UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /30 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[10:16] <kyle___> i got a problem, any one available to help?
[12:07] <markotux> salut
[12:08] <markotux> je cherche des personnes de la communauté edubuntu
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
[14:00] <crazy_bus> is there anyway to still get a edubuntu livecd, or would I have to get a older version of a different livecd. (This is to show some foss edu apps to someone, specifically gcompris)
[14:14] <ogra> there is none for hardy, you need to either take the gutsy one, or take the ubuntu hardy one and install gcompris in the running session
[14:15] <ogra> (which requires internet access during your presentation indeed)
[14:17] <crazy_bus> thanks ogra
[22:41] <EchoBinary> hello :) anyone around?
[22:41] <EchoBinary> wondering about sedding up the gdm such that a user can enter a username and no password
[22:41] <EchoBinary> setting*
[22:41] <EchoBinary> i understand the security risks - assume that these computers are in a closed environment not connected to the internet