it?
[01:01] <Jazzva> yep, but tomorrow morning I'll go to pay the bill :)
[01:01] <asac_the_2nd> i think there is no luck that can help me here
[01:01] <Jazzva> well, today :)
[01:01] <Volans> good :)
[01:01] <Volans> bye bye
[01:01] <asac_the_2nd> go to pay?
[01:01] <asac_the_2nd> no online banknig?
[01:01] <Jazzva> Welcome to Serbia :)
[01:01] <asac_the_2nd> argh
[01:01] <asac_the_2nd> so how much is your flatrate per month?
[01:02] <asac_the_2nd> i think if i'd need to go to bank or somewhere to pay something I already would be in jail
[01:02] <Jazzva> there is online banking... but it consists of transfering the money from my account to their. And processing can take a day or two...
[01:02] <asac_the_2nd> ah ;)
[01:02] <asac_the_2nd> well. then its just because you are late
[01:03] <asac_the_2nd> and you want to take the fast track ;)
[01:03] <Jazzva> so, it wasn't an option today, as I thought they will shut me off tonight. and even if I pay now, I can't be sure it will reach them...
[01:03] <Jazzva> yeah... and they should enable ... online payment on their site... *stubborn* :)
[01:03] <Jazzva> I pay a bit above 25e for 1Mbps downlink, and 128kbps uplink
[01:04] <asac_the_2nd> thats not much uplink
[01:04] <Jazzva> nope :)
[01:05] <Jazzva> i heard they will double up and downlink in september... I hope it's not just a gossip :)
[01:05] <asac_the_2nd> you should hope that the price doesnt double as well ;)
[01:05] <Jazzva> it shouldn't :)
[01:05] <asac_the_2nd> with 128 k you certainly couldnt upload mozilla builds to debian
[01:05] <Jazzva> last time they doubled from 512/64 to this, and the price stayed the same :)
[01:05] <Jazzva> asac_the_2nd, yeah :)
[01:06] <asac_the_2nd> its source + all package + dbg packages for debian
[01:06] <asac_the_2nd> that means 150M for each application
[01:06] <Jazzva> it would take me... around 8 hours ... I think
[01:06] <Jazzva> :)
[01:06] <asac_the_2nd> yeah. and then you get a reconnect and then you have to start again ;)
[01:06] <Jazzva> if there're 3 apps
[01:07] <asac_the_2nd> anyway. good luck. hope to see you soon
[01:07] <asac_the_2nd> i am going up to my room now taking a shower ;)
[01:07] <asac_the_2nd> (which is long overdue ;))
[01:07] <Jazzva> lol
[01:07] <Jazzva> yeah, about reconnections... I'm glad that's fine :)
[01:07] <bdrung> i have registered htmlvalidator and requested an svn trunk import: https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/htmlvalidator/trunk
[01:07] <Jazzva> every few days to change ip address... beside that, all is fine :)
[01:08] <bdrung> done enough today. now i really goes to bed. good night to all. see you tomorrow
[01:08] <asac_the_2nd> bdrung: fine. should take a day or two
[01:08] <asac_the_2nd> Jazzva: sounds good.
[01:08] <asac_the_2nd> cu all
[01:08] <Jazzva> good night, bdrung
[01:08] <Jazzva> see you, asac
[01:08] <asac_the_2nd> sleep well ... europe ;
[01:08] <asac_the_2nd> )
[01:08] <asac_the_2nd> cu
[01:08] <Jazzva> (at 5 am ;))
[01:08] <bdrung> thanks for helping me.
[01:08] <Jazzva> bdrung, glad we could help you :)
[01:09] <Jazzva> and thank you for helping us :)
[02:05] <Jazzva> ok, updated to intrepid. restarting, to see if something crashed :)
[02:27] <Jazzva> Woo... Hello from Intrepid :D
[02:27] <Jazzva> It failed to mount my local filesystems the first time, and messed up xorg for some reason, but recovery fixed it :).
[02:32] <Jazzva> hmm... n-m is reporting no internet connection, therefor Fx starts in offline mode :)
[02:42] <Jazzva> oooh... gnome's newHuman is pretty :)
[02:53] <Jazzva> asac_, you might be interested in bug #252793, in case you missed it
[02:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252793 in xulrunner-1.9 "xulrunner should not be executable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252793
[02:56] <Jazzva> better bug title: bug 252793
[02:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252793 in xulrunner-1.9 "xulrunner ships some images as executables" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252793
[03:15] <Jazzva> ok, i'm off for tonight. See you later :)
[09:37] <XioNoX> hi!
[10:42] <gnomefreak> !ultramatix
[10:42] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ultramatix
[10:42] <gnomefreak> damn
[10:43] <gnomefreak> @whoami
[10:43] <ubottu> gnomefreak: gnomefreak
[10:48] <gnomefreak> !ultramatix is <reply> Ultramatix is not supported by Ubuntu. It can cause system damage and should not be used, if you need support with it please join #ultramatix for support. If you refer or suggest users install Ultramatix you are subject to a warning the first time, a removal from channel for second time and a ban for the third time.
[10:48] <ubottu> gnomefreak: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[10:48] <gnomefreak> !ultramatix is <reply> ultramatix is not supported by Ubuntu. It can cause system damage and should not be used, if you need support with it please join #ultramatix for support. If you refer or suggest users install Ultramatix you are subject to a warning the first time, a removal from channel for second time and a ban for the third time.
[10:48] <ubottu> gnomefreak: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[10:53] <armin76> lol
[10:53] <armin76> wtf is ultramatix?
[11:42] <gnomefreak> armin76: its automatix on steroids
[11:42] <gnomefreak> automatix went under someone made ultamatix
[11:42] <Kamping_Kaiser> ah oh. this doesnt sound good
[11:42] <gnomefreak> there isnt an r i found out today
[11:42] <gnomefreak> its not
[11:42] <armin76> wtf is automatix? :P
[11:43] <armin76> ah, i see
[11:43] <armin76> wikipedia++
[11:43] <armin76> gnomefreak: i recommend you ultramatix!
[11:43] * gnomefreak wont be doing anything with it
[13:19] <asac_> @time vancouver ;)
[13:20] <asac_> hmm
[13:20] <asac_> its 5:20
[13:20] <asac_> @time vancouver
[13:20] <asac_> ok but is gone apparently
[13:20] <ubottu> asac_: Error: Unknown timezone: vancouver ;) - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp8
[13:20] <ubottu> asac_: Current time in America/Vancouver: July 30 2008, 05:20:44 - Next meeting: Mentoring Reception in 1 day
[13:32] <XioNoX> asac_, you'r up ?
[13:33] <XioNoX> if so, just check : http://xionox.free.fr/testmoz/bar.xul
[13:41] <asac_> XioNoX: yep
[13:41] <asac_> XioNoX: so now, move that to the addons dialog ;)
[13:44] <XioNoX> yep
[13:48] <asac_> XioNoX: another thing you could try is to use the _real_ URL as the datasource
[13:48] <asac_> (e.g. not the static file)
[13:52] <XioNoX> ok
[13:52] <XioNoX> but it don't work locally :s
[14:01] <asac_> huh?
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[15:17] <XioNoX> asac, how to debug the addon dialog ?
[15:18] <XioNoX> or at least know what happend in the background ?
[15:27] <asac> XioNoX: first thing to do is to use a debug build
[15:27] <asac> --enable-debug --disable-optimize
[15:28] <asac> as configure flags
[15:28] <asac> (e.g. in .mozconfig)
[15:28] <asac> XioNoX: and instead of debugging, trying to go in small steps helps
[15:28] <asac> e.g. add one line ... see if it works ... then the next line
[15:28] <asac> etc.
[15:28] <XioNoX> . $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig
[15:28] <XioNoX> mk_add_options AUTOCONF=autoconf213 --enable-debug --disable-optimize
[15:29] <asac> not sure if you can have multiple options in one line
[15:29] <asac> XioNoX: and configure options are not mk_add_options, bug ac_add_options
[15:30] <asac> like look in browser/config/mozconfig
[15:40] <XioNoX> ok
[15:41] <XioNoX> how did you managed to be waked up at 5 am ?
[15:43] <asac> jetlag still ;)
[15:45] <XioNoX> ok
[15:45] * asac moves to breakfast ... finally
[15:45] <XioNoX> good idea :D
[15:45] <XioNoX> see you later
[16:05] <gnomefreak> asac: https://edge.launchpad.net/auto-ndiswrapper
[16:06] <gnomefreak> why do i have a bad feeling about that
[16:19] <XioNoX> Wifi mess isn't over :D
[16:19] <XioNoX> asac, http://img375.imageshack.us/my.php?image=captureyz2.png
[16:20] <gnomefreak> installing from windows drivers isnt really nice
[16:27] <XioNoX> gnomefreak, i agree, but some people haven't any choice
[16:28] <gnomefreak> XioNoX: i guess but instead of installing windows drivers on Linux maybe find a safer way of doing it
[16:29] <XioNoX> sure
[17:01] <asac> XioNoX: nice.
[17:01] <asac> now beautify ;)
[17:02] <XioNoX> i'll try
[17:02] <XioNoX> it have to looks like the others sections ?
[17:03] <XioNoX> do you know where i can find some exemple more rich ?
[17:06] <XioNoX> I go back home
[17:06] <XioNoX> see you maybe later
[17:26] <gnomefreak> is scrollkeeper needed for anything?
[17:26] <gnomefreak> it sounds like i do :(
[17:38] <asac> yeah its neded everywhere ;)
[17:38] <asac> ok ... moving to sessions
[17:38] <asac> cu later
[17:38] <gnomefreak> have fun ;)
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
[21:12] <armin76> asac: bumb!
[21:13] <armin76> asac: debian bug 483949
[21:13] <ubottu> Debian bug 483949 in xulrunner "unaligned word access in xulrunner" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/483949
[21:14] <armin76> i think thats his home client
[22:33] <asac> armin76: thats our patch ;)
[22:33] <asac> armin76: however it still crashes after 45 minutes ;)
[22:41] <asac> oh dear
[22:51] <Jazzva> asac, no fire in Hamburg? :)
[22:52] <Jazzva> btw, Firefox crashed twice today on intrepid... flash problems?
[22:52] <asac> Jazzva: no, but i am probably lost here
[22:52] <asac> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/07/30/bc-highway-rockslide-whistler.html?ref=rss#articlecomments
[22:52] <Jazzva> lost?
[22:53] <asac> thats the only way back to vancouver from here
[22:53] <Jazzva> ouch.
[22:53] <asac> Jazzva: are you using my nspluginwrapper packages?
[22:53] <asac> e.g. moving flash out of process
[22:53] <Jazzva> And when are you supposed to leave back?
[22:53] <Jazzva> umm... not sure.
[22:53] <asac> friday
[22:53] <asac> https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive
[22:53] <Jazzva> I have never installed them manually.
[22:53] <asac> get the nspluginwrapper package from there and do a --reinstall on flashplugin-nonfree
[22:54] <Jazzva> the joy of running alpha :)
[22:54] <asac> thats what will go up to intrepid soon
[22:54] <asac> Jazzva: well. you probaly have libflashsupport on your system again?
[22:54] <Jazzva> thanks for the help :)
[22:55] <Jazzva> nope
[22:55] <asac> hmm
[22:55] <Jazzva> I removed it a while ago...
[22:55] <asac> still using the nspluginwrapper will stop getting crashes because of flash
[22:55] <Jazzva> I can't find when it crashes. It seems to be random
[22:55] <asac> Jazzva: intrepid might have brougtht that back to you
[22:55] <Jazzva> but without libflashsupport?
[22:56] <asac> well flash crashes from time to time without libflashsupport
[22:56] <asac> especially since you have flash 10 beta now
[22:56] <Jazzva> ah.. :)
[22:56] <Jazzva> I think that removing libflashsupport stopped the crashes on hardy
[22:56] <Jazzva> at least for me
[22:57] <Jazzva> no i386 package of nspluginwrapper?
[22:57] <asac> Jazzva: there is ... in my ppa
[22:57] <asac> thats the whole idea of that upload ;)
[22:58] <asac> bringing pluginwraper to i386
[22:58] <Jazzva> I'm looking at your ppa... Builds * [FULLYBUILT] amd64
[22:58] <Jazzva> gutsy?
[22:58] <Jazzva> why am I looking at gutsy?
[22:58] <asac> Jazzva: intrepid?
[22:58] <asac> Jazzva: oh ... then mt PPA ;)
[22:58] <Jazzva> :)
[22:59] <asac> i think i uploaded to mt ppa as my ppa is used by a bunch of testers that volunteer to QA the security updates
[22:59] <asac> i dont want to stress them too much
[22:59] <Jazzva> ah, ok :)
[22:59] <asac> yep ... its
[22:59] <Jazzva> got it
[23:00] <asac> we should try to upgrade that to 1.0 ... not waiting for debian
[23:01] <Jazzva> what do we need to do to get it to 1.0?
[23:01] <Jazzva> btw, pitti approved webkit for main :)
[23:03] <asac> Jazzva: trying to use the 1.0 upstream tarball
[23:03] <asac> and seeing if the patches we have still apply
[23:03] <asac> and in case they dont adjust them or if not needed drop them
[23:03] <asac> http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/
[23:03] <asac> i think that should be the site (still had it in my cache)
[23:07] <Jazzva> hurray for my provider. internet package change, lost connection for a while
[23:08] <Jazzva> asac, anything you said after this? "we should try to upgrade that to 1.0 ... not waiting for debian"
[23:08] <Jazzva> and I'm not sure if you received all of my messages
[23:08] <Jazzva> what do we need to do to get it to 1.0?
[23:08] <Jazzva> btw, pitti approved webkit for main :)
[23:08] <Jazzva> ok, reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree. I'll test if it still crashes (watch a lot of youtube ;)... just kidding :))
[23:08] <Jazzva> that would be it...
[23:09] <Jazzva> btw, not sure if you saw bug 252793 and if it's fixed. It's easy and there's a debdiff attached...
[23:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252793 in xulrunner-1.9 "xulrunner ships some images as executables" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252793
[23:11] <asac> 00:03 < asac> Jazzva: trying to use the 1.0 upstream tarball
[23:11] <asac> 00:03 < asac> and seeing if the patches we have still apply
[23:11] <asac> 00:03 < asac> and in case they dont adjust them or if not needed drop them
[23:11] <asac> 00:03 < asac> http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/
[23:11] <asac> 00:03 < asac> i think that should be the site (still had it in my cache)
[23:11] <asac> Jazzva: well those images being executable isnt really a hard issue
[23:11] <Jazzva> ok. can I try to prepare the package?
[23:11] <asac> Jazzva: wanna integrate that patch into the xulrunner-1.9 branch?
[23:11] <asac> Jazzva: sure. just open changelog
[23:11] <asac> apply the patch
[23:11] <Jazzva> ooh :)
[23:12] <asac> but dont close it
[23:12] <asac> ;)
[23:12] <Jazzva> open tree for development?
[23:12] <asac> yeah
[23:12] <asac> if we have no changes for a week we can upload with just that change
[23:12] <asac> Jazzva: but please only on .head for now
[23:12] <asac> you can merge that down to .dev too
[23:12] <Jazzva> xulrunner-1.9.head?
[23:13] <Jazzva> 1.9.1 is the +1 branch, right?
[23:13] <asac> yeah
[23:13] <Jazzva> ok
[23:13] <asac> yep
[23:13] <asac> you can also apply it there
[23:13] <Jazzva> i think the download will take a while...
[23:15] <armin76> asac: ah...didn't try debian for 45 mins, will do
[23:16] <Jazzva> hmm... strange
[23:17] <armin76> asac: watch out how it takes to crash, i'm going to bed
[23:20] <Jazzva> armin76, you're dead
[23:21] <Jazzva> 3 minutes
[23:22] <fta_> fta@ix:~ $ firefox
[23:22] <fta_> firefox: pcm_pulse.c:275: pulse_write: Assertion `pcm->last_size >= (size * pcm->frame_size)' failed.
[23:22] <fta_> Abort
[23:22] <asac> fta_: hmm ... thats with the new sounds thing?
[23:22] <asac> ask crimsun ;)
[23:22] <fta_> yes
[23:23] <asac> he is the alsa master
[23:23] <fta_> died while idle during the day
[23:23] <asac> i think its a bug in the pulse plugin
[23:23] <asac> kind of buffer bustage ... but thats just my unqualified idea ;)
[23:23] <fta_> crimsun, ^^
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[23:23] <asac> ok ... moving rooms again
[23:23] <crimsun> fta: which pulseaudio?
[23:24] <crimsun> ...and I'm going to need a lot more context
[23:24] <fta> intrepid, up-to-date
[23:24] <crimsun> so, luke's latest update?
[23:24] <fta> pulseaudio | 0.9.10-2ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages
[23:24] <crimsun> (0.9.10-2ubuntu2)
[23:25] <crimsun> and your ~/.asoundrc* contents?
[23:25] <fta> hmm... none
[23:27] <crimsun> I don't think luke has uploaded a new alsa-lib
[23:27] <crimsun> did you modify /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf by hand?
[23:28] <fta> no
[23:28] <fta> but i'm using your branch
[23:29] <fta> 1.0.16-2ubuntu2
[23:30] <crimsun> so you /are/ using the /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf changes
[23:30] <crimsun> where are you seeing the message? On a page with a Flash applet? Fresh FF startup?
[23:32] <fta> no idea, ff was running when i left home this morning, it's dead now with that assert() in the shell
[23:33] <fta> i had 16 tabs in that session
[23:33] <fta> some with flash videos in them
[23:34] <crimsun> sigh, that makes things complicated :/
[23:34] <fta> strange that when those tabs are focused, and the flash video is visible (but not started), my cpu jumps to 100%
[23:35] <fta> until i change tab or scroll to move the video out
[23:35] <crimsun> with flash 10 beta 2, correct?
[23:35] <crimsun> (
[23:35] <crimsun> if you're feeling adventurous, try to reproduce it with swfdec-gnome
[23:35] <crimsun> (you'd need to remove flashplugin-nonfree)
[23:36] <crimsun> where "it" refers to the libpulse error
[23:36] <asac> back ;)
[23:36] <fta> asac, feel free to sponsor my sm 1.1.11
[23:37] <asac> fta: can you give me the .changes and .dsc so i can try to sign them?
[23:38] <asac> the bandwidth here is just too bad to do the upload (i could do it later tonight)
[23:38] <fta> it's in my ppa
[23:38] <fta> vanilla
[23:39] <fta> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16410559/seamonkey_1.1.11%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1.dsc
[23:39] <fta> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16410557/seamonkey_1.1.11%2Bnobinonly.orig.tar.gz
[23:39] <fta> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16410558/seamonkey_1.1.11%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
[23:40] <asac> .changes i need ;)
[23:40] <asac> or wait ... i can try to do that on a ubuntu server
[23:41] <fta> http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/seamonkey_1.1.11+nobinonly-0ubuntu1_source.changes
[23:42] <asac> Jazzva: you could even try 1.1.0 development release
[23:42] <asac> which -- iirc -- should fix the "always displayed on top" issue
[23:43] <fta> what is that +build1+nobinonly ?
[23:44] <fta> why build1 ?
[23:45] <asac> fta: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/tmp/
[23:45] <fta> when i visit http://blog.velib.paris.fr/blog/?p=243, 2nd page there's a flash video putting my cpu over the roof even while doing nothing
[23:45] <asac> the .dsc and .changes should appear there soon
[23:46] <asac> fta: build1 is FIREFOX_3_0_BUILD1 tag
[23:46] <asac> err 3_0_1
[23:46] <Jazzva> asac: ok
[23:46] <asac> the idea was to upload that to beta channel as soon as mozilla did it
[23:46] <asac> (wihtout knowing if its final)
[23:48] <asac> fta: why does it just fix Fixes USN-602-1 / mfsa-2008-20 / CVE-2008-1380
[23:48] <asac> ?
[23:48] <asac> there are a bunch of mfsas/cves fixed right?
[23:49] <asac> i think it even fixes USN-613-1
[23:49] <fta> i took the one from the bug, maybe there's more
[23:49] <asac> fta: yeah. let me look that up
[23:49] <asac> fta: did we skip any seamonkey release?
[23:49] <fta> it's just a changelog change
[23:49] <asac> yep
[23:50] <fta> 1.1.9 -> 1.1.11, i don"t think 1.1.10 ever existed
[23:50] <asac> would be nice to have at least the right USNs in there
[23:50] <asac> ok
[23:51] <asac> ok it fixes:
[23:51] <asac> USN-623-1: Firefox vulnerabilities
[23:51] <asac> USN-619-1: Firefox vulnerabilities
[23:51] <fta> want me update that ?
[23:51] <asac> and the one you mentioned (at least)
[23:51] <asac> would be cool
[23:51] <asac> you dont need to name the MFSAs/CVEs
[23:51] <asac> just the USNs
[23:52] <asac> ok 1.1.10 was a non-release that fixed USN-602-1
[23:52] <asac> the rest is in 1.1.11
[23:52] <asac> http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/
[23:52] <fta> Fixes USN-602-1 / mfsa-2008-20 / CVE-2008-1380,
[23:52] <fta> USN-623-1 and USN-619-1
[23:52] <fta> ?
[23:52] <asac> either drop the mfsa/CVE or make a complete list
[23:53] <fta> Fixes USN-602-1, USN-619-1 and USN-623-1
[23:53] <asac> yes thats good
[23:53] <asac> not sure if /mfsa2008-26.html is in any of those
[23:53] <asac> but well. i think the USNs are fine
[23:53] <asac> or wait ;)
[23:54] <asac> also name the tbird USN: USN-629-1: Thunderbird vulnerabilities
[23:54] <asac> that should include the mailnews only advisories
[23:54] <asac> ;)
[23:57] <fta> ok, redoing the src pkg
[23:58] <asac> fta: just give me the bits to sign
[23:58] <asac> ;)
[23:58] <asac> you can also upload as is. i already signed it ;)
[23:58] <asac> but i think USNs are nice
[23:59] <fta> upload ? how ?