UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /29 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <DGMurdock> i cant get sound?
[00:00] <toastaoven> Hi, for some reason when ever i try to go to Watch TV on the frontend it will sit black for a while than shoot me back to the menu. can anyone help me solve this problem?
[00:03] <toastaoven> Hi, for some reason when ever i try to go to Watch TV on the frontend it will sit black for a while than shoot me back to the menu. can anyone help me solve this problem?
[00:03] <DGMurdock> dont spam
[00:04] <toastaoven> not
[00:04] <DGMurdock> why did you post your qustion twice
[00:04] <toastaoven> cause it looked like more people entered the room so i was posting it for them
[00:05] <DGMurdock> do you see a soming has joined
[00:05] <DGMurdock> someone*
[00:05] <toastaoven> yep, under users
[00:06] <DGMurdock> where?
[00:15] <hads> !logs
[00:15] <Zinn> MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/
[00:39] <HenBO> Hi everybody
[00:40] <HenBO> my problem: I get a black screen after mythbuntu installation
[00:40] <tgm4883> !starters | toastaoven
[00:40] <Zinn> toastaoven: To get help we will need some info. Please look at the log files located in /var/log/mythtv/ Also be sure to tell us of any error messages. You may need to start the offending program from the command line in order to see what is going on.
[00:40] <tgm4883> toastaoven, please pastebin your log files at
[00:41] <tgm4883> !pastebin | toastaoven
[00:41] <Zinn> toastaoven: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/
[00:42] <toastaoven> do you want frontend log or backend log
[00:43] <tgm4883> backend
[00:43] <toastaoven> just want a part of it?
[00:43] <toastaoven> it's preey long
[00:44] <tgm4883> toastaoven, yea the last 100 lines should be fine
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.827 Empty LocalHostName.
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.828 Using localhost value of david-desktop
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.840 New DB connection, total: 1
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.846 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.848 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.873 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.878 New DB connection, total: 2
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.885 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[00:44] <hads> Oh dear
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.889 Current Schema Version: 1214
[00:44] <toastaoven> Running as a slave backend.
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.917 New DB connection, total: 3
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:11.918 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:12.840 Main::Registering HttpStatus Extension
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:12.841 mythbackend version: 0.21.20080304-1 www.mythtv.org
[00:44] <tgm4883> stop
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:12.842 Enabled verbose msgs: important general
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:13.848 Connecting to master server:
[00:44] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:13.849 Connected successfully
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:43.850 MythSocket(8254ca8:12): readStringList: Error, timeout.
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:43.867 adding: david-desktop as a slave backend server
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:43.867 Unknown socket closing
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:43.872 MythSocket(82559e0:-1): writeStringList: Error, socket went unconnected.
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:43.875 MythSocket(8256608:-1): writeStringList: Error, socket went unconnected.
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:48.042 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:48.043 adding: david-desktop as a client (events: 0)
[00:45] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 15:52:48.044 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
[00:45] <tgm4883> bah
[00:45] <hads> :|
[00:45] <tgm4883> couldn't remember the freaking command to mute him
[00:46] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 16:26:54.456 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[00:46] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 16:26:54.460 Current Schema Version: 1214
[00:46] <tgm4883> toastaoven, stop
[00:46] <toastaoven> Running as a slave backend.
[00:46] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 16:26:54.470 New DB connection, total: 3
[00:46] <rhpot1991> STOP
[00:46] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 16:26:54.472 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[00:46] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 16:26:55.229 Main::Registering HttpStatus Extension
[00:46] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 16:26:55.230 mythbackend version: 0.21.20080304-1 www.mythtv.org
[00:47] <tgm4883> bah
[00:47] <tgm4883> I hate to do that
[00:47] <toastaoven> 2008-07-28 16:28:31.280 adding: david-desktop as a client (events: 1)
[00:47] <tgm4883> but i told him 100 lines
[00:47] <toastaoven> sorry
[00:47] <toastaoven> knew that was going to be long, sorry
[00:47] <toastaoven> what?
[00:47] <toastaoven> i'm not doing anytyhing
[00:47] <rhpot1991> his client might have still been sending it as he reconnected
[00:47] <tgm4883> yea thats true
[00:47] <rhpot1991> !pastebin | toastaoven
[00:47] <toastaoven> i'm sorry, did i mess something up?
[00:47] <rhpot1991> zinn?
[00:47] <tgm4883> yea you need to use pastebin
[00:47] <rhpot1991> !status
[00:48] <toastaoven> oh i'm sorry
[00:48] <Zinn> toastaoven: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/
[00:48] <toastaoven> dont IRC that often
[00:48] <rhpot1991> wow that was slow
[00:48] <hads> Perhaps the pastebin command should have a note about using it also.
[00:48] <tgm4883> yea 100 lines in here would drive us crazy
[00:48] <Zinn> I am alive.
[00:48] <tgm4883> hads, yea i'm adding that now
[00:48] <rhpot1991> hads: it used to
[00:48] <hads> Sweet
[00:48] <rhpot1991> someone overwrote it at some point
[00:48] <tgm4883> I think it was fox
[00:49] <toastaoven> i just used the pastebin thing
[00:49] <tgm4883> toastaoven, ok, give us the link
[00:49] <hads> (and about pasting the link) :)
[00:49] <toastaoven> http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m4bf4e1cf
[00:50] <toastaoven> is that it?
[00:50] <hads> Yup, you're onto it.
[00:50] <hads> You'll need to get more of the log though, that doesn't show much of use.
[00:51] <tgm4883> yea pastebin the whole thing
[00:51] <rhpot1991> !status
[00:51] <Zinn> I am alive.
[00:51] <toastaoven> k
[00:51] <rhpot1991> seems quicker now, dunno what was up with him
[00:51] <tgm4883> Zinn's just moody
[00:51] <toastaoven> http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m24997a15
[00:54] <tgm4883> 2008-07-28 14:37:12.222 SG(Default) Error: Group 'Default' wants to use directory '/', but this directory is not writeable.
[00:54] <tgm4883> well theres your problem
[00:55] <toastaoven> wich directory?
[00:55] <toastaoven> i made the ones i thought read and write
[00:55] <tgm4883> your storage groups are set to /
[00:56] <toastaoven> so what do i need to change?
[00:57] <tgm4883> go into mythtv-setup and check step 6 and see what you have your default recording directory set as
[00:59] <toastaoven> is that going to be under defulat? live tv? or
[01:00] <toastaoven> it's set to /storage/recordings
[01:01] <tgm4883> so do
[01:01] <tgm4883> ls -l /storage
[01:01] <toastaoven> in there or terminal?
[01:01] <tgm4883> terminal
[01:02] <toastaoven> ok i did that
[01:02] <tgm4883> and whats the output?
[01:03] <tgm4883> if it's under 5 lines, you can post it here
[01:03] <tgm4883> any more than that and you should use pastebin
[01:03] <toastaoven> http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m24997a15
[01:03] <toastaoven> whoops
[01:03] <toastaoven> hold on
[01:03] <toastaoven> drwxr-xr-x 2 david david 6 2008-07-28 14:54 music
[01:03] <toastaoven> drwxr-xr-x 2 david david 6 2008-07-28 14:54 pictures
[01:03] <toastaoven> drwxrwxrwx 2 david david 6 2008-07-28 16:26 recordings
[01:03] <toastaoven> drwxr-xr-x 2 david david 6 2008-07-28 14:54 temp
[01:03] <toastaoven> drwxrwxrwx 2 david david 6 2008-07-28 14:53 Videos
[01:05] <tgm4883> hmm, that should work. Technically the recordings directory should be owned by mythtv:mythtv though
[01:05] <toastaoven> yea. thats what i thought
[01:05] <toastaoven> thats why i dont know why its working
[01:06] <tgm4883> whats the permissions of the storage directory?
[01:08] <toastaoven> drwxrwxrwx 7 root root 74 2008-07-28 14:54 storage
[01:08] <tgm4883> hmm
[01:10] <tgm4883> lets make it owned by mythtv:mythtv just in case
[01:10] <toastaoven> k
[01:11] <toastaoven> so that should be chown mythtv storage?
[01:11] <tgm4883> sudo chown mythtv:mythtv /storage/recordings
[01:14] <toastaoven> k did that, still isnt playing TV
[01:14] <rhpot1991> check your log again
[01:16] <toastaoven> http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m6d4ecf69
[01:18] <rhpot1991> do this: sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart
[01:18] <rhpot1991> then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
[01:18] <rhpot1991> and try again
[01:40] <szakulec> if you have a PVR-250 card (or similar I would guess), you should be able to get rid of the audio delay by switching away from the default (MPEG-PS) in the recording profiles
[01:51] <rhpot1991_laptop> szakulec: you have this problem or someone else does?
[01:52] <szakulec> I know I've had that problem with every myth recording using the default profile
[01:53] <szakulec> whenever I use mytharchive it always adjusted the sync, and if I didn't use mytharchive, I had to adjust it manually
[01:53] <rhpot1991_laptop> I find I get a little delay in my SD recordings, you can just change the audio sync when you play them
[01:53] <szakulec> that's a problem on hardware DVD players
[01:53] <rhpot1991_laptop> changing the playback profiles seems to help on my other box that only plays back SD
[01:53] <szakulec> which, since my TV-out isn't set up yet, is really the only practical thing
[01:57] <szakulec> rhpot1991_laptop: is there a document or listing somewhere about the different recording profiles (MPEG-TS, PS, DVD, DVD Special 1, Special 2)
[02:02] <rhpot1991_laptop> szakulec: not that I am aware of
[02:03] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'm not even certain those options still exist in 0.21, but I haven't checked in a while
[02:03] <szakulec> rhpot1991_laptop: it appears that it's just exposing the v4l2 options on the card, in a friendlier manner
[02:05] <rhpot1991_laptop> I've always just used mpeg2 and tweaked the bitrates
[02:05] <rhpot1991_laptop> gotta watch what you do though, as I've made them so large they didn't stream too well
[02:24] <ian_001> is there an alternative repo for cs.umn.edu? im trying to update in hopes of fixing the import cd crash but havent been able to for days
[02:35] <ian_001> im having trouble importing and thought an updat might fix it but now looking at the settings it seems that myth wont save my changes to the cd device field which i want to go from /dev/cdrom to /dev/scd1
[02:35] <ian_001> is there areason this might not take?
[02:36] <tgm4883_laptop> ian_001, err, that repo seems to be a standard ubuntu repo. did you manually change that somehow or was that in there by default?
[02:38] <ian_001> i have been updating since the 7.x series of mythbuntu
[02:38] <ian_001> ive never added one
[02:38] <ian_001> but is it possible its older?
[02:41] <tgm4883_laptop> yea that makes sense
[02:41] <tgm4883_laptop> if you open up synaptic
[02:42] <tgm4883_laptop> go settings > repositories
[02:42] <tgm4883_laptop> then go download from and select other
[02:42] <tgm4883_laptop> then select "select best server"
[02:42] <tgm4883_laptop> and it will find the best server for you
[03:05] <williammanda_> hey tgm4883_laptop
[03:23] <tgm4883_laptop> hey williammanda_
[04:11] <DGMurdock> i want paid support
[04:11] <DGMurdock> or bow
[04:11] <DGMurdock> now
[04:11] <DGMurdock> heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp
[04:13] <rhpot1991_laptop> I can guarantee no one will want to help you after that
[04:14] <DGMurdock> why
[04:15] <hads> Attitude is everything.
[04:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> people here help out of the goodness of their own hearts, making them angry never helps anything
[04:16] * rhpot1991_laptop goes back to playing with google android on his phone
[04:18] <DGMurdock> i need help getting sound to work
[04:59] <DGMurdock> can you help me get my sound working on mythubuntu
=== rhpot1991_lapto2 is now known as rhpot1991_laptop
[10:17] <RealNitro> I'm thinking about upgrading my mythbuntu-gutsy box to (mythbuntu-)hardy. Should I expect any difficulties?
=== MythbuntuGuest59 is now known as stevetv
[11:36] <stevetv> hello. im having problems with mytharchive? .. it doesn't seem to work
[11:37] <stevetv> should it work out of the box with a standard mythbuntu install?
[11:45] <laga> yes, it should, but right now it doesn't
[11:45] <laga> you need to create the temporary directory and set permissions accordingly
[11:48] <stevetv> laga. thanks so much
[11:48] <laga> we'll fix it some time in the future ;)
[11:49] <stevetv> :D .. i bet its in the que somewhere
[11:49] <stevetv> sorry.. can you help me set the permissions?
[11:49] <laga> just sudo chown mythtv:mythtv /var/lib/<the-correct-path>
[11:50] <laga> and maybe sudo chmod 775 /var/lib/<the-correct-path>
[11:54] <stevetv> great .. ill try that
[12:33] <TheChad> Hi All, I two saa7134 based DVB cards but one will not tune or scan a certain channel, how can I configure these cards to sahre all channels bar one without having duplicate channels for each card. From what I can tell a card is only mapped to one input source?
[14:43] <blindfis1> hi guys
[14:51] <blindfis1> uehm, i have a litte problem with mythbuntu (hardy)
[14:51] <blindfis1> every time i switch the channel on the tv and switch back to the hdmi-input, the screen is black
[14:52] <blindfis1> everything works again after restarting xorg
[14:52] <blindfis1> any ideas?
[14:55] <NTolerance> blindfis1:
[14:56] <NTolerance> sounds like monitor power saving
[14:57] <blindfis1> how could i turn it off?
[14:57] <NTolerance> well, GNOME settings don't do a thing
[14:57] <NTolerance> gotta edit xorg
[14:57] <NTolerance> two sections
[14:57] <NTolerance> hang on
[14:58] <NTolerance> in monitor section add this
[14:58] <NTolerance> Option "DPMS" "false"
[14:58] <NTolerance> you may or may not have a "ServerFlags" section
[14:59] <NTolerance> this needs to go in ServerFlags
[14:59] <NTolerance> Section "ServerFlags"
[14:59] <NTolerance> Option "BlankTime" "0"
[14:59] <NTolerance> Option "StandbyTime" "0"
[14:59] <NTolerance> Option "SuspendTime" "0"
[14:59] <NTolerance> Option "OffTime" "0"
[14:59] <NTolerance> EndSection
[14:59] <NTolerance> make sure you back up your xorg.conf first
[15:00] <NTolerance> on my TV this problem is really bad
[15:00] <NTolerance> if you switch to the VGA input and there's no signal the remote won't switch back to other inputs
[15:00] <NTolerance> but that should fix it for you
[15:04] <blindfis1> didn't work, still a black screen :(
[15:04] <NTolerance> did you restart X ?
[15:04] <blindfis1> yes
[15:04] <NTolerance> turn off the gnome power saving for good measure
[15:07] <blindfis1> aehm, where can i find it?
[15:07] <blindfis1> didn't think there is much gnome-software, cause theres running xfce
[15:10] <NTolerance> ah
[15:11] <NTolerance> nevermind, i forgot that mythbuntu uses xfce, i use gnome
[15:11] <NTolerance> so this is happening when you switch to another HDMI input on your TV?
[15:12] <blindfis1> it doesn't mather where i switch to, it happens anytime when i switch back, yes
[15:13] <NTolerance> your using a DVI-HDMI cable?
[15:13] <blindfis1> yes
[15:13] <blindfis1> could this be the problem?
[15:13] <NTolerance> dunno, i use VGA on my TV
[15:13] <NTolerance> i'd try and rule out your software config
[15:13] <NTolerance> try booting into a liveCD and see if it still happens
[15:14] <NTolerance> or maybe just put the BIOS screen up if your TV accepts it
[15:15] <NTolerance> do you have to press a key on the keyboard to get the screen to come back?
[15:15] <blindfis1> no, just pressing a key doesn't help
[15:16] <blindfis1> what helps is restarting the xorg or switch to a console on f1 / f2 / f3 ... and then back to xorg von f7
[15:17] <blindfis1> wait a minute, im trying out with knoppix
[15:17] <NTolerance> your TV got a VGA input?
[15:17] <blindfis1> hm, works fine with knoppix
[15:17] <NTolerance> ah ha, gotta be in your config
[15:17] <blindfis1> yes, there is a vga input, by id like to use dvi / hdmi
[15:18] <NTolerance> hell man, check the knoppix xorg.conf and compare it to yours
[15:19] <blindfis1> wow, a frozen knoppix after trying to open konsole
[15:20] <NTolerance> =\
[15:21] <NTolerance> if you can't get the HDMI going VGA is perfectly fine as long as your TV supports proper resolution without scaling
[15:22] <NTolerance> mine does and it looks great, can't tell the different from the HDMI inputs
[15:22] <NTolerance> difference rather
[15:22] <blindfis1> hum, have mediacenter-problems for years now
[15:22] <blindfis1> first there was the bad quality with s-video and now (with the new tv) this
[15:22] <NTolerance> HTPCs are a complex beast
[15:22] <NTolerance> but they are worth the struggle :D
[15:22] <blindfis1> yup ;)
[15:23] <blindfis1> thanks for you help btw
[16:52] <RealNitro> having some troubles with mythfilldatabase --manual
[16:53] <RealNitro> it just keeps asking me to enter all information manually, but I don't know why
[16:55] <tgm4883_laptop> RealNitro, this may be a surprise, but it's because you did --manual
[16:55] <RealNitro> heh
[16:55] <laga> rotfl
[16:55] <tgm4883_laptop> notice how --manual looks like the word manual
[16:55] <RealNitro> no, I mean, it just keeps on asking me in the same run
[16:55] <laga> RealNitro: you mean, it's asking over and over again?
[16:55] <laga> ah
[16:55] <RealNitro> yeah :p
[16:56] <laga> you need to mythfilldatabase --manual --max-days 1 - if you're in germany or the likes, --preset is also a good option
[16:56] <RealNitro> aha
[16:56] <RealNitro> so it's asking the info for each day it's fetching information for
[16:56] <RealNitro> I'm in belgium
[16:56] <laga> yes
[16:56] <laga> which is quite braindead.
[16:56] <RealNitro> k
[16:57] <RealNitro> uhu
[16:57] <RealNitro> :D
[16:57] <laga> err
[16:57] <laga> the asking for each day thing
[16:57] <laga> not belgium
[16:57] <laga> ;)
[16:57] <RealNitro> heh :p
[17:18] <bdmurray> Where does mythstreams come from? I found a bug about it in Launchpad but there is no package there.
[17:21] <laga> there is no "mythstreams" - it's "mythstream"
[17:24] <tgm4883_laptop> actually
[17:24] <bdmurray> hunh, this one has package version 0.21.0 which is much higher
[17:24] <tgm4883_laptop> there is a mythstreams
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> which is unfortunate, but there is a mythstream and a mythstreams
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> laga, it's DaveMorris's thing IIRC
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> but I don't know where it is hosted.
[17:26] <tgm4883_laptop> bdmurray, i'd file the bug against mythbuntu and we can take care of it
[17:26] <laga> huh
[17:26] <laga> that's odd then
[17:26] * laga rests his case
[17:27] * tgm4883_laptop stabs davemorris
[17:27] <tgm4883_laptop> for naming something mythstreams
[17:27] <bdmurray> tgm4883_laptop: okay, thanks. Its also weird that apport let it be reported
[17:28] <tgm4883_laptop> bdmurray, theres also this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/241549 if thats the one your reporting.
[17:28] <tgm4883_laptop> they also filed against mythbuntu
[17:28] <tgm4883_laptop> so it looks like the right place
[17:46] <trontonic> Hi, I have a computer with a TV-card+TV-screen and no graphics card. If I boot it with Mythbuntu, will it detect the card+screen and make the computer useable, or do I need an additional graphics card?
[17:46] <trontonic> *usable
[17:57] <HenBO> Hi everybody! Is there a website for mythbuntu or ubuntu where I can get information about accessing a mythbuntu linux system with Windows Vista ?
[17:58] <HenBO> I would like to copy recordings to the linux system from time to time
[18:28] <darthanubis> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/MythTV/StorageGroup.pm line 57.
[18:29] <darthanubis> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/bin/mythexport line 244.
[18:29] <jphillip> darthanubis I asked you to pastebin something yesterday and you never did
[18:29] <darthanubis> mythexport 1.0-0ubuntu1
[18:30] <darthanubis> jphillip, I asked you to ait til I got back from work?
[18:30] <darthanubis> I appreciate it
[18:31] <darthanubis> who is jphillip ? I thought rhpot1991 asked that?
[18:31] <jphillip> I asked too :)
[18:31] <darthanubis> oh
[18:32] <darthanubis> There was an update to ffmpeg and the kernel last night
[18:32] <darthanubis> did not help an
[18:32] <darthanubis> I can't find the old bug I filed against
[18:32] <darthanubis> this
[18:32] <jphillip> add this to your apt sources: https://launchpad.net/~rhpot1991/+archive
[18:32] <darthanubis> me and rhpot1991 disagreed on the fix
[18:32] <jphillip> there is a fix in there for the storage group bug
[18:32] <darthanubis> but I fixed it by changeing the working of the codec in the cript to match the new naming of the codec in ffmpeg
[18:33] <darthanubis> ok
[18:33] <jphillip> the unitialized value errors still occur when there are parts of data that are empty, but its nothing to be concerned about
[18:33] <jphillip> you NEED to use ffmpeg from medibuntu, it will not work if you are using a newer version
[18:33] <jphillip> you will need to modify the script if you are doing so
[18:33] <darthanubis> thats what I'm using
[18:33] <jphillip> all should work fine then
[18:34] <darthanubis> mythexport 1.0-0ubuntu1
[18:34] <jphillip> you want 1.0.1
[18:35] <darthanubis> hmm
[18:35] <darthanubis> I have the medibuntu repos in my repos sources, wonder why it has not pulled that version down?
[18:36] <darthanubis> deb https://launchpad.net/~rhpot1991/+archive
[18:36] <darthanubis> thats not doing anything
[18:37] <jphillip> no no, read that
[18:37] <jphillip> it tells you in there what to use
[18:37] <jphillip> sorry
[18:37] <jphillip> mythexport isn't in medibuntu, ffmpeg is
[18:39] <darthanubis> mythexport 1.0.1-0ubuntu1~ppa10
[18:39] <jphillip> whats your ffmpeg?
[18:40] <darthanubis> ffmpeg 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7.1
[18:40] <jphillip> hmmm, I'm showing: 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7+medibuntu1.1
[18:40] <jphillip> hardy?
[18:41] <darthanubis> hardy
[18:41] <darthanubis> http://pastebin.com/d5293556e
[18:42] <darthanubis> still broken
[18:42] <darthanubis> and why does not mine say medibuntu?
[18:42] <darthanubis> this is weird
[18:42] <jphillip> are you sure medibuntu is active?
[18:43] <jphillip> let me check something
[18:43] <darthanubis> it is
[18:43] <jphillip> ah, that ffmpeg is newer
[18:43] <darthanubis> but I don't see ffmpeg in the medibuntu package list
[18:43] <jphillip> do a ffmpeg --version
[18:44] <jphillip> to see what it has enabled, it might work, otherwise you will need to force the medibuntu version
[18:44] <darthanubis> ok, I see it in synaptic
[18:44] <darthanubis> I have to force version
[18:44] <jphillip> check and see what your ffmpeg has enabled first
[18:44] <jphillip> pastebin that
[18:44] <jphillip> I can tell you if it is good
[18:46] <darthanubis> http://pastebin.com/d105e40
[18:47] <darthanubis> the script does not work with either ffmpeg
[18:47] <darthanubis> it never has for me
[18:48] <jphillip> ya force medibuntu
[18:48] <jphillip> you don't have aac, amongst other things
[18:48] <darthanubis> I already did
[18:48] <darthanubis> same error
[18:48] <darthanubis> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg/+bug/6366
[18:49] <jphillip> the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg/+bug/6366
[18:49] <jphillip> errors are nothing to worry about
[18:49] <jphillip> they are just warnings about an empty string, cause your listing data had something empty
[18:49] <jphillip> so it appends an empty string
[18:49] <jphillip> and that bug will never get fixed
[18:49] <jphillip> which is why medibuntu exists
[18:50] <darthanubis> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythexport/+bug/221053
[18:50] <darthanubis> That is the findings I came up with
[18:50] <darthanubis> Finally found the link
[18:50] <darthanubis> I'll say this again
[18:50] <darthanubis> the medibuntu ffmpeg does not work no matter what I do
[18:51] <darthanubis> I'm following your instructions as I did rhpot1991's, and NEVER got it to work.
[18:51] <darthanubis> Until I did whatever is onthe page I just posted. It's been a year since this happend so I forget
[18:52] <jphillip> you are doing something wrong then, as it works very easily, install mythexport, make sure you are running ffmpeg that can do things like aac (from medibuntu), and check that your directories are writable by the correct users
[18:53] <jphillip> you should then be able to run mythexport with debug to get the propper commands and run those if you have any problems
[18:54] <darthanubis> all of that is good
[18:55] <darthanubis> thats what I don't get
[18:56] <darthanubis> I must be doing something wrong? Clean install writtable dirs, and the same versions installed?
[18:59] <jphillip> what happens when you run the resulting ffmpeg lines
[18:59] <jphillip> make sure you rerun mythexport since you got a new version
[19:02] <darthanubis> what happens when you run the resulting ffmpeg line??
[19:02] <jphillip> it should convert the video
[19:03] <darthanubis> "the resulting ffmpeg lines" I don't understand what you mean theresorry?
[19:04] <darthanubis> nice -n19 ffmpeg -i /home/anubis/mythrecs/1056_20080723000000.mpg -acodec aac -ab 192kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 300kb -mbd 2 -flags +4mv+trell -aic 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -s 320x240 -aspect 4:3 '/home/anubis/mythrecs/mythexport/HISTORY-The_Universe-Colonizing_Space-20080723000000.mp4' 2>&1
[19:04] <darthanubis> If I run that from cli, the video converts
[19:04] <darthanubis> I cna convert the video and write it to the dir
[19:05] <darthanubis> the script just wont do it?
[19:06] <jphillip> what are the permissions on the dir that it is writing to?
[19:06] <darthanubis> mythtv:mythtv
[19:08] <jphillip> keep going?
[19:09] <darthanubis> one sec
[19:11] <darthanubis> 0 drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 69 2008-07-28 07:22 mythexport
[19:12] <jphillip> darthanubis what is the full path of that directory?
[19:13] <jphillip> and is your user in the mythtv group?
[19:13] <jphillip> the one that signs in and launches mythtv frontend
[19:14] <darthanubis> ~/mythrecs/mythexport$
[19:14] <darthanubis> yes
[19:14] <jphillip> there is your problem
[19:14] <jphillip> get it out of your home dir
[19:14] <darthanubis> its on a seperate partition
[19:15] <jphillip> no mythtv directories should be in there
[19:15] <darthanubis> that is simply a mount point?
[19:15] <jphillip> ~ means your home dir
[19:15] <darthanubis> I know what ~ means
[19:15] <darthanubis> cmon
[19:15] <jphillip> your home dir has special permissions
[19:15] <jphillip> which leads to problems for other users
[19:16] <darthanubis> its a mount point, its not an actual folder in my home directory...
[19:16] <jphillip> like the one trying to run the user job
[19:16] <darthanubis> ok
[19:16] <darthanubis> I'll move it
[19:16] <darthanubis> I can move it anywhere else but there?
[19:16] <jphillip> do something like /mythtv/ or use /var/lib/mythtv which is the default
[19:22] <darthanubis> how about /home/mythtv...
[19:22] <darthanubis> there already is a mythtv directory there
[19:23] <jphillip> no home
[19:23] <jphillip> homes have special permissions for its user, and can cause problems
[19:24] <jphillip> hence your script not working
[19:24] <darthanubis> even if the home dir IS the myth user's dir?
[19:25] <jphillip> the easiest answer is yes
[19:25] <jphillip> if you want to figure out and deal with it otherwise then be my guest
[19:35] <darthanubis> I moved it to /var/lib/recordings
[19:35] <darthanubis> I moved it to /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[19:39] <darthanubis> same error, except this time when I run it straight out it gives the error Unknown codec 'aac'
[19:39] <darthanubis> /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport/TNT-NBA_Basketball-Atlanta_Hawks_at_Boston_Celtics-20080423.mp4':
[19:40] <darthanubis> and that business about why don't I try it out and see about writting to dirs from ~, I did, 6 months ago with none of the issues to claim I would have.
[19:44] <jphillip> well your recordins are still pointed at /home
[19:44] <jphillip> so now it can't find the files
[19:44] <darthanubis> no they are not
[19:45] <darthanubis> thats from 4months ago
[19:45] <darthanubis> when the home dir did not matter
[19:45] <darthanubis> as they recorded fine
[19:45] <darthanubis> I had to compile my own ffmpeg
[19:45] <darthanubis> and alter the script
[19:45] <darthanubis> that was my only way to get this woring
[19:46] <darthanubis> don't know why I'm not able to do this with the same stuff everyelse uses
[19:46] <darthanubis> I'm frustrated
[19:46] <darthanubis> and do appreciate your time, although I have gotten snarky
[19:46] <darthanubis> I apologize
[19:46] <darthanubis> I'm not ungrateful
[19:46] <darthanubis> just confused
[19:47] <jphillip> first you should not be pasting things that are old
[19:47] <jphillip> just adds confusion on top of everything else
[19:47] <darthanubis> JC
[19:48] <jphillip> so you moved everything out of your home dir, did you modify the user job to point at the new dirs?
[19:48] <darthanubis> of course
[19:49] <jphillip> ok, add debug option to it, and run it and then pastebin that
[19:49] <jphillip> so I can see what it says right now
[19:53] <darthanubis> http://pastebin.com/d72a68820
[19:58] <jphillip> darthanubis run this and pastebin the results: locate ffmpeg |grep ffmpeg$
[19:59] <jphillip> aac is right, I wonder if you have a version that you compiled somewhere and it wants libfaac
[19:59] <darthanubis> this is a new isntall
[19:59] <darthanubis> I hav enot compiled a thing except an eggdrop
[19:59] <jphillip> well run it anyways
[20:00] <jphillip> and let me make sure that something isn't busted in the repos
[20:00] <darthanubis> http://pastebin.com/d41bbe3ee
[20:01] <jphillip> http://pastebin.com/d41bbe3ee
[20:01] <jphillip> woops
[20:01] <jphillip> /usr/share/nuvexport/export/ffmpeg
[20:01] <jphillip> try to rename that to ffmpeg_bak
[20:01] <jphillip> and run her again
[20:04] <darthanubis> thats a directory
[20:04] <jphillip> what is inside of it?
[20:04] <jphillip> a ffmpeg executable somewhere?
[20:05] <darthanubis> files of the .pm extention
[20:05] <jphillip> it might not be a problem, just something that is different so it would be nice to rule it out
[20:05] <darthanubis> http://pastebin.com/d55a7172b
[20:06] <jphillip> my job is running just fine with aac, your ffmpeg is busted somehow
[20:06] <jphillip> ya that dir is ok
[20:07] <jphillip> I dunno what to do from here
[20:07] <darthanubis> thx
[20:08] <jphillip> pastebin your ffmpeg -version again
[20:16] <RealNitro> Some keys of my mythbuntu install seem to have stopped working. I can select channels 1 to 9, but "channel up", "channel down", etc doesn't work anymore. "Menu" works, etc...
[20:16] <RealNitro> any idea how I could figure out what's going wrong?
[20:20] <darthanubis> RealNitro, try irw in a terminal to see if the keys are functional?
[20:20] <RealNitro> darthanubis: I'm talking about keyboard input
[20:20] <darthanubis> sorry
[20:21] <RealNitro> np, I should have been more clear
[20:32] <jphillip> darthanubis also do which ffmpeg
[21:16] <RealNitro> hmm, still searching to solve this
[21:17] <RealNitro> where does mythfrontend save the keybindings?
[21:18] <jphillip> database I am sure
[21:18] <jphillip> there is a keybindings table in mythconverg
[21:19] <RealNitro> jphillip: got it, thx
[21:20] <jphillip> np
[22:52] <RealNitro> <RealNitro> Some keys of my mythbuntu install seem to have stopped working. [etc] -> turns out I needed to reconfigure the OSD
[22:52] <RealNitro> :)