UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /29 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <lucas_> zoredache: when i try to drag select nothing happens
[00:42] <LoCaLMaChIn1> I would like to have anyones opinion on Xubuntu
[00:42] <LoCaLMaChIn1> can you get a modem dialer for it
[00:44] <LoCaLMaChIn1> hello
[00:45] <Sydero> you can get anything for it
[00:45] <Sydero> hi
[00:45] <zoredache> LoCaLMaChIn1: yes it is possible to configure ppp links... I don't know if there is gui available by default though
[00:46] <LoCaLMaChIn1> zoredache and Sydero do any of you have a modem dialer
[00:46] <zoredache> I haven't used a dialup connection in a few years...
[00:46] <Sydero> no
[00:46] <zoredache> last time I did I simply configured everything manually
[00:46] <LoCaLMaChIn1> ok
[00:47] <LoCaLMaChIn1> what do you think about xubuntu good or bad
[00:47] <Sydero> I like it
[00:47] <LoCaLMaChIn1> what do you like about it
[00:47] <zoredache> it is good for me...
[00:47] <Sydero> but it's slightly buggy
[00:47] <Sydero> my firefox menu fonts are too big
[00:47] <LoCaLMaChIn1> in what respect
[00:47] <LoCaLMaChIn1> ok
[00:48] <Sydero> xfce is nice because it's lightweight
[00:48] <zoredache> I like the light-weight nature... I am very much a cli person, so having a minimal gui is nice
[00:49] <LoCaLMaChIn1> I have a older pc 1999 compaq presario what version would work out better the 8.04 version or the 6.06 lts?
[00:49] <zoredache> all I really use is a lots of terminals, a gui text editor, and my web browser
[00:49] <zoredache> LoCaLMaChIn1: how much memory?
[00:49] <LoCaLMaChIn1> about 128mb
[00:50] <LoCaLMaChIn1> I plan on upgrading with another stick of 256mb
[00:50] <zoredache> I am not sure about 6.06, but at least 192 is pretty much required lately
[00:50] <LoCaLMaChIn1> yeah I need to upgrade this dino box
[00:51] <LoCaLMaChIn1> I installed Ubuntu for the first time last year and I love it no complaints except there were times it froze on certain websites and I don't know why
[00:52] <LoCaLMaChIn1> brb
[00:54] <zoredache> 95% of the lockups in the browser I have experienced where related to buggy versions of flash
[01:01] <LoCaLMaChInE> Well I plan on moving to Xubuntu once I can get the iso file since I don't have High speed
[01:01] <Sydero> Has anyone here successfully installed selinux?
[02:06] <nbjayme> hello, i desperately need a file called ccd569.fw... anyone? thanks in advance
[02:26] <xml333> hello
[02:26] <xml333> help me please
[02:26] <xml333> hello i've installed xubuntu 8.04 hardy and i need to find the power manager. the daemon initiates when i log in but, i can't have access to it to modify the power off time of the screen and i don't know how to call it from the terminal
[02:40] <xml333> hello i've installed xubuntu 8.04 hardy and i need to find the power manager. the daemon initiates when i log in but, i can't have access to it to modify the power off time of the screen and i don't know how to call it from the terminal
[02:49] <Storm_Cloud> hi
[02:50] <Storm_Cloud> uhm, could somebody help me with a small problem?
[02:53] <Sydero> no!
[02:53] <Sydero> never!
[02:54] <bassboi> hey... does 64 bit linux run in true 64 bit form, and not also use 32 bit code?
[02:55] <Sydero> I think so
[02:55] <Sydero> can't confirm it
[03:24] <nbjayme>  anyone have ccd569.fw xsane file?
[03:25] <Sydero> why?
[03:31] <nbjayme> this pc has a colorpage genius 1200XE and only that file is needed to have it working.
[03:49] <overrider> hello there; i cannot get sound to work on my asus f8sv. it did work fine before, but recently i reinstalled xubuntu 8.04 from scratch, and for some reason there is no sound. sudo alsamixer wont show anything. is there anything i can do quickly to check , or load some driver or? thanks
[03:51] <overrider> it seems lsmod shows nothing related to snd , sound, alsa or similar
[03:59] <john> Hello
[03:59] <john> How do i get clam to update? It says i must be loged in as root.
[04:03] <john> anyone talking in here.
[04:04] <Sydero> no
[04:04] <Sydero> clam?
[04:04] <Sydero> you're using an antivirus on linux :S
[04:04] <Sydero> run the app using sudo
[04:04] <Sydero> in terminal
[04:05] <evilbug> antivirus :):):)
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[04:59] <thinkmassive> I'm seeing some really strange behavior with my xfdesktop...
[04:59] <thinkmassive> first my sound stopped working (not sure if this is related), then I restarted X and the desktop (background, icons, menu on click) were missing
[04:59] <thinkmassive> this happened before and I simply re-enabled "Allow Xfce to manage the desktop" under Desktop Preferences
[05:00] <thinkmassive> but now when I try that, even when I enable it, it says "To ensure that Xfce does not manage your desktop the next time you start Xfce, please be sure to save your session when logging out."
[05:01] <thinkmassive> and the desktop still doesn't return
[05:01] <thinkmassive> I tried re-installing xfdesktop and xfce4-session, but that hasn't helped
[05:17] <gaurdro> have you reinstalled xubuntu-desktop? it'll pull in all the dependencys
[05:17] <gaurdro> and a second too late :/
[05:22] <thinkmassive> weird, my desktop issue was fixed by a reboot
[05:25] <thinkmassive> I looked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/gdm/:0.log but saw nothing that looked promising
[05:25] <thinkmassive> any suggestions where else to look?
[05:54] <ffoegboy> I have just bought a HP 2133 mini notebook and wish to install xubuntu. What version should I use?
[05:58] <thinkmassive> ffoegboy, hardy (8.04.1)
[05:58] <ffoegboy> thinkmassive, Thanks but what processor version should I use?
[05:58] <ffoegboy> thinkmassive, Should it be i386?
[06:00] <thinkmassive> I believe so, looks like you have a Via cpu
[06:00] <thinkmassive> it runs vista so that should be fine
[06:01] <thinkmassive> that looks like a cool notebook
[06:01] <ffoegboy> thinkmassive, Yep thats correct, yuo can get it loaded with suse but I though a lightweight linux version might be better
[06:03] <thinkmassive> yeah, I like xubuntu on my thinkpad x61, which isn't too underpowered
[06:04] <thinkmassive> it's small but still has a full-size keyboard, and 4:3 display... that's pretty rare now heh
[06:04] <thinkmassive> but I definitely prefer xfce over gnome or kde
[06:04] <ffoegboy> thinkmassive, I think that's a bit faster than the HP... LOL
[06:05] <thinkmassive> oh yeah, a bit hehe
[06:05] <thinkmassive> what speed did you get?
[06:06] <thinkmassive> and how much ram?
[06:06] <ffoegboy> thinkmassive, 1.6, 2meg ram 160 gB hard drive
[06:06] <thinkmassive> whoa, nice
[06:06] <thinkmassive> mine is 1.6 too haha
[06:07] <ffoegboy> thinkmassive, I hope so, I get it tomorrow :-)
[06:07] <thinkmassive> core 2 duo, but still
[06:08] <thinkmassive> awesome!
[06:08] <thinkmassive> where are you in the world?
[06:08] <ffoegboy> thinkmassive, Gota go, thanks for the chat
[06:08] <thinkmassive> me too, 'night
[06:17] <soulroot> hello all, heron user here. every time i open amarok my system crashes to login screen, can anyone help?
[06:18] <soulroot> xubuntu-heron
[06:22] <soulroot> has anyone had this problem maybe? is it something that can't be fixed?
[06:30] <aa2277> dddd
[06:30] <aa2277> Oh, sorry. Anyone here?
[06:36] <gaurdro> i am
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[07:50] <Raz0R> how do i see what programs run at startup?
[07:53] <Raz0R> is there any reason why firefox would be starting at startup. its not in my autostarted apps list?
[07:56] <nubuntu> anybody have any experiecne using xara xtreme for linux on xub?
[07:59] <naz> whats the default font to use? i'm using Sans at the moment and it looks kind of ugly and the letters are too broad for dense info presentation... the default sans font used in Firefox looks nice... but i dont know what it is
[08:25] <TheSheep> naz: I like DejaVu Sans Condensed
[08:34] <naz> TheSheep i dont have that... how do you add a font to ubuntu
[08:34] <naz> ?
[08:36] <ere4si> !font
[08:36] <ubottu> Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer
[08:41] <TheSheep> naz: dejavu should be installed by default
[08:41] <naz> not condensed
[08:41] <TheSheep> naz: it's a variant, like bold or italic
[08:41] <naz> oh
[08:42] <naz> sec...
[08:42] <naz> cool
[08:42] <naz> got it
[09:04] <nubuntu> anybody have any experiecne using xara xtreme for linux on xub?
[09:04] <TheSheep> nubuntu: yes, but I like Inkscape more
[09:06] <nubuntu> is inkscape as capable and versatile as xara?
[09:07] <TheSheep> nubuntu: no idea, but it's pretty scalable and versatile. just a memory hog.
[09:07] <nubuntu> anyways, my question is more leading to: HOW do i install xara on xub or ub? i believe inkscape is referenced in the documentation, but i can't find anything for installing xara...
[09:08] <TheSheep> nubuntu: sudo apt-get install xaralx xaralx-svg
[09:09] <TheSheep> and xaralx-examples if you like
[09:10] <nubuntu> oh, thankx, sheep, i go try now
[09:11] <nubuntu> so after first part i do sudo apt-get install xaralx-examples ?
[09:14] <nubuntu> cool, everything seemed to go fine, lem e go check it out ... thanks again! :)
[10:56] <MrNaz`> once started, how do you turn compiz off ?
[12:01] <wols_> kill its process
[12:01] <cody-somerville> \o/ Heya Everyone! :)
[12:02] <cody-somerville> Reminder that a Xubuntu Meeting is taking place today @ 1800 UTC :)
[12:05] <Houli> Can anybody tell me how to remove the About Ubuntu program in Xubuntu it is under Accesories
[12:06] <TheSheep> Houli: what does it point to?
[12:06] * TheSheep doesn't have it
[12:06] <Houli> hold on
[12:07] <Houli> ghelp:about-ubuntu
[12:07] <Houli> avant window navigator installedink it i th
[12:07] <Houli> it says it can't find above help
[12:07] <cody-somerville> Houli, You can edit /usr/share/application/ubuntu-about.desktop to show only in gnome
[12:07] <Houli> well it opens a yelp process
[12:08] <TheSheep> can you open a terminal and type "grep 'About Ubuntu' /usr/share/applications/*.desktop" and tell me the line it returns?
[12:08] <TheSheep> Houli: nevermind, cody already gave the file name
[12:08] <TheSheep> Houli: dpkg -S /usr/share/application/ubuntu-about.desktop will tell you in which package that file is
[12:09] <Houli> ok hold on
[12:09] <Houli> not found?
[12:10] <Houli> usr/share/applications
[12:10] <Houli> with s
[12:10] <Houli> you said application
[12:10] <Houli> hold on
[12:11] <Houli> gnome-panel-data
[12:11] <Houli> ok
[12:11] <Houli> i'll remove that
[12:11] <Houli> thx
[12:12] <cody-somerville> Houli, are you running Intrepid? :)
[12:13] <Houli> no
[12:13] <Houli> Hardy
[12:13] <cody-somerville> Okay
[12:13] <Houli> why?
[12:13] <cody-somerville> Just wondering
[12:13] <Houli> i wouldn't touch an alpha after what happened with Hardy alpha
[12:14] <cody-somerville> What happened with the Hardy Alpha?
[12:15] <Houli> it generally just didn't work with my hardware
[12:15] <Houli> hardy full release did :)
[12:15] <cody-somerville> Okay.
[12:15] <cody-somerville> Well, if you do manage to have a spare computer to try Intrepid Alphas out on, please feel free to help us :)
[12:17] <Houli> i will put intrepid alpha on this machine when i get my mac mini and put hardy on that
[12:17] <Houli> i will always try to help the develpers
[12:18] <TheSheep> Houli: removing gnome-panel-data will remove important part of your ubuntu installation
[12:18] <Houli> woops
[12:18] <Houli> already did it
[12:18] <cody-somerville> just reinstall it :)
[12:18] <Houli> what is it for
[12:18] <cody-somerville> gnome
[12:18] <TheSheep> Houli: better to do what cody-somerville advised then :)
[12:18] <Houli> i use xfce4-panel
[12:19] <TheSheep> Houli: then why did you have a gnome panel package?
[12:19] <Houli> avant installed gnome-panel
[12:19] <cody-somerville> Ah
[12:19] <cody-somerville> That explains it.
[12:19] <RyanVanDiemen> Hi guys, I`m trouble running 32-bit xubuntu (live CD won`t load, unable to access the hdd) on 64-bit AMD x2, is this normal or problem is somewhere else and not the processor...
[12:19] <Houli> i removed it afterwards
[12:19] <cody-somerville> Houli, okay, you're safe then
[12:19] <Houli> ye
[12:19] <Houli> i thought so
[12:20] <cody-somerville> RyanVanDiemen, what is the exact error message :(
[12:20] <Houli> anyone know a good screen capturing tool that supports audio from my mic and doesn't skip when moving windows like xvidcap
[12:21] <RyanVanDiemen> well at first it won`t load right at the beginning saying something about ACIP, and advise me to load it with noacpi option, it didn`t help, so I just disable ACIP in BIOS and then it stops booting at later stage with something like not able to access root area (or s.t. like that) and it advises me to choose one of the partitions below and it shows only RAM parts...
[12:22] <RyanVanDiemen> I had troubles with my on-board graphics (it showed some lines on screen that shouldn`t be there) so I bought new graphic card and now it won`t boot at all, so this might be another problem...
[12:22] <Houli> odd
[12:23] <Houli> what are your specs?
[12:23] <Houli> check the ubuntu hardware compatibility list
[12:23] <RyanVanDiemen> Athlon X2 DualCore, 1GB memory, Asus MB, 300 W, couple of HDDs
[12:24] <Houli> try going for the 64 bit version and tell us what happens
[12:25] <RyanVanDiemen> yeah I will today when I`m back from work :) will update tomorrow
[12:26] <RyanVanDiemen> this goes for a few days now, my computer didn`t work at all, so I checked the insides and found out that there`s something burnt on board, so I bought new board (built-in graphics) with processor and RAM but it showed those weird lines on screen (the same with different monitor), now when I bought new graphic card, this problem...so i`ll go with 64-bit version and hopefully will solve it (doesn`t matter to me which graphic card will work,
[12:27] <Houli> sounds like you've got quite a few problems
[12:27] <RyanVanDiemen> I`m bit afraid that the problem might as well be only 300 W of my case...
[12:28] <RyanVanDiemen> well, yeah
[12:28] <RyanVanDiemen> I guess those 300 w might be the problem with the second card, so maybe the in-built card will work correctly if I install 64-bit version...hopefully
[12:28] <RyanVanDiemen> it is in ubuntu hw compatibility list as OK
[12:28] <Houli> it is taking so long to join #xubuntu-devel
[12:29] <Houli> i r annoyed
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[15:38] <Raz0R> is there any reason why firefox would be starting at startup. its not in my autostarted apps list?
[15:39] <MenschenFleisch> if you had it running when you shutdown it'll restart, along with all the other programs you have running.
[15:50] <TheSheep> MenschenFleisch: only if you have 'save session' checked
[15:51] <MenschenFleisch> I assumed that's on by default? it's always done that for me with no modification
[17:43] <chewit> does anyone have a link to the release notes or changelog for xfce 4.6
[17:44] <cody-somerville> 4.6 isn't released
[17:44] <chewit> yeh, but the beta is out
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[20:11] <bassboi> i guess everyone's xubuntu is running as planned eh
[20:18] <Guest25662> Dose any1 know much about bios updates?
[20:19] <MenschenFleisch> don't do them, unless there's something wrong with the current bios that can't be worked around.
[20:26] <Guest25662> I have a fujitsu siemens lifebook B-2131 with NO CD-rom drive and it dosent boot from USB?
[20:39] <MenschenFleisch> perhaps net boot it? bios flash normally require a specific working operating system.
[20:48] <Guest25662> I am running xubuntu on it at the mo but with only 128meg of ram and a 400mhz procesor its still a bit slow.
[20:51] <zoredache> if you where expecting it to be fast then you may need to adjust your expectations
[20:53] <Guest25662> I was thinking of running nubuntu but cant find a site where I can net boot it? any suggesgions?
[20:56] <zoredache> I don't believe nubuntu is an official project. I suspect you would need to ask in the #nubuntu channel...
[20:56] <Guest25662> Thanks
[20:58] <zoredache> nubuntu doesn't really look like it is meant to be a desktop enviroment... it seems to be focused on being a security penetration testers box
[20:58] <zoredache> !lowmem | Guest25662
[20:58] <ubottu> Guest25662: For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.
[20:58] <zoredache> have you checked out those pages?
[21:12] <Aaaaaarrgghh> Hi, I need help. This is a new install. I set a root password, and took admin rights away from the main account, and not it won't let me change anything as admin outside the terminal
[21:13] <Aaaaaarrgghh> Is there anyway to enable login root access from the terminal
[21:13] <Aaaaaarrgghh> or login as root from somewhere else?
[21:13] <zoredache> Aaaaaarrgghh: press 'ctrl-alt-f1'
[21:14] <zoredache> once you get there login as root and do an 'adduser yourusername admin' and add your primary user to the admin group again
[21:14] <zoredache> you also may be able to do an 'su -' from a terminal
[21:18] <Aaaaaarrggh1> Did Ctrl Alt F1... loged in as root
[21:18] <Aaaaaarrggh1> ...and couldn't startX
[21:19] <Aaaaaarrggh1> Is it a different commant on Xubuntu?
[21:19] <zoredache> it sounds like x is already started... why would you be trying to start it again?
[21:20] <Aaaaaarrggh1> Because I can't login as root from the regular screen and I NEED to right now
[21:20] <zoredache> why do you need too?
[21:20] <zoredache> did you see my above message about using adduser to make yourself and admin again?
[21:21] <Aaaaaarrggh1> Because I took admin rights away from the other account on this computer (thinking it would be better if only root was admin) and now it won't let me change anything
[21:21] <Aaaaaarrggh1> other than from terminal
[21:21] <zoredache> once you get there login as root and do an 'adduser yourusername admin' and add your primary user to the admin group again
[21:22] <Aaaaaarrggh1> what, after doing ctrl alt F1?
[21:22] <zoredache> yes... ctrl-alt-f1, login as root then use adduser to make yourself an admin
[21:22] <Aaaaaarrggh1> Okay. How do I get back to the graphical interface from there?
[21:23] <zoredache> the 'alt-f7' hotkey from the console should get you back to your gui session
[21:23] <Aaaaaarrggh1> Thanks
[22:31] <Houli> hey guys
[22:31] <Houli> how do you zoom with gtk-recordmydesktop?
[22:31] <Houli> it is really annoying i've seen others do it
[22:32] <Houli> so much for help
[22:32] <Houli> nobody even talks
[22:35] <Houli> please help me out
[22:36] <zoredache> I have no idea what that is....
[22:37] <zoredache> why not try and find a group or list specifically devoted to that application
[22:38] <Houli> the website doesn't mention the shortcut
[22:38] <Houli> but i've seen people do it
[22:39] <th0r> Houli, that is a gnome toolbar gimmick, you might try asking in #ubuntu
[23:24] <rockyrock> hi guys, plz read my post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=874159