UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /29 /#ubuntu-website.txt
Initial commit
[01:26] <sisto> hi
[12:19] <mase_slapt> ping Volans
[12:19] <Volans> mase_slapt: pong :)
[12:20] <mase_slapt> Volans: internationalisation question for you
[12:21] <mase_slapt> say i set my browser to cp-1251 (cryillic) and i make an http request to an apache server
[12:21] <mase_slapt> when i get the data in python/php
[12:22] <mase_slapt> what charset does apache give it to me in ?
[12:22] <mase_slapt> is the HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET accurate ?
[12:23] <mase_slapt> or is that just what the browser is willing to accept
[12:25] <Volans> good question... I'm trying now and seems that the browser choice is only local, you can change the encoding of the loaded page, but I think it don't send to the server the encoding
[12:25] <Volans> if you want I have a test page
[12:26] <Volans> and I found always: [HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET] => ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
[12:27] <Volans> no matter what encoding I have set in FF2
[12:29] <Volans> mase_slapt I think that HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET is not the good place to see, because the charset is overwitten by the HTTP response, with the Content-Type
[12:30] <Volans> or with the default charset of apache configuration
[12:32] <mase_slapt> hmm that is also my experience.
[12:33] <mase_slapt> thanks
[12:33] <Volans> and in an international content maybe use utf-8 is the best choice
[12:33] <Volans> s/content/contest/
[12:34] <mase_slapt> yeh i am trying to
[12:35] <mase_slapt> basically trying to write validation routines
[12:35] <mase_slapt> so that i get content in say $_GET / $_POST under PHP, and i can remove things like null bytes etc... that don't do anything
[12:35] <mase_slapt> cept null bytes are easy
[12:35] <mase_slapt> UTF-8 control chars are hard.
[12:36] <mase_slapt> gotta make sure the content is UTF-8 first
[12:36] <Volans> depends on how you use the data after... save to a DB, print into the page, etc...
[12:37] <mase_slapt> erm yeh but i already have that stuff covered....provided its in UTF-8
[12:37] <mase_slapt> getting there is proving tricky/
[12:38] <mase_slapt> well reliably anyway
[12:42] <mase_slapt> hmm kubuntu seems to have resumed for the first time ever!
[12:42] <mase_slapt> rock on
[12:43] <Volans> lol
[12:43] <Volans> ryanakca: ping
[12:45] <emunkki> mase_slapt, resumed for what?
[12:45] <mase_slapt> from suspend / hibernate
[12:46] <mase_slapt> i ran out of battery
[12:46] <emunkki> a-ha
[12:46] <mase_slapt> it went to sleep, of some sort
[12:46] <mase_slapt> and came back
[12:46] <mase_slapt> it's a miricle
[12:46] <mase_slapt> miracle*
[12:46] <mase_slapt> something =)
[12:46] <emunkki> anyway for websites + kubuntu
[12:46] <emunkki> ryanakca asked me if i could do some work with the kubuntu start page etc.
[12:48] <Volans> oh good! you want to make a similar version for K or a completely different page?
[12:48] <Volans> (we still don't know what kind of page we will do)
[12:48] <emunkki> for K?
[12:48] <Volans> yes
[12:48] <emunkki> http://emonk.fi/work/kubuntu/kubuntu_startpage_mockup_2.png
[12:48] <Volans> for Kubuntu
[12:48] <emunkki> here's my current mockup
[12:49] <Volans> great, only a question... how about localization?
[12:49] <emunkki> what about it?
[12:50] <Volans> the Ubuntu start page is made in every Ubuntu localization
[12:50] <emunkki> yes?
[12:50] <Volans> and there are 2 different start page, the online version and the offline one
[12:50] <Volans> sure
[12:50] <Volans> http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/ is localized based on the browser language
[12:50] <emunkki> yes sure
[12:50] <emunkki> we're not yet in that stage anyway
[12:50] <Volans> and in file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/ you can find all the offline versions
[12:51] <Volans> the text is translated by the doc team
[12:51] <Volans> so for intrepid a english only version and maybe for intrepid+1 the full localized one?
[12:51] <emunkki> if only the backend supports l10n, there's no problem
[12:52] <emunkki> don't know if i will be responsible for the backend
[12:52] <emunkki> (or to be more exact, if i have the time for it)
[12:52] <mase_slapt> Volans: so the doc team didn't go with your proposal ?
[12:53] <Volans> mase_slapt: I was telling the actual situation
[12:53] <mase_slapt> ignore me then :)
[12:53] <Volans> I'm waiting that the two Matt (news and mdke) will ask the Doc Team
[12:53] <Volans> but also with our proposal the translation will be made by the doc team, through launchpas
[12:53] <Volans> *launchpad
[12:54] <Volans> emunkki: with backend you tell the text part of the page?
[12:54] <emunkki> Volans, well the backend loads the l10n from somewhere depending on the locale
[12:54] <emunkki> it doesn't have anything to do with the theme
[12:55] <Volans> wait... this is possible for the offline version... for the online version actually I know that there is one page for each locale
[12:55] <Volans> static pages
[12:55] <emunkki> gnaa
[12:56] <emunkki> well then it will be a job for the l10n teams
[12:56] <Volans> but the trick is that the text of the online and offline version is the same
[12:56] <emunkki> i can write a script which search for l10n file for every l10n
[12:56] <Volans> for kubuntu?
[12:57] <emunkki> for the online page
[12:57] <emunkki> or the offline
[12:57] <emunkki> doesn't really matter
[12:57] <emunkki> it's *really* easy
[12:58] <Volans> I know! at the moment I have suggested to change a little the management of the whole process to simplify it
[12:59] <emunkki> sounds good.
[12:59] <Volans> the requirement of static pages for the online version for Ubuntu is due to the fact that the server that serve those pages is a static-content server as news have tell us
[12:59] <emunkki> d'oh
[13:00] <Volans> but the problem is not so simple because involve many teams, the doc team, the canonical guys, etc...
[13:00] <emunkki> well then make a script to run whenever a l10n team updates/adds translation
[13:00] <emunkki> and upload new files
[13:00] <Volans> I know that there is a python script that "create" all those pages based on the offline version that is translated by the doc team
[13:00] <emunkki> ok
[13:01] <Volans> but I will put the project in a more simple way with regular .po files in order to use launchpad for the translation with all their features
[13:01] <emunkki> so the theme should just be a layout with replaceable "variable spots"
[13:01] <Volans> /I will/I would/
[13:01] <emunkki> or?
[13:01] <Volans> exactly
[13:01] <emunkki> ok
[13:02] <emunkki> that's not a problem
[13:02] <Volans> the most big problem is not technical in this case...
[13:02] <emunkki> if somebody can come up with documentation
[13:02] <emunkki> or sth
[13:02] <emunkki> that i know what i should do
[13:03] <Volans> sure, will be good!, I think in the meanwhile you can understand for Kubuntu who is in charge to decide what to put in the start page...
[13:03] <Volans> we are trying to do that in Ubuntu.... :)
[13:03] <Volans> and is still not really clear
[13:04] <emunkki> well i think ryanakca does that for kubuntu
[13:04] <emunkki> don't really know
[13:06] <Volans> ask him when come back ;)
[13:06] <Volans> now I have to go to lunch... see you later...
[13:06] <emunkki> yeah
[13:06] <Volans> bye bye
[13:06] <emunkki> bon appetit
[18:06] <ryanakca> Volans: pong
[18:07] <Volans> Hi ryanakca, I see that the site is already not updated with the fix...
[18:07] <Volans> you don't have server access?
[18:08] <ryanakca> Volans: Nope
[18:08] <Volans> have you already ask for that? :)
[18:09] <ryanakca> asked for server access? Nope. But I don't think they would even if I asked... they might give it to Riddell though
[18:10] <Volans> otherwise you can use bzr from the official bzr branch on the server and ask the sysadmins to put in cron an automatic update one time a day or so (checking if there is any update available)
[18:10] <Volans> ;)
[18:10] <Volans> just a suggestion
[18:11] <ryanakca> I think it's because they want to review everything that goes onto their servers... I haven't really been around long enough to be really trusted, and there would be nothing to prevent me from sticking some malicious js on their servers... I'd do the same in their place...
[18:12] <ryanakca> but Riddell is an employee, I'll ask him if he could ask to get write access...
[18:13] <Volans> a user access only to the site files can't compromise the server security, of course can do that with the site, but if you are maintaining that site is normal :)
[18:15] <jpds> ryanakca: Riddell has access.
[18:16] <Volans> ok good.. so you can ask him when you have to upgrade
[18:16] <ryanakca> jpds: odd, he just said he didn't and probably couldn't get access :)
[18:16] <jpds> ryanakca: kubuntu.org/~jriddell ?
[18:16] <ryanakca> jpds: dunno, *shrug*
[18:17] <jpds> He was the one who commited my patches for the old site.
[22:44] <Volans> newz2000: Hi, any news for the start page? (I will not be online for the next 24 hours or so)
[23:02] <alefteris> newz2000, do you have a few minutes to update the forums list page at the drupal site? can I point you to lp bugs?
[23:03] <Volans> Hi alefteris
[23:04] <alefteris> hello Volans
[23:04] <Volans> I have noticed newz2000 yesterday and put in the last similar bug all the links to the others
[23:05] <Volans> see my commento on the bug 252369
[23:05] <ubot3`> Malone bug 252369 in ubuntu-website "Community web forums page should include Hebrew forums" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252369
[23:06] <Volans> iirc he told me that probably he will do it today...
[23:06] <alefteris> Volans, thanks for the info :)
[23:07] <Volans> my pleasure :)