UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /28 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:11] <Sydero> How do I recreate my xorg.conf file if xorgconfig doesn't exist?
[02:55] <lucas_> is it possible to select icons by dragging a box around them on the desktop in xfce?
[03:00] <xaer0> hello
[03:08] <sliverchair> can I remove the log on screen and automatically use my account?
[03:09] <xaer0> yes
[03:09] <xaer0> in the login window app
[03:10] <xaer0> *preferances
[03:10] <xaer0> under the Security tab
[03:10] <xaer0> look for Automatic Login
[03:10] <sliverchair> yeah
[03:10] <sliverchair> found it
[03:12] <xaer0> its still just as secure... still asks you for password in certain apps and programs
[03:21] <xaer0> i honestly say xubuntu is stable... but since it used GNOME which to me it could do without. i installed Ubuntu Studio because its GNOME
[03:22] <xaer0> if Xubuntu could get away from using some of GNOMEs features it would be fast like Puppy Linux, DSL, or GoblinX
[03:23] <xaer0> *faster
[03:23] <xaer0> Xubuntu wouldnt like compiz or emerald if it got rid of using GNOME
[03:24] <xaer0> Puppy under JWM can use Compiz and Emerald which that eyecandy gets users
[03:24] <xaer0> IMHO
[03:44] <w33d5> anyone know the bare min specs for an install? i'm trying to do an install on a p4 1.6 w 256M ram
[04:29] <w33d5> l
[04:43] <jeanne> hi all, do you know at which pwd all the executable software is located ? e.g. if you want to set the pwd of any program, where do I find them altogether ?
[04:44] <wols> jeanne: pwd has nothing to do with where its located
[04:44] <wols> jeanne: your question doesn't make sense
[04:44] <wols> pwd = PRINT working directory
[04:44] <jeanne> then where are they located ?
[04:45] <wols> there is not a single location
[04:45] <jeanne> no no
[04:45] <wols> yes yes
[04:45] <jeanne> I didnt meant print things
[04:45] <wols> but that's the only thing pwd means
[04:45] <wols> man pwd
[04:45] <jeanne> oh
[04:45] <jeanne> then I used the wrong word
[04:45] <jeanne> where is for example the program of open office stored ?
[04:46] <wols> as I said: there is no single bin directory
[04:46] <jeanne> how do I find them then ?
[04:46] <wols> what fr?
[04:46] <wols> *for
[04:47] <jeanne> I want to set for example the path for kpdf, open office, etc when I browse in the internet and want to open such files, instead of downloading them, open the software and open then the downloaded file.
[04:48] <wols> locate bin/kpdf
[04:48] <wols> openoffice is harder since I dunno its binary name and it has a ton of packages (dpkg -L <package> |greb bin)
[04:49] <jeanne> thank you wo
[04:49] <jeanne> wols,
[04:49] <jeanne> what does that mean ?: dpkg -L <package> |greb bin
[04:49] <wols> made a typo: dpkg -L <package> |grep bin
[04:50] <wols> it shows the content of a given package and filters for "bin" strings
[04:51] <jeanne> ah ok
[04:51] <jeanne> locate is a useful command
[04:51] <jeanne> didnt know it
[04:55] <crimsun> you might try which(1), too
[04:55] <crimsun> e.g., which openoffice
[04:55] <jeanne> ah cool
[04:57] <jeanne> well I find them in the terminal but not via GUI.. I mean they are not listed in the folder bin, when I go over GUI..
[04:57] <jeanne> why is that ?
[04:58] <crimsun> do you mean /bin ?
[04:58] <jeanne> oh I think I was looking in the wrong folder....
[04:58] <crimsun> most programs will be in /usr/bin
[04:59] <jeanne> yes I was looking in /bin instead of /usr/bin
[04:59] <jeanne> which command is really good
[04:59] <jeanne> thank you crimsun
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[07:22] <ravengirl> greetings
[07:22] <ravengirl> was wondering??
[07:23] <ravengirl> does xubuntu offer wireless connectivity like ubuntu? running dell 1525
[07:24] <ravengirl> had ubuntu 8.04 but replaced with xubuntu 8.04 and lost my wireless
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[12:27] <jarnos> Have anyone tried "about" by Firefox 3.0.1?
[12:28] <bassboi> about:mozilla?
[12:30] <jarnos> bassboi: That is one of the locations where I get a new small empty window after updating to 3.0.1
[12:31] <bassboi> i get..
[12:31] <bassboi> Mammon slept. And the beast reborn
[12:31] <bassboi> ...etc.
[12:36] <jarnos> I just noticed, that the failure happens with any location I type to the address bar. I can not use other Firefox windows before I close the new window.
[12:44] <jarnos> I filed a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/252548
[12:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252548 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3.0.1 opens a small empty window instead of what it should" [Undecided,New]
[12:51] <jarnos> Firefox did not quit, so I killed Firefox and restarted and now it stucks in Checking Compatibility of Add-ons.
[13:00] <jarnos> I updated the bug report.
[13:38] <whileimhere> Hi. I usually end up using at least 2+ workspaces on my desktop. Is there a way to set it up in XFCE to allow me to use the mouse to move desktops and not need the pager. I see that if I am dragging a program it lets me move from workspace to workspace by dragging apps that would be great is it possible to do without dragging an app?
[13:39] <Alecmg> yes
[13:40] <Alecmg> settings - window manager settings - advanced - wrap workspaces when pointer reaches a screen edge
[13:40] <whileimhere> Cool1
[13:40] <bassboi> something like this? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/bassboi72/cube.jpg
[13:40] <whileimhere> Perfect Exactly what I wanted!
[13:40] <bassboi> ah nvm
[13:41] <Alecmg> cube is crap
[13:41] <Alecmg> look how ugly it is
[13:41] <bassboi> sucky hardware
[13:41] <bassboi> all onboard
[13:41] <bassboi> 1024 res
[13:41] <whileimhere> Okay I know this has nothing to do with XFCE but I use pidgin and when I click on a url it tells me Unable to open URL.
[13:41] <Alecmg> i think there is a browser setting in the pidgin
[13:42] <Alecmg> yep
[13:42] <Alecmg> tools-preferences-browser
[13:43] <whileimhere> Thanks it worked!
[13:43] <whileimhere> Now just to figure out how to lighten up Xubuntu a bit and my laptop will rock
[13:46] <Alecmg> can't remember what I did
[13:46] <Alecmg> got it down to 180MB after boot
[13:46] <Alecmg> from 350+
[13:46] <redmoon> hello all
[13:46] <Alecmg> disable search engine is one
[13:46] <whileimhere> How can I tell what it is at now?
[13:47] <Alecmg> I use xfce system load monitor
[13:47] <redmoon> I've got a problem with my Xserver, I've got a blue screen on /dev/tty7 and my desk on /dev/tty9, what's the hell ?
[13:48] <Alecmg> haha, I got a problem I've no idea how ttyx's work
[13:48] <redmoon> sure I do not know
[13:48] <Alecmg> and why does one need them
[13:48] <redmoon> ?
[13:48] <Alecmg> always managed to crash the X while trying tp figure out
[13:48] <Alecmg> nvm me
[14:05] <bassboi> how do you pronounce xubuntu?
[14:05] <bassboi> zoo-bun-too?
[14:06] <bassboi> or ubuntu for that matter
[14:38] <maxamillion> bassboi: i pronounce xubuntu as "ex-ooo-bun-too" and ubuntu the same way but witout the "ex"
[14:38] <bassboi> ah I see
[14:39] <bassboi> i was torn between your way and mine
[14:39] <TheSheep> I think the official proounciation is with 'z'
[14:39] <bassboi> still am
[14:42] <bassboi> sweet bejesus
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[16:26] <garuhhh> hi! anyone encountered the loss of sound after resume from suspend/hibernate?
[16:26] <garuhhh> googled a lot, but haven't found an answer :(
[16:53] <jarnos> garuhhh: I have tried suspend/hibernate on several computers and only suspend worked on one computer.
[16:53] <jarnos> garuhhh: Guess who said this: "Modern PCs are horrible. ACPI is a complete design disaster in every way. But we're kind of stuck with it. If any Intel people are listening to this and you had anything to do with ACPI, shoot yourself now, before you reproduce."
[17:09] <IR7025> hi
[17:10] <IR7025> anyone could help me?
[17:11] <zoredache> !anyone
[17:11] <ubottu> A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[17:12] <IR7025> ok
[17:14] <IR7025> I installed xubuntu 7.10 in an old laptop yesterday. i'm trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04. I use the update manager but i get an error saying "can't install xubuntu-desktop", and the proccess ends
[17:15] <zoredache> how are you trying to do this update?
[17:15] <IR7025> i go to applications > system > update manager
[17:16] <IR7025> i'm offered the 8.04 LTS version and follow the instructions but i'm stuck there
[17:16] <IR7025> i googled and found a few people with the same problem but no answers
[17:17] <zoredache> have you installed any packages from unofficial repositories or anything like that?
[17:17] <IR7025> nothing
[17:18] <IR7025> actually the firs thing after i connected to the net it was trying to upgrade
[17:19] <zoredache> hrm... Well, I suspect I would try running the upgrade from a terminal/shell. For that you do a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'.
[17:20] <IR7025> ok
[17:20] <IR7025> you know, i'm not a lot into linux but i'd like to learn a bit
[17:20] <Myrtti> hm
[17:21] <IR7025> should a go to a vonsole? should i kill xfce or something?
[17:24] <IR7025> well, that's not working either, i guess i'll download the new version and install from scratch
[17:24] <IR7025> thanks
[18:16] <Rev> hello, anyone knows whats the command to launch the system monitor windows?
[18:17] <cody-somerville> gnome-system-monitor
[18:17] <Rev> ty cody-somerville
[18:22] <Chaser_> Switched to Xubuntu couple of days back and it rocks. No longer see my X hogging the CPU - Cool !
[18:29] <Sydero> it's ok
[18:29] <Sydero> but the fonts are sometimes screwed up
[18:29] <Sydero> well for firefox anyways
[18:44] <Rev> whats bothering me is the upper panel
[18:44] <Rev> its all messed up
[18:44] <Rev> i one day filled in totally my /home, restarted and the pane got all messed up
[18:44] <Rev> now, i freed up some space
[18:46] <Rev> and tried to reorganize it, but anyway, its impossible, all the items are stuck on the left
[18:46] <Rev> i cant move anything to the right part of the panel
[18:46] <Rev> how to do so ?
[18:47] <MenschenFleisch> check if there's a seperator to the right. if there is remove it or in properties uncheck the fill box
[18:48] <thinkmassive> is there a way to lock my screen without logging out?
[18:49] <TheSheep> thinkmassive: alt+ctrl+del
[18:49] <thinkmassive> thanks TheSheep
[18:49] <thinkmassive> that doesn't seem to do anything
[18:49] <Rev> this is the default shortcut thinkmassive
[18:49] <Rev> check out if you havent modified it manually
[18:49] <TheSheep> thinkmassive: works for me, did you remove the shortcut in settings->keyboard?
[18:50] <Rev> MenschenFleisch, no, nothing like that on the right
[18:50] <thinkmassive> weird, it shows up in the keyboard settings shortcuts, but it doesn't do anything
[18:51] <thinkmassive> I suppose I can add a button to the panel that calls xflock4
[18:51] <thinkmassive> it's weird that there isn't an option in the Quit dialog
[18:51] <thinkmassive> thanks anyway for the help
[18:53] <thinkmassive> oh, I don't have xlock installed, that might help
[18:54] <Rev> MenschenFleisch, i have kind of avoided the thing by creating separators and expanding them but its still weird that items cant move freely on the panel
[18:57] <MenschenFleisch> another option, remove that panel and remake it.
[18:57] <Rev> MenschenFleisch, ok, i'll try that when i have time then
[19:23] <bpat1434> Hi all. I'm thinking about putting xubuntu on my laptop. Anyone know if there are still issues with closing the laptop lid and not having it "resume" when it's opened again?
[19:50] <lucas_> how do i improve mouse sensibility? my mouse moves really slow.. mouse configuration doesn't help
[19:50] <totalwormage> buy a cat ;]
[19:50] <ere4si> hehe
[19:50] <ere4si> it might be because of graphics driver
[19:51] <ere4si> lucas_: is cpu use high ?
[19:51] <lucas_> ere4si: don't know how to find out
[19:53] <ere4si> lucas_: can you type in a terminal - lspci | grep vga - and paste the output here
[19:53] <lucas_> ere4si: no output
[19:55] <ere4si> lucas_: sorry try - lspci | grep VGA
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[19:56] <lucas_> ere4si: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)
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[19:58] <ere4si> lucas_: in a terminal type - top - then look for an xorg entry at the first line when you move the mouse - top has a column for cpu use
[20:00] <lucas_> ere4si: if i move it really fast i get %cpu 2.0
[20:00] <ere4si> hmmm
[20:01] <lucas_> ere4si: Cpu(s): 2.7%us, 0.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.7%id, 0.0%wa, 0.3%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
[20:01] <ere4si> lucas_: can you paste the section about your mouse in the file /etc/X11/Xorg.conf?
[20:01] <ere4si> !paste | lucas_
[20:01] <ubottu> lucas_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[20:03] <lucas_> ere4si: sure give me a minute
[20:05] <lucas_> ere4si: http://paste.ubuntu.com/31406/
[20:09] <lucas_> ere4si: dragging of windows is also slow
[20:10] <lucas_> ere4si: maybe because of the mouse problem
[20:10] <ere4si> lucas_: I pasted my section here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/31408 - you might want to put that in your file - gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf will give you permission
[20:12] <lucas_> ere4si: ok
[20:13] <ere4si> lucas_: from what I know that is x having trouble drawing the windows - what driver is listed in xorg.conf?
[20:15] <lucas_> ere4si: nvidia
[20:15] <lucas_> ere4si: will restart x
[20:18] <lucas_> ere4si: still slow
[20:18] <lucas_> ere4si: :(
[20:22] <lucas_> ere4si: here my Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/31419/
[20:30] <lucas_> ere4si: here my Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/31419/
[20:34] <ere4si> lucas_: "Failed to load module "evdev" (module does not exist, 0)" - seems to be the issue - can't help with that atm - sorry off to work :)
[20:34] <lucas_> ere4si: ok
[21:51] <twingod> anyone around?? i have a quick question about how to change a password.
[21:52] <crimsun> what sort of password?
[21:52] <twingod> user account password
[21:53] <crimsun> ok, shoot.
[21:53] <Myrtti> whose password, yours, someone elses?
[21:53] <twingod> is there a gui i can select on the application drop down menu? my password
[21:54] <Myrtti> sure
[21:55] <Myrtti> applications - system - users and groups
[21:55] <twingod> k
[21:55] <Myrtti> pick your own account - properties
[21:56] <twingod> cool. i must have been blind
[21:57] <twingod> There isn't any accounts listed
[21:57] <Myrtti> though, all that could've been done with one simple command on terminal "passwd"
[21:58] <twingod> the terminal will be easier
[22:00] <twingod> thanks for the help
[22:00] <twingod> ;-)
[22:00] <Myrtti> np
[22:24] <mike_Work> Hey I do not get any sound form my usb headset on my xubuntu 8.04 but it works on windows
[22:39] <IrCYop> Hey I do not get any sound form my usb headset on my xubuntu 8.04 but it works on windows, even though in settings I tell it to use logitech USB headset
[23:09] <PsynoKhi0> greetings, do the bugs filed at launchpad still apply to xubuntu?
[23:12] <zoredache> I believe so, yes
[23:12] <PsynoKhi0> ok thanks
[23:30] <lucas_> is it possible to select icons by dragging a box around them?
[23:31] <lucas_> on the desktop
[23:37] <zoredache> lucas_: what happens when you try to drag select?
[23:39] <zoredache> from the looks of it you cannot. You should be able to select multiple things though if you hold down the control or shift keys.
[23:43] <Genelyk> ammm
[23:44] <Genelyk> how change my usplash xD! ,