UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /28 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[19:09] <bryce> heya all
[19:09] <pwnguin> hey
[19:09] <bryce> has anyone had a chance to play with the new -intel 2.4.0? wondering if there's any stability issues or other reasons we should hold off on adding it
[19:10] <pwnguin> not I. i dont have intel hardwar
[19:16] <bryce> heya pwnguin
[19:16] <bryce> it's nice to be back home after 2 weeks travel :-)
[19:17] <bryce> course I have a pile of email to dig myself out from under
[19:23] <pwnguin> heh
[19:24] <bryce> brb
[19:49] <tjaalton> hey bryce, I've got one more week to keep my butt lazy :)
[19:52] <tjaalton> but I did manage to help airlied debugging the i965 bugginess with compiz
[19:53] <tjaalton> that was last friday, but didn't have time to upload the fix
[19:58] <bryce> ah cool
[19:58] <bryce> yeah I'm just taking care of random odds and ends today
[20:01] <tjaalton> and I have some DIY stuff to get finished now that I have "more" time..
[22:55] <jcristau> bryce: with intel 2.4.0, my lvds flickers when XRRGetScreenResources is called. other people reported the same thing on the list
[22:55] <jcristau> other than that, it works for me
[22:57] <bryce> jcristau: good to know
[22:59] <jcristau> i should probably bisect, but didn't have time yet
[23:19] <tjaalton> hm, is the mouse pointer shifting (after xrandr -q) a bug in the server or the intel driver? can't see that happening on nvidia
[23:21] <tjaalton> it's probably what makes my pointer jump numerous times on login
[23:35] <tormod> I have also seen flicker on radeon rv515 when compiz starts up (probing I guess) but also when I click on menus.
[23:35] <tjaalton> tormod: does the mouse pointer shift when you run xrandr -q?
[23:35] <tormod> but only on Intrepid, not on Hardy with xorg-edgers which should have pretty much the same X code.
[23:36] <tormod> tjaalton: haven't noticed it. can try on rv515 only tomorrow.
[23:36] <tjaalton> ok, I believe it's a driver bug