UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <engineer> richard grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[00:00] <sandrino> ciao
[00:00] <Pici> _dennister: Its a good idea, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that with upstart in mind. You might want to try asking in #ubuntu as well, since its not a strictly KDE/kubuntu related issue.
[00:00] <sandrino> whot are you doing?
[00:00] <richard> AMDpenguin: the mobo being replaced was 7 ytears old, and the HDD is from a 14 year old PC
[00:00] <_dennister> Pici: yes, that's a good idea, too...will do after i have a cig outside
[00:01] <richard> Driver "kbd"
[00:01] <richard> Driver "mouse"
[00:01] <AMDpenguin> hmm how big the harddisk?
[00:01] <richard> engineer ^
[00:01] <richard> AMDpenguin: the one from the neighbours old PC is about 4gb, the opne from school is 20GB
[00:01] <CrAc> how can i downgrade to ubuntu?
[00:02] <AMDpenguin> lol
[00:02] <richard> the 17@ TFT was free from school because it was broken
[00:03] <CrAc> or how can i reinstall gnome and delete kde?
[00:03] <Pici> !puregnome | CrAc
[00:03] <ubottu> CrAc: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>
[00:03] <engineer> richard only those 2?
[00:03] <AMDpenguin> gnome treats there users as idoits
[00:03] <richard> engineer: yeah
[00:04] <engineer> !nvidia | richard
[00:04] <ubottu> richard: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[00:04] <CrAc> ty
[00:04] <richard> engineer: cheers
[00:05] <CrAc> it wont work cuz i installed kubuntu and not unbuntu with kde :D
[00:05] <CrAc> well u understand xD
[00:05] <CrAc> ?
[00:05] <engineer> why would you wanna get rid of kde
[00:05] <engineer> the best WM out there
[00:06] <AMDpenguin> This "users are idiots, and are confused by functionality" mentality of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it. I don't use Gnome, because in striving to be simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need it to do. Please, just tell people to use KDE.
[00:06] <Pici> !offtopic | AMDpenguin
[00:06] <ubottu> AMDpenguin: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[00:06] <CrAc> i only wanna try my w-lan stick cuz i still get an erorr
[00:07] <CrAc> and all tutorials for it are fo ubuntu
[00:08] <engineer> thats a Linus quote
[00:12] <leon__> Speak nothin german?
[00:12] <leon__> nothing
[00:13] <CrAc> doch ich
[00:13] <nuxil> _dennister, to change the default runlevel create /etc/inittab /usr/share/doc/upstart read the readme file its there
[00:13] <nuxil> !de
[00:13] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[00:13] <nickolaus_> Okay, I tried to add a couple new chans to xchat (I have done this before no problem) I just reinstalled ubuntu and imported my home folder so I wouldn't lose anything, but now when I close xchat none of my changes stay, my wireless only connects when I tell it to rather than on the boot. It seems like it's not saving my changes.
[00:15] <nuxil> premission issues?
[00:17] <nuxil> nickolaus_, ls -l ~/.xchat2/ check the premission
[00:18] <nickolaus_> nuxil nickolaus@Jesus:~$ ls -l ~/.xchat2/
[00:18] <nickolaus_> ls: cannot open directory /home/nickolaus/.xchat2/: Permission denied
[00:18] <jals> i'm having issues with sudo chown having no affect on an ntfs partition directory
[00:18] <nuxil> they might be set to read and execute, but not write
[00:18] <nuxil> haha
[00:19] <CrAc> !w-lan
[00:19] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about w-lan
[00:19] <nuxil> nickolaus_, sudo chown -R nickolaus:nickolaus ~/.xchat2
[00:20] <Pici> probably should do that for all of ~/
[00:20] <nickolaus_> nuxil nickolaus@Jesus:~$ ls -l ~/.xchat2/
[00:20] <nickolaus_> total 20
[00:20] <nickolaus_> drwx------ 2 nickolaus nickolaus 4096 2008-05-26 14:28 downloads
[00:20] <nickolaus_> -rw------- 1 nickolaus nickolaus 3606 2008-07-29 01:26 ignore.conf
[00:20] <nickolaus_> -rw------- 1 nickolaus nickolaus 0 2008-07-29 01:26 notify.conf
[00:20] <nickolaus_> -rw------- 1 nickolaus nickolaus 6599 2008-07-24 16:22 servlist_.conf
[00:20] <nickolaus_> -rw------- 1 nickolaus nickolaus 0 2008-07-29 01:26 sound.conf
[00:20] <nickolaus_> -rw------- 1 nickolaus nickolaus 3487 2008-07-29 01:26 xchat.conf
[00:20] <nuxil> indeed
[00:20] <nuxil> STOP
[00:20] <nuxil> nickolaus_, dont do that.. use pastebin.com or other paste sites
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[00:21] <nickolaus_> nuxil sorry.
[00:21] <dynoll3> nuxil how i install the binary nvidia drivers?
[00:23] <CrAc> Anywhere i read, that my sinus 154 w-lan stick driver is included in the kernel, but it doesnt works how can i get it?
[00:23] <engineer> sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx
[00:23] <dynoll3> ok
[00:23] <ign0ramus> hey all.
[00:23] <AMDpenguin> is kubuntu changing release cycles?
[00:23] <engineer> no
[00:23] <ign0ramus> what is the default path for the kde directory?
[00:23] <nickolaus_> nuxil http://pastebin.ca/1086604
[00:24] <engineer> /usr/lib/kde4
[00:24] <ign0ramus> thx engineer
[00:24] <nuxil> dynoll3, if you dl from nvidia.com sudo chmod 755 nvidia.bin . then sudo ./Nvidia.bin . sudo modprobe nvidia
[00:24] <dynoll3> sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx is ok?
[00:25] <nuxil> try
[00:25] <dynoll3> ok
[00:25] <dynoll3> done and after?
[00:25] <engineer> restart X server
[00:25] <dynoll3> (its to use compizfusion)
[00:25] <dynoll3> how
[00:25] <dynoll3> (im a bit newb sorry :S)
[00:25] <engineer> log off
[00:25] <nuxil> nickolaus_, restart xchat now
[00:25] <miraclemaxim> ctrl alt backspace
[00:25] <engineer> in kdm
[00:26] <engineer> restart session
[00:26] <engineer> ctrl+alt+backspace breaks apps and once caused me data loss
[00:27] <nickolaus_> I think that fixed it.
[00:28] <nuxil> good for you :)
[00:28] <engineer> how hot is it in norway right now
[00:30] <nuxil> up in north its about 17 deg celsius here.
[00:30] <engineer> just warm then
[00:31] <AMDpenguin> o i though they were going to change to follow kdes release cycle
[00:31] <_dennister> nuxil: hey there; i was just about to ask for assistance with this ongoing issue in the ubuntu channel
[00:31] <nuxil> engineer, why you ask? planning on taking a trip ?
[00:31] <engineer> ye
[00:31] <engineer> never visited scandinavia
[00:32] <nuxil> in shouht its much warmer.. 20-30 deg c
[00:32] <CrAc> !iwconfig
[00:32] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about iwconfig
[00:32] <CrAc> -.-
[00:32] <engineer> !wlan
[00:32] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[00:32] <nuxil> _dennister, shoot
[00:32] <engineer> ok, i'll keep that in mind
[00:32] <_dennister> the only remotely-appropriate inittab to edit that i could find in my system was: /usr/lib/upstart/migrate-inittab.pl
[00:33] <_dennister> is that the one? i don't need to migrate as i'm already on hardy 8.04.1
[00:35] <harpreet> no sound
[00:35] <harpreet> no sound
[00:38] <sparr> upgrade to kde4.1 complete... time to restart X
[00:40] <nuxil> _dennister, did you read that file in the docs ?
[00:40] <nuxil> engineer, if you want to see the midnight sun you must take a trip up in north norway
[00:40] <nuxil> daylight 24/7
[00:41] <_dennister> nuxil: which file?
[00:41] <_dennister> i read a lot :)
[00:42] <nuxil> /usr/share/doc/upstart the readme file in there
[00:42] <nuxil> it tells you how to change default runlevel
[00:43] <nuxil> its compressed though
[00:44] <engineer> nuxil ok thanks for the tip
[00:44] <_dennister> i guess i didn't, as i'd slocated for inittab, getting only 3 results...did look at one, but the only entry that had doc in its path was for mgetty...and i haven't even tried to configure that yet
[00:45] <_dennister> but i will now...
[00:47] <harpreet> sound card doesnt work
[00:47] <richard> !compiz
[00:47] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[00:48] <harpreet> sound card doesnt work
[00:49] <nuxil> !sound
[00:49] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[00:49] <engineer> richard sudo aptitude install compiz-kde
[00:50] <richard> thankyou again engineer
[00:52] <_dennister> ok, rebooting to try out my created /etc/inittab file
[00:54] <richard> !xgl
[00:54] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[00:55] <richard> is that old TNT card just too old for compiz?
[01:07] <gkffjcs_> hey guys, how do I enable the creation of ntfs partitions in gparted?
[01:08] <gkffjcs_> I know gparted is a gnome app, but I think I'm missing a library, this probabily would effect qtparted too if I had it installed.
[01:15] <Pixeltime> Is there a way to use one resolution on one screen, and a different one on another, without spanning desktops
[01:17] <_dennister> still no joy :(
[01:20] <jryvoan> tasty chicken
[01:21] <_dennister> well, i'm so frustrated i'm gonna take a break and watch a movie...later ppls
[01:23] <jryvoan> I <3 ndiswrapper
[01:25] <harpreet> i got no sound on newly installed /? any help
[01:27] <Pixeltime> same problem here, and it worked just fine before the new install
[01:28] <Pixeltime> I think 4.1 has more problems then rc1 had
[01:33] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> no java applets work on the net for me now, wtf, how do i fix that?
[01:34] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: no swearin
[01:34] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: what would you like to accomplish
[01:34] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> ok, i didnt know that was swearing, anyway, can anyone help?
[01:35] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> i would like to be able to use web based java applets
[01:35] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: please do not act unkown (WTF) is swearing
[01:35] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: please refer by name
[01:35] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: what browser and what os
[01:35] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> jeez dude, what power trip are you on? harpreet
[01:35] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> what OS?
[01:36] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[01:36] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> what channel am i in dude?
[01:36] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> lmao
[01:36] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> oops i swore again
[01:36] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> uh oh
[01:36] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: is is kubuntu u running or ubuntu
[01:36] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> ......
[01:36] <Big_Buddha_Daddy> can you help with java applets harpreet?
[01:36] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: manners
[01:37] <harpreet> Big_Buddha_Daddy: if u tell me problem
[01:57] <andrboot> Hi; i installed kubuntu kde4.1 desktop on ubuntu, restarted using kde4 login and desktop but i don't have suspend-hibination enabled
[01:58] <andrboot> any ideas?
[01:58] <andrboot> it is a laptop... things are/were working fine in ubuntu
[01:59] <Pixeltime> 4.1 has LOTS of things missing
[01:59] <Pixeltime> that might be one of them
[01:59] <monolith> What is 4.1 missing?
[02:00] <Pixeltime> umm, about half of the configuration options
[02:00] <Pixeltime> for starters
[02:01] <monolith> I've been useing the RC version for a few weeks and I haven't had any problems. I dunno though.
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[02:05] <andrboot> @ Pixeltime supposdly its not missing :p
[02:05] <andrboot> and kde 4.1 has been released :p
[02:05] <andrboot> i have done a bit of googling.. no one has complained about it.. supposdely it is there
[02:06] <the-last> ciao a tutti!
[02:07] <eca> when im supposed to see grub loading during boot, i just see "grub" printed on my screen and it freezes, i cant get the comp to boot unless i use a live cd-then i boot from first hd. checked uuid in fstab. what else should i try?
[02:09] <flaccid> !grubfix | eca
[02:09] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about grubfix
[02:09] <flaccid> !fixgrub | eca
[02:09] <ubottu> eca: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[02:10] <nickolaus_> My ubuntu is not saving my changes. I reboot and it doesn't save when I changed my desktop to a cube.
[02:10] <labud> hi room i need help with a start up problem When i go to boot into kubuntu it tells me that my /home/labud is out of disk space. How do I correct that problem if i cannot access my disk where i have /home directory
[02:10] <andrboot> @ labud live cd
[02:11] <labud> k ty andrboot
[02:11] <flaccid> i have a question. does kde/kubuntu have any tools to download for example *.pdf links in a webpage. i guess i could use wget, but wondering if there is a gui way of doing it?
[02:11] <Pixeltime> andrboot: Well, there is no power management in Ubuntu's 4.1, but there is in OpenSuse's
[02:12] <Jucato> flaccid: kget
[02:12] <andrboot> @ Pixeltime shit
[02:12] <Pixeltime> although there is in Ubuntu's 3xx
[02:12] <andrboot> something i need :|
[02:12] <andrboot> hmm
[02:12] <andrboot> gotta be adons
[02:12] <andrboot> ill hunt
[02:12] <Jucato> flaccid: with kget, you can use "List all links" and check the ones you want to download
[02:13] <Pixeltime> there is also no way to set up multiple screens
[02:13] <eca> ty
[02:13] <Pixeltime> or pretty much anything to do with a screen
[02:13] <flaccid> thanks Jucato
[02:13] * flaccid goes to give it a try
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[02:15] <axiom> So, I just got KDE4 up
[02:16] <axiom> Accedentally removed the plasma kicker widget
[02:16] <axiom> How do I get it back?
[02:16] <andrboot> Pixeltime gonna install proper kde4 mod's see what breaks
[02:16] <Jucato> KDE 4 help in #kubuntu-kde4 please
[02:17] <Pixeltime> naw, I will just install Gnome, or OpenSuse (for the 3rd time this week)
[02:17] <gustin> then why are you here
[02:17] <andrboot> Pixeltime still got gnome :P just avoiding OpenSuse lol
[02:17] <andrboot> Jucato ty :)
[02:17] <nickolaus_> My ubuntu is not saving my changes. I reboot and it doesn't save any changed settings. I solved the problem with xchat sudo chown -R nickolaus:nickolaus ~/.xchat2/. Anyone know what the problem is?
[02:17] <gustin> axiom: alt-f2
[02:18] <gustin> axiom: then in the run box type kicker
[02:18] <Pixeltime> I am here cause I wanted to give it a FAIR try with a wipe instal
[02:18] <gustin> axiom: should work in either kde3 or 4, depending on the environment you do this from
[02:19] <axiom> Thanks gustin, does't seem to work in KDE4. I've switched channels
[02:19] <buckethead> nickolaus_: At some point you ran it as root and it ganked your permissions.
[02:19] <Jucato> gustin: there is no kicker in KDE 4
[02:19] <buckethead> I've done that three or four times now, Takes about 15 mins to remember how to fix each time, haha.
[02:20] <gustin> Jucato: ah youur right, ignore me axiom
[02:20] <nickolaus_> buckethead is there a way to reset all of the permissions en mass rather than one by one?
[02:20] <nickolaus_> because they all seem to be off.
[02:20] <gustin> nickolaus_: sudo chmod youruser -R ~/
[02:21] <gustin> nickolaus_: probably safe to use /home/username than ~/ in case you make a typo
[02:21] <gustin> nickolaus_: recursive chmod on / is bad
[02:25] <nuxil> nickolaus_, sudo chown -R nickolaus:nickolaus ~/ that will set both owner and group to you name.
[02:25] <nuxil> damn it
[02:25] <nuxil> to late
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[02:30] <aaron_> hello. I just installed mysql and phpmyadmin and I'm trying to log into it but it won't let me. I've tried my username, the username root with no password and the root password of the machine with no luck. Can anybody help?
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[02:31] <aaron_> crud, I just got it.
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[02:31] <aaron_> thanks anyway :-)
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[02:31] * Pixeltime looks as 'someone else' already has a 4.1 Live CD
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[02:50] <raoni11> hi
[02:57] <Aranel> I installed kdm-kde4 but It still starts kde3 kdm. I tried dpkg-reconfigure. How can I use kde4 kdm ?
[02:57] <Jucato> Aranel: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[02:58] <Jucato> then choose kdm-kde4 when you're asked
[02:58] <Aranel> Jucato: tried both ot them.
[02:58] <Aranel> Jucato: its kdm-kde4 but still starts kde3
[02:58] <rikard__> I've got a tar.bz2 file here. Whats the command line to untar it? I've tried tar -xj (name) but its not working. The man is kinda confusing :/
[02:59] <Pici> rikard__: tar xjvf file.tar.bz2
[02:59] <Jucato> Aranel: ah... actually it doesn't matter whether you use kdm or kdm-kde4... to start a KDE 4 session you have to choose "KDE 4" from the session menu in the login screen
[02:59] <rikard__> Thanks Pici. I'll look up the tags to learn :)
[02:59] <Aranel> Jucato: I know but KDM4 is newer/better/good looking than kdm3 :)
[03:00] <rikard__> thanks. I get it now :)
[03:00] <Jucato> Aranel: so use kdm-kde4. but you still need to choose KDE 4 from the session menu
[03:00] <Jucato> rikard__: x = extract, j = bzip (z is for gzip), v = verbose, f = "a file name needs to be given" :)
[03:00] <Aranel> Jucato: I'm trying to use it :) But It starts KDM3.
[03:00] <Aranel> Jucato: And I cant change it :/
[03:00] <Jucato> Aranel: I'm confused, you said <Aranel> Jucato: its kdm-kde4 but still starts kde3
[03:01] <Jucato> "kdm" is different from "kde"
[03:01] <Aranel> Jucato: sorry my fault :) I switched to kdm-kde4 but It still starts kdm-kde3 .
[03:02] <Jucato> Aranel: hm. ok.. you might want to ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[03:02] <Aranel> Jucato: ok :)
[03:02] <Jucato> Aranel: I'm presuming you restarted X when you reconfigured to use kdm-kde4
[03:03] <Aranel> Jucato: sure.
[03:04] <Aranel> Jucato: here's my /etc/X11/default-display-manager: /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kdm
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[03:08] <ninja_> can any of u guys help me here
[03:08] <ninja_> got a problem
[03:09] <Jucato> !anyone | ninja_
[03:09] <ubottu> ninja_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[03:09] <harpreet> niha say ur problem
[03:09] <harpreet> ninja_: say ur problem
[03:09] <ninja_> i cannot surf the web
[03:09] <harpreet> y
[03:09] <ninja_> as u can see i am in irc so my net works
[03:09] <ninja_> but when i go to google or any other website
[03:09] <Jucato> harpreet: can you please type in "real" words?
[03:09] <ninja_> says cannot load
[03:10] <harpreet> Jucato: i respect that
[03:10] <ninja_> An error occurred while loading http://google.com:
[03:10] <ninja_> Could not connect to host http://google.com/.
[03:10] <harpreet> ninja_: check your firewall and proxy settings
[03:10] <ninja_> dont know how to :(
[03:10] <harpreet> ninja_: what brower you using?
[03:11] <harpreet> browser*
[03:11] <ninja_> konqueror
[03:11] <nuxil> ninja to check you firewall rules sudo iptables -L -n v and paste the ouput on pastebin,com
[03:11] <nuxil> -L -n -v
[03:13] <nuxil> ninja_, ping google.com -c 10 and tell us if you get all 100% packet loss
[03:15] <Dr_willis> google.com is having issues here.
[03:15] <nuxil> not me
[03:15] <Dr_willis> Not sure whats going on.. been having issues all day with it - or so the wife says
[03:15] <nuxil> 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss
[03:16] <Dr_willis> workes here for a few min.. then not for a few min.
[03:16] <nuxil> Dr_willis, wifi has some packet losess usaly.. is your not 2 feet away from the router
[03:16] <nuxil> *if .
[03:18] <Dr_willis> wired
[03:18] <Dr_willis> and its affecting all 3 machines
[03:18] <nuxil> oh. that dosent sound norml
[03:18] <nuxil> Dr_willis, other sites aswell?
[03:18] <Dr_willis> weirder... firefox --> Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at google.com
[03:19] <Dr_willis> but it can ping google. and yes other web sites work
[03:19] <Dr_willis> DNS server curruption perhaps?
[03:19] <nuxil> dns problems
[03:19] <Dr_willis> youtube has issues also
[03:19] <nuxil> try with ip
[03:19] <nuxil>
[03:20] <Dr_willis> that workd
[03:21] <nuxil> :) then it is dns problems
[03:21] <nuxil> Dr_willis, have you tryied to ass opendns instead of your dns you get from your isp ?
[03:22] <nuxil> *ass --> add
[03:22] <nuxil> 'sorry about that
[03:22] <Dr_willis> It seems to be working right now..
[03:31] <bdizzle> okay, I don't mind having system sounds, but when a sound plays for every window or program that I open, it gets really annoying
[03:32] <bdizzle> which sound is it that plays when a window or program opens so I can turn it off?
[03:32] <BluesKaj> system settings/notifications/turn off all sounds
[03:34] <BluesKaj> hate those silly sounds
[03:35] <bdizzle> ah, thank you
[03:35] <bdizzle> I don't mind it when something critical happens, but then, usually I can tell if my system decided to barf at me
[03:36] <bdizzle> but just for opening a program got a bit dumb
[03:36] <Jucato> bdizzle: you can choose from the list which to disable
[03:36] <bdizzle> yeah, I saw
[03:36] <bdizzle> sounds off worked well too =P
[03:37] <Jucato> bdizzle: don't be too quick to dismiss it. it's useful when a window (such as a dialog box) gets opened on another desktop or behind other windows so that you don't visually notice that a new window appeared
[03:37] <BluesKaj> yeah bdizzle , turning off all sounds is just my choice
[03:37] <bdizzle> eh, I usually don't use the multiple desktops
[03:37] <bdizzle> its a nice feature to mess around with, but never got into working it right
[03:38] <bdizzle> oh, speaking of
[03:38] <bdizzle> how do I set up the cube, that did get me working to multiple desktops before I had to reformat
[03:38] <poon> I was wondering what the default SMTP username/password is for ubuntu server edition? I'm needing to plug these details in my website.
[03:39] <poon> i know this isn't the right channel, but no one else seems to know.
[03:39] <poon> >:|
[03:40] <bdizzle> hmm, I need to check to see if I have compiz-fusion on here, its strange
[03:40] <BluesKaj> default username and password for an OS is the same as the login , is it not ?
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[03:43] <BluesKaj> nodding off a bit early tonight, but when you're outta gas, that's it ...night all
[03:43] <^Gemini^> oi
[03:45] <bdizzle> has anyone checked out KDE 4.1 yet?
[03:45] <Jucato> bdizzle: #kubuntu-kde4 people definitely have
[03:46] <bdizzle> lol
[03:47] <bdizzle> did not know such channel existed
[03:50] <pipegeek> Howdy, folks!
[03:50] <pipegeek> Out of curiosity, does the "kde4 remix" hardy livecd include the released kde 4.1, or an older version?
[03:50] <bpcomp> hello all
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[03:51] <Maaarcio> oi
[03:51] <bpcomp> I've got a question about firefor spefic to kubuntu
[03:51] <pipegeek> never mind, I think I have my answer... that was certainly wishful thinking on my part ;)
[03:51] <bpcomp> forfox*
[03:51] <bpcomp> lol
[03:51] <bpcomp> I can't type
[03:51] <pipegeek> haha
[03:51] <pipegeek> *state your question*
[03:52] <bpcomp> anyway I have an install of kubuntu 8.04 which I upgraded firefox to version 3
[03:53] <bpcomp> my problem is that firefox doesn't seem to have proper permissions in it's installed location somehow
[03:53] <pipegeek> how do you mean?
[03:53] <bpcomp> if I run firefox as a normal user
[03:53] <pipegeek> yeah?
[03:53] <bpcomp> no bookmarks are retained
[03:53] <bpcomp> if I go to a new page I can't go back
[03:53] <bpcomp> it doesn't remember where I've been
[03:54] <bpcomp> so I'm guessing some setting file isn't getting the permissions it needs
[03:54] <pipegeek> Well, if you ran it as root once using sudo, it may be that the permissions are all wonky inside ~/.mozilla
[03:54] <bpcomp> if I run firefox as root everything works fine
[03:54] <pipegeek> Yeah, don't do that ;)
[03:54] * Hola Ola
[03:54] <bpcomp> isn't that dangerous touhg
[03:54] <pipegeek> so, open up a terminal, and do the following
[03:54] <pipegeek> bpcomp: yeah, it's dangerous to run firefox as root.
[03:55] <pipegeek> or any browser
[03:55] <bpcomp> :-)
[03:55] <pipegeek> bpcomp: but do the following: "sudo chown -R <me>:<me> ~/.mozilla"
[03:55] <pipegeek> where <me> is your username
[03:55] <bpcomp> kk
[03:55] <pipegeek> (and, probably your default group)
[03:56] <pipegeek> (hence the two instances of 'me')
[03:56] <pipegeek> make sure firefox isn't running while you're doing this. If it was, quit it and do it again ;)
[03:56] <bpcomp> lol
[03:56] <bpcomp> ok now to test
[03:57] <bpcomp> yay
[03:57] <bpcomp> that worked
[03:57] <pipegeek> awesome ^_^
[03:57] <bpcomp> so I understand what you did to fix it
[03:57] <bpcomp> but not why it broke in the first place
[03:57] <bpcomp> oh well
[03:57] <pipegeek> So, .... did you ever run firefox as root?
[03:57] <pipegeek> even once?
[03:57] <pipegeek> it sounds like you did
[03:57] <bpcomp> probably
[03:58] <bpcomp> when I couldn't get it to work on the user account
[03:58] <pipegeek> well, it's something you'd have to do explicitly.... I mean, did the problem exist before you ran it as root for the first time?
[03:58] <bpcomp> yes
[03:58] <bpcomp> as soon as it was installed it never ran properly
[03:58] <pipegeek> very odd. I mean
[03:59] <bpcomp> yep
[03:59] <bpcomp> and not being a guru it threw me for a llop
[03:59] <bpcomp> loop*
[03:59] <pipegeek> I can go the cop-out way and say that using the same profile directory for two different major versions of firefox has had a history of resulting in bizarre behavior
[03:59] <bpcomp> thank you very much for the help
[03:59] <pipegeek> and if I'm making that upgrade and problems occur, I often create a new 'preofile' for use with the new version, and copy my bookmarks over
[03:59] <pipegeek> but that's not a real answer
[03:59] <pipegeek> no prob
[04:00] <bpcomp> well the default install had ff2 and I upgraded to 3
[04:00] <pipegeek> yep
[04:00] <bpcomp> *shrugs*
[04:01] <pipegeek> Hmm. How did you do the upgrade?
[04:01] <bpcomp> adept manager
[04:01] <pipegeek> heh, let it go, pipegeek, let it go
[04:01] <pipegeek> yeah, that doesn't make sense
[04:01] * pipegeek shrugs
[04:01] <bpcomp> I'm just lucky that way sometimes
[04:01] <pipegeek> haha
[04:01] <bpcomp> today I had to trace down a bad port on a symantec gateway
[04:02] <bpcomp> just lucky
[04:13] <histo> sounds like fun
[04:14] <miturburu> Hi anyone here using kubuntu 4.1?
[04:14] <miturburu> I can't connect to any account with kopete, nor browse with konqueror
[04:14] <miturburu> konqueror says: Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.
[04:15] <miturburu> and kopete dosn't thow any error but it can't connect either to jabber (gtalk) nor msn
[04:16] <miturburu> anyone has a clue what's going on?
[04:16] <bdizzle> is it possible to get widgets / plasmoids in KDE 3.5?
[04:16] <Jucato> bdizzle: asking in a different channel won't change the facts
[04:17] <bdizzle> lol
[04:18] * bdizzle checks the other channel
[04:19] <miturburu> :(
[04:20] <miturburu> launching kopete from konsole doesn't throw any error and I can't find any related info in google
[04:20] <miturburu> I would _really_ thank some help
[04:20] <bpcomp> I'll see if I can find anything for you miturburu
[04:20] <Jucato> miturburu: you can ask in #kubuntu-kde4 too
[04:20] <bman___> Hi, I installed the KDM theme manager. But whatever theme I choose, it still stays the default 'Welcome to Kubuntu at ..' login screen
[04:21] <miturburu> Jucato: I'll try thanks
[04:21] * miturburu should read the topics before ask
[04:22] <leba__> If I intend to use more then one os in my machine would it be interesting to have a small primary partition to boot ?
[04:23] <bpcomp> miturburu: one thing I found on google suggested rebuilding kdelibs
[04:23] <leba__> Is there any cool online reference which someone could recommend me please ?
[04:23] <miturburu> bpcomp: I'll rather uninstall kde before rebuilding kdelibs, but thanks anyway
[04:23] <bpcomp> :-)
[04:24] <miturburu> :)
[04:25] <jose> Hello Does anyone knows how to use rapidshare manager on ubuntu :) ?
[04:26] <bdizzle> how do we change the logon screen?
[04:28] <nuxil> leba__, what are you talking about
[04:28] <mr---t-> !pastbin
[04:28] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pastbin
[04:28] <mr---t-> !paste
[04:28] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[04:29] <bman___> Can anyone help me figure out why I cant change login themes?
[04:30] <mr---t-> flaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32024/
[04:34] <Jucato> bman___: because I think kdmtheme is broken because of some changes that Debian/Kubuntu did to kdm configs... that's as far as I know
[04:34] <bman___> Its just broken?
[04:34] <bman___> nice
[04:35] <Jucato> well "broken" in the sense that "it doesn't work well on Debian-systems"
[04:35] <Jucato> afaik
[04:35] <Jucato> I thought it was fixed though
[04:35] <Jucato> btw, how are you testing that it's not working
[04:35] <bman___> I change the theme. Then logout and choose restart X server. And ive tried restarting
[04:36] <Jucato> hm.. ok...
[04:36] <nuxil> whats the commans for apt to fetch missing deps ? apt-get install --fix-missing ?
[04:36] <nuxil> *command
[04:37] <MurielGodoi> nuxil:
[04:37] <MurielGodoi> check is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache and checks for broken
[04:37] <MurielGodoi> dependencies.
[04:38] * MurielGodoi apologises for multiples lines
[04:39] <bpcomp> man apt-get
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[04:40] <jose> anyone knows how to install the last drivers from nvidia ?
[04:40] <jose> im nre
[04:40] <jose> new
[04:40] <nuxil> MurielGodoi, thanks for the tip
[04:42] <nuxil> MurielGodoi, but it didnt do much.. it tells me to fore the installation.. which i do not like
[04:42] <nuxil> *force
[04:43] <dutch> hey all. i just instaleld kubuntu, and my sound isnt working one bit. can anyone help me to troubleshoot that? ive gone through several basci checks to no avail
[04:43] <nuxil> !sound
[04:43] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[04:45] <B__> Hey: I just downloaded the Kubuntu v.8.04 .iso to my Dose XP system via Firefox, but the .iso doesn't seem to save anywhere. I've tried saving onto the Desktop and into My Documents. There seems to be a change in the amount of HDD space, too, indicating that it's there, but even searching and showing hidden files hasn't turned anything up.
[04:45] <nuxil> most of the time i love apt.. but to day i hate it
[04:46] <MurielGodoi> nuxil: did you install some packages out of the box?
[04:46] <JairunCaloth> yar
[04:46] <B__> If anyone has any idea what's happened I'd love to hear suggestions. It's also not saving as a temp file waiting to be written to a CD.
[04:46] <bdizzle> B_, did it download completely?
[04:47] <B__> Firefox says so.
[04:47] <B__> I've tried twice.
[04:47] <B__> And there's been a 1.4GB drop in hard drive space.
[04:47] <B__> Free space, sorrt.
[04:47] <B__> sorry*
=== B__ is now known as Bryan
[04:48] <JairunCaloth> so just wondering if I'm retarted, or if the plasma workspace addon instaler thingy in kde 4.1 is broken
[04:49] <mr---t-> retarded
[04:49] <nuxil> MurielGodoi nop.. i dl kde4.1 and things gotten srewed up with apt..
[04:49] * nuxil knew he should not have dl kde4.1
[04:51] <mr---t-> just correcting your spelling
[04:51] <JairunCaloth> eh, never claimed to be able to spell
[04:51] <nuxil> hey.. im the king of the typos.
[04:52] <JairunCaloth> so is it working for anyone else?
[04:53] <Bryan> I'm sorry to pester, but does anyone else have any idea?
[04:53] <mr---t-> plasma doesn't work for me
[04:53] <dutch> okay so sound is actually working when KDE makes sounds, but when i open up Kaffeine for example, movies are silent, no sound at all.
[04:53] <Bryan> ideas, typo.
[04:53] <JairunCaloth> missing some codec maybe dutch?
[04:54] <MurielGodoi> JairunCaloth: I can select and download new plasmoids, but they are not showed in plasmoids list
[04:54] <dutch> possibly. what packages should i install for most video/audio codecs in KDE?
[04:54] <dutch> (im mostly a gnome guy)
[04:54] <nuxil> !codecs
[04:54] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[04:54] <JairunCaloth> I imagine the codecs would be the same
[04:55] <nuxil> dutch, also check the soundsystem you are using
[04:55] <Independente> Ola
[04:55] <JairunCaloth> yar, the apps might not be useing the correct one
[04:55] <dutch> nuxil: how do i do that? im using KDE 4.1
[04:55] <nuxil> ask in #kde4 ?
[04:55] <JairunCaloth> does kde use arts by default?
[04:55] <nuxil> i mean #kubuntu-kde4 |
[04:56] <needhelp> i'm copying a bunch of files into serveral harddisks, eg /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2 on /mnt/1, /mnt/2 .. when 1 gets fill up, how do i know from which files to copy to 2? so that there are no duplicates
[05:29] <jose> Hi Can anyone help me out please ?
[05:30] <ubunturos> !ask | jose
[05:30] <ubottu> jose: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[05:30] <jose> I tried to install KDE too and I get an error
[05:30] <jose> everytime I try to switch user I get an error
[05:30] <jose> It says
[05:30] <jose> GDM ( GNOME Display Manager ) is not running.
[05:30] <jose> You might be using a different display manager, such as KDM (KDE Display Manager), CDE login (dtlogin), or xdm. if you wish to use this feature, then your system will need to be configured to use GDM instead.
[05:38] <ubunturos> jose: which version of KDE?
[05:38] <jose> I was following some tutorial
[05:38] <jose> I can't tell you because I just copied and paste the command line >.<
[05:38] <ubunturos> jose: ok, but which version of KDE are you running?
[05:39] <ubunturos> jose: oh
[05:39] <jose> I need to restart to see
[05:39] <jose> right now nothing works
[05:39] <ubunturos> jose: so you have no GUI?
[05:39] <jose> no
[05:39] <jose> nothing works
[05:39] <jose> only this window
[05:39] <ubunturos> jose: which window?
[05:39] <jose> this one
[05:40] <jose> irc
[05:40] <ubunturos> jose: oh
[05:40] <jose> nothing else opens
[05:40] <ubunturos> jose: looks like your window manager crashed
[05:40] <jose> yes
[05:40] <jose> should I restart manually?
[05:40] <ubunturos> jose: try doing that
[05:40] <jose> then log in with GNOME first?
[05:43] <ubunturos> may be
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[06:22] <needhelp> xqs me, is hardy = version 4.1?
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[06:25] <MurielGodoi> Anyone has an idea about how to get shortcuts working on kde4.1?
[06:25] <level1> hi, how do I find a slightly old version of a package in ubuntu?
[06:27] <mhz128> aloha!
[07:01] <binskipy2u> hey guys, with all the tutorials to install kde 4.1 now, after a default install of kubuntu 8.04.1, it should be easy to install 4.1
[07:01] <binskipy2u> and have a choice in the sessions
[07:02] <nuxil> hehe
[07:02] <nuxil> dont bet on it.
[07:03] <binskipy2u> just a matter of adding a repo or 2 and apt-get install kde4-core or kde4-desktop
[07:03] <binskipy2u> ?
[07:03] <nuxil> took me 2.5 houers of messing around to get it installed.. if you do exactly like the link in the topic says .. and you get no errors,, your lucky
[07:04] <binskipy2u> well i have it now , but i started with ubuntu
[07:04] <binskipy2u> just wanted to reinstall kubuntu itself
[07:04] <binskipy2u> and then 4.1
[07:04] <binskipy2u> dont need all the "gnomish" stuff
[07:04] <nuxil> binskipy2u, i reccomend uninstalling kde4.0 if you got that installed
[07:04] <nuxil> yes
[07:04] <binskipy2u> no i wont be having 4.0
[07:05] <nuxil> binskipy2u, just give it a try.. but its still pretty buggy,, IMO
[07:05] <binskipy2u> install kubuntu 3.5.9(8.04.1), do a buncha system tweaks, updates etc.. then reboot, install kde4.1
[07:05] <binskipy2u> then hopefully ill have kde3, kde4 in choices in sessions
[07:05] <nuxil> jup..
[07:06] <nuxil> but why do u need to reinstall kubuntu ?
[07:07] <binskipy2u> just to have it clean
[07:07] <binskipy2u> already backed up all that was important
[07:12] <bdizzle> is there a way in Adept Manager to just list the installed packages?
[07:13] <binskipy2u> never liked adept, i usuallly install synaptic
[07:13] <binskipy2u> dont like the interface
[07:13] <nuxil> bdizzle, yes
[07:13] <bdizzle> how?
[07:14] <nuxil> you see checkboxes like .. installed.. upgrade etc etc on the top
[07:14] <bdizzle> I'm trying to install kubuntu on my desktop (currently on my laptop) and trying to make the packages the same, since I have it stable
[07:14] <bdizzle> ...
[07:14] <bdizzle> *facepalm*
[07:14] <bdizzle> thanks
[07:18] <bdizzle> okay, the other question
[07:18] <bdizzle> from command line, how do I connect to a network, since for some reason, wicd isn't working right
[07:18] <bdizzle> a wireless network
[07:19] <nuxil> well·. wep or wap ?
[07:19] <bdizzle> wep
[07:19] <nuxil> simple
[07:19] <bdizzle> I know the essid and the passphrase, just need to detect it and find the commands to establish contact
[07:20] <nuxil> something like iwconfig ethX key AA:SS:AA:DD essid NETWORK
[07:20] <nuxil> look in man iwconfig
[07:20] <bdizzle> okay
[07:20] <bdizzle> let me try that
[07:22] <bdizzle> it says "error for wireless request "Set Encode" {8B2A} : invalid argument "passphrase"
[07:23] <bdizzle> I tried entering the passphrase again in quotations and didn't get it
[07:25] <nuxil> bdizzle, if your key is test you must use key s:password
[07:25] <nuxil> *test -> text
[07:26] <bdizzle> wait, so then iwconfig wlan0 key s:passphrase essid NETWORK ?
[07:26] <nuxil> yea.
[07:26] <nuxil> + sudo
[07:27] <bdizzle> okay, how do I check to see if it is connected?
[07:27] <bdizzle> just ping google or something?
[07:27] <nuxil> yep
[07:27] <nuxil> or your router
[07:27] <nuxil> you might need to add a gateway
[07:28] <artur_> Hi. When the KDE starts, programs like KMix and Klipper are initialized too. I'd like that another program/script (made by me) was initialized too. Is there some file where i can write the program path which i want to be executed?
[07:28] <bdizzle> okay, its not loading. Ugh
[07:29] <nuxil> bdizzle, gateway?
[07:29] <bdizzle> not a clue
[07:29] <nuxil> bdizzle, type this .. route -b
[07:29] <nuxil> route -n
[07:29] <nuxil> nor b
[07:29] <bdizzle> destination is filled in, Gateway is showing
[07:30] <nuxil> is that all?
[07:30] <nuxil> ok heres an exaple on howto add a gw
[07:31] <bdizzle> um, GenMask is showing, Flags is U, Metric is 0, Ref is 0, Use is 0, and Iface is wlan0
[07:31] <nuxil> route add default netmask gw IPOFROUTER
[07:31] <nuxil> +
[07:31] <bdizzle> wait, if I remember, people have had problems in the past with the Linksys WUSB54G wireless adapter
[07:32] <nuxil> route add -net netmask dev wlan0
[07:32] <nuxil> replace thouse vaues with you ip's
[07:32] <bdizzle> it claims unknown host on IPOFROUTER
[07:33] <nuxil> thats the address of your router
[07:33] <nuxil> you must spesify like..
[07:33] <bdizzle> oh
[07:33] <bdizzle> ie, the destination?
[07:33] <nuxil> but your routers ip
[07:33] <bdizzle> not sure what that is, but I'm gonna guess based on what it says here
[07:34] <nuxil> bdizzle, why dont you use knetworkmanager ?
[07:34] <bdizzle> I uninstalled it because I liked wicd better
[07:34] <nuxil> but knetworkmanager work..
[07:34] <bdizzle> I never did understand knetworkmanager. Took me hours until I found wicd and got it working within a minute
[07:36] <bdizzle> and without some form of working internet, I can't get it to install
[07:36] <SitUbuntuSit> artur, did anyone help you yet?
[07:36] <bdizzle> okay, crazy idea. If I can find a network cable, can I connect my laptop with working wireless to the desktop and get the wireless through that?
[07:37] <nuxil> yes with ad hook
[07:37] <nuxil> but i see no point
[07:38] <bdizzle> I think a lot of the dependencies are missing somehow
[07:38] <bdizzle> because I remember using a flashdrive to get the necessary dependencies over to install wicd. Its possible that I may have missed a few of the recommended ones
[07:38] <nuxil> bdizzle, look at you desktop.. type route -n and it should tell you the gw
[07:38] <nuxil> the gw is the routers ip
[07:38] <bdizzle> kk
[07:38] <nuxil> you then add that gw on your lappy
[07:39] <bdizzle> how?
[07:39] <nuxil> with the 2 commands i gave you..
[07:39] <bdizzle> using the method we did earlier?
[07:39] <nuxil> route add
[07:39] <bdizzle> yeah
[07:39] <bdizzle> where IPOFROUTER is?
[07:40] <nuxil> bdizzle, but this is not recomended.. bc you need to type in thouse 2 commands on each bootup
[07:40] <bdizzle> ouch
[07:40] <bdizzle> okay
[07:40] <nuxil> so i reccomend you get knetworkmanager.
[07:40] <bdizzle> grr, I'll have to wait until I can get a wired connection to my desktop and install from there
[07:40] <bdizzle> yeah
[07:41] <bdizzle> luckily I don't have anything on here yet, so a reformat won't hurt any
[07:43] <nuxil> bdizzle, so what happend after you run iwconfig bla bla bla
[07:44] <nuxil> did you run sudo dhclient wlan0 ?
[07:44] <bdizzle> nada
[07:44] <nuxil> try
[07:44] <bdizzle> I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing, but since I've had problems with this install of Kubuntu, I'm probably just going to reformat and retry
[07:45] <bdizzle> alright, hold on
[07:45] <bdizzle> its doing DHCPREQUESTs
[07:45] <bdizzle> now a DHCPDISCOVER
[07:45] <nuxil> no offer ?
[07:46] <bdizzle> no, none
[07:48] <nuxil> is your key a hex number or text ?
[07:48] <artur_> Hi folks. When the KDE starts, programs like KMix and Klipper are initialized too. I'd like that another program/script (made by me) was initialized too. Is there some file where i can write the program path which i want to be executed?
[07:48] <sjovani> hi all
[07:49] <nuxil> bdizzle, if the key is wrong you get no offer
[07:49] <sjovani> artur_: what version of Kde?
[07:49] <bdizzle> fun
[07:49] <nuxil> !autostart
[07:49] <ubottu> To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html
[07:50] <sjovani> why kmail-kde4 from launchpad has not locales??
[07:55] <artur_> sjovani : i use the kubuntu 8.04, but not with the kde4. Is it enough? If not, how could i find out the kde version?
[07:56] <nuxil> kwin --version
[07:56] <artur_> nuxil: thanks
[07:56] <nuxil> np ;)
[07:56] <artur_> so:
[07:56] <artur_> Qt: 3.3.8b
[07:56] <artur_> KDE: 3.5.9
[07:56] <artur_> KWin: 3.0
[07:57] <sjovani> artur_: you have /home/user/.kde/Autostart folder
[07:57] <sjovani> you must put in there desktop files or script, make them executables
[07:58] <artur_> sjovani: ok! Inside directory /home/user/.kde/Autostart. Thank u!!
[07:59] <sjovani> artur_: ur welcome :P
[07:59] <artur_> sjovani: here, this directory is empty, Is it ok?
[07:59] <sjovani> artur_: yes
[08:00] <artur_> ok!
[08:00] <sjovani> artur_: remind to make executables scripts in there
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[08:00] <sjovani> artur_: chmod +x /home/user/.kde/Autostart/script.sh
[08:02] <artur_> sjovani: and #!/bin/bash in the 1st line, right?
[08:02] <sjovani> artur_: right
[08:02] <artur_> sjovani: Ok! Thank u again buddy!
[08:03] <sjovani> artur_: remind put an & after program
[08:03] <sjovani> #!/bin/bash
[08:03] <sjovani> amarok &
[08:03] <sjovani> konversation &
[08:06] <artur_> sjovani: Ok!
[08:08] <nuxil> how do i force a redownload of a pack ?
[08:10] <nuxil> with apt ofcource
[08:10] <sjovani> nuxil: reinstall
[08:10] <sjovani> not
[08:10] <sjovani> rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/package.deb
[08:10] <nuxil> are you sure it redownload the pak
[08:11] <nuxil> ic.
[08:11] <sjovani> nuxil: delete it first with rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/package.deb
[08:11] <sjovani> and after apt-get install package (if it is already installed add --reinstall)
[08:11] <nuxil> what about the -d option ?
[08:12] <sjovani> nuxil: only download package, but only if it is not downloaded
[08:13] <nuxil> i think some of my pack are broken. and need to redownload and reinstall them
[08:13] <sjovani> if you want download package but not install it, first delete it from apt cache archive, and after apt-get install -d
[08:13] <sjovani> you have what error
[08:14] <nuxil> error with kde4, its behaving strange,, and its complaining about missing library keys
[08:14] <plovs> do the input actions work on 4.1? here they don't
[08:15] <Jucato> plovs: known bug.
[08:15] <Jucato> #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 help please
[08:15] <plovs> Jucato: tnx,sorry
[08:15] <Jucato> np
[08:16] <sjovani> nuxil. do you have launchpad repository enabled?
[08:16] <nuxil> what rep0?
[08:17] <nuxil> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main
[08:17] <nuxil> that one i got yes
[08:18] <nuxil> i was hoping apt could overwrite files on new download,
[08:20] <nuxil> why dosent apt support a simple thing as that
[08:22] <Jucato> hm?
[08:22] <nuxil> redownload of a pack and overwrite the exsisting one in the cache
[08:22] <nuxil> without having to go manualy in and remove the pack
[08:22] <Jucato> sure that apt doesnt support that? :)
[08:23] <nuxil> tell me how to
[08:23] <nuxil> i was looking at the -d option.
[08:23] <Jucato> doesn't work
[08:23] <Jucato> ?
[08:23] <nuxil> but it doesnt do that
[08:25] <nuxil> Jucato, if you know howto please tell me..
=== alex_ is now known as alexbobp
[08:25] <Jucato> hm.. afaik there's an option but kinda forgot it now. not sure if --force-yes does it
[08:25] <alexbobp> How can I vew the list of packages that were installed in an offline installation of ubuntu that I have mounted?
[08:26] <jussi01> isnt there a ---force-download or something similar?
[08:26] <alexbobp> I keep seeing "dpkg --get-selections", but that only works for the currently running system.
[08:26] <Jucato> nuxil: how about "sudo apt-get install --reintsall -d <package>?" or maybe "apt-get install -d --force-yes"?
[08:27] <nuxil> "sudo apt-get install --reintsall -d <package>? no good.. trying next
[08:28] <nuxil> nop
[08:28] <nuxil> maybe aptitude has some option
[08:30] <alex_> hello everyone
[08:30] <alex_> how are you all
[08:30] <alex_> who is on
[08:30] <alex_> the irc
[08:30] <nuxil> everyone
[08:31] <nuxil> this is just silly
[08:31] <alex_> allright nuxil
[08:31] <alex_> how are you
[08:31] <alex_> i'm totally chilling at my house
[08:32] <alex_> hey don't you all leave at once
[08:32] <alex_> ok
[08:32] <nuxil> no im read man's
[08:32] <vlt> Hello. What else than `umount` happens exactly when I click on "remove USB storage safely"? What makes the device recognise the cable is "disconnected"?
[08:39] <fiendskull9> Good lord, is there any reason that knotify4 is hogging my CPU?
[08:39] <Darkrift2> lol
[08:40] <ere4si> what's the entry under knotify in top
[08:40] <fiendskull9> 16214 clayton 20 0 116m 36m 17m R 98 1.8 23:57.98 knotify4
[08:41] <fiendskull9> It's just sucking the heck out of my cpu.
[08:41] <ere4si> and the second entry is?
[08:42] <fiendskull9> 5710 root 20 0 900m 64m 5524 S 8 3.2 6:44.06 Xorg
[08:43] <ere4si> fiendskull9: you're logged in as root?
[08:43] <nuxil> apt has not been my friend today
[08:43] <Darkrift2> thats odd
[08:43] <fiendskull9> ere4si: No, Xorg is just running as root i guess.
[08:43] <Darkrift2> why is xorg root but knotify isnt
[08:43] <fiendskull9> I just updated to 4.1, but just restarted X, didnt reboot.
[08:43] <fiendskull9> Perhaps a reboot is fit?
[08:43] <Darkrift2> might try it
[08:43] <Darkrift2> cant hurt
[08:44] <Darkrift2> well, could, but hopefully wont
[08:44] <fiendskull9> Okay, copyin some files right now, will try when i get the chance.
[08:44] <ere4si> or ask the folk in #kubuntu-kde4
[08:45] * nuxil dreams about patching apt
[08:47] * word hopes nuxil doesn't sleep walk/type
[08:48] <nuxil> hehe,
[08:49] <rudyerazo> hello
[08:50] <rudyerazo> cual es el canal en español?
[08:50] <jpds> !es | rudyerazo
[08:50] <ubottu> rudyerazo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[09:12] <marinhojeff> hi
[09:12] <nuxil> hi
[09:12] <marinhojeff> i am brazilian an yoy?
[09:13] <marinhojeff> and you?
=== jurgen is now known as jurgen_
[09:13] <nuxil> norwegian
[09:13] <marinhojeff> cool
[09:13] <nuxil> yea its cool up here :p
[09:14] <marinhojeff> i know litle english, very basic
[09:14] <nuxil> same here
[09:14] <nuxil> im the king of typos
[09:15] <marinhojeff> one good tradutor for linux????
[09:15] <nuxil> you mean a guide ?
[09:16] <nuxil> !gettingstarted
[09:16] <ubottu> A great place to start your MOTU adventure is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted
[09:16] <Brydenn> alright i need help configing my network stuff
[09:17] <Brydenn> dunno how or where to begin
[09:17] <marinhojeff> ??? one minute, please
[09:17] <nuxil> !net
[09:17] <nuxil> !wlan
[09:17] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about net
[09:17] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[09:17] <Brydenn> i need the name server to be
[09:17] <Brydenn> its a cable modem, not wireless
[09:17] <nuxil> oh you again with that spesiaal modem
[09:17] <Brydenn> hehe ya
[09:17] <Brydenn> didnt end up having enough time last night
[09:18] <Amenia> Bonjour
[09:18] <marinhojeff> adm my programs,my hard disk down!!!!
[09:18] <Brydenn> anyway, hi nuxil :)
[09:18] <nuxil> how far did you come ?
[09:18] <Brydenn> well i found some of the files you were talking about
[09:18] <Brydenn> although couldnt edit them
[09:18] <nuxil> hi 2 u too
[09:18] <Brydenn> durring the initial instal
[09:18] <Brydenn> i tried to "manually" config my stuff
[09:18] <Brydenn> my network is on etho1
[09:19] <Brydenn> and i told it my IP, etc
[09:19] <Brydenn> but i'm not sure if i was supposed to do all that
[09:19] <Brydenn> since my modem is kinda hacked an all heh
[09:19] <nuxil> you can use dhclient ?
[09:19] <Amenia> how canal is for Kubuntu French
[09:19] <Amenia> ??
[09:19] <nuxil> !FR
[09:19] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[09:19] <Brydenn> i dont even know what that is to be honest nuxil :(
[09:20] <Amenia> thx
[09:20] <nuxil> Brydenn, if you open knetwork manager. go to manual config
[09:21] <nuxil> press on your interface and confiure
[09:21] <Brydenn> k, how do i open knetwork manager as admin/root?
[09:21] <nuxil> you see automatic or manual
[09:21] <sobersabre> hi I have a problem with kde4.
[09:21] <sobersabre> the problem can be seen here: http://img294.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenzj9.png
[09:22] <nuxil> select automatic
[09:22] <sobersabre> It's a laptop with external display.
[09:22] <marinhojeff> translate for web translator live now
[09:22] <sobersabre> for some reason the "active" area of the screen (1680x1050) is only 1024x768, the size of native display.
[09:23] <sobersabre> applications' windows can be expanded to fill more than 1024x768,
[09:23] <sobersabre> but there's also some problem with that: if I choose "maximize", I get a 1680x768 window.
[09:23] <nuxil> on top you see several tabs.. there is one called Domain name server
[09:23] <sobersabre> what a mess.
[09:23] <nuxil> press add and add your dns
[09:24] <Brydenn> ok nuxil.... but how do i open that in admin/root mode?
[09:24] <Brydenn> cuz the version i'm running is the "remix one" with KDE4
[09:24] <Brydenn> not sure if that makes a diff
[09:27] <nuxil> press ALT F2 and type kdesu knetworkmanager
[09:27] <nuxil> kde4?
[09:28] <Brydenn> ya
[09:28] <marinhojeff> i need ... meter o pé .... (in my language) bye
[09:28] <nuxil> !br
[09:28] <Brydenn> anyway... i'll try some of that stuff
[09:28] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[09:29] <Brydenn> basically in windows... everything is set to "automatic" except for the DNS/name server... which is
[09:29] <nuxil> do the same here
[09:29] <marinhojeff> thank you nuxil, (translate= Valeu!)
[09:29] <Brydenn> k
[09:29] <Brydenn> thanks nuxi :)
[09:29] <Brydenn> be back in a bit on linux hehe
[09:30] <nuxil> :)
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[09:57] <Brydenn> nuxil, back
[09:57] <Brydenn> bad news lol
[09:58] <Brydenn> for the LIFE of me... i could NOT get inside the "configure manually..." section
[09:58] <Brydenn> nothing would happen when i clicked on it
[09:58] <Brydenn> and aparently my network is on eth0
[09:58] <Brydenn> not eth1
[09:58] <Brydenn> i keep getting the "comcast screen"
[09:59] <Brydenn> need to change that damn name server
[09:59] <Brydenn> any ideas?
[10:00] <sir_george> hi folks, i have an ide-disk with more than 15 partitions, and with e.g. pata_sis, the partions appear as scsi-devices, so no more that 15 partitions. that's a real problem! anyone knows a workaround?
[10:02] <sir_george> i'm not under kubuntu at the moment, but I seem to remember the change happened from kernel 2.6.20 to 2.6.24 (about that range)
[10:02] <nuxil> Brydenn, you can put this is nameserver IP in resolv.conf
[10:02] <nuxil> *is in
[10:02] <_2> sir_george that every two or three years ubuntu decides to try to use scsi emulation again. it seems that they forget from one release to the next why that doesn't work.
[10:03] <nuxil> Brydenn, sudo name /etc/resolv.conf
[10:03] <nuxil> *namo
[10:03] <nuxil> err.. nano or pico
[10:03] <nuxil> Brydenn, then you do sudo dhclient eth0
[10:04] <sir_george> _2: so, is there a kernel option that disables scsi-emulation? i haven't found one yet...
[10:04] <Brydenn> ya cuz i tried "sudo kate /etc/resolv.con" and it just got pissed at me
[10:04] <Brydenn> lol
[10:04] <Brydenn> said like wrong command or something
[10:04] <nuxil> kdesu
[10:05] <_2> sir_george i don't off hand know the specifics but you should be able to find on the web how to disable "scsi emulation" it may require tinkering with your initramfs.img cause i think that's where it's initiated
[10:05] <nuxil> Brydenn, with kdeapps you use kdesu on concole app you use sudo
[10:05] <Brydenn> nuxil, one other question... if i edit resolv.conf will it STAY edited. or will it change every reboot?
[10:05] <nuxil> it should
[10:05] <Brydenn> ok
[10:05] <Brydenn> i'll give it another rip :)
[10:05] <Brydenn> brb man, thanks
[10:06] <_2> sir_george you can also ask in #ubuntu (that is a system issue and not a DE issue)
[10:06] <nuxil> after you edit it. run sudo dhclient eth0
[10:06] <sir_george> _2: you might be right, perhaps the ata-modules aren't put into the initrd
[10:06] <sir_george> _2: good tip, thanks very much!
[10:07] <nuxil> _2,
[10:08] <_2> sir_george welcome
[10:08] <_2> nuxil
[10:08] <nuxil> == agent bob ?
[10:08] <_2> yeah
[10:08] <nuxil> :) as i tought
[10:09] <nuxil> u still owe me a scan :p
[10:09] <_2> oh i'm still playing with your ip. (refining and fine tuning my skills) i did find one other thing there. printer!
[10:10] <_2> seems your printer Lexmark Optra T612 Printer is listening. not likely an issue
[10:10] <nuxil> hmm i got a hp printer
[10:10] <nuxil> hp photosmart 8050
[10:10] <_2> interesting. i got that info from your ip. says ibm lexmark
[10:11] <nuxil> strange.
[10:11] <_2> nuxil no Optra T612 anywhere there ?
[10:11] <_2> on a windows box even ?
[10:12] <nuxil> nop
[10:13] <nuxil> only hp
[10:13] <_2> curiouser and curiouser
[10:14] <_2> so i'm picking up a false positive with an idtag
[10:14] <nuxil> well im my case its good :)
[10:15] <_2> yes no soubt
[10:15] <_2> doubt
[10:19] <bryan_> #ubuntu-fr
[10:22] <_2> nuxil dcc ?
[10:22] <_2> there ya gol
[10:22] <_2> go.
[10:25] <_2> nuxil i hope that can at the least set your mind at ease, or at most help you to find and fix any security holes you may have. welcome. p.s. i'll send you a copy of the script i used for that if you want it.
[10:25] <nuxil> _2, thanks for the scan.. yes i would like to take a look at the script
[10:27] <_2> oh and no it doesn't take hours to run it. it only took me a long time to fine tune it so that it didn't take long to run. i've hit your ip about 10 times sense yesterday when we talked. but i'm done with it now.
[10:27] <nuxil> ok..
[10:27] <_2> dcc
[10:28] <nuxil> yea
[10:31] <nuxil> _2, simple effective script :)
[10:32] <_2> nuxil teach me what i missed admitedly i'm green as a goard in networking things.
[10:33] * _2 learned everything he knows about networking from Jucato
[10:34] <nuxil> just one thing in the script you should check if theres a $1 if not exit
[10:34] <_2> nuxil i could have made it much more robust yes. it wasn't intended to be a public project though
[10:38] <joanna> Hey, I m now sitting since a week infront of my computer and use to make compiz go. But I do something real wrong. The hole configuration dont go, no cubu, no wobby window...
[10:38] <joanna> did I must take a other programm off?
[10:38] <joanna> Please, can somebody help me? ;-)
[10:39] <nuxil> err-
[10:40] <_2> i don't know what happened there. did you adjust your irc client incorrectly ?
[10:40] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[10:40] <nuxil> wrong button
[10:40] <joanna> what is an irc client? I m total new on linux.
[10:41] <_2> joanna not you. sorry.
[10:41] <joanna> oh, ok! Sorry!
[10:41] <ActionParsnip> joanna: irc client iss what you are lookin at now
[10:41] <_2> joanna but and irc client is the window you are reading this in.
[10:42] <_2> nuxil you still there ?
[10:42] <_2> brb
[10:43] <_2> nuxil ?
[10:44] <_2> nuxil will be back after the shock wares off....
[10:47] <_2> nuxil i'm not sure what caused this. "-:- DCC Priveleged port attempt [925]" your end or mine. but that's what hung your box. if it was my send that caused, sorry. ;/
[10:56] <Brydenn> <sigh>
[10:56] <Brydenn> this is really pissing me off
[10:57] <ActionParsnip> yeah
[10:57] <Brydenn> i still cant get online
[10:57] <_2> ok i'm ready to tackle a question now.
[10:57] <Brydenn> ok _2, maybe you can help me
[10:57] <gnumm> when i will upgrade from hardy to intrepid, can i kepp /home?
[10:57] <Brydenn> i'm dying here lol
[10:58] <flaccid> gnumm: yep
[10:58] <ActionParsnip> Brydenn: sup?
[10:58] <Brydenn> i have a hacked modem and need to use a PUBLIC DNS server ...
[10:58] <_2> gnumm it's required
[10:58] <gnumm> flaccid: sure, because i use kde3 and intrepid comes with kde4
[10:58] <Brydenn> and i added the lin "supersede domain-name-servers," in and nothing
[10:58] <Brydenn> resolv.conf still shows comcasts DNS servers and NOT the public ones i want
[10:58] <soulchild> Hi all, does anyone use kwin compositing effects (KDE4.1) and have an intel card using the "intel" driver ?
[10:58] <soulchild> I am looking for the xorg.conf options to set because all I get is a white screen, if I activate Effects.
[10:58] <_2> gnumm no. because you are upgrading and not reinstalling
[11:00] <_2> Brydenn do you want a hack or the official way ?
[11:00] <Brydenn> whatever works and sticks :)
[11:00] <flaccid> Brydenn: as i said yesterday. dhclient must not be running and the iface not dynamically configured in /etc/network/interfaces
[11:01] <Brydenn> k flaccid, i'm a bit to new to even know what that means in n00b terms
[11:01] <Brydenn> :( sorry
[11:01] <_2> Brydenn you can edit the /etc/resolv.conf manually put in what you want, and then nail it's feet to the floor with chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
[11:02] <_2> do that and it wont change.
[11:02] <_2> ^ hack #1
[11:02] <Brydenn> so thats all i have to type into the Konsole after editing it?
[11:02] <flaccid> Brydenn: any reason why you simply not use right click knetworkmanager | manual configuration ?
[11:02] <_2> yes. well with root privledges of course
[11:03] <Brydenn> flaccid: yes, the damn thing wont work
[11:03] <Brydenn> no matter how many times i click on it, NOTHING happens :(
[11:03] <Brydenn> i have no idea why
[11:03] <flaccid> _2: won't stay there for long if dhclient is running and/or /etc/network/interfaces is set to dhcp for the iface
[11:03] <_2> flaccid it will stay there untill you reformat it
[11:04] <gnumm> _2: ah i didn't know that
[11:04] <flaccid> not if dhclient does a renew and gets new dns servers from the dhcp server
[11:04] <flaccid> and what does reformat it mean?
[11:04] <gnumm> _2: so upgrading hardy kde3 -> intrepid kde4 should work
[11:04] <gnumm> when i keep /home
[11:04] <flaccid> Brydenn: then use network settings in system settings
[11:04] <_2> flaccid reguardless of what runs short of chattr
[11:05] <_2> flaccid please take note to what was said.
[11:05] <Brydenn> flaccid, how?
[11:05] <_2> Brydenn do you want to try that or not ?
[11:05] <_2> cause if not. i'll back out and leave that one alone.
[11:05] <Brydenn> _2 i'm gonna try your way of course
[11:06] <Brydenn> but the more info i have the better
[11:06] <flaccid> _2: i don't understand. if dhclient is running in daemon mode and does a renew, /etc/resolv.conf will be updated with new dns servers if given by the dhcp server
[11:06] <Brydenn> cuz i have to keep rebooting between BOTH os's :(
[11:06] <_2> cool no worries Brydenn
[11:06] <flaccid> _2: so what are you going on about?
[11:06] <_2> flaccid if the file is +i nothing can change it
[11:06] <_2> nothing
[11:06] <_2> sudo rm -f nothing
[11:06] <flaccid> _2: oh. setting the immutable flag on /etc/resolv.conf is a totally bad practice dude
[11:07] <Brydenn> lol
[11:07] <flaccid> _2: see man /etc/network/interfaces
[11:07] <Brydenn> he said it was a "hack"
[11:07] <flaccid> no need to do a hack
[11:07] <pierre_> hi- How can I connet to the internet using a modem (I'm forced) - any help ?
[11:07] <_2> i said it was a hack. hardly matters if it gets the job done.
[11:07] <Brydenn> eh, there's obviously more than one right answer here guys
[11:07] <_2> i also said it will work. and it will.
[11:08] <Brydenn> ok buut flaccid, i have an issue i would like clarified
[11:08] <flaccid> its bad advice
[11:08] <Brydenn> that Knetworkmanager crap
[11:08] <flaccid> Brydenn: if for some reason you cannot find network settings in system settings, run kdesudo kcmshell 'kcm_knetworkconfmodule'
[11:08] <Brydenn> when i go and try and click on "configure manually" NOTHING happens
[11:08] <_2> so is man /etc/network/interfaces less /etc/network/interfaces would be better
[11:08] <flaccid> Brydenn: this is why i have suggested 2 alternative ways to get to the same gui
[11:09] <flaccid> _2: sorry i mean man interfaces
[11:09] <Brydenn> alright flaccid, thanks
[11:09] <flaccid> np
[11:09] <Brydenn> i still dont understand why it wont open when i click on it though
[11:09] <Brydenn> thought this stuff was supposed to work lol
[11:10] <flaccid> Brydenn: you can submit a bug if you would like
[11:10] <_2> "just works" is the most enfuriating thing known to man when it doesn't work
[11:10] <Brydenn> haha ya
[11:11] <flaccid> Brydenn: i'll wait to see your result Brydenn
[11:11] <_2> that's why i'm 100% against "just works" mentality/practice/theory
[11:12] <flaccid> im against that too
[11:12] <Brydenn> flaccid: kdesudo kcmshell 'kcm_knetworkconfmodule' <==== do i need the ' ' things
[11:12] <flaccid> Brydenn: i believe so
[11:12] <Brydenn> ok thanks
[11:12] <flaccid> but probably not
[11:12] <_2> the more automatic a thing is uspposed to be the harder it is to get it to work.
[11:13] <Brydenn> i'll try both ways i guess
[11:13] <_2> susposed
[11:13] <flaccid> not necessarily
[11:13] <_2> that's a generalization there are always exceptions
[11:14] <flaccid> exactly
[11:14] <_2> but you can't deny the basis of the statement.
[11:14] <flaccid> i never did
[11:15] <flaccid> generalisations just suck
[11:15] <_2> live is not long enough for all the details
[11:15] <_2> one has to generalize
[11:15] <flaccid> meh
[11:16] * _2 wonders about /join #philosophy
[11:17] <flaccid> im here to support kubuntu not talk crap :)
[11:18] <_2> so where were you when i couldn't find an answer to why cat /proc/cmdline said root=431
[11:18] <flaccid> how would i know
[11:18] <_2> sorry sais root=342
[11:18] <tikbalang> hello.
[11:19] <_2> where on earth (or in cybor space) would it get 342 from ???
[11:19] <_2> tikbalang
[11:19] <besitzer__> hallo
[11:20] <_2> it's not in my lilo.conf and wasn't entered on the commandline at boot time .....
[11:20] <facker> i just downloaded mummy tomb of the dragon movie by torrent. its says 'content blocked. the movie can be viewd by go media player' and the go media player is not free. any other options i have?
[11:20] <flaccid> facker: stop downloading pirated movies?
[11:21] <_2> that's one option.
[11:21] <facker> and the second optiooon?
[11:21] <nuxil> i bye the movie
[11:21] <_2> cat movie > /boot/vmlinuz* is another
[11:21] <nuxil> *i -> you
[11:22] <besitzer__> hello soor wat is
[11:22] <nuxil> flaccid, piracy in not supported in here.
[11:22] <_2> !de | besitzer
[11:22] <ubottu> besitzer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[11:22] <pierre_> kppp is saying -- Modem is busy !!! when trying to connect via a modem. Any idea ?
[11:22] <nuxil> that was for facker
[11:22] <tikbalang> is it necessary to upgrade to 8.04.1?
[11:23] <flaccid> nuxil: why did you say that?
[11:23] <flaccid> yeah
[11:23] <nuxil> flaccid, it was not for you..
[11:23] <tikbalang> what's wrong with 8.04?
[11:23] <_2> tikbalang no. i'm still using 6.6
[11:24] <_2> necessary is a relative term when it comes to computers. one should alwasy ask "necessary for what, or to accomplish what end"
[11:24] <_2> alwasy hehe
[11:25] <flaccid> tikbalang: its not necessary, no.
[11:26] <_2> nuxil where's my report ? i want to see it.
[11:26] <tikbalang> thanks. what was the critical changes in 8.04.1?
[11:27] <facker> i just downloaded mummy tomb of the dragon movie by torrent. its says 'content blocked. the movie can be viewd by go media player' and the go media player is not free. any other options i have?
[11:27] <flaccid> facker: stop.
[11:27] <_2> facker we are not going to help you with warez
[11:28] <_2> facker it breaks both freenode and ubuntu policy for you to even ask.
[11:28] <_2> !CoC | facker
[11:28] <ubottu> facker: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
[11:29] <_2> !freenode | facker
[11:29] <ubottu> facker: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml
[11:30] <facker> k
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[11:31] <nuxil> _2 its working.
[11:31] <nuxil> still scanning
[11:34] <_2> facker download all the warez you want; and, do what you will with it. but don't ask anyone to help you with it ... we can't support it. not even our choice, but if it were, most of still wouldn't.
[11:37] <tikbalang> thanks everyone.
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
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[11:47] <bendie> Hi, there seems to be a problem with the PyQt4 package: import PyQt4.pyqtconfig doesn't work "ImportError: No module named pyqtconfig". According to the PyQt4 docs, it should be there.
[11:51] <Agent_bob> bendie ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[11:52] <Agent_bob> !kde4
[11:52] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[11:55] <Agent_bob> could i get a return on cat /proc/cmdline please
[11:57] <Agent_bob> anyone ?
[11:57] <flaccid> Agent_bob: i get root=UUID=b499d373-6a7f-44f2-b99f-0f647db137b5 ro
[11:58] <Agent_bob> k thanks.
[11:58] <flaccid> np
[11:59] <Agent_bob> i have the thing booting again but i had to list root= three different ways for the kernel to ever get it to stick. seems that what ever is messing with that only eliminates two root listhings and not the third
[12:22] <Genizon> allo all
[12:22] <flaccid> !hi
[12:22] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[12:25] <Bauldrick> if I download a .rar, zip file to desktop, click show desktop and then unrar/zip the file it brings up all my webpages and everything again. This really annoys me!!
[12:29] <flaccid> Bauldrick: #kde might be able to advise if you can do anything about that
[12:30] <nazgjunk> hey! I've got a newsticker scrolling across one of my panels, and whenever I click a link on it it's launched in Firefox - so far, so good - and Firefox is pulled to the current desktop
[12:30] <Bauldrick> flaccid: ta, i'll try there
[12:30] <nazgjunk> any way I can instead switch to the right desktop?
[12:30] <flaccid> nazgjunk: wrong channel
[12:31] <nazgjunk> Barely, since it's not too busy here and I can safely assume the majority of the channel to use KDE
[12:31] <nazgjunk> but fine with me
[12:32] <Harls_Aussie> hi.. i have a question...
[12:33] <Harls_Aussie> whats the minumum RAM for Kubuntu live CD?
[12:35] * Harls_Aussie looks around
[12:38] <radioelectric> holh
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[13:16] <arpharazon> hello
[13:17] <arpharazon> I need to either understand the relevance of kde wallet or remove it
[13:17] <arpharazon> can anyone help me please?
[13:18] <willluongo> arpharazon: My understanding is that it is basically a single password to store your other passwords so you don't have to type them in every time
[13:19] <arpharazon> willluongo: some people are really gonna hate me for this, but all my passwords are the same already
[13:20] <willluongo> arpharazon: It would save you a great deal of repetitive typing then. ;)
[13:20] <Jucato> arpharazon: it's not just passwords. it also stores form data, like what you would use in filling in stuff in websites
[13:21] <Jucato> as well as account passwords for kopete and kmail (if you use them)
[13:21] <arpharazon> oh I see
[13:21] <arpharazon> I guess I am better off keeping it...
[13:22] <Jucato> well, you can't actually remove the kwallet subsystem, since it's part of KDE. you can only remove the kwalletmanager app that gives you a GUI to manage what's stored in them
[13:22] <Jucato> but you can turn off the kwallet subsystem in kcontrol (not system settings)
[13:24] <bryan> #kubuntu-fr
[13:44] <nRx> Ein weiteres Problem ist, dass ich nicht zwischen Fenstern "wählen" kann, angenommen ich halbe Firefox geöffnet und dort drüber liegt das Fenster des InstantMessengers, lässt sich das Fesnter des Firefox nicht durch einen Klick auf selbiges Fenster fokussieren :( ich muss/müsste jedes mal auf die Taskleiste des zu fokussierenden Fensters klicken...
[13:45] <Pici> !de | nRx
[13:45] <ubottu> nRx: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[13:45] <nRx> damn wrong tab ;)
[13:45] <nRx> thanks
[13:45] <Pici> sure
[13:54] <blackpearl> how to install spell check package in open office?
[13:55] <alexismedina> <blackpearl> : apt-get install myspell-es
[13:55] <blackpearl> alexismedina, thx
[13:56] <dario_> hello...my system will not let me do anything in system>>administration which means i cant get into synaptic package manager or anything...any ideas
[13:57] <blackpearl> alexismedina, still notworking. it says update is finished for open office
[13:59] <zabbadapp> blackpearl: you can also go via the OO-menu: file -> wizards -> install new dictionary ... then you may have to change default language for the document in the tools -> options menu (if your lang doesn't appear in the tools -> language menu) ..
[14:00] <dario_> hello...my system will not let me do anything in system>>administration which means i cant get into synaptic package manager or anything...any ideas
[14:01] <willluongo> dario_: open a terminal and try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get ugrade ?
[14:03] <dario_> wont that just install my updates?
[14:03] <alexismedina> blackpearl: try what zabbadapp says... open your writer.. then tools->options->language settings->language... then change the "documents language"... after that, close your openoffice (close the openoffice tray too), then try again your calc
[14:04] <willluongo> dario_: Yeah, but it might fix whatever is broken... what were you doing when it broke?
[14:04] <willluongo> dario_: There may be more people knowledgeable about gnome issues in Ubuntu, also.
[14:05] <dario_> it has been this way since i installed ubuntu
[14:05] <blackpearl> zabbadapp, i installed it. then in tools> languae, it's in english , but still not work
[14:05] <willluongo> dario_: I don't have any ideas, but channel #ubuntu will probably be a better bet.
[14:06] <blackpearl> i did it once via synpatic a while ago. i forgot how i did it
[14:06] <blackpearl> i think it's aspell
[14:07] <BluesKaj> 'Morning
[14:08] <dario_> thanks
[14:08] <Arkard> Hi people
[14:08] <Arkard> im having some problems, can anybody help me?
[14:09] <blackpearl> ah.... it's not 'myspell-es' it's myspell-en-us instea
[14:09] <blackpearl> d
[14:10] <zabbadapp> blackpearl: Options, Language Settings, Default language for documents, Western: (drop down) English ?
[14:10] <Arkard> i installed WICD, but now i cannot configure it, and even i cant see the preferences anymore, a little help?
[14:10] <ilol> hello, I have Kde 4.1, but I have a problem: my video files have no preview in Dolphin/Konqueror ... is there any solution?
[14:11] <blackpearl> zabbadapp, no, alexismedina told me the wrong package
[14:12] <blackpearl> no wonder it looked funny as i was typing it. i was like..... es... what is es? spanish?
[14:13] <blackpearl> yeah, now xchat have spell chekc too
[14:13] <ilol> ??
[14:14] <Arkard> a little help with WICD
[14:15] <blackpearl> how to open xterm with biggest font and maximize window size?
[14:18] <abdou> hey
[14:20] <Arkard> help with wicd
[14:20] <abdou> so
[14:21] <Arkard> i cant see the preferences screen
[14:21] <Arkard> and cannot connect to internet
[14:21] <triplep> how do I convince kde4 that XRENDER and XDAMAGE are loaded, xdpyinfo indicates they are loaded, however, systemsettings->desktop disagrees
[14:24] <alexismedina> blackpearl-> myspell-es it's a spanish language, I just use it for example.. :D
[14:24] <Arkky_23> how do I get KDE to skip the login prompt at startup?
[14:26] <tictric> Arkky_23: There's a login manager in systemsettings or kcontrol
[14:26] <Arkky_23> i'll look for that
[14:27] <Marfi> how does everyone like the new kde 4.1?
[14:27] <Arkky_23> thanks ... I found it
[14:28] <sebastian_> how do i add desktop cube and stuff on kde 4.1?
[14:29] <tictric> sebastian_: hit ctrl-F8 desktop-cube is not available yet in kwin
[14:29] <sebastian_> ok thx, how about when i switch desktop? can i add effects.
[14:29] <tictric> else you can adjust desktop effects in systemsettings
[14:30] <hacker> kubuntu 中文频道是?
[14:35] <yacc> What's the way to install a fully encrypted/LVM Kubuntu?
[14:35] <yacc> The live DVD seems not to offer that option?
[14:38] <chrisinajar> question: Why is the version of wine in the repo so behind?
[14:39] <chrisinajar> that or does the version number lie :-P
[14:40] <alexismedina> which wine version did you found?
[14:45] <chrisinajar> I'm looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/wine
[14:45] <chrisinajar> which says that the newest version is 0.9.59
[14:46] <rav> hello. Since this week's update to firefox, java is not working for me. I get a message from the websites saying 'Please enable Java'.
[14:46] <chrisinajar> meanwhile wine says the newest version is 1.1.2
[14:46] <rav> Firefox 3, I mean
[14:47] <pag> chrisinajar, well wine has it's own Ubuntu repo, if you want newest packages. (Ubuntu packages are hardly ever updated with other than security fixes)
[14:48] <alexismedina> chrisinajar: maybe you would like to use the wine own repo : http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt hardy main
[14:48] <chrisinajar> ah, ok.
[14:48] <chrisinajar> I don't even know what version i have installed, I'm not at home, I just saw that in packages.ubuntu.com...
[14:49] <chrisinajar> thanks, alexismedina and pag
[14:49] <alexismedina> chrisinajar : http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb
[14:49] <alexismedina> there explains how to add the GPG key too
[14:49] <chrisinajar> alexismedina: word, I've done it before I just totally forgot about it :-P
[14:50] <chrisinajar> Thanks!
[14:50] <alexismedina> hehe.. you're welcome
[14:50] <rav> i have amd64, and java6 installed. I also installed ia32-java6, would this cause a conflict?
[14:53] <bdizzle> hi
[14:53] <rav> java6 doesn't have a java plugin? http://paste.ubuntu.com/32214/
[14:54] <bdizzle> I'm running Kubuntu Hardy and having problems with compiz. When I install it, my titlebars disappear and my keyboard becomes non-functional after logging in
[14:54] <chrisinajar> rav: are you confusing java and javascript? They're totally different.
[14:55] <alexismedina> bdizzle, do you have emerald running?... compiz emerald to decorate the window titlebar
[14:55] <rav> bdizzle: I had a similar problem. It happens when you have compiz effects enabled, but compiz has been uninstalled. Reinstall compiz.
[14:55] <bdizzle> no, I thought they were incompatible
[14:55] <bdizzle> ok
[14:56] <rav> bdizzle: and disable desktop effects in compiz before uninstalling it.
[14:57] <bdizzle> ok
[14:57] <rav> chrisinajar: i'm just wondering why java stopped working on firefox 3. websites give me the 'Please enable Java' messages, but I have both Java and Javascript enabled
[14:58] <bdizzle> just run through the list in Adept and purge anything related to compiz, restart, then try again?
[14:58] <chrisinajar> rav: have you restarted firefox sinse the update?
[14:58] <rav> chrisinajar: yes
[14:58] <chrisinajar> bdizzle: compiz can be rather infecting, make sure you're really thorough.
[14:58] <bdizzle> ok
[14:58] <chrisinajar> it's awesome, but doesn't like going away :-P
[14:58] <bdizzle> haha
[14:59] <rav> bdizzle: but make sure you have set compiz to no desktop effects before uninstalling
[14:59] <bdizzle> yeah. compiz is really nice, I like it, but I need my computer to be functional first
[14:59] <bdizzle> yeah, did that
[14:59] <chrisinajar> The biggest thing that drives me nuts is compiz's almost complete lack of full screen...
[15:00] <rav> i don't like that multiple desktops doesn't work right. and i lose kwin sounds effects, which i like
[15:01] <chrisinajar> when i had it running, alt+f2 broke, then when i fixed it it would open in the background...
[15:01] <chrisinajar> and i use alt+f2 to open all my programs, i almost never open the k menu...
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[15:02] <rav> Kwin is very very functional, I won't change it for bouncy windows
[15:02] <chrisinajar> yeah, that's my standpoint now.
[15:02] <blackpearl> what happened to tacacs+ on ubuntu, it's not in the repository anymore
[15:05] <bdizzle> ok, let me restart and hope this works
[15:06] <rav> i just tried compiz for half an hour or so, didn't think about key combos. i have many custom ones that won't work
[15:09] <rav> java6-plugin is not available from repositories?
[15:12] <Barbadillo> rav: there is a pager just for compiz
[15:12] <Barbadillo> kicker-compiz
[15:12] <engineer> rav only for 32bit
[15:13] <rav> engineer: so java won't work on firefox 3 on 64bit?
[15:13] <bdizzle> okay, system restarted, no problems yet
[15:14] <bdizzle> now which packages should I install with compiz, or just use the add-remove to get theM/
[15:15] <engineer> exactly
[15:16] <bdizzle> ok
[15:16] <engineer> bdizzle sudo aptitude install compiz-kde
[15:16] <bdizzle> kk
[15:17] <bdizzle> what is the difference between aptitude and apt-get?
[15:17] <engineer> aptitude is better
[15:17] <engineer> at fixing dependency problems
[15:17] <bdizzle> ah, okay
[15:18] <DrPlacebo> Hi all, I have a question if i may :D My CD drive is faulty, and I do not have a USB key. Is there any other way I can get Kubuntu onto my PC?
[15:18] <bdizzle> meh, its missing half of the compiz functions
[15:18] <DrPlacebo> i have no cahsh for a USB key or a new optical drive unfortunately
[15:19] <engineer> bdizzle not activated?
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[15:19] <willluongo> DrPlacebo: You could try a network install
[15:19] <engineer> net install
[15:19] <DrPlacebo> from another machine?
[15:19] <histo> !install
[15:19] <ubottu> Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[15:19] <bdizzle> hmm?
[15:20] <willluongo> DrPlacebo: Affitmative
[15:20] <bdizzle> no, its missing like the ring switcher and such
[15:20] <DrPlacebo> i only have this one machine :(
[15:20] <DrPlacebo> SmartBootManager - Installing from a PC which will not boot from a CD.
[15:20] <engineer> bdizzle sudo aptitude install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra
[15:21] <DrPlacebo> damn, smartbootloader required a CD drive
[15:21] <bdizzle> ah, thanks
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[15:22] <bdizzle> okay, I have access to the CompizConfig settings manager, but it won't actually do the Ring Switch when I press the combo key for it
[15:22] <DrPlacebo> damn, i dont have a floopy drive either
[15:22] <bdizzle> do I need to "turn on" compiz somewhere?
[15:23] <engineer> compiz --replace
[15:23] <engineer> or
[15:24] <bdizzle> okay, my title bars disappeared for a moment, then were put back
[15:24] <bdizzle> I have compiz, but I'm worried about the title bars issue
[15:24] <DrPlacebo> will this let me install kubuntu from within windows without a CD drive, networked pc, or usb key?
[15:24] <cRoW2k> hi
[15:24] <DrPlacebo> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows
[15:25] <cRoW2k> i've just compile new kde4.1 from svn, where/can i find/install italian language?
[15:25] <bdizzle> DrPlacebo, I don't think so, you need some sort of physical media to install from, I believe
[15:25] <cRoW2k> but first, can i install l10n by svn?
[15:26] <DrPlacebo> i see bdizzle....
[15:27] <bdizzle> I don't know how, but would it be possible to set up a virtual CD-ROM drive and install from wubi?
[15:27] <willluongo> DrPlacebo: Install daemon tools and wubi it from the iso
[15:28] <willluongo> DrPlacebo: That is probably your best bet to install it with no installation media. :)
[15:28] <White_Pelican> how do you change the kdm theme?
[15:29] <engineer> system settings
[15:29] <suweid> Hi, how do I change the default monitor in kubuntu? (My secondary monitor got the task manager for example.
[15:29] <White_Pelican> system settings? aka KDE control center?
[15:30] <engineer> it's not named control center anymore
[15:31] <cRoW2k> System Settings
[15:31] <White_Pelican> I'm still using kde 3.5.9
[15:32] <engineer> oh, sorry to hear that
[15:33] <bdizzle> alright, time for work
[15:33] <bdizzle> bye
[15:34] <White_Pelican> that said engineer, where do I go to change it?
[15:34] <engineer> control center
[15:34] <White_Pelican> right, which element?
[15:34] <engineer> kdm?
[15:35] <White_Pelican> yes kdm
[15:38] <suweid> Is there at least a way to move the panel (with the button and the clock) to another monitor?
[15:38] <suweid> Running KDE4.
[15:39] <Jucato> suweid: #kubuntu-kde4 please
[16:02] <Barbadillo> my distribution upgrade stopped at 1%
[16:03] <Barbadillo> no active process
[16:04] <Barbadillo> the "show terminal" button doesn't show anything
[16:04] <Barbadillo> please help, what can i do?
[16:04] <engineer> close the window
[16:04] <engineer> open the terminal
[16:05] <engineer> aka Konsole
[16:05] <Barbadillo> and?
[16:05] <engineer> sudo aptitude update
[16:06] <Barbadillo> is locked
[16:06] <bryan> #ubuntu-fr
[16:06] <White_Pelican> Barbadillo, are you still in adept manager?
[16:06] <engineer> !aptfix
[16:06] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[16:09] <Barbadillo> ubottu: i can't do that
[16:09] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about i can't do that
[16:09] <Barbadillo> every time a new process owns /var/lib/dpkg/lock
[16:09] <engineer> killall apt-get
[16:10] <engineer> killall dpkg
[16:10] <Pici> !aptfix | Barbadillo
[16:10] <ubottu> Barbadillo: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[16:10] <Barbadillo> tmp/kde-root/adept_managerJXYTEb.tmp-extract/backports/usr/bin/dpkg --force-overwrite --status-fd 71 --configure zlib1g
[16:11] <engineer> done Barbadillo?
[16:12] <Barbadillo> yes done, killed all /usr/bin/python processses
[16:12] <Barbadillo> now?
[16:12] <Barbadillo> ok dpkg --configure -a
[16:12] <Barbadillo> errors...
[16:12] <engineer> sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a
[16:13] <Barbadillo> processing libarts1-dev libesd0-dev
[16:14] <Barbadillo> apt-get -f install
[16:14] <Barbadillo> ok
[16:14] <Barbadillo> dpkg --configure -a now does nothing
[16:15] <Barbadillo> can i resume the dist-upgrade now?
[16:15] <engineer> sudo aptitude update
[16:15] <Barbadillo> ok done
[16:15] <engineer> sudo aptitude dist-upgrade
[16:15] <BluesKaj> sudo dpkg --configure -a or try , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock
[16:16] <miraclemaxim> is there a reason why when i set read write permissions for a different user on a folder that they reset after i reboot
[16:17] <kid> hi all how do I install kubuntu onto a advansys abp940 uw scsi hard drive
[16:17] <TomPappa> Hi everybody. I am new to kubuntu (I started to use linux yesterday at night). I really like it but I have a problem. If I try to use anything by the ./configure command. The result is something like "C compiler cannot create executables". I reinstalled the binutils (by synaptic), it does not help. Help me please...
[16:17] <Barbadillo> wow 1515MB
[16:18] <The-Compiler> TomPappa: Have you installed build-essential?
[16:18] <engineer> probably you don't have permissions to write there tomaw_
[16:18] <The-Compiler> TomPappa: and what do you try to compile?
[16:18] <bsrat> i have 64-bit ubuntu installed w/4Mb of memory - would there be a gaming/programming advantage to dropping down to 32-bit w/4Mb ? Is 64-bit still new?
[16:18] <engineer> sudo aptitude install build-essential
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[16:18] <bsrat> oops 4Gb
[16:18] <engineer> bsrat only 4mb?
[16:18] <bsrat> lol
[16:18] <engineer> no advantage
[16:19] <engineer> on the contrary
[16:19] <bsrat> if i compile a program, would the default be 64bit?
[16:19] <ephracis> hey, anyone in here knows if or when kde 4.1 will come to hardy? or am I forced to use the intrepid alphas for now?
[16:19] <kid> anyone I'm really at my wits end
[16:19] <engineer> ephracis http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1
[16:20] <engineer> !anyone
[16:20] <ubottu> A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[16:20] <ephracis> :P
[16:21] <kid> anybody know what I have to do to install on a scsi hard drive please
[16:21] <bsrat> is 4.1 improved over the 4.0x+ ?
[16:21] <engineer> a lot
[16:21] <TomPappa> I tried to compile xmms and adobe flash player. The synaptic shows i have not the built essentials. I am going to download it from the net. Tha
[16:21] <engineer> xmms sigh...
[16:22] <TomPappa> Many thanks Compiler
[16:22] <TomPappa> !!!
[16:22] <engineer> TomPappa
[16:22] <sea__> O_O The Gimp is rather complex..
[16:22] <engineer> sudo aptitude install build-essentials
[16:22] <kid> engineer is that for me
[16:22] <bsrat> one more question, think i modprobbed over my tvcard with the wrong drivers - how can I restore it to the prev version?
[16:22] <engineer> no kid
[16:23] <kid> any idea?
[16:23] <engineer> i mean
[16:23] <engineer> installing on scsi
[16:23] <engineer> is it any different?
[16:23] <The-Compiler> TomPappa: Why are you compiling then youself? There's no need for that.
[16:23] <kid> in the install it doesnt show my scsi drive
[16:24] <BluesKaj> TomPappa, install build-essential with the package manager adept
[16:24] <BluesKaj> !adept | TomPappa
[16:24] <ubottu> TomPappa: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto
[16:24] <kid> i have a ide cd drive and a scsi h drive
[16:25] <kid> do i have to manually install
[16:26] <kid> sorry this is the first time i have tried to install ona scsi drive so any help would be greatly appreciated
[16:27] <bryan> #kubuntu-fr
[16:29] <kid> I cant believe nobody here has run into this problem
[16:31] <TomPappa> O.K. It works. No i will have to install glib as well. Tahnks to everyone who tried to help me, It is good to be a part of the kubuntu community
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[16:32] <engineer> !welcome
[16:32] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[16:37] <Devourer> Why won't my CDs burn?! :'(
[16:37] <putin> Devourer: what are you using to burn
[16:37] <Devourer> It gets a stupid error in the middle saying it fails.
[16:37] <putin> !menu
[16:37] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about menu
[16:37] <putin> Devourer: which app?
[16:37] <Devourer> Well I have tried Serpentine and Brasero.
[16:37] <putin> !kmenu
[16:37] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kmenu
[16:38] <putin> brasero worked fine for burning a dvd for me yesterday
[16:38] <Devourer> putin, do you know if there is a way to check to see if my CDs are ok for burning?
[16:38] <kid> well ill try again does anyone know how to install kubuntu on an advansys scsi hard drive with a ide cd drive. the installer shows no hard drives under prepare partition thanx for ANY new direction to try
[16:38] <putin> anyone know how i can add a new binary to the menu (like nightly builds of an app that lives in /usr/local/appname/bin/app ?
[16:38] <putin> Devourer: that i do not know
[16:38] <putin> Devourer: but after you burn them, it will ask to verify
[16:39] <putin> mine verifeid fine and my customer liked it
[16:39] <Devourer> putin, but it won't even finish burning. :(
[16:40] <Devourer> And I'm using regular CD-Rs.
[16:40] <Devourer> This is so weird.
[16:40] <Devourer> It burned fine for a CD-RW but then I realized CD-RWs don't play very well in most CD players.
[16:41] <reese> is there a good oss mixer, beside ossxmix?
[16:42] <Devourer> :((((
[16:42] <Devourer> It gets halfway through and then dies! DEAD.
[16:43] <helio_> After I installed Kubuntu 8.04, operations with CD/DVD slows down my machine. Anyone knows the solution for that?
[16:43] <putin> Devourer: what do you mean it won't "finish burning"?
[16:43] <putin> "dies! DEAD!"
[16:43] <Devourer> I'll get a screenshot.
[16:43] <putin> ?
[16:44] <yacc> helio_, what did you use before as an OS?
[16:45] <helio_> Kubuntu 7.10
[16:45] <yacc> helio_, reinstall or upgrade?
[16:45] <Devourer> putin, http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/4324/screenshot1ik1.png
[16:45] <helio_> reinstall, I don't believe on upgrade :-)
[16:46] <engineer> you must be the only 1
[16:46] <borre> How to disable this autofocus on hover-shit on kubuntu 4.1 ?
[16:46] <grinias> that is for sure
[16:48] <squarebottle> I installed KDE 4.1, but when I log in it still wants to use window decorations and stuff from my 3.5.9 settings. It just seems like using the KDE 4.1 systemsettings has no effect. Any thoughts?
[16:48] <kid> well ill try again does anyone know how to install kubuntu on an advansys scsi hard drive with a ide cd drive. the installer shows no hard drives under prepare partition thanx for ANY new direction to try
[16:49] <borre> ah, much better.. was a feature from compiz
[16:49] <helio_> yacc, any solution?
[16:56] <majortool> how do i get my package manager to list kde 4.1?
[16:57] <majortool> nm
[16:57] <eagles0513875> majortool: u want to install kde 4
[16:57] <eagles0513875> sudo apt-get install kde4
[16:57] <majortool> eagles0513875, that only installs kde 4.0
[16:57] <eagles0513875> i think 4.1 is in repos im not sure
[16:58] <majortool> eagles0513875, not in the default repos
[16:58] <eagles0513875> majortool: i have no idea bro
[16:58] <Jucato> majortool: #kubuntu-kde4 please
[16:58] <eagles0513875> Jucato: read my mind
[16:58] <Jucato> it's actually in the channel topic
[16:59] <majortool> Jucato, then why is the topic set to instructions to install 4.1?
[16:59] <Jucato> majortool: um.. because 4.1 is the latest stable KDE 4?
[17:00] <majortool> Jucato, thanks genius
[17:00] <Jucato> and it's the latest in the KDE 4 repos
[17:01] <Jucato> I don't understand the question. why *wouldn't* it be set to instructions to install 4.1?
[17:02] <majortool> Jucato, my point is why would you tell me not to ask a simple question like, what repository is used for kde4.1 when the topic is set to kde4.1 released
[17:02] <Jucato> majortool: I didn't tell you not to ask a simple question like that
[17:03] <majortool> <Jucato> majortool: #kubuntu-kde4 please
[17:03] <Jucato> yes, because that's where the people who are using KDE 4 are
[17:03] <Jucato> that's where you are most likely to get better help
[17:03] <majortool> Jucato, thanks
[17:03] <Jucato> since before I sat down, eagles0513875 didn't know
[17:04] <reese> is there a good oss mixer?
[17:04] <anjos> tem algum BR ai?
[17:04] <majortool> majortool, okay, makes sense. truce.
[17:04] <Jucato> !br | anjos
[17:04] <ubottu> anjos: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[17:04] <eagles0513875> Jucato: keep forgetting bout kde4 chan
[17:04] <Jucato> so sue me for actually trying to help
[17:04] <sparr> i dont speak portugese, but i can read that :)
[17:05] <anjos> Br
[17:05] <anjos> sim sou do Brasil
[17:05] <anjos> e ai td bem?
[17:05] <Jucato> anjos: this is an English channel
[17:05] <majortool> Jucato, sorry, I had thought that your comments were made with disdain
[17:06] <Jucato> guilty until proven innocent.. :(
[17:06] <majortool> Jucato, true
[17:06] <majortool> Jucato, my apologies
[17:06] <Jucato> :)
[17:07] <anjos> bye
[17:07] <kid> well ill try again does anyone know how to install kubuntu on an advansys scsi hard drive with a ide cd drive. the installer shows no hard drives under prepare partition thanx for ANY new direction to try
[17:10] <wesley> !firewall
[17:10] <ubottu> Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).
[17:15] <kid> I feel like im invisible nobody can helpme with my problem? what a waste of time
[17:15] <The-Compiler> kid: If you don't ask, I can't help you ;)
[17:15] <kid> well ill try again does anyone know how to install kubuntu on an advansys scsi hard drive with a ide cd drive. the installer shows no hard drives under prepare partition thanx for ANY new direction to try
[17:16] <The-Compiler> kid: hm. No idea here, but try to ask in #ubuntu, there are more people there, and Kubuntu is == Ubuntu expect for KDE
[17:16] <kid> thank you for making me visible again I will try that
[17:28] <reese> does anybody know a good oss mixer?
[17:30] <daesung> hi everybody
[17:31] <assistencia_> oi
[17:31] <daesung> maybe can I unistall kde 3.5.9 completely after installaition of kde 4.1?
[17:33] <Jucato> daesung: I suggest you keep it around, just in case. you might not like 4.1 immediately
[17:33] <Jucato> anyway, keep it as a backup
[17:34] <daesung> ^^
[17:34] <daesung> ok i got it
[17:37] <nithi> hi
[17:38] <nithi> can anybody say how to download ebooks
[17:38] <The-Compiler> nithi: err... what?
[17:43] <XmasGhost> hello
[17:43] <XmasGhost> !kdesu
[17:43] <ubottu> In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[17:43] <XmasGhost> I have kubuntu hardy heron 8.04 should I use kdesu or kdesudo?
[17:44] <willluongo> XmasGhost: kdesu
[17:44] <Jucato> XmasGhost: if kdesudo is installed, kdesu will use that. if not, kdesu will still function.so best to use kdesu :)
[17:44] <Haza> Afternoon folks!
[17:44] <XmasGhost> excellent!
[17:44] <XmasGhost> thanks :)
[17:44] <XmasGhost> later guys
[17:57] <XmasGhost> I'm trying to create a dynamic host interface and I'm following the vbox manual that suggests using scripts but I get a "Failed to initialize Host Interface Networking." can anyone lend me a hand here?
=== linuxmce is now known as Abby
[18:00] <Abby> Hi huys, can anyone help me upgrade fesity to hardy, have been through the forums
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[18:01] <Abby> I installed feisty via the linuxmce 0704 dvd
[18:01] <eross> trying to install kde 4.1 to amd64 ubuntu, I added the repo and did apt-update and get this message at the end: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu/dists/hardy//etc/apt/sources.list/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found
[18:01] <eross> is there another repo I need?
[18:02] <rodya_> anyone know the name of the russian kubuntu channel?
[18:02] <ubuntu_> hi all. i have windows, but my hdd is crash and now run linux livecd
[18:02] <miraclemaxim> how do i use kweather, i seem to have it installed but not sure how to star tit
[18:02] <rodya_> I think the question I'm about to have is going to be more suitable there than here
[18:02] <rodya_> but we'll see
[18:02] <ubuntu_> kto polak?
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[18:03] <pucko-> Abby, should be fairly straight-forward..
=== Vampir is now known as Vampir121
[18:03] <rodya_> but while I'm here, anyone know if there's a problem with the openoffice.org-l10n-ru package in hardy?
[18:03] <pucko-> Abby, if you know your way around the system you could probably skip the step through gutsy
[18:04] <rodya_> it seems to have conflicted somehow with my oo.o install and adept decided to uninstall oo.o when I installed the language pack for it
[18:04] <Abby> pucko: that's what I see in the forums: I have tried the following"
[18:04] <rodya_> googling wasn't fruitful, but I'm pretty good at missing the answer
[18:04] <Vampir121> what install nvidia display driver on kubuntu?
[18:05] <Vampir121> i try but it is not work
[18:05] <Abby> I have updated fesity via apt-get update, than change intances of feisty to gutsy in /etc/apt/sources.list than run apt-get dist-upgrade but it fails
[18:06] <Abby> when I lsb_release -a it is still feisty
[18:06] <pucko-> where does it fail? in what package?
[18:07] <Abby> pucko I am a newbie but I am starting to get the hang of t except for when things are supposed to work but for omse reason do not, please help!
[18:07] <Abby> let me look at the log brb
[18:07] <pucko-> Abby, actually, things fail pretty regularly in linux. :)
[18:08] <pucko-> newbie or not
[18:08] <Vampir121> if i record .iso {windows install cd} in linux program, this cd read windows system?
[18:08] <Vampir121> .iso is make in windows
[18:09] <pucko-> Abby, so I assume you're in a half-assed gutsy/feisty install now, if you do dist-upgrade again it should tell you where it fails, I think.
[18:09] <putin> how is it i save my current session settings again, with widgets etc?
[18:10] <Abby> pucko, yaeh I guess that's the ;earning epxerience:
[18:10] <Abby> --- - 2008-07-30 19:08:22.204866880 +0200
[18:10] <Abby> +++ /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log 2008-07-30 16:03:33.000000000 +0200
[18:10] <Abby> @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
[18:10] <Abby> -2008-07-30 15:42:52,710 INFO release-upgrader version '0.81' started
[18:10] <DrPlacebo> can anyone tell me, is it possible from windows to install an OS on a removable device so that i can install the OS at boot, or run it live?
[18:10] <Abby> -2008-07-30 15:42:52,882 DEBUG lsb-release: 'feisty'
[18:10] <Abby> -2008-07-30 15:42:52,882 DEBUG _pythonSymlinkCheck run
[18:10] <putin> !paste | Abby
[18:10] <ubottu> Abby: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[18:10] <Abby> -2008-07-30 15:42:54,296 DEBUG checkViewDepends()
[18:10] <Abby> -2008-07-30 15:42:54,297 DEBUG getRequiredBackports()
[18:10] <Abby> -2008-07-30 15:43:08,602 ERROR IOError in cache.update(): 'Failed to fetch http://ftp.lug.ro/ubuntu/dists/gusty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
[18:10] <Abby> +2008-07-30 16:01:28,460 INFO release-upgrader version '0.81' started
[18:10] <Abby> +2008-07-30 16:01:28,690 DEBUG lsb-release: 'feisty'
[18:10] <Abby> +2008-07-30 16:01:28,691 DEBUG _pythonSymlinkCheck run
[18:10] <Abby> +2008-07-30 16:01:31,613 DEBUG checkViewDepends()
[18:10] <Abby> +2008-07-30 16:01:31,615 DEBUG getRequiredBackports()
[18:10] <Abby> +2008-07-30 16:01:50,677 ERROR IOError in cache.update(): 'Failed to fetch http://linuxmce.com/ubuntu/./Packages.gz 302 Found
[18:10] <Abby> pucko hope that's not too much
[18:11] <Abby> sorry
[18:11] <jussi01> !paste
[18:11] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[18:11] <Abby> ok sorry about that!
[18:13] <Abby> I even tried to change the source host same outcome
[18:13] <pucko-> abby, you can probably remove that linuxmce.com line in sources.list and perhaps look for another mirror or the ubuntu archives since ftp.lug.ro doesn't seem to work.
[18:14] <Abby> Well in the apt-get dist upgrade it skips/ignores the linuxmce bit
[18:14] <pucko-> Abby, just use archive.ubuntu.com instead of ftp.lug.ro for now..
[18:15] <Abby> pucko what do I need to add to the /var/init.d/
[18:16] <Abby> pucko I meant to add or use the archive ubuntu.com
[18:16] <Abby> Pucko the last tutorial said to add the IP address returned by a command to look for reliable mirrors
[18:17] <Abby> I did but same outcome
[18:17] <pucko-> likely yes
[18:18] <pucko-> anyway, fix up the sources.list anyway and do an update, dist-upgrade again, and it should tell you where it fails. usually it's just an dependency problem which are fairly easy to fix.
[18:18] <Abby> will pastebin give a url after the paste or do I just copy the link after pasting from the address bar?
[18:19] <Abby> I really want to get this right
[18:19] <pucko-> no idea
[18:20] <Abby> paste bin url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32280/
[18:22] <genii> Thats some diff or patch file, looks like
[18:22] <Abby> pucko sorry what sever/mirror do I use and do I just add it to /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:24] <pucko-> like I said, change every instance of ftp.lug.ro to archive.ubuntu.com, and comment out the linuxmce-line with a #
[18:25] <basy> Hi spellchecking in kate works perfect, but can kate do it more interactively, underwave wrong words like in openoffice?
[18:26] <Nyad> hi, I'm trying to install stuff off the repositories but it says that the packages can't be authenticated, is there a chance that someone cracked the server and these packages could contain viruses?
[18:27] <pucko-> nyad, in theory, yes, but you could just be missing the key or use an official repository that doesn't even have a key
[18:27] <pucko-> I men unofficial
[18:27] <pucko-> meant
[18:29] <Nyad> pucko-, U ran update and now it's all fine, so I probably was just missing a key. thanks
[18:29] <Nyad> I meant I
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[18:30] <rudyerazo> espanol?
[18:31] <genii> !es
[18:31] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
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=== bendie_ is now known as bendie
[18:38] <Abby> pucko have inserted archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list same outcomes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32284/
[18:38] <sj> Anybody tried the "online reader synchronization" in Akregator/KDE4?
[18:44] <pucko-> abby, it asys gusty instead of gutsy
[18:44] <miraclemaxim> good catch!
[18:44] <Abby> pucko thank will change that try again
[18:49] * genii contemplates the farty Gusty Gibbon and wonders if they eat bad bananas
[18:53] <sigma> is there a k3b svn package for kubuntu?
[18:54] <Abby> pucko I have inserted archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list but still perhaps even wrose of now: //ftp.lug.ro/ubuntu/dists/
[18:55] <emilsedgh> sigma: k3b isnt there afaik
[18:55] <Abby> I still see this: //ftp.lug.ro/ubuntu/dists/ in the log file despite having cahnged it in /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:57] <Abby> pucko whay would it still list: http://ftp.lug.ro/ubuntu/dists/ in /var/log/dist-upgrade
[19:02] <ubilicios> Hi guys when I go into System Settings then Desktop I go and try to set 4 desktops but when I save it goes right back to 1 desktop
[19:07] <Zet> hello
[19:08] <Zet> I recently installed a hard drive on my computer, unplugged all the other hard drives, installed Windows XP on this one drive, then plugged back in all my Linux drives.
[19:08] <darthbator> does anyone here know how to enable compositing in kwin? I just installed kubuntu 8.04 kde4 remix and the "Window Effects" option doesn't seem to be in the configuration panel
[19:08] <Zet> now, is there a KDE graphical thingie that does the grub dual boot settings for me?
[19:09] <Zet> my Kubuntu boots from SATAII_1 and the Windows partition is at IDE0 master, first partition
[19:10] <pucko-> Abby, either you din't change them all or you have some repositories entered in /etc/sources.list.d/*.list
[19:10] <darthbator> sorry dropped there for a moment, anyone have any idea why the option to turn compositing on wouldn't appear
[19:11] <pucko-> Abby, you shouldn't worry too much about that if it works...
[19:12] <Abby> I have changed sources.list that I am sure of, where else should I look i.e. what the
[19:12] <Abby> directory I need to check
[19:13] <Abby> I am running linuxmce on Kububtu 0704 I want to go to hardy 8.04 without losing mce
[19:13] <quark_> hi everyone, could someone help me with installing kde4.1
[19:13] <quark_> I am following http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 but when I try to install it it will not let me
[19:14] <Abby> quark use package manager
[19:14] <quark_> not apt-get?
[19:14] <I3ooI3oo> is there a location i can lookup hardware to find if ubuntu/kubuntu supports it yet ?
[19:14] <lesergi> hi all
[19:14] <genii> !hcl
[19:14] <ubottu> For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection
[19:15] <Abby> if you can use than cmd lie than sure otherwise package manager takes of some dependence issues you might inj the comamnd line at least that has been my experience sp far
[19:16] <Abby> pucko are you there? still need help what folder/file containts sources.list?
[19:16] <quark_> Abby: what package pulls in all the other packages?
[19:17] <luisdaniel> hi all
[19:17] <Abby> quark I mean if a newbie like me, than using the GUI package manager may be a better option than cmdline
[19:18] <quark_> yeah
[19:18] <luisdaniel> I have a trouble on update
[19:19] <Abby> quark: kmenu/applications/system/package manager
[19:19] <luisdaniel> it dont pass from "Generating locales... en_AU.UTF-8..."
[19:19] <quark_> Abby: yes I know, but what specifc package will pull in everything for kde4?
[19:20] <luisdaniel> any help?
[19:21] <reese> after I edited /etc/sudoers, I can't use sudo anymore, because I always get this error ">>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 24 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 24"
[19:21] <reese> is there a way to make it work again?
[19:22] <Abby> quark see the details about each package it will show you what it will bring with, anjd you can deselect some and as far as I can tell so far this OS does not bring things you don't ask for.
[19:22] <quark_> yeah
[19:22] <quark_> nevermind
[19:22] <quark_> you aren't answering my question
[19:22] <quark_> but thanks
[19:22] <quark_> I'm having a lot of dependecny problems
[19:22] <wishie> is there any known fix for the "kaffeine not playing audio (ogg/vorbis) in mkv files" ?
[19:22] <Abby> but I would not reccomend deselecting any because the app is dependent og these
[19:23] <Abby> i.e will not work or work properly without them
[19:26] <ubilicios> How come I can only use 1 desktop and not multiple ones
[19:26] <ubilicios> I have changed it to 4 but it wont save it
[19:26] <ubilicios> It just goes back to 1
[19:31] <nda> i'd like some help here my friends
[19:31] <nda> can i talk to some body?
[19:31] <richard_> completely non-kubuntu related question: has anyone ever seen a psu thats basically an ATX psu but 20mm smaller in one dimension?
[19:31] <richard_> nda: ask away, and if anyone can help they'll answer
[19:32] <nda> here is my problem:
[19:33] <stephen_> hi all any one ever had a sound problem with the inspiron 1525 while running Ku8?
[19:33] <nda> im new in kubuntu and i own a hp nx7400 notebook , ive installed kubuntu, and i've connected an external monitor
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[19:34] <nda> so.. i want a way to turn off (disable) my notebook monitor and leave my external monitor to do all the job....
[19:34] <nda> how can i do that??
[19:34] <nda> please help
[19:35] <kar> вари
[19:35] <kar> рл
[19:36] <genii> !ru
[19:36] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[19:36] <sknet> how do we chang GTK styles within kubuntu kde 4.1?
[19:36] <genii> sknet: Please ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[19:36] <nda> anyone please?
[19:36] <genii> nda: There is no easy answer to your question
[19:38] <genii> nda: Normally most laptops have a hardware function built in which can do this by a keystroke like FN-f4 on mine does this
[19:38] <nda> genii, while using gnome , this is a very easy task...you just disable your screen through the menu.... i cannot find something somilar in kde....
[19:38] <binskipy2u> Hey guys, ya think any Ubuntu tweaks that speed up system, like finetuning hd parameters, swappiness, etc etc can be done on Kubuntu too?
[19:38] <binskipy2u> for the same version 8.04.1
[19:38] <nda> genii: my fn keys donot work for some reason....
[19:38] <genii> binskipy2u: Of course
[19:39] <inteliwasp> how can i force a disk check?
[19:39] <binskipy2u> i have gnome/kde3/kde4 on this system.. not wild bout gnome, but i wanted to do a clean install of kde 3.5.9 and add kde4.1 to get to know it
[19:39] <zPliskiN> quick question. whats difference between the HH and remix versions ?
[19:39] <binskipy2u> figured a clean install is worth the piec eof mind w/nothing gnomish'
[19:39] <binskipy2u> floating around
[19:39] <zPliskiN> i remember months ago 1 had kde4 other was on kde3, is it still the case ?
[19:40] <stephen_> hi has any one ever had a problem with sound on the inspiron 1525 while running Ku8?
[19:40] <binskipy2u> anyone using kde4.1 now? if so, how the hell do you "move" stuff on task bar to put it where YOU want it
[19:40] <binskipy2u> i cant seem to figure that out at all
[19:41] <genii> zPliskiN: Yes same difference
[19:42] <genii> binskipy2u: For kde4 related questions I refer you to #kubuntu-kde4
[19:42] <zPliskiN> so if i want kde 4.1, i have to pick the remix version ?
[19:43] <genii> zPliskiN: I do not know if 4.1 is yet on there. Ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[19:43] <stephen_> hi all!!!!!! any one there to help me out on Ku8 sound problems?
[19:43] <zPliskiN> okay thx
[19:44] <genii> inteliwasp: Usually shutdown -rF now does it
[19:44] <stephen_> any one help me out on some sound problems with Ku8?
[19:45] <stephen_> PLEASE..........
[19:45] <genii> stephen_: It screeches? No sound at all? etc A more precise description might help. Also what soundcard it is
[19:46] <stephen_> Great thanx. well i aint got no sound at all on any thing, but visually all works well.
[19:46] <inteliwasp> genii: thanks
[19:47] <stephen_> maybe missing some codecs but have looked in the repos and cant seem to find any????
[19:48] <genii> stephen_: What does command on Konsole report for result of command: lspci | grep Audio
[19:48] <stephen_> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)
[19:49] <genii> !intelhda | stephen_
[19:49] <ubottu> stephen_: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[19:49] <stephen_> thanx you is the king (or queen) of KUb!!!!!!!
[19:50] <xst> I try to enable the ATI driver through Hardware Drivers Manager but it is "not in use" - also after reboot. For some reason my fglrx module does not get loaded in Kubuntu/hardy: I can "modprobe fglrx" but a "rmmod fglrx" tells me that fglrx does not exist. Consequently my graphics are slooow. What to do?
[19:52] <ere4si> xst: have you added fglrx to the /etc/modules file?
[19:52] <zPliskiN> core2duo can run x64 right ?
[19:53] <willluongo> zPliskiN: No, I don't think so
[19:53] <xst> ere4si: No - but shouldn't kubuntu do that for me?
[19:54] <rodya__> hey everyone, I've tried my luck on this in ubuntu-ru, but it's put my russian too far to the test and I may have made an idiot of myself there :) anyone here heard of an issue installing openoffice.org-l10n-ru on a fresh hardy install and it breaking OOo, uninstalling the whole OOo setup and breaking packages?
[19:55] <ere4si> xst: it prob should but nothing wrong with helping it out :)
[19:55] <benba> hola
[19:55] <Zet> why does ubuntu insist on calling all hard drives sd?
[19:56] <genii> stephen_: Sorry, I do not give assistance in private message, only public channel. But you may have me confused with someone recommending you modify the kernel
[19:56] <benba> alguien sabe algun programa para programar en c++
[19:56] <Zet> last time I booted this thing it had my drives in a different order
[19:56] <wishie> is there any known fix for the "kaffeine not playing audio (ogg/vorbis) in mkv files" ?
[19:56] <Zet> my 400 gig IDE drive was sda
[19:56] <xst> ere4si: It will not fix my current problem anyway as the module does not exist even if I modprobe it.
[19:56] <Zet> now my 250 gig SATA drive is sda
[19:57] <stephen_> sorryjust read the link that you sent and it went on to say this.
[19:57] <wishie> Zet: may be due to the SATA/PATA drivers being combined in the kernel now.. as for the order of the drives, who knows..heh
[19:58] <genii> stephen_: Ah, the intel soundcard. When you manually make the alsa drivers it does not do any modifications to the kernel itself.
[19:58] <stephen_> okay just read it again got the wrong end o the stick lol
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[19:59] <genii> stephen_: It makes a new module for the card, which then the kernel wil load and use, instead of the original module, that is all
[19:59] <wishie> zPliskiN: yes, core2duos have 64 bit support.
[19:59] <wishie> zPliskiN: im running kubuntu on my core2duo laptop as we speak
[20:00] <wishie> genii: in the case of hda-intel, the kernel might not always use the NEW module, unless you used module-assistant
[20:00] <zPliskiN> wishie: this is exactly what i want to do.
[20:00] <wishie> zPliskiN: well, T8300 here, running kubuntu 64bit
[20:00] <zPliskiN> wishie: getting ready for school -_- so nobody can use my laptop :)
[20:01] <wishie> haha
[20:01] <zPliskiN> wishie: i have a T5500 pretty much the same i believe.
[20:01] <wishie> zPliskiN: i wow all the people at work with compiz on my laptop
[20:01] <zPliskiN> wishie: but i want to use KDE4 or maybe put KDE3 and 4 and test out.
[20:01] <andrei> hello
[20:01] <wishie> zPliskiN: ive got both installed at the moment
[20:02] <zPliskiN> wishie: do you need a good GPU for compiz ? this laptop has the geenric intel graphic card
[20:02] <genii> !hi | andrei
[20:02] <ubottu> andrei: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[20:02] <wishie> zPliskiN: X3100 ? should do ok
[20:02] <zPliskiN> wishie: no like GM45 ? or something.
[20:02] <wishie> zPliskiN: GMA950 ?
[20:03] <zPliskiN> wishie: yeah think so. 224mb shared memory
[20:03] <zPliskiN> wishie: i run Guildwars @ max although.
[20:03] <wishie> zPliskiN: should work to some degree. i doubt some of the advanced stuff will work well
[20:03] <wishie> zPliskiN: things like the cube, and wobbly windows should be fine id say
[20:04] <zPliskiN> wishie: alright. will try it. do you know if wine works well since version 1 ?
[20:04] <wishie> zPliskiN: got a GeForce 8400GS (256mb) in this lappy
[20:04] <wishie> zPliskiN: from my experience, wine works good for me
[20:04] <zPliskiN> wishie: i tried the betas and couldnt manage to make some apps work (ventrilo, steam, etc).
[20:04] <wishie> zPliskiN: i dont use that many things in wine though, personally
[20:05] <zPliskiN> wishie: same, i only use like 1 or 2 at max.
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[20:05] <wishie> zPliskiN: i use it to please others. i dont require any wine apps at all
[20:05] <wishie> zPliskiN: not on my laptop atleast
[20:06] <wishie> grr, why the hell wont kaffeine play any ogg/vorbis audio in mkv files ?
[20:06] <zPliskiN> wishie: apparently there are issues with nvidia cards. got any troubles ?
[20:06] <wishie> zPliskiN: in wine ? nope.
[20:06] <wishie> zPliskiN: i play a few "gamehouse" games in linux, just fine.
[20:07] <zPliskiN> wishie: aight. will try it within few days. hopefully everything goes smooth.
[20:07] <wishie> zPliskiN: excellent. hope it all works out. you can always come back here for help, or track me down in #alsa
[20:07] <zPliskiN> wishie: probably will have to -_- always get some issues with windows shared folders and stuff.
[20:11] <wishie> hmm, audacious cant play ogg either.
[20:11] <wishie> this is very frustrating
[20:14] <sd11> !network
[20:14] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[20:15] <sd11> !internet
[20:15] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about internet
[20:15] <wishie> hmm, ok, Kaffeine-xine can play ogg audio files.. but not the ogg/vorbis stream in .mkv videos
[20:16] <sd11> I cant get internet access and it has to do with kubuntu network settings, cant figure it out though, ned help
[20:17] <sd11> had access.. but stopped when i was playing with compiz-fusion
[20:20] <wishie> wouldnt the default player in kubuntu, not being able to play ogg/vorbis in mkv files be a rather big issue ? why is there no solution yet ?
[20:22] <reya276> how can I fix my screen resolution?
[20:23] <reya276> I have an ATI r600 256mb card, but it is not recognized
[20:24] <willluongo> reya276: Did you try Envy?
[20:24] <jpds> !envy
[20:24] <ubottu> envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk
[20:25] <reya276> no why would I use envy, I'm just trying to get my resoultion to 1680x1050 and right now is 800x600
[20:26] <brandon__> How can I install stumbleupon in konqueror?
[20:26] <willluongo> reya276: You can use it to automatically install the ATI drivers so your card works and select the correct resolution
[20:27] <reya276> ok thanks, just installed it
[20:27] <sebastian> my screen can handle 1700x1200 and the max i can have is 1200 how do i make it bigger?
[20:27] <sebastian> sorry for the bad explination
[20:27] <neoneurone> Hi all, what do I need to mount NFS partition ?
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[20:28] <wishie> neoneurone: nfs-common, i think
[20:29] <reya276> willluongo: pretty cool tool
[20:30] <willluongo> reya276: Yeah, it beats the heck out of doing it manually. :D
[20:30] <reya276> but I though that the ATI drivers were in the repositories, which I found and installed but for some reason the card did not recognized them
[20:31] <neoneurone> wishie, yeah ! I've just installed it and try: sudo mount -t nfs xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/mnt/nfs /mnt/localdir
[20:31] <neoneurone> but it doesn't work
[20:31] <wishie> hmm
[20:31] <wishie> works here.. brb, checking
[20:31] <neoneurone> it says mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock
[20:32] <wishie> neoneurone: nfs-common and portmap
[20:32] <wishie> portmap should be installed with nfs-common though
[20:34] <benbread> Hey i've got a webcam streamer running (motion) which sends continuous output - I can access it via http://localhost:8081 but not via my computers DHCP address ( does anyone have any idea why?
[20:35] <sebastian> how can i make my resolution betteR??
[20:36] <wishie> sebastian: depends on a) the video card b) the monitor c) the EDID the monitor is sending
[20:36] <OutoLumo> Ok, so... I should start using KDE 4.1 now, eh?
[20:37] <sebastian> wishie: geforce 440mx, nec multisync FE950+
[20:37] <OutoLumo> benbread, firewall?
[20:37] <benbread> OutoLumo: Nope wouldn't think so - i can access ktorrent WebUI from my other computer on here..
[20:39] <wishie> sebastian: perhaps tell the nvidia driver (if you're using it) to ignore edid from the monitor
[20:39] <OutoLumo> benbread, ktorrent webui lives in port :80, I guess? Maybe you have some ports (like common www-ports) explisitely allowed?
[20:39] <wishie> Option IgnoreEDID "true" <-- i think
[20:40] <wishie> bed time. thanks all.
[20:40] <reya276> willluongo: that envy app messed up my system, now all I get is terminal no desktop
[20:41] <sebastian> wow what an easy explenation :O
[20:41] <willluongo> reya276: What did you try to do?
[20:42] <neoneurone> what is the tool to manage system services ?
[20:42] <OutoLumo> reya276, I had same problem some time ago - solution: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf ;-P
[20:42] <reya276> I installed the ATI driver like you suggested now I get no GDM or KDE4.1 desktop
[20:42] <reya276> LOL
[20:43] <willluongo> reya276: What happens when you startx?
[20:44] <reya276> willluongo: nothing screen flashes and I get the CLI
[20:45] <willluongo> reya276: I imagine it gives you an error? :)
[20:45] <reya276> no error just the CLI with the login pront
[20:45] <reya276> promt
[20:45] <stephen_> Genii u still there?
[20:46] <willluongo> reya276: hrm... I can't say I've had THAT happen before... lol
[20:46] <miraclemaxim> it's probably your xorg.conf
[20:46] <reya276> well there is nothing on there that seems out of order
[20:46] <reya276> but then again I would not know too much about it
[20:47] <stephen_> hi i got a stpid question for anyone that can help.
[20:47] <reya276> how cant I restart the GDM or KDM
[20:48] <stephen_> no one wana laugh then?
[20:48] <OutoLumo> reya276, sudo killall X; sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.con /* Section "Device" Driver "fglrx" */ ...or something
[20:48] <willluongo> reya276: I think type GDM at the command line... but it probably won't work either
[20:49] <willluongo> reya276: Well, gdm anyway (case sensitive)
[20:49] <miraclemaxim> startkdm
[20:49] <stephen_> can ANYONE tell me exactly what this command means? :sudo cp ~/downloads/alsa* .
[20:50] <OutoLumo> reya276, restarting kdm: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
[20:50] <benbread_> stephen_: cp is the copy command
[20:51] <stephen_> cool i got that one but the rest?
[20:51] <OutoLumo> copies all files, whose name starts with character string "alsa" in directory downloads under your homedirectory to your current working directory. All this with root user priviliges...
[20:52] <stephen_> so y when i do this it tells me: cp: omitting directory `/home/stephen/Desktop/alsa'
[20:52] <reya276> yeah this thing just went Kaput on me, LOL
[20:53] <OutoLumo> stephen_, what does pwd tell you?
[20:53] <reya276> weird it started normally
[20:53] <OutoLumo> stephen_, ("pwd" is a command)
[20:53] <rickest> stephen_: because cp needs -r if you're copying recursively. It's letting you know it skipped the directory that matched 'alsa*'
[20:54] <stephen_> Ah !!!! the light shines so bright now!!!!!! thanx vm......
[20:54] <OutoLumo> rickest, he was copying from _downloads_ not from _Desktop_ ...that's the weird part...
[20:55] <reya276> hah no ATI drivers
[20:55] <reya276> using the defaults, so back to square 1
[20:55] <reya276> is there any way to install the damn ATI drivers
[20:56] <neoneurone> for others, Kubuntu needs unfs3 to mount old nfs partition
[20:56] <rickest> unless (1) we're not getting consistent cut & pastes, or (2) downloads has a shortcut to Desktop which has a shortcut to ~/downloads/alsa :)
[20:56] <OutoLumo> reya276, if you want any GUI visibility, you can alway try VESA...
[20:57] <stephen_> RICKEST u is the KING man!!!!!!!!!!
[20:57] <reya276> I just want to change my resolution to 1680x1050, I don't care about the stupid effects
[20:57] <OutoLumo> rickest, yes. But to tell exactly why it said that, we'd need to know... ;-)
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[20:57] <rickest> OutoLumo: definitely :)
[20:57] <reya276> right now I'm looking at 800x600 lol
[20:57] <benbread_> OutoLumo: My IRC client died, do you have any more firewall ideas?
[20:57] <OutoLumo> stephen_, the question is, why do you want to use sudo for that?
[20:58] <rickest> we don't know where the target '.' is but I'm guessing a root write-only external HD
[20:58] <rickest> either that, or the "my sound doesn't work" is about to start hehe
[20:59] <stephen_> it wasnt the desk i was copying from (mistake on my part) created downloads dir with sudo
[20:59] <OutoLumo> benbread_, sorry... Just check that your firewall isn't explicitly allowing some ports, like :80, where the webGUI lives...
[21:00] <OutoLumo> stephen_, then why not run: chown stephen:stephen <dir> ?
[21:00] <OutoLumo> stephen_, sorry, I meant sudo chown stephen:stephen <dir> ...
[21:00] <benbread_> OutoLumo: I'm sure i've been able to access other fairly obscure ports before - like MediaTomb is something crazy but i could always access that so i'm not sure that is the problem
[21:01] <rickest> OutoLumo: so (1) :-)
[21:01] <stephen_> i'm new !!!!!!!!! just finding my way and as a result got no sound so i'm following some directions on how to get it from the web.
[21:01] <benbread_> Could the fact be that there doesn't seem to be any network usage when viewing the stream mean it's not going through my router at all?
[21:02] <OutoLumo> stephen_, another tip: sudo chmod 777 would do the trick as well (but don't use THAT unless you have no choise)
[21:02] <reya276> oops never mind I forgot I'm running this thing on VirtualBox, and it does not support these drivers
[21:03] <stephen_> ok thanks 4 the tips
[21:05] <OutoLumo> benbread_, it works with localhost:8081 and 127.0.01:8081 and you positively can access your other obscure ports at Then I have no clue.
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[21:07] <benbread_> OutoLumo: I'll check my "motion" config, might be some clues there - thanks for your help.
[21:07] <leba__> !partition | leba__
[21:07] <ubottu> leba__, please see my private message
[21:07] <OutoLumo> stephen_, I'm just saying that there you might learn better solutions to your problems if you told us. In this case the root cause was mistake in file/directory ownerships... :-)
[21:07] <eifzon> hello
[21:08] <eifzon> where can I find more themes for my "Window Decoration" ?
[21:09] <benbread_> eifzon: Are you using Emerald?
[21:09] <eifzon> benbread_ ?
[21:09] <benbread_> Have you installed Compiz Fusion?
[21:09] <eifzon> ni
[21:10] <eifzon> no
[21:10] <OutoLumo> eifzon, if you are using KDE3, try this: http://tinyurl.com/5w2q7z
[21:10] <benbread_> http://www.kde-look.org
[21:10] <reya276> I take it KDE does not support virtualbox
[21:10] <eifzon> using KDE4
[21:10] <eifzon> benbread_ checked that page but dont find any themes for the window "corners"
[21:11] <leba__> I am about to install Kubuntu on my machine. My question is : which would be a interesting, actual and stable version of it please ?
[21:11] <rigo> 8.04 with KDE 3.5.9
[21:17] <engineer> leba__ kde 4.1
=== narg_ is now known as narg
[21:23] <bbeck> Is there anyway I can see when a package was installed using dpkg or the like?
[21:25] <engineer> i think so wait
[21:26] <engineer> though the way i knew you can't
[21:28] <reya276> oh the VboxGuest Additions need to be install to get the correct screen resolution + mouse keyboard integration
[21:30] <reya276> bah hah, that dosn't fix it either, boy this shit sucks
[21:30] <reya276> I wonder if VMware works better
[21:30] <SpookyET> hi
[21:30] <SpookyET> Is anyone able to install new widgets in kde4? I can't. http://www.paste2.org/p/53664
[21:31] <maxi_> hi
[21:32] <reya276> SpookyET: I'm trying to, but if I can ever get my damn resolution going then I might be able to
[21:33] <maxi_> hola a todos
[21:33] <SpookyET> resolution?
=== sd11 is now known as dave32
[21:33] <reya276> yes screen resolution
=== dave32 is now known as dave14325
[21:34] <SpookyET> dolphin crashes badly
[21:35] <dave14325> I cant access the internet through kubuntu so i guess i have to reinstall
[21:38] <engineer> SpookyET just dont right click video files
[21:38] <engineer> use konqueror
[21:40] <SpookyET> engineer: I can't figure out why I can't install anything off the internet.
[21:40] <SpookyET> engineer: http://www.paste2.org/p/53664
[21:40] <dave14325> ill just use a differnet distro
[21:42] <engineer> i'm sorry, what dave14325
[21:42] <dave14325> nimble x works better anyway
[21:42] <OutoLumo> Is there an easy way to add a newline between in the middle of character squence "><"? I'm thinking of quanta...
[21:42] <engineer> \n
[21:42] <dave14325> engineer: i lost internet access but canniot fix it
[21:43] <engineer> SpookyET proxy? cna you ping though the console?
[21:43] <engineer> dave14325 can you ping google? in the console?
[21:43] <dave14325> engineer: it sees the modem but will not bring back a web paage
[21:43] <dave14325> cnn
[21:44] <engineer> you didn't answer my question
[21:44] <engineer> ping ww.google.com
[21:44] <dave14325> engineer: address not found
[21:44] <engineer> is your default gateway correct?
[21:44] <dave14325> engineer: let me check
[21:45] <engineer> !pastebin
[21:45] <engineer> !paste
[21:45] <engineer> fuck
[21:45] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[21:45] <engineer> auto eth0
[21:45] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[21:45] <engineer> iface eth0 inet static
[21:45] <engineer> address
[21:45] <engineer> netmask
[21:45] <engineer> gateway
[21:46] <dave14325> engineer:
[21:46] <engineer> http://paste.ubuntu.com/32329/
[21:46] <dave14325> engineer: 1,1 is the modem
[21:46] <engineer>
[21:47] <dave14325> yes
[21:47] <engineer> not good since they are not in the same subnet
[21:48] <SpookyET> engineer: read the log. they won't install forwatherver reason
[21:48] <dave14325> engineer: ok thnaks
[21:48] <engineer> i suggest you set your machine to 1.10
[21:49] <dave14325> engineer: ik ill try that, thanks
[21:51] <engineer> SpookyET but can you access the internet in other ways?
[21:51] <SpookyET> Does kdm have a conf file somewhere. Why my phisical monitor resolution is right, the kde resolution is wrong. It sets it too 1400x1050 resulting in a canvas larger than the screen and scrolling. It makes no sense.
[21:52] <OutoLumo> for the record, the command I was looking for is: sed s/"><"/">\n<"/g
[21:53] <dave14325> engineer: im going through a router with the gateway set to
[21:53] <timo> Hi, I've got a USB numpad here, but I can't get it to work in Kubuntu KDE 4.1...
[21:53] <engineer> dave14325 you have a router and a modem?
[21:53] <dave14325> engineer: yes
[21:53] <engineer> different devices?
[21:53] <timo> The numlock key doesn't work, i can only get number input from it when I turn on numlock on my keyboard
[21:53] <dave14325> engineer: yes
[21:53] <engineer> set your modem to bridge
[21:53] <dave14325> engineer: ok
[21:54] <engineer> and let the router make the authentication
[21:54] <blackpearl> how to alias command inside alt-f2, when i type abc inside that box, i want to execute a long command
[21:55] <timo> can anybody plz help me with installing my numpad? In Windows I had to install it with a cd, but I can't find a driver for linux.
[21:55] <dave14325> engineer: i dont think the modem will let me bridge it
[21:56] <dave14325> engineer: the router has a bridge feature
[21:57] <engineer> no
[21:57] <engineer> anyways
[21:57] <engineer> this is offtopic
[21:57] <dave14325> ok
[21:58] <timo> anybody got an external usb numeric keypad working on Kubuntu?
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[21:58] <dave14325> !offtopic
[21:58] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[21:59] <SpookyET> engineer: It downloads the widget, it just fails to install it.
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[22:01] <yacc> What's the package that I need to install to get a Kubuntu 3.5.9?
[22:01] <rigo> everything that hasn't 'kde4' in it :)
[22:02] <delilaz> hello everyone, I have kubuntu and my monitor begins to 'shiver' once I begin using anything, any suggestions????
[22:03] <timo> delilaz: have you got compiz fusion installed?
[22:03] <delilaz> timo: I don't know, how do I check?
[22:03] <manuel_> ¡Hola!
[22:03] <manuel_> ¿Alguien me puede ayudar?
[22:04] <manuel_> ¿Alguien me ayuda?
[22:04] <timo> delilaz: just type "locate compiz" in a terminal
[22:04] <dave14325> !es
[22:04] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[22:05] <timo> delilaz: if you get a whole list of stuff, then you've got compiz fusion
[22:05] <emilton> oi pessoal
[22:05] <delilaz> I just did and nothing happened
[22:05] <emilton> alguem sabe me esplicar como faço para instalar o flash player no linux
[22:05] <leba__> engineer, why kde 4.1 ?
[22:05] <timo> delilaz: ok, than it's something else... what version are you running?
[22:05] <leba__> !portugues | emilton
[22:06] <emilton> sim
[22:06] <timo> delilaz: i don't know if I can help you, btw, I'm new to kubuntu too :)
[22:06] <delilaz> 3.5.2
[22:06] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about portugues
[22:06] <delilaz> timo: oh ok sometimes newbies can help each other :)
[22:07] <timo> delilaz: then perhaps you should upgrade to a newer version? I saw someone mentioning version 3.5.9 earlier
[22:07] <timo> delilaz: true :) it would be my first time helping someone i guess :P
[22:07] <leba__> !flash | emilton
[22:07] <ubottu> emilton: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[22:08] <delilaz> timo: yes I've thought about it but but it's a lot of tarballs to extract and I always have a prob w/ them lol
[22:08] <timo> delilaz: btw, when did you start getting this shivering stuff?
[22:08] <timo> delilaz: isn't it possible to upgrade using adept or synaptic?
[22:09] <delilaz> timo: I would say about 2 mos already and about 5 mos w/kubuntu on this
[22:09] <timo> delilaz: you mean it also happened before you installed kubuntu?
[22:10] <delilaz> timo: only certain versions have prepackaged version to upgrade and mine isn't one of them... no I mean I've had kubuntu for 5 mos and the shivering started about 2 mos ago
[22:10] <timo> delilaz: what OS did you have before you got Kubuntu?
[22:10] <timo> delilaz: ahh ok
[22:11] <timo> delilaz: if i were you, i would try to install kubuntu 4.1 :)
[22:12] <timo> delilaz: i'm using it, and it works great
[22:12] <delilaz> timo: actually right now the screen is fine but whenever I use any browser to access internet it shivering begins :(
[22:12] <delilaz> the^ (not it) lol
[22:13] <timo> delilaz: i see :) but you said it also happened when you use other programs, right?
[22:13] <delilaz> timo: i'm scared to try anything on this pc, it's been giving me hell lol... yes other programs as well
[22:13] <timo> delilaz: then it must have something to do with the kernel, i'm afraid
[22:14] <timo> delilaz: probably something's messed up bad
[22:14] <timo> delilaz: have you considered a fresh install?
[22:14] <timo> delilaz: i think that's what i would do in your case
[22:15] <delilaz> timo: :( I have considered it... but it's a lot of work that I've been putting it off
[22:16] <blackpearl> any web browser out there that can do control-f to find stuff , like how firefox does? i want to switch to another browser
[22:16] <timo> delilaz: yeah, i know :) A friend helped me installing kubuntu 8.0.4 hardy... he had done it before, so we were done in about half an hour I think
[22:16] <timo> delilaz: but if i was to do it alone, it would have taken me much more time ;)
[22:16] <delilaz> mainly do to my wireless usb .... gave me the most trouble to install, and then everything else needed... ahhhhh, I'll probably try to upgrade the kernel after all and hope I don't fry this thing :)
[22:17] <timo> delilaz: yeah, i wouldn't worry that much if i were you
[22:18] <timo> delilaz: but what wireless usb device gave you so much trouble then?
[22:18] <delilaz> timo: I don't usually worry, but this pc is a case (don't know why)
[22:19] <timo> delilaz: ^^ hope you'll be able to fix it after all.. ;)
[22:19] <verticalvoid> hello everyone, i have kubuntu 7.10 installed (kernel is 2.6.22), and then am running linuxmce in conjunction with it ... the problem is that i have a gigabyte wp01gs card and whenever i get a large amount of traffic flow, the system locks up, get the blinking leds for the caps lock and scroll lock ... so small amount of network activity won't make it go crazy ... i've got the ndiswrapper...
[22:19] <verticalvoid> ...driver installed and have the native linux drivers blacklisted, any suggestions?
[22:20] <verticalvoid> so my wireless works, but after some time my kernel goes into panic mode :S
[22:20] <delilaz> dzwlan wireless usb... anyone know the command to check the usb device name???
[22:21] <Daisuke_Laptop> lsusb?
[22:22] <delilaz> daisuke: nope that's not it, but thx :)
[22:22] <delilaz> timo: thanks I hope I can and that it will fix this nuisance
[22:23] <timo> delilaz: you're welcome, good luck!
[22:24] <leba__> When I try to install kubuntu from inside xp it says that the cd are being used by another application or something like that and don't follow the installation process, what that could be ?
[22:26] <leba__> It says exactly : could not access the cd, please make sure other applications are not using it and try again.
[22:26] <leba__> What shall I do ?
[22:26] <delilaz> leba__: try rebooting w/the cd still inside the computer, then it will start the livecd only
[22:27] <leba__> delilaz, so what the inside intallation process stands for ?
[22:27] <CAP4276> hello
[22:28] <delilaz> leba__: I'm not sure, I know I installed w/the live cd and that's how it was recommended to me
[22:29] <leba__> delilaz, ok, thank you, I will try it.
[22:29] <delilaz> liba__: and that way u have the option to partition ur hd for a dual-boot in case u still want xp
[22:29] <delilaz> liba__^ (sorry)
[22:30] <delilaz> leba__^ lol sorry again
[22:30] <leba__> delilaz, np, why you are srry ?
[22:31] <delilaz> mispelled ur nick
[22:31] <leba__> delilaz, np ;)
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[22:33] <darthbator> Hey guys I had 2 basic KDE questions, 1: How do I stop that terrible notification from happening everytime I switch my desktop. That's quite annoying! 2: After adding an icon to the bottom panel how do I go about moving it around on the panel itself?
[22:36] <timo> darthbator: I can answer your second question
[22:36] <timo> just right-click the panel and select unlock widgets
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[22:44] <gnumm> will a upgrade from kubuntu kde3 hardy to kubuntu intrepid kde4 be possible? (i want to kepp the /home partition)
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[22:58] <Riddell> Kubuntu meeting in a couple of minutes in #kubuntu-devel
[23:01] <comawhite> how can I get a hold of kde4.1?
[23:01] <stdin> comawhite: see the topic maybe?
[23:01] <comawhite> nvm
[23:01] <comawhite> just seen it
[23:02] <yuri_> anyone using kde4 as their primary?
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[23:04] <comawhite> yuri_, I do on my other distro =]
[23:05] <comawhite> installing in now in kubuntu
[23:06] <comawhite> wow it won't lemme install it
[23:09] <comawhite> ugh
[23:14] <TimS> netsplit ftl
[23:15] <Walzmyn> Is it possible to make pidgin not have any thing in the task bar, even when your using it?
[23:41] <Walzmyn> Is it possible to make pidgin not have any thing in the task bar, even when your using it?
[23:45] <Lichte> Hi all